Lapor Pasca


1. Ahmad Hamidi


2019 Development Game Based Learning Models of Basketball Skillin Junior High School The  purpose  of development by research  is produce  basketball  skills  learning models  in  physical  education  learning basketball  material  for  junior  high  school  students.  In addition, development by research  was carried out to obtain in-depth information about the  development  and  application  of  basketball  skills  learning  models in  basketball games  for  junior  high  school  students. Find  out  the  effectiveness,  efficiency  and attractiveness  of  students  towards  the  models  made,  this  development by research uses  method developing  research (R&D)  from  Borg  and  Gall with design  of  the  pretest-posttest  control  group  design  and  sampling  by stratified purposive random sampling. The subjects research  are class VII junior high school students aged 13-14 as many as 98 students, and instruments used questionnaires. Questionnaires   “battery  test”  used   to   collect   basic   technical   skills   data,   as   well   as   “game   performance   assessment instrument”  test  instruments  to  collect  data  on  students’  basketball  games  performance  skills, while the stages in this research and development are, in stages: (1) needs analysis, (2) expert evaluation  (initial  product  evaluation);  (3)  limited  testing  (small  group  trials);  and  (4)  main testing  (field  testing).  Test  effectiveness  of model  using “battery  test” determine level  of  mastery students’  basic  basketball  techniques  and  “GPAI  test” to determine the level of games performance skills. Data analysis technique used is the “t-test” based on the results of the effectiveness test for the basic technical aspects of students obtained by  the  average  value  of  the  control  group  15.36,  and  the  standard  deviation  5.85  while  the treatment  group  average  is  20.5,  and  the  standard  deviation  is  6.27,  t  value  0.00  significance level  of  0.05  Because  H0  is  rejected  it  is  proven  that  the  treatment  group  with  a  basketball-based  learning  model  based  on  the  game  scores  basketball  basics  higher  than  the  control group. Furthermore, for games performance skills based on the results of the effectiveness test, for  the  aspects  of  students’  games  performanceg  skills  the  average  value  of  the  control  group was -7.95,  and  standard  deviation  was  104.01  while  the  treatment  group  average  was  56.03, and the standard deviation was 73.96, the t value was 0.00 significance level 0 , 05 Because H0 is  rejected,  it  means  there  is  an  increase  in  the  ability  of  students’  games  performance  skills. Based  on  these  data  it  can  be  stated  that  the  basketball  skills  learning  model  for  junior  high school students developed is effective and can improve the basic technical skills and basketball games performance skills of junior high school students.

Keywords:  game-based   learning   models,   basic Technical skills, Games Performance skills,


2. Dadang Warta Candra Wira Kusuma


2019 Development of Exercise Model Shootingin Basketball Game


The  purpose  study  is create  a  draft  training Shooting model  in basketball  games, and improve ability  of  basketball  athlete Shooting. The approach  research  is  mixed-method.  The  research  design  used  in  this  study  is reseach  and  development  (R  &  D)  which  consists  of  all  steps.  Feasibility  models assessed  by 9  training  experts, basketball  coachesand  learningexperts.  The  research subjects  were  college  level  players  in  the  city  of  Mataram.  The  effectiveness  test  uses the t-test with a non-randomized pre-testpost-testcontrol group design.The results of this study are the creation of Shootingpractice models in basketball games. The results of the trial show that the basketball Shootingpractice model can be used. The results of the  experimental  group  trials  showed  that  the  value  of  t-test24,464>  t-table  =  1.729. While  the  results  of  the  control  group  trial  yielded  a  t-test  value  of  15,041  and  t-table 1,729. From the results of this trial shows that there are significant differences from the Shootingresults in the experimental group and the control group. After a different test with  the  Independent  Sample  Test,  the  value  of  t-test  3.658  and  t-tabel  1.310  is obtained. In other words there are differences in the effect of Shootingtraining models and conventional training on Shootingability in basketball. From using the hypothesis testing criteria it can be said that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted because of t-test > t-table. Based onthese data it can be stated that the Shootingpractice model in basketball games  that  was  developed  was  effective  and  could  improve  the Shootingabilities  of basketball athletes.

Keywords: Model, Exercise, Shooting, Basketball.


3. Sujarwo



2019 The Effect of Vital Capacity Lungs, Nutritional Status, Physical Activity And Exercise Motivation Towards Physical Fitness of Koni City Depok Athletes.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vital lung capacity, nutritional status,  physical  activity,  and  exercise  motivation  on  physical  fitness  of  Koni  City  Depok athletes.This research method uses path analysis. Path analysis techniques are used to test thedirect  and  indirect  effects  of  vital  lung  capacity,  nutritionalstatus,  physical  activity,  and motivation to exercise of athletes. The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that:  1)  Lung  vital  capacity  directly  influences  the physical fitness of the Koni City Depok athletes obtained t-countof 39.024 and t-table(0.05: 58) of 1.671  at  a  significant  level  of  0.000 smaller  than α  of  0.05,  2)  Nutritional status directly influences physical fitness of the Koni City of Depok athletes. The value of t-countis 25.253 and t-table(0.05:  58)  at  1.671  at  a  significant  level  of  0.000  smaller than α of 0.05, 3) Physical activity has a direct effect on fitness The body of the Koni athlete in Depok City obtained a t-countof 3.074 and t-table(0.05: 58) of 1.671 at a significant level of 0,000 smaller than α of 0.05, 4)  Motivation  trainingdirectly  affected  the  physical  fitness  of  Depok  Koni  athletes  smaller than α of 0.05, 5)Vital  lung  capacity  through  exercise  motivation  has  a  direct  effect  on  the motivation of training Koni City Depok athletes obtained the value of t-counteach is38,045 and 2,681 and t-table(0,05: 58) is 1,671 with a significant level of 0,000 and 0,010 smaller than α of 0,05,  6)  Nutritional  status  through  exercise  motivation  has  a  direct  effect  on  the  training motivation  of  Depok  City  Koni  athletes  obtained  t-counteach  is  23,048  and  2,154  and t-table(0,05: 58) of 1,671 with a significant level of 0,000 and 0,008 smaller than α of 0,05, and 7) Physical activity through exercise motivation has a direct effect on the physical fitness of Koni City Depok athletes obtainedt-counteach is3.047 and 3.308and t-table(0.05: 58) of 1.671 with a significant level of 0.003 and 0.002 smaller than α of 0.05. Overall,  it  can  be  concluded  that  after  statistical  testing  of  empirical  data  obtained from  the  field,  it  can  be  said  thatthe  three  independent  variables  of  vital  lung  capacity, nutritional  status,  physical  activity,  and  training  motivation  have  a  significant  positive  direct effect on the physical fitness of KONI City athletes.

Keywords: vital  lung  capacity,  nutritional  status,  physical  activity,  exercise  motivation  and physical fitness.


4. Herman Syah


2019 Development of The Dribble Exercise Model Football Sports Branch Ikip Mataram The  purpose  of  this  study  for  effective  learning  in  the  development  model  of  dribble exercisein soccer PS. IKIP Mataram the subjects 24 soccer athletes from various clubs in NTB. This research uses Research & Development (R & D) methods from Borg and Gall.The  method  used  development  research  the  Borg  and  Gall  method  model  and  validity  data    using  4  preliminary  tests,  expert  validation  tests,  small  and  large  group trials, and testing the effectiveness of models dribbling techniques in branches soccer. The training model developed was 35 models, out of the 35 models developed were all feasible  to  use,  there  were  models  included  in  the  category  that  were  quite  feasible  in the trial trials of small groups. The results of the study showed that the dribble training model in the small group trial approved the product developed could be carried out by trainer coordination or still in coaching. While the results of a large group trial agree that the product developed can be applied and accepted by athletes without any difficult guidance or test. On the effectiveness of product development tests showed the presence of a gap between the pretest and posttest after being given assistance of 4,29167. While the contribution and very strong relationship of dribble training to dribbling ability is 65.93%. t-test obtained a number of 12,708 df = 23 and p-value = 0,000 <0,05 which means  a  significant  difference  between  before  and  after  receiving  a  dribble  training training  model,  passing  a  dribble  combination,  and  shooting  a  dribble  combination.There for this dribble exercises model in passing and shotting can be use in fotball.


Keyword: Exercise Model Dribble, Passing, Shotting,Fotball.

5. Rolly Afrinaldi


2019 Development Of Physical Exercise Model R.A. Game Based Long Jump Number For The Age Group Of 13-15 Years


This  study  aims  to  develop  and  validate  training  products  to  improve  physical abilities optimally  and  to  develop  quality  training  effectively.  This  research  is  also  a Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D) research which consists of 10 stages, namely:  (1)  Research  and  information  collecting  (2)  Planning  (3)  Development  of  the preliminary  from  product  (4)  Preliminary  field  testing  (5)  Main  product  revision  (6) Main field test. (7) Operational product revision (8) Operational field testing (9) Final products (10) Dissemination and implementation. This research resulted in a Physical Exercise  Model  that  is  used  for  Long  Jump  Number  Athletics.  The  renewal  in  this research is the use of media in a game-based physical exercise model  called R.A. The small  group  test  in  this  study  was  carried  out  in  the  Karawang  branch  of  Athletics Sports  and  thelarge  group  test  and  effectiveness  test  was  carried  out  at  the  Bogor District Athletics Class, Karawang District Athletics Class, the Bogor District Athletics branch   of   Sports,   Karawang   Athletics   branch,   Athletics   Club   Pakansari,   Bogor Regency PPOPM. The test instruments used in this study were physical tests running 30 meters,  triple  jump,  dynamic  balance  test,  and  flexibility.  From  the  results  of  the effectiveness  test  on  the  R.A  physical  exercise  model,  the  pretest  score  of  742.88  was obtained  and  in  the  post  test  stage  it  increased  to  807.58.  From  the  test  results,  the calculated t value obtained is -14,789, compared to the smaller t table obtained -14,485 <1,669, but in this discussion it can be seen again at the significant value obtained at 0,000  which  means  that  H0  is  rejected.  Thus  the  physical  training  model  R.A.  game-based long jump in the 13-15 year age group needs to be done to improve the physical component  of  the  long  jump.  The  results  of  this  study  were  formed  as  a  reference material for trainers to train, as outlined in the form of books and videos. The impact of this model provides systematic patterns and fun activities and can be used as a guide by trainers in improving physical abilities.


Keywords: Physical Exercise Model, Games, Long Jump


6. Muhammad Kamal


2019 Smash Backhand of Skill on Table Tennis Game (The Experiment Study Of Athlet In Makassar City) The  aim  of  this  experimental  study  was  to  determine  the  effect  of  training methods  and flexibilitysmash  backhand  of  skill  in  table  tennis  game. This  research was conducted at athlet in Makassar city. Experimental using factorial design method 2×2. The sample consisted of 40 athlet were divided into 4 groups, each consisting of 10 athlet.Data analysis technique is a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by t-Dunnettest at a significance level of α = 0.05.The results of this study  indicate that The results of this study indicate that (1) The distributed practice method is better influenced by the massed practice method on training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game, (2) The athletes who have highflexibilityare better affected by athletes who have low flexibilityon training outcomes  smash  backhand  of  skill  in  table  tennis  game,   (3)  There  is  an  interaction between  the  method  of  massed  practice,  the  method  of  distributed  practice,  and  the flexibilityon training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game, (4) The massed  practice  method  is  better  than  the  distributed  practice  method on  training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game using a high flexibility,  (5) The distributed  practice  method  is  better  than  the  massed  practice  method on  training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game using a low flexibility,  (6) The athletes who have high flexibilityare better affected by athletes who have low flexibilityon training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game inmassed practice methods, (7)  The  athletes  who  have  low flexibilityhave  better  influencethan  athletes who have high flexibilityon training outcomes smash backhand of skill in table tennis game in distributed practice methods.Based  on  the  results  of  theprevious  research,  it  can  be  concluded  that  the training  methods,  namely  massed  practice  and  distributed  practice with  flexibility together  haveeffect  on  improving  the  skills  of  the  backhand  smash  on  table  tennis athletes in Makassar.

