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1. Yunis Andriani 7816120892 2014 Instrument Development Environmental Ethics on SMA Students

The purpose of this research is to develop an instrument for measuring the environmental ethics for senior high school (SMA) students. The sample of this research was taken using multistage random sampling technique. The development of statements item in the instrument is based on the expert judgement and panelist. The measurement scale was taken using Likert scale. The results expert judgement is 61 items. The instrument was tried out twice to 610 senior high school students in Jakarta, Kabupaten Bogor and Lampung. The data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that at the first try out, 9 items were dropped. Based on model appropriate, the results indicated that at the second try out the model has been fit (model fit), and 3 items were dropped. The final instrumen cosisted of 49 items. It can be concluced that the instrument environmental ethics has an appropriate construct validity and reliability. Further try out is still needed to standardize the instrument.

Keywords: instrument development, ethics, environmental


2. Eddy Fadillah Safardan 7816140554 2016 Evaluation of Quality Acceleration School Program International Perspective In LPMP, West Java (Application of Stake’s Countenance Evaluation Model)

Quality Acceleration School Program International Perspective (PAMS- BWI) in LPMP-West Java aim to implement facilitation of education quality assurance process in accordance with the conditions and needs of each educational unit while still referring to eight national education standards (SNP). This Study was an evaluative research focuses on how the level of achievement in the implementation of the program by comparing the observations to reference criteria and produce a decision recommendation. The subject of evaluation research were the team manager, development team of PAMS-BWI and the teachers of targeted schools in Cianjur and Banjar. The data were collected through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative technique to analyze each of the components of Stake’s Countenance model and descriptive quantitative technique to analyze the constraints met in the program implementation. Stake’s evaluation results indicate that the implementation of PAMS-BWI in LPMP quite effective and significant in improving the quality of school goals. PAMS-BWI’s success can be seen from the achievement of targets that exceed 30% of key performance indicators and the international equivalent INAP achievement test scores to students who exceed a score of 500.The results showed that there were 10 aspects and 13 sub-aspects that meet objective standards. Information that is more detailed and comprehensive information on the shortcomings and advantages of the program can be seen at every stage antecedent, transactions and outcomes, making it easier to determine the corrective actions at the next program.

Keywords: Quality Acceleration School Program, Stake’s Countenance,

3. Melia Hartanti 7816140493 2016 Developing Rubric of Performance Assessment Doing Practicum of Photoshynthesis)

This study aims to obtain a performance assessment rubric to measure student competency in performing photoshynthesis practicum, especially sachs and ingenhouzs analysis with aquade reliability and validity. Development starts from the needs analysis, formulation of the draft rubrics, revisions based on expert advice and consideration and students, validation and field trials so that the known reliability.Method thesis used an approach of research and development (R and D). In the first phase of the study subjects biology teachers who are already experienced. Meanwhile, to see the face and content validity of the instrument is given to five faculty hold doctoral and magister biology education. In the next phase the instrument phase study subjects were high school student in Jakarta and Tangerang. Analysis of the data used in the preliminary stage while second order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (2nd CFA).

Keywords : Rubric, performance assessment, biology


4. Mohammad Romadhoni


2016 Evaluation Program of Learning of Machining Practices In The Smk N 2 Wonosari – Yogyakarta

This study is an evaluative study with reference to the evaluation model CSE – UCLA by Alkin with a step, (1) system assessment, (2) program planning, (3) program implementation, (4) program improvement, and (5) program certification. The data was collected by the interviews, observations, instruments of documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis technique used to interpret the descriptive data analysis of data from every aspect that is evaluated, and then compared with predefined criteria. The results of evaluation show that there are steps in the system assessment of SMK N 2 Wonosari considered good category, which including students, teachers, curriculum, and the condition of facilities and infrastructures has been complying the existing criteria. In the step of program planning, the planning of the learning process of machining practices is in good category, which including the availability of syllabus and the implementation plan of learning (RPP). In the step of program implementation, the implementation learning of machining practices is in good category, with an indication of activity of learning and the using of learning methods by teachers in good category. In the step of program improvement, the assessment learning of machining practices used by teachers in good category. In the step of program certification, the rate of increase grade and graduation students have met the predefined criteria.

