1. | Anggit Tiyas Fitra Romadani 7316140210 | 2016 | Moral Value In “Cinta Suci Zahrana” Novel By Habiburrahman El-Shirazy (Semiotics Structure Study)
This research aims to assess the intrinsic structure and moral values in the novel “Cinta Suci Zahrana” made by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Intrinsic structure that will be assessed are the theme, plot, character and characterization, setting, point of view, and language style. Then, moral value in the novel is analyzed by using semiotics studies which consists of icon, index, symbol, and the kind of moral values in the novel. This research uses qualitative approach. The method that is used is content analysis. The data of this research are words which consists of moral value of “Cinta Suci Zahrana” novel by Habiburahman El Shirazy. The data is analyzed by using interactive analysis model. There are three ways to analyze the data, data reduction, data display, and verification. Validity of the data is gotten by using triangulation method and triangulation source. Based on the research analysis and discussion there are some conclusios. The first, “Cinta Suci Zahrana novel is the novel that reflects the love strugle of an intelligent, religious and achievement women. The theme of this novel is about love expectation from Zahrana. The moral values in the novel is disclosed by using icon, symbol and index. In “Cinta Suci Zahrana” novel does not have much moral value is expressed using icons. Habiburrahman does not have much use icons in the novel. Habiburrahman expresses more moral values by using indexes and symbols. In “Cinta Suci Zahrana” novel There are many moral values are expressed using the index and symbols. Then the moral values can be categorized into three types, namely moral revelation ethics, ethics rules and ethics of the situation. Habiburrahman;s novel includes so many kinds of moral values of religious novel which are categorized into types of ethical revelation. Then, this novel also has many moral values which fall in this type of ethical rules. However, Habiburrahman only shows few moral values which fall in the ethics of the situation.
Keywords: Cinta Suci Zahrana novel, moral value, semiotics structure.
2. | Eva Yenita Syam 7316100173 | 2016 | Shifting Minangkabau Cultural Values in a Guest Novel by Wisran Hadi (A Study of Genetic Structuralism)
This novel analysis used genetic structuralism with dialectic method Lucian Goldman. The objective of this qualitative research was to explore the value friction from novel Tamu that happened in Minangkabau society through analysis intrinsic and extrinsic. Qualitative method was used to describe the friction of the value, in this research focused on three questions. (1) describe the shift in values of kindship, (2) describe the shift in value treasure, (3) describe the shift in the value of religion in Minangkabau society of the novel. Based on the research, researcher found out forms of value friction in Minangkabau society based on the background of the novel Tamu. (1) kinship value shifts that occur are: a) mamak-kemenakan relationship, b) mamak rumah-sumando relationship, c) relationship brother-sister. (2) shift value inheritance happens is: a) ownership surau, b) pandam pakuburan, c) and mamak ransom demanded compensation treasures. (3) the sift in religious values that occur are: a) shifting function surau, b) believe in mystical forces, c) leaving prayers, d) and having sex outside marriage. The political system during new order regime which was outoriter and centralistic influence the friction of value in the Minangkabau society. Those friction was proven by counterfeiting certificate and autograph on land possession document, overtaking land by government for infrastructure development, people under oppression by government officer, bribing government officer to overcome court case.
Keywords: novel, value friction, Minangkabau
3. | Sony Haryadi
7316168019 |
2019 | The Relationship between Vocabulary Knowledge and Grammar Knowledge with English Speaking Skills (Correlational Studies in Class XI Students at SMA Negeri 1 Salem) | This study aims at determining the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and grammar mastery with English speaking skills at SMA Negeri 1 Salem which was conducted from March toJune 2020. This study involves three variables which are two independent variables and one dependent variable. The first independent variable is vocabulary knowledge and the second independent variable is grammar mastery. Meanwhile, the dependent variableis English speaking skill. All students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Salem with the total of 7 classes, consisting of three MIA classes and four IIS classes were the population of the study. Purposive sampling was used as the sampling method.Based on the research results, there was no significant relationship between vocabulary knowledge and English speaking skills. This can be seen from the significance value of 0.757>0.05. Furthermore, there was no relationship between grammar mastery and speaking skill. This can also be seen from the high significance value of 0.702>0.05. Finally, there was no significant relationship between vocabulary knowledge and grammar mastery with English speaking skills since the significance value is 0.882>0.05. Therefore, there was no significant relationship between vocabulary knowledge and grammar mastery with English speaking skills neither partially nor simultaneously.
Keywords: correlation, vocabulary knowledge, grammar mastery, English speaking skill
4. | Chairul Fahmi 7316140725 | 2020 | Tasybih in Surah Al-Baqarah (stylistics analysis) | The purpose of this research is to understand the form of Tasybih contained in the letter al-Baqarah. Tasybih or parables we often find in the verses of the al-Qur’an. And al-Baqarah as the longest letter in the al-Qur’an mentions this tasybih several times in its verse. Of course this mention of tasybih is not without purpose and purpose. The parables conveyed by God must have a purpose and a lesson so that His people understand and understand. This study uses a qualitative approach with stylistics analysis methods. The data collected is the type of tasybih, the form of tasybih and the purpose of tasybih. The types of tasybih contained in surah al-Baqarah include 1 verse containing Tasybih Mursal Mufashal (verse 146), then 7 verses containing Tasybih Mursal Mujmal (verses 74, 165, 171, 183, 200, 219, 261) and 3 verses which contains the type of Tasybih Baligh verse (18,222,245). Meanwhile, in terms of form, the tasybih in surah al-Baqarah is tasybih tamtsil which consists of 5 verses (verses 17,19, 264,264,265) and tasybih maqlub totaling 1 (verse 275). This research is expected to be a reference in learning balaghah science. and the knowledge of the Qur’an among students.
Keywords: Stylistics Analysis, Tasybih, al-Baqarah, Musyabbah, Musyabbah bih
5. | Deswita Davi Isa
7316140217 |
2020 | Action of The Directive In The Jean-Christophe Jean-Christophe Comic Dialogue of The Jean-Christophe Camus, Lilian Thuram And Benjamin Chaud | The objective of this study is to understand comprehensively the directive speech acts contained in the comic Tous Super-Héros by Jean-Christophe Camus, Lilian Thuram and Benjamin Chaud which includes forms, contexts and functions. The data analysed were dialogues between the characters in the Tous Super-Héros comic that were found in the dialogue balloon. The data, hereafter processed through a content analysis method with a qualitative approach. Qualitative approach used here is an approach that investigates a social phenomenon and human problems which the data collected consists of words (or text) from the expressions between speakers and interlocutors in the dialogue. Analysis of the findings shows that declarative sentence as a form of directive speech act has the highest intensity of 41.86%, the context of commands and warnings as the context of directive speech acts has the highest intensity of 20.93%, and advisories as a directive speech act function has the highest intensity of 24.41% . The findings in this study have implications for general French language insights, and for understanding the social and cultural of French expressions.
Keywords: Comic, Expression, Illocutionary, Speech Act
6. | Lucy Aisyiah
7316167558 |
2020 | Relationship of Vocabulary Knowledge And Anxiety Levels With English Speaking Skills (Research Experiment at SMP Bina Putra, Tangerang Regency) | This research is a descriptive quantitative study which aims: (1) Is there a positive and significant correlation between vocabulary knowledge and English speaking skills, (2) Is there a positive and significant correlation between anxiety levels and English speaking skills. (3) Is there a positive and significant correlation between vocabulary knowledge and anxiety level with English speaking skills. The subjects in this study were seventh grade students of the 2019/2020 school year at Bina Putra Junior High School. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire (questionnaire) and tests. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive and significant relationship between vocabulary knowledge and English speaking skills, (2) There is a positive influence between anxiety levels and English speaking skills, and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between knowledge of vocabulary and level of anxiety with English speaking skills.
