1. | Ahmad Jamalong 7117020253 | 2019 | Development of Multicultural-Based Citizational Education Training Model for Teachers of Smpnin Pontianak City | This study aims at developing a multicultural-based citizenship education training model for junior high school teachers. The research was conducted in Pontianak city since July 2015 to December 2017. This study used a Research and Revelopment (R&D) method with a pre-experimental designwith limited testing one group pre-testand post-test desaign. The research sample consists of 24 civics education (PKn) teachers who teach at Yunior High School in Pontianak City. The type of data arequalitative and quantitative. Qualitative data obtained through observation, interviews,and open questionnaire about the training needs for the civics education teachers. Data on the accuracy, clarity, and usefulness of multicultural-based civics education training models and materials use descriptive statistical analysis of percentages. Research data were analyzed using percentages and mean analysis techniques. The results of this study show 1) The training model used by the Center for Development and Empowerment of Educators and Educators (P4TK) of the Ministry of National Education has not been able to fully maximize teachers competency, 2) The design results of the development of a multicultural-based Civics training model that is effective if it follows the procedures: planning, organizing, implementation, and evaluation, 3) The final model of multicultural-based civics training is proven that could improve the civics education teachers’ pedagogical competence in developing syllabus and preparing the multiculturalism lesson plan.
Keywords: Model development, Training, Citizenship Education, multiculturalism, Teacher Competence.
2 | Triasianingrum Afrikani
7117020273 |
2019 | Improving Teacher’s Abilityin Designing And Implementing Learningby Cooperative Strategy Applicati on at the 8th Junior High School Bogor | This studyaims to improving teachers ability in designing and implementing learning by cooperative strategy application STAD (Student Team Achievement Division) at the 8thjunior high school Bogor. This research was conducted using a model of action (Action Research). Using a workshop approach and The model chosen in this action research is Lewin’s cycle model inwhich has the view that action research is described as a spiral cycle and includes stages: (a) planning (plan), (b) action, (c) Observation, and ( d) reflection and planning revised actions on recycling if still needed for improvement. The results showed that through trainingand mentoringin the application of cooperative learning strategies STAD techniques through training, proven to contribute to the second cycle and third cycle, namely:1) increasing the ability of teachers to design a lesson plan, 2) increasing the ability to carry out learning, in preliminary activities, core activities (exploration, elaboration, and confirmation), and closing activities. The results of interviews with teachers after the second cycle were 80%, and in the third cycle there were 100% of the ten teachers who were interested in applying the STAD technique cooperative learning strategies. The results of interviews with students in the second cycle 80% and 3rd 90% of 40 students who quickly understand the material with STAD techniques. This is proven to be an increase in the ability of teachers based on success criteria that are already above the standard, so increasing the ability of teachers is considered successful.
Keywords: Cooperative,Strategies, STAD.
3 | Elita Zusti Jamaan 7117070564 | 2019 | The Effect of Instructional Models and Spatial Visual Intelligence to the Geometry Learning Outcomes by Controlling Prior Knowledge Mathematic | The aim of study areto examine the influence an interaction effect between the problem based learning model and spatial visual intelligence on Mathematics learning outcomes after controlling for the initial ability of Mathematics. The research used experiment method with treatment by level 2×2. Data were analyzed using a two way ANKOVA and Uji Tuckey. Research findings showed that: 1) Geometry learning outcomes between students studying with problem based learning models are higher than Geometry learning outcomes of students learning with scientific learning approaches after controlling the initial mathematical abilities, 2) There is an interaction effect between the problem based learning model and spatial visual intelligence on Mathematics learning outcomes after controlling for the initial ability of Mathematics, 3) Geometry learning outcomes of students learning with problem based learning models with high spatial visual intelligence are higher than Geometry learning outcomes of students learning with a scientific learningapproach with high spatial visual intelligence after controlling the initial ability of Mathematics, 4) Geometry learning outcomes between students who learn through PBL models and low spatial visual intelligence are lower than students who study scientific with low spatial visual intelligence after controlling students’ initial mathematical abilities.
Keywords: Learning model, Geometry learning outcomes, visual spatial test
4 | Asip
711708034 |
2019 | Experiential Learning Based Online Distance Training Research and Development | This research and development aims to develop online experiential learning instruction for teacher distance training in Classroom Action Research subject using Bates online instructional development model. The research was carried out in Jakarta Training Institution of Indonesia Religion Affairs (Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta) from 2014 until 2016. The product is a Learning Management System (LMS) loaded in The LMS presents structured fully online instruction in 3 categories (main activity) namely Program Orientation, Learning Activity and Program Evaluastion. Learning Activity concicts of 9 sub-categories (activity) weighted of 120 lesson hours with a completion time of 16 weeks.Each sub-category consists of 4 activity sessions follows David Kolb experiential learning cycle. The results of the evaluation shows that the instructional system had obtained a good predicate with the indicator that the level of graduation reached 85%, the average score of all activities was 87.37; significant difference between pre-posttest with significant score 0.00 measured in α 0.05, participant’s score of LMS 4.44; and participant’s score of tutor services 4.58. Some problem still being faced was the late of completion in every activity and program as a whole, scores below passing grade on the first chance in both tests and end activity task, lack of video resources and the speed of tutor services. The research recomends to use the instructional system as a model of DJJ Online in BDK Jakarta and other BDK.
Keywords: asynchronous, experiential learning, online distance training, learning management system, synchronous.
5 | Irawan Suprapto
7117090708 |
2019 | Development of Instructional Blended Learning Materials for Ict Subject in STKIP Muhammadiyah Kota Bumi | The research objective is to find and produce blended learning materialsthat can solve learning problems in ICT subjects at STKIP Muhammadiyah Kotabumi. This is to find out the objective conditions of implementing ICT courses, describe the process of developing blended learning materials, and produce physical models of blended learning materials for ICT courses. This research and development uses a research and development system approach model for education from Gall, Gall, and Borg. The development of blended learning materials for ICT courses is a combination of printed learning materials in the form of learning modules, offline materials and online materials using weblog media. The results of the study provide information about the objective conditions for implementing ICT courses. The learning objectives and learning syllabus are improved according to student learning needs and blended learning learning strategies for ICT subjects. After going through formative evaluation, the learning material developed is 5suitable for use in STKIPMuhammadiyah Kotabumi. The effectiveness of the use of blended learning material is indicated by the results of the significant differences in that the average posttest score is higher than the pre-test average value. Learning outcomes include knowledge competencies, practical skills, and positive attitudes in the use of ICT.
Keywords: development, Instructional needs, instructional materials, blended learning
6 | Makmum Raharjo
7117090710 |
2019 | Development of Webbased Online Learning Model in Fine Art Education Coursesat FKIP PGSD UNSRI | The focus of the problem in this research is to develop a web-based online learning model of cloud computing and Moodle LMS (Learning Management System) in art education courses at PGSD FKIP Elementary which is effective, efficient, and attractive. This study also aims to design and develop online learning models, improve competence in using ICTs, determine the design and development process of these models, implement and evaluate the results of their development, and find and manage empirical data on design results and the results of developing web-based online learning models. The research method used is research development or known as R&D (Research and Development). The results of the study based on the results of a questionnaire given by experts on the feasibility of online learning models in PGSD FKIP Unsri obtained a percentage of 80.71% of all aspects and the use of online learning methods in fine arts education courses was declared feasible. For the effectiveness of the online learning model based onthe results of the questionnaire on the system group in general the results obtained by 82.88%. For Learning Content 85.07%, Learning Channel 83.24%, Learning Place 82.79%, Learning Time 85.29%, Learning Stage 84.82% and Teacher Role 83.68%. As such, an overall total average yield of 84% was stated to be very effective.
Keywords: online learning, web cloud computing, Moodle LMS
7 | Fahrul Razi
7117091703 |
2019 | Improved Ability to Implement Learning Through Practice Field Experience Program (Ppl) Lesson Study Based on Islamic Religious Educationteacher Candidate FTIK IAIN Pontianak | This study aims to improve the ability to carry out learning practices in the Field Experience program (PPL) through the Lesson Study model. The method used is qualitative with work procedures using a research model of action by Stephen Kemmis and Robin MC. Taggart uses a spiral cycle carried out at the Department of Islamic Education, Tarbiyah Faculty and Teacher Training at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Pontianak. Data was collected by inventory, observation sheets, focus group discussions and documentation. Content validation was analyzed by expert judgment, while data analysis was carried out descriptively. The results showed that the lesson study model implemented in the PPL Education activities could improve the teaching ability of prospective PAI teachers at IAIN Pontianak. The results of this study recommend that the implementation of Education PPL be carried out with the Lesson Study approach. This research is different from previousstudies, at least in two ways, namely: (a) the research methodology used, and (b) research findings. If previous studies examined LS qualitatively and the subjects were prospective students of mathematics, chemistry, biology and English, in this study themethod used was Action research with prospective PAI teacher subjects, so that there were variations in implementing LS in the classroom. On the other hand, the findings of previous studies focused more on improving the teaching ability of prospective teacher students, and the importance of collaborative learning on the one hand, on the other hand this study in addition confirmed the results of previous studies also found the importance of active involvement of supervisors and teachers Pamong as an “expert” in collaboration between students.
Keywords: Action Research, Field Experience Program, Lesson Study.
1. 8 |
Waluyo Hadi
7117004106 |
2020 | The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Children’s Songs, Musical Intelligence, And Self-Confidencewith Singing Ability (Survey with children of Class 3 Elementary School in DKI Jakarta) | The study aims to analyze the relationship between students’ attitudes towards children’s songs, musical intelligence and self-confidence with the singing ability of elementary school students. The samples of the research were 120 students of 3rdgrade of elementary school in Menteng District, Central Jakarta in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 academic year. The used sampling technique was purposive random sampling. The data of the students ‘singing ability were taken using the performance tests, musical intelligence used tests, while the data of students’ attitudes towards children’s songs and self-confidence were taken using the questionnaires. The data analysis were using (1). Normality test using Lilliforst, (2). Homogeneity test using the Barllet’s test, (3). Linearity test using ANOVA table.(4) Hypotesis test using simple regression , multiple Regresion and correlational The results showed that: (1) there was a positive relationship between students ‘attitudes towards children’s songs and students’ singing abilities, (2) there was a positive relationship between musical intelligence and students ‘singing abilities, (3) there was a positive relationship between self-confidence and students’ singing abilities, and (4) there was a positive relationship between students ‘attitudes towards children’s songs, musical intelligence, and self-confidence with students’ singing abilities. Thus, it could be concluded that students ‘attitudes towards children’s songs, musical intelligence, and self-confidence can improve students’ singing abilities in elementary schools.
Keywords:singing ability, students’ attitudes towards children’s songs, musical intelligence, self-confidence.
9 |
Muhamad Abas 7117140427 | 2019 | The Effect of Learning Models And Interpersonal Intelligence on The Learning Outcomes of PGSD UHO Kendari Students’ PIPS
This study aims to determine the effect of instructionalmodels and interpersonal intelligence on social studies education learning outcomes. This research was conducted on PGSD students at Halu Oleo University Kendari, using quasi-experimental methods with a 2×2 level treatment design. The research sample consisted of 22 experimental class students taught by reciprocal instructionmodels and 22 control class students taught by direct instructionmodels. The results showed that (1) student learning outcomes using reciprocal instructionmodels were higher than students who were taught with direct instructionmodels. This is in line with the findings of this study, Sporer at all., (2013: 289-305); Aderonke (2013: 1-20); and Wu (2018: 64-80), that reciprocal instructionmodels can increase the active involvement of students in learning and increase their understanding and independence in learning. (2) there is an effect of interaction between instructionalmodels and interpersonal intelligence on social studies education learning outcomes. The results of this study are strengthened by the findings of the Wuwung study (2012: 87-96); Wahid (2016: 14-30); Mulyono, at. all., (2018: 199-205), that there is an influence of interaction between models, learning strategies and interpersonal intelligence, emotional and social skills on learning outcomes. (3) Students who have high interpersonal intelligence who are taught with reciprocal instructionmodels have higher learning outcomes than students who are taught with direct instructionmodels. This is in line with the results of Suharyanto’s research (2018) that high interpersonal intelligence is effective in learning that places students’ active roles. Likewise with the research of Yeng (2015: 15-32) Vongkrahchang (2016: 7-14) and Yerizon (2018: 97-101) that students who have strong interpersonal intelligence tend to be able to adapt to their environment and have no difficulty in understanding material with active learning models. (4) students who have low interpersonal intelligence who are taught with reciprocal instructionmodels are lower than students who are taught with direct instructionmodels but are not significantly different. This finding is in line with the results of research Widyasari, F. (2016: 288-298); and Mulyono, at. all., (2018: 199-205) that students who have low interpersonal intelligence and learning independence have lower learning outcomes than conventional learning models. But from a number of related studies, the substance of this research differs in terms of the topic and substance of the research.
