Lapor Pasca


1. Irma Mustika Sari


2014 Relationship Between Perception of Family Interaction And Self Concept With Student Anti Environmental Behavior (The Study of Correlation for Student in SMA Negeri 77 Jakarta 2014

The research aims to explore the relationship between perception family interaction and self concept with student Anti Environmental Behavior. For this purpose, 60 students from SMA Negeri 77 Jakarta were selected at random and responded the questionnaire. it was quantitative research with survey method. Analysis and interpretation of the data showed that (1) There is negative relationship between perception family interaction with student Anti Environmental Behavior, with rx1y = -0.549 and Ŷ = 137.39 – 0.505 X1 (2) There is negative relationship between self concept with student Anti Environmental Behavior, with rx2y= -0.508 and Ŷ = 121,09 – 0,717 X2 (3) there is negative relationship between perception family interaction and self concept together with student Anti Environmental Behavior, with ry12 = 0.647 and Ŷ = 152.856 – 0,392 X1 -0.398 X2.

Keywords: Perception Family Interaction, Self Concept, Student, Anti Environmental Behavior.


2. Is Nurhayati


2014 The Development of New Environmental Paradigm Instrument Senior High School Biology Teacher’s in DKI Jakarta

This study aims to develop of new environmental paradigm instrument senior high school Biology Teacher’s in DKI Jakarta. This study used a survey method. The sample of 100 teacher’s were selected purposively. Development of new environmental paradigm instrument was based on the findings of Dunlap dimension, namely limits to growth, antiantropocentrism, the fragility of natures balance, rejection of exemptionalism, the possibility of an ecocrisis. This study uses factor analysis. The conclusion is development of new environmental paradigm instrument senior high school Biology Teacher’s in DKI Jakarta has been confirmed. This is evident with the whole new environmental paradigm dimensional in accordance with the theory of empirical data.

Key word: Instrument development, new environmental paradigm, factor analysis


3. Mega Kusuma Putri


2014 The Relationship Between Students’ Knowledge About The Ecosystems And Locus f Control With Perspective Students About Sustainable Society

The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the relationship between students knowledge and locus of control with perspective students about sustainable society. It is expected that students will be able to realize the importance of keeping the environment and surrounding environment. The study used a korelasional method, the sample in this students were 100 drawn at random. Data were collected using the instrument it he form of questions and statements. Analysis and interpretation of the data showed that (1) There is a positive relationship between the students knowledge of the ecosystem with perspective students about sustainable society (2) There is a positive relationship between locus of control with perspective students about sustainable society (3) there is a positive relationship between the students knowledge of the ecosystem and locus of control with perspective students about sustainable society. Findings of this study concluded that with increase of students’ knowledge about the ecosystems, locus of control together with the student perspective on sustainable society can increase the students understanding of the importance of protecting the environment.

Keywords : knowledge about the ecosystem, locus of control and perspective students about sustainable society


4. Nurjana Mansur


2018 Relationship Between Environmental Knowledgeand Neuroticism Personality Withhealthy And Clean Livingbehaviora Correlational study of students SMA Negeri 54 East Jakarta This  study  aims  to  determine  the  relationship  between  environmental knowledge and the personality of neuroticism with the behavior of clean and healthy life of SMA 54 students of East Jakarta.The research method used is survey  method  with  correlational  approach.  In  this  study,  the  sample  of  120 students  of  SMA  Negeri  54  East  Jakarta.  Data  collection  techniques  were performed using instruments in the form of questionnaires.The  results  showed that:  (1)  There  was  a  positive  relationship  between environmental knowledge and clean and healthy life behavior; (2) There is a positive relationship between the personality of neuroticism and the behavior of clean and healthy life; (3) There is a mutually positive relationship between environmental  knowledge  and  the  personality  of  neuroticism  with  clean  and healthy living behavior. The  implications  of  the  research  are  to  emphasize  the  students  to  live clean   and   healthy   behaviors,   as   well   as   input   to   teachers   about   the importance  of  knowledge  about  the  environment  and  the  neuroticism  of students  in  school  and  their  daily  environment  in  order  to  implement  clean and healthy living behaviors.

Keywords: environmental knowledge, personality neuroticism, clean and healthy life behavior

5. Vania Zulfa


2018 Effect of Ecoliteracy And Critical Thinking Skills on The Contribution of Environmental Conservation The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical information about the effect  of  interaction  between  ecoliteracy  and  critical  thinking  skills on  the contribution  of  environmental  conservation  at  the  State  University  of  Jakarta. The method used is an expo-facto 2 x 2 factorial design method. The samples are students of Biology Education program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, who has taken an environmental education course. The results show that the hypotheses with  respect  to  both  ecoliteracy  and  critical  thinking  skills  could  affect  the contribution  of  environmental  conservation  but  in  different  ways.  This  study supports  previous  relevant  research  and  provides  new  empirical  information that ecoliteracy and critical thinking skills can influence a person’s contribution to  conserving  the  environment.  Therefore,  the  implementation  of  ecoliteracy must  begin  early.  The  application  of  ecoliteracy  can  also be  integrated  into media that are growing rapidly today. So that at the higher level, the concept of ecoliteracy has emerged in a more creative and innovative form by initiating new innovations in the more sophisticated environment.

