1. | Rusdi Hidayat
2018 | Influence of Employee Capabilities Understanding The Problem of Environment And Leadership on the Effectiveness of City Forest Conservation Management Studi Ex Post Facto Terhadap Pegawai Di Kawasan Industri PT. JIEP Jakarta | The purpose of this study is to reveal the strength of employee’s ability factors to understand environmental issues and leadership on the effectiveness of urban forest management employees. This research was carried out in the PT JIEP Pulogadung industrial area in Jakarta for three months, starting from June to August 2017. The research method used was ex post-facto or comparative causal relationship with 2 x factorial design 2. Results of research on urban forest conservation management activities betweenemployees with the ability to understand high environmental issues are higher than those with the ability to understand the low environmental issues. The average urban forest conservation management that has the ability to understand high environmental issues is 141.93 higher than employees who have the ability to understand low environmental issues, namely 125.93. Furthermore, there is an interaction effect between the application of the ability to understand environmental issues and Leadership on the management of forest conservation of the city. The effect of the interaction is 41%. Urban forest conservation management activities between employees who have the ability to understand high environmental issues are higher than employees who have the ability to understand low environmental issues in the group with Transformative Leadership as evidenced from the tuckey test results, that Qcount> Qtable is 5.91> 4 , 11.
Keywords: Employee Ability, Environmental Issues, Leadership
2. | Netti Herlina
7716130310 |
2018 | The Evaluation Implementation Process of the Integrated Public Friendly Child Area or The Fulfillment of Children’s Rights To The Environment | The purpose of this research was to describe the evaluation of the implementation process of this policy for the fulfillment of children’s rights to the environment. The data is conducted by literature study and field reasearch which include observation and interview. The determination of informant is conducted by purposive technique.Technique of analysis data is done by content analysis and implementation analysis both quantitative and qualitative. The result of this research show that the implementaition of this policy has been running well. The fulfillment of the children’s rights was also good. The children have received services that include rights to play, recreate, participate, get together, get education, proper health, and also get information. However, there are still some obstacles and inconsistencies in its management. This is indicated by the coordination function among the related stakeholders that has not good yet.
Keywords: Evaluation, Implementation, RPTRA, Children’s rights
3. | Edy Suswanto
7716130599 |
2018 | Evaluation of Policy Implementationof Lakes Utilization on Community Basedtowards Sustainable In Bekasi | The existence of lakes in the area of Kota Bekasi is a state asset and a wealth of water resources that must be managed and maintained to be sustainability. As per the mandate of Law No. 32 of 2009 that environmental mangement is a systematic and pioneering effort to conserve environmental functions and prevent pollution and / or damage to the environment.The management of lakes in Kota Bekasi must be done systematically and integrated in order to maintain its sustainability. In an effort to support systematic, integrated and sustainable lakes management, theKota Bekasi government regulates the use and utilization of space through Regulation N o. 13 of 20 11on RTRW Kota Bekasi where in it manage the lakes management that serves as water reservoir and flood control.This research aims to evaluate the policy implementation of lakes utilization community based to the sustainable situation in Kota Bekasi. The Research methodology is used through observation, in-depth interview andresearch questionnaire. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis with Grindle evaluation model.The result of research shows that the existence of Regulation No. 13 of 2011 is a basic guideline or foundation in the implementation policy of the main duties and functions of related SKPD within the local government ofKota Bekasi. The whole program has not been implemented optimally. Found coordination problems and lack of clarity of authority in resource allocation. The benefit target has not been reached.
