Lapor Pasca


1. Dita Nurdayati 7126120024 2014 The Effect of Instructional Strategies and Cognitive Style on The Outcome of History Learning on The Student of SMAN 2 Depok

The aim of the study is to reveal the effect of instructional strategies and cognitive style on the outcome of history learning on SMAN 2 Depok. The methodology used is the experimental method a 2×2 factorial design. A total of 36 participant will be selected. Data analysis will be performed by using two way variance analysis. As for the out come of this reserch are: (1) The history learning outcome students who follow Numbered Heads Together (NHT) instructional strategies higher than the students who studied with conventional instructional strategies, (2) The history learning outcome students who have FI cognitive styles higher than students who have a FD cognitive style , (3) the effect of the instructional strategies and cognitive style , (4) The history learning outcome students who follow NHT instructional strategies and has a FI cognitive style higher than of students who take conventional instructional strategies and has a FD cognitive style, (5) The history learning outcome students who follow NHT instructional strategies and has a FD cognitive style lower than of students who take conventional instructional strategies and has a FD cognitive style, (6) The history learning outcome students who follow NHT instructional strategies and has a FI cognitive style higher than of students who take NHT instructional strategies and has a FD cognitive style, and (7) The history learning outcome students who follow conventional instructional strategies and has a FI cognitive style lower than of students who take conventional instructional strategies and has a FD cognitive style.

Keywords : instructional strategies , cognitive style , and history learning outcome

2. Iin Iryance 7126120025 2014 The Effect of Instructional Methodology and Critical Thinking on the Outcome of History Learning on the Student of Bogor Kesatuan Senior High School


The aim of the study is to reveal the empirical data about the effect of instructional methodology and student’s critical thinking capability level on the outcome of history learning on the students of SMA Kesatuan Bogor. The methodology used is the experimental method with a 2×2 factorial design. Research instrumentation will include a test that will be used to measure student’s learning outcome, and a questionnaire that will be used to measure student’s critical thinking capability level on history outcomes. A total of 28 participants will be randomly selected. Data analysis will be performed by using two way variance analysis. The findings of the study will be demonstrate: 1) a higher student’s history learning outcome of those who were taught by PJBL instructional methodology compared to those who were taught by conventional method. 2) There is an interaction effect between instructional methodology and student’s critical thinking level on history learning outcome. 3) History learning outcome of students who has higher critical thinking level and were taught by PJBL method are higher than those with the same level of critical thinking but were taught by conventional method. 4) History learning outcome of students who has lower critical thinking level and were taught by PJBL methodology are not below those with the same critical thinking but were taught by conventional method.

Keywords: history learning outcome, instructional methodology student’s critical thinking.

3. Jumardi 7126120027 2014 The Influence of Learning Approaches and Learning Styles on High School Students’ History Learning Outcomes


The aim of the study is to reveal the empirical data about the effect of learning approach and and learning styles on the outcome of history learning of SMA Negeri 35 Jakarta The methodology used is the experimental method with a 2×2 factorial design. Research instrumentation will includes a test that will be used to measure student’s history learning outcome from learning approach, and a questionnaire that will be used to measure student’s learning style on history learning outcomes. A total of 40 participants randomly selected. Data analysis performed by using two way variance analysis. The findings of the study demonstrated: 1) The history learning outcome of the students who take the teaching methods CTL was higher than students who take conventional teaching methods . 2) The history learning outcome between students who have a visual learning style was higher than students who have auditory learning style. 3) There is an interaction effect between learning approach and learning style of the history learning outcome. 4) The history learning outcome of the students who take the teaching approach of CTL and have a visual learning style higher than students who take conventional teaching approach and have a visual learning style . 5) The history learning outcome of the students who take the teaching approach of CTL and auditory learning style is lower than students who take conventional teaching approach and have auditory learning styles. 6) The history learning outcome of the students who take the teaching approach of CTL and have a visual learning style was higher than students who take the teaching approach of CTL and have auditory learning styles. 7) The history learning outcome of the students who take conventional teaching approach and have a visual learning style is lower than students who take conventional teaching approach and have auditory learning styles;

Keywords; Learning approach, Learning Styles, High School Students Learning Outcomes

4. Lukas Nana Rosana 7126120028 2014 The Effect of Instructional Method and Critical Thinking Ability Toward Student Outcome of Learning History at Bunda Hati Kudus In Jakarta

The objective of this research was to determine effect of instructional method and critical thinking ability toward students’ outcome of learning history at Bunda Hati Kudus Senior High School in Jakarta. This research uses experimental method with treatment of level 2 x 2. The target of sampling population is Bunda Hati Kudus Senior High School Jakarta. The eleventh graders of social one are as the treating sample and the eleventh graders of social two are as controlling population. This research gives conclusion as follows: (1) students’ outcome of learning history whom given model make a match of cooperative instructional method are higher than students’ outcome whom given conventional instructional method; (2) there is an interactive effect between instructional method and critical thinking ability toward learning history outcome; (3) students’ outcome of learning history who have high critical thinking ability, were given model make a match of cooperative instructional method higher than students who were given conventional instructional method; (4) students’ outcome of learning history who have low critical thinking ability, were given model make a match of cooperative instructional method lower than students who have low critical thinking, were given conventional instructional method.

Keywords: history learning outcome, instructional methods, and critical thinking abilities

5. Myristica Imanita 7126120029 2014 The Effect of Instructional Method and Interpersonal Intelligence on the Outcome of History Learning on the Students


This study aimed to determine the effect of learning methods and student’s interpersonal intelligence on the outcome of history learning on the students. This research is quantitative research using design treatment by level 2×2 The research date was taken from the observation, tests and questionnaires. The results showed that(1) history learning outcome of students who follow STAD instructional methods higher than students who follow conventional instructional methods, (2) there is interaction effect between instructional methods and interpersonal intelligence on history learning outcome of students, (3) history learning outcomes of students who follow STAD instructional method with high interpersonal intelligence, higher than students who follow conventional instructional method, (4) history learning outcomes of students who follow STAD instructional methods with low interpersonal intelligence, lower than students who follow conventional instructional methods.