Key Words: Training Methods, Flexibility, Smash Backhand


7. Aslan


2019 Evaluation Program  Southeast Sulawesi (Pelatda) Pon Xix/2016 West Java The  purpose  of  this  study is  to  evaluate  the  program  of  Southeast  Sulawesi  pelatda  in PON  XIX  /  2016  West  Java.  Is  a  qualitative  and  powerful  research  with  approach (CIPP).  Methods  of  data  collection  in  triangulation  using  questionnaires,  interviews, and  documentation.  The  results  show  that:  (1)  evaluation  of  the  results  of  the  aspect category  assessment  score  indicates  that  87% can  thus  be  summed  up  as  very  good categorized. (2) the input evaluation of the result of appraisal of aspect category shows 72%  thus  can  be  summed  up  good  categorized.  (3)  evaluation  of  the  process  of appraisal of aspect categories indicates that 53% can thus be summed up as either less categorized.  (4)  product  evaluation  of  the  results  of  the  aspect  category  assessment shows  51%  thus  can  be  concluded  less  categorized.  It  is  recommended  that  the Southeast Sulawesi regional pelatda program less good, so it is advisable to build more long-term  sustainable  program  in  the  coaching  of  sports  achievement  and  synergy between government, koni and managers of sports and private parties in improving the achievements  of  sports  branches  that  are  more  leverage  in  the  province  of  Southeast Sulawesi.


Keywords: Program Evaluation,Southeast Sulawesi (Pelatda)


8. Heru Sulistianta


2019 Learning Model Development Short Run Based Games The  aim  to  be  achieved  from  this  research  and  development  is  to  products  Learning Model Short Run Games Based in University of Lampung Penjaskesrek Students.This research and development was carried out to be able to obtain information about the  development  and  application  of  the  Development  of  Learning  Model  Short  Run Games  Based  in  Lampung  University  for  Penjaskesrek  Students  and  to  determine  the effectiveness of the models produced. This research uses Research & Development (R & D) method from Borg and Gall. The subjects in this study were Lampung University students consisting of 40 students.The   stages   in   this   study   are   needs   analysis,   expert   evaluation   (initial   product evaluation),  small  group  trials,  and  large  group  trials  (testing  fields).  The  model effectiveness test uses a 50 m short running test which is used to determine the level of ability  before  and  after  the  treatment  of  a  game  based  short  running  learning  model developed.  The  initial  test  that  was  carried  out  was  obtained  the  ability  level  was 7,0582After being given the treatment of the game-based short running learningmodel obtained a value of 6,1035. In the significant test of differences with spss 16, the mean =  0.954shows  the  difference  from  the  results  of  the pre-test  and  post-test  results,  the results  of  t-count  =  18.182  df  =  39  and  p-value  =  0.00<0.05  which  means  there  is  a significant difference between before and after being given the treatment of game-based short running learning models.Thus  theLearning  Model  Development  Short  Run  Games  Based  for  students  in Lampung University is effective to improve shortrunning skills.

Keywords: Model, Learning, Short Running, Games.


9. Mashert Simangunsong


2019 Veffect of Nutrition, Lifestyle, Physical Activity, And Sports Motivation on Osteoporosis In Female Athletes Regional Training National Sports Week Xviii The National Sports Committee Indonesiaprovince of Dki Jakarta Indonesia This  study  aim  at  determining  the  effect  of nutrition, lifestyle,physicalactivity and sportsmotivationon osteoporosis  events.  The  research  used  quantitative  approach with  survey  method  and  path  analysis  applied  in  testing  hypothesis.  The researchwas conducted at Regional Training National Sports Week XVIII the National Sports Committee Indonesia Province of DKI Jakarta Indonesia with a sample of 60female athletesfrom  five  categories  of  sport selected  through clustersampling. Data analysis  technique  is  a  analysis  regresi  (ANAVA)  with  F  test  and  t  test at  a significance level of α = 0.05,  and  path  analysis. The  results  of  thisstudy  indicate that:  (1)  there  is negativedirect  effect  of  nutrition  on  osteoporosis  eventsin  the amount of -2,22, (2) there is negativedirect effect of lifestyleon osteoporosis eventsin  the  amount  of -2,09,  (3)there  is  negative  direct  effect  of  physical  activity  on osteoporosis eventsin the amount of -2,10, (4) there is negative direct effect of sports motivationon osteoporosis eventsin the amount of -2,05, (5) there is positive direct effect  of  nutrition  on sports  motivationin  the  amount  of  2,39,  (6)  there  is  positive direct  effect  of lifestyleonsports  motivationin  the  amount  of  2,11, (7) there  is positive direct effect of physical activity on sports motivationin the amount of 2,53, (8)there  is  positive  direct  effect  of nutrition on  physical  activity in  the  amount  of 2,31, (9)there is positive direct effect of physical lifestyleon physical activity in the amount of 2,05, and(10) there is positive direct effect of nutritionon lifestylein the amount of 2,21.The conclusion showed that nutrition, lifestyle, physical activity,and sports motivationare important determinants to decrease the osteoporosis events on female athletes at Pelatda PON XVIII KONI Province of Jakarta.

Keywords: Nutrition, lifestyle, physical activity, sportsmotivation, osteoporosis


10. Diky Komarudin


2019 Shooting Practice Model Based on 3X3 In Basketball Games The purpase of fhls study is to produce a special madel of baskefball caachingmodel to improve sfioofing ability. irfiis researcfi uses research and developmentmethad (Researcfi and Development) fram Barg & Gal[ The study target is club orregional athletes, for rnale affilefes aged 16 yeans to 18 year$. The subjec’t-takingtechnique applied in fhis research is the best 12 players from each club ar its regianalathlete.Ifiis research was conducted in Wesf Java Provinre with time for 5 months.Based on the resulfs af the study it can be concluded that the model of trainingdeveloped, 1) Effective, meaning that the training model applied situatians similar tothe situation in the real game; 2) Efficient rnean.s that the apptied shoating trainingmodel represenfs the {we posrtrbns of the player playing well and appropiately; 3}Develop, meaning that all parties related to basketball sport understand and can seethe benefrts and direct impact an the development of athletes.

Keywards: MadetExercise, Snoafing, Basketball


11. Dini Rosdiani


2019 The Outcomes of Round off Artistic Gymnastics Learning Skill (Experimental Study About Teaching Methods And Abilities Motor Ability In PJKR Program Student At STKIP Pasundan) The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  determine  differences  in  learning  outcomes  artistic gymnastics round off the overall use of teaching methods and teaching methods section to  motor  ability  in  STKIP  Pasundan  Cimahi.  The  method  used  is  an  experimental method  to  the  design  by  level  of  2×2.  The  population  is  all  students  STKIP  Pasundan Cimahi  level  II  Prodi.  PJKR  Academic  Year  2015/2016  by  the  number  of  360  people and the sample of 40 people with the sampling technique used purposive sampling. The research  instrument  used  achievement  test  round  off  the  artistic  gymnastics.  This research was conducted as many as 12 meetings.The  results  showed  that:  (1)  Overall  there  are  in  learning  outcomes  round  off  artistic gymnastics  between  the  whole  method  and  the  part  method.  The  group  students  of learning use whole method is better than the use part method.(2) There areinteraction between  teaching  methods  and  learning  outcomes  of  motor  abilities  to  round  off  the artistic  gymnastics  in  STKIP  Pasundan  Cimahi.  (3)  The  learning  outcomes  of  artistic gymnastics round off for the whole method is better than the teaching part method for high  motor  ability.  (4)  The  learning  outcome  of  artistic  gymnastics  round-off  for  part methods is better than the whole method for low-ability motor skills.

Keywords:Teaching Methods, Motor Ability, Round Off


12. Anggi Setia Lengkana


2019 The Effect of Powerlimbs, Speed Reaction,Eye-Foot Coordination And Self Confidence on The Achievement of Elite Athletes Athletic West Java This  study  aims  to  reveal  the  effect  of  leg  power,  reaction  speed,  eye-foot coordination and confidence in the achievements of elite athletic athletes in West Java.  This  research  was  conducted  at  the  Indonesian  Education  University  (UPI) Lab. Sports Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK), with a sample of 30 athletes. The analysis technique used in this study is to use path analysis, with the aim of identifying the influence between variables. The results showed that: (1) Leg Power influences the performance of elite athletes by 41%. (2) The reaction speed affects the performance of elite athletes by 49.3%. 36.2%., (4) Confidence affects the achievement of elite athletes by 34.1%. (5) Leg power affects self-confidence by 40.5%. (6) Reaction speed has an effect on self-confidence of 30 , 7%. (7) Eye-Foot Coordination affects self-confidence by 33.2%.


Keywords: Performance of elite athlete,  athletic, limb power, reaction speed, eye-foot coordinationand self confidence

13. Abdul Gani


2019 Developing Skill Training Model of Playing Sepak Takraw Drill Double Event Based Jakarta Club This  research  and  development  aims  to  develop  a  skill  training  model  of Sepak Takraw drill double event based. The research began with the analysisof needs with the survey method and then developed the learning resources with characteristics according  to  the  results  of  need  analysis.  The  development  of  training  models  of Sepak  Takraw  skill-based  double  event  Jakarta  club  was  packed  in  the  form  of printed media products such as practice model books. The research method used was research and development method with development measures designed by Borg and Gall  with  a  number  of  research  samples  in  the  amount  of  42  athletes.  Based  on  the data  of  need  analysis  obtained  the  result  that  76.92%  athletes  need  the  development of   model   training   skills   Sepak   Takraw   play   drill   double   event   Jakarta   Club. Furthermore,  according  to  the  results  of  the  expert  evaluation,  Sepak  Takraw  model training skill kick-based play drill double event Jakarta Club is appropriate so that it can  be  used  in  the  actual  practice.  The  results  of  small  group  trials  and  large  group tests  obtain  conclusions  that  it  can  be  applied  because  it  can  be  done  by  athletes. While the test of effectiveness gains its significance value 0.00 which is smaller than 0.05  therefore  it  is  said  that  the  training  model  of  Sepak  Takraw  skills  based  on double  drill  event  Jakarta  club  is  effectively  used  in  the  actual  exercise.    The conclusion  of  this  research  isthat  based  on  the  validity  of  the  material  from  the experts  and  continued  with  the  responses  of  athletes  during  small  group  trials  and field  trials  large  groups,  then  this  model  of  training  skills  kick  event  developed amounting  to  40  models  is  appropriateto  be  used  as  a  model  of  training  skill development of play-based Sepak Takraw drill double event as a material for training, teaching in schools, and in clubs in Jakarta and all over provinces in Indonesia.


Keywords: Developing Skill Training Model of Playing Sepak Takraw Drill Double Event Based Jakarta Club


14. Ruslan Abdul Gani


2019 Developmentexercise Model Inbutterfly Swimming  For Athletes In The Age Group of 11-13 Years Based on Drill Through Android App The  aim  of  this  study  is  to  develop  and  produce  an  exercise  model  on  butterfly  stroke swimming  skill  for  athletes  aged  11-13  years.  The  method  used  in  this  study  refers  to the model development  method or Research and Development (R&D) based on the 10 stepsof  development  proposed  by  Borg  and  Gall. Subjects  in  this  study  are  atthe  age11-13 years swimming athletesin clubs in the area of DKI Jakarta and West Java. This Feasibility  Model  is  validated  by  3  experts,  2  swimming  lecturers  and  1  swimming trainer. The results of small group trials were 20 athletes with a percentage of 82.06%. The results of a large group trial of 80 athletes with a percentage of 84.35%. The results of  this  study  were  from  trials  with  80  athletes,  40  experimental  group  athletes,  and  40 control  group  athletes.The  percentage  of  the  results  of  trial  on  small  group  is  82.06% while the percentage of the results of trial on large group is 84.35%. The results of the study,  obtained  through  the  effectiveness  test,  found  t-calculate  16.66 >  t-table  2.02  in the  experimental  group  and  t-calculate 6.996  >  t-table  2.02  in  the  control  group. The conclusion  of  this  study  is  that  the  drill-based  swimming  skill  training  model  with android application effectively improves the  results of the butterfly  swimming skill in athletes  in  the  age  group  of  11-13  years.  The  novelty  of  this  study  is  the  butterfly swimming skill training model with an android application.