Keywords: reciprocal instruction models, direct instruction, interpersonal intelligence, learning outcomes.
10 | Endang Kusumaningsih7117100667 | 2019 | Development of Learning Modulefor Piano Minor 1’sstudent Competence Equalization in Jakarta Institute of Art (IKJ) | This research aims to: (1) produce a learning module with video that can equalized the student competence of Piano Minor I, (2) get the empiric data of the effective, efficient, interesting and productive of the module for equalized the student competence of Piano Minor I in Jakarta Institute of Art, Jakarta, Indonesia. This is a research-and-development type of research. It was is seventh phase: (1) need assessment, (2) planning a development, (3) product development, (4) validation, evaluation, revision, (5) try-out, evaluation, revision (6) field-test, (7) data’s collect and analyze. The number of respondents of this survey were 23, which comprised of 4 valuators’, 3 senior students for one to one test, 6 senior students and 10 students for sample who followed the Piano Minor I class as the sample students (field) for improving product. The sample student’s method used here is purposive sampling. Data analysis methods include qualitative and quantitative analyses. Qualitative data is comprised of correction, critic, suggesting and inputs from the subject expert such as the expert of design instructional, Piano Minor learning, language and media. Quantitative data is hypothesis comparative data between pre test and post test. The product of the research is the module learning of Piano Minor I contains 5 subject: (1) the utilization of piano, (2) body position and posture when play piano, (3) notation reading, (4) technique of playing piano, (5) expression of playing piano. The module is completed by guidelines for student and lecturer. The novelty the research here is that intended for minor piano 1 lecturer held in music higher education with diverse abilities beginning with the selection and preparation of material from various methods but us function is adapted to local needs and packaged in the form of modules and videos. The finding of this study indicate that the Piano Minor 1 learning module with video is feasible and effective for students to use, specially students with low ability. Through the selection and preparation of piano teaching materials from various methods and exercises in the module can have competency equality especially in terms of finger and reading skills notation.
Keywords: development of learning module, equalization, student competence,Piano Minor I
11. | Sugianto Adi Saputra
7117101372 |
2019 | Improve The End of The Participants of The Studentswith the Group Small Method Discussion in Madrasah Aliyah Kota Singkawang | This action research aims to determine the improvement of morality in aspects of honesty, discipline, responsibility, tolerance and cooperation through the Small Group Discussion method in Singkawang City Islamic Senior High School. Data collection uses observation guidelines, tests and questionnaires and documentation.After the analysis and interpretation of the data shows that (1) Al-Qur’an hadits learning activities with the Small Group Discussion method shows an increase in the learning activities of the Qur’an hadith compared to before applying the Small Group Discussion method, namely cycle I, Cycle II and cycle III. (2) Small Group Discussion Method increases the participation of students in discussionswith morality, on honesty, discipline, responsibility, tolerance and cooperation, (3) Students show a positive attitude towards the application of the Small Group Discussion method to the learning process. The results of the study are recommended so that the Small Group Discussion method becomes an alternative in increasing students’ more critical thinking, increasing literacy, reasoning power, and increasing learning activities.
Keywords: Great morality, action research, and small group discussion
12 |
7117101373 |
2019 | The Development of Social Study Model through Blended on Early Child Education Program | The purpose of this research wasto develop a learning model that can help and facilitate students in learning. Blended is an innovative learning model that collaborates conventional learning and modern learning. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D), with descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches, the resulting product is in the form of a IPS learning development book that is modified into an e-module. Blended learning has advantages, (1) it can motivate students, (2) it can add to a broad learning experience, (3) it can overcome obstacles in conventional learning, (4) it can overcome the time and place of learning. Based on field tests on three tertiary institutions that carry out Early Child Education Teacher Education study programs show an increase in student learning outcomes, thus learning through blended is effective and feasible to be applied in social studies learning.
Keywords: Development, model, learning, blended
13 | Hani Rustisiani 7117110482 | 2019 | Model of Development of Response on Intervention (Response to Intervention) for Teachers In Inclusive School of Central Jakarta | This study attempts to develop a model for applying responses to interventions for teachers at Jakarta inclusive schools. The suggestion of this research is to use research and development based development research (R & D), which was proposed by Atwi Suparman, known as the MPI Model. The results showed that the average score of material experts was 3.00 which meant that the products were considered good, the learning design experts were 4.07 which meant that the products were very good and the media experts were 4.24 which meant that the products were very good. Then in the trial the average score for face-to-face trials was 3.63, which meant the product was considered very good and in the small group was 4.7, which meant the product was considered very good. The results of the interviews with the teacher got very good results. In conclusion, the response module evaluation model for the intervention has been approved but still needs to be improved according to expert advice, as well as the teacher as the user.
Keywords:Development Research, MPI Model, Response To Intervention
14 | Heri Triyono
7117110484 |
2019 | Development of Learning Models Offish Stock Assessment Technique of Aquatic Resources Management Technology Study Program in The Jakarta Fisheries University | This research aims to develop instructional models of Fish Stock Assessment Technique. Research and development of this model will produce products in the form of printed instructional materials and instructional designs. Development of instructional design for Fish Stock Assessment Technique using the Dick, Carey & Carey model design. The instructional methods used are lectures, demonstrations, performances, discussions, independent studies, simulations, case studies, practicums, and projects. Instructional media produced by physical models in the form of printed instructional materials combined with virtual material in the form of URLs and QR Codes so as to achieve optimal results. Validation results from experts consisting of 90,38% learning design experts, 91,44% material experts, and 93,56% of media experts recommend that this development model is used in learning Fish Stock Assessment Technique. As for the implementation of individual trials are achieved 80,71% achievement, a small group trials reaching 85,13%, and a field test achieved 88,85% success. The conclusion of the expert validation process and the results of trials, that the development of learning models of Fish Stock Assessment Technique is feasible to be used in learning.
Keywords: fish stockassessment, instructional methods, instructional media, instructional model
15 | Lanny Anggraini
7117110493 |
2019 | Evaluation of Inclusive Education Programs in Basic School Education in Jakarta | This study aims to analyze aspects: antecedents (inputs), transactions (processes), outcomes (outcomes) of inclusive education programs in primary school education in DKI Jakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach using the descriptive evaluative research method of themodelCountenance Stake. This research method aims to analyze the relevance of the inclusive education program’s relevance to the available facts and describe the phenomena that occur as well as their relationship with the phenomena studied systematically, in detail, and in depth.In general, the results of this study indicate that the input aspects include: the availability of guidelines / regulations, students, teacher competencies, infrastructure, learning plans, curriculum has been quite good in accordance with national regulations and curriculum. But the infrastructure is still not adequate. In the aspect of the process which includes: the learning process, and the assessment process shows that the learning process of the four schools runs the same as in other regular classes, there is no specificity both in terms of planning to assessment. The method used is the lecture method, but usually if students with special needs have difficulty in learning, class teachers or subject teachers will usually explain the lesson personally. In the aspect of results which include: learning outcomes of students with special needs, school and community acceptance shows quite good results. This research can help policy makers in determining the process of inclusive education nationally and in particular the District / City Education Office and schools need to disseminate the importance of inclusive education programs to the community so that those with special needs children can include or include their children to get proper education in accordance with the objectives of the National Education System, so that all Indonesian children have the knowledge and skills and can compete with other countriesin the world of education.
Keywords: Evaluation, Inclusive Education, Countenance Stake Model
16 | Tri Aru Wiratno
7117110505 |
2019 | Instructional Model Development Social Reality Based Paint Art Culture | Development of paintings based instructional model of social cultural reality in the course of paint art in the fine arts faculty of art IKJ. Due to the model still lecturing delegates the task of paint art. To improve the ability of students and faculty in the process of lectures on the techniques of paint art. Creating a learning process effectively and efficiently by making instructionaldesign paint art. Students and lecturers will synergize to conduct the lecture. Students know and understand the stages of learning to do, while the lecturers knowand understand what should be taught to the students by making instructionaldesign paint art based social cultural reality. In the form of models of instructionalmaterials Art. Instructionalmodel development using methods Borg and Gall adaptation of Dick and Carey’s: a) a preliminary study by collecting information based on experience and observation b) Identification of the problems c) make the analysis d) instructionalstrategies e) creation of instructional materials f) an evaluation formative. In the structure, charts and stages. This study focuses on the development of art-based instructionalmodel of social cultural realities, to improve the capacity and awareness of art as a reflection of life. From the results of this model will enhance the ability of faculty and students in achieving technical competence paint art.
Keywords: paint art, social cultural reality, instructional modelsdevelopment.
17 | Zuhairi
7117110511 |
2019 | Developing Online Learning Model in Lesson Plan Subject on Teaching Islamic Elementary Studies | This study aimed to develop online learning model in lesson plan subject, the development of this learning models oriented to the systems approach. Development model used in this research is instructional development model and Trollip Alessi. The Steps oflearning models development are,need analyzes purposesand objective formulation, instructional analyze, identifying behaviors and initial characteristics of learners, writing specific instructional goals, writing benchmark reference tests, composing learning strategies, developing instructional materials, designing and implementing formative revisions, getting instructional system needed.In general, validation of learning material shows; the learning design expert stated that 85, 83% is feasible, the material expert stated that 96, 6% is feasible; andmedia expert stated that 89, 16% is feasible. So, it can be recommendation that the learning material is feasible to be used. In individual trials 85.66% are feasible, small group trials are 90.37% feasible and in the field trials 86.35%. Development of an online learning model of learning planning courses can be used. The conclusion of the validation and trial of the online learning model is feasible.
Keywords: Online learning models
18 | Aldjon Nixon Dapa
7117110895 |
2019 | Savilearning Model to Improve Learning for Studentswith Reading Diffulties | The purpose of this action research is to describe the application of the SAVI learning model and the effectiveness of learning for students who have difficulty learning to read in class IV Tomohon Public Elementary School andSD GMIM III Tomohon. The method used in this research is action research. Action research provides useful answers for teachers or educators in improving learning. The action model used is the Elliot model, by carrying out 2 cycles. The research subjects were 13 students who had difficulty reading, 8 students in Tomohon Elementary School II and 5 students in Tomohon GMIM III Elementary School. Based on the learning process that has been carried out, starting from the stages of assessment, planning, implementation, observation, evaluation and reflection, in each cycle, it can be concluded that: a) Learning outcomes and the effectiveness of thematic learning in students who have difficulty reading grade IV SD Negeri II Tomohon and SD GMIM III Tomohon can be improved through the application of the SAVI learning model, b) The learning process applying the SAVI Learning Model is able to overcome the limitations of students having difficulty reading to understand the subject matter by learning from moving, observing, listening and thinking so that the effectiveness of learning and learning outcomes increase.
Keywords: SAVI, students with reading difficulties, Learning to read.