Keywords: History learning outcome, Instructional method, interpersonal intelligence

6. Nita Agustinawati 7126120031 2914 The Effect of Instructional Method and Learning Autonomy on the Outcome of History Learning on the Student of SMAN 7 In Cirebon

The aim of the study is to reveal the impact of instructional method and learning autonomy on the outcome of history learning students. This research is conducted in SMAN 7 Cirebon academic year 2013/2014. The research method used in this study is the method of experimental with 2×2 factorial design. The study population was eleventh grade students with 40 subjects a second sample trial, drawn from two classes with different instructional method, 22 students with instructional method of Think Pair Share and 22 students with conventional method. The result of the research: (1) From the history learning outcome of students who used instructional method of Think Pair Share were higher than those who used learning conventional method; (2) There were interactions between instructional method and learning autonomy on history learning outcome; (3) The History learning outcome of students were taught by Think Pair Share and who has higher and learning autonomy level has higher than were taught by conventional method; (4) The history learning outcome of students were taught by Think Pair Share and who has lower learning autonomy level has lower than were taught by conventional method.

Keywords: history learning outcome, instructional method, learning autonomy

7. Naijan 7126120030 2014 The Effect of Instructional Methodology And Social Attitude On The Outcome Of History Learning On The Student Of SMAN 12 Tangerang Selatan

The aim of the study is to reveal the empirical data about the effect of instructional methodology and student’s social attitude on the outcome of history learning on the students of SMAN 12 Tangerang Selatan The methodology used is the experimental method with a 2×2 treatment design. Research instrumentation will include a test that will be used to measure student’s learning outcome, and a questionnaire that will be used to measure student’s social attitude on history outcomes. A total of 36 participants will be randomly selected. Data analysis will be performed by using two way variance analysis. The findings of the study will be demonstrate: 1) a higher student’s history learning outcome of those who were taught by Jigsaw instructional methodology compared to those who were taught by conventional method. 2) There is an interaction effect between instructional methodology and student’s social attitude on history learning outcome. 3) History learning outcome of students who has positive social attitude and were taught by Jigsaw method are higher than those with the same level of social attitude but were taught by conventional method. 4) History learning outcome of students who has negative social attitude and were taught by Jigsaw methodology are not below those with the same social attitude but were taught by conventional method.

Keywords: history learning outcome, history instructional methodology, student’s social attitude, jigsaw method, cooperative learning


8. Pujo Sukino 7126120033 2014 The Effect In Instructional Method And History Concept Understanding On FIPPS Programs Study History Education IKIP-PGRI Pontianak

This aims to find out effect of instructional methods and history concept comprehension on the outcomes learning on the student. The research was conducted in IKIP-PGRI Pontianak. The methodology used is the experiment was conducted using treatment by level 2×2. The research date was taken from the observation, tests and questionnaires. Sample size 44 student selected randomly. The results showed that. 1). History learning outcome of students using inquiry instructional methods are higher than using conventional instructional method, 2). There is interaction effect between instructional method and understanding on history learning outcome of students; 3). Results studied history student given method of instructional inquiry with have understanding concept high higher of the students given method of instructional conventional with have understanding concept high. 4). Results studied history student given method of instructional inquiry with have understanding concept lower of lower student who uses the method of instructional conventional with have understanding concept low.

Keywords: Concept Understanding, Instructional Methods, Outcome learning.


9. Victor Andreas Jusup


2014 The Effect Of Instructional Methodology And Creativity On The Outcome Of History Learning on The Student Of SMA 7 PSKD Depok

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the task of learning methods, and its relation to the creativity of the students to the history learning outcomes at SMA 7 PSKD Depok. The research method used was experimental. Test instruments are also used to measure the history learning outcomes, and questionnaires used to measure the creativity of students in learning history. A total of 32 participants will be randomly selected. Data analysis will be performed by using two way variance analysis. The findings of the study will be demonstrate: 1) a higher student’s history learning outcome of those who were taught by Recitation instructional methodology compared to those who were taught by conventional method. 2) There is an interaction effect between instructional methodology and student’s creativity level on history learning outcome. 3) History learning outcome of students who has higher creativity level and were taught by Recitation method are higher than those with the same level of creativity but were taught by conventional method. 4) History learning outcome of students who has lower creativity level and were taught by Recitation methodology are not below those with the same creativity level but were taught by conventional method.

Keywords: history learning outcome, history instructional methodology, student’s creativity level.

10. Ratni


2018 Implementation of Technique Evaluation for Learning Islamic Civilization History  (Research in IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten) The purpose of the research is to describing technique evaluation for learning Islamic  Civilization  History  by  analytic  description  method.  The  research  focus knowing  what  kind  of  evaluation  are  use  by  lecturer  and  why  they  choose  for  the evaluation. The content of this research is how expected to be a  resource for history learning  among  the  lecturer.  The  research  is  conducted  at  IAIN Sultan  Maulana Hasanuddin Banten  in  Faculty  of  Tarbiyah  and  Adab,  Faculty  of  Syariah  and Economic Islam and Faculty of Ushuluddinand Da’wah. The  research  method  is Descriptive Analytic  Method.  The  research was conducted  through  observation,  interview,  and  documents. The  research  has  found that  the  result  are  factors  influencing  lecturer  Islamic  Civilization  History  to  choose and use evaluation technic are two. It’s the learning purpose and lecturer education background.  The  combination  between  two  factors  have  produce  a  pattern  for choosing and implementation for evaluation technique to  learn Islamic Civilization History.