Keywords: evaluation, learning of machining practices, CSE – UCLA model

5. Nur Hayati Setyaningsih 7816140559 2016 Comparison of Detection Of Inappropriateness Index Based on Gender And Scope of Material In The Instruments Measuring Mathematical Comprehension

The purpose of this study is to compare the comparison of the inappropriateness index of scores by using the Jacob and Donlon Fisher method on high school math comprehension ability test on class XII Science. The method adopted in this study is quantitative comparative. The subjects were participants’ test scores, while the test participants are survey respondents. The population in this study are the scores of all test-takers on class XII in Public High schools in Karawang. The samples in this study are 400 scores of class XII IPA students. Samples determination was performed using random sampling and based on gender. Data collection techniques utilized in this study is instruments of Mathematical Comprehension with the scope of Algebra and Geometry materials compiled by the researchers themselves. The data are analyzed by using Z test for different inappropriate test scores proportion of male and female learners on the inappropriateness index of the score under the Jacob and Donlon-Fisher method on an instrument that measures the ability of mathematical comprehension. The results showed that there are significant differences in the proportion of inappropriateness index. Donlon-Fisher method is more sensitive than the Jacob method in detecting the inappropriateness in scores so that the results obtained are more accurate.

Keywords: Inappropriateness Index, Jacob method, Donlon-Fisher method, Gender, Algebra and Geometry


6. Wildani Hidhayati


2018 Evaluation of Al-Qur’an Memories Learning Program As A Local Curriculum At Islamic Junior High School 7 Model East Jakarta

(Evaluative Research Using Cse-Ucla Models)

This study aims to find out how effective the implementation of Qur’anic learning in Islamic junior high school 7 models east Jakarta. This study is classified as evaluative research using the CSE-UCLA model consisting of assessment, programs planning, programs implementation, programs improvement and program certification. The subject of this study consisted of: school principal, mentor, student and student guardian. Data collection methods are carried out with questionnaires, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study are the Miles and Huburmen models. The activity in data analysis is data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/ verification. The research findings show that the Al-Qur’an learning program has been running effectively even though there are obstacles that need to be corrected.

Keywords: CSE-UCLA, Recitation of the al-Qur’an, Program Evaluation


7. Sifra Treisa


2018 Development of Dance Performance Instruments Anxiey on Dancers Performing dance performances by dancers expect a maximal process in performance so as to entertain and present the best performances for the audience who witnessed it. Because the performance / performance of the dancers on the stage is very important so it is necessary to develop a test instrument for dancers, especially in Indonesia because the art of dance performances in Indonesia is one of the icon of tourist destinations that became one of the main tourist attraction that has been accepted by most tourists as attractions tourism is important and able to provide a significant travel experience, influential in the formation of the image of tourist destinations (Beckens, 2005), Rini Rahmayani (2017). Development of Dance Performance Anxiety Instruments In Dancers is very important, because for some dancers performing dance performances in front of the crowd becomes something quite worrying and makes feelings of being depressed. The stress and anxiety often felt by a dancer takes place when going up the stage to start a show that can affect the quality of the dancer’s performance (Steptoe A, 2012), therefore this instrument is very necessary to minimize the dancers who experience anxiety as they will performing dances in a show, so that no more dancers are anxious or not ready to perform staging that can damage / make a dance performance of art becomes not maximal. Botella, C. (2008), Tillfors (2008)

Keywords: Dance, Performance, Anxiety

8. Beny Nur Rakhman


2018 The Effect of The Number of Possible Answers and Scoring Techniques to The Reliability in Mathematic The research aims to know the influences of the possible answers and scoring technique to the reliability. The test form that is being used in this research is the multiple choices with four and five possible answers. The scoring technique that is being used is the scoring of questions value and penalty. This multiple choices test will be given to four schools, like SMAN 1, SMAN 2, SMAN 3, and SMAN 6 Bekasi with the total are 472 respondents. The sample selection is using simple random sampling. The used method is the experiment method with the research design level 2×2. The research hypothesis is tested using 2 ways of varieties analysis (ANOVA). The result of this research shows that there are significant differences of the average reliability between the students who did the multiple choices with four possible answers and five possible answers, there are also average significant differences of the scoring technique between scoring weight and penalty, there is no interaction between the possible answers and the scoring technique to the reliability, so the simple effect is not founded.The conclusion of this research is the reliability of the multiple choices test with four possible answers is higher than the multiple choices with five possible answers, the test reliability with the weighted scoring technique is lower than the penalty scoring technique, and also there is no interaction between the amount of the possible answers and the scoring technique.

