Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jurnal Scopus
Program Doktor
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Internationalization in Higher Education: University’s Effective Promotion Strategies in Building International Trust | European Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Management of Lecturers Resource Development at Higher Education | International Journal of Higher Education | 2019 |
Managing Corporate Higher Education: Indonesia’s Greatest Challenge | New Educational Review | 2018 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
School committee involvement in school-based management implementation in Islamic junior high schools | Social work and education | 2019 |
Independent Evaluation Policy for Admission of New Students Examination Outcome Phase | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Improving the Effectiveness of Employee Performance: the Value of a Series of Influence Factors | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
The Improvement of Teaching Effectiveness through Supervising Academic Practice with the Grow Me Please Model | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Clinical Supervision Using Information Technology to Improve Teacher Quality | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Teacher Certification in Indonesia: An Education Policy Analysis | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Servant Leadership: Antecedent Factors, Impact, and Education Theories Used as Researcher’s Perspective | International Journal of Higher Education | 2020 |
Independent Evaluation Policy for Admission of New Students Examination Outcome Phase | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
A creative dance learning model: Improving interpersonal intelligence of early childhood | International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) | 2018 |
Electronic comics in elementary school science learning for marine conservation | Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia | 2019 |
Early childhood literacy skills: The effect of socioeconomic status, home literacy environment, and social skills | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | 2019 |
The relationship between emotional regulation difficulties and subjective well-being in children aged 6-7 years | Journal of Public Health in Africa | 2019 |
The differences in father involvement in parenting and the anxiety level of 7-8 year-old children experiencing sexual abuse in south Tangerang city, Indonesia | Journal of Public Health in Africa | 2019 |
The effect of parenting training strategies and education levels on mother’s communication ability | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Differences in immune status and fecal SCFA between Indonesian stunted children and children with normal nutritional status | PLoS ONE | 2021 |
Comparison of thyroid hormone levels between women farmers and non-farmers in Banten Indonesia | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2021 |
The Effect Of Parenting Training Strategies And Education Levels On Mother’s Communication Ability | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology | 2019 |
Influence methods of training for competence of technological pedagogical and content knowledge for (TPacK) paud teachers in Banten province | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Improving Basic Science Process Skills Through Inquiry-Based Approach in Learning Science for Early Elementary Students | Journal of Turkish Science Education | 2019 |
The relationship between emotional regulation difficulties and subjective well-being in children aged 6-7 years | Journal of Public Health in Africa | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The continuous professional development for early childhood teachers through lesson study in implementing play based curriculum (case study in Jakarta, Indonesia) | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Effective communication-based teaching skill for early childhood education students | International Journal of Higher Education | 2020 |
Game innovation development of multiple intelligence-based puppet films | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The continuous professional development for early childhood teachers through lesson study in implementing play based curriculum (case study in Jakarta, Indonesia) | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Game innovation development of multiple intelligence-based puppet films | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Influence of inquiry learning strategy and locus of control on students’ environmental knowledge | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
The comparison between the effectiveness of guided discovery model and inquiry model for early childhood education students | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Effective communication-based teaching skill for early childhood education students | International Journal of Higher Education | 2020 |
The different effect of inquiry learning strategy on the students’ environmental knowledge | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Environmental education in schools: Grounded theory research in Adiwiyata elementary school | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Physical activity and daily exercise-related social distance policy during covid-19 pandemic: A systematic literature review | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Environmental education in schools: Grounded theory research in Adiwiyata elementary school | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Environmental altruistic behavior of school students in north maluku, indonesia | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Integrity as a Mediator between Instructional Leadership and Personality with Student’s Adaptive Behavior in Facing Covid19 (Citizenship Behavior) | Solid State Technology | 2020 |
Developing learning module for equalizing the competence of students in 1st piano minor course at Jakarta institute of the arts | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 2020 |
Effect of Instructional Models and Interpersonal Intelligence on the Social Studies Learning Outcomes | International Journal of Instruction | 2019 |
Behavioral geography: An ecoliteracy perspective and critical thinking skills in men and women | Indonesian Journal of Geography | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
A learning model for teaching “population geography” course in higher education through case study of international women’s migration | Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2021 |
The development of international education towards migration abroad by Indonesian women | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Behavioral geography: An ecoliteracy perspective and critical thinking skills in men and women | Indonesian Journal of Geography | 2019 |
Program Magister
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The Improvement Of Communication Through Emotion And Behavior Control In Autism Students | Solid State Technology | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Mapping Scientific Research on Hypermedia Learning Technology Using Scopus Database: A Bibliometric Approach | Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) | 2021 |
The competence of indonesian language and literature teachers through network learning in two teacher professional education modes | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Development of an Instructional System Design Model as a Guideline for Lecturers in Creating a Course Using Blended Learning Approach | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) | 2020 |
Teacher certification education: A review competence of Indonesian language and literature | Utopía y praxis latinoamericana | 2020 |