Keywords: Lakes, community based, sustainable, Grindle evaluation
4. | Arian Pramudi
9914817001 |
2020 | Evaluation of The Implementation
of the Air Pollution Control Policy in Order to Maintain Air Quality (Study in Manufacturing Industry in DKI Jakarta Province) |
This study aims to evaluate the implementation of air pollution control policies referring to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 2 of 2005 and analyze the level of compliance and calculate the emission load in the Manufacturing Industry in the DKI Jakarta area. The main air pollution problems today are related to sulfur emissions, acid rain, vehicle exhaust fumes, ozone pollution which is mostly generated by burning fossil fuels. The results of the DKI Jakarta Province Air Quality Index (IKU) in 2017 were around 53.50 compared to the National IKU, which was 87.03 where this value was in the unfavorable category (50 – 60). Monitoring data from SPKU (Air Quality Monitoring Station) spread across 5 areas of DKI Jakarta in 2018, for the “Unhealthy” and “Very Unhealthy” categories, amounted to 23.93%. The operational activities of industry and power plants contribute to NOx emissions (around 30% of total NOx emissions in Jakarta) and SO2 emissions (around 60-90% of total SO2 emissions in Jakarta). This study uses a policy research method (policy research) with the step of sorting out the articles or verses in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation Number 2 of 2005 with content analysis and suitability analysis which is explained descriptively. The research was carried out by observation and interviews at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environmental Agency and Manufacturing Industry in the DKI Jakarta area, namely at PT. Komatsu Indonesia (KI) and PT. Krama Yudha Ratu Motor (KRM). The findings of the research show that the implementation of the policy content and the policy context has not been realized as well as the analysis of the level of compliance with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 2 of 2005 in the semester 2/2018 at PT KI, namely 83.3% with a pollution load of 94.66 tons and at PT. KRM is 58.3% with a pollution load of 4.23 tons.
Keywords: Air Pollution Control Policy, Arrangement, Emission Load
5. | Abdur Rochman
9914817002 |
2020 | Evaluation of Implementation of Water Pollution Control Policy in Order to Apply Green Industry to Automotive Industry | This research aims to evaluate the implementation of water pollution control policies in order to apply green industry to the automotive industry and to know the effectiveness of its application in the field, the method used is policy research on evaluating policy implementation with the following stages of data retrieval; (1) preparation, (2) entering the Field, (3) data collection. Primary data is obtained from in-person interviews with Officials at relevant agencies, field observations. Secondary data in the form of regional environmental status reports, related agency activity reports and reports on the number of permits related to wastewater. From the results of the study found that it is an inhibition to obtain the benefits resulting from policies to improve the degree and protect the quality of river water in DKI Jakarta Province in accordance with Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province no. 69 of 2013 on raw wastewater quality can be concluded is: (1) Low participation rate of business activities in the development of environmental management, (2) Lack of ownership of wastewater processing installations,(3) Lack of ownership of wastewater disposal permits, (4) Low number of wastewater quality compliance, (5) Low implementation of wastewater inspection to environmental laboratory (LLHD) according to period, (6) Limited policy implementing resources (Dinas LH) resulting from low number of environmental inspector officials and workload and responsibility for causing supervisory performance to be non-optimal while in the application of green industry aspects that have not been well contained in aspects of water section production with criteria that are not optimal in its application are water efficiency efforts, the use of recycled water for production and utility processes, water conservation efforts and water management activities;
Keywords: policy, water pollution control, green industry
6. | Riyawati Ika Dewi
9914817004 |
2020 | Evaluation of the Green Open Space Program (Study case : DKI Jakarta Province) | This research was conducted in the DKI Jakarta area which aims to determine the suitability of the context, inputs, processes and products of the Green Open Space Program in the DKI Jakarta area. The method used is a combined method (mix methodes) by combining two research methods namely quantitative research methods and qualitative research methods. The first thing to do is a quantitative research method that is by using closed questionnaire. The respondents were visitors of Green Open Space in the DKI Jakarta area (5 locations, namely the National Monument Park -Central Jakarta, Ragunan Zoo -South Jakarta, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah -East Jakarta, Jogging Park -North Jakarta and Pluit Park -West Jakarta). Qualitative research methods are carried out by observation, interview and documentation. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire results, it was found that the achievement of the Green Open Space Provision Program in DKI Jakarta was 83.03% for the context component, 76.50% for the input component, 74.59% for the process component and 71.97% for the product component. Results of Descriptive quantitative data analysis on the context components, inputs, processes and products get good criteria but the input and process components are below 75% due to the input component there are socialization parameters, program implementation that has not been maximally implemented and the product component contains report parameters results that have not been maximized. Analysis of the results of this questionnaire, in accordance with the opinions of the speakers where to improve the performance of the open rain forest provision program in theDKI Jakarta area, innovative methods for program implementation and strong commitment from the regional government of DKI Jakarta are still needed. The community and stakeholders must be more involved for the success of this program in a real and sustainable manner.