Keywords: vocabulary, anxiety level, speaking skills.
7. | Tarmi
7316167164 |
2021 | The Influence of Task Based Learning and Problem Based Learning Strategies Mediated by Reading Interest on Exposition Text Writing Skill an Experimental Research on X Grade Students in Karawang 3 Private Vocational High School Academic Year of 2020/2021 | This study aims at determining the influence of Task Based Learning (TBL) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) and reading interest thought students’ exposition text writing skill on X OTKP 1 and 2 Grade Students in Karawang 3 Private Vocational High School Academic Year of 2020/2021. The research subjects consisted of 36 studentseach classwho were divided into two classess (N = 18for the TBL and N=18for the PBL class). This study used a quantitative method with experimental research and 2X2 factorial design. The findings obtained that exposition text writing skill with PBL were higher than those who studied with TBL. It can be seen from (1) F (A) = 20.961 >F (table) = 4.12 then H0is rejectedand H1is accepted. (2) F (AB) = 8.283 >F (table) = 4.12 then H0is rejected and H1is accepted.. (3) There weresignificant difference between exposition text writing skill of students who were taught with the TBL strategy than students who were taught the PBL strategies at the students who had high reading interest. (4) There were significant difference between exposition text writing skill of students who were taught with the PBL strategy than students who were taught the TBL strategies at the students who had low reading interest. So, it can be concluded that the PBL strategies is significantly influential to students who got high reading interest and TBL strategiesis signifiicantly influential to students who got low reading interest toward exposition text writing skill.
Keywords: Exposition Text Writing Skill, Problem Based Learning, Reading Interest, Task Based Learning.
8. | Hidayat Widiyanto
7316168014 |
2021 | Indonesian Language Use on the Linguistic Landscape of School (Content Analysis Research Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics at SMPN 44 Jakarta) | This research aims to describe the use of Indonesian in the linguistic landscape of school at SMPN 44 Jakarta which is based on an analysis of social function, text structure, and linguistic element. This study uses a qualitative approach to content analysis method. The data of this research are in the form of phrases, sentences or paragraphs in Indonesian in advertising texts, posters, and slogans that located from the linguistic landscape at SMPN44 Jakarta. The data collection technique in this research uses literature technique, by observing linguistic landscape objects, identifying advertising text, posters, and slogans, capturing research objects, transcribing photos in text form, grouping andcoding data based on text type, and analyzing according to social function, text structure, and linguistic elements. The result of this study shows that from 124 data, there are 0.4% advertisement texts, 12% poster texts, and 83.6% slogans. The social function provides messages in eleven fields, (1) religion with 73 objects or 59%, (2) character, optimism, character totaling 16 objects or 13%, (3) discipline and work ethic totaling 9 objects or 7%, (4) literacy and knowledge amounted to 7 objects or 6%, (5) health amounted to 6 objects or 5%, (6) education services amounted to 4 objects or 5%, (7) cleanliness amounted to 3 objects or 2%, (8) extracurricular amounted to 2 objects or 2%, (9) cosmetics amounted to 2 objects or 2%, (10) the environment amountedto 1 object or 1%, and (11) drinks amounted to 1 object or 1%. From the 20 advertisements and poster texts there are 9 texts or 0.45% of the advertisement/poster structure appeared with the complete structure, orientation^advertisement/poster body^justification. Text with an orientation structure^advertisement/poster body is 6 texts or 0.30% and text with advertisement/poster body^justification is 5 texts or 0.25%. From the 104 slogan texts that have phrase structure as many as 74 texts are(71%), 24 textsare sentences (23%) and 6 texts are more than one sentence or paragraph (6%). From the linguistic element there are 112 texts using slogans (87). The Imperative are used in 16 text from 52 text or 30,77%. The Imperative sentences are used in 56.41%. From the 124 data there are only 3 objects or 2% that use the first-person pronoun.
Keywords: advertisement, linguistic landscape, poster, school, slogan |
9. | Fitri Astar
7316168005 |
2021 | The Influence of Integrative Model of Listening Strategy
Instruction And Vocabulary Knowledge on Japanese Listening Skill (online Experiment Research on Grade 12 Students of SMAN 21 Bekasi) |
The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of online listening strategy instruction, integrative model and vocabulary knowledge on Japanese listening skill. This is a quantitative research using a quasi-experimental method conducted at SMAN 21 Bekasi, West Java. Data were collected from 44 participants by giving pre-test and post-test using instruments related to Japanese listening skill. Participants’ vocabulary knowledge was also measured using a vocabulary knowledge test. The results showed that online listening strategy instruction, integrative model and vocabulary knowledge had no effect on the Japanese listening skill of grade XII students of SMAN 21 Bekasi. These results also show that there was no interaction between online listening strategy instruction, integrative model and vocabulary knowledge on the Japanese listening skill of grade 12 students of SMAN 21 Bekasi. Recommendations regarding other possible factors that can affect the effectiveness of online listening strategy instruction, integrative model are also discussed.
Keywords: Listening Strategy Instruction, Vocabulary Knowledge, Listening Skill, Japanese Language
10. | Hartanto Hadi
7316168013 |
2021 | Adaptation in the Transfer of Novel Wahana to Film Screenplay (Critical Eleven Novel by Ika Natassa to Film Screenplay by Jenny Jusuf, Ika Natassa, Monty Tiwa, and Robert Ronny) | Adaptation can be interpreted as the reprocessing of a literary work from one type to another by maintaining its original behavior, characters, style and tone. Richard Krevolin said that the successful adaptation captures the essence, spirit, and soul of the original novel. This research discusses characterization, structure, social issues, and dialogue in the adaptation process. The theory used is Kenneth Portnoy’s adaptation theory. The purpose of this research is to examine more deeply the characterization, structure, social issues, and dialogue. This study uses a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of Philipp Mayring’s model with a strategy of comparing the contents of novels and film scenarios. The method used is a qualitative method. The data in this study are words, phrases and sentences that show the forms of adaptation of the Critical Eleven novel to the scenario of the film Critical Eleven by Jenny Jusuf, Ika Natassa, Monty Tiwa, and Robert Ronny in the form of characterization, structure, social issues, and dialogue. The data collection techniques used in this study were library techniques, reading, understanding, identifying, and taking notes. The technique is done by reading over and over again, especially in words, phrases and sentences that explain how the forms of the Critical Eleven novel adaptation to the Critical Eleven film scenario by Jenny Jusuf, Ika Natassa, Monty Tiwa, and Robert Ronny. This research resulted in a change in Anya’s original characterization by making her a more resilient woman who knew her purpose in life. While Ale is described as cooler in the novel, he is described as a husband full of worries and easily emotional. The screenwriter should trim down the long descriptive part of the novel using action, dialogue, and other characters to reveal the characters. In a novel that has many social issues that occur, it requires the screenwriter to make it a problem. Good dialogue that sounds real, is short and keeps the story moving and connected a lot is created in the scenario.
Keywords: adaptation, novel, film scenario
11. | Erna Epriana
7316140731 |
2020 | The Language Style In Song Lyrick By Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (A Stylistics Study) | The aim of the research is to obtain a deep understanding of style song lyrics in the album Harmoni Alam Cinta dan kedamaian by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. A song writer will convey his message or ideas through the lyrics he created. Song lyrics can indeed be used as the delivery of the writer’s ideas, messages to the listeners, even as a learning medium to make it more memorable and enjoyable, because in the song there is an entertaining element. Not just entertaining, the song can even provide an overview of the social situation that is happening. This study uses a qualitative approach with a content analysis method, through a stylistics studies. Data collected in the form of words, phrases and sentences that fit the focus and sub focus of the study. In the lexical style Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tends to use words with elements of nature, love of others, love of the country, and unity. In the grammatical style Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tends to use declarative sentences. Then, the majas style uses a lot of metaphors, repetition, and parallelism. This research can be used for learning Indonesian in high school in learning poetry appreciation.