Keywords: Evaluation Technique, Islamic Civilization History, Lecturer

11. Fahmi Irhamsyah


2018 The Effect of Learning Methods and Historical Thinking Skills to History Subject Learning Results in SMAN 1 Cileungsi This study aims to know the effect of learning methods and historical thinking skills to history subject learning result. The method used in this study is experimental research with factorial  treatment  design  by  level  2×2. The  results  of  the  study  showed  (1)  history  subject learning  result  of  the  students  who  used  brainstorming  method is higher than the  result  of the students who used problem based learning methods (2) history subject learning result of the  students  who  have  have  synchronic  historical  thinking  skills  is  higher  than the  result  of the  students  who  have  the  diachronic  historical  thinking  skills  (3)  There  is  an  interaction effect between learning method, historical thinking skills to history subject learning result (4) History subject learning result of the students who used brainstorming learning method and have  a  synchronic  historical  thinking skill is  higher  than  the  result  of  the  student  who  used the problem based learning and have a synchronic historical thinking skill (5) history subject learning  result  of  the  students  who  used  brainstorming method  and  have  a  dyachronic historical  thinking  skill  is lower  than  the  result  of  the  students  who  used  problem  based learning  method  and  have  a  dyachronic  historical  thinking  skill  (6)  history  subject  learning result  of  the  students  who  used  the  brainstorming  learning  method  and  have  a  synchronic historical  thinking  skill  is  higher  than  the  result  of  the  students  who  used  the  brainstorming learning  method  and  have  a  diachronic  historical  thinking  skill  (7)  history  subject  learning result  of  the  student  who  used  the  problem  based  learning  method  and  have  a  synchronic historical learning skill is lower than the result of the students who used the problem based learning method and have a diachronic historical thinking skill.

Keywords: learning method, historical thinking, learning outcome

12. Naviri Priliarachma


2019 Development of Nationalism Attitudes in History Lessons in 11th Grade of Madania High School, Parung, Bogor

This research aims to determine the contribution of history lessons to nationalism attitude in the students of grade 11 in Madania High School, Bogor. In addition, it is also to find patterns of character education development in the ideal of learning history, and the last is to find the obstacles faced by the teachers in building the character of Nationalism through learning history. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through in depth interviews and questionnaires for the students of grade 11 and the history teacher at Madania High School, Parung, Bogor. The Nationalism Attitude is an attitude that shows the balance of love of the people in a country and the harmony of culture and territory contained in a nation with the aim of creating and will defend the country both internally and externally. The subjects of this research were the history teacher and the students of grade 11 at Madania High School each from The department of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and the research was conducted during the January 2020 through March 2020 school year. The methods used in this research was a qualitative method and using a case study approach. Based on the results of observations and in depth interviews with the history teacher and the students in grade 11 at Madania High School, it can be concluded by the researcher, the most prominent aspects of Nationalism are attitudes of love the motherland, honesty, responsibility, leadership, mutual cooperation, and tolerance. In addition the 11th grade students at Madania High School stated that the history teacher performance had been very good and had succeeded in instilling a nationalism attitude through history lessons. In addition, students also suggests for future history teacher to make history lessons more interesting by adding role playing lessons when studying a subject in a history book and to add state defending material in history lessons.

Keywords : History lessons, Nationalism Attitude, Madania Highschool

13. Veriesa Auliya Utami


2019 Teacher Professional Competence in Learning History at SMA Negeri 27 Jakarta The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  obtain  information  about  the  learning  process  carried out by history teachers both from graduates of history education, as well as from history teachers who were not from historical education. The study took place from February to May 2018. The teacher who was the object of the study was a history teacher of SMAN 27 Jakarta, who had four  people,  consisting of three  people  who were  graduates of history education,  and  one  teacher  who  was  not  a  graduate  of education history.  This  research was conducted in class X at SMAN 27 JAKARTA. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. Use of this method to get the actual situation in the school and   describe   the   results   of   the   study.   Data   collection   techniques   used   through observation,  interviews,  and  documentation.  Informants  in  this  study  were  Principals, Teachers, and Students at SMAN 27 Jakarta. In this study, it can be concluded from the results  of  the  study  that  the  professional  competence  of  teachers  who  are  graduates  of history  is  better  than  the  professional  competencies  of  teachers  who  are  not  historical education graduates.

Keywords: professional competence, teacher, history education.

14. Nofiyah Mardiani


2019 Analysis of The Use of Historical Learning Sources in The Development Of Budha and Islamic Hindu Materials in Class X SMK

Vocational High School (SMK) is an educational level that creates creative students so that they are ready in the world of work. Learning in Vocational Schools is closely related to practical activities, so learning in Vocational Schools very diverse sources of learning are used. but only certain subjects that use diverse learning resources many other subjects do not use varied learning resources, one of which is history. This study aims to (1) analyze learning resources used by teachers on Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic development materials, (2) analyze the impact of the use of learning resources on historical interest in Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic material. This study uses a qualitative method with descriptive analysis form with a sample of three schools, namely SMKN 42, SMK Cengkareng 1, and SMK Insan Cita. Informants in this study were Indonesian history teachers and students of class X vocational high schools in the three schools. Based on the results of research that found in the three schools have not used a variety of historical learning resources. It was only found that more use of conventional learning, namely lectures with one or two learning resources at each learning activity.

Keywords: Vocational High School (SMK), history learning resources, history learning.

15. Nur Fajar Absor


2019 Evaluation of History Learning Program at SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta This  study  aims  to  analyze  the  positive  and  negative  impacts  of  the  history learning  program  at SMKN  57  Jakarta.  The  research  design  used  was  an  evaluation, consisting  of  the  process  of  selecting  an  evaluation  model  and  then  selecting  the research  method. The  research  model  itself,  researcher  used  Goal  Free  Evaluation Model developed by Michael Scriven,  while for the research method, researchers used qualitative research methods. The results found that there  were: (1) Positive impact in accordance with program makers’ expectations around the program’s goals which were understood  from  the  cognitive  aspect,  students  were  interested  in  learning Sejarah Indonesia, the implementation of learning had proceeded well, and students were of the opinion that the subjects of Sejarah Indonesia would be useful for their life; (2) Positive impacts  that  do  not  include  program  makers’  goals  around  students  to  be  active, creative, and critical in learning, creative and innovative learning methods and media, and  the  implant  of character  education;  (3)  Negative  side  effects  as  a  result  of programs  implemented  around  the  emergence  of  legal  uncertainty  in  Indonesia, program objectives are understood to be limited to cognitive aspects, learning Sejarah Indonesia is  considered  not  important  by  program  makers,  difficulties  in  making learning   tools,   conflict   with   school   activities/regulations,   learning   materials   are numerous and concise, learning activities depend on the professionalism of the teacher, Sejarah  Indonesia will  be  tested  in USBN which  is  feared  that  students  will  forget  the materials that have been learned in class X before, Sejarah Indonesia still needs to be learned  in  class XI-XII,  and facilities  and  infrastructure  especially  books  that  are  not ready to support the learning of Sejarah Indonesia. The novelty of this study is that the research  focuses  on  the  subjects  of Sejarah  Indonesia which  were  affected  by  the Peraturan  Dirjen  Dikdasmen  No.  07/D.D5/KK/2018 by  using Goal  Free  Evaluation Model research.