Keywords: the multiple choice test, the scoring technique, realiability.

9. Setiawati


2019 Evaluation of Supporters of The Sharian Banking Program Faculty of Economics And Business In UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Based on The Discrepency Evaluation Model) The purpose of this research is to comprehensively evaluate the implementation of syariah banking program curriculum. An evaluation study based on the discrepancy evaluation model was implemented at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta. Data were collected through multimethods such as interviews, self-assessment, questionnaires, observation, documentation studies, and audio recording. Analysis and data implementation using Miles and Huberman method can be drawn conclusion that: 1) value of gap on program design dimension 30%, 2) gap value on program installation dimension 22%; 3) gap value in process program dimension 50% , 4) gap value on program outcome dimension of 28.26%, and 5) interpretation using the whole dimension of the program compared to the standard with objective program conditions below standard. Recommendations include improvements to program descriptions, functioning organizational elements, clarifying the list of obligations, the duties of the participants, reorganizing the program’s human resources, and increasing professionalism and skilled expertise to graduates

Keywords : Discrepency evaluation model, syariah banking program


10. Ani Purwati


2019 Improving Mathematics Learning Results Using The Implementation of Discovery Learning And Authentic Assessment In Class IV Students of Elementery School Jatipulo 06 Jakarta This study aims to improve mathematics learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Jatipulo 06 Jakarta through the application of discovery learning models and authentic assessment. Discovery learning is a form of learning that can explore students’ individual thought processes so as to enhance higher order thinking skills. This type of research used in this research is classroom action research, which consists of three cycles. Each cycle consists of the stages of action planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The action taken in this study is to carry out mathematics learning by applying the discovery learning model and authentic assessment which includes performance evaluation, attitude assessment through observation, product evaluation, assignments and written tests. The results showed that the application of discovery learning and authentic assessment models in mathematics learning could gradually improve mathematics learning outcomes of Grade IV students at SD Negeri Jatipulo 06 Jakarta. Improved learning outcomes can be seen from the development of mathematics learning outcomes on research subjects as evidenced by the increasing learning outcomes of each cycle both in aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. In the aspect of skills, almost all research subjects have increased as shown by the results of achieving the minimum completeness criteria of each cycle. For SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4 and SP5 reach the established criteria, while SP6 has not yet reached the specified criteria. In the aspect of attitude through observation demonstrated good development by all research subjects on the attitude developed in learning that is discipline, responsibility, collaboration, thorough and confident. While in the aspect of knowledge seen an increase in cognitive abilities in mathematics learning outcomes which is indicated by the growing development of research subjects’ answers in answering the mathematical problems presented, even though there is still one research subject, namely SP6 which has not met established standards. On average, class learning outcomes in all three aspects of skills, attitudes and knowledge have increased by achieving the minimum completeness criteria that have been set.

Keywords: mathematics learning outcomes, discovery learning, authentic assessment

11. Sri Rahayu


2019 Evaluation of Education And Training Programs Research of The Action of Jambi Province Class By Guarantee Institution of Quality Of Education Jambi Province The  purpose   of   this   study   was   to   evaluate   the   implementation   of   the education  and  training  program  in  Jambi  province  class  action  research carried out by the Jambi provincial education quality assurance agency. This evaluation  study  used  Kirkpatrick’s  research  technique.  The  conclusions  of this  study  are  as  follows:  (1)  At  the  level  of  training  reaction  stated  success this is seen from the response given by the positive trainees with an average percentage   of   78%.   (2)   At   the   learning   level   there   is   an   increase   in knowledge,  increased  skills,  increased  learning  progress  and  a  significant increase   in   positive   attitudes   because   student   learning   outcomes   have increased by 49.90%. (3) At the behavior level there is a significant change in behavior, this can be seen from each indicator that is used as a measure in this  study  to  produce  positive  results. (4)  At  the  level  of  impact  there  is  a significant  increase  in  the  impact  of  this  can  be  seen  from  the  conducive learning   atmosphere   in   the   classroom,   student   learning   participation increases, the teacher is able to identify learning problems faced by students and  find  solutions  for  each  problem  faced,  work  planning  is  shown  by increasing  disciplined  to  make  learning  planning,  so  that  at  the  end  of  the learning  period student  learning  outcomes  increase  and  the  number  of students  entering  several  schools  where  participants  are  on  duty.  Thus  the overall   classroom   action   research   education   and   training   program   was successful.  Although  there  are  still  some  teachers  who  havenot  been maximal in conducting research.