Keywords: stylistics, song lyrics, words, sentences, figure of speech.
12. | Jakobis Tallo Adu
7316140737 |
2020 | Cultural Value In The Story of The Lamaholot People In East Flores Area (Content Analysis Study) | In the world of Literature, folklore is an imaginative world that depicts human life, which can be enjoyed, understood and contemplated, and in the imaginative life picture reflects various things in life, one of which is cultural value. The purpose of this study is to examine deeply the cultural values in Lamaholot folklore in East Flores Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach that uses words and quotations as data to convey the results of the study. The research method used to analyze this folklore is the content analysis method. The cultural values studied are: cultural values in human relations with God, cultural values in human works, cultural values in human relations with nature, and cultural values in human relations with others. The research technique used is descriptive qualitative. Data analysis techniques are carried out by: reading carefully, identifying, classifying, analyzing, and concluding research data about the cultural values in the story. From the results of the study found as many as ninety nine quotations related to the four cultural values studied. Namely the cultural value in the human relationship with God as much as eighteen quotes, the cultural value in human work as much as Nineteen quotations, the cultural value in the human relationship with nature as much as fourteen quotations, and the cultural value in the human relationship with others as many as forty-eight quotes. From the results of the study it can be said that the seven stories have different roles in building the culture of the Lamaholot community. And of the four cultural values examined, the value of culture in human relations with others plays an important role in the culture of the Lamaholot community. These cultural values provide a picture related to the Lamaholot community which basically appreciates fellow human beings as fellow creatures from God.
Keywords : cultural values, folklore, and content analysis
13. | Jaelani
7316140738 |
2020 | Cohesion and Coherence in Student Thesis: Content Analysis of English Education Students Thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang | Good writing has cohesion and coherence. The sentences and words used must relate to each other and also their meanings are related. So cohesion and coherence are the main aspects in a text. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which students were able to analyze the cohesion and coherence of English texts, especially in using grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion as difficulties. In this study, the method used is a qualitative approach with content analysis technique, where the researcher collects data, analyzes data, writes research results and concludes the study. Thesis of UMT English Education students in the last 5 years. In this study, the analysis carried out showed that many students in writing their English education theses still did not understand about grammatical cohesion and then lexical cohesions, namely repetition, synonym, hyphonym, antonym, and meronym. The results of this study also affect the coherence analysis, namely causal relationships, conflicting relationships, sample relationships, temporal relationships, explanatory relationships and generalization relationships. The results of this study concluded that UMT students needed to better understand the use of cohesion and coherence in a text. Because there is a relationship between cohesion and coherence. So that students are expected to understand text that is legible and meaningful.
Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, and Text
14. | Fetti Astrini Rishanjani
7316157228 |
2020 | The Meaning of Justice In The Nyanyian Akar Rumput Poetry Anthology By Wiji Thukul
(Structural-Semiotic Analysis) |
The aim of this research is to do an in-depth study of the meaning of justice cointaned in the anthology of poetry Nyanyian Akar Rumput written by Wiji Thukul. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques with reading data from the anthology of poetry, then finding justice meaning in the anthology of poetry, and analyzed used structural-semiotic analysis. The research concludes that the analyzed poems represent acts of justice, such as distributive, commutative, creative, and protective justice. The result of this research showed: (1) The meaning of distibutive justice was found at several poem entitled Sajak Bapak Tua, Kuburan Purwoloyo, and Leuwigajah; (2) The meaning of commutative justice was found at several poem entitled Tanah, Sajak Anak-anak, and Bunga dan Tembok; (3) The meaning of creative justice was found at several poem entitled Batas Panggung, Peringatan, and Penyair; (4) The meaning of protective injustice was found at several poem entitled Nyanyian Akar Rumput, Gumam Sehari-hari, and Edan. Research on justice meaning is expected to provide postive feedback for the ongoing activities of learning Indonesian language, adding knowledge in the literature aspect, and improve literature skill.
Keywords: the meaning of justice, poetry, structural-semiotic
15. | Reny Juliana
7316157236 |
2020 | The Interference of Indonesian Prepositions Towards English Preposition Usage In Students’ Writing of Grade X Accounting of SMK Negeri 8 Kota Bekasi (Content Analysis) | The research aims at identifying the types of interference of Indonesian prepositions in the use of English prepositions in Grade X students’ writing of SMK Negeri 8 Kota Bekasi, the frequency of interference, and the follow up activities of the research findings. The research is a qualitative study which uses content analysis. The source of the data in this study is obtained from the students’ writing. Data analysis uses the theory from Ellis & Barkhuizen (2005) who state that there are several steps in analyzing errors which include collecting data samples, identifying data, describing errors, explaining errors and evaluating errors. The findings showed that the types of errors which were made by the students in the use of prepositions are omission, addition, misinformation in the students ‘writing. The follow up activities of the research findings are error correction, the improvement of teaching material for each type of interference and the module of students ‘learning, as well as the improvement of learning method.
Keywords : Interference, Contrastive Analysis, Error Analysis, Preposition, Writing
16. | Sapta Wiguna
7316157240 |
2020 | Improving Skills of Writing Speech Text Through Problem Based Learning Model | The research of this action is aimed at improving students’ skills through a model of Problem Based Learning. Background research began with learners gained lower grades in writing skills, lack of vocabulary mastery, and inaccurate of exactly the model of learning being applied. The subjects of this study is students of class IX Mts Sirojul Athfal Ciawi, Bogor in the 2019/2020 school year. These research designs use action studies conducted by Kemmis and Mc. The research method used is qualitative research. The data used in some way is: observation, initial test, post-test, collaborator records, and final test. Based on preliminary tests, the researcher makes an action plan according to the Problem Based Learning model which is then implemented through two cycles to improve speech writing skills. The instrument of this action research was in the form of tests, several aspects which were assessed including ideas or contents, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and convention. Data analyzed were qualitative and quantitative data. The results show mastery learning in writen in the pre-observation 66.25%, 72,05% one cycle, and 83.78% second cycle. The ability to write Speech Manuscripts through PBL models has increased.
Keywords: Improvement, Problem Based Learning, Writing Speech Script
17. | Floren Agnesia S 9905817003 | 2021 | Digital Literacy Praxis In 21st Century English Learning At SMA Citra Kasih
Development of technology and the internet recently have influenced and changed people’s perspectives and lifestyles. Technology which previously was used as communication tools, recently changed its function as a tool to search, compile, and share information in the digital world. Technology development also has been applied in education. Therefore, digital literacy of a competency or skill that must be mastered in 21st century learning. The praxis of digital literacy in learning process in school is important to have effective and efficient education in this century. The purpose of this research is to explore the praxis of digital literacy in 21st century learning at Citra Kasih School. The qualitative research with descriptive method was conducted to describe and interpret the implementation of digital literacy learning in 21st century at Citra Kasih School. The sub focuses of this research are to explore the praxis of digital literacy in English 21st century learning process at Citra Kasih School, the praxis of digital literacy in the interaction of school members and the praxis of digital literacy in the school environment by referring to the Ministry of Education and Culture’s digital literacy indicator (2017) and UNESCO (2018). Data collection techniques conducted in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. Based on the research, it was found that the praxis of digital literacy was found in the English learning process, in the interaction of school; members, and in the environment of Citra Kasih School. In the English language learning process, the praxis of digital literacy is in the area of competence: 1) hardware and software; 2) information and data literacy; 3) digital content creation; 4) security; 5) problem solving. The praxis of digital literacy in the interaction between school members is in the area of communication and collaboration competence. Moreover, the praxis of digital literacy in the school environment was contained in the following digital literacy competencies: 1) reading references; 2) school activities; 3) school policies; and 4) school services. Through this research it can be concluded that literacy praxis in the 21st century can be applied in various aspects. Digital literacy was not only about digital learning material used, but became a media or tool in creating an interesting digital learning process. There are several digital literacy competency indicators that can not be applied, it depends on the teacher, students or school needs and conditions.