Keywords: Program Evaluation, Goal Free Evaluation Model, Historical Learning

16. Adi Wiranata


2019 The Influence of Inquiry Learning Model and Learning Motivation on Results Learning History at State 6 High School, Bandar Lampung This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of inquiy learning  models  and  learning motivation  on  students’  historical  learning  outcomes at Bandar  Lampung  6  Public High  School.  The  type  of  research  used  is  quantitative  research  using  2×2  level treatment design experiment methods. The population consists of all students of class XI IPS. The sample consisted of two classes are class XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 3 with totalis56  students. The  instruments  used  for  learning  outcomes  are  multiple-choice  tests and  learning motivation are questionnaires. The results of this study indicated that: (1)  student  learning  outcomes  given  a  model  of  inquiry  learning  is  higher  than students  given  conventional  learning  models  (2)  there  is  an  influence  of  interaction between  learning  models  and  learning  motivation  (3)  students’  historical  learning outcomes  given  inquiry  learning  models  and  having  higher  learning  motivation is higher  than  students  given  conventional  learning  models  and  having  high  learning motivation (4) historical learning outcomes of students given inquiry learning models and  having  low  learning  motivation is lower  than  students  given  conventional learning models and having low learning motivation.

Keywords: historical learning outcomes, inquiry learning model, learning motivation

17. Estik Wijayasari


2019 Analysis of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in History Learning of Students in Labschool Kebayoran This  study  aims  to  find  out  about  the  concept  of  HOTS  thinking  ability  and  its implementation   in   history  learning   at   Labschool   Kebayoran.   This   study   used   a qualitative method with Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin’s grounded theory approach. The  object  of  research  is  the  learning  carried  out  by  one  of  the  history  teachers  at Labschool  Kebayoran.  The  results of  the  study  can  be  concluded  that  (1)  the  HOTS concept used by history teachers in teaching uses analysis, synthesis, and creation. (2) Implementation  of  HOTS  in  learning  by  history  teachers  at  Labschool  Kebayoran  is shown  by  applying  unusual  midterm  assessment  questions,  using  the  inquiry  learning model,  problem  based  learning  or  discovery  learning  to  support  the  development  of HOTS students. Other applications in honing HOT students’ skills are shown by giving assignments such as compiling autobiographies, making fossils, and composing papers.

Keywords: HOTS, history learning, implementation of HOTS

18. Novika Ratnasari


2020 Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in History Subjects at MUSI BANYUASIN High School This  study  aims  to obtain  a  systematic,  actual  picture of  the  Implementation  of the2013  Curriculum  in  the  Subjects  of  the  Subject  in  SMA  Negeri  1  Babat  Toman Musi  Banyuasin. This  research  uses  a  descriptive  qualitative  approach  with  a  research method  based  on  the  philosophy  of  post-positivism  which  is  usually  used  to  examine natural  conditions  where  the  researcher  acts  as  a  key  instrument.  Retrieval  of  data  in this  study  using  observation  techniques,  interviews,  and  document  review.  The  main data sources in this study were from the principal, vice principal, history teacher. The results showed that the understanding of teachers  in the  field regarding the 2013  curriculum  was  still  low,  especially  that  felt  by  teachers  of  history  subjects.  lack of  teacher  understanding  of  the  concept  of  learning,  both  in  terms  of  planning, implementation to evaluation of implementation. Can be seen from teachers who do not make  complete  learning  tools.  The  teacher  still  thinks  that  the  two  subjects  of Indonesian  History  and  History  are  subjects  with  almost  the  same  material,  and  the assessment technique only uses observation techniques. And the lack of counseling and understanding is one of the factors causing the 2013 curriculum to not run properly. the lack  of  available  facilities  and  infrastructure  cannot  be  utilized  properly,  the  lack  of availability of textbooks and other supporting facilities such as LCD, Monitor, Internet, Computers  has  made  the  learning  process  with  the  2013  curriculum  unable  to  be implemented properly in Babat Toman Hight School.

Keywords: implementation of history learning, curriculum 2013

19. Ardi Wijaya


2020 Utilization of Liangkabori Cave and Loghiya Kuba Mosque as a Source of Learning Histori in Muna Regency

Local historical sites that have material linkages with Indonesian national history must be maximized by all components of education as an alternative in history learning which so far only seems to memorize events in textbooks. This study aims to present the learning of Indonesian history based on the potential of cultural heritage and historical sites in Muna Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by conducting direct visits to the field carried out by taking historical objects at the Liangkabori Cave site and the Loghiya Cuba Mosque. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Loghia and SMKS Agriculture Al-Fath-an Uraza in Muna Regency. The results showed that the historical sites of Liangkabori Cave and the Loghiya Cuba Mosque in Muna Regency have been used as a learning resource regarding prehistoric Indonesian history material and the process of entering and developing Islam in Indonesia. The presence of local history in the learning process is not to dictate the history of Indonesia, but that the presence of local history has the aim of breaking the ice in the learning space and to enrich historical objects that will be used in learning practices. Local history is very much needed in the process of transferring cultural values as part of a plan to foster the character of students. Opening the horizons of thinking that what is experienced today is an inseparable part of the past historical processes that exist around the environment of students.

Keywords: Utilization of Liangkabori Cave, Cuba Loghiya Mosque, History Learning Resources.