Keywords: Evaluation Program, CIPP, green open space, DKI Jakarta
7. | Brando Harison Parlindungan Sagalingging
9914817007 |
2020 | Analysis of the minister of health regulation Policy Number 7 of 2019 Regarding Environmental Health Requirements (Case Study at Husada Hospital) | Hospital are the results of development because hospital built were used as a public service facility for society. The number of hospitals in Indonesia are currently increasing which made the presence of each hospital attend to the impact of activities resulted by the hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of waste management in hospitals based on the Health Ministry law policy number 7 of 2019. This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence the success of policies regarding the hospital environmental health requirements in order to become an environmentally friendly hospital. This research used a descriptive method with content analysis techniques. Primary and secondary datas were collected by interview, observation, and document study methods, then analyzed using interactive analysis procedures including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and recommendations. The results showed that the implementation of the Health Ministry law policy number 7 of 2019 regarding medical and non-medical waste management was not been effective. The ineffectiveness of the policy was due to the lack of human resources in management, the lack of land and limited finances owned by the Husada Hospital. Recommendations given in this study is that the hospital needs to increase human resources, as human resources are influential on the proceedings of activities and may increase specific performance to achieve goals and objectives of the policies issued.
Keywords: Hospital, Health Ministry law policy, Waste Management.
8. | Muhamad Ibnu Fajar
7716167583 |
2018 | The Implemetation of Regional Regulation Number 9 Year 2007 of Bekasi Region Regarding Permit of Economical Non Hazardous Toxic-Solid Waste Management | This study aims to explain the policy of managing solid waste not from hazardous and toxic materials through re-use or re-cycling for environmental sustainability. This policy has been contained in the Bekasi district government regulation Number 09 of 2007. This policy is an effort in the management of non-B3 waste in order to become orderly and free from dirty and even slums. Through this policy the waste manager is required to be registered in the licensing of the waste management company, especially non-B3 solid waste. This study uses qualitative methods with consideration, researchers use questionnaires as consideration for determining the percentage scale of the success of waste management policies. Based on the results of the analysis of policies on the management of solid waste not derived from hazardous and toxic materials through re-use or reconstruction to preserve the environment, the results of 87.8% were converted into qualitative, including high and very good categories.
Keywords: Implementation of Policy. Waste Management. Non Hazardous Toxic-Solid Waste
9. | Iko Cempako Sari
7716168259 |
2020 | Corporate Culture Relationship And Leadership With Company Commitments In Realizing Green
Industry In PD PAL Jaya – DKI Jakarta |
Industrial development at this time has a big role in increasing global warming. In other words, every industry must think about the application of an environmentally friendly industry and sustainable development. It is important for company leaders to understand all kinds of behavior that can damage the environment around the company. The role of a leader who instills cultural values in the company continuously so that employee members change their behavior in their daily lives as evidenced by the long-term commitment of the company that leads to a green industry. This study itself aims to determine the relationship between corporate culture and corporate leadership on the company’s commitment to realizing the Green Industry in PD Pal Jaya DKI Jakarta. The method used is a quantitative method with correlational techniques. This research was conducted from December 2019 to July 2020, with a total sample frame of 165 people, 30 people as sample trials, then with the Slovin formula with a precision level of 15%, 60 samples of employee respondents were selected by random sampling. Three instruments that measure the relationship between corporate culture and company commitment in realizing a green industry have a correlation coefficient of 0.900, a leadership relationship with a company committed to creating a green industry of 0.504, and a relationship between corporate culture and corporate leadership and a company committed to creating a green industry of 0.952. The results showed that first there was a positive relationship between corporate culture and company commitment, secondly, there was a positive relationship between corporate leadership and company commitment, and thirdly, there was a positive relationship between corporate culture and corporate leadership together with the company committed to realizing a green industry. Therefore, it can be concluded that if the company’s commitment to realizing a green industry is to be improved, the company culture and corporate leadership must also be considered in order to support the creation of a company commitment that leads to a green industry.