Keywords:  Exercise Model, Butterfly Stroke, Young Swimmer, Android


15. Muhammad Nur


2019 The Effect of Exercise And Foot-Eye Coordination Skills To Smash In The Game Kedeng Sepaktakraw (The Experimental Study Forstudentsatfik UNM Makassar) This  experimental  research  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of  exercise  and  foot-eye coordination  skills  to  smash  in  the  game  kedeng  sepaktakraw.  Coordination  of  the  ankle  is divided  into  two  parts,  high  and  low.  This  research  was  conducted  at  the  Faculty  of  Sport Sciences,  State  University  of  Makassar  in  South  Sulawesi  Province,  the  academic  year 2016/2017. Experimental method using a 2×3 factorial design. The sample consisted of60 students were  divided  into six  groups,  each  consisting  of  10  students.  The data  analysis technique  is  a two-way  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA)followed by Tukey’s test at a significance level α = 0:05. The results of this study indicate that (1). there are differences in the influence of training method pairs  and method of training yourself to a skill smash Kedeng the  game sepaktakraw, (2) not  correlationdifference  in  influence of  training  method  pairs  and  method  of  training combined (mixed) to a skill smash Kedeng  the  game sepaktakraw, (3) there  are differences  in the  influence  of  training  method itself  and  the  method  of  training  combined  (mixed)  to  a  skill smash  Kedeng  the  game  sepaktakraw,  (4)  there  is  interaction  between  the  method  of  training and  coordination  of  the  skill  smash  Kedeng  the  game  sepaktakraw,  (5) not  correlationdifference in effect on the training method of training pairs and method of training yourself to a skill  smash  Kedeng  in  high  foot-eye  coordination  group,  (6)  there  are  differences  influence paired  with  the  training  method  training  method  combined  (mixed)  to  smash  Kedeng  skills  in high foot-eye coordination group, (7) there are differences in the influence of his own training method  to  the  method  of  training  combined  (mixed)  against  all  skill  smash  Kedeng  foot-eye coordination  group  high,  (8)  there  are  differences  in  the  influence  of  training  method  paired with the methodof training yourself to a skill smash Kedeng foot-eye coordination group lower, (9)  there  are  differences  in  the  influence  of  training  method  paired  with  the  training  method combined  (mixed)  to  a  skill  smash  Kedeng  the  foot-eye  coordination  group  is  low, and  (10) there  are  differences  in  the  effect  of  his  own  training  method  to  the  method  of  training combined (mixed) to smash skills Kedeng the foot-eye coordination group is low.

Keywords: methods   of   training,   foot-eye   coordination   and   kedeng   smash   in   the game sepaktakraw


16. Surya Adi Saputra


2019 Resultof Crawl Stroke Swimmingstudy (Experimental Study of Teaching Style And Self Confidence For Physical Education Students In STKIP Kusumanegara ) The aim of the study to determine the effect of teaching style and self-confidencetowards students resultsof crawl stroke swimmingstudy. Research method using factorial experiment 3×2. The target population is male students in a total are111students of Physical Education STKIP Kusumanegara.The sampling technique by purposive sampling. Hypothesis are(1) (A1 X A2)value=0,000<0,05The results of crawl strokeswimmingstudytaught using the selfcheck teaching style are superior to those taught using the practice teachingstyle.(2) (A1XA3)value=0,000<0,05. The results of crawl stroke swimmingstudytaught using the selfcheck teaching styleare superior to those taught using the command teaching style. (3) (A2 X A3)value=0,000<0,05The  results  of crawl  strokeswimmingstudytaught  using  the  selfcheck teaching  style are  superior  to  those  taught  using  the  command  teaching  style.  (4) (AB)value=0,000<0,05There  is  an  interaction  between  the  teaching  style  with  self-confidence. (5) (A1B1-A2B1) value =0,000<0,05 The results of crawl strokeswimming studythat are taught using the selfcheckteaching style are superior to thoseare taught using the practice teaching style in high confidence group students. (6)(A1B1–A3B1) value=0,000< 0,05 The results of crawl strokeswimming studytaught using the selfcheckteaching style are superior to thoseare taught using the command teaching style of highconfidence studentsgroup. (7) (A2B1–A3B1)value =0,000<0,05The resultsof crawl strokeswimmingstudytaught using the practise teaching style are superior to thosewho  are  taught  using  the  command  teaching  style  of  highconfidencestudentsgroup.(8) (A1B2-A2B2)value=0,224>0,05 There  is  no  difference  in  the  results  of crawl  strokeswimming studybetween students who are taught using the selfcheckteaching style and students  who are taught  using  the practise teaching  style of lowconfidence  studentsgroup. (9)(A1B2–3B2)value=0,0001<0,05The results of crawl  strokeswimmingstudytaught  using  the  selfcheckteaching style are not superior to students who are taught usingthe command teaching style of lowconfidence  studentsgroup. (10) (A2B2–A3B2)value=0,000<0,05 The  results of crawl  strokeswimming studytaught using thepractiseteaching style of are not superior to students who are taught using the command teaching style of low confidence student groups.Conclusion: Theteaching styleand self-confidencecan improve the results of crawl stroke swimming study of physical education students STKIP Kusumanegara Jakarta.


Keyword:  Influence,  Teaching  style,  Self  confidence, Results  of  Study, Crawl  Stroke Swimming.


17. Ahmad Hamidi


2019 Development Game Based Learning Models of basketball Skillin Junior High School The  purpose  of  this  research  and  development  is  to  produce  basketball  skills  learning models  on  physical  education  learningbasketball  material  for  junior  high  school  students.  In addition, this research and development was carried out to obtain in-depth information about: the  development  and  application  of  basketball  skills  learning  models  (hamidi)  in  basketball games  for  junior  high  school  students  and  to  find  out  the  effectiveness,  efficiency  and attractiveness  of  students  towards  the  models  made.  This  research  and  development  uses  the research  method  for  developing  research  &  development  (R  &  D)  from  Borg  and  Gall (1983:775)  with  the  design  of  the  pretest-posttest  control  group  design  and  sampling  by stratified purposive random sampling. The subjects in this research and development are class VII junior high school students aged 13-14 as many as 98 students. The instruments used in this research  and  development  were  questionnaires,  questionnaires,  “battery  test”  test  instruments used   to   collect   basic   technical   skills   data,   as   well   as   “game   performance   assessment instrument”  test  instruments  to  collect  data  on  students’  basketball  games  performance  skills, while the stages in this research and development are, in stages: (1) needs analysis, (2) expert evaluation  (initial  product  evaluation);  (3)  limited  testing  (small  group  trials);  and  (4)  main testing  (field  testing).  Test  the  effectiveness  of  the  model  using  the  “battery  test”  test  to determine  the  level  of  mastery  of  the  students’  basic  basketball  techniques  and  “GPAI  test” to determine the level of games performance skills. The data analysis technique used is the “t-test” based on the results of the effectiveness test for the basic technical aspects of students obtained by  the  average  value  of  the  control  group  15.36,  and  the  standard  deviation  5.85  while  the treatment  group  average  is  20.5,  and  the  standard  deviation  is  6.27,  t  value  0.00  significance level  of  0.05  Because  H0  is  rejected  it  is  proven  that  the  treatment  group  with  a  basketball-based  learning  model  based  on  the  game  scores  basketball  basics  higher  than  the  control group. Furthermore, for games performance skills based on the results of the effectiveness test, for  the  aspects  of  students’  games  performanceg  skills  the  average  value  of  the  control  group was -7.95,  and  standard  deviation  was  104.01  while  the  treatment  group  average  was  56.03, and the standard deviation was 73.96, the t value was 0.00 significance level 0 , 05 Because H0 is  rejected,  it  means  there  is  an  increase  in  the  ability  of  students’  games  performance  skills. Based  on  these  data  it  can  be  stated  that  the  basketball  skills  learning  model  for  junior  high school students developed is effective and can improve the basic technical skills and basketball games performance skills of junior high school students.

Keywords: Development,   game-based   learning   models,   basic Technicalskills, Games Performance skills, basketball,


18. Tri Bayu Norito



2020 Development of The Basic Movement Learning Model Based on Cooperative Learning For Elementary Students

This  study  aims  to  develop  cooperative  learning  based  basic  learning  model  products, specifically to improve basic motion skills for grade 2 students of elementary schools in East Jakarta. The method in this studi refers to research and development proposed by Borg  &  Gall.  The  first  stage  is  a  preliminary  study  that  is  a  literature  study,  a  field survey and preparation of initial products that are ready to be validated by experts. The second   stage   is   the   development   of   limited   trials   and   extensive   trials   through experimental  methods.  Data  collected  through  observation,  interviews,  questionnaires, pretest  and  posttest.  The  subjects  in  this  study  were  120  grade  2  students  in  3 elementary schools. The results of this study indicate that (1) the basic learning model of  cooperative  learning  based  on  cooperative  learning  is  proven  to  be  valid  and practical to use; (2) the basic motion learning model based on cooperative learning is effectively  used  to  improve  the  basic  motion  skills  of  grade  2  elementary  school students.This is evidenced by the effectiveness test on 60 experimental group students, the statistical data obtained is the value of t-count = 41,260> t-table = 2.00 while the comparison testing criteria between the t-count  value and t-table for 60  controlgroup students are obtained value of t-count = 22.12> t-table = 2.00.based on these data it can  be  concluded  that  the  basic  learning  model  based  on  cooperative  learning developed has a significant effect on improving basic motion skills of elementary school students.

Keywords: Basic Motion Skills, Cooperative Learning,Learning Model.


19. Doby Putro Parlindungan


2020 Model of Training Skills Smash And Block on Volleyball Games The purpose of this study was to produce a model of smash and volleyball block exercises.  In  addition,  this  study  was  conducted  to  obtain  more  information  about  the development  and  application  of  models  of  volleyball  smash  and  block  training,  and  to determine  the  effectiveness,  efficiency,  and  attractiveness  of  the  smash  training  model and  volleyball  block  made.  The  design  of  this  study  uses  research  and  development  (R &  D)  methods.  While  the  subject  in  this  study  is  the  School  which  is  the  place  where researchers  conduct  research  is  the  school  of  Don  Bosco,  SMA  N  22  Jakarta,  SMK  5 Jakarta, SMK 26 Jakarta, and SMA 88Jakarta. The number of players sampled was 12 people  from  each  school  who  took  part  in  volleyball  extra-curricular  activities  so  that the totalsample was 60 people.The instruments used in this study were tests of volleyball smash and block skills and  assessment  scores.  To  see  the  difference  between  the  results  of  the  control  group test  and  the  experimental  group  test  which  is  the  application  ofthe  model  made  by statistical tests using the t-test formula of significance level α = 0.05. The results of the smash  t-test  calculation show  the  value  of t-count  =  7.12>  t-table  =  2.04.  there  was  a significant  difference  in  the  administration  of  the  volleyball  smash  training  model  for increasing volleyball smash ability. The value of the skill count t-Block = 10.09> t-table =  2.04.  There  was  a  significant  increase  in  the  administration  of  the  volleyball  block exercise model to the increase in volleyball block ability.Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that: overall this product is good and effective carried out by coaches and volleyball players. This can be seen from field  trials  that  show  the  trainer  easily  provides  material  and  players  easily  carry  out every  variation  of  the  exercise.  Seeing  in  terms  of  product  presence  and  level  of efficiency, this model of smash and volleyball block training is the right solution to the problems faced by volleyball players and players in improving the ability of smash and volleyball block.

Keywords: Models of volleyball smash and block exercises.


20. Ade Rahmat


2020 Development of Model Practicesmash, Lob And Backhand Badminton Variation-Based Toolsfor Beginner Players The  purpose  of  this  research  and  development  is  to  produce  a  model  practice  smash, lob  and  backhand  badminton  variation-based  tools  for  beginner  players  and  knowing the  effectiveness,  the  efficiency  and  attractiveness  of  players  against  the  model  were made. This research uses research methods Development Research  & Development (R &  D)  from  Borg  and  Gall.  Subjects  in  this  research  and  development  is  a  club consisting of 40 players. The  instruments  used  in this  research  and  development  is  the  instrument  the conformity  test  and  the  results  are  used  to  collect  motion  data  motion  smash,  lob  and backhand  as  for  stages  in  the  research  and  development  it  is,  at  this  stage:  (1)  needs analysis, (2) expert evaluation(the evaluation of the early products); (3) a limited trial (trial of a small group); and (4) the main trials (field testing). Test the effectiveness of the  model  using  motion  to  know  truth  tests  skill  level  before  treatment  is  given  to  the player  obtained  the  value  score  69.70smash,  forehandlob  and  backhand  lob  74.2575.12, then after being given preferential treatment in the form of model Basic motion game-based  procured  manipulative  ability  level  of  students  of  smash  78.20forehand lob  and  backhand  lob  78.72,  80.05and  Then  model-based  variation  of  exercise  tools for  beginner  players  is  effective  in  enhancing  the  capabilities  of  smash,  lob  and backhand badminton.Based  on  the  results  of  the  development  it  can  be  concluded  that:  (1)  with  the developmentof  model  practice  smash,  lob  and  backhand  badminton  variation-based tools  for  beginner  players  can  be  developed  and  applied  in  the  process  of  exercise  is badminton  (2)  with  model  practice  smash,  lob  and  backhand  badminton  variation-based  tools  for  beginner  players  that  have  been  developed,  obtained  evidence  of  this increase in testing data on the results show results pretes and posttest the existence of significant differences between before and after the existence of the treatment model.

