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The basis for the preparation of the doctoral and master’s program curriculum at Postgraduate Program of UNJ refers to the level of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) level 8 for master’s programs and level 9 for doctoral programs in accordance with the Academic Handbook (CPA) of the Postgraduate Program of UNJ. Curriculum components in Postgraduate Program of UNJ consist of general courses, skills courses, elective courses, matriculation courses and thesis/dissertation. General Course is a general knowledge that underlies the formation of science development ability so that students are skilled in working in accordance with the basic science that have been mastered. General courses are directed at the formation of the ability to carry out, organize, and manage research programs in accordance with the educational objectives of the study program. General courses are obtained by students in the first semester. General courses are given to students of all courses. Skills courses are a group of courses that aim to produce experts that work based on the knowledge and skills mastered. Skills courses are obtained by students in the second semester. Elective courses are part of a group of courses and Basic Courses of Education (MKDK). This course is chosen by students in accordance with the field of thesis studies and obtained in the third semester. Matriculation courses are a group of courses that must be taken by students with educational backgrounds who are not in line with the programs taken at Postgraduate Program of UNJ. Matriculation courses are obtained by students before the first semester begins. Thesis for master’s program, as well as dissertation for doctoral program. Thesis and dissertation are scientific works obtained from the results of research to solve problems and new discoveries in their field. Thesis and dissertation are obtained by students in the fourth semester. The fundamental difference in the master’s program and doctoral program of UNJ is in the implementation of final task research. When applying for a doctoral course the student must have a topic and research plan to be carried out for the final assignment or dissertation. The doctoral program begins the final assignment from the first semester.

The implementation of education in UNJ uses the academic year as stated in the academic calendar. The academic year consists of odd semester, and even semester. It started in September and ended in August of the following year. The semester starts in September and ends in February. Furthermore, the even semester starts in March and ends in August of the same year (Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Education, Permenristekdikti, No. 42. Year 2018 on Statute of UNJ). The implementation of education is regulated in the regulation of rector on academic regulations and guidelines of academic Postgraduate UNJ. In the academic guide there is a curriculum.


Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, teaching materials and ways used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities to achieve educational goals. (Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Education, Permenristekdikti, No. 42. Year 2018 on Statute of UNJ). The curriculum is prepared and developed for each study program in accordance with the development of science and/or technology based on national standards of higher education, teacher education standards, Indonesian National qualification framework, and international quality standards (Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Education, Permenristekdikti, No. 42. Year 2018 on Statute of UNJ).

In addition, curriculum development needs to pay attention to global demands and challenges (scientific vision), societal needs, stakeholders needs, the business world and industry, as well as the principle of comprehensive self-evaluation.

Based on the global policies and challenges outlined above, the Study Program sets the profile of graduates, the objectives of the study program and the achievements of graduate learning. The learning achievements of graduates of the study program illustrate the achievement of KKNI 8 level for master’s program and KKNI 9 level for Doctoral Program. Furthermore, the analysis is carried out so that several CPMK formulations are produced. From the formulation of CPMK is carried out identification, analysis, classification or grouping of courses as follows: matriculation courses, general courses, courses of expertise, elective courses/ concentration.

The foundation of postgraduate curriculum development of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) namely (a) Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education, (b) Presidential Regulation Number 8 Year 2012 on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), (c) Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Education (Permendikbud), Number 73 Year 2013 on the Application of KKNI in Universities, (d) Government Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 on The Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education, and (e) Regulation of the Minister of Research , Technology, and Higher Education Number 44 Year 2015 on National Standards of Higher Education. Referring to the above policy, the master’s program curriculum implements KKNI level 8 (eight).