19 | Bambang Setiyo Hp
7117120462 |
2019 | The Effect 0f Blended Learning Approach and Visual Spacial Ability on Learning Outcomesof Cnc Programming (Teaching and Learning Experiment of CNC Programming inMachine Engineering Education Departement, Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University) | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of the blended learning approach, and visual spatial ability on the learning outcomes of students’ Basic CNC, which includes performance in CNC programming, and operating a CNC machine. This research is a quasi-experimental with experimental design Treatment by Level. Data analysis in this study used ANAVA 2 Pathway. Variables that were compared were only treatment variables, whereas attribute variables were not compared. This research was carried out in the CNC / CADCAM Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Education, Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The results of the study indicate; 1) The learning outcomes of Basic CNC students who learn to use the Blended Learning Approach are higher than students who learn to use the Conventional Approach; 2) There is an influence of interaction between the learning approach, and visual spatial ability on the learning outcomes of Basic CNC; 3) The learning outcomes of Basic CNC students with high spatial visual abilities who learn with the blended learning approach, are higher than students with high spatial visual abilities who learn with conventional approaches; 4) The learning outcomes of Basic CNC students with low visual spatial abilities who learn with a blended learning approach, are lower than students with low visual spatial abilities who learn with conventional approaches.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Visual Spatial, Learning Outcomes, CNC
20 | Marlina
7117120463 |
2019 | Development of Learning Model Data Basis Based on Blended Learning in Informatics Engineering Study Program | This study aims to develop multimedia-based learning materialsfor Early Childhood Inclusion The purpose of this study is to develop a learning model based on blended learning in database courses conducted atthe UPI YAI Engineering Faculty on the topic oflearning entity relationship diagram. This methodology uses a research and developement model in collaboration with the Lee and Owens model and the ADDIE model which results in an ADPRIE learning model consisting of: analysis, design, development, revision, implementation and evaluation. The model produces print products andproducts online validated. by instructional design experts, learning materials, and instructional media experts, and the validation results are revised. The revised products are then implemented in class by lecturers and students, the implementation is in accordance with the lecture schedule whileimplementation onlineis carried out outside of lecture hours, especially assignments assignmentsOnline outside of class hours use the type of flipped classroom. After implementing the lecturers and students fill in the response sheet to the product, as well as doing assignments online outside of class hours, the two stages are to find out the effectiveness of the product that has been developed. After implementing the next step the evaluation phase with the assessment of product use is in the very good valuation category with an average value of 94.72. Lecturer responses to the use of learning media based on blended learning are in good assessment criteria or an average of 80.67, with either category. Learning outcomes on the use ofdatabase based learning media blended learning are in good assessment criteria with an average student learning outcome of 70.72 or a good assessment category.
Keywords:Lee and Owens model, ADDIE model, ADPRIE model, validation, revision,print products,products online
21 | Sudarman
7117120483 |
2019 | The Influenceof Instructional Approaches And Communication Ability in Mathematicstowards Implement Heuristic Ability of Mathematical Education Students | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of instructional approaches and communication skills in mathematics on the heuristic abilities of students of the mathematics Education Faculty of the Teaching and Education Faculty of Muhammadiyah Metro University, Lampung. This research is an experimental research with 2×2 factorial design which presents two instructional approaches, namely; Attention process-based instructional approaches and conventional instructional approaches as independent variables, communication skills in mathematics consisting of high and low as moderator variables, and heuristic abilities as dependent variables. Data analysis uses inferential statistics that are adjusted to the method, and the research hypothesis. Data analysis begins by testing the statistical requirements needed as a basis for testing hypotheses, namely; data normality test and variance homogeneity test both for parts and as a whole. Next, a two-way ANAVA test was carried out, followed by the Tukey test. The results of the study: (1) Heuristic abilities of students who use attentional process-based instructional approaches are higher than the heuristic abilities of students using conventional instructional approaches, (2) There is an interaction effect between instructional approaches and mathematical communication skills on students’ heuristic abilities, (3) Ability heuristic students who use attentional-based instructional approaches are higher than heuristic abilities who use conventional instructional approaches to students who have high mathematical communication skills, (4)Heuristic abilities of students who use attentional process-based instructional approaches are similar to heuristic abilities using conventional instructional approaches in students who have low mathematical communication skills.
Keywords: Ability to Implement Heuristics, Instructional Approaches, Communication Ability in Mathematics
22 | Sutrisni Andayani
7117120485 |
2019 | The Influence of Learning Strategies and Critical Thinking on The Results of Learning Real I Analysis by Controling Initial Ability | The aim of this study is to determine the effect of learning strategies and the level of critical thinking on student learning outcomes of Real Analysis I subject, on sequence and limit. Design of the experiments use treatment by level of 2x2bytotaling 40students sampling of mathematics education at the FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro second semester 2016/217, those are divided into Reciprocal Teaching and Expository Learning groups in the category of high and low critical thinking. Reciprocal Teaching learning steps are: questioning, predicting, clarifying and summarizing, while expository are: presentation, guided practice, independent practice and generalization. The data obtained through on the tests is analyzed by using ANCOVA, it is obtained results that:1) the student learning outcomes which using the Reciprocal Teaching strategy are higher than Expository by controlling its initial abilities, 2)there is an interaction effect of learning strategies and critical thinking on learning outcomes by controlling initial abilities, 3) on high critical thinking, the Reciprocal Teaching strategy more effective than Expository Learning by controlling initial ability and 4) on the low critical thinking, Expository Learning is more effective rather than Reciprocal Teaching by controlling initial abilities. It is recommended that using innovative Reciprocal Teaching strategy in order to improve student-learning outcomes.
Keywords: learning strategies, critical thinking, learning outcomes and initial ability
23 | Heri Triyono
7117110484 |
2019 | Development of Learning Models Offish Stock Assessment Technique of Aquatic Resources Management Technology Study Program in The Jakarta Fisheries University | This research aims to develop instructional models of Fish Stock Assessment Technique. Research and development of this model will produce products in the form of printed instructional materials and instructional designs. Development of instructional design for Fish Stock Assessment Technique using the Dick, Carey & Carey model design. The instructional methods used are lectures, demonstrations, performances, discussions, independent studies, simulations, case studies, practicums, and projects. Instructional media produced by physical models in the form of printed instructional materials combined with virtual material in the form of URLs and QR Codes so as to achieve optimal results. Validation results from experts consisting of 90,38%learning design experts, 91,44% material experts, and 93,56% of media experts recommend that this development model isused in learning Fish Stock Assessment Technique. As for the implementation of individual trials are achieved80,71% achievement, a small group trials reaching 85,13%, and a field test achieved 88,85% success. The conclusion of the expert validation process and the results of trials, that the development of learning models of Fish Stock Assessment Technique is feasible to be used in learning.
Keywords: fish stock assessment, instructional methods, instructional media, instructional model
24 | Jarudin
7117167533 |
2019 | Development of Instructional Models Based Independent Instructional for Self-Sport Wushu Training | This study aims to develop an instructional model based on independent instructional hat is effective in improving the skills of the martial arts sport wushu. The method used in this research is development research with a quantitative approach. Instructional models are tested with one to one, small groups, and field tests. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Pretest is designed to identify the initial ability of trainees, questionnaires with instructors, instructional design experts and media experts, to validate the content of the instructional model, and posttest to see the effectiveness of the instructional model in improving learning. The results of interviews with instructors, athletes, and training participants showed a positive response that in improving skills required independent learning. The results of one-to-one trials, small groups, and field trials involving 30 trainees suggested that the instructional model was very effective, as an independent instructional for wushu martial arts training. The results of this study that the instructional model based on independent instructional is feasible and effective as a guide in self-learning basic techniques of wushu. The results of this study are the qr code instructional hyperlink module which is integrated through the qr code hyperlink with social media.
Keyword: Independent Instructional Guide, Wushu Basic Techniques, Development of instructional model
25 | Hani Rustisiani 7117110482 | 2019 | Model of Development of Response on Intervention (Response to Intervention) for Teachers in Inclusive School of Central Jakarta | This study attempts to develop a model for applying responses to interventions for teachers at Jakarta inclusive schools. The suggestion of this research is to use research and development based development research (R & D), which was proposed by Atwi Suparman, known as the MPI Model. The results showed that the average score of material experts was 3.00 which meant that the products were considered good, the learning design experts were 4.07 which meant that the products were very good and the media experts were 4.24 which meant that the products were very good. Then in the trial the average score for face-to-face trials was 3.63, which meant the product was considered very good and in the small group was 4.7, which meant the product was considered very good. The results of the interviews with the teacher got very good results. In conclusion, the response module evaluation model for the intervention has been approved but still needs to be improved according to expert advice, as well as the teacher as the user.
Keywords: Development Research, MPI Model, Response To Intervention
26 | Muhammad Isnaini
7117070576 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Models and Critical Thinking Skills on the Learning Outcomes in Media and Learning Resources Development Subject of College Students Of PAI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang | The application of discovery learning and inquiry learning models and critical thinking skill in the learning process can improve learning outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of learning models and critical thinking skills on learning outcomes of media and learning resources development subject for college students of PAI FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The population in the study was all Semester IV collage students of the Islamic Religious Education Study Program, FITK UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Academic Year 2019/2020. Hypothesistesting using ANOVA with a quasi-experimental method with a 2×2 treatment by level design. The results of this study indicate that; 1) The learning outcomes of student’s media and learning resources development subject that are taught using the Discovery Learning learning model are higher than the group of collage students who are taught using the Inquiry Learning learning model. 2) There is an effect of the interaction between the learning model and the critical thinking skills on the learning outcomes ofmedia development and learning resources subject; 3) The learning outcomes of the media and learning resources development subject among groups of college students who are taught using the discovery learning model are higher than those taught using the Inquiry Learning learning model for collage students who have high critical thinking skills; 4) The learning outcomes of the media and learning resources development subject between groups of college students who are taught with the Discovery Learning learning model are smaller and groups of college students who are taught using the Inquiry Learning learning model to college students who have low critical thinking skills. Therefore, the use of discovery learning and inquiry learning models both have an interaction with learning outcomes in groups of college students who have high and low critical thinking skills.
Keywords : Discovery Learning, Inquiry Learning, Critical Thinking Skills
27 | Teguh Wahyudi | 2020 | Improvement of Mastery Vocational Schools Curriculum Management Through Training Based on “Blended Learning”With E-Rpp Application | According to the MKKS-SMK(2018)Bekasi regency, doing a content testfor the “Kurikulum 2013 SMK”for Vice Prnciple, with the following results:The subject matter of the curriculumforVice principalget a score very insufficient,according to the Vice Principal in theBekasidistrict who needed training and mentoring management of“Kurikulum 2013 SMK”.Considering educators (Teacher, vice principals, and Principals, must be busy in their duties, it is necessary to coneduct training and mentoring in a more flexible way based on the problem above, This action research aims, improvement, application, management, vocational schools, through training based, “blended learning” with the tools ofdeveloping learning . The type of research chosen is Participatory action research (PAR). The samples which taken purposively are numbered 103 participants, consisted of 26 principals, 38 school curriculum manager, and 39 teachers from various vocational schools in Bekasi District. The results showed that: (1) Training and management assistance in 2013 curriculum based on Blended learning can improve the application of management understanding of curriculum 2013 measured from the learning outcomes and scores obtained on the post-testcompared to the pree-test, class of teachers,Vice principle andClass of Principal; (2) increase the efficiency of learning of the class of learners (teachers) Vice principal class and Principal class (3) increase the attractiveness(appeal)of learning both the class of learners (teacher), Vice principal and Principal.
Keywords: Curriculum, training, Aplication E-RPP, blended learning
28 | Tarpan Suparman
7117090719 |
2020 | Performance Evaluation of Pedagogic Competence Lecturer Faculty of Education and Education Science in University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang | This study aims to determine and describe the effectiveness of lecturer performance through evaluating lecturer pedagogical competency performance in learning held at the Faculty of Education and EducationScience of the University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang. The method used is based on evaluation research, with a goal-oriented evaluation model, data collected through a questionnaire in the form of pedagogical competency performance evaluation format. The sample was chosen as the subject of VII semester students (seven) to assess 20 lecturers in learning in class with the aim of obtaining learning planning information; know the implementation of learning; and analyzing the results of the learning process evaluation. The results showed that,: (1) learning planning of lecturer pedagogical competency performance with good criteria by 65%; (2) the implementation of lecturer pedagogical competence learning with good criteria by 54%; and (3) evaluation of the results of the pedagogical competency learning processwith a good criterion by67%. These results indicate that the performance of lecturer pedagogical competencies is performed well. Therefore, lecturer pedagogical competency performance based on evaluation of goal orientation shows good results, so that this activity can be continued in each semester.