Keywords: Development, Model, Workouts, Badminton, Tools


21. Herli Pardilla



2020 Rissing The Triple Jump  Skills     (Experimental Study of Learning Method And Motor Skills At University of Riau)

Rissing The Triple Jump  Skills     (Experimental Study of Learning Method And Motor Skills at University of Riau)

The purpose of this research was determine the differences of the learning method (A) which  consists  of  the  part  method  (A1),  thewholemethod  (A2)  and  the mixedmethod  (A3)  by involving  moderator  variable  the  motor  skills on  efforts  to  improve  the  dependent  variable  of the skill triple jump (Y).This research uses a 3x 2 factorial experiment design method. Target population (research population) are male of physical Education University of Riau 2016-2017 as  many  89  people.Sampling  was  carried  out  by  purposive  sampling  technique, specificallyselecting 27% of the highest score and 27% of the lowest score, this refers to Verducci’s theory.Hypothesis test results is 1)The Part methodlearning is better than the wholemethod learning (A1  x  A2) around  this p-value 0,012 (H1accepted).2)  The  part  methodlearningis better than the mixed method learning (A1 x A3) around this p-value 0,0185 (H1accepted).3)Thewholemethodlearning smaller than of the mixedmethodlearning (A2 x A3), around this p-value 0,4285 (H1rejected).  4)There  is  an  interactioneffect  between  learning  methods  and motor  skills, around  this  p-value 0,000  (Significant).  5)    The  Part  methodlearning is  better than the whole methodlearning in the high motor skillscategory (A1B1 X A2B1), around this p-value 0.0014  (H1accepted).6) The  part method  learning    is  better  than the  mixed  method learning in  the  high  motor  skills  category (A1B1XA3B1), around  this  p-value 0,0000 (H1accepted). 7)The whole method learning  is better than the mixed method learning in the high motor skills category (A2B1XA3B1), around this p-value 0,000(H1accepted).8) The Part method learning    is  better  than  the  whole  method  learning    in  the lowmotor  skills  category(A1B2xA2B2), around this p-value 0,0145 (H1rejected). 9) The part method learning  is better than  the  mixed  method  learning  in  the low motor  skills  category  (A1B2XA3B2),  around  this  p-value 0,0305 (H1accepted).10). The whole  method learning  is  better  than  the mixed method learning    in  the low motor  skills category  (A2B2XA3B2),  around  this  p-value 0,000(H1accepted).Thus it can be concluded that the part learning method is better than the whole and combination learning method.Furthermore, in the category of students with high motor skills, it  is  evident  that  the  part  method  is  better  than  the whole  methodor  combination  method.Conversely,  The  combination learning method  is  better  than  the  part  and  the wholelearning method onthe low motor skilss student categoryon the triple jump skillsenhancement.


Keywords: Triple jump  skills, Learning Method and Motor Skills


22. Elya Wibawa Syarifoeddin


2020 The Effect of Plyometric Training And Muscle Poweron Push Kick Skillsthe Branch Sport of Muaythai

The  purpose  of  this researchis  to  provide  an  overviewof  the  differences  in  the effect  amongvariables,  namely  plyometric  box  jump  training  methods,  plyometric cone  hops  training  methods,  and the  power  of leg  muscletowardthedependent variable, namely the pushkick skills.The Subjects (samples)in this researchwere 40  people,  20  people  with  high  limb  muscle  power  and  20  people  with  low  leg muscle power, who were then divided into 4 groups. Where each group consists of 10 people as sample. Determination of the sample in each group is done randomly by  drawing  lots  or  lifting,  between  rank  1  and  2,  3  and  4,  and  so  on.  The  research method used is experimental treatment by level designs. Data were analyzed using ANOVA  (analysis  of  variance)  and  continued  with  the  Tukey  Test.The  results  of the  researchshowedthat  (1)  There  is  a  significant  difference  in  overall  effect between the results of plyometric box jump training with the plyometric cone hops method  on  the  push  kick  skills  of  Muaythai  athletes  in  West  Nusa  Tenggara  (2) There is an interaction between plyometric training methods and leg muscle power for the push kick skills of Muaythai athletes in West Nusa Tenggara. (3) There is a difference between plyometric box jump exercises that have high leg muscle power and  plyometric  cone  hops  exercises  that  have  high  leg  muscle  power  to  the  push kick  skills  of  Muaythai  athletes  in  West  Nusa  Tenggara.  (4)  There  is  a  difference between  plyometric  box  jump  exercises  that  have  low  leg  muscle  power  and plyometric cone hops exercises that have low leg muscle power to push kick skills in  Muaythai  athletes  in  West  Nusa  Tenggara.  The  conclusion  of  this  research, showedthat the application of appropriate plyometric training methods will have a significant  influence  on  the  results  of  the  push  kick  skills.  Where  for  those  who have  high  leg  muscle  power  should  be  trained  using  the  plyometric  box  jump exercise method and for those who have low leg muscle power it should be trained using the plyometric cone hops exercise method.


Keywords: plyometric, leg muscle power, the push kick skills of Muaythai.

23. Gunawan



2020 Model Development of Volleyball Skill Learning Based on Interactive Multimedia

This  research  aims  to;  (1)  Knowing  how  to  learn  volleyball  basic  technical  skills  based  on interactive  multimedia  sports  students  and  (2) Obtain  empirical  data  about  the  effectiveness  of interactive  multimedia  based  volleyball  based  technical  skills  learning  models  on  improving  the learning outcomes of volleyball basic technical skills in sports students. Research methods used is research and development (R & D) model of the Borg and Gall consisting of ten (10) steps. Subjects in the study were students of the sport. Step-by-step  development  of  research  are:  (1)  Research  and  information  collecting, 88% strongly  agree  and  support  the  need  to develop  volleyball  learning  model  that  is  innovative, effective and able to learn where and at any time independently (online), (2) Planning, formed a research, teamwork accordance with the expertise to devise a plan to develop research products (3) Develop  of  the  premelinary  from  of  product,  develop  the  application  menu,  classification model/instructional  design,  video,  images  and  audio  as  well  asvalidation  expert/specialist.  (4) Preliminary field testing, test the product at an early stage trial involvingsubjects 40 students. (5) Main  Product  revision,  repair  products  developed  and  has  been  tested.  (6)  Main  field  testing, testing  returned  product  with  a  larger  number  of  subjects  are  120  students  of  three  universities, each consisting of 40 test subjects. (7) Operating product revision, perfecting products developed based  on  suggestions  and  feedback  on  field  trials.  (8)  Operating  product  testing,  test  the effectiveness involving 40 students as the experimental group. The study was conducted over four (4) months with a number of face to face meetings 16 times coupled with the task independently.The results based on the analysis of N-Gain score through independent test sample t test, we conclude that  there  are  differences  in  effectiveness  were  significant  (real)  between  the  usage  model  of learning volleyball interactive multimedia-based learning model ever to improve learning outcomes technical skills base volleyball student sport. (9) Final product revision, product enhance learning basic   techniques   of   interactive   multimedia   based   volleyball   before   being   distributed.   (10) Dissemination  and  implementation,  showed  the  results  of  research  that  has  been  done  to stakeholders  and  the  public  at  large  through  the  4th  Annual  Applied  Science  and  Engineering Conference. The  products  have  been  registered  in  the  play  store  and  has  been  used  in  several universities in eastern Indonesia. The  conclusion  in  this  study  is Volleyball  skill  learning  models  based  on  interactive multimedia, effectively improve the learning outcomes of volleyball basic technical skills in sports students.

Keywords: Learning Volleyball and Interactive Multimedia


24. Tirto Apriyanto



2020 The Effect f Service, Attack, Block And Opponent Errors on The Team Wins of The Final Four Proliga Volleyball Team Participants 2019 This study aims to determine and prove the direct effect of service, spike, block and opponent error on the team wins of the final four Proliga volleyball teams participant 2019. The research method used is a survey method with analysis techniques using the path analysis approach (path analysis). The population in this study was the final four Proliga volleyball 2019 men team participants. Sample was taken by total samping technique. Data collection was carried out based on the indicators contained in the Volleyball Information System (VIS) against the final four men’s competition Proliga volleyball 2019. The results of the study concluded that: (1) Service has a direct but not significant effect on opponent error, (2) Spike has a direct effect on opponent error, (3) The block has a direct but not significant effect on opponent error, (4) Opponent error directly affects the team wins, (5) Service has a direct effect, (6) Spike has a direct effect, (7) Block has a direct effect on the team wins. The conclusion of this research that opponent error and team wins of Proliga 2019 men team was dominated effected by attack. Previous research dominantly examined the factors that influenced the success of a team to win the match. There is no focus of research that examines the effect of opponent error on victory that can be used as material for team evaluations. The thing that adds to the novelty of the study of the researchers is that the researchers have not analyzed the influence of the factors of service, attack, and block techniques on opponent errors.

Keywords: service, attack, block, opponent error, team wins.

25. Eva Yulianti



2020 The Effect of Physical Activity, Motor Skills, And Students Perception of Classroom Management on physical Education’slearning Outcomes

 This  study  aimed  to  find  the  effect  of  physical  activity,  motoric  skills,  and  students perception  of  classroom  management  on  physical  education’s  learning outcomes.  The research method used in this research is the quantitative approach, survey method with test and  measurement  technique.  The  population  of  the  research  was  students  at  Junior  High school  81  Jakarta.  The  research  sample  in  this  study  were  216  students  of  6  class  grade VIII.There  are  a  positive  influence  between  physical  activity;  motor  ability;  and  students perception  of  classroom  management  on  physical  education’s  learning  outcomes.  This research  found  a  positive  influence  between  physical  activity  to  students  perception  of classroom  management;    motor  ability  to  students  perception  of  classroom  management; and  physical  activity  to  motor  ability.  Furthermore,  there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect between  physical  activity  on  physical  education’  learning  outcomes  through  students perception  of  classroom  management,  and  there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect  between  motor ability on physical education’s learning outcomes through students perception of classroom management. The conclusion is that physical activity, motor skills and students perception of classroom  management  influence  physicaleducation’s  learning  outcomes,    directly  and indirectly.


Keywords: physical  activity;  motor  ability;students  perception  of classroom; Physical Education

26. Heni Widyaningsih



2020 Influence of Organizational Climate, Motion Skills, Interpersonal Communication, Teaching Motivation on The Performance of Physical Education Teachers1

This study aims to see how much physical education teacher performance is influenced by  organizational  climate,  motionskills,interpersonal  communication  and  teaching motivation.  The  research  data  were  obtained from  28  teachers  in  junior  high  schools incorporated  in  MGMP  Region  2  East  Jakarta.  The    data  analyzed  using  by  path analysis  techniques  with  SPSS  software.  The  results  showed  10  effects,  there  were  7 direct effects and 3 indirect effects. The direct effect of school organization climate on teacher performance by 79% with a regression equation Ŷ = 11.85 + 0.79X1. The direct effect of movement skills on teacher performance by 82% with a regression equation Ŷ = -16.13  +  0.82X2.  The  direct  effect  of  interpersonal  communication  on  teacher performance by 82% with a regression equation Ŷ = 2.70 + 0.82X3. The direct effect of teaching motivation on teacher performance by 99% with a regression equation Ŷ = -11.70 + 0.99X4. The climate of school organizations gives a direct influence on teaching motivation by 60% with a regression equation = 41.77 + 0.60X1. Motion skills have an effect on motivation by 63% with a regression equation = 19.47 + 0.63X2. Interpersonal communication  gives  an  influence  on  teaching  motivation  by  63%  with  a  regression equation = 34.71 + 0.63X3. The indirect effect of the school organization climate on the performance  of  physical  education  teachers  through  teaching  motivation  was  34.6%. The  indirect  effect  of  movement  skills  on  physical  education  teacher  performance through   teaching   motivation   was   34.4%.   The   indirect   effect   of   interpersonal communication  on  the  performance  of  physical  education  teachers  throughteaching motivation was 38.9%.