Keywords:   Evaluation  of  education  programs  and  classroom  action  research training.


12. Iwan Setiadi


2020 The Effect of Scale Category Number on Accuracy of Predictive Validity of Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale on Mathematics (Study at Madrasah Aliyah in North Jakarta)

The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical data on the differences in the number of scale categories on the accuracy of the predictive validity of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy (SEDM) between those using a scale of three categories of answers and a scale of five categories of answers. This research uses a quantitative method of comparative study. The population in this study were all students of Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic High School) class XI IPA in North Jakarta in the academic year 2019/2020. Sampling was done by simple random sampling and there were 230 students from six public and private Madrasah Aliyah. The instruments used were tests and non-tests. The test instrument was in the form of a Mathematics learning achievement test and a nontest instrument in the form of a Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale. The research hypothesis was tested using a t-test. The results showed that: 1) There is a relationship between the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale which uses a scale of five categories of answers with Mathematics learning outcomes, 2) There is a relationship between the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale which uses a scale of three categories of answers with Mathematics learning outcomes 3) the average standard error of estimating the predictive validity of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale using the five answer categories scale was lower than the scale of the three answer categories. 4) the average correlation coefficient of predictive validity of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale which uses a scale of five categories of answers is higher than the scale of three categories of answers. The conclusion of the study is the predictive validity of the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale which uses a five-answer category scale that is more accurate in predicting mathematics learning outcomes.

Keywords: Mathematics self-efficacy, predictive validity, number of category scales, standard error of estimate


13. Ina Nurnina


2020 Program Evaluation on School Culture Character Building (Case study in AlMarjan Junior High School, using Illuminative Evaluation Model , and PPK as the implementation standard)

This study aims to find out indepthly further the process of organizing character building program organized by SMPIT AlMarjan as an educational institution. Data obtained from a series of interviews with purposive sampling technique consist of representatives of 7th and 9th grade students, homeroom teachers, subject teachers, person in charge of extra curricular, school observer, head of school character unit, school principal and parent of student. Field observations and analysis of supporting documents of the implementation of school programs are also be part of the data collection technique that is carried out in this research. The results of the study indicate that SMPIT AlMarjan integrates the The National Character Education Program Based On School Culture by adding an “adab” aspect called KARISMA (Islamic Characteristics of AlMarjan). The merging of these two concepts is actualized through three fundamental aspects attributed as Taat, Hebat, Bersahabat which was developed through the curriculum structure of KTSP, both for activities inside and outside the classroom. This study produced a constellation of school culture-based character building evaluation models that provided benefits to researchers in seeing which criteria of the illuminative evaluation model have most contributed one to school in the character building process. Man’s functioning aspect (human resources) is the most important criteria in creating a conducive to the internalization process of the 5 main values of PPK and “adab” that schools do, so that many parents immediately felt that their children have significantly changed be more discipline, obedience and manners after attending SMPIT AlMarjan.

Keywords : illuminative evaluation, character buiding, school culture


14. Mochamad Herlan


2020 The Effects of Cognitive Load and Working Memory Capacity through Heuristic Judgment on The Understanding of Biological Concept in XI Classes

This research presents the cognitive load in choosing answers to conceptual understanding test of the human regulatory system. The purpose of this study is to find the influence of cognitive load directly and indirectly on the variables that are identified (working memory capacity, heuristic judgment, and understanding of biological concept). The research method used was survey research and analyzed based on the path coefficient with the 8.72 Lisrel program. The population in this study are students of class XI science from three schools in Kabupaten Serang a numbers of 463 students and the sample taken a numbers of 215 students. The results of this study indicate that there is three direct positive influence: cognitive load on working memory capacity, cognitive load on heuristic judgment and working memory capacity on heuristic judgment. However, there is no direct negative effect, namely heuristic judgment on understanding of biological concept. One hypothesis have an indirect effect, namely cognitive load on heuristic judgment. Two hypothesis have indirect effect, namely cognitive load on understanding of biological concept and working memory capacity on understanding of biological concept.