Keywords: Corporate Culture, Corporate Leadership, Company Commitment to realizing a green industry can be improved.
10. | Najmudin
7716157633 |
2020 | Implementation of Bekasi City Regional Regulations Number 13 Of 2011 Concerning a Green Open Space In Achieving The Indicators of Sustainable Development | This study aims to determine the results of the implementation of the Bekasi City Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2011 concerning green open spaces to achieve sustainable development indicators. The research method used is descriptive-quantitative research. This study used a policy research design according to Peter. J. Haas and J. Fred Springer. The collection of informants in this study was carried out by purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in this study are done by observation, interviews, and written documents. The data analysis technique in this research was done by reduction, display, and conclusion. The results of this study are: (1) Within a period of eight years, from 2011 to 2019, the Bekasi City Government has implemented a green open space arrangement that focuses on the largest area in Bekasi City. The success of this implementation is since green open space areas are still dominated by rice fields and community plantations, acceptance of modernization, and intensive socialization from city government officials so that people realize the importance of green open space for themselves; (2) The results of the implementation of green open space in Bekasi City from years have always increased for five years from 2011 to 2015, namely 272.75 hectares or 1.29%. In 2015 to 2019, it was 136.45 Ha or 0.64%. This means that the construction of green open space in Bekasi City has exceeded the target set, namely 0.2%. In the view of the community, the implementation of green open space arrangement in achieving sustainable development indicators reached 92.67%. This proves that the green open space arrangement is considered to have met the indicators of sustainable development.
Keywords: Implementation, Green Open Space, Sustainable Development
11. | Vita Dini Aviyana
7716167179 |
2020 | Ecotourism Development Based on Local Wisdom to Strengthen The Environmental Cultures in Cempaka Tourism Village, Bumijawa District, Tegal Regency | This study aims to scientifically examine the development of ecotourism based on local wisdom in the context of a cultural environment. This research was conducted in Cempaka Tourism Village, Bumijawa District, Tegal Regency from February 2019 to July 2020. The target of this research is the Cempaka Tourism Village community, including Pokdarwis, village heads, tourism managers, visitors, tourism actors, and stakeholders. interests. The research was conducted using the Research and Development (R&D) method by developing an ecotourism concept based on local wisdom that was implemented to strengthen culture. Data analysis techniques The results of the validation test used a proportional descriptive analysis technique. The development phase of an ecotourism concept based on local wisdom includes the initial phase (field survey and literature study) and the implementation stage (field data collection, validation, revision and implementation of the minibook). Research shows that Cempaka Village is suitable to be applied as an ecotourism-based tourist destination. The ecotourism developed includes mapping potentials, programs, and policies that can be applied in Cempaka Village. The evaluation of the development of the ecotourism in Cempaka Village received an assessment from several experts at 79%. The product is packaged in the form of a digital and printed book titled “Cempaka Ecotourism Based on Local Wisdom and Cultured Environment”. The implementation of ecotourism development received a positive response from the community and tourism actors. Cempaka Tourism Village with various channels related to community awareness, limited human resources, funds, and facilities, this shows that ecotourism based on local wisdom can be implemented and developed properly in the context of environmental culture.