Keywords: Performance, teacher, physical education

27. Dewi Setiawati



2020 The Evaluation of Learning Teachers Training Program At The Center of Development And Empowerment For Teachers And Educators of Physical Education And Guidance Counseling (An Evaluative Study Based on CIPP Evaluation At PPPPTK Penjas Dan BK)

This research mainly aims to explore the implementation of a policy in the forms of activities, efectiveness of programs and level of achievement in implementing competencies improvement programs  for  teachers  of  physical  education  and  health in secondary  schools  at  PPPPTK Penjas  dan  BK. This  research  is  an  evaluative  descriptive  study  using  evaluation  research method, which uses the CIPP model developed by Stufflebeam (2014), consisting of (1) Context Evaluation), (2). Inputs Evaluation, (3). Process Evaluation, and (4). Product Evaluation.The resultof  this  study  showsthat  the  program  of  competencies  improvement  for  PEteachers  of secondary  schools  held  by  PPPPTK  Penjas  dan  BK  can  improve  competency  profile  of  PEteachers at Klaten district. Evaluation of context for the program of competencies improvement for PEteachers at secondary schools in Klaten district which covers policy and objective of the program  meets  the  requirement  in  the  government  policy  of  competencies  improvement program for teacherswith the result 50 % of excellence. Input evaluationin the implementation system  of  competencies  improvement  program  for  these  teachers,which  covers  design  of program   implementation,   program   curiculum,   recruitment   of   facilitators,   recruitment procedures  for  participants  through  results  of  Teacher  Competencies  Test  (UKG)  2015,  and supporting  facilities  of  resource  center  has  been  conductedwellwith  the  result  of  58%  of excellence. Evaluation of process in the implementation of competencies improvement program for these teachers which covers face to face model, the implementation has met the short-term and  long-term  objectives  of  the  program,  learning  approach,  training  evaluation,  system  of training  management,  arrangement  for  mastery  of  learning  materials  in  the  program  of competencies  improvement  for  PEteachers  of  secondary  schools  in  Klaten  district  has  been delivered   wellwith   the   result   of   64.7%   of   excellence. Evaluation   of   product   in   the implementation  of  competencies  improvement  program  for  PEsecondary  school teachers through Learning  Teachers Program can  improve  pedagogicand  professional competencies profile  of  PEsecondary  schoolteachers  in  Klaten  district by  study  the  module  of group competency E dan I.The learning result of E module participants is 94% of excellence and the lerning result of I module participants is 91% of excellence.Hence, evaluation  of  the  teacher  trainingprogram  conducted  by  PPPPTK  Penjas  and  BK  in the  good  category.  The  evaluation  can  improve  the  pedagogic  and  professional  competence profile based on the 2015 UKG results for PE teachers of secondary school in Klaten regency especially for modules / groups of competences E and I.

Keywords: evaluation, program of competencies improvement, learning teachers


28. Padli Arsyad


2020 The effect of explosive Powerleg Muscle, Foot-Eye Coordination, Reactionspeed and Confidencein The Ability of The Crescent Kick Martial Arts The aim of this studywas to determine the effect of leg muscle explosive power, foot-eye coordination, reaction speed and confidence in the ability of the crescent kick. This study uses a survey to look at the relationship between variabel. Teknik data analysis  using  path  analysis  (path  analysis)  .Teknik  Path  analysis  can  be  used  to examine  the  effect  of  direct  and  indirect  factors  influence  explosive  power  leg  muscle, foot-eye  coordination, reaction speed and trust themselves on the ability of 30 athletes crescent  kick  parriedLampung,  Pelatprov  Lampung,  preparationin  Porwil  Bangka Belitung.Overall  it  can  be  concluded  that  after  the  test  statistics  of  the  empirical  data which  have  been  obtained  from  the  field, Leg  muscle  explosive  power  (X1)  directly influences  the  ability  ofthe  sickle  kick  (Y)  the  coefficient  of  reflection  (Rsquere) obtained  R5.1  value  =  0.371,  Eye-foot  coordination  (X2)  directly  affects  the  ability  of the  sickle  kick  (Y)  coefficient  of  reflection  (Rsquere)  )  obtained  R5.2  value  =  0.409, reaction  speed  (X3) directly  influence  the  ability  of  the  sickle  kick  (Y)  coefficient  of reflection (Rsquere) obtained R5.3 value of = 0.576, Confidence (X4) has a direct effect on the ability of the sickle kick ( Y) the coefficient of reflection (Rsquere) obtained R5.4 value= 0,611, Leg muscle explosive power (X1) directly influences self-confidence (X4) the coefficient of reflection (Rsquere) obtained R41 value of = 0.183, Co-ordination of the  legs  (X2)  Direct  effect  on  self-confidence  (X4)  coefficient  of  reflection  (Rsquere) obtained R4.2 value of = 0.216, reaction speed (X3) directly affects self-confidence (X4) of  coefficient  of  determination  (Rsquere)  obtained  R4.3  value  =  0,283,  Leg  muscle explosive  power  (X1)  has  direct  effect  on  eye-foot  coordination  (X2)  coefficient of reflection  (Rsquere)  obtained  R2.1  value  of  =  0.775,  Leg  muscle  explosive  power  (X1) directly affect the speed of reaction (X3) the coefficient of reflection (Rsquere) obtained value  R3.1  of  =  0.750,  eye-eye  coordination  (X2)  directly  affects  the  speed of  reaction (X3)  of  the  coefficient  of  reflection  (Rsquere)  obtained  value  of  R3.2  of  =  0.784thus eye-foot coordination affects the reaction speed as much as 78.4%, very  can  be  said  that  the  four  independent  variables  that  explosive  power  leg muscle, coordination ankles, reaction speed and confidence to have a positive influence directly significantly from the ability to kick sickle athletes martial Lampung, Pelatprov Lampung, preparationin Porwil Bangka Belitung.

Keywords:  explosive  power  legmuscle,  foot-eye  coordination,  reaction  speed


29. Alfredo Do Karmo



2020 Festival Program Evaluation Model Traditional Sports At National Level

Traditional sports is a game of people who live in a society that has taken root, grow and thrive and has been passed down from generation to generation, based on it should   be   backed   by   the   consistency   and   seriousness   of   the   government   to mengelolahnya. These conditions encourageTraditional Sports Field, Assistant Deputy Sports Recreation, Deputy civilizing Sports, Kemenporado excavation, standardization, preservationand  developmentthrough  the  organization Traditional  National  Sports Festival, The implementation evaluation should be done to improve the quality of the program.This  study  is  a  CIPP  evaluation  model  developed  by  Stufflebeam  include Context, Input, Process and Product. Research shows that: 1)context evaluation, thevision, mission and goalsis very good and legal basisis enough and analysis of needsis very good.2) Input evaluation include, the planning strategy, support the organizers and  criteria  for  participants  is  good,  support  area  and  support  fund  is  enough.  3) Process  evaluation include,  preparation,  implementation  and  monitoring  system  is good. 4) Product evaluation include, achievement of participation is good and result of the implementation of Program of Traditional National Sports Festival is enough.The  results  of  this  study  recommends  several  ways,  as  follows:  1)  Continuing Program  Traditional Sports  Festival;  2)  Implement  the  legal  basis;  3)  Keep  the suitability  of  the  objectives  of  the  Program;  4)  Maintain  continuity  of  program implementation  strategy;  5)  Maintain  the  quality  of  the  participants,  organizers, referees  or  judges  or  kepanitian  ofthe  implementation  of  the  Program;  6)  Maintain conformance  profiles  and  recruitment  process  Program  participants;  7)  Increase support  through  the  cooperation  of  national  and  local  governments  and  stakeholders involved; 8) It is necessary resource support from government funds were optimal; 9) Keeping the continuity of the process of implementation of the Program; 10) Increasing the participation of the implementation of the Program; and 11) To collect data through archiving on the implementation of Programof Traditional National Sports Festival.

Keyword: Evaluation, Traditional Sports, program.


30. Lius Risnuwanto




2020 Developing A Badminton Training Model For Beginners

Badminton requires several complex skills starting from the ready and receiving stances to a variety of strokes. In addition, like other types of sport, badminton is also in need of an ideal training model, particularly for beginners so that players will have knowledge and experiences to perform the right skills in badminton. This  study  aimed  to  develop  a  model  namely  drive  game  model  which  gave beginners a series of exercises in mastering badminton. This study employed Research or  Development  (R  &  D)  method  developed  by  Borg  &  Gall  consisting  of  ten  steps including   1).   Research   and   information   collecting   2).   Planning;   3).   Develop Preliminary   form   of   Product;   4).   Preliminary   Field   Testing;   5).   Main   Product Revision;  6).  Main  Field  Testing;  7).  Operational  Product  Revision;  8).  Operational Field Testing; 9). Final Product Revision; and 10). Dissemination and Implementation.Based  on  the  results  of  the  study,  it  has  been  proven  that  the  drive  game  model has  a  moderate  level  of  effectiveness.  It  has  also  been  revealed  that  the  model succeeded  in  1).  Strengthening  the  wrist;  2)  Fixing  the  racket  grip;  3).  Improving  eye and hand coordination and eye and foot; 4). Training focus and concentration; and 5). Reducing  error  rates  in  a  game.  Additionally,  the  model  being  developed  was  also revealed  to  enhance  players’  important  skills  such  as  ready  and  receiving  stances, backhand and forehand, footwork, and various strokes. Finally, it was also implied that drive game model expected the formation of a habit of hitting the shuttlecock correctly and not making a mistake.


Keywords: badminton skills, badminton training model, drive game model


31. Muhtar Asshagab




2020 Development of The Skills Futsal Sports Exercise Model Game-Based Pattern For Junior High School Students

This  research  is  generally  aimed  to  develop  a  theskills  futsal  sports  exercise model game-based pattern for junior high school students. The specific objectives of this study are: 1) To find out how a the skills futsal sports exercise model game-based pattern for  junior  high  school  students;  and  2)  To  find  out  if  a  the  skills  futsal  sports  exercise model game-based pattern is effective for junior high school students.In  the  design  of  this  study,  the  researcher  referred  to  development  model  of Research and Development (R&D) of Borg and Gall. The results of the model is not only the  development  of  an  existing  product  but  also  to  explore  knowledge  or  answers  to practical  problems.  Of  the  ten  steps  that  exist  in  the  model,  the  researcher  made  some adjustments as needed. From  the  results  of this  study  conducted  through  a  series  of expert evaluations, field  trials,  and  discussion  of  research  results  indicate  that  this  product  is  suitable for  junior  high  school  students.  The  results  of  the  effectiveness  test  show  that  the mean  value  for  the  skills  futsal  exercise  group  using  play-way  inconventional  model is  83,55  and  the  mean  value  for  conventional  group  is  77,80  with  t-test  value  is sig. 0,000< 0,05. Therefore,  the  skills  futsal  exercise  model  game-based  pattern  for  junior  high school students who developtalents and interests in extracurricular activities is effective to improve their abilities and is overall worthy of use.

Keywords: exercise model, game-based pattern, junior high school students


32. Papat Yunisal



2020 Development of Basic Football Techniquetrainingmodel For Age Children (Girl) Of 12-15 Year



The purpose of this research is to develop a more systematic and effective football technique training model specifically for girls aged 12-15 years. The method used in  this  research  is the Research &  Development  (R &  D)  method  to  develop  and validate products in the form of training modelsfor basic techniques (passing) of football specifically for girls aged 12-15 years. After that the model is tested using small groups and large groups, then the effectiveness test and the comparative test of  the  experimental  and  control  groups,  to  the  product  revision  step.  The instruments used in developing the model consisted of 2 types, namely qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative instrument is an improvement sheet and field notes from the expert judgment on the development of a basic technical training model (passing) football for girls aged 12-15 years. Quantitative instruments, namely: (1) test sheet measurement of basic techniques (passing) football for product trials, (2) questionnaire responses of athletes about the implementation of variations in the basic technical training model (passing) football. The subjects of this study were 12-15 years old girls who practiced soccer at Queen’s Football School (SSB) in the city of Bandung. Based on theresult ofimplementation of the study that the training model  of  basic  technique  (passing)  of  football  specifically  for  girls  aged  12-15 years, as a whole is feasible and effective to be used in the training of girls aged 12-15 years.The novelty of the research from the special soccer technique training model  for  girls  conducted  by  researchers  can  provide  alternative  solutions  in understanding  and  mastery  of  the  basic  techniques  (passing)  of  football for  girls aged 12-15 years that can be implemented in soccer in football schools.

