1. | Imma Nur Faida
7616050145 |
2019 | The Effect of Organizational Communication And Self Efficacy Onturnover Intentions of Madrasah Aliyah Teacher In Bekasi | The study aims to obtain information concerning the effect of organizational communication and self efficacy on turnover intention of madrasah aliyah teacher in Bekasi. The Research with the quantitative approach used a survey method and data analysis with path analysis techniques. The data collection process is done by using the questionnaire as an instrument. There are 85 samples from 587 population was selected as the unit analysis which is determined by proportional simple random sampling techniques. Research result: First, there is a negative direct effect of organizational communication on turnover intention with a correlation coefficient of -0,478 and a path coefficient of -0,519. This gives the meaning of an increase in the organizational communication of madrasah aliyah teacher in Bekasi to be followed by a decrease in turnover intention. Second,there is a negative indirect effect of self efficacy on turnover intention with a correlation coefficient of -0,263 and a path coefficient of -0,065. This gives the meaning of an increase in the self efficacy of madrasah aliyah teacher in Bekasi to be followed by a decrease in turnover intention. Third, there is a positive direct effect of organizational communication on self efficacy with a correlation coefficient of -0,478 and a path coefficient of -0,519. This gives the meaning of an increase in the organizational communication of madrasah aliyah teacher in Bekasi to be followed by an increase inself efficacy.
Keywords: Organizational Communication, Self Efficacy and Turnover Intention |
2. | Listianingtyas Murgiwati
7616080658 |
2019 | The Effect of Supervision And Quality of Work Life (Qwl) on The Teacher Working Motivation At National Elementary School Bekasi Selatan District | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supervision and quality of work life on teacher work motivation in state elementary schools in South Bekasi District.This research was conducted using survey methods with quantitative approaches and path analysis techniques. The research sample was selected using a samplerandom sampling technique. The population in this study were 305 civil servant Teachers in the State Elementary School of district of Bekasi Selatan, while the sample in this study was 173 teachers selected randomly. The result are as follows (1) supervision has a positive direct effect on work motivation, (2) quality of work life (QWL) has a direct effect on work motivation, (3) supervision has a positive direct effect on quality of work life (QWL). Therefore, improvement of the teacher work motivation should be improved by enhancing supervision and improving the quality of work life (QWL) of teachers.
Keywords: Supervision, Quality of Work Life (QWL), and Work Motivation. |
3. | Mi’raj
761610044 |
2019 | The Effect of servant Leadership Andpsychological Contracttowardsorganizational Citizenship Behavior Lecturers In State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | This study aims to determine the effect of servant leadership and psychological contract on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). To achieve this goal, this study uses a quantitative approach and data collectiontechniques using questionnaires. The number of samples in this study were 115 lecturers of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.The sample in this study was determined by purposive sampling technique using the Slovin formula and instrument testing as many as 20 lecturers. The findings from the results of this study indicate: first, the existence of leadership influences that servedirectly positively towards organizational citizenship behavior with a path coefficient of 0.332. Second, there is a direct positive psychological contract influence on organizational citizenship behavior with a path coefficient of 0.304. Third, the influence of leadership that serves is directly positivefor psychological contracts with a path coefficient of 0.290. Based on the results of this study, organizational citizenship behavior of lecturers can be improved by strengthening leadership that serves, namely leadership that prioritizes the interests of lecturers (subordinates) compared to the interests of their own leadership. Psychological contracts intended to improve organizational citizenship behavior of lecturers by fulfilling shared obligations, lecturers’ trust in promises and agreements with organizations.
Keywords: servant leadership, psychological contracts, organizational citizenship behavior. |
4. | Rabiatul Adawiyah
7616100451 |
2019 | The Effect of Academic Supervision And Teamwork Toward The Effectiveness of The Work of State Junior High School Teachers In Kota Bekasi | This study aims to determine the effect of academic supervision and teamwork on the effectiveness of the work of State Junior High School teachersin Bekasi City. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and data collection techniques using questionnaires involving 243 public junior high school teachers in Bekasi City as a research sample.The sample in this study was determined randomly using Slovin formula. Analysis and interpretation of data indicate; First, the influence of academic supervision is directly positive and significant for teacher work effectiveness with a path coefficient of 0,249. Second, the influence of teamworkis directly positive on teacher work effectiveness with path coefficient of 0,557. Third, the influence of academic supervision is directly positive on teamwork with a path coefficient of 0.383. Based on the results of this study, teacher work effectivenesscan be improved with appropriate academic supervision. Teamwork through coordination, interpersonal activities, responsibility, support between individuals and collaboration can improve teacher work effectiveness.