20. Shofa Nururrohmah


2020 The Effect Of Social Inquiry Models And Curiosity On History Learning Outcomes At Classesxstudents In Attaqwa Putra Islamic Boarding School The aims  of research  objective were to  analyze  the effect of  social  inquiry models  and  curiosity  on  the  history  learning  outcomes  of students  at  classes X in Attaqwa  Putra  Islamic  Boarding  School  and  analyze  the  interactions  between  social inquiry models and curiosity on the history learning outcomes of students at classes X in  Attaqwa  Putra  Islamic  Boarding  School.  The  sampling  technique  uses  purposive sampling so that four sample groups are formed. The approach used a quantitative with quasi-experimental  designs.  This  study  used a  treatment  design  by  level  2×2.  The Independent  variables were social  inquiry  learning  and  curiosity  and  the  dependent variable  is  student  learning  outcomes.  Data  analysis  methods  the  feasibility  test, readability  test,  validity  test  of  the  instrument,  the  reliability  of  the  instrument,  the normality  test, homogeneity  test  and  hypothesis  testing  independent  test  Two  Test Sample,  One  Way  ANOVA  and  Two  Way  ANOVA.  The  results  showed  that  the  social inquiry  model  and  curiosity had  effect the  History  learning  outcomes  of  students  at classes  X  in  Attaqwa  Putra  Islamic  Boarding  School  and  there  was  a  positive interaction  between  social  inquiry  models  and  curiosity  on  the  History  learning outcomes  of  students  at  classes  X  in  Attaqwa  Putra  Islamic  Boarding  School.  The conclusion were that  social  inquiry  and  curiosity  models  can improve  the  History learning outcomes of students at classes X in Attaqwa Putra Islamic Boarding School.

Keywords:  curiosity,   learning  outcomes, social  inquiry  models, Islamic  Boarding School

21. Dony Satryo Wibowo


2020 Historical Awareness In High School Level Students, Case Study Of Identity History Awareness in SMA Labschool Jakarta Selatan

Historical consciousness according to experts is the cognition of individuals or groups of people and involves cultural awareness of a relationship between the past and the present, which helps to understand the future. Historical consciousness related to identity, both family ethnic cultural identity and national identity as Indonesian nation, is very important to build a frame of awareness of steps into the future, especially for high school students who are the key to the nation’s successor. High school level students as individuals who have experienced primary and junior secondary education who are preparing to meet higher levels of life, are expected to have a historical consciousness of their cultural roots and at the same time strengthen their national identity in order to face the era of globalization. Qualitative case study research with observation and interview facilities to explore the historical consciousness of students’ identity at SMA Labschool Kebayoran obtained several points, which can also be compared with research in other fields. These points include: a unique synergy between historical consciousness of ethnic cultural identities with the national identity of the students; the portrait of “Being Indonesia” in individual students as a picture of a continuous process of strengthening the nation; and other interesting points, such as phenomenon of polyglot and the feeling of being complete and feeling rich by having more than one identity in individual students.

Keywords: historical consciousness, identity, culture, nationalism.

22. Inda Syahra


2020 The Influence of CTL Learning Models and Learning Style On The Historical Learning Outcomes of Class X Students of SMA Negeri 8 Takengon

This study aims to obtain data on the influence of learning models and learning styles on historical learning outcomes in SMA 8 Takengon. This type of research is a quantitative study using an experimental method with factorial design by level 2 x 2. The population is all students of class X. The sample consists of two classes, namely class X Science 1 and X Science 3 with a total of 70 students. The instrument used for learning outcomes is a multiple choice test and the one used for learning styles is a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the historical learning outcomes of students who are given a CTL learning model are higher than students who are given conventional learning models (2) there is an interaction effect between learning models and learning styles (3) the historical learning outcomes of students who are given a learning model CTL and have a visual learning style higher than students who are given conventional learning models and have an auditory learning style (4) historical learning outcomes of students who are given a CTL learning model and have a visual learning style lower than students who are given conventional learning models and have learning styles auditory.

Keywords: historical learning outcomes, CTL learning models, and learning styles

23. Mariah


2020 The Effect of Talking Stick Learning Model and Ability to Creative Thinking Toward Students History Learning Outcomes High School of Pelita Three Jakarta

This experimental study aims to determine the effect and difference of talking stick learning. The research design used was posttest-Only Control Group design. The population in this study amounted to 78 students. Sampling technique uses cluster random sampling. This study uses a sample of two classes. Data collection methods using test and documentation. Data analysis using simple regression test and independent sample Ttest test using SPSS 19.0. The result of the analysis of simple regression test data are t count> table, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that there is influence of the use of cooperative learning model talking stick type on history studies learning outcomes of XI grade students of Pelita high school three. The result of analysis of independent sample t test tess data are t count> t table, so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means that there is a difference in the use of cooperative learning model talking stick type on history students learning outcomes of XI grade students Pelita high school three.

Keywords : Talking Stick model, Creative Thinking, learning outcomes.

24. Muhammad Irham Romadhon


2020 The influence of the Problem Based Learning learning model and creative thinking on the history learning outcomes of students at SMA KORPRI Bekasi

This  study  aims  to  determine  “The  effect  of  the  Problem  Based  Learning  learning model  and  creative  thinking  on  students’  history  learning  outcomes  in  SMA  KORPRI Bekasi”.  This  type  of  research  is  a  quantitative  study  using  an  experimental  method  with  a treatment  design  by  2×2  level.  The  population  consisted  of  all  students  of  class  X  IIS.  The sample consisted of two classes, namely class X IIS 1 and X IIS 2 with a total of 60 students. The instrument used for learning outcomes is a multiple choice test and creative thinking is a questionnaire  or  a  questionnaire.  The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that:  (1)  the  learning outcomes  of  students  who  are  given  the  Problem  Based  Learning  model  are  higher  than students who are given the direct learning model. (2) there is an interaction effect between the learning model and creative thinking. (3) the learning outcomes of students who are given the Problem  Based  Learning  model  and  have  high  creative  thinking  skills,  are  higher  than students  who  are  given  the  direct  learning  model  and  have  high  creative  thinking  skills.  (4) students’ historical learning outcomes who are given the Problem Based Learning model and have  lower  creative  thinking  abilities  are  lower  than  students  who  are  given  direct  learning models and have low creative thinking skills. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of Problem Based Learning and creative thinking learning models on student history learning outcomes at KORPRI High School Bekasi.