Keywords: training model, basic technical training (passing), girls.


33. Eva Yulianti



2020 The Effect of Physical Activity, Motor Skills, And Students Perception of Classroom Management Onphysical Education’slearning Outcomes

This  study  aimedto  find  the effect  of physical  activity, motoric skills,  and students perception  of classroom  management on physical  education’s  learning  outcomes. The research method used in this research is the quantitative approach, survey method with test and  measurement  technique.The  population  of  the  research  was  students  at  Junior  High school  81  Jakarta. The  research  sample  in  this  study  were 216students  of 6  class  gradeVIII.Therearea positive  influence  between physical  activity; motor ability;  and students perception  ofclassroom  managementon physical  education’s  learning  outcomes. This research  found  a positive  influence  between physical  activitytostudents  perception  ofclassroom  management;motor abilitytostudents  perception  of classroom  management; and  physical  activity  to  motor  ability.Furthermore,there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect between  physical  activity on physical  education’  learning  outcomesthrough students perception  ofclassroom  management,  and  there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect  between  motor abilityon physical education’s learning outcomesthrough students perception ofclassroom management.The conclusion is that physical activity, motor skillsand students perception ofclassroom  managementinfluence physical  education’s  learning  outcomes, directly  and indirectly.

Keywords: physical  activity;  motor  ability;students  perception  of classroom  management; Physical Education; academic achievement


34. Asrianti



2020 The Influence of Motivation, Discipline And Body Fitness To The Performance of High School/Vocational High School Certification Teachersasrianti

The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  determine  the  effect  of  Motivation,  Discipline and physical fitness on the performance of physical education teachers. This study uses the  path  analysis  method  (Path  Analysis).  To  see  the  direct  effect  between  variables Motivation, Discipline and physical fitness on the work of physical education teachers. The  sample  used  was  102  certified  physical  education  teachers  in  the  province  of Southeast   Sulawesi.   Motivation,   discipline   and   performance   are   measured   using questionnaires  that  have  been  validated  by  experts.  Physicalfitness  is  measured  by using  five  items  of  fitness  tests  namely  body  lift  test  for  men  and  elbow  bend  for  girls, sit-ups, push-ups running back and forth and endurance that is running with a distance of  2.4km.  Data  analysis  technique  uses  path  analysis.  The  finding  of  the  variable Variable  where  1)  Motivation  Variable  (X1)  has  a  direct  positive  effect  on  teacher performance  (Y),  amounting  to  (R2  =  0.194).  2)  Discipline  Variable  (X2)  has  a  direct positive  effect  on  teacher  performance  (Y),  amounting  to  (R2 =  0.160).  3)  Physical fitness variable (X3) has a direct positive effect on teacher performance (Y), amounting to  (R2  =  0.376).  4)  Motivation  Variable  (X1)  has  a  direct  positive  effect  on  physical fitness (X3), amounting to (R2 = 0.375). 5) Discipline variable (X2) has a direct positive effect on physical fitness (X3), amounting to (R2 = 0.889). 6) Motivation Variable (X1) has a direct positive effect on Discipline (X2), amounting to (R2 = 0.580). Of the three independent variables that gave the greatest contribution to improving the performance of physical education teachers was physical fitness (R2 = 0.376). From this study it can be  councluded  that  a  teacher  who  has  good  physical  fitness  wil  produce  good performance while teching  at school.

Keywords: Discipline, Motivation and Physical Fitness


35. Muhsana El Cintami Lanosno




2020 Interactive Multimedia Based Model of Jurus Tunggal Tangan Kosong This study aims to develop an interactive multimedia-based jurus tunggal tangan kosong learning  model  and  to  test  the  effectiveness  of  the  interactive  multimedia-based jurus tunggal  tangan  kosong learning  model  on  the  improvement  of  empty-handed  single-handed skills. The research method used is the research and development (R & D) model of  the  Borg  and  Gall  with  ten  research  steps.  Data  collection  using  observation, questionnaires,   and   interviews,   data   analysis   techniques   using   qualitative   and quantitative  data.  The  stages  start  from  (1)  Research  and  information  collecting,  the results of needs analysis show that there is a need for renewal of learning that is more effective, innovative and can learn anywhere at any time without being limited by space and  time.  (2)  Planning,  making  a  research  plan  by  forming  a  team  according  to  the expertise needed to help develop research products. (3) Develop Preliminary of Product makes learning application models / designs in the form of videos, images and audio as well as theoretical feasibility tests by involving expert judgment, namely learning experts, material experts and media experts. (4) Preliminary Field Testing tests the product at an early  stage  involving  20  student  trial  subjects.  (5)  Main  Product  Revision,  improving products  being  developed  that  have  been  tested.  (6)  Main  Field  Testing,  testing the product  again  with  a  number  of  subjects  consisting  of  100  students  from  five  schools, each consisting of 20 test subjects. (7) Operational Product Revision, attacking products developed based on suggestions and input on field trials (8) Operational Field Testing, effectiveness  testing  involving  80  students  consisting  of  40  control  groups  and  40 experimental  groups  (9)  Final  Product  Revision,  Improving  learning  products  single-handed   form   based   on   interactive   multimedia   before   being   disseminated.   (10) Dissemination and implementation of this research has been socialized to professional forums  and  the  general  public  and  has  received  a  copyright  certificate.  The  resulting products are interactive multimedia applications and textbooks. The results showed that the  interactive  multimedia-based  single-handed  pencak  silat  learning  model  was effective in  improving  junior  high  school students’  learning  outcomes  of jurus  tunggal tangan kosongskills.

Keywords:Learning, Pencak   Silat,   Jurus   Tunggal   Tangan   Kosong,   Multimedia interactive


36. Albert Wolter Aridan Tangkudung



2020 The Effect Strength, Hand-Eye Coordination, Fat Thickness And Self-Confidenceon Battingcricket Skills

The  purpose  this  study  was  to  determine  the  direct  effect Strength,  hand-eye coordination,  fat  thickness  and  self  confidence  towards batting skills  in  cricket. Research  method  this  study  used  quantitative  research  with  technique  analysis  path analysis  approach.  And  the  population  and  (total  sampling)this  study  as  36  athletes regional   and   national   championships   PCI   (Cricket   Association) DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.Results  of  this  research:  (1) Strengthhas  a  direct  effect  of batting Cricket athlete  PCI DKIJakarta,  coefisient  as  0.235  (2)  Hand-eye  coordination  has  a  direct effect of battingCricket athlete PCI DKIJakarta, coefisient as 0.530. (3) Fat thickness has a direct effect on battingCricket athlete PCI DKI Jakarta, coefisient as 0.029.(4) Self-confident has a direct effect on battingCricket athlete PCI DKIJakarta, coefisient as  0,259.(5) Strengthhas  a  direct  effect  on  Self-confident  athlete PCI  DKI  Jakarta, coefisient  as 0,280.(6) Hand-eye  coordination  has  a  direct  effect  on  Self-confident athlete  PCI DKI  Jakarta,  coefisient  as  0,317.(7)  Fat  thickness  has  a  direct  effect  on Self-confident athlete PCI DKI Jakarta, coefisient as 0,262.Concluded   that Strength,   hand-eye   coordination,   fat   thickness   and   self confidence  have  a  total  effect  as  0.708  or  70.80%  on BattingCricket  skills  and  the influence of 0.292% is influenced by other variables.

Keywords: Strength, hand-eye  coordination,  fat  thickness,  self  confidence, battingcricket skills.


37. Andi Saparia



2020 Smash Skill In Volleyball Game

The  purpose  of  this  research is  to  find  out  the  effect  plyometric  training method  through  smash  skill  in volleyball  game  to  be  observed  eye  and  hand coordination.This experimental study was designed with a 2×3 factorial design, and was carried out in the Tadulako University Physical Education Study Program with a sample  of  60  male  students  of  second  semester. The  data  were  analyzed  by  using “Anava” (Analysis Varians) and Tukey Test. The result of the research shows that: (1) The pliometric training method of the Pyramid Box Jump training group with the Front Box Jump pliometric training method worth = 3.954 >3.168, means that h0 is rejected. 2) Difference between the Box Jump Pyramid training method group and the Knee  Tuck  Jump  pliometric  exercise  group  method,  worth  =  3.954  >  3.168,  means that h0 is rejected. 3) The difference between the Front Box Jump pliometric training method  group  and  the  Knee  Tuck  Jump  pliometric  training  group  method,  worth  = 3.954 > 3.168, means that h0 is accepted. 4) Effect of interaction (AB) worth = 6.551 >  3.168  means  h0  is  rejected.  5)  Difference  in  volleyball  smash  skills  between  the Box  Jump  pyramid  training  method  with  high  hand  eye  coordination  and  the  Front Box Jump pliometric training method with high hand eye coordination, worth = 5.58 >  4.23  means  H¬o  is  rejected.  6)  The  difference  in  volleyball  smash  skills  between the Box Jump pyramid training method and high hand eye coordination and the Knee Tuck Jump pliometric training method with high hand eye coordination worth = 5.07 > 4.23 means that h0 is rejected. 7) Difference in volleyball smash skills between the Front Box Jump pliometric training method with high hand eye coordination and the Knee Tuck Jump pliometric training method with high hand eye coordination, worth =  5.5  >  4.23  means  that  h0  is  rejected.  8)  Difference  in  volleyball  smash  skills between the Box Jump pyramid training method and low hand eye coordination and the  Front  Box  Jump  pliometric  training  method  with  low  hand  eye  coordination worth  =  1.35  <  4.23  means  that  h0  is  accepted.  9)  Differences  in  volleyball  smash skills between the Box Jump pyramid training method and low hand eye coordination and the Knee Tuck Jump pliometric training method with low hand eye coordination worth  =  4.06  <4.23  means  that  h0  is  accepted.  10)  Difference  in  volleyball  smash skills  between  the  Front  Box  Jump  pliometric  trainingmethod  and  low  hand  eye coordination and the Knee Tuck Jump pliometric training method with low hand eye coordination  worth  =  4.71>  4.23  means  that  h0  is  rejected.Thus,  the  conclusion of this  research  is that there  are  an effect  of  plyometric training  method  in  smash  skill  of volleyball.

Keywords: smash skill, volleyball,plyometric training method, eye hand coordination


38. Jufrianis



2021 The Effect Leg Muscle Explosive Power, Pelvis Joint’s Flexibility, Eye-Foot Coordination, Nutrition Status And Self Confidence Towards Sepak Takraw Kedeng Smashskill

The  purpose  of  the  research  is  to  find  out  direct  influence  of leg  muscle’s explosive  power,  pelvis joint’s flexibility, eye-foot coordination, nutritional  statusand self  confidence  towards    sepaktakraw’s  kedeng smash skills. The research method used  in  the  research  is  quantitative.  The  analysis  technique  uses  path  analysis approach. The  number  of  research  population  is  50 Sepak  takrawathletes  of  PSTI (Persatuan  Sepak  Takraw  Indonesia)    DKI  Jakarta,  the  sampling  technique  is  total sampling.  The  total  samples  in  the  research  are  50  athletes  joining  regional  and national championship.The  research  results  is  :  (1)  leg muscle’s explosive power directly influencekedeng smash skill of 0.379 (2) pelvis joint’s flexibility directly influence kedeng smash skill  of  0.216  (3)  eye-foot  coordination  directly influencekedeng smash skill  of  0,243 (4)  nutrition  status  directly influence  kedeng smash skill  of  0.216  (5)  self  confidence directly influence kedeng smash skill of 0,264 (6) leg muscle’s  explosive power directly influence  self  confidence  of  0,273  (7) pelvis joint’s flexibility directly influence self confidence of 0,285 (8) eye-foot coordination directly influence self confidence of 0.268 (9) nutition status directly influence self confidence of 0.253.Hence, it can be concluded that the leg muscle’s explosive power, pelvis joint’s flexibility, eye-foot coordination, nutrition status and self confidence directly influence kedeng smash skill  of sepak  takrawathletes    of  PSTI  (Persatuan  Sepak  Takraw Indonesia) DKI Jakarta.