Keywords: Praxis, Ministry of Education and Culture, Digital Literacy, High School, UNESCO
18. | Conny Riana Dewi Murtiningrum
7316157253 |
2020 | The Application of Task-Based Learning Methods To Enhance The Writing Skills of English Business Letters [Action Research Vocational Competence Development Utan Kayu, East Jakarta] | The purpose of this study was to improve the skills of writing English business letters for students of class XII AP1 of Jakarta Pembangunan Vocational School through the Task-Based Learning method using Willis’ model. This study uses an action research design that lasts in two cycles. The Data is analyzed using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show that (1) the teacher’s activity in the first cycle gets a score of 24 with good categories and increases in the second cycle with a score of 31 with a very good category. (2) Student activities in the first cycle with a percentage of 52% increased in the second cycle to 83%. (3) Student learning outcomes in the first cycle experienced classical completeness of 60% and increased in cycle II to 90%. The conclusion of this study shows that the application of the Task-Based Learning method can improve students’ skills in writing English business letters which is characterized by increasing in teacher’s activities, student’s activities, and student’s learning outcomes.
Keywords: Task-Based Learning; Writing Business Letters; English
19. | Mila Megawulandari
7316157257 |
2020 | Social Pathology In The Novel Rembulan Tenggelam Di Wajahmu By Tere Liye
(Sociology Literature Research) |
This study aims to determine the forms, causes and impacts of social pathology in Tere Liye’s novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with content analysis techniques. The data which is the object of this research is a qualitative method with content analysis techniques. The data that is the object of this research are quotes and dialogues that identify forms of social pathology in Tere Liye’s novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu in terms of literary sociology. This research was conducted as a social reflection to face social problems, one of which is about social disease or in sociological terms it is called social pathology. Based on the analysis, it was found that the forms of social pathology in Tere Liye’s novel Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu were crime, gambling, liquor, corruption, and prostitution. The form of crime is the one most featured in this novel. Then the factors that cause social pathology in this novel are environmental and economic reasons. Environmental factors are the factors causing the most social pathologies that are featured in this novel. Then the impact of the social pathology in this novel is that it will be detrimental to the perpetrator himself and other people or society. Self-harm is the novel’s most profound effect of social pathology.
Keywords: Social Pathology; Novel; Content Analysis; Sociology of Literature
20. | Pangulu Sudarta Saat
7316157262 |
2020 | Appropriateness Of “Market Leader Third Edition” As A Business English Coursebook For Elementary Level (An Evaluation Research At Lembaga Bahasa Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia) | After language instructors, coursebooks have been the second vital component to a language training course. Lembaga Bahasa Internasional, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia has been using Pearson’s Market Leader Business English Coursebook Third Edition as their prime coursebook in their Business English training courses, which is an early indication that this book is has been well accepted by the learners and the instructors as well. This thesis attempts to evaluate the coursebook to reveal its appropriateness which hopefully explains why the institution has found the book appealing for several consecutive years. The model selected is a model proposed by Guo from combining Cunningsworth’s evaluation model and Littlejohn’s evaluation model. The method chosen is Philipp Mayring’s Content Analysis Deductive Approach. The focus of discussion is the appropriateness of the coursebook to facilitate learning for learners having elementary level competence in English.
Keywords: coursebook evaluation, , appropriateness of textbooks for teaching, Business English, Cuningsworth-Litteljohn evaluation model, Philipp Mayring Content Analysis Deductive approach method.
21. | Nanik Setyowati
7316157280 |
2020 | Enviromental Insight In Ucil The Mouse Deer Fairy Tale Collection Written By Tria Ayu K (An Ecocritic Study) | The link between nature and literary works gave rise to a concept of ecological problems in literature among literary critics. Many environmental problems that occur at this time. Through poetry, folklore, and other literary works, the writers alluded to this in his works.
Ecocritics have a basic paradigm that every object can be seen in an ecological network, and ecology can be a science of assistance in the approach to criticism. It turns out that environmental insights can be obtained through a literary work. In addition to literary works such as poetry and novels, fairy tales have already explored nature. In fairy tales, nature is described as a place of life for its characters. That way, fairy tales indirectly invite the audience to come into contact with environmental insights that need to be learned and applied in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the relationship between environmental insights with literary works, especially fairy tales. This study uses a qualitative method with content analysis. In this research, data collection techniques are carried out through literature study, observing matters relating to environmental insights in a collection of hare fairy tales, in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences. The results of this study include the presence of animals, the presence of plants, the presence of natural elements such as water, soil, and air in a collection of hare fairy tales. Keywords: environmental insight ; ecocritic; fairy tale; literary studies
22. | Arif Hifzul
7316157288 |
2020 | The Personality of Main Characters In The Film “Toni Erdmann” By Maren Ade (A Psycholiterature Study) | The film “Toni Erdmann” by Maren Ade was released in 2016. The film lifts the story of a father’s sadness towards his daughter who had grown up and rarely returned to gather with family because he was busy with his daughter’s work. The father named Winfried Conradi hasn’t spent enough time with his daughter, Ines Conradi. That’s because his daughter who is quite busy with work so rarely go home to gather with family. The purpose of this study was to determine the main character’s character by using Carl Gustav Jung’s personality theory. The research method used is the content analysis method using Carl Gustav Jung’s psychoanalytic approach. The results showed that Winfried Conradi’s figures tended to belong to the extrovert personality type. In this personality type, Winfried Conradi tends to be a thinker, a feeling and an intuitive. This can be seen from the open attitude towards children and their families. He tells how he feels right now. He felt lonely because of living alone without any more attention from the child. He is also easy to socialize with other people. This can be seen from how he chatted with his son’s business associates by changing his appearance to Toni Erdmann like a businessman. While Ines Conradi tends to have an introverted personality type. In this personality type, Ines tends to be sensitive and intuitive. This can be seen from his closed attitude to his personal problems. He is an individual who tends to be closed to personal matters. He also experienced the anxiety he did not want to share with others. When asked by Father about future plans for his life, his attitude changed always and seemed to try to shut down. In addition, the strong intuition that Ines has made him always confident that his business affairs can be resolved properly.
Keywords: Personality Theory; Toni Erdmann film; Carl Gustav Jung.
23. | Nadia Rahmasari
7316157422 |
2020 | Metaphors in Red Queen Novel by Victoria Aveyard. Language Education Postgraduate State University of Jakarta 2020 | The purpose of this research is to gain a deep understanding of the metaphors used in the novel Red Queen. This research is a qualitative descriptive used to describe systematically, factually and accurately with broad theories and insights, so as to be able to analyze and understand the structures that form metaphors. The results of the study concluded that the novel analyzed presented an act of creative injustice. The results showed that many metaphors in the Red Queen novel by Victoria Aveyard from various aspects, including: structure, function, and type of metaphor. The metaphor structure obtains 67 data, which are divided into tenors, vehicles and ground. Then the type of metaphor is divided into live and dead metaphors. Then, the metaphor function is divided into information functions, expressive functions, directive functions, and fatigue functions. In the analysis of metaphors seen from the types of metaphors used by the author in this novel, it can be explained that the use of living metaphors is more dominantly used by the author compared to dead metaphors.