Keywords: lecturer performance, pedagogical competence, and learning
29 | Wisnu Djatmiko
7117110507 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Strategy and Critical Thinking Disposition on Electronic-3 Learning Outcomes by Controlling The Prerequisite Knowledge | Learning strategies as external factors are considered to have a facilitative effect or inhibit the development of internal factors of students that affect learning outcomes.The research objective was to analyze the effect of learning strategies (Inquiry-based Learning and Project-based Learning) and critical-thinking dispositions on learning outcomes Electronics-3by controlling the prerequisite knowledge.The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental method with a 2×2 treatment by level design in the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta with 84 students as the research sample. Observation sheets and student worksheets are used to ensure that all students carry out the steps for the Inquiry-based Learning or Project-based Learning strategy.The research data were analyzed using ANACOVA and Tukey test. The results showed that: (1) the results of learning Electronics-3 groups of students who followed the Inquiry-based Learning strategy were higher than the groups of students who followed the Project-based Learning strategy; (2) there is an interaction effect between learning strategies and critical-thinking dispositions on learning outcomes Electronics 3; and (3) students who have highcritical-thinking disposition, Electronics-3 learning outcomes who follow the Inquiry-based Learning strategy are higher than students who follow the Project-based Learning strategy.
Keywords:Inquiry-based Learning, Project-based Learning, LearningStrategies, Critical-thinking Disposition.
30 | Martadi
7117070573 |
2020 | Development an Integrated Thematic Learning Model Based on Banyuwangi Local Culture for Growing Character for First Grade of Primary School | This researchaims to develop an integrated thematic learning model based on Banyuwangi local culture to cultivate character in first grade ofprimary school students. It is also to examine the effectiveness of integrated thematic learning model based on Banyuwangi local culture which developed to foster students’ character in first grade of primaryschool.This development study is using ADDIE approach models, in developing integrated thematic learning model based on Banyuwangi local cultur and arts to cultivate character of first grade elementary school students. The research framework outlines wasdone using 5 stages namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation/ Execution and Evaluation or feedback.Results of this study were: 1) Develop a learning device that uses the principle: integrated thematic, Banyuwangi-based culture and to cultivate students’ character. 2) The results of the development of devices such as: a) Lesson plan, Teacher Books, Student Books, and Parents Books; b) learning media in the form of: puzzle, multimedia DVD, poster, clipboard, hand puppets, and c) Place / packaging the entire device in the form of bags. Based on test results, the learning model being developed showed high score on some aspects of the feasibility of the media, on grafic design, and teaching materials. It also reach 100% for eligibility media learning model that was developed in accordance with the content of the material, theattractiveness, suitability with children, as well as compliance with the art and culture of Banyuwangi. While 99% the experts’ opinion also assess the feasibility of the media is appropriate. Only 1% of respondents said it was not appropriate. In terms of legibility the majority of expert respondents, as many as 90%, found learning model that is being developed has been very good.In the aspect of teaching materials experts expressed very well (by 87%), while the remaining stated that it is good already. At grafic design, as much as 89% of the experts gave a very good value and as many as 11% said good. About half the teachers as the subject of the study suggest teaching materials has been very good, while 51% give good value. For the grafic aspect as much as 61% of teachers give very good value, while 39% give good value. In the aspect of the teacher legibility states have been very good (90%), the rest give good value.The advantages of this material is structured contextually appropriate with local wisdom. Children’s language style that is used to guide teachers in meaningful learning stimulate students’ curiosity. The drawings guide students’ understanding, while the parent handbook help disseminate the 2013curriculum.
Keywords: development model, integrated thematic based, Banyuwangi-based cultural arts, growingstudents’ character
31 | Hartini Nara
7117100671 |
2020 | Development of Learning Packages Bahasa Indonesia Based on Multimedia Forautistic Student | The purpose of this study is to develop a learning packagesBahasa Indonesia based on multimedia for autistic students. This research was conducted in the SD Islam Alam dan Sains Al-Jannah. The students involved in the research were 20students. The developed learning packagesuses the instructional model approach by Dick Carey and Carey. The developed learning packagesconsists of applications, “Ayo Belajar Bahasa Indonesia” (ABBI), a videos and manual book for both student and teachers. The developed products has been reviewed by a subject matter experts, an instructional design expert, a languageexpert, a media expert and an information technology expert. A series of formative evaluations through one to onetry-out, small group, and field examination have been conducted. The improvement of the learning packageshas been developed based on the previous formative evaluations. There is a significant increase (28 points/49,55% ) in the result post-test compare to pre-test. The results of this study show that developed learning packagescould improve the student learning outcomes effectively. Based on this results, the learning packagescould be recommended to be used as an alternative learning resource.
Keywords:development of learning packages,autistic student, Bahasa Indonesia, multimedia
32 | Eko Wahyu Wibowo 7117110478 | 2020 | Development of Statistics Learning Model with Blended Learning at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten | This study aims to produce Statistics learning models with blended learning in order to improve student understanding. The results of this research and development are in the form of printed and online instructional materials for Statistics courses. Development of this Statistics learning model by using a modified Dick and Carey model design. The stages used in developing this model are the analysis phase, the development stage and the formative evaluation stage. Formative evaluations used in this study areone-to-one experts, one-to-one leaners, small groups and field trials. Formative evaluation results obtained as follows validation from learning design experts 92.59, 92.22 media experts and material experts 91.25 so that recommending this development model can be used in Statistics learning. Furthermore, the implementation of individual trials reached 91.82, small group trials reached 92.96, and field trials achieved success 94.51. The conclusion of the expert validation process and the results of the trial, that the development of Statistics learning models with blended learning is feasible to beuse in learning.
Keywords: learning model, blended learning, statistics, research and development, formative evaluation.
33 | Nur’aeni Marta
7117120475 |
2020 | Historical Learning Evaluation in The High School (Analysis Study in SMAN 10 Kota Bogor, West Java)
The purposes evaluation are to increase and improve quality instruction of history in Senior High School. The research used Stufflebeam „CIPP Model.There are context, input, process, product. This research was conducted in SMAN 10 Bogor City, west of Java, Indonesian. The data collecting through interview, observation, questionnair and analysis documen. Data analyzing use descriptive quantitative and qualitative technique.The result of research gives a conclution that instruction of history based curriculum 2013 at SMAN 10 Bogor City has not been effective. There are several problems in planning, implementation and result instructional program. The contextevaluation it was found that the ministry of education on implementation of 2013 curriculum for learning history in high school experienced problems because it had not been well socialized to stakeholders, especially teachers as curriculum implementers inthe field. As a result the teacher has difficully compiling the syllabus and RPP. the inputevaluation shows that teacher competence strongly support the success of history learning. A histroy teacher must have scientific skills in fields of history and pedagogical science. Both of them will strengthen the competencies needed in which knowledge, skill and experience are intertwined. the processevaluation show that The learning still use transfer of knowledge than value meaning from instructional of history, and textbook thinking. In the last, the product evaluationit was that curriculum 2013 which divided history learning into indonesian history subjects and history subjects did not provide maximum benefit, this was due to the repetitian of some material. Besides that learning history that is still factual and cronological makes learning history less meaning for students „real life. so instruction not achieved the goals of learning of history. This research recommend are Improving the teacher‟s competence and profesionalism, Optimizing the function of the supervisor and headmaster as a guarantor of quality of learning in the classroom, and Improving media and sources of learning.
Keywords : History Learning, curriculum 2013, CIPP Model
34 | Siti Istiningsih
7117120482 |
2020 | Implementation of Product-Based Stake Model in the SPA Training Program in Mataram. | This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of a product-based stake model in the SPAtraining program in Mataram with the formulation of the problem 1) how to identify needs analysis, SPAtraining program curriculum, organizers vision and mission, training program participant requirements, educational qualification requirements and instructor competencies, facilities infrastructure and financing, 2) how is the preparation of learning materials, the SPAprogram training process, theinternship process in business and industry, evaluation of training activities, the utilization of infrastructure, assessment of the results of the training process, 3) how are the learning outcomes of SPAtrainees in cognitive, affective aspects and psychomotor after attending a training program. This research is an evaluation research using a descriptive qualitative approach with the evaluation method of Robert E Stake’s Model. The data of this study were collected using documentation, observation, questionnaire and interview techniques. The results showed that: 1) the seven components in the antecendent had fulfilled the specified standards except for the component requirements for instructor education qualifications not in accordance with the specified standards but the organizers collaborated with LKP for the procurement of SPAinstructors 2) six components in the transactions implemented only two components, namely the SPAprogram training process and apprenticeship course that is in accordance with the standard implementation of the rest is not yet appropriate, 3) the components of learning outcomes (outcomes) learning outcomes in the cognitive aspects are very well proven by the value of all participants achieving the competency test value criteria according to the standard, in the psychomotor aspect all participants were able to do all work instructions very well, in the aspect of attitude participants often did good attitudes. The recommendations of this study are compiled as input for the institution in determining the next SPAtraining program improvement policy, as for the implementation of the recommendation products that the researchers compiled in the form of SPALevel II Therapist Module products and the Attitude Competency Test Instrument products that have been validated according to their designation, SPALevel Therapist Modules II is a type of module that researchers developed from the previous Basic SPAModule and the Attitude Test Instrument was an instrument that had never before existed and was used for competency testing by the organizers, so it was a new competency test instrument.
Keywords: Implementation, Stake Model, SPATraining
35 | Eko Wahyu Wibowo 7117110478 | 2020 | Development of Statistics Learning Model With Blended Learning at Uin Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten | This study aims to produce Statistics learning models with blended learning in order to improve student understanding. The results of this research and development are in the form of printed and online instructional materials for Statistics courses. Development of this Statistics learning model by using a modified Dick and Carey model design. The stages used in developing this model are the analysis phase, the development stage and the formative evaluation stage. Formative evaluations used in this study areone-to-one experts, one-to-one leaners, small groups and field trials. Formative evaluation results obtained as follows validation from learning design experts 92.59, 92.22 media experts and material experts 91.25 so that recommending this development model can be used in Statistics learning. Furthermore, the implementation of individual trials reached 91.82, small group trials reached 92.96, and field trials achieved success 94.51. The conclusion of the expert validation process and the results of the trial, that the development of Statistics learning models with blended learning is feasible to beuse in learning.
Keywords: learning model, blended learning, statistics, research and development, formative evaluation.
36 | Aceng Haetami 7117140413 | 2020 | The Effects of Instructional Models and Mathematical Logic Intelligence Toward The Basic Chemistry Learning Outcomes By Controlling Students’ Initial Competence | The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of instructional models and mathematical logic intelligence on basic chemistry learning outcomes with initial competence as covariate variable. This research conducted at Chemical education departement of FKIP UHO Kendari during Maret to Juny 2018, and used a quasiexperimental method with a 2×2 by level design. A sample of 56 students was randomly chosen of 107 students. ANCOVA applied to analyzed the data obtained at the significant level of 0,05. The results indicate that: (1) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students who were taught to use concept attainment model were better than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence; (2) there was an interaction between instructional models and mathematical logic intelligence on basic chemistry learning outcomes by controlling the initial competence; (3) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students with higher mathematical logic intelligence who were taught to use concept attainment model were higher than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence; (4) the basic chemistry learning outcomes of students with lower mathematical logic intelligence who were taught to use concept attainment model were lower than direct instruction model by controlling the initial competence.