Keywords:   conservation,   contribution,   critical   thinking   skills,   ecoliteracy, environmental education.


6. Syarifullah


2019 Learning Strategical Influence of Inquiry And Locus of Control Against Environmental Knowledge For Students (At Islamic Senior High School of Alwathoniyah 43, North Jakarta) This research is aimed at This the influence factors between inquiry learning strategy and locus of control on students’environmental knowledge. There search took place from September to December 2018/2019. Method election in order to investigate whether or not influence by giving treatment to experimental class which of results compared to control class. Population in this research is all students of XI grade, department of Natural Science, Islamic Senior High school of Alwathoniyah 43, North Jakarta. The samples 90 students got ten in this research by random sampling technique. The results of the study concluded that there was an interaction effect between guided in quiry learning strategy and high locus of control on students’environmental knowledge.

Keywords: Inquiry Learning Strategy, Locus of control, Environmental Knowledge.


7. Tina


2019 The Effects Of Learning Strategy And Self-Efficacy To Student’s Environmental Metacognitive Ability The research was conducted to determine the  effects of  metacognitive  learning strategy and self-efficacy to student’s metacognitiveability. Research method was used quantitative.  Sampling  technique  was  using  purposive  sampling  in  population  of Vocational High School of Tunas Markatin’s students. T-test  and  one-way  ANOVA were used to determine the research hypotheses. The research data was found from the test of student’s environmental metacognitive ability of grade 10thstudentsas much as fifty  six  students  which  took  by  random  sampling  technique  from  each  groups  of environmental  pollution.  The  research  were  showed  that  learning  strategy,  especially metacognitive  strategy  and  self-efficacy affected in making student’s environmental metacognitive   ability   in   environmental   pollution   in   science   subject.   Appropriate metacognitive learning strategy related with high or low of student’s self-efficacy.  To enhance  metacognitive  environmental  ability,  students  with  high  self-efficacy  well fixed  by problem-solving metacognitive strategy in enhancing student’s metacognitive environmental  ability.  Whereas,  the  students  with  low  self-efficacy  well  fixed  by repeating metacognitive strategy.

Keywords: learning strategy, self-efficacy, environmental metacognitive ability


8. Novi Utami Rosyid


2019 Development of Mangrove Eco-literacy Storytelling asLearning Media for the Environmental Education of Coastal ChildreninSerang This  study  aims  to  create  and  develop  mangrove  eco-literacy  storytelling  as learning  media  for  coastal  children  at  SDN  Lontar  2 –Serang  which  is  used  to support the implementation of environmental education on mangrove ecosystems. This  study  used  to  research  and  development  method  of  Borg  and  Gall  (2008) which  includes  identification  stage,  goal  formulation,  material  formulation,  the instrument  to  measure,  media  scriptwriting,  feasibility  testing  and  trials,  and revision  learning  media.  The  results  of  thisstudy  are  learning  media  for  the mangrove  eco-literacy storytelling which has been through feasibility testing  and field   trials.   Based   on   the   appropriateness   test   obtained   the   results   of   the percentage  of  material  feasibility  75%  with  a  good  category,  thepercentage  of media feasibility reached 86.36% with a very good category and the percentage of feasibility for learning was 88.67% with a very good category. Field trials showed that there was a significant effect with the pretest and post-test values of 57.56 < 73.57.  Based  on  calculations  using  the  t-test  was  obtained  a  high  significance value  of  0.02  <  p  =  0.05  so  that  H0  was  rejected,  and  Ha  was  accepted  which means  that  users  of  mangrove  eco-literacy  storytelling  influences  to  increase  of mangrove eco-literacy students at SDN  Lontar 2 -Serang. Conclusions from this research,  Eco-literacy  of  mangrove  storytelling  media  is  very  feasible  to  use  for the learning process and mangrove eco-literacy storytelling is proven to be able to improve the ability of eco-literacy mangroves of students in environmental theme learning at SDN Lontar 2 -Serang.