Keywords: leg muscle’sexplosive power, pelvis joint’s flexibility, eye-footcoordination, nutrition status,self confidence,


39. Oktariyana




2021 Mobile Learning Models In Rhythmics Gymnastics Subjects At The High School / Vocational Level

This study aims to develop and test the effectiveness of the mobile learning model in  rhythmic  gymnastics  subjects  to  improve  the  physical  fitness  of  high  school  / vocational students. The research method used is research and development from Borg  and  Gall  theory  which  has  10  stages  of  development.  Data  collection  uses observation,  questionnaire,  interview,  and  test.  The  data  analysis  technique  used in  this  study  isdescriptive qualitativeandquantitative statistics.  The  product produced  is  the  rhythmic  gymnastics  learning  application  and  the  application user manual is equipped with a Batara Gymnastics motion guide (Bumi Sriwijaya Bugar Tangkas Gembira). The design of this study used a pretest-posttest control group design to determine the initial and final abilities of the experimental group and  the  control  group.  The  significant  test  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  mobile learning  model  in  rhythmic  gymnastics  subjects  using  the  t-test.  Before  the  data were analyzed, the normality test was carried out on the results of the increase in the  experimental  group  and  the  control  group  with  (n  =  60)  male  and  female students at the high school / vocational high school students. The results obtained from  the  VO2Max  data  test  results  of  male  and  female  students,  the  significance value  (sig.),  Namelythe  Kolmogorov-Smirnov  test  and  the  Shapiro-Wilk  test> 0.05,  means  the  data  is  normally  distributed  Furthermore,  the  t-test  was  carried out  using  the  independent  sample  test.  From  the  data  from the  male  VO2Max results, the t value = 5.623 and the Sig. (2-tailed) or p-value = 0.000 <0.05 or Ho is  rejected.  Meanwhile,  from  the  data  of  women’s  VO2Max  results,  the  t  value  = 6.168 and the Sig. (2-tailed) or p-value = 0.001 <0.05 or Ho is rejected. Thus, the proposed  hypothesis  is  tested  by  the  data,  so  it  can  be  concluded  that  there  is  a significant increase in the physical fitness results of male and female high school / vocational  high  school  students after  being  given  gymnastics  with  the  mobile learning  model.  Furthermore,  to  determine  the  effectiveness  of  using  the  mobile learning model in the subjects of rhythmic gymnastics at the SMA / SMK level, it can  be  tested  by  calculating  the  n-gain  score.  The  n-gain  score  was  obtained  on the male VO2Max data with an average n-gain score for the experimental class of 77.54% in the “effective” category. The average n-gain score for the control class was  42.16%  in  the  “less  effective”  category.  Meanwhile,  the  n-gain  score  in  the women’s  VO2Max  data  with  an  average  n-gain  score  for  the  experimental  class was 76.41% in the “effective” category, and the n-gain score for the control class was 46.37% in the “effective” category. less effective”.So it can be concluded that the   use   of   rhythmic   gymnastics   learning   model   based   on   mobile   learning “effective”  can  improve  the  physical  fitness  of  high  school  /  vocational  school students.

Keywords: Learning  Model,  Mobile  Learning,  Rhythmic  Gymnastics,  Batara Gymnastics


40. Khurotul Aini




2021 Overhead Pass Exercise Volleyball Model Game Based For Extracurricular Junior High School Participants

The  purpose  of  this  research  is  to  develop  a  training  model  of  overhead  pass variations on game-based volleyball. This study was also conducted to find out the results  of  the  application  of  the  passing  practice  model  for  volleyball  through effectiveness  tests  on  volleyball  extracurricular  participants  at  the  junior  high school  level.  This  research  and  development  used  the  Research  &  Development (R&D) method of Borg  & Gall using ten steps. The subjects of this research and development  were  male  students  who participated  in  volleyball  extracurricular activities  in  Makassar  City.  To  conduct  an  effective  test by using  the  pass  test instrument  from  Russel-Lange.  The  design  of  this  study  used  a  pretest-posttest control group design to determine the initial abilityof the experimental group and the control group. A significance test of the effectiveness and efficiency of the game-based  volleyball  training  model  was  carried  out in two  groups  using  the  t-test procedure and the application of SPSS21. Before the data were analyzed normality tests were carried out on the results of increasing the experimental group (n = 60) and  the  control  group  (n  =  60)  on  passing  skills  on  volleyball  using  the Kolmogorov-Smirnov  test  at  the  real  level  α  =  0.05.  The  results  showeda significant  value  for the experimental  group  data  of  0.090  and the  control  group data of 0.065. Because the significance value of the two groups is greater than α (0.05), the overall data of the study group is normally distributed. The effectiveness test of passing the volleyball model uses at-test with Equal variances assumed and Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances column values obtained F = 3.333 withsig or p-value = 0.070> 0.05, which means the population variance of the two groups is  the  same  or  homogeneous,  then  the  results  of  hypothesis  testing  on  Equal Variances Assumed and t-test for Equality of Means obtained values of t =10.971, df=18 and sig(2tailed) or p value=0.000<0.05 or H0 rejected. Thus the passing of the experimental group is higher or more effective than the control group. Then the  model  of  the  passing  game  on  volleyball  based  game  can  be  effectively  and efficiently given to the volleyball extracurricular participants in junior high school.

Key words: Training Model, Overhead Pass Volleyball, Games


41. Asep Prabowo



2021 The Effect of Body Mass Index, Stress, Fitness And Sport Motivation Against Body Fat (Causal Study and Path Analysis on Martial Athletes At KONI, Karawang Regency)



The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of BMI, stress, fitness and exercise on body fat. The research site was carried out at the athletes of the Indonesian National   Sports   Committee   (KONI),   Karawang   Regency.   The   study   used   14 respondents  consisting  of  8  women  and  6  men  as  the  research  sample  based  on purposive sampling with the criteria of martial athletes who were active in training for 2 years and over and had excess body weight.The  analytical  method  used  is  the  method  of  causal  studies  with  path  analysis using  analysis  of  pathways  1  and  2,  single  test  analysis  and  coefficient  testing.  The analysis approach in this study will also answer the effect of direct, indirect and total / causal effects.The results of this study answered the hypothesis based on structural equation 1 from  the  results  of  the  path  analysis  showing  that  the  variables  BMI  (X1),  stress  (X2), fitness  (X3),  exercise  motivation  (X4)  had  a  negative  and  significant  effect  on  body  fat (Y).  Furthermore,  structuralequation  2  from  the  results  of  the  path  analysis  variable X1,2,3has a positive and significant effect on X4. Then in sobel analysis the test variable X1,2,3has  an  indirect  and  significant  effect  on  Y  through  X4.  While  the  coefficient  that does not show the results of the variable X1has a big effect on Y, with a path coefficient value of 36.8%. Then based on the greatest test results: there is a direct effect between the  variables  X1,2,3,4on  Y,  where  X1has  the  bigger  influence.  Furthermore,  there  is  a direct  influence  between  the  variables  X1,2,3on  X4,  where  X2has  the  bigger  influence. Next, there is an indirect effect between variables X1,2,3on Y through X4, where X2has the  bigger  influence.  Furthermore,  there  is  a total  / causal  effect  between  variables X1,2,3, on Y through X4, where the variable X1has the bigger influence. Finally, there is a  total  /  causal  effect  between  the  variable  X1,2,3on  X4,  where  the  variable  X2has  the bigger influence.The conclusion of this research hypothesis is:1.Based  on  the  analysis  of  path  1  analysis,  there  is  a  negative  and  significant  direct effect of the variable X1,2,3,4on Y.2.Based  on  the  analysis  of  path  2  testing,  there  is  a  positive  and  significant  direct effect between the variables X1,2,3on X4.3.Based on  the  sobel  test  analysis,  there  is  a  negative  and  significant  indirect  effect X1,2,3on Y through X4.Based on the greatest test results, among others:1.On the direct effect where X1has a greater negative and significant effect on Y, with a path coefficient value of 36.8%.2.On  the  direct  effect  where  X2has  a  greater  positive  and  significant  effect  on  X4, with a path coefficient value of 45.3%.3.On  the  indirect  effect  where  X2has  a  greater  negative  and  significant  effect  on  Y through X4, with the sobel test of 16.4%.4.If we look deeper into the total / causal effect where the variable X1has the bigger influence, on Y through X4, with the calculation (0.408)  (-0.362) = -0.148. Then -0.368  + (-0.148)= -0.516  so  that  the  effect  of  BMI  data  on  body  fat  through motivation is -0.516. Then converted into a proportion of 51.6%

Keywords:BMI, stress, fitness, exercise motivation, body fat.


42. Ucok Hasian Refiater




2021 Shot Put O’brien Style Training Model (R&D Research Uses UDM Measuring Instruments)

This research aims to produce a new O’Brien shot put style training model, resulting in the  book  product  of  the  new  O’Brien’s  shot  put  style  model  used  in  the  O’Brien’s  shot put  style  practice.  The  method  used  in  this  research  is  development  research  adopted with the model development research design by ADDIE. The place for researching shot put athletes of KOP at Jakarta State University total of 32 Athletes at the Rawamangun Athletic   Stadium,   East   Jakarta.   Data   collection   obtained   is   through   observation, interviews,  and  questionnaires.  The  data  collection  stages  divide  at  the  initial  stage, which   consisted   of   five   phases,   starting   from   Analysis,   Design,   Development, Implementation, and Evaluating, to test the effectiveness and normality using statistical methods. The result of the study shows the  evaluation of athletic  experts, shot putters, and  movement  experts.  It  is  found  that  this  product  meets  the  proper  criteria  so  that  it can be used in the next research stage. In the Liliefors X (Pretest)normality test, the L0 value was 0.133 ≤ 0.142 and the Y (Posttest) value obtained an L0 value of 0.1309 ≤ 0.142.  So  that  all  data  have  a  normal  contribution.  The  results  of  the  effectiveness  of the t-test shot put training model were 0.97 greater than the t table. It marks 0.349 with a pretest mean of 7.29 while the posttest average was 7.43 so, it can be concluded that it has been seen and proven that the O’brien style training model is effective in increasing the results of athlete’s rejection shot.

Keywords: Training Model, shot put, O’Brien style.


43. Muhammad Iqbal




2021 Model of Multimedia-Based Futsal Skillslearning Development


The purpose of this development research is to produce a multimedia-based futsal skills learning  model  that  is  interesting  and  multimedia-based,  with  product  results  in  the form  of Video  Compact  Disks  (VCD)  that  can  be  used  in  delivering  futsal  learning material   to   achieve   the   expected   goals.   The   method   used   in   this   research   is development  research  adapted  to  the  development  research  design  by  Borg  and  Gall. Place  of  research  carried  out  on  STKIP  Kusumanegara  Jakarta  Physical  Education students.  Data  collection  is  done  by  observation,  interviews  and  questionnaires.  The stages  of  data  collection  are  carried  out  in  the  initial  stages,  expert  testing,  limited testing is carried out on small groups, field testing, effectiveness testing using statistical methods (t-test).  Research  results  prove;  from  the  results  of  the  evaluation  of  futsal experts  and  multimedia  experts  it  was  found  that  overall  the  product  met  the  criteria well  so  that  it  could  be  used  in  the  next  trial  phase.  The  results  of  small  group  trials obtained  a  percentage  of  91.69%  with  a  good  category,  while  the  results  of  the  large group  trials  obtained  a percentage  of  94.16%  with  a  good  category.  While  the  results of the effectiveness test of futsal skills can be proven from the total final scores on the pretest  results  of  94.08  and  posttest  results  of  142.30.  Then  in  the  analysis  of calculations using the gain score obtained an average gain score of 0.72, which means that  the  product  developed  has  a  contribution  at  a  high  level  in  the  futsal  training process.  So  it  can  be  concluded  that  through  multimedia-based  futsal  play  learning models  improve  futsal  skills  effectively  and  efficiently  and  can  be  used  in  actual practice and learning.

Keywords:Development, Futsal Learning Model, Multimedia


44. Fajar Vidya Hartono




2021 Freestyle Swimming Training Model Based on Blind Swimmer Aids The purpose of this researchwas to produce a blind swimmerfreestyle training model based on blind swimmer aids. The products produced werein the form of tools, books and videos that couldbe used in swimming training of the blind. The method used in this research was thedevelopment research  adapted  from  the  development  research  design  by  Borg  and  Gall.  The  research  was conducted in DKI Jakarta from January 2019 to January 2020 using blind swimming athletes in the  DKI  Jakarta  province  as the samples.  Data  collection  was  carried  out  by  observation, interviewsand questionnaires. The stages of data collection carried out at theinitialstage wereexpert testing, limited testing conducted onsmall groups, field testing, and effectiveness testing using statistical methods (t-test). The results of the research provethat, basedon the evaluation result of swimming experts and information and communication technology(ICT)experts, theproduct meets the good criteriaso it can be used in the next trial phase. It is evident that there is a difference in the percentage of improvement in the exercise results between the group without tools (10.05%) and the group using tools (11.32%). Itmeansthat the improvementin the group using tools is higher than the group without tools. Therefore,it can be concluded that the blind swimmer’s freestyle swimming training model based on the blind swimmer tool is proven to be effective  and  efficient  in  improving  the  results  of  the  freestyle  swimming  training  for  blind athletes.