Keywords: metaphor, novel, content analysis
24. | Fadilah Kamal 7316090160 | 2020 | Syntax Errors In English Recount Text Writing (Content Analysis of Grade VIII Students in SMP Islamiyah Depok) | This is a qualitative research aimed at identifying syntax errors in students’ recount text writing. A number of 20 recount texts written by grade VIII students of SMP Islamiyah Depok in the second semester of 2019 were taken as samples of the research. Then, the errors identified were analyzed based on the linguistic category taxonomy and the surface structure taxonomy. Further, this research also figures out the factors that trigger those errors. The research results show that there are a number of 278 errors in the linguistic category taxonomy, dominated by 71 verb-and verb construction errors. There are also a number of 259 errors in the surface structure taxonomy, dominated by 128 misformation errors. As an addition, interlingual factor is identified as the main factor that triggers the occurrences of the errors in the text. Keywords: Syntax Error, Recount Text
25. | Dwi Endah Septyani
7316167150 |
2020 | Readability of the Indonesian Textbook Discourse for Foreign Speaker (BIPA) Sahabatku Indonesia Level B1 (A Quantitative Descriptive Study) | This study aims to determine (1) the readability of BIPA Sahabatku Indonesia textbook discourse at B1 level through fog index measurements and (2) the understanding of BIPA students at Bina Nusantara University on the B1 level Sahabatku Indonesian textbook discourse through the cloze test method. This research uses a quantitative research design with descriptive type of data collected through the fog index and cloze test. The sample in this study were the discourses used as teaching material for reading skills in the BIPA Sahabatku Indonesia textbook level B1 published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016, namely eight discourses that fit the fog index criteria and three discourses at the beginning, middle and end of the book. text that matches the cloze test criteria. The three discourse cloze tests were then tested on nineteen respondents who were BIPA level B1 students at Bina Nusantara University. The research findings show that based on the fog index, the textbook under study has an average score of 2.98 with very easy criteria. Meanwhile, based on the cloze test, the textbook under study had an average score of 66.02% with independent criteria, meaning that the discourse in the textbook under study could be understood by students without the help of others. Thus, as a representation of the existing BIPA textbooks, the Sahabatku Indonesia book B1 level shows less than ideal criteria because it is less challenging for students although it can still be recommended for use, especially with ease of access. Fog index and cloze test can be an alternative that can be used by teachers in choosing the right discourse for students because it can provide an overview of the level of readability of discourse. The novelty of this research is that it specifically examines the readability of BIPA textbooks which can be said to be still limited. In addition, this study uses two types of readability test techniques, namely the fog index and the cloze test.
Keywords: readability, textbooks, bipa, fog index, cloze test
26. | Feby Akhdiyati 7316090162 | 2020 | Improvement of Listening English Skill By Using Words Game Technique In Language Laboratory An Action Research on Grade XI of SMA Sandikta Bekasi | The objective of research is to find out whether English listening skill can be improved through the language laboratory by using playing words. It was a quantitative qualitative approach. This research was conducted at the eleventh grade at SMA Sandikta school year 2014/2015. This study used action research methods which involved two cycles. The research carried out in April 2014 to May 2015. The data were collected through test, observation, interview, student’s journal and documentation. Based on the data from the pre test, it shows that the students’ competencies in listening English is still low. After given treatment throughout the cycles (planning, acting, observing, and reflecting) and the result of post tests, the students’ skill in listening English had been improved. The result shows that the students are interested and enjoyed during the process. The studernts listen better after the treatment. The findings of the analysis is trengthen by quantitative data analysis which shows an increase in listening skills (listening) English. It can be seen from the data of the students, in cycle 1, average value of 60.375 students while in the cycle 2 of the average value of 81.25 students. Therefore, there is improvement in English listening skill through language laboratory by using playing words.
Keywords: skill, listening, language laboratory, playing words
27. | Marita Wijayanti 7316168015 | 2020 | Representative Speech Act In Drama Script Anthology Sarapan Terakhir (Content Analysis Research) | This research aims to describe the representative speech act in the antology of drama script “Sarapan Terakhir”. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. This reseach used a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. Content analysis is used to describe the research findings in the form of objective data regarding representative speech acts uttered by characters in the anthology of drama script “Sarapan Terakhir”. The data source of this research is the utterances of the characters in the anthology of drama script Sarapan Terakhir. The data technique used in this research is the library technique, namely reading, listening, taking notes, and analyzing. The results of this study representative speech stating directly there are 78 direct data (25%), representative speech suggesting directly that there are 73 data directly (23%), representative speech reporting directly there are 51 data (17%), representative speech complaining directly there are 50 data (16%), representative speech claiming directly there are 46 data (15%), representative speech boasting directly there are 9 data (3%). The research data also shows that indirect representative speech acts only appear in speech acts. Representatives suggest that there are 2 indirect data (1%), and other indirect speech acts are null (0 data), namely in speech acts stating indirectly, reporting indirectly, complaining indirectly, claiming indirectly, and boasting indirectly.
Keywords: direct representative speech act, indirect representative speech act, drama script antology Sarapan Terakhir
28. | Ria Anggari Putri
7316167159 |
2020 | Lectical And Gramatic Calesion Errors In The Problem of Student Exposition (Research on Language Errors at SMAN 4 Tambun Selatan) | The purpose of this study was to find out and obtain an understanding of the errors of lexical and grammatical cohesion in the exposition of students. This research was conducted in the even semester of the academic year 2017/2018. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive qualitative method which aims to describe and explain the errors of lexical and grammatical cohesion in the exposition of students. The source of this research data is in the form of students’ essays obtained from the results of students making the essay. The results of this study indicate that the errors of lexical cohesion in the exposition essay of students are found with the highest percentage of errors in repetitions of 8 errors (3.31%), synonymy as much as 2 errors (0.83%), hyponymy 0 errors (0%), metonymy 0 errors (0%), antonym of 0 errors (0%), and finally collocation of 6 errors (2,48%). The grammatical errors found as many as 29 errors (11.98%), substitutions as many as 2 error (0.83%), elipsis as many as 15 errors (6.19%), and the most in error relationships as many as 180 errors (74.38% ) Of the number of errors there are factors that influence, namely the competency factor. The competency factors that influence cohesion errors in students ‘essays are the lack of students’ knowledge of the rules in the language so that students become confused in applying the correct rules in the exposition essay. The implications of this study can be used as teaching material in learning Indonesian.
Keywords: lexical cohesion, grammatical cohesion, exposition
29. | Rizki Nugraha
7316167166 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Strategies and Verbal Creativity on the Ability to Write Dramatic Script (Experimental Research at 51 Senior High School Jakarta) | This study aims to determine the effect of two learning strategies, namely the active knowledge sharing strategy and peer lesson strategy and verbal creativity on the students’ ability to write drama scripts at 51 Senior High School Jakarta. The research was conducted in October-December 2019. This study involved two variables, one independent variable and one dependent variable. The first independent variable is the manipulated variable which is also called the experimental variable, namely the learning strategy. Meanwhile, the second variable called attribute variable is verbal creativity. Meanwhile, the dependent variable in this study is writing a drama script. The population of this study were all students of class XI, 51 Senior High School Jakarta, totaling nine classes, consisting of five Mathematics and Natural Sciences classes and four IIS classes. Sampling is done by random sampling to determine which class gets learning with the active knowledge sharing strategy and peer lesson strategy. Based on the research results, the active knowledge sharing strategy is better than the average student’s results compared to the peer lesson strategy. There is an interaction between learning strategies and the ability to write drama scripts, because Fcount (17.3) is greater than Ftable (0.05; 1/28) (4.11). Students who have low verbal creativity are more appropriate to use the Active Knowledge Sharing strategy compared to using the Peer Lesson strategy in writing drama scripts while for students who have high verbal creativity, the Peer Lesson Strategy is more appropriate when compared to the Active Knowledge Sharing Strategy.