Keywords: cognitive load, working memory capacity, heuristic judgment, and understanding of biological concept.


15. Ema Noviah


2020 Evaluation of Learning Programs and Industrial Work Practices in the Vocational High School by Using the Countenance Stake Model (Case study in the Special Prison for Children in Tangerang City)

This study aims to evaluate the learning program of Vocational High Schools located within the Tangerang prison. This study is an evaluative study using the Countenance Stake model and a qualitative approach. Data collection methods used in the form of interviews, documentation studies, and observations with the validity of research data using credibility through Prolonged engagement, persistent observation, and member checks.The results of the study showed that in the antecedent dimension, Special Vocational Schools still did not meet the standards. This is because the first is not doing the preparation of learning plans and learning assessments, as well as PRAKERIN. Second, the lack of basic infrastructure and supporting the learning process. Third, there is a lack of educators with appropriate qualifications. On the Transaction dimension or the implementation process, Special Vocational Schools still have to make many changes. This is because there are many indicators that do not meet the criteria of the established standards. Such as the implementation of learning that is less than the maximum because it is caused by the teaching time that is relatively narrow and does not do the assessment of learning outcomes and PRAKERIN on all aspects, the dimensions of outcomes in the aspect of learning outcomes indicate if Special Vocational Schools still have not been successful in implementing good learning. This can be seen from the values of student learning outcomes that are still very far from the established assessment standards and the low absorption of graduates in the industrial world that is relevant to the competencies being studied.

Keywords: Countenance Stake Evaluation Model, Learning Program, Vocational Schools in the LPKA environment


16. Sefrianto


2020 Impact Evaluation (Outcome) Program on The Job Training of Smk Negeri 1 Cariu Bogor District

The purpose of this study is to see the impact of the On The Job Training (OJT) program of SMK Negeri 1 students based on the behavior dimension and the result dimension. The research site is at SMK Negeri 1 Cariu and Honda Cibubur Dealer as the implementer of the training program. This research method is quantitative with a comparative approach as well as documentation techniques. The evaluation model used is kirck patrick evaluation model which includes 4 evaluation levels namely evalausi at reaction level (evaluation level 1), learning level (evaluation level 2), behavior level (evaluation level 3), and result level (evaluation level 4). But in this study focused on levels 3 and 4 because it wanted to see the impact of technician performance and results felt directly by the company. The subject of the study was 30 employees/ technicians of Honda Cibubur Dealers who were divided into two groups of technicians. Fifteen groups of technicians who participated in the OJT program and fifteen technicians who did not participate in the OJT program. The instruments used in this study are questionnaires. The results of the study on the behavior level that there is a significant difference in the average performance score of technicians. The group of technicians who participated in the OJT program had a greater average performance than technicians who did not participate in the OJT program. In addition, a positive impact also occurs at the hasi level (result) in the form of a direct impact felt by the company. The indicator is that the company’s revenue and consumer satisfaction increased from 2017 to 2019.

Keywords: OJT Program Evaluation, Kickpatrick Evaluation Model, SMK N 1 Cariu


17. Yasri


2020 Evaluation of Impact of Educational Program And Training Technical Functional Teacher Madrasah

This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Technical Functional of the Madrasah’s Teacher Training Program held by the Technical Center of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The evaluative research used a modified Kirkpatrick level Result model and case study method. The study was conducted in 58 Madrasah with 518 respondents consisting of trainees alumni, colleagues, and head master of Madrasah. Data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaires, observation and interviews. The findings data in this evaluation were processed by qualitative and quantitative techniques. The finding showed that the alumni who attended the program have been able to develop the curriculum, develop learning materials, utilize ICT for self-development, develop tools and implement learning process and assessment, ensure quality planning, complete routine work, solving problems, improve working relationships and cooperation, implementing the results of the training, receiving and advising, improve discipline and loyalty. But unfortunately, the alumnus did not utilize ICT facilities in learning, did not do reflective action, did not implement knowledge and skill in work. This capability is not entirely due to the role of the Technical Training Center of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Keywords: Evaluation of impact of training program, competency, alumni performance, madrasah performance, and social attitude of alumni of training participants