Keywords: concept attainment, direct instruction, mathematical logic intelligence, initial competence, learning outcomes
37 | Jhoni Lagun Siang
9902917015 |
2020 | Character Education Learning Model for Candidate Master Guide based on Hypercontent | Purpose of this research is to produce a hypercontent-based character education learning material product for candidate master guides. The methodology used is research and development methods. This study uses the Rowntree model combined with the web designdisign results of the combination of 2 models is named the jonnuro model consisting of three people, namely planning, development, and development.The product test phase begins with the test of material experts, linguists, instructional design experts, and media experts. Then the product was tested to a number of candidate master guides, namely 3 candidate master guides for face to facetrayoutand 30 people for field trials. The results showed an average score of material experts 4.8 which meant the product was rated very good, a language expert 4.8 which meant the product was very good, a learning design expert 4.6 which meant the product was very good, and media expert 4, 2 which means the product is rated as good. Then in the trial phase of the candidatemaster guide the average results for the individual test stage were 98.7% which means the product was rated very well and at this stage the 97% field trial was considered very good. The results of the pretest and post test showed an increase in the percentage of mastery learning outcomes of students by 36,4 %.The percentage of students’ creativity tests for perception tests was 94.5%, knowledge tests were 95%, and abilities tests were 93.5%, so it can be concluded that the creativity of prospective master guides increased after studying-based learning material hypercontent. In conclusion, character education learning materials based hypercontent for prospective master guides are very good and need to be maintained because they can enhance the creativity of prospective master guides.
Keywords: Hypercontent, Jonnuro Learning Model, character, Creativity, Online Class. |
38 | Aniesa Puspa Arum
9902917014 |
2020 | Interaction Model of Learning Strategy and Spatial Intelligence on The Results of Hairstyle by Controling Initial Ability (Experimental Study on Make-up Students State University of Jakarta) | The purpose of this study is to analyze: (1) Hairstyle learning outcomes between students who are taught using cooperative learning strategies and those who are taught using contextual learning strategies, after controlling for initial abilities; (2) The effect of the interaction between learning strategies and spatial intelligence on hairstyle learning outcomes; (3) Hairstyle learning outcomes between students learned using cooperative learning strategies and those learned using contextual learning strategies, in students with high spatial intelligence, after controlling for initial abilities; (4) Hairstyle learning outcomes between students learned using cooperative learning strategies and those learned using contextual learning strategies, in students with low spatial intelligence, after controlling for initial abilities. This research uses a quantitative approach, with experimental research methods, ANAKOVA by level 2×2. The results showed that: (1) Hypothesis I is proven, namely student learning outcomes that are learned using cooperative learning strategies are higher than those of contextual learning strategies; (2) Hypothesis II is proven, namely there is an interaction between learning strategies and spatial intelligence on hairstyle learning outcomes; (3) Hypothesis III is not proven, that is the learning outcomes of students who use cooperative learning strategies are not lower than those of contextual learning strategies in students with high spatial intelligence; and (4) Hypothesis IV is proven, namely student learning outcomes using cooperative learning strategies are higher compared to contextual learning strategies in students with low spatial intelligence. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that there is an interaction model between learning strategies and spatial intelligence on the learning outcomes of hair styling after controlling the students’ initial abilities.
Keywords: Learning Strategies, Spatial Intelligence, Learning Outcomes, Hair styling
39 | Heru Setiawan
7117168286 |
2020 | Evaluation of Three Diploma Programs (D-III) Medical Laboratory Technology POLTEKKES KEMENKES Jakarta III | The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has an innovative effort in the form of educational services that allows it not to interfere with the daily tasks of a Health Analyst or a Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT). The BPPSDMK of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia starting the 2017/2018 academic year held the TLM D-III Qualification Improvement Program through Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) at the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta III for ATLMs who work in hospitals or health service facilities. The focus of this research is the evaluation of the D-III Medical Laboratory Technology program through Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) at the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Jakarta III, Academic Year 2018/2019. The purpose of this evaluation is to identify and describe the implementation of the D-III Qualification Improvement Program for Medical Laboratory Technology through Past Learning Recognition (RPL) which is carried out by the Poltekkes of the Ministry of Health, Jakarta III, which in principle leads to the improvement and improvement. Program, as Indonesian health workers, in the field of clinical pathology laboratories (hospitals and public health services) at the Ministry of Health, for the DKI Jakarta area. The target determined is seen from four (4) components: context, input, process, and product. This study is a program evaluation using an evaluative method based on the CIPP Stufflebeam evaluation model, where this research is focused on the selected phenomenon, apart from other phenomena. The phenomenon can be in the form of programs, policy applications, or concepts. This type of research data consists of qualitative and quantitative data. In general, it was concluded that the implementation of the Program to accelerate Academic Qualification Improvement of Three Diplomas, Medical Laboratory Technology through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) has been going well, although there are several aspects of the input and process that need to be improved and improved, both in terms of quantity and quality.
Keywords: Program Evaluation, CIPP Research Model, RPL of Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jakarta III.
40 | Ruliah
7117157706 |
2020 | Development of Data Base Instructional Model Based on Computer Assisted Instruction | This study aims to develop a Computer Assisted Instruction-based Database System learning model using a combination of the Tutorial model and the Drill and Parctice model. The methodology used is a combination of the Borg and Gall research and development model and the Dick and Carey model and the CAI model at the learning strategy stage. The initial stage of the research used the Research and Development research model proposed by Gall, namely research and information collecting. The next stage follows the stages in the learning design development model proposed by Dick and Carey. The research instrument was designed referring to the formative evaluation procedure, which consists of: instruments for expert validation, one-on-one student evaluations, small groups, and field trials. The research test used the effectiveness test, by comparing the mean pretest and posttest mean results. Expert validation of the developed learning model resulted in very good conclusions with a mean value of 5, while the average level of student mastery in certain competency areas based on the results of formative tests on the evaluation of the field trial reached 82.76%. As for the learning outcomes of 29 students tested, the pretest mean score was 43.69 (6.90% of students could achieve completeness from the total tested students), and the posttest mean score was 75.21 (79.31% of students could achieve completeness of the total students being tested). This shows that there is an increase in the mean value of learning outcomes of 31.52, and an increase in the average completeness achievement of 72.41%. The results of the tests carried out indicate that the CAI-based learning model developed by the CAI is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Learning Model Development, Database Systems, Computer Assisted Instruction
41 | Heni Jusuf
7117157701 |
2020 | Development of Hybrid Learning Materials to Improve Competency in Creating Object Oriented Applications. | The purpose of this research is to produce a product for hybrid learning materials to increase competence in making object oriented applications. The methodology used is a research and development method. This study uses a step of system approach development model combined with the Borg & Gall development model and the Rowntree development model. The development of this material has passed a formative evaluation, where there are several stages that must be carried out. Evaluation by experts, resulting in the conclusion that the learning material is very good with an overall average score of 4.6, one-to-one evaluation, with three (3) students getting a score of 66.7% with the conclusion that the learning material is feasible to use. The evaluation of the small group with nine (9) students resulted in a value of 100 % that the learning materials were suitable for use, and the field trial with twenty (20) students produced an average value of 4.59 with the conclusion that the learning materials were excellent. The results of the practicality test found that it was considered practical. The effectiveness test of hybrid learning materials was carried out by comparing the results of the initial test with the results of the final test, that the result was that there was an increase in learning outcomes by 20.40%, an increase in learning outcomes. To measure whether the learning materials are proven to improve competence, based on the results of doing practice questions and formative evaluation questions on each learning activity in modules 1,2,3 and 4, it results in that fourteen (14) respondents are Competent in making application programs, and six (6) are Not yet Competent. Competency tests by BNSP certified assessors on the respondents, the result is that eighteen (18) respondents declared Competent, and two (2) respondents declared Not Competent.
Keywords: hybrid learning materials, the step of system approach, object oriented programming courses.
42 | Sunyoto
7117157699 |
2020 | Development of A Technical Guidance Model of Energy Auditor Training at The Indonesia Cement Industry to Obtain The Certification of The Profession Competence | Cement industry as energy users more than 6000 TOE (Ton Oil Equivalent) is required to apply energy management system by appointing managers, carry out energy audits energy periodically, implement the recommendations of the audit results, energy and report on the implementation of the energy conservation each year. This energy audit must be performed by a certified auditor. The purpose of this research is to develop design model training of technical guidance of energy auditors in cement plants to obtain professional competency certification. Development of the technology training Model of the energy Auditor is to prepare the participants in obtaining competency certification as an Energy Auditor in cement plants. For the certification of energy auditors in the cement industry requires a competency-based training that refers to the Indonesian National Working Competency Standard (SKKNI)and certified by an Independent Institution, Professional Certification Body (LSP) of National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). The required competency-based training model should be systematic and systemic referring to academic rules and not yet in previous training models especially on energy auditor training in cement industry. Researchers use qualitative methods by using development-based research. Researchers used qualitative methods using research and development-based development (R&D), which was proposed by Borg & Galland Sugiyono. Development of technology training Model The energy Auditor developed is the result of a mixture of 10 learning models that enter the instructional technology (IT) model group, which is class-oriented, product and system and performance technology. Human Performance and Competency-Based Training model (CBT) and Competency Based Training Model (ILO,2014). The results of research through trial in the preliminary test and post test showed the model of the technology training of the energy Auditor in the cement industry to be effective to obtain professional competency certification for energy auditors in cement industry with additional requirement that the students must have a work experience of at least one year in their field. The results of the research through due diligence and preliminary test trials with the test and posttest showing the training model is effective to obtain professional competency certification with the records of the participants must have work experience, at least one year in the field. Although researchers believe that academic rules are not fully met in the technical training model of energy auditors in the cement industry, researchers believe that this model of training is viable and effectively used to be applied as a “link and match” Between academia and the industrial world.
Keywords: competency-based training, technology, energy Auditor, competency certification, Cement industry, Link and Match
43 | Anaway Irianti Mansyur
7116090004 |
2020 | Social Media as a Means of Political Education for Women Politics Become a Learning Organization | The purpose of this study is to see the use of social media as a means of political education for women politicians to become learning organizations. The methods used in this study are qualitative methods and survey methods. The research sample came from 122 Women Politicians of the DPR RI in 2019-2024 who came from 8 political parties. Political education using social media Instagram, which is used by female politicians, begins with writing articles about sociopolitics, because often the general public may not know what our real political reality is. Increasing political knowledge, photos of activities and short sentences about their activities as a member of the council, whether during meetings, work visits, meetings and banquets with people in electoral areas and outside can make people remember themselves as people’s representatives. It is better if in the future the use of social media as a means of political education can be designed so that the message delivery process is more effective and not publicity in nature. So that many users who become followers can take advantage and provide input to their parliamentary representatives.
Keywords: Learning Organization, DPR, Instagram Social Media |
44 | Armen Ma’ruf
9901817002 |
2020 | Development of Online Materials in The Subject Course Analysis and Data Utilization on The NFPPB Training Center | The purpose of this research is to develop online material for the Analysis and Data Utilization Subject Course in the NFPPB Training Center. The study was conducted at the NFPPB with the aim of participants of the Family Planning Village Operationalization Technical Training. The research method refers to the Allan Jolliffe development model. The results of the development of online material for Analysis and Data Utilization can be accessed at URL Online material developed using Moodle application software with moove model. The product development procedure is carried out according to the reference model of the Allan Jolliffe development. The step-by-step review process is carried out by material experts, media experts, and instructional design experts. To the target of the study conducted one-on-one test, small group test, and field test. Evaluation is carried out until the summative evaluation stage by calculating the N-Gain Score. The results of the summative evaluation stated that the online material for the analysis and data utilization was effective in improving the learning outcomes of trainees in the NFPPB Training Center.