Keywords: Eco-literacy, Mangrove, Storytelling


9. Irfan Ilyas


2020 The Influence of Self Directed Learning And Personality Learning Model on Student Learning Results on Structure Materials And Plants Network Function (Experimental Study on VII Class Students of Middle School 7 Ternate City)

The application of the self-directed learning model and the formation of personality can improve student learning outcomes both affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-directed learning (SDL) and Personality learning models on student learning outcomes on the structure and function of plant tissue. This study used a Quasi-experimental method with 2 x 2 factorial design with a sample of 32 students for the experimental and control classes. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. This research was conducted for three months from July to September 2019 at SMPN-7 Ternate City. The results showed that (1) There was a significant difference in learning outcomes between students who studied with the self-directed learning model and those who studied using conventional learning models, with an average score of learning outcomes (A1) was 75.75, and (A2) ) is 71.25 and two-way ANOVA calculation obtained Fcount for the learning model is 12.565 while Ftable = 4.20 at the real level α = 0.05; (2) There is a difference in learning outcomes between students who have Extroverted Personality and Introverted Personality, 72,13. The results of the two-way ANOVA calculation obtained Fcount for the learning model of 4.693 while Ftable = 4.20 at the real level α = 0.05; (3) There is an influence of the interaction of learning models and personality on learning outcomes. ANOVA calculation results that Fcount for the interaction factor is 85.668 greater than Ftable which is 4.20 at the real level α = 0.05; (4) There are better results for students with extroverted personality, using self-directed learning model. Because the score of student learning outcomes (A1B1) is 83.00 and the average Tuckey test score is 24.33; (5) There is higher student learning outcomes when using conventional learning models in students with Introverted Personality (A2B2) is 75.75 and the Tuckey Test an average score of 7.25. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the selfdirected learning model can improve student learning outcomes on the structure and function of plant networks by considering the extrovert and introvert personality types of students.

Keywords: Student leaning outcomes, Self directed learning, Personality


10. Iskar Hukum



2020 Understanding Local Wisdom of Cold Lava Flood Mitigation In Tubo Village Community (A Phenomenological Study)

Indonesia is an archipelago that is rich in culture and has the potential for natural disasters. Not only that, along with its natural wealth in each region of Indonesia  it  also  provides  a  wealth  of  customs,  languages,  arts,  and  other diversity. In  every  culture  in  Indonesia  there  is  local  wisdom  in  it.  However, with this wealth in fact Indonesia is always haunted by disasters. Indonesia has relatively  many  active  volcanoes  that  are scattered  in  almost  all  parts  of Indonesia. That is why Indonesia is known as the ring of fire). Djalil, Rieneke, and  Tilaar,  (2013)  state that  currently  there  are  129  active  volcanoes  and  500 inactive in Indonesia.Along with the development of community knowledge, local wisdom will always   experience   developments   in   disaster   mitigation   practices.   This development   is   of   course   inseparable   from   the   results   of   science   and technology  innovation.  The  problem  is  how  to  adapt  to  the  speed  of  local wisdom embeddedin communities that have the potential to experience various types  of  natural  disasters  in  their  respective  regions  or  regions.  Because  the potential for natural disasters is always side by side with the daily activities of the community. The richness ofIndonesian culture is based on the local potential that each region has. Each region has its own identity. This culture has always been local wisdom  that  plays  an  important  role  in  the  lives  of  local  communities, including  in  disaster  mitigation.  This  research  is  a  qualitative  research  with  a phenomenological  approach.  This  research  was  conducted  in  Tubo  Village, Ternate City, North Maluku Province. The purpose of this research is how the community  understanding  of  Kelurahan  Tubo  about the  local  wisdom  of cold lava  flood  mitigation.  The  interviewed  informants  were  the  local  community and the Kelurahan government and traditional leaders. The results of this study local wisdom can be utilized in the context of natural disaster mitigation.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Cold Lava Flood, Tubo Village


11. Mochamad Ali Chomaini


2021 The Relationship Between Ecological Intelligence And Media Exposure With Environmentally Friendly Behavior (Correlational Study of Class VIII Students At Private Junior High School DKI Jakarta)

The environment in Indonesia is one of the world’s centers of biodiversity, known as  a  mega-biodiversity  country.  The  high  diversity  does  not  make  Indonesia contribute  significantly  to  environmental  improvement.  One  of  the factors  that causes it is human behavior. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent and minimize these behaviors   by   increasing   human   resources   through   the   application   of ecological  intelligence  and  media  exposure  to  create  environmentally  friendly behavior.This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between variables and analyze the relationship between variables of ecological intelligence, media  exposure,  and  environmentally  friendly  behavior  in  private  junior  high school  students  in  DKI  Jakarta.This  research  was  conducted  at  SMP  Labschool Kebayoran,  SMP  Istiqlal  Jakarta,  and  SMP  Laboratorium  Jakarta  in  the  odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The method used is quantitative through correlational studies. Sampling was done by cluster random sampling and obtained 90   students.   Data   collection   was   carried   out   using   ecological   intelligence instruments, media exposure, and environmentally friendly behavior, then analyzed by  normality  and  homogeneity  tests.  The  results show  us  that  media  exposure contributes  more  than  ecological  intelligence  to  form  environmentally  friendly behavior.

Keywords: ecological intelligence; media exposure; environmentally friendly behavior; increase in human resource; environmental problem.