Keywords: creative thinking, historical learning outcomes, problem based learning model.

25. Zulfa Hendri


2020 Learning Program Evaluation in The History Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Pekanbaru City

The purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation of history learning at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 and MAN 4 Kota Pekanbaru. The research method used in this research is mixed methodology. Mixed method produces facts that are more comprehensive in solving research problems, because researchers have the freedom to use all data collection tools according to the type of data needed. The data analysis technique used qualitative analysis which was carried out interactively and continued continuously to completion. Activities in data analysis include data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results of this study are (1) Evaluation of aspects of the quality of learning including the performance of teachers in the classroom with an average score of 4.49 MAN Pekanbaru City, in mastery of historical learning materials with an average score of 3.43 MAN Pekanbaru City, Understanding student characteristics with an average score of 3.79 MAN Pekanbaru City, Mastery of learning management average score 4.14 MAN Pekanbaru City, Mastery learning strategy with an average score 3.83 MAN Pekanbaru City, Mastery assessment of learning outcomes with an average score 3.35 MAN Pekanbaru City, the results of the assessment of historical learning with an average score of 84.33 MAN Pekanbaru City report cards, the results of the assessment by school leaders with an average score of 4.10 MAN Pekanbaru City, learning facilities average score of 4, 35 MAN Pekanbaru City, Class climate with a score of 3.28 MAN Pekanbaru City, Student learning attitudes with an average score of 3.52 MAN Pekanbaru City, Motivation of students learning history an average score of 3.61 MAN Kota Pekanbar u. (2) Evaluation of aspects of learning output including personal skills with an average score of 3.88 MAN Pekanbaru City, social skills with an average score of 3.89 MAN Pekanbaru City, academic prowess an average report card score of 84.33 MAN Pekanbaru City . Thus it can be concluded that the evaluation of the history learning program at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) in Pekanbaru City using the EKOP learning model is very effective for evaluating learning in school.

Keywords: Evaluation of Learning Programs, Historical Education, EKOP Model

26. Ahmad Ruslan


2021 Implementation of Human Rights Values in the History Education Study Program (Phenomenology Study of History Education Study Program in Jakarta)

This study aims to analyze the implementation of human rights values in the history education study program, particularly in the History Education Study Program in FIS UNJ and UNINDRA PGRI in Jakarta. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques using interview, observation, and document study or documentation study instruments. The research design used is a phenomenological study that consists of determining the phenomenon to be studied, data collection, data analysis, literature study, maintaining research results, and ethical considerations. The results show that: (1) The two campuses studied indicate that they are not yet fully categorized as human rights-friendly campuses; (2) There is an understanding of human rights values that is inherent, both implicitly and explicitly, to the lecturers and students of history study programs in two universities; (3) There are human rights values in history learning, namely the link between historical learning and human rights, the application of values to human rights awareness in history learning and the reflection of human rights awareness behavior in everyday life. The novelty of this research is to focus on the implementation of the values of human rights awareness in history learning in the History Education Study Program, which so far, lecturers, students, and other academics have often neglected and led to human rights violations in the university environment.

Keywords; Human Rights, Historical Studies, Phenomenological Studies.

27. Ayuningtias Rahman


2021 Teachers’ Ability In Historical Literacy On History Learning At SMA Labschool Jakarta and SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to determine the teacher’s ability related to the dimensions of knowledge and conceptual understanding in historical literacy in high school history learning. This research is qualitative research with problem analysis using a single case analysis type case study which was carried out during the Distance Learning (PJJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMA Labschool Jakarta and SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta in 2020. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observation, document study. Analysis and interpretation of the data show that (1) history learning during the distance learning period at SMA Labschool Jakarta and SMA Negeri 30 Jakarta is still running conducive, but this condition also affects teacher and student interactions to be more limited in learning; (2) The teacher has been able to apply historical literacy in history learning following the historical literacy concept of Mapossa and Wasserman (2009); (3) Obstacles encountered by teachers in applying historical literacy are mainly to teachers’ conceptual understanding of historical literacy which is still at the stage of a traditional understanding of reading and writing, low levels of student literacy, and becomes more complex when implementing PJJ, teachers have difficulty bringing innovative applications historical literacy. These findings lead to recommendations for the government to facilitate activities in increasing teachers’ understanding of the concept of literacy, especially historical literacy, and for teachers to add insights related to the concept of historical literacy in history learning from various relevant references in order to strengthen the ability of teachers to understand the application of historical literacy and if PJJ continues, the teacher must make new innovations and improvisations in history learning so as not to eliminate the essence of meaning and reduce the quality of history learning.

Keywords: Historical Literacy, Historical Learning, Distance Learning (PJJ)

28. Febi Yuandini


2021 The Effect Of E-Learning Learning Models And Learning Motivation On Creative Thinking In History Lessons In Islamic Village High School

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of E-Learning Learning Models and Learning Motivation on Creative Thinking in History Subjects at Islamic Village Senior High School in class XI IPS students. The design used is Treatmen by level 2×2. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPS at Islamic Village Senior High School in the 2020/2021 school year. Systematic sampling of samples from two social studies classes at Islamic Village High School 2020/2021 academic year, to obtain one class as the control class and one class as the experimental class. With a total of 48 students of class XI IPS at Islamic Village Senior High School, consisting of 24 students of class XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2 of 24 students. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with data collection carried out through a questionnaire The results of data analysis for hypothesis testing show that 1) The creative thinking ability of students who use the Zoom application is higher than the creative thinking abilities of students who use the Edmodo application 2) The ability to think creatively with high learning motivation is higher than students who use the Zoom application Edmodo 3) The ability to think creatively with low learning motivation students who use the Zoom application is higher than students who use the Edmodo application 4) There is an influence of the interaction between E-Learning learning models and student learning motivation on creative thinking.