Keywords: Web-Based Course, Development Studies, Online Materials |
45 | Badriyah
7116110007 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Strategy and Initial Ability on the Learning Outcomes of Archiving Course | This research was conducted at the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic, Business Administration Study Program during the even semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year form November 2019 to March 2020 with the treatment given for 8 (eight) meetings including the initial test and final test using the experimental method, while the research design was treatment by level 2 x 2 design. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in learning outcomes of archiving subjects in office administration students, between students who studied PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategies and students who studied with CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) and Interaction between learning strategies and the initial ability of office administration to learning outcomes of archiving courses. The effect of PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategies is higher for students who have a low level of initial ability than CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) learning strategies on archiving learning outcomes. Students with low initial abilities using PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategies will be better at solving problems with their group friends. So that the PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategy has a greater influence on students who have a low initial ability level compared to using the CTL (Contextual Teaching Learning) learning strategy. To improve archiving learning outcomes for students at the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic, office administration majors with high initial abilities use PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategies, higher learning outcomes, as well as students with low initial abilities can improve their learning outcomes by following the PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategy. In general, to improve the learning outcomes of students at the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic, office administration majors can be done using PBL (Problem Based Learning) learning strategies.
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Learning Strategies, Problem Based Learning, Contextual Teaching Learning, and Initial Ability |
46 | Billy Tantono 7116140004 | 2020 | The Development of Blended Learning in Information and Communication Technology Subjects for Class Xi Sma Don Bosco 2 Jakarta | In the Information and Communication Technology subject, the problem of limited learning time was found so that learning outcomes were not optimal, this was exacerbated by Covid-19 pandemic so that schools could not carry out faceto-face learning and all learning activities were carried out using distance learning methods until time had not determined. This is the basis for the need to design a blended learning concept that is effective for Class XI Information and Communication Technology subjects in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using the Dick and Carey Research & Development (R&D) method integrated with the PEDATI blended learning design model. The research was conducted from January to September 2020, at Don Bosco 2 Senior High School Jakarta. The results of the study generally show that the quality of the prototype based on the validation of the material, media and instructional design expert reviews are 94%, 80%, and 82%. Meanwhile, based on the results of the one to one trial, the small group and the large group the quality obtained was 96%. Based on expert reviews and testing on these targets, it can be concluded that the blended learning designed is feasible and useable. After being applied, it got an NGain Score of 0.78 and classified in the high category. The developed blended learning can be considered as effective |
47 | Desmiati 7116110009 | 2020 | Evaluation of the Implementation of Science Learning Program in Junior High Schools, Lab Schools Universitas Negeri Jakarta | This research was conducted at Labschool Junior High School Jakarta in July 2018, with a random sample of 15 students with a qualitative descriptive research evaluation, using the Countenance Evaluation Model with three stages of antecendent, transaction and outcomes developed by Stake. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of science learning. The result is that learning in the laboratory really helps students understand lessons easily and is fun and very effective. The effectiveness of using the visitor library everyday reaches 200 visitors with a visit duration of 1-2 hours. Before the exam students visit the library very often. Teacher interaction with students increases the effectiveness of learning, the teacher is very helpful in understanding learning in the classroom, students feel very satisfied with the scores obtained in the exam. Overall both the competence of teachers and infrastructure in the laboratory and inthe library is very adequate in helping the learning process and most students feel very satisfied with the condition of existing infrastructure. The average value of students’ natural sciences in per year always increases, and has fulfilled theminimum competency and satisfying for students, this is inseparable from the way of teaching an interesting teacher and detailed explanation is equipped with a summary of notes of each subject matter and also support infrastructure learning resources which is quite complete and adequate both in the Laboratory and in the Library, this is in line with theories of learning resources.
Keywords : evaluation, learning, science |
48 | Hendar Ahmad Wibisono No. Reg: 7116157021 | 2020 | Developing Animation Video Tutorial of Advancement Badges Scouting Test for Ibnu Hajar Mandiri Islamic Primary School | The lack of instructional media as a learning resources in schools become a reason of encourages conducting this research. This research aims to develop an instructional video animation tutorial of advancement badges test for boyscout, which is one of learning resources for scouting. The research method refers to ADDIE. This research resulting an instructional media products of video animation tutorial of advancement badges test for boyscout in .mp4 video format which can be operated on hardware that has a player feature, such as; smartphone or notebook. This video animation tutorial is including a manual book and student worksheet as a complementary to instructional media products. At step of development, This animated video tutorial has been tested by qualified material and media experts of scouting, which results “good”. As for the implementation and evaluation stages, and also this video has been tested by learning practition and users, as a result this animated video tutorial that can be used as a reference for advancement badges test for boyscout. as proven by an increasing score at the time of the pre-test compared to the score at the end of post-test assessment of scouting activities.
Keywords: Animation Video, Tutorial Video, Advancement Badges, Scouting |
49 | Achmad Sopian | 2020 | Development of E-Module Eyes in Management of Family Planning Village in Bkkbn Pusdiklat | This study aims to produce a proper and effective e-module for the KB Village Management training program using the Lectora Inspire application. This research uses the Research and Development method with the Rowntree model. The resulting e-module can contain text, images, audio, video and animation, as well as interactive and independent test measuring tools. The feasibility of e-modules is assessed by material experts, instructional experts, media experts and linguists. The results of the assessment of an average score of 80, 04% categorized very well. One to one trial, small group and large group average score of 70.11% in the good category. The effectiveness of e-modules through the T-test, t-count (15, 52)> t-table (2,059), the significance level of 0, 05, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it is concluded that: the average value of participants before participating in learning through e-module ≠ average value after participating in learning through e-modules. Keywords: KB Village, Research and Development, E-Module, Lectora Inspire. |
50 | M. Amin 9901817013 | 2020 | Hypercontent Learning Module Introduction to Computer Network Devices for Students from 3T Regions at STKIP Surya | This study aims to develop a hypercontent learning module for students from the 3T area on the STKIP Surya campus, using the R&D (Research & Development) method and the Derek Rowntree model. The meaning of hypercontent is adopted from how to read digitally which is non-linear. The hypercontent module combines hypertext, hypermedia, and hyperlinks into one part so that it can enrich the content of the material in the module such as animated videos, access material online using Qrcode, and turn the module into interactive media. Based on the results of preliminary research on 50 students regarding the need for learning modules and student learning styles, it was found that 92% of students needed modules and 34 people who had visual learning styles. The conclusion of the observation results states that students need a learning module that is suitable with the characteristics of student learning, then the results of the feasibility test by material experts with 72.6 results or feasible, media expert test with results of 82.9 or very feasible, and learning design expert test with results of 91.25 or very worthy. Furthermore, the results of the one to one test on three students with an average result of 97.47 or the media is very feasible to use, and the last is the effectiveness test by looking at the t-table -10.130 <-2.2 meaning it rejects H0 and the decision of the hypercontent learning module is very effective as independent learning material by students from 3T in the STKIP Surya campus.
Keywords: Hypercontent module, interactive media, animated video, QR Code |
51 | Nana Sunar Sasih 7116158080 | 2020 | Developing Tutorial Learning Video of Betawi Folk Dance Cokek Shiu Pat Mo Nana Sunar Sasih Educational Technology | The lack of instructional media as a learning resource in schools and this is a reason of encourages this research to be carried out. This research aims to develop a learning media for the Betawi dance tutorial videos of Cokek Shiu Pat Mo, as a learning resource in learning dance in the field of Cultural Arts at SMP / MTs. grade VIII. The research method used is Research and Development using the Lee and Owens instructional design development model. This research produces instructional media products of the Betawi Dance Tutorial Video of Cokek Shiu Pat Mo in mp4 video format which can be operated under the Windows, Macintosh, Android, Open Source, USB connected TV, VCD player, or DVD player. This product is accompanied by a manual book and Worksheet (LKPD) as a supplement to instructional media products. In the development step, this instructional media product has been tested by content experts and media experts, with a “good” qualification. While in the implementation and evaluation steps, this instructional media product has been tested by instructional practitioners and end users, and shows that video tutorials are useful in the learn process of the Betawi Cokek Shiu Pat Mo Dance practice in Cultural Arts subjects as evidenced by an increase in scores posttest was compared with pretest scores in the learns assessment.
Keywords: Video Tutorials, Cokek Shiu Pat Mo Dance, Betawi Art, Cultural Arts |
52 | Ni’mah 7116168171 | 2020 | The Utilization of Web-Based E-Learning in Introduction to Management Course Pamulang University | This study aims to describe the use of web-based e-learning in the Management Introduction course at Pamulang University. This research was conducted because the results of the preliminary study obtained that e-learning data had not been optimally utilized as expected. In an effort to find the causative factor, research was carried out from March 2020 to July 2020. The research method used qualitative methods with primary and secondary data, while the data collection methods used interviews, observation, and document study. The data analysis used triangulation, member check, and peer examination methods. The results of this study indicate that the use of e-learning at Pamulang University is in accordance with the course plan Introduction to Management and is useful in helping students learn, although there must be systemic improvements and an increase in the quality of learning.
Keywords: Utilization, E-learning, Introduction to Management. |
53 | Oktovianus Nau Lalian | 2020 | Blended Learning Development for Chassis Maintenance And Light Vehicle Power Transfer Subject | The aimed of this study was to develop a blended learning for Chassis Maintenance and Light Vehicle Power Transfer subject for second-grade students of light vehicle engineering programme at Dewantara vocational school which is expected to help students and teacher in the learning process as a learning strategy to overcome the problem of lack of face-to-face time in class. The procedure for developing blended learning used the ADDIE model which is integrated with PEDATI at the instructional design stage. Learning technology used Moodle 3.8.1 version. Learning strategies used self-directed learning and collaborative learning, while the pedagogical model used a virtual learning environment. Data collection techniques were done by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Observation was carried out at the pre-research stage to determine the initial conditions of the research objects. The interview used in this study was an unstructured interview. The questionnaire in this study was in the form of instruments which is consisting of a needs assessment instrument, learners instrument, instrument of eligibility for reviewers/experts judgement, and trial instrument for students. Data analysis techniques were used qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis. Based on the results of the eligibility analysis from the material expert, the percentage of achievement level is 91.67% with a very good qualification and appropriate to be used with revisions as needed. Based on the results of the eligibility analysis from media expert, the percentage of achievement level is 80% with a good qualification, and feasible to be used with revisions as needed. Based on the results of the eligibility analysis from the instructional design expert the percentage of achievement level is 96.47% with a very good qualifications, and feasible to use without any revisions. The average percentage of one to one trial from three students is 90.22% with a very good qualification. Whereas, the average percentage of small group trials for eight students is 92.83% with a very good qualification. Based on the results of the N-Gain Score of 61 students the percentage of N-Gain Score is 76.23% and is in the effective category level. Thus the development of blended learning for chassis maintenance and light vehicle power transfer is effective in achieving learning objectives optimally and efficiency in the use of learning time in class. |
Adi Abdillah 9901818014 | 2021 | Development of Blended Learning with Project Based Learning Approach in Instructor Training at Basarnas
This study aims to develop a blended learning product with a project-based learning approach that is feasible and effective for use in Instructor training at Basarnas. The development procedure uses the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) model which is integrated with the PEDATI model at the learning design preparation stage. The development stages using the ILDF model include exploration, preparation and evaluation, while the stage of preparing the learning design with the PEDATI model includes formulating learning outcomes, mapping and organizing learning materials, selecting and determining synchronous and asynchronous learning activities and designing asynchronous learning activities and designing synchronous learning activities. Product feasibility testing through the assessment of instructional design experts, media experts and material experts, then tested on Rescuer, namely one to one and small group trials. The results of the assessment show that the average score of the instructional design expert is 3.19 or good, the media expert is 3.64 or very good, and the material expert is 3.28 which means very good. The test results by Rescuer showed the one to one trial average score of 3.20 or good and the small group trial score of 3.57 or very good. The results of the effectiveness test through the test before (pre-test) and test after (post-test) using the product development results calculated using the N-Gain Score rule showed an increase in learning outcomes by 76%. The conclusion of this research is that the development of blended learning with a project-based learning approach to instructor training at Basarnas is feasible and effective in improving student learning outcomes. Keywords: Blended Learning; Project Based Learning; Basarnas Instructor Training; ILDF; PEDATI. |
55 | Agus Tryanto 9901817004 | 2021 | The Development of Blended Learning in Integrated Science Learning by a Wise Approach in the Homeschooling Taman Sekar Bandung | The need for learning in homeschooling to achieve better goals, especially homeschooling that prioritizes independence and individuality in learning, then developed blended learning as an option in homeschooling learning. Research entitled research development (R&D). This research aims to develop blended learning in science subjects with WISE approach at Homeschooling Taman Sekar Bandung. The lack of variety of learning is done by homeschooling, while homeschooling is required to be more creative, independent and innovative. Development method using a combination of flipped learning model with web-based design model. the combination produces two major stages, namely the semester level development stage and the lesson level stage. The product will go through the process of evaluation from experts and evaluation of feasibility and effectiveness. Expert reviews consist of reviews of media experts, learning design experts, and material and language experts. then, the placement will be done with a one-on-one test, small group test and field test, for the effectiveness test will be carried out until a summative evaluation by calculating the N-Gain score. The final result states that blended learning is feasible and effective in HTSB in science with the WISE approach. Thus learning can be done anywhere and anytime and does not interfere with other students in learning .