Keywords: Learning strategies and Verbal Creativity – writing a script
30. | Santoso
7316167160 |
2020 | The Relationship of Synthactic And Reasoning Mastering With The Ability To Write Exposition Paragraph (Correlation Research at STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta) | This study aims to determine whether or not there is a relationship between syntax mastery with the ability to write an exposition paragraph, (2) the relationship between reasoning and the ability to write an exposition paragraph, and (3) the relationship between syntax mastery and reasoning with the ability to write an exposition paragraph. This type of research is correlational research. This research was conducted at STIKP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. The population is the 3rd semester students of STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta with a sample of 33 people taken randomly. The instruments used to collect data are written tests and multiple choice. Data were collected by conducting competency tests on the ability to write paragraph exposition, syntactic mastery comprehension tests, comprehension tests on reasoning. After that the data is analyzed statistically. The data analysis technique used is statistical regression and correlation techniques. The results showed that: 1) there was a positive correlation between syntactic mastery with the ability to write an exposition paragraph, 2) there was a positive correlation between reasoning with the ability to write an exposition paragraph and, 3) there was a positive correlation between syntactic mastery and reasoning together with writing ability paragraph exposition.
Keywords: syntactic mastery, reasoning, writing exposition paragraphs.
31. | Deden Fahmi Fadilah
7316167555 |
2020 | Student Reader’s Response To Afrizal Malna’s Contemporary Poems In The Anthology Of Berlin Proposal | This study discusses the acceptance of twenty readers from Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Pakuan University on contemporary poetry Afrizal Malna in the anthology of Berlin Proposal. From the anthology, six poems were chosen that were considered to represent the development of poetry in all books: Gerbang Para Dewa, Altar Pergamon, Bungkusan Kesunyian, Berlin Proposal, digital teritori, and Paket Kiriman. The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of acceptance Afrizal Malna’s poetry in the anthology of Berlin Proposal. The theory used in this research is synchronous acceptance theory using qualitative content analysis methods. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is physics elements that is the most widely received by readers of the poems that are typographic and diction, which means the poems are the results of explorate proposed in typography and selection of words derived from physical. In inner elements, which is more responded by the readers of the poems is the theme, and also the tone and atmosphere that shows that these poems are the results of explorate of themes with tone and atmosphere. In addition, there are changes in expectations before reading and expectations after reading that cause quite a lot or distance between the reader and the text and are determined by three expectations horizon criteria.
Keywords: aesthetic reception, contemporary poetry, Afrizal Malna
32. | Durrah Nafisah
7316167556 |
2020 | Deicsis In Bipa Sahabatku Indonesia Level BIPA Teaching Book (Content Analysis Research) | In BIPA text book Sahabatku Indonesia, the competency mapping of deixis has been taught at A1 level. Unfortunately, in reality B2 level of BIPA learners still use deixis incorrectly. Whereas, deixis is closely used in daily life. This research aims to: (1) find out the types of deixis in BIPA text book Sahabatku Indonesia for B2 level, (2) find out the functions of deixis in BIPA text book Sahabatku Indonesia for B2 level, (3) find out the characteristics of deixis in BIPA text book Sahabatku Indonesia for B2 level, and (4) find out the rhetoric of deixis in BIPA text book Sahabatku Indonesia for B2 level. This research uses content analysis with qualitative approach. The total of types and functions of deixis in the BIPA textbook, Sahabatku Indonesia, B2 level is
158 data. The most dominant data were personal pronoun with the total of 64.6%. Meanwhile, the most dominant function of deixis was connecting deixis to concrete items with a total of 62.7% data. The characteristics of deixis in the BIPA textbook, Sahabatku Indonesia, B2 level included all types of deixis. Moreover, the rhetoric of deixis found in the BIPA textbook, Sahabatku Indonesia, B2 level was 70 data. Keywords: pragmatics, deixis, textbook, and BIPA
33. | Marsin
7316168006 |
2020 | Love In Balada Cinta Majenun Novel By Geidurrahman El-Mishry (Psychology Of Literature) | This study aims to describe the love of the main character in the novel Balada Cinta Maj Weaving by Geidurrahman El-Mishry. The method used is descriptive analysis. The research approach uses literary psychology that looks at the psychological aspects of the main characters of the text. The data source is taken from the novel Balada Cinta Majangkas by Geidurrahman El-Mishry. Data includes phrases, clauses or sentences. Retrieval of data using techniques of reading, recording, and grouping based on the object of love Erich Fromm. Then the data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The stages of data analysis are identifying data, description of data, and interpreting data. The results found two objects of love, namely erotic love and love for God. Erotic love is addressed to women who are Nisa, while love to God is addressed to Allah SWT. Love for God is more dominant than erotic love resulting in Ridho doing zuhud; a way of life that gives priority to the afterlife rather than worldly life.
Keywords: object, love, erotic, Allah, zuhud |
34. | Arini Dwi Putri
7316168322 |
2020 | Anti-Corruption Value In the Picture Book “Peternakan Kakek Tulus and “Byur!” Issue of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) (Semiotics Study) | The purpose of this research is to describe and gain a thorough understanding of the anti-corruption value based on the semiotic study that is embedded in the illustrated book “Peternakan Kakek Tulus” and Byur! “issue of KPK. Researchers use the Semiotika Bathes theory which focuses on five reading codes namely the puzzle code, the conotative code, the symbolic code, the Aksian code and the cultural code. This type of research is qualitative research with the method of content analysis. Research source in the form of illustrated storybook and the results of researchers interviews on objects related to research issues. The Data is collected by reading the text, dividing the text into Lexsia and interpreting it according to the reading Code and the anti-corruption value. The results of the research found eight anti-corruption values based on Barthes semiotics study, independent value not found in the picture book. This research uses a book of KPK publications which is reviewed through a semiotics study with the signification of research is expected to be used as a language learning materials and Indonesian literature and media literation.
Keywords: anti-corruption, KPK, semiotics, illustrated Storybook.
35. | Azmy Ali Muchtar
7316168325 |
2020 | Improving The Ability of Writing Narrative Text Through The Picture And Picture Learning Model (Class VII Action Research at MTs Nur-Attaqwa) | Writing is an activity to express the contents of thoughts or feelings. One type of text that is commonly used in learning to write is narrative text. Narrative texts are stories that are presented in chronological order. Indonesian learning outcomes related to writing narrative texts for grade VII students is still low, this is because teachers often apply the lecture method in learning, so that many students are not active in the classroom and result in their understanding of the material being less which impact on the results unsatisfactory learning. This study aims to implement the Picture and Picture learning model to improve the ability to write narrative texts and to increase students’ interest in learning. The picture and picture learning model is a learning model that is used in the form of pictures as a learning medium. This study uses a class action research design, which is carried out in two cycles and each cycle consists of four stages. The results showed that the implementation of the Picture and Picture learning model had an influence on the ability to write narrative texts and students’ interest in learning. At the initial observation stage, the average value of students’ ability to write narrative texts is 64.9. The average value of students in the first cycle reached 70.1 and in the second cycle, the average value of students was 75.2. Constraints faced, in the first cycle and second cycle can be resolved properly. From these results it can be concluded that by applying a picture and picture learning model can improve the ability to write narrative texts and increase the interest in learning for students in grade VII at MTs Nur-Attaqwa, Kelapa Gading.