Keywords: motivation, E-learning, and creative

29. Megiridha Loppies


2021 The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Models And Personality Types On Student History Learning Outcomes At SMA Pusaka 1 Jakarta

This study aims to determine and examine differences in learning outcomes between groups of students using problem-based learning models and groups of students using conventional learning models involving personality types in class XI IPS at SMA Pusaka 1 Jakarta. The design used is Treatment by level 2×2. The population in this study were all students of class XI IPS consisting of four classes in SMA Pusaka 1 Jakarta totaling 140 students. The sampling technique was determined by purposive sampling in order to obtain class XI IPS 3 as an experimental class using a problem-based learning model and class XI IPS 4 as a control class using conventional learning models. The data were collected using the test method to measure student learning outcomes and the questionnaire was used to measure the student’s personality type. The results of data analysis using non-parametric statistics to test the hypothesis show that: 1). The learning outcomes of students who use problem based learning models are higher than students who use conventional learning models. 2). There is an interaction effect between problem-based learning models and personality types on history learning outcomes. 3). The learning outcomes of students with extrovert personality types who use problem-based learning models are higher than students who use conventional learning models. 4). The learning outcomes of students with introverted personality types who use problem-based learning models are lower than students who use conventional learning models.

Keywords: problem-based learning, personality type, learning outcomes

30. Neli Filhi Lijulli Afni


2021 The Effect of Historical Consciousness and National Character Education On Social Behavior of Students of at Class XI IPS SMA Labschool Jakarta

Social behavior is a person’s reaction or response to the behavior of others that occurs in everyday social life. Every individual has differences in their social behavior because of differences in knowledge and cognitive processes of each individual and also influenced by the continuity of the era at that time. Social behavior that can be carried out can be good or bad can be influenced by knowledge of historical consciousness and character education of the nation it has. The purpose of this study is to 1) explain the effect of historical consciousness on social behavior of class XI IPS SMA Labschool Jakarta 2) explain the effect of national character education on social behavior of class XI IPS SMA Labschool Jakarta 3) explain the effect of historical consciousness and national character education on behavior social class XI IPS SMA Labschool Jakarta. To achieve the above objectives used quantitative research design with ex post facto research type, the research sample used was 65 respondents of class XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2 SMA Labschool Jakarta and data collection techniques used were questionnaires about historical consciousness, national character education and social behavior. The results showed that 1) historical consciousness has a significant effect on the social behavior of students of class XI IPS SMA Labschool Jakarta as evidenced by the t table of 1.998972 < 2.636 t count and a probability value of 0.07 < 0.05 which means H0 is rejected or Ha is accepted 2) National character education has a significant effect on the social behavior of students of class XI IPS in SMA Labschool Jakarta as evidenced by the t-table of 1.998972 < 6.567 t count and a probability value of 0.000 < 0.05 which means that H0 is rejected or Ha is accepted 3) historical consciousness and character education have a significant effect on social behavior XI IPS class students of SMA Labschool Jakarta as evidenced by F count 27,898 > 3,145258 with a probability value of 0,000 ≤ 0.05, which means that H0 is rejected or Ha is accepted.

Keywords: Historical consciousness, National Character Education, Social Behavior

31. Restu Yanuar Ula


2021 The Influence of Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Learning Model and Learning Style Toward Students Affective Learning Outcomes In History Learning SMA Negeri 1 Rancabungur, Kabupaten Bogor

This experimental research aims to find out the influence of Value Clarification Technique (VCT) learning model and learning style towards affective learning outcomes in history learning. The design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design.. The population in this study was all grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Rancabungur Bogor Regency with a total of 207 students. Sampling techniques are purposive sampling which is divided into two classes into experimental groups (XI IPA 4) and control groups (XI IPA 1). Data collection method using multiple choice test method as many as 40 questions and questionnaire or questionnaire as many as 30 questions about learning style. Data analysis techniques using test requirements analysis conducted through normality test using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and homogeneity test using SPSS 24.0. The results of normality test data analysis obtained that pre-test and posttest data of affective learning results both experimental class and control class have a value of sig. 0.200 > 0.05, then distributed normally. Homogeneity test obtained that affective learning data from both groups have homogeneous variance (sig value > 0.05). Hypothesis testing using two-way variance analysis (Two Way ANAVA) obtained Sig.< 0.05 then H0 rejected and Ha accepted which means VCT learning model affects learners’ affective learning outcomes.

Keywords: VCT Learning Models, Learning Styles, Affective Learning Outcomes


32. Yadi Sumyadi


2021 The Influence Of Teachers’ Teaching Skills And Students’ Learning Interests On History Learning Outcomes at SMA Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta Timur

This study aims to find out the influence of teachers’ teaching skills and students’ learning interests on history learning outcomes. The population and samples in this study were students of SMA Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta which amounted to 128 students out of 514 students. The method used is the ex-post facto which means after the fact. The data collected by using questionnaires with five options of answers given to students. The results of statistical analysis of historical learning interest data obtained mean value (average) obtained by 84.99 which can be interpreted that the average respondent has excellent interest in learning. Data analysis using simple regression tests and sample tests of perception data on teacher teaching skills can be described through histograms of SPSS output version 21. The result of data analysis of the test provisions is normally distributed data if H0 is received where L0 < Ltabel with a significance level of α = 0.05 means normally distributed data whereas if the data is not distributed normally if H1 is received where L0 > Ltabel. While the result for the linearity test is linear when H0 is received where Probability (Sig.) > 0.05 means data is linear while if data is not linear if H1 is received where Probability (Sig.) < 0.05. The results showed: 1) there is an influence of teaching skills on learning outcomes with correlation coefficient ry1 = 0.399; 2) there is an influence of student interest in learning outcomes with correlation coefficient ry2 = 0.339; 3) there is an influence of teaching skills and students’ learning interest on learning outcomes with correlation coefficient Ry.12 = 0.456. Thus the teaching skills of teachers and students’ learning interests can update the results of the learning history of grade XI students of SMA Perguruan Rakyat 2 Jakarta.