18. Erwin Sulaeman


2020 Comparison of Standardized Residual Correlations of The Number of Response Categories In Emotional Learning Environment Survey (Eles) Instruments Based on Rasch Model

This article discusses the validity of the Indonesian version of the psychometrics emotional learning environment survey instrument with a scale of five categories and four response categories. The aim of this study is to produce an Indonesian language version of the emotional learning environment survey instrument with appropriate response category scales used by student responses in secondary schools. The instrument was modified from the scale of the Learning Environment Research Questionnaire on Emotional Climate Classroom. This study was a survey of 1494 responses of 7th and 8th grade students in four regions of DKI Jakarta Province. The sample was selected by simple random sampling and based on the considerations of schools applying the 2013 curriculum. The modified instrument consisted of 43 items to be tested in obtaining validity based on item difficulty estimates and psychometric criteria with Rasch modeling. The results of this study indicate that the Andrich threshold test satisfies the monotonic nature and the value of standardized residual correlations with a scale of five response categories is higher than the scale of the four response categories. It can be said that to measure the Indonesian version of the emotional learning environment survey instrument is more appropriate using a scale of five response categories compared to a scale of four response categories.

Keywords: Standardized Residual Correlations, Emotional Learning Environment Survey, Rasch Model


19. Noraeni Arsyad


2020 Clinic Comprehensive Practice Students Diploma-IV Physiotherapy Program Binawan University With The Implementation of The CIPP Evaluation Model

This study aims to answer research problems regarding the evaluation of the implementation of comprehensive clinical practice of students of the Binawan University Diploma IV physiotherapy study program through four components, namely context, input, process and results or what is known as the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product). This research is an evaluative research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were program administrators, clinical instructors and student participants using purposive sampling with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and document study. Test the validity of the data by triangulating methods and data sources, analyzing data using data condensation, presenting data, drawing conclusions. The results showed a comprehensive clinical practice evaluation of diploma IV physiotherapy students at Binawan University. 1) Context aspect, namely the program background is based on several legal foundations that are in accordance with learning achievement and written in the semester learning plan which is then adjusted to the practical field analysis. 2) Input aspect, namely sufficient clarity of information in program planning and management. Although the organizing agency has never conducted training for CI, the clinical instructors in charge have good competence and professional behavior. The availability of comprehensive clinical practice guidelines for physiotherapy, but administratively not given to student participants. 3) The aspect of the process, namely the lack of supervision so that there are several practice areas that are not suitable in the implementation of a comprehensive clinical practice program so that the supervision system needs to be improved. The availability of an assessment system that leads to practical competence as a group, not for individual students. 4) Product Aspects, namely the impact of the program is an increase in the ability and confidence of student participants, but it is not known whether there is an increase in the performance of independent practice individually.

Keywords: Evaluation, Clinical Practice, Physiotherapy


20. Ijudin


2020 The Influence of Assessment, Self-Effication Through Student

Learning Outcomes in Indonesian Language

This study aimed to learn the results of Indonesian subject which used peer assessment and teacher assessment by the techniques of oral presentations at high school students on the level of different self-efficacy students. The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Ciampea and SMAN 1 Parung in the second semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. The sample was taken were 40 respondents. The data was collected by using an experimental method. Samples were obtained by using stratified random method or multistage random method. The design of treatment which was used was the analysis design treatment by level 2 x 2. The results were found that 1). The test results proved that learning outcomes of Indonesian subject in a group of students who were given ratings by peers had significantly different results compared to learning outcomes of Indonesian subject assessment who were given by the teacher. 2) it means that there was a significant interaction among the type of ratings (A) with student self-efficacy (B) on learning outcomes of Indonesian subject. In aother word, the type of assessment had asociation with self-efficacy of learning outcomes of Indonesian subject. 3) The results of student at Indonesian subject which used ratings by peers is higher than used an assessment by teachers on the students who had high self-efficacy. 4) The results of student at Indonesian subject which used ratings by peers is lower than used an assessment by the teacher on the students who had low self-efficacy.