KeywordS : blended learning, science, WISE approach, homeschooling |
56 | Agustina Dede Mite 9901818013 | 2021 | Development of Chatolic Religious Learning With the Project Based Learning (PJBL) Approach | A project-based learning approach is an approach that actively involves learners in learning and learners become more enthusiastic in the learning process. This study aimed to develop a Catholic religious learning program with a projectbased learning approach. The research method used is Research & Development with an instructional development model (IDM) consisting of eight stages: identifying instructional needs and setting general instructional goals, conducting instructional analysis, identifying the behavior and initial characteristics of students, writing specific instructional objectives, compiling learning outcomes assessment tools, developing instructional materials, compiling the design and carrying out formative evaluations, and implementation of summative test and diffusion of innovation. The product is a learning consisting of an outline of learning programs, learning strategies, teaching materials, and rubrics for attitude assessment and projects. After being reviewed by experts, this product got results that were suitable for use in learning. The results of the posttest after using the project-based learning approach got 88.80 for average value, and the learning effectiveness by the N-Gain Score is showing an increase in learning outcomes of 68.96%. This project-based learning approach gives an improvement on learners’ outcomes and learners’ attitudes as well as gratitude, compassion, and caring for others. This study concludes that the development of catholic religious learning with a project-based learning approach is feasible and quite effective in improving student learning outcomes and forming student attitudes to be grateful, compassionate, and caring for others. Thus, it can be concluded that catholic religious learning with project-based learning can improve student learning outcomes, both affective and cognitive aspects. The implication of this study is the project-based learning can be applied in other subjects.
Keywords: instructional development model, catholic religious learning, project based learning. |
57 | Beatriks Lasamahu 9901818008 | 2021 | Online Learning Development
with Project Based Learning Approach in Performance Technology Courses at the Postgraduate Program at the Jakarta State University
This study aims to develop online learning designs and products with a feasible and effective project-based learning approach in the Performance Technology course at PPs UNJ. The development procedure uses the ADDIE model which is integrated with the PEDATI model at the stage of preparing the learning design. The stages of development with the ADDIE model include analysis, design, development, implementation and analysis. While the learning model with the PEDATI model includes formulating learning outcomes, selecting and determining learning activities and designing learning activities. The product test is based on the assessment of learning design experts, media experts and material experts, then tested on students of the UNJ Education Technology study program, namely one-by-one and small group tests. The results of the effectiveness test through a test before (pre-test) and test after (post-test) the use of the developed product were calculated using the results of the N-Gain Sxore. The conclusion of the study is that the development of online learning with a project based learning approach in the Performance Technology course at PPs UNJ is feasible and effective.
Keywords: ADDIE; PEDATI; Online learning; Project based learning; Human Performance Technology.
58 | Dede Abdul Azis 9901817010 | 2021 | Development of Digital Learning Materials in Industrial Chemistry Subjects in Class X Vocational High School
This study aims to produce products in the form of digital learning materials that are used to help students understand the material presented by educators. This development was carried out because the utilization of learning resources was not optimal. The need for learning resources to support the learning process is not sufficient, so that the learning outcomes of students are not optimal. The development of digital learning materials refers to Lee and Owens’ product development model. Evaluation in this study uses formative evaluation involving three experts, namely material experts, learning design experts, media experts. However, in obtaining the desired data, this type of evaluation does not provide valid information about the feasibility of the product, so the evaluation process is assisted by using the evaluation proposed by Dick and Carey, including: expert reviews, one-to-one evaluations, small groups, and fields. test. The results of expert review, obtained very good results with an average value of 3.56 from a scale of 4. The results of the one-to-one stage where 3 respondents got an average score of 3.73. The results of the small group stage increased the value of 35.00 respondents, which means that digital learning materials are considered very good. The results of the field test stage mean the value from 55.00 to 86.75 after being compared between the pre test and post test there was an increase in the value of 31.75 from 36 respondents. From the test results it can be concluded that “Digital learning materials in Industrial Chemistry Subjects for Grade X Vocational High School Students” have been tested for their effectiveness and are appropriate to continue to be used as a learning resource for students of Dewantara SMKS Bekasi Regency.
Keywords: Development of Digital Learning Materials, Industrial Chemistry, SMK (Vocational High School) Students |
59 | Dias Yuditia Pribadi 7116168167 | 2021 | The Development of Sociology Subjects with Problem-Based Learning Approach in Class Xi At Sman 1 Jakarta | This study aims to develop Sociology Subjects with Problem Based Learning Approaches in Class XI Students at SMAN 1 Jakarta. This research is a type of research and development. The model used in this study is the Model Pengembangan Instruksional (MPI). This research was conducted at SMAN1 Jakarta with the research subject, namely students of class XI IPS. Data collection was carried out using interviews, instrument tests in the form of pretest and postest questions, and documentation. The results show that from the expert test consisting of material, media and instrument design experts it can be stated that the sociology subject learning design with a problem-based learning model approach is feasible to use. The results of the effectiveness test by comparing the scores before and after participating in sociology learning with the PBL approach, there is a significant difference between the pretest and postest scores showing that the sociology learning design with the problem-based learning approach is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Sociology, Instructional Design, Model Pengembangan Instruksional
60 | Egi Wikanda 9901818015 | 2021 | Development of a Flipped Classroom With a Cooperative Approach to Diving Environment Training for Rescuers | Flipped classroom focuses on the design of cooperative learning activities and allows them to be applied to a training. This study aims to develop a flipped classroom in diving environment training for rescuers and obtain results to assess their feasibility. The development steps taken refer to the multimedia web-based learning design combined with the PEDATI model at the design stage. The feasibility test is obtained based on the assessment of experts including material experts, learning design experts and media experts as well as suggestions and input from students after completing learning, as well as conduct pre-test and post-test to see the level of effectiveness through learning outcomes. The results showed that the design and development were in accordance with the steps and procedures that had been planned and the results obtained from the feasibility test that this learning was feasible to use and the effectiveness test with the criteria was effective enough to improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords: flipped classroom; online learning; diving environment; training
61 | Eka Andriyani 9901818011 | 2021 | Development of Car Engine Diagnostic Training Program With Context-Based Learning Approach for Technicians In PT. Astra Daihatsu Motor | The rapid development of technology in the automotive industry made training for technicians had to continue develop along with it. This study’s purpose was to develop car engine diagnosis training for technicians at the training center at PT Astra Dihatsu Motor with context-based learning to overcome the lack of competence of technicians in diagnosing car engine damage while working in branch workshops. The method used in this study was research and development (R & D), the research was to analyze needs for the new program and the development section used the Instructional Development Model (MPI) to develop training programs. The training program’s test result from content experts of was 97.46 while from instructional experts 82.85 and from media experts 83.33. The results of the one-to-one test on technicians are 75.83 and get 79.4% for N-gain value, which means that this training program is effective in improving technician competence because it prioritizes the knowledge, skills and emotional readiness of the technicians. This program is recommended at training centers in other Astra companies or those with similar types of training because the readiness of technicians formed by conditioning the environment and learning methods according to the context of their work in the field leads technicians to achieve the competency standards required in the field.
Keywords: Car engine diagnostic training, Context based learning, Technician, Model Pengembangan Instruksional (MPI)
62 | Eskawati Musyarofah Bunyamin 9901818001 | 2021 | Development of a Virtual Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory for Vocational Students in the Field of Agribusiness and Agrotechnology Expertise | Practice cannot always be carried out due to limited tools and materials. With advances in computer technology, practical activities can be simulated. This study aims to develop a virtual plant tissue culture laboratory for vocational students in the Agribusiness and Agrotechnology Expertise Sector, to test the feasibility of the developed virtual laboratory, and to test the effectiveness of using a virtual laboratory as a learning medium. Development of a virtual laboratory using the Lee-Owens development model. The developed virtual laboratory was tested for product feasibility by learning media experts, material experts, and learning design experts and obtained an average of 83%. The conclusion of the feasibility test is that the virtual laboratory is included in the very good category and can be used as a learning medium. The average of the results of the one to one trial is 100% with very good qualifications. The mean of the small group trial results is 100% with very good qualifications. The results of the field test to determine the effectiveness were carried out by using the n-gain scores test. The average pretest result was 67.70 and the post-test average result was 91.27. The results of the n-gain scores test showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes of 77%. The conclusion of this study is that the developed plant tissue culture virtual laboratory is adequate for use in learning and can improve learning outcomes.
Keywords: Plant tissue culture, virtual laboratory, Vocational High School
63 | Galuh Indri Kusumawati 9901818025 | 2021 | Development of Exhaust Gas Emisions Check Hypercontent Module for Employment Training in Indonesia Transportation Ministry | This research aims to produce a systematic and interactive hypercontent module; generate feasibility test data; generate test data on the effectiveness of hypercontent modules on exhaust emissions inspections of the Ministry of Transportation to improve the learning outcomes of trainees at PTDI STTD. This module was developed using the Research and Development (R & D) research method, namely the design-based research model combined with the Derek Rowntree model. Design-based research stages include analysis, design and evaluation. Research stages the researcher uses the first stage in Design-Based Research model, namely the analysis stage by conducting needs analysis and literature survey. At the product development stage using the Rowntree model, Rowntree consists of three stages, namely: planning, writing preparation, and writing and editing stages. Then do a formative evaluation. This study resulted in a module on spark-ignition motors containing 4 (four) learning activities. The feasibility test was obtained based on the assessment of experts including material experts, instructional design experts, and media experts, face to face trials and field trials to get suggestions and input in improving the module. In the effectiveness test, the hypercontent module for examining exhaust emissions is effective in increasing the learning outcomes of the trainees by 60,47 calculated using N-Gain.
Keywords : design-based research, Rowntree model, hypercontent module, , exhaust emission inspection training, development
64 | Herlinawati 9901818017 | 2021 | Blended Learning Development Of Medical First Responder Training For Rescuer At National Search And Rescue Agency | The conventional (face-to-face) learning model in the Medical First Responder (MFR) Training has several obstacles. This paper describes the results of the development of blended learning at the Medical First Responder (MFR) Training. Blended Learning was developed in order to be a solution to the problems that exist in MFR training. This research is research and development using the Integrative Learning Design Framework (ILDF) development method combined with PEDATI (Learn to Apply and Evaluate), conducted at the Education and Training Center of National Search and Rescue Agency’s in 2020 . Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, questionnaires and document analysis. The results of the data collection resulted in several problems including (1) the lack of instructors; (2) the number of participants who can take part in the MFR training is very limited; (3) the rescuer is required to be ready at all times in the event of a disaster so that he cannot leave the office for a very long time. The findings lead to develop an asynchronous learning model where the participants can learn anywhere and anytime. This asynchronous learning utilizes a web-based media which can be accessed through Keywords : Development Blended Learning, Medical First Responder, Rescuer |
65 | Ijang Permana Sidik NIM 9901818010 | Development of Electronic Rubrics to Improve Widyaiswara Performance In Assessing Research Proposals First Expert Researcher
Subjectivity is a main issue of non test assessment. This issue appear especially when assessment carried out by two or more people. The score of assessment become varied and inconsistent. This research aims to develope an electronic rubric and analyze its feasibility and effectiveness in support instructor’s performance in assessing research proposals written by training pasrticipants. This research was conducted by combining three models. The strategic impact model was used to analyze problems, find the causes of problems, and determine correct interventions to solve those performance problems. Alternative assessment model was used to formulate assessment standards. McKeown and Biss models was used to develop and test the feasibility and effectiveness of the electronic rubric. The feasibility test was carried out by involving material experts, evaluation expert, and instructors. The effectiveness test was carried out by testing the ability of the rubric to produce a reliable value. Electronic rubric declared feasible after assessed by material and evaluation experts and then tested by instructors. Electronic rubric declared effective after being able to produce consistent score (reliable) with a correlation coefficient score of 0.78.