Keywords: Teaching Skills, Learning Interests, Learning Outcomes

33. Pamela Ayesma


2021 The Utilization of Novels and Historical Film In The Development of Student Historical Literation In SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang Selatan This study aims to determine (1) The use and use of historical novels and films  in  history  learning  activities.  (2)  Student  responses  to  historical  novels  and films  in  learning  activities.  (3)  Historical  literacy  that  appears  in  students  by utilizing historical novels and films in their learning activities. (4) Constraints faced by teachers in using historical novels and films in learning activities. This  research  was  conducted  at  SMA  Negeri  12  South  Tangerang.  This study used a qualitative method with a case study design. words and oral utterances from history teachers and students and obtained from documents, namely learning tools. The  results  showed  that:  (1)  In  the  use  of  historical  novels  and  films  in classroom  learning,  teachers  use  historical  films more  than  historical  novels, historical novels have not been used by all history teachers in classroom learning and only a few teachers use historical novels in class. optimal, whereas historical films almost all teachers often use historical films in their lessons. So that in this case,  different  responses  from  teachers  and  students  about  historical  novels  and films  emerged.  Teachers  who  often  use  historical  novels  in  class  foster  students ‘interest in reading historical stories, while teachers who have never used historical novels  in  class  have  students’  incomprehension  about  historical  novels.  For historical films, students also responded to different responses, namely on average students  understood  learning  from  historical  films  more  than  just  listening to  the teacher explain the material, but in this case not all students understand historical stories if they only focus on films and explanations are needed from the teacher in study. (2) The use of historical novels and films has attracted students ‘interest in learning  history  and  is  able  to  build  imagination  and  foster  students’  historical literacy. (4) In the use of historical novels and films in learning, there are several obstacles  felt  by  the  teacher,  namely  adjusting  historical  novels  and  films  with learning  materials,  and  the  conditions  of  facilities  and  infrastructure  available  in schools.

Keywords: Historical Novels, Historical Films, Historical Learning, Historical Literacy

34. Lobelia Asmaul Husna


2021 Historical Thinking Ability of Historical Education Students of Jakarta State University In Building A Historical Empathy

This  study aims  to  analyze  the  historical  thinking  ability  of  historical  education students  in  improving  historical  empathy  ability.  The  research  method  used  is qualitative  with  case  study  approach  developed  by  Creswell.  The  research  was conducted in the History Education Study  Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) from January to July of 2020. This research is also limited to the courses of Colonial Period Indonesian History in the 2018 class and the History of Indonesia New  Order  Period  in  the  class  of  2017.  Data  collection  is  conducted  through interviews,  observations  and  documentation.  The  data  that  has  been  collected  is then analyzed and stimulated and then described and interpreted its meaning. The results  of  this  study  found  that  there  are:  (1)  history  education  students  have mastered  the  ability  to  think  historically;  (2)  According  to  lecturers  who  hold courses in Indonesian Colonial History and Indonesian History of the New Order Period, students have mastered the ability to think historically because they have mastered the indicators in historical thinking used in research from UCLA. (3) in the course History of Indonesia Colonial Period, lectures and discussions are carried out through google classroom while in the course History of Indonesia New Order Period  lectures  are  carried  out  via  whatsapp  and  lecturers  only  provide  reading materials  for  students  so  that  at  the  end  can  make  a  thesis  research  proposal.  (4) History  education  students  have  cognitive  empathy  skills  so  that  they  can  handle history well and understand the reasons behind those who have acted in the past.

Keywords: Thinking History, Historical Empathy, History Education Students

35. Maulani


2021 Character Education In History Subjects In Sma Islam Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading Jakarta

This  study  aims  to  describe  the  plans  prepared  by  teachers  in  teaching  and describe  the implementation  of  character-based  history  learning.  This  research  was conducted at Al-Azhar Islamic High School Kelapa Gading Jakarta. Using a qualitative method with a case study design, namely written or spoken words from teachers and students  that  can  be  observed  in  depth  and  obtained  from  document  studies,  namely learning tools. The results of the study describe two interrelated things, namely the planning of character education made by the teacher  and the implementation of the teacher in internalizing the main values of character in history learning. The planning made by the  teacher  shows  that:  (1)  RPP in  its  position  for  the  teacher  becomes  an  important guide in teaching, (2) there is a match between the lesson plan and its implementation, althought is inseparable from human error, (3) and the concept used by the teacher is adopted  from  pesantren  character  education  and  the  concept  of  ukhuwah  islamia.  While the implementation of character-based learning namely: (1) five main character values (religion,  nationalism,  independence,  mutual  cooperation  and  integrity)  that stand out are three main character values in history learning, namely religious values, nationalism, and independence. The five main character values are the teacher’s efforts and efforts in internalizing history learning. (2) the application of the learning model used  by  the  teacher  in  teaching  character-based  history  has  implemented  a  learning model that supports character-based history learning, namely the inquiry model and the model discovery. (3)  the  learning  media  used  by  the  teacher  are powerpoint and film/documentary. (4) In the implementation of character-based history learning, there  several obstacles felt by the teacher, namely adjusting the arguments contained in the  holy  verses  of  the  Qur’an  and  hadith  in  learning  materials  and  the  condition  of hyperactive students.

Keywords: Character Education, history learning

36. Riski Gustiar 9915817005 Development of Indonesian History Learning Module Based on Teaching History At Vocational High School

This study aims to develop a learning module for Indonesian History based on the Teaching Factory at SMKN 28 Jakarta. Teaching Factory is a learning curriculum for the Vocational High School level, where in this case students learn in school with conditions like learning in the industrial world. Of course, in this case the learning module used is different from conventional modules. In addition, at the Vocational High School level, there is Sumpah Pemuda material in the Indonesian History subject which is listed in KD 3.6, but the material available in student and teacher handbooks is not much. Therefore, researchers developed a Teaching Factory-based Sumpah Pemuda material module. This type of research is R&D (Research and Development) using the Dick and Carey theory. The population consisted of class X PH1 SMKN 28 Jakarta. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the material of Sumpah Pemuda in Indonesian History lessons for the Vocational High School level is not taught in detail, because the textbooks used by teachers and students do not include this material, (2) the problem is that there is no Youth Oath material overcome by the teacher by displaying a YouTube video that can be watched by students, (3) the learning outcomes of students at SMKN 28 Jakarta have differences, where their post-test scores are higher than the pre-test scores after they use the developed module. So that it can be concluded, there is an effect of using the Indonesian History learning module based on the Teaching Factory.

Keywords: development, history teaching module, Teaching Factory