Keywords: Narrative Text, Writing, Picture and Picture Model
36. | Nur Ahid Prasetyawan Purnomosidhi
7316168329 |
2020 | Education Values In Dream Novel Mimpi Anak Pulau by Abidah El Khalieqy (Genetic Structural Study) | This research aims to excavate and gain a deep understanding of the educational values in the novel Mimpi Anak Pulau by Abidah El Khalieqy. Educational values are analyzed using a genetic structural study, which aims to determine the meaning and signs contained in novel stories. This research is a qualitatively descriptive research method used is content analysis. The content analysis methods are used to interpret the words in the form of dialogue, phrases, and gestures of the body contained in the story. The data used in the form of text is found in the context of educational values through a document in the form of Mimpi Anak Pulau novel by Abidah El Khalieqy. The results of this study began with intrinsik structural studies. The Intrinsik structural study consisted of five aspects: themes, figures and luminaries, grooves, and background. Intrinsik structural studies are made to understand in detail about the educational values of the novel Intrinsik structure. Then genetic review to reveal findings about educational values in the form of novel structure, social structure, and the deeddlers of the authors found in Abidah El Khalieqy’s Mimpi Anak Pulau novel based on the identification of the event unit. The discussion phase of research on the analysis of educational values in the novel’s intrinsic structure, followed by the analysis of the educational values of the genetic structure aspect. From the results of the analysis can be withdrawn as follows (1) Intrinsik structures that begin with analyzing the theme consisting of a) the role of parents to embed the value of children’s character, b) the struggle for education, and c). true friendship, the founder consists of a main character and an additional figure, the advanced Groove is divided into three stages, namely the beginning, middle, and end stages, and the background is the setting of the place, time, and social environment, (2) The educational values of the social community showed the existence of social conditions, economics, education, culture that occurred around the year 1960, (3) an author’s worldview that shows the world view of the main character.
Keywords: educational values, novels, structural genetic
37. | Siti Uum Khumaeroh
9905817001 |
2020 | Intercultural Communication In German Language Textbook Netzwerk A1 And A2 | The objective of this study was to scrutinize intercultural communication in German language from the book Netzwerk A1 and A2. It was qualitative research with content analysis (Content Analysis) method conducted in Postgraduate Program at Jakarta state University since 2019. The data were collected by using table instrument based on focus and subfocus of this study. The data analysis and interpretation indicate that there are 181 intercultural data found was in the form of interkulturelle Grammatik. There are nine form of interkulturelle Grammatik containing intercultural elements in this Book, such as; komplimente machen (giving praise) 24 data, sich bedanken (thanking) 21 data, sich entschuldigen (asking permission/forgiveness) 30 data, begrüßen (greeting) 22 data, sich verabschieden (farewell) 12 data, einladen (inviting) 11 data, absagen (cancel appointment) 4 data, widersprechen (contradiction) 6 data, bejahen oder verneinen (affirming or denying) 50 data. The results of this study indicate that in accordance with the theory from “Traore”, interkulturelle Grammatik is a communicative category that exists in every culture, but it is translating and interpreted differently. This research is expected to increase and develop cultural knowledge and awareness among students so that they can communicate across cultures without obstacles.
Keywords: intercultural communication, interkulturelle Grammatik, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Netzwerk, era industry 4.0
38. | Mulawarni
9905817006 |
2020 | Contextual Learning Models of Han Script Based on Website (Research and Development for Mandarin Teachers Training of SMA/SMK/MA Provided by PPPPTK Language) | This study aimed to design a contextual model learning model of learning Han scripts based on website, so this research produced website product. The stages that was carried out in this study were 1) the need to produce a prototype of website-based Han script contextual learning model product for Mandarin Language teachers in SMA/SMK/MA; 2) designing a prototype of a website-based contextual Han learning model; 3) measuring the feasibility of the website-based contextual learning model of Han script prototype by media expert and material exper;.4) testing a prototype of a website-based contextual Han learning model for Mandarin Language teachers in SMA/SMK/MA; 5) finding out the Mandarin language teacher perception on the website-based Han contextual learning model. This research was a research and development that was adapted to the ADDIE development model. The result showed that: 1) the website-based learning model was needed by Mandarin Language teachers in SMA/SMK/MA; 2) the prototype design of the website learning model consisted of product design in the website form, Han script contextual learning model design, and the preparation of material; 3) The feasibility percentage of the learning model in terms of learning material and media from the material and media experts judgment. The feasibility result was 78%, which meant the material and media presented were included in the “feasible” category; 4) The feasibility percentage of the trial was given to Mandarin Language teachers in SMA/SMK/MA was 85.96% counted in the “very feasible” category. The perception result of Mandarin teachers as users was that the material presented can help in learning Han characters. Therefore the Han websitebased contextual learning model prototype was developed by researcher is suitable to use in the Mandarin Teacher Training Program in SMA/SMK/MA provided by PPPPTK Language.
Keywords: contextual learning model, Han script, web-based learning
39. | Dimas Anugrah Adiyadmo
9905817015 |
2020 | Development of Prototype Drama Teaching Materials. Based on 3d Flipbook Multimedia | The purpose of this study was to develop a prototype of teaching materials for drama courses with Drama subtopics as Performing Arts based on 3D multimedia flipbooks for students of the Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Jambi. This study uses research and development (R&D) design with the ADDIE model. This type of research is a combination of quantitative research and qualitative research. This study uses a questionnaire containing quantitative data and qualitative data which is translated into paragraphs that have qualitative characteristics. The results showed that the feasibility of learning media was based on the assessment of; 1) Media expert with a mean overall value of 4.85 with a very decent category; 2) Expert Material obtained an average value of 4.9 with a very decent category; 3) The results of small-scale product trials show the overall average results of 4.8 with a very decent category; 4) The results of large-scale product trials obtained a mean value of 4.4 in the very feasible category. The conclusion of the research shows that the development of a prototype of teaching materials based on 3D Flipbook multimedia drama runs according to ADDIE research procedures and it is found that the prototype of the product that has been developed is attractive to students. Positive assessment of students on the aspects of appearance, material, and learning is expected
to be able to improve the quality of the process of learning and teaching activities in drama courses through multimedia teaching materials based on Flipbook 3D multimedia. Teaching material developed, was declared appropriate to be used based on validation by material experts, validation of media experts, and the results of trials and student responses. Keywords: Teaching Materials; Drama; 3D Flipbook; ADDIE
40. | Tiomas Redi Gultom
9905817016 |
2020 | The Relationship of The Use of Social Media And Critical Thinking on The Intensive Reading Skills In Class X Students of Budi Mulia High School, Jakarta And Bogor | Budi Mulia High School students are the generation born between the 2000s. Where people born between these years, from birth are very familiar with technology. They spend almost all of their time and activities connected with devices and social media. Likewise in learning, this generation makes devices and social media as a means of learning, especially in meeting the need for reading material that supports to develop intensive reading skills and improve critical thinking skills. This type of research is correlational research, which is research that aims to determine the extent of the relationship between two or more variables. In this case the purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the relationship between the use of social media and critical thinking on intensive reading skills. Based on the regression analysis of correlation values (Young), where the variable Y to X1 = 0.829 and Y to X2 = 0.720, which means there is a substantial or very strong relationship between the two variables. In other words, the variables X1 and X2 have a very strong influence on the Y variable. While for the correlation analysis according to (Durbin Watson) the value of 0.717 in column R shows that the relationship between the two variables is very strong. The Adjusted R Square column of 0.714 means that 71% of the intensive reading ability variables are influenced by predictor variables, namely the use of social media and critical thinking skills. Finally, factor analysis to see the most dominant component. In this case there are 15 dominant components in this study.