Keywords: Cempaka tourism village, ecotourism, local wisdom
12. | Dian Restu Fatmawati 9914817012 | 2021 | Evaluation of the Implementation of the Karawang Regency PERDA No. 10 of 2013 concerning Textile Industry Wastewater Management Case Study at PT. TOYOBO in order to reduce the impact of river water quality
This study aims to determine the implementation of Regional Regulation no. 10 of 2013 in Karawang Regency regarding textile industry wastewater management in order to reduce the impact of river water quality. The focus of this research is to explain the phenomenon that occurs in textile companies that have implemented the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2013 in an effort to reduce the impact of river water quality. In accordance with the characteristics of the research to be carried out, the method used is the method of content analysis. The population in this study is the BPLHD Office of Karawang Regency. The literature review used includes the theory of policy implementation according to William Dun and the theories that influence policy implementation according to George C Edward III who examines the implementation of this regional regulation. Based on the research obtained, information regarding the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 10 of 2013 regarding textile industry wastewater management can be seen from the policy objectives, the nature of the implementing agency, and the social and political economic environment. Keywords: Policy Implementation, textile industry wastewater management |
13. | Edwina Dhyani Danaparamita 9914817010 | 2021 | Relationship between Environmental Management and Plant Conservation with Visitor Satisfaction at Bogor Botanical Gardens
The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the relationship between environmental management and visitor satisfaction, environmental conservation and visitor satisfaction, and environmental management and environmental conservation on visitor satisfaction. The study was conducted at the Bogor Botanical Gardens with a sample of visitors to the Bogor Botanical Gardens. The research was conducted using quantitative methods using surveys, observations, and literature studies. The conclusion of the research that has been done is that the satisfaction felt by visitors after traveling to the Bogor Botanical Gardens is strongly influenced by good environmental management, as well as plant conservation activities. The better plant management and conservation activities carried out in the Bogor Botanical Gardens will have positive implications for visitor satisfaction. When the purpose of visitors to travel to the Bogor Botanical Gardens is fulfilled, the satisfaction of visitors will also be fulfilled. High visitor satisfaction will give a positive image to the Bogor Botanical Gardens, this will be one of the benchmarks for the extent to which the manager’s success in carrying out the assigned tasks. To achieve good visitor satisfaction, through this research it is known that the role of environmental management and plant conservation is very decisive.
Keywords : environmental management, plant conservation, visitor satisfaction |
14. | Yaenal Febri Susanto
9914817008 |
2021 | Correlation between Leadership and Organizational Culture with Employees’ Environmental Performance at PT. Cahaya Mas | Industrial activities are the main pillar of economic growth in a country. However, in addition to having a positive impact, industrial activities can also have a negative impact. So that
environmental management is very important. One of the environmental management is reflected in the environmental performance of the company’s employees. Improving employee environmental performance is related to the leadership and organizational culture run by a company that prioritizes environmental concepts. So that it is expected to minimize environmental damage. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between leadership and organizational culture with employee’s environmental performance. This research was conducted at PT. Cahaya Mas with the object of research are employee’s. The method used is quantitative with correlation technique. The data collection technique was done by distributing questionnaires to 102 people. The sampling technique used for sampling was proportionate stratified random sampling. The study was conducted from July 2020 to October 2020. Assumption test was including normality test which was using Lilliefors test and test of homogeneity of variances which was using Bartlett test. Result from the normality test showed normal range of working motivation variable and result from test of homogeneity of variances showed homogeneity of variances of research data. Based on the analysis of the data found that there was a partial use of leadership to Employees’ Environmental Performance, and the partial use of organizational culture to Employees’ Environmental Performance. Simultaneously there is influence of leadership and organizational culture to Employees’ Environmental Performance. Based on the results, it can be concluded that if you want to improve the environmental performance of employees at PT. Cahaya Mas needs to consider the leadeship and organization culture. Keywords: employee’s environmental performance, leadership, organizational culture |