Keywords: Peers Assessment, teacher assessment, self-efficacy

21. Lisa Dwi Ningtyas


2021 Student’s Environmental Personality and Sensitivity’s Construct Validityanalyzed by Multitrait-Multimethod

This  research  was  aimed  at  finding  out  whether  multitrait-multimethod  was  an accurate  tool  in  validating  students’  environmental  personality  and  sensitivity’s construct validity A survey method was used by selecting randomly of 151 junior high  school  students  in  Jakarta.  Four  different  types  of  instruments  developed measured big-5 personality and environmental sensitivity which each consisted of 23  items  and  18  items,  with  respectively  its  reliability  coefficient  was  0.850 (personality by structure scale method), 0.814 (sensitivity by structure scale), 0.839 (personality by rating scale method), and 0.763 (sensitivity by rating scale). Data analyzed   by   multitrait-multimethod.   The   research   results   revealed   that   the convergent  validity  provided  in  the  mono-trait  hetero-method  correlation  was higher than the other validity coefficients. Moreover, another finding showed that hetero-trait  mono-method  correlation  was  higher  than  the  hetero-trait  hetero-method correlation which leads to the conclusion that its construct validity for both traits  was  appropriate  when  this  tool  used  to  validate  those  instruments. For  the best  practice  in  doing  quantitative  research,  this  tool  is  appropiate  applied  in determining  instrument  validity  and  reliability  as  well,  as  a  supplementary approach   for   another   tool   called   factor   analysis,   either   confirmatory   or exploratory.

Keywords: Big-Five Environmental Personality, Environmental Sensitivity, Structure Scale, Rating Scale, Multitrait-multimethod.


22. Nur Anisah


2021 Evaluation of Indutrial Work Practice i===n Integrated Vocational Islamic School (Evaluation Research Using Context, Input, Process, Product And Outcome / CIPPO Approaches)

Evaluative research with the purposeof evaluating industrial work practise programs in integrated  islamic  vocational  school  in  order  to  inrease  student  absorption  in  the business  and industrial world. the suitability of implementation  of the Industrial Work Practice Program at the Integrated Islamic Vacational High School in term of dimension :  1)  Context  which  includes  the  objectives  of  the  industrial  work  practice  program, student  competence,  work  ethic  and  link  and  match 2) Inputs  which  include  planningindustrial  work  practice  programs,  provision  of  programs,  implementing  curriculum, committee,  human  resources,  infrastructure,  student  and  financing3)  Process  which includes  mapping,  implementation,  monitoring,  effectiveness, school  contribution4) Product which include the result of the competency test for vocational programs andthe results  of  the  certification  test  for  the  business  world  and  the  industrial  world5) Outcomes which include the impact of the absorption of students in the business world and indutry as well as changes in the skills of students’ attitudes. The goal is to improve the  program  implemented  by  looking  at  the  suistability  of  the  implementation  of industrial work practise programs in integrated islamic vocational school. The research method   uses   descriptive   quantitative   and   qualitative   approches.   Datacollection techniques  were  carried  out  through  interviews,  observation  and  docoment  analysis. Data   analysis   using   quantitative   analysis   and   qualitative   descriptive.   Research respondent were school principals, representatives of curricullum field, representatives of industrial relations, school and industrial internship supervisors, parents and students  of Integrated  Islamic  Vocational  Schools  class  XI  and  XII. Based  on  the  result  of research  through  questionnaires  and  interview  observations,  input  on  the  character building of a work ethic is good, but the fulfillment of supporting infrastructure which is a miniatur of the bussiness world and industry in school need to be equipped and adjusted to  the  number  of  students  in  the  study  group  so  that  it  can  affect  the  skills  of  students inparticipating  in  industrial  work  practise  program, hopefully  it  can  increase  the opportunities for graduates of integrated islamic vocational school to obtain employment opportunities, maintain them and continue to progress and develop in their fields.

Keywords: Industrial Work Practice Program, Integrated Islamic Vocational School, CIPPO