Scientific performance E-rubric-assisted problem-based learning for improving learning effectiveness | International Journa l of Engineering &Technology (IJET) | 2018 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The Development of Hypermedia Based E-Book for Integral Calculus Subject | International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) | 2020 |
The Development of Learning Module Database with Matter Entity Relationship Diagram Based Blended Learning in Engineering Faculty Indonesia Persada University Y.A.I Jakarta | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | 2019 |
Information literacy instruction model development for higher education library instruction | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2019 |
Judul Artikel | Nama Jurnal | Tahun Publikasi |
Entrepreneurship Education Through Mobile Augmented Reality for Introducing SMEs in Higher Education | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) | 2021 |
Development of Instructional Design Models Based on PBL Model for Software Modeling Course at the Information Technology College in Indonesia | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Character-based PPKN instructional design in SMPN bekasi city | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
How to development E-learning model of data base system | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 2020 |
Evaluation of history learning program in senior high school: Case study at sman 10 Bogor city, West Java, Indonesia | International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation | 2020 |
Contributions of university leaders to obtaining resources at the University of Buana Perjuangan (UBP) Karawang | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
| International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Effect of Environmental Education on Ecotourism: Evidence from Jakarta | International Journal of Control and Automation | 2019 |
Model of Environmental Education | International Journal of Control and Automation | 2019 |
Ecotourism model in Jakarta | Opcion | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Model of character building applied in physical education and sport class: Case in Indonesia | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | 2021 |
Web-Based Animation Video for Student Environmental Education at Elementary Schools | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) | 2021 |
Application of Web-Based Character Building Model for Improving Student Character at Study Program of History Education in Universitas Negeri Jakarta | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Introducing a model of student critical thinking skills in history education | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technolog | 2020 |
Impact of self-leadership on student critical thinking | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Ecotourism model in Jakarta | Opcion | 2019 |
Self-efficacy model for elementary school students: Case in Indonesia | Modelo de autoeficacia para estudiantes de prima-ria: Caso en Indonesia | Opcion | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Evaluation of History Learning Program in Senior High School: Case Study at Sman 10 Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The Engagement of Learning Management on Civic Education for Civic Disposition Building in Senior High School | Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Applying model of mobile web based on character building in teaching learning process to improve student character | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Model of student character based on character building in teaching learning process | Universal Journal of Educational Research
| 2019 |
Model of character building for elementary school students
| International Journal of Control and Automation
| 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The effectiveness of computer-based problem solving to improve higher order thinking skills on prospective teachers | International Journal of Instruction | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Steam-project-based learning integration to improve elementary school students’ scientific literacy on alternative energy learning | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The Usefulness Of Online Learning On Quality Of Education During Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence From The Department Of Elementary School Teacher Education At Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia | International Journal For Quality Research | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The Nationality Education Model: The Implementation of a Score-A Training Model for Youth Across different Cultures in Indonesia | Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2019 |
Social Tolerance in Multi-Religious States: A Case Study in Cigugur Society, Indonesia | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity, and Change | 2019 |
Financial management strategy and economy independency in the fishermen’s households of banten | The Asian EFL Journal | 2019 |
Mapping the Balinese Social Tolerance Model (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika for Strengthening Unity in Diversity) | Opcio | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Ethnopedagogy Integration with Mobile Learning to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement in Remote Areas | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Performance Assessment Through Motion Literation to Assess The Motoric Skill of Junior High School Students Based on Laban Notation | Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education | |
E-assessment of literacy movement using labanotation in dance learning for junior high school students | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Building entrepreneurial literacy among villagers in Indonesia | Rural Society | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Validating an indonesian version of the what is happening in this class? (wihic) questionnaire using a multidimensional rasch model | International Journal of Instruction | 2021 |
A Rasch and factor analysis of an Indonesian version of the Student Perception of Opportunity Competence Development (SPOCD) questionnaire | Cogent Education | 2020 |
Ethnopedagogy Integration with Mobile Learning to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement in Remote Areas | Universal Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Interpreting Impoliteness In Indonesian Language: The Case Of Short Story “Sore” | Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
School Literacy Movement And Its Implications Towards Students’ Learning: A Comparative Case Study In Jakarta And Taiwan | International Journal Of Advanced Science And Technology | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Introduction to international students and covid-19 | Mahasiswa internasional dan covid-19 | Journal of International Students | 2020 |
Thought, attitude and action: The struggle of an international phd student-mother during the covid-19 pandemic in australia | Berpikir, bersikap dan bertindak: Perjuangan seorang ibu berstatus mahasiswa internasional program doktor saat pandemi covid-19 di australia | Journal of International Students | 2020 |
Mothers’ perspectives and engagements in supporting children’s readiness and transition to primary school in Indonesia | Education : International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education | 2020 |