Keywords : Alternative Assessment, Performance, Rubric
66 | La Kasman Rukua 9901817014 | 2021 | Development of Learning Modules for Character Education With a Contextual Approach to Citizenship Education Subject in West Seram Regency | This research is a development research (R & D). Aims to produce a character education learning module with a contextual learning approach on PKN subjects at SMA Negeri 7, West Seram Regency. The research method uses the Dick & Carry model in the first stage of planning and the development model using Rowntree in the second stage of writing preparation and the third stage of writing and editing which is then known as the combination model. The feasibility test was carried out by media and instructional design experts with a result of 3.2 which means it is feasible, then material and language experts with a result of 3.70 which means it is feasible. The results of the one-to-one test, each student got 3.8 students, two 3.8 students and 3.7 students with good categories, continued with the small group test for 9 students getting an average score for students one 3, 75, student two 3.85, student three 3.8, student four 3.85, student five 3.75, student six 3.9, student seven 3.9, student eight 3.9 and student nine 3.85. From the results of the evaluation of the small group test for 9 students, it was stated that the product of this module was good. Test the effectiveness using the N-Gain Score formula. The analysis of the effectiveness of learning outcomes in the classical N-Gain table is 0.78. So student learning outcomes through module development are in the effective category. In addition, the development of this module is also effective in achieving learning objectives, where all the learning objectives contained in this module can be achieved with 100% achievement. This means that the development of this module is worthy of being used as an independent learning material for students in Citizenship Education Subjects in West Seram Regency.
Keywords: PKn Module, character learning, contextual approach, Dick &Carey and Rowntree development
67 | Lina Komalasari 9901818024 | 2021 | Development of the Traffic Safety Training Hyper Content Module at the Ministry of Transportation | The purpose of this research is to develop a hyper content-based traffic safety training module for the Ministry of Transportation. The development model employed in this study combines the research phase with the Instructional Development Model (MPI) and the development phase with the Derek Rowntree model. The product feasibility test was conducted by researchers through assessments by instructional design experts, learning media experts, and material experts. According to instructional design experts, the results of the feasibility test are 87.18%; the results of the feasibility test of learning media experts are 86.67%, the results of feasibility tests of the material expert are 93.75%, where the results of the feasibility tests of these experts are in a very good qualification. Furthermore, the results that were authorized by the experts evaluated on traffic safety training participants through face-to-face trials, with 90.28% was in a very good qualification. The outcomes of the effectiveness test were evaluated by the pre-and post-tests, where the average of learning outcomes were 70.88% higher, meaning that the development of traffic safety training modules is quite effective in enhancing traffic safety traffic participants’ learning outcomes. The research concludes that the development of a hyper content-based training module on traffic safety is feasible and effective in enhancing the learning results of participants in traffic safety. The implications of improving this module for the Education and Training Institute of the Ministry of Transportation include the possibility of turning it into a digital module, besides that the development of this module is recommended as an example that can be utilized to develop modules in other training with similar characteristics to traffic safety training. The implication for instructors is to provide adequate competence related to optimal use of hyper content modules so that participants can receive material from the prepared hyper content modules optimally.
Keywords: Hypercontent Module; Instructional Development Model (MPI); Derek Rowntree; Traffic Safety Training.
68 | Lina Komalasari 9901818024 | 2021 | Development of the Traffic Safety Training Hyper Content Module at the Ministry of Transportation | The purpose of this research is to develop a hyper content-based traffic safety training module for the Ministry of Transportation. The development model employed in this study combines the research phase with the Instructional Development Model (MPI) and the development phase with the Derek Rowntree model. The product feasibility test was conducted by researchers through assessments by instructional design experts, learning media experts, and material experts. According to instructional design experts, the results of the feasibility test are 87.18%; the results of the feasibility test of learning media experts are 86.67%, the results of feasibility tests of the material expert are 93.75%, where the results of the feasibility tests of these experts are in a very good qualification. Furthermore, the results that were authorized by the experts evaluated on traffic safety training participants through face-to-face trials, with 90.28% was in a very good qualification. The outcomes of the effectiveness test were evaluated by the pre-and post-tests, where the average of learning outcomes were 70.88% higher, meaning that the development of traffic safety training modules is quite effective in enhancing traffic safety traffic participants’ learning outcomes. The research concludes that the development of a hyper content-based training module on traffic safety is feasible and effective in enhancing the learning results of participants in traffic safety. The implications of improving this module for the Education and Training Institute of the Ministry of Transportation include the possibility of turning it into a digital module, besides that the development of this module is recommended as an example that can be utilized to develop modules in other training with similar characteristics to traffic safety training. The implication for instructors is to provide adequate competence related to optimal use of hyper content modules so that participants can receive material from the prepared hyper content modules optimally. Keywords: Hypercontent Module; Instructional Development Model (MPI); Derek Rowntree; Traffic Safety Training
69 | Marianus Agustinus Gare Sera 9901818002 | 2021 | Development of the Curriculum for the Subject of “Being a Sister’s Companion” as Local Content in Class X of St. Catholic High School. Peter Ende
The aim of this study is to develop curriculum of “Jadi Pendamping Adik” subject as local subject in class X of Sint Peter Catholic Senior High School in Ende. The development procedure uses Dick and Carrey model. The result of the feasibility analysis of the curriculum for the subject of “Jadi Pendamping Adik” in class X by the instructional design expert, the percentage of achievment level is 92.5% or very good from the aspects of: identity of the subject, clarity of instructional goal, relevance of test to instructional goal, relevance of instructional strategy to instructional goal, relevance of instructional material to instructional test and instructional goal and language- technical quality and feasible to be used in learning with revision as needed. The result of the feasibility analysis of the curriculum for the subject of “Jadi Pendamping Adik” in class X by each material expert are 90% and 92.5% or very good from the aspects of: the suitability of learning objective, the description of the material presented, the suitability of criterion referenced test or formative test and language and feasible to be used in learning with revisions as needed. The result of the effectiveness test of the curriculum for the subject of “Jadi Pendamping Adik” in class X is appraisal and response by some figure in Sint Peter Catholic Senior High school in Ende, the percentage achievment level is 87.77 % or good and 92.22 % or very good from the aspects of: the suitability of learning objective, the description of the material presented, the suitability of criterion referenced test or formative test and language. The curriculum for the subject of “Jadi Pendamping Adik” as local subject in class X is feasible to be used in learning as a guide in learning and considered good to increase student’s knowledge and ability.
Keywords: Development, Curriculum in Learning, Local Subject, Programme |
70 | Muhamad Irwan Wahyudi 7116168170 | 2021 | Development of Mobile Learning Media for Arabic Language Subjects Direct Method at Madrasah Tsanawiyah
The background in this research based on low utilization of media in Arabic subjects at MTsN 24 Cakung, East Jakarta. This study aims to produce mobile learning media of Arabic with direct methods in Madrasah Tsanawiyah. This type of research is the development research by Hannafin and Peck model using 3 stages: (1) the needs analysis phase, (2) the design phase and (3) the development and implementation phase. The results showed that: (1) The results of the expert review of the subject experts at “very good” criteria (4.00); (2) The results of the expert review of media experts expert judgment at “very good” criteria (3.67); (3) The results of the expert review of instructional design experts at “very good” criteria (3.64); (4) The results of the one to one test for students are in the “very good” criteria (3.43); (5) The results of the small group test for students at “very good” criteria (3.33); (6) The results of the effectiveness test show that the mobile learning media has high effectiveness in improving student’s learning achievement
Keywords: mobile learning, Arabic, direct method
71 | Mutia Hariyani 9901817007 | 2021 | Development of Electronic Module in Sociology Subjects Package C Program at the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) Negeri 16 Rawasari | This study aims to produce an electronic module for sociology subjects, test the feasibility of an electronic module developed for use in sociology subjects, and test the effectiveness of an electronic module developed for sociology subjects. This research was developed using Research and Development (R&D) research methods. This study uses the Hannafin and Peck development model which has three stages, the stages of this development model include needs analysis, design, development and implementation. The feasibility test was obtained based on the assessment of experts including material experts, media experts, and learning design experts, feasibility trials were also carried out to get suggestions and criticism from experts for the improvement of the developed modules. The effectiveness test was carried out during a limited trial from the results of one group pretest-posttest with analysis using the N-gain formula. The results of the feasibility test show that the developed electronic module has a feasibility level with an average value of 90.75%. Thus the electronic module by experts is said to be “very feasible” for use by students. While the results of the effectiveness test showed that the average score of students before using the electronic module was 48.15 and after using the electronic module was 78.42. If you look at the results of the pretest and posttest scores of students, there are differences and there is an increase in the value of 30.27. Based on the N-gain analysis, student learning outcomes show a value of 0.60 in the medium category and the N-gain effectiveness value in percent is 60 with a moderately effective category, which means that learning using electronic modules can improve student learning outcomes. Keywords: Development, Electronic Modul, Package C Program
72 | Renaldy Dwi Setiawan 7116167129 | 2021 | Interactive Multimedia Development of Javanese Batik Motif Fine Arts for Grade VIII Students | This research aims to develop an interactive multimedia product entitled “Multimedia Development of Interactive Javanese Batik Motifs For Grade VIII Students” which is designed to be used by junior high school students in grade VIII, and has been tested for effectiveness to improve student learning outcomes. The participants of this study were students of SMP Negeri 159 Jakarta. This research and development follows models from Hannafin and Peck. The development steps are as follows: (1) perform the stages of needs analysis, perform initial and final analysis, namely; interviews of principals, teachers and students, media analysis, (2) this step conducts the process of designing product prototypes, product development, (3) evaluating and implementing, (Validation of material experts, instructional design experts, media experts) and then the product is tested on learners. Interactive multimedia of javanese batik motif can be used onlline or offline, and allows everyone to access anywhere, anytime. This research proves that interactive multimedia products of Javanese batik motifs can improve students’ learning outcomes, when post tests on Javanese batik motif material of fine arts subjects, there is an increase in the score of learning results pretest before is 43,4 and after using the product result postest is 88,5, and range is 45%. Keywords: Interactive Multimedia, Javanese Batik Motifs, Fine Arts, Cultural Arts
73 | Rifa Ussaifa 7116157017 | 2021 | Development of Computer Assisted Instruction [CAI] Media in English Subjects for Class X in Vocational High Schools.
Http://Repository.Unj.Ac.Id/Id/Eprint/16011 |
The purpose of this study is to develop interactive learning media that are designed based on the characteristics of learning with the help of computers or CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) to improve learning outcomes in SMK. This learning media was developed to help Vocational High School students who have not yet reached the competency standards set in English subjects. The research method used is a research and development method. The learning model used to develop CAI media is a learning model from Hannafin and Peck . Data were collected based on questionnaires, interviews, learning outcomes documents and tests. Validation test results for material, media and design experts instructional, one-onone test, small group test and the results of field tests using t-test calculations showed that there were significant differences in student learning outcomes before and after using CAI media in other words, CAI media for learning English was considered effective and can improve student learning outcomes.
Key words : Development, Interactive Learning Media, English |