Keywords: academic supervision, team work, work effectiveness |
5. | Dwi Septiawati
7616130554 |
2019 | The Effect Oflocus of Control And Intrinsic Motivation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Teacher Public High School In District Bekasi City | The study aims to obtain information concerning the effect of locus of control and intrinsic motivation on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of Public High School teacher in district Bekasi City. The research with the quantitative approach used a survey method, teacher as unit of analysis and data analysis with Path Analysis techniques. The data collection process is done by using the questionnaire as an instrument. There are 192 samples from 370 population was selected as the unit analysis which is determined by proportional simple random sampling techniques. Research result : First,there is a positive direct effect of locus of control on OCB with a correlation coefficient of 0.346 and a path coefficient of0.268. This gives the meaning of an increase in the locus of control of publichigh school teachers in the city of Bekasi to be followed by an increase in its OCB. Second, there is a positive direct effect ofintrinsic motivation on OCB with a correlation coefficient of0.314 and a path coefficient of 0.218. This gives the meaning of increasing the intrinsic motivation of teachers of Public High Schools in Bekasi City to be followed by an increase in OCB. Third, there is a positive direct effect of locus of control on intrinsic motivation with a correlation coefficient of 0.359 and a path coefficient of 0.359. This gives the meaning of the increase in the locus of control of publichigh school teachers in Bekasi City, followed by an increase in intrinsic motivation.
Keywords: locus of control, intrinsic motivation, organizational citizenship behavi |
6. | Riza Mardiana Wardhani
7616130567 |
2019 | The Effect of Transactional Leadership And Awards on Teacher Performance of State Vocational School of Business and Management In Central Jakarta | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transactional leadership and rewards on the performance of Vocational School teachers in Business and Management in Central Jakarta.This study uses a path analysis approach (path analysis) is atechniques for analyzing the pattern of relationships between variables directly or indirectly influence the exogenous variables (free) and endogenous variables (bound). In this study, the exogenous variables are transactional leadership (X1) and rewards (X2), while the endogenous variable is performance (X3). The sample of this study was 98 teachers in the State Vocational School of Business and Management in Central Jakarta.The results of this study indicate that; (1) there is an influence of transactional leadership on performance obtainedcorrelation coefficient r13 = 0.467 and path coefficient p31 = 0.365 t count = 4.10 t table = 2.63 thus the path coefficient is very significant. (2) there is an effect of appreciation on performance obtained by the correlation coefficient r23 = 0.446 andthe path coefficient p32 = 0.334 t count = 3.76 t table = 2.63 thus the path coefficient is very significant. (3) there is the influence of transactional leadership on the award obtained correlation coefficient r12 = 0.307 and path coefficient p21 = 0.307t count = 3.16 t table = 2.63 which means the path coefficient is very significant. Thus performance improvement can be achieved well if there is a strong influence of transactional leadership, and rewards that are well-nurtured.
Keywords: transactionalleadership, rewards, and performance. |
7. | Wahyu Kristiani
7616157545 |
2019 | The Effect of Organizational Culture And Perceived Organizational Support (Pos) Towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Teacher Sdk Penabur Jakarta | The purpose of this research was to study the effect of organizational culture and perceived organizational support (POS) on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) of the SDK PENABUR Jakarta teachers. The method used in this research is a survey method, using a quantitative approach. This research was conducted on SDK PENABUR teachers, with a population of 320 people, and a sample of 178 people. Sampling uses random sampling technique. Based on the research data, it can be concluded that, first there is a positive direct effect of organizational culture on OCB. Second, there is a positive direct effect of POS on OCB. Third, there is a positive direct effect of organizational culture on POS.