Electronic comics in elementary school science learning for marine conservation | Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Curriculum And Studies In Enhancing The Understanding Of Mathematical Concepts On Elementary School Students | International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The countinuous Professional Development for Early Childhood Teachers through Lesson Study in Implementing Play Based Curriculum (Case Study in Jakarta, Indonesia) | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Development Of Mobile Learning For General Courses Indonesian Language Education As An Effort To Improve The Quality Of Lectures At Education Universities In Indonesian | Universal Journal Of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Model Of Student Character Based On Character Building In Teaching Learning Process | Universal Journal Of Educational Research | 2019 |
Model Of Character Building For Elementary School Students | International Journal Of Control And Automation | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Bali is dressing-up: Ritual as an identity | Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism | 2020 |
Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival as visualization of tradition: The policy of culture and tradition revitalization through enhancement of innovation and locality-based creative industry | Cogent Arts & Humanities | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Prior knowledge-based metacognition strategies in developing students’ writing skills assessment tools: Preparing the student teachers | Asian EFL Journal | 2021 |
Metacognitive and critical thinking practices in developing EFL students’ argumentative writing skills | Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics | 2021 |
Reading the argument as assessment process Indonesian opinion text | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
The effectiveness of contextual-based academic writing learning model | Asian EFL Journal | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The impact of perceptions of policy dissemination, communication, and motivation on national character knowledge of primary school teachers | Journal of Educational and Social Research | 2021 |
E-learning in elementary schools: Educational system change during COVID-19 pandemic | ЭЛЕКТРОННОЕ ОБУЧЕНИЕ В НАЧАЛЬНОЙ ШКОЛЕ: ИЗМЕНЕНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПРИ ПАНДЕМИИCOVID-19 | Obrazovanie i Nauka | 2021 |
Test instrument development of mathematical problem solving skills | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Reading the argument as assessment process Indonesian opinion text | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
The effect of metaphorming teaching method on field-independent/dependent learners in writing essay | Asian EFL Journal | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Kicking ability for the eolgol yoep chagi taekwondo poomsae in terms of quality of physical condition, self-confidence, and comparison of leg muscle explosive power and core stability | Journal of Physical Education & Sport | 2021 |
Android-based physical fitness software guidance | Journal of Physical Education & Sport | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Validity of the scoring system technology for detecting points in archery | Journal of Physical Education & Sport | 2021 |
Defense warm-up exercise material for 13-age athlete using video technology in covid-19 era | International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences | 2021 |
Sports teacher perception about Lake Sipin sport tourism area in Jambi city | International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences | 2020 |
Effect of motor ability and self-confidence on triple jump skills in youth aged 18-20: Path analysis study among students at University college | Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
The effect of traditional games and drill with motor ability on skills (Running, jumping, overhand throw and catching) at elementary school | International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences | 2021 |
Perception of local participants during Samosir ultra marathon 10 kilometers championship | International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences | 2021 |
Physical activity level and body mass index profile of the working-age population in Palembang city | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | 2021 |
Design of mobile learning rhythmic gymnastics materials for high school/vocational high school levels as a distance learning media during the covid-19 pandemic | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Monitoring body mass status during the COVID-19 quarantine in combat and aesthetic sports | Advances in Rehabilitation | 2021 |
The comparison of offline and online nutrition education on body mass index in rugby athletes during the covid-19 pandemic (The body mass index profile of jakarta athletes during covid-19 pandemic) | Journal of Physical Education and Sport | 2021 |
Effect of Cold-Water Immersion, Foam Rolling, and Slow Jogging Recovery to Aid Futsal Athlete’s Recovery after One-Off Futsal Match | Human Physiology | 2021 |
Physical education survey during the covid-19 pandemic in Eastern Indonesia | International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences | 2021 |
Effects of honey (Apis mellifera and Apis cerana Species) supplementation on reducing blood lactate concentration in futsal athletes | Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism | 2020 |
Effects of cinnamon extract supplementation on creatine kinase activity in badminton athletes | Human Movemant | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
How Could Management of School Environment Improve Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for The Environment? (Case Study at Schools for Specifics Purposes) | Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Internationalization in higher education: University’s effective promotion strategies in building international trust | European Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Management of Lecturers Resource Development at Higher Education | International Journal of Higher Education | 2019 |
Managing corporate higher education: Indonesia’s greatest challenge | New Educational Review | 2018 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
A University Quality Assurance Team Should Strive For Quality Of Work-Life | Cakrawala Pendidikan | 2021 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
How could management of school environment improve organizational citizenship behaviors for the environment?(case study at schools for specifics purposes) | Journal of Social Studies Education Research | 2019 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
Internationalization in higher education: University’s effective promotion strategies in building international trust | European Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
E-learning in new normal COVID-19 era: Measure HOTS and pro-environmental behavior about environmental pollution | International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) | 2021 |
Coastal inundation modeling and mapping for North Jakarta coast during a supermoon period | Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | 2021 |
Pedagogika/Pedagogy | 2021 | |
Sustainability (Switzerland) | 2021 | |
HOTSEP: Revised Anderson’s Taxonomy in Environmental Learning of COVID-19 | European Journal of Educational Research | 2020 |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 | |
HOTS-AEP-COVID-19: Students Knowledge and Digital Worksheet of ILMIZI Environmental Learning Model | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
DIFMOL: Indonesian students’ Hots and environmental education model during COVID-19 | Journal of Sustainability Science and Management | 2020 |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 | |
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 |
Artikel | Jurnal | Tahun |
DIFMOL: Indonesian students’ Hots and environmental education model during COVID-19 | Journal of Sustainability Science and Management | 2020 |