Keywords : Development, Blind Freestyle Swimmer TrainingModel, Blind Swimmer Aids


45. Siti Ayu Risma Putri



2021 Development of Basic Engineering Learning Models Through The Play Approach Forjunior High School


This  study  aims  to  develop  a  learning  model  for  basic  volleyball  techniques through  a  playing  approach  and  to  test  the  effectiveness  of  the  volleyball  basic technique  learning  model  through  the  play  approach in  improving  junior  high school volleyball  learning  outcomes.  The  research  method  used  is  research  and development  which  adopts  the  theory  of  Borg  and  Gall  which  has  10  steps.  The data  analysis  techniques  used  in  this  research  were  qualitative  and  quantitative. The design of this study used a pretest-posttestcontrol group design to determine the   initial   abilities   of   the   experimental   group   and   the   control   group.   The significant  test  of  the  effectiveness  of  the  basic  technique  of  volleyball  learning model  through  the  play  approach  uses  the  t-test.  Before  the  data  analysis,  the normality  test  was  carried  out  on  the  results  of  the  increase  in  the  experimental group and the control group by (n = 40) in the basic technique of volleyball using the real level  = 0.05.  The results of this study indicate a significant value for the experimental  group  data  of  0.13  and  the  control  group  data  of  0.09.  Because  the significant  value  of  the  two  groups  is  greater  than  0.05,  the  overall  data  for  the study  group  is  normally distributed.  The  effectiveness  test  of  the  basic  technique of volleyball using the t-test with t count 10.524 and t table 2.024. Thus the basic technique  of  the  experimental  group  is  higher  or  more  effective  than  the  control group.  So  the  learning  model  of  basic  volleyball  techniques  through  an  effective and efficient playing approach is givento junior high school students.

Keywords: Learning Model, Basic Technique, Volleyball.


46. Ridho Bahtra



2021 Development of Endurancetraining Models Toimprove Vo2max of Football Players Age  U-18

The purpose of this study was to develop an endurance training model to increase the  VO2 max  of footballplayers  aged  U-18.The  method  used  in  this  research  is the  research  and  development  (R  &  D)  development  research  method  from  Borg and Gall.While the research design used was the pre-test-post-test control group design.The  subjects  in  this  study  were  soccer  players  aged  U-18  and  involved  9 football  clubs,  1  club  for  small  group trials,  6  clubs  for  largegroup  trials  and  2 clubs  for  effectiveness  test.The  stages  in  this  research  and  development  are:  1) needs  analysis,  2)  expert  validation,  3)  small  group  trials,  4)  large  group  trials, and  5)  effectiveness  test.The  instruments  used  in  the  study  were:  1) interviews and  questionnaires  for  model  development,  2)  Yo-Yo  Intermittent  Recovery  Test (Yo-Yo  IR  test)  to  collect  VO2Max  data.The  data  analysis  in  this  study  used  the mean  difference  test  (t-test)  statistical  method  to  see  the  effectiveness  of  the training  model.The  results  of  the  data  analysis  show  that:  1) The  endurance training  model  to  increase  VO2max  of  soccer  players  aged  U-18  can  be  applied in  endurance  training  in  football,2)  The  effectiveness  test  data  shows  tcount (2.19)>  t  table  (1.684),  it can  be  concluded  that  the  football  endurance  training model  is  more  effectivethan  the conventional  training  modelin  increasing  the VO2max of soccer players aged U-18.

Key Word: Model Development, Endurance, VO2max, Football


47. Aldo Naza Putra




2021 Learning Development Model Skill Soccertechniques Through Approachesgame Analytical Game

This  study  aims  to  develop  a  model  of  basic  technical  skills  training  in  football through  the  Game  Analytical  Game  approach  for  SSB  PSTS  students  in  Padang,  West Sumatra,  aged  6-9  years.This  research  was conducted  at  Tabing  Padang’s  SSB  PSTS involving  expert  football  coaches  and  SSB  trainers  as  well  as  students  aged  between  6 years and 9 years as research subjects. The method used in this research is Research and Development  based  on  Borg  and  Gall  references  by  collecting  data  on  field  needs analysis,  after  that  the  data  is  used  as  a  basis  for  making  a  model  of  the  results  of  this study.  Data  were  analyzed  statistically  to  determine  the  effectiveness  of  this  model. Testing  Mean  difference  test  (t-test)  is  useful  for  seeing  the  difference  between  the experimental group and the control group. After the entire research process was carried out,  a  model  of  basic  technical  skill  training  was  born  through  the  Game  Analytical Game approach called “Aldo’s GAG Model”.The   results   of   data   analysis   and   interpretation   show   that:   1)   The   Game Analytical  Game  training  model  developed  can  be  used  and  applied  to  improve  and improve the basic technical skills of playing football for children aged 6-9 years, 2) The Game  Analytical  Game  training  model  developed  it  is  effective  for  improving  and improving the basic technical skills of playing football for children aged 6-9 years.


Keywords: GAG Training Model, Soccer BasicTechniquesSkills.Soccer


48. Rusdi


2021 Effects of Teaching Style And Motivation Againstbutterfly Style Swimming Skills (Experimental Study on Teaching Style And Motivation In Students FPOK IKIP PGRI Pontianak) Introduction:The teaching style in which the lecturer dominates, especially in learning sports,  students  accept  and  only  follow  what  the  lecturer  says  or  orders,  this  makes students  not  creative,  afraid,  just  follows  the  lecturer’s  orders  without  knowing  the benefits of learning, so that arises. feeling bored, with the teaching style of the lecturer. Dare  to  change  the  teaching  pattern  that  is  usually  monotonous  and  centralized  to lecturers  to  be  centralized  to  students,  increase  creativity  and  give  responsibility  in carrying  out  the  tasks  assigned  by  the  lecturer,  this  is  where  the  role  of  lecturers  is demanded to be observant and dare to make changes. Training styles, reciprocity and inclusion are some of the teaching styles from Mosston, where the teaching style gives more influence to students in carrying out learning and exercises that can play a role in improving butterfly swimming skills.The purposeof this study was to determine the differences in the effect of training styles, reciprocal teaching styles, teaching inclusion and motivation on butterfly style swimming skills.  This  study  involved  48  male  students  who  took  the  basic  motion  course  of swimming  on  the  campus  of  the  Teachers’  Association  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  in Pontianak in the physical educationprogram of health and recreation.Method:A quantitative experiment using a 3×2 factorial design. Students who were given a questionnaire to see high and low motivation were then divided into 6 study groups bylot. Before giving the treatment, students were tested pre-test their swimming skills, then they were given a teaching style and finally tested (post-test) their swimming skills to see the improvement in their swimming skills.Findings:At high motivation, it was found that the inclusive teaching style was better than the exercise teaching style and the reciprocal teaching style students felt happy with the inclusion and exercise teaching style, while at low motivation the reciprocal teaching style was better than the exercise and inclusion teaching style. Relaxing in the reciprocal teaching style compared to the training and inclusion styles, while overall the inclusion teaching style was better than the reciprocal and exercise styles.Conclusion:the three learning styles can be used in learning butterfly style swimming skills, the inclusion style is better than the reciprocal and exercise styles.

Keywords:Teaching Style, Motivation, Swimming


49. Andi Mulya



2021 Headlines Tempo Sports News Policy (Sport Journalistic Evaluation Studytempo Magazine Published, 1971-2015)

The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  evaluate  the  sports  journalism  policy  of Tempo Magazine which was published in 1971-2015, with the evaluation method using the  CIPP  model  developed  by  Stufflebeam  which  includes  the  following  context components:(1) SIUPP and Work Guidelines, (2) Vision and Mission / Code of Ethics (3)  Editorial  Management.  (4)  Education  and  Exercise.  Next  Input:  (1)  Editor,  (2) Recruitment,  (3)  Carrying  capacity  of  facilities  and  infrastructure,  (4)  Carrying capacity  of  funds/Whereas  Process:  (1)  Organizing  Editor,  (2)  Reader  Response,  (3) Protection  Law  for  Journalists.  Last  component  of  Product:  (1)  Tempo  MagazineDistribution (2) Reader’s Criticism, (3) Other Party Appreciation. This research uses a qualitative   approach.   Data   collection   with   interviews,   questionnaires,   and   study documents. Research informants are journalists and editors, and the Tempo Magazine Documentation and Information Center, and Editor in Chief Tempo. Research location in Jakarta, namely at the Tempo Magazine office.  The results of this study indicate the suitability of the SIUPP and the Work Guidelines, vision, mission / Code of Ethics withthe  policy  and  commitment  of  all  human  resources  of  the  Magazine  Tempo  in processing the work of sports journalism. So Tempo magazine products  has news that meets  the  criteria  for  writing  sports  journalism,  despite  the  news  certainly  received  a response pitched in criticismor protest against Tempo Magazine.Some    awards    and awards  from  other  parties  were  received  by  Tempo  Magazine  as  a  national  media presents  various  news  including  sports  news.  The  conclusion  of  the  research  is Magazine Tempo has intellectual capital and the ability to apply sports journalism, so that it can be maintained and become a reference to improve journalism future sports.


Keywords: Evaluation, CIPP, Sports Journalism, Tempo Magazine.

50. Ugi Nugraha



2021 The Development of Sports Tourism In The Lake Sipin Region of Jambi City

This study aimed to analyze the sport tourism development in the area of Danau Sipin Jambi  and  the  impact  of  sports  tourism  development  on  the  environment, economy  and  social.  This  type  of  research  used  in  this  research  was  descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This study  used a  case study research design to illustrate  in  depth  how  the  sport  tourism  development  in  the  area  of  Danau  Sipin Jambi.  Data  collection  techniques  was  used  were  in-depth  interviews,  documentation and observation. The results of this study revealed the findings that: 1) The potential of Danau Sipinis the geographical location of the area in the middle of Jambi City allows the  development  of Danau  Sipinas  a  natural  tourist  destination,  but  still  takes  into account  the  proximity  to  the  market;  2)  Development  of  sports  tourism  in  the  Danau Sipin   area   through   organizing   rowing   sports   events   such   as   traditional   boat competitions  and  national  junior  level  rowing  championships  and  facilitating  the community  to  be  actively  involved  in  sports  activities  by  constructing  various  sports facilities  that  can  be  used  by  the  community,  such  as  jogging  tracks,  outdoor  fitness  , long  cliff  venues,  skateboards  and  so  on;  3)  The  impact  of  the  development  of  sports tourism  on  the  economic  aspectare the  growth  of  new  sources  of  livelihood  for  the people  around  the Danau  Sipinarea,  the  increase  in  the  contribution  of  tourism  to regional income of Jambi Province and Jambi City, increased income of small traders, opportunities  for Micro,  Small  and  Medium  Enterprisesin  Jambi  City  to  introduce their  products,  the  growth  of  self-reliance  the  community  builds  a  vehicle  for  tourism around  the  area,  and  the  growth  of  business  groups  managed  independently  by  the community, such as batik houses and screen printing; 4) The impact of the development of  sports  tourism  on  the  socio-cultural  aspects arethe  growth  of public  awareness  onpreserving  cultural  heritage,  organizing  cultural  events  in  the Danau  Sipinarea, changing  the  bad  image  of  the  Danau  Sipin area  which  was  previously  known  as  the center of drug distribution.and increasing public enthusiasm into rowing sport; and 5) The impact of the development of sport tourism on environmental aspects, namely that the  development  of  the Danau  Sipin  tourism  area  is  carried  out  by  considering environmental  aspects  such  as  flood  prevention  by  controlling  the  discharge  of  water entering  and  leaving  Danau  Sipin,  handling  waste  entering  the  areas,  and  control  of cage culture that has exceeded the capacity limit of the areas and did not interfere with environmental sustainability around the areas.

Keywords: Sport tourism, development, Danau Sipin