Keywords: Social media, critical thinking, intensive reading skills
41. | Pilda Nugraha Firdaus 7316167165 | 2020 | The Anxiety of Main Character in Serena’s Novel by Ron Rash” (Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud) | The aim of this research is to descraibe how is the kinds of anxiety experienced by main character in Serena’s Novel by Ron Rash, to describe how is the effect of anxiety toward the main character in Serena’s novel by Ron Rash, to describe how is self-defense mechanism used by main character in Serena’s novel by Ron Rash. This research used a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. The data source of this research is word, Phrase, and sentence in Serena’s novel by Ron Rash. The data technique used in this research is the library technique, namely close reading, listening, taking notes, and analyzing. The result of this research shows that the objective anxiety is experienced by Serena stating directly there are 7 datas (37%), the objective anxiety is experienced by Pemberton stating directly there 6 datas (32%), the neurosis anxiety is experienced by Serena stating there are 3 datas (16%), the neurosis anxiety is experienced by Pemberton stating indirectly there is 0 data (0%), the moral anxiety is experienced by Serena stating indirectly there is 0 data (0%), the moral anxiety is experienced by Pemberton stating directly there are 3 datas (16%), the anxiety effect of destructive toward Serena stating directly 3 datas (43%), the anxiety effect of destructive toward Pemberton stating directly there is 1 data (14, 28%), the anxiety effect of constructive toward Serena stating there is 1 data (14, 28%), the anxiety effect of constructive toward Pemberton stating there are 2 datas (28, 57%), self-defense mechanism of projection is used by Serena stating there are 2 datas (67%), self-defense mechanism of projection is used by Pemberton stating indirectly there is 0 data (0%), self-deffence mechanism of penance is used by Serena stating indirectly there is 0 data (0%), and self-defense mechanism of penance is used by Pemberton stating derectly there is 1 data (33%).
Keywords: Anxiety, the effect of anxiety, and self-deffence mechanism
42. | Rusmi Siagian 7316168017 | 2020 | Improved Capability of Writing Poetry Through The Emotive Video Range Strategy (Action Research in Central Jakarta PSKD 1 High School) | This research is an action research that aims to describe the ability to write poetry based on an emotive emotive video excitement strategy of class X SMA 1 PSKD. The population of this study is 151 students spread into 5 classes. Sampling was done using simple random sampling technique with a sample size of 109 students. The instrument used was a test used to obtain data on students’ ability to write poetry. Tests are given in the form of essays. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical analysis which describes the results of Poetry Writing Ability based on emotive videos. Based on the description of the results of the analysis of descriptive statistical data the highest value obtained by students in terms of the structure of poetry buildersis 96 and the lowest value obtained is 50 with an average value of 74.09. Thus, it can be concluded that the tenth- grade students of PSKD 1 High School are quite capable of writing poetry based on emotive videos.
Keywords: write poetry based on emotive video
43. | Tomson Sabungan Silalahi 7316168010 | 2020 | Socio-Cognitve in Movie Dialog “The Great Debaters”: Critical Discourse Analysis | Knowledge, attitudes, values, norms or ideology are all personal representations and social representations. Each text will never be separated from personal and social representation. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, this thesis aims to discover the socio-cognitive of the writer and also to reveal the discourse strategies used in writing the dialogue of The Great Debaters film. To decipher it, several steps have been used namely analyzing the macro structure, micro structure including the Description of Actors and Events and Interpretation of Racism Discourse in the United States. Based on the analysis and discussion in general it was found that the authors believe that black people are treated unfairly in the United States and considered as second-class citizens and believe that black people in United States can compete with people of other races. Whereas based on the overall strategy of composing the dialogue text it can be concluded that Harpo Production is not neutral. Discourse compilation strategy is applied consciously by the parties involved in the scenario processing. It was found that the discourse strategy reflected the alignment of certain discourse stakeholders, namely the African-American community.
Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Dialog, Film, Discourse Strategy
44. | Tutike Lahunduitan 7316157266 | 2020 | Assertive Speech Acts In Bahasa Indonesia Debate Competition 2019 | The purpose of this research is to better comprehend assertive speech acts, and its purpose and functions in Bahasa Indonesia Debate Competition 2019. The research data takes the form of assertive speech acts, namely declaratives, interrogatives, and imperatives, as well as the function of speech acts, namely its stating function, showing function, advising function, informing function, and affirming function as it is being used by the debate contestants. The data are sourced from debate competition videos in Bahasa Indonesia 2019, with its credo “This Council Believes that Developing Nations Should Implement Filial Responsibility Law.” The data is further processed using qualitative approach content analysis. Analysis of findings show that declarative sentences as a form of speech act has the highest intensity at 77.85%, imperative sentences stood at 12.14%, interrogative sentences at 10%. Next, the stating function as an assertive speech act has an intensity of 26.42%, the showing function at 22.14%, the informing function at 17.14%, the advising function at 10.71%, and the affirming function at 10.71%. This research is recommended to broaden perspectives of the general public, to serve as a consideration for teaching materials for universities and senior high schools.
Keywords: speech acts, Bahasa Indonesia debate competition, content analysis.
45. | Usman Riyadi 7316157265 | 2020 | Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension In English Text Through Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition Method (An Action Research at Dharma Widya Junior High School Tangerang) | The objective of this research firstly was to describe the process of improving students’ reading comprehension in English text, secondly is to know the significance students’ improvement on reading comprehension after learning through CIRC method, and some factors which influence those improvement. The subject was the 30 students of VIII B class at SMP Dharma Widya Tangerang. Selection of the research’s subject was based on the result of the students’ reading comprehension that lower than the other class. This action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consist of four phases, they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. It was started on February until April 2019. During the research, the researcher assisted by other English teacher as an observer. The data were obtained in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected through observation and student’s interview. Then, the quantitative data obtained through score of the reading comprehension test and the students’questionnaire responds. Based on the result of this research, the use of CIRC method in reading comprehension English text able to improve students’ reading comprehension competencies. This improvement was seen in the findings of the research, the students’ average score on the pre-test was 61.07, then after treatment on the first cycle was 74.40. Finally after treatment on the second cycle average score became 81.00. From the data found from the both of cycle, it can be concluded that the use of CIRC method able to improve students’ reading comprehension competencies. Another effects of the implementation CIRC method that make learning process become more active, inovative, creative, and meaningful for students activities.
Keywords: Improving English Text Comprehension, CIRC.
46. | Nana Sofiani 7316070108 | 2020 | The Crisis Identity of The Main Character In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison (A Literature Psychology Study) | This study aims to show how the identity crisis of the main character occurs, the type of identity crisis and the factors that influence the development of the identity of the main character, Pecola, by using Erikson’s development theory and Marcia’s identity status theory. This study uses descriptive qualitative research through psychological research with content analysis. Data collection has been taken from a novel called The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, selected and screened to find out among those who support this research. The steps are data analysis and data validity. Because of the social environment / social context, namely family, peers, school / teacher, ethnicity, gender, social class, character, and racism greatly affects Pecola‘s life, the result her identity cannot be developed. She has become more and more oppressed and abused as a result of racism, which leads to her self-loath by believing that having blue eyes is the only hope to escape from the suffering she experiences. This is an identity crisis because she wants to change her identity and become a white so that she will be loved and accepted by her parents, peers, teachers and the environment. This drove her crazy.
Keywords: Crisis identity, social context, Erikson’s development theory and Marcia’s identity status theory |
47. | Ari Fatmawati 7316120166 | 2020 | The Learning of A Shorth Story Writing Skill (A Phenomenology research at the student grade IX of MTs. Al Muhtadin Bantargebang – Bekasi) | The aim of this research is to find out a deep understanding of the learning the short story writing skill at the nine grade students of MTs. Al Muhtadin, Bantargebang – Bekasi. This research is qualitative with a phenomenology method. The focus of the research is the learning of the short story writing skill of the nine grade students of MTs. Al Muhtadin, Bantargebang – Bekasi. The subfocus of the research is the curriculum, objectives, material, method, strategy, media, and evaluation. The writer or researcher collected the data through observation, a deep interview and documentation. After the data had been collected, they were analysed through arranging, reading, describing, classifying, interpreting, and narrating the data using creswell model. The result of the study is that the curriculum, material, methods, strategy, media, and evaluation of the learning of the short story skill at the nine grade students of MTs. Al Muhtadin, Bantargebang – Bekasi were arranged systematically and completely. The learning process was done effectively because it was supported by complete facilities, a well prepared learning and professional teachers do the learning of short story writing skill is successful.
Keywords: learning, short story writing skill, and phenomenology research |