Keywords: organizational culture, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior
8. | Khodijah Muhammad Ali
7616157549 |
2019 | Effect Of Islamic Work Ethic And Organizational Commitment To Job Performance Of Integrated Islamic Junior High School Teacher In Tasikmalaya City | The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of Islamic work ethic and organizational commitment to job performance of Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMPIT) teachers in the city of Tasikmalaya. The research method used a survey methods, using a quantitive approach. This research was conducted in 9 Integrated Islamic Junior High School in Tasikmalaya City, with a population of 114 teachersand a sample of 89 teachers. Sampling technique used proportional random sampling technique, using a questionnaire as data collection.Research data analysis usedpath analysis. The result of the study show that: first, there is a positive direct influence of Islamic work ethic on job performance. Second, there is a positive direct influence of organizational commitment on job performance. Third, there is a positive direct influence of Islamic work ethic on organizational commitment.Based on the result of the study, it can be concludedthat: to improve the job performance of SMPIT teachers in Tasikmalaya City, it can be done by increasing Islamic work ethic and organizational commitment.
Keywords: Islamic work ethic, organizational commitment and job performance. |
9. | Ida Natalia Simamora
7616157605 |
2019 | The Effectofquality Of Work Life And Interpersonalcommunication On Loyalty Teachers Of Primary Schoolpenabur Jakarta | This aim of this research was to study the influenceof quality of work life and interpersonal communication on loyalty. The method used is a survey method with the type of explanatory research. The method used inresearch is quantitative approach.. Data was taken from 180 primary teacher. Dataanalysis usedpath analysis. Based on hypothesis testing that has been done, it can be described as the following research findings: (1) there is a positive direct influence of quality of work life on loyalty, (2) there is a positive direct influence of interpersonalcommunicationon loyalty, (3) there is a positive direct influence between quality of work on interpersonalcommunication. Keywords:quality of work life, interpersonal communication and loyalty. |
10. | Anistiya Septiningsih
7616157617 |
2019 | The Influence of Work Climate, Work Commitment, Towards Organizational Citizenship Behavior | The purpose of this research is to determine the direct impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on the teachers of public senior high schools in Kabupaten Tangerang region. This research was done at all of public senior high schools in Kabupaten Tangerang region. The population of this research was 556 teachers. The sample of this research was 60 teachers. This research was done by using quantitative method and survey with Path Analysis implementation. The results of the research are: (1). There is positive influence of work climate towards OCB, (2). There is positive influence of work commitment towards OCB, (3). There is positive influence of work climate towards work commitment, Therefore, we can improve OCB by increasing work climate and work commitment.
Keywords: Work Climate, Work commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. |
11. | Firqan Mukroma
7616167182 |
2019 | The Effect of Personality And Integrity on Thecreativity of The State School Teacherin Aceh Singkil District | This study seeks to see the ability of a teacher to be able to show creativity influenced by several factors including personality and integrity. This study also aims to find out and analyze personality, integrity, and creativity. The influence of personality and integrity in the creativity of public elementary school teachers both partially and simultaneously. This study uses a survey method with a quantitative approach. The population who were respondents used the questionnaire as the main data collection tool. The study population was 104 public elementary school teachers in the district of Aceh Singkil. Hypothesis testing of the study was carried out by the path analysis method. The results of the study showed that personality, integrity and creativity were in a very good category. The results of the verification analysis indicate that personality and integrity affect creativity. The hypothesis testing of the research was carried out by path analysis method. The results showed partially that personality influences creativity = 0.217, and integrity directly influences creativity = 0.297, then personality gives a direct influence on integrity of = 0.257.
Keywords: Personality, Integrity, Teacher Creativity
12. | Imas Mushliha
7616167184 |
2019 | The Influence Of Leadership And Organizational Climate on Teacher’s Creativity of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah AT-Taqwa (MIA) In Babelan Bekasi | This study aims to determine the effect of leadership and organizational climate on the teacher’s creativity of Madrasah ibtidaiyah at-taqwa (MIA) in the Babelan district of Bekasi. This research uses survey method with quantitative-causal approach by using path analysis. The study was conducted in the Babelan district of Bekasi with a total of 10 schools which included 133 teachers. The study was conducted for 4 (four) months from April to August 2019. The findings in this research are: First, leadership has a direct positive effect on teacher creativity. This means that with the better leadership of the principal it will increase the teacher’s creativity in teaching. Second, the organizational climate has a positive direct effect on teacher creativity. This means that it is more safe, comfortable, and arguing that the organizational climate of food will increase the teacher’s creativity in teaching. Third, leadership has a positive direct effect on the work climate. This means that the better leadership of school principals will be more secure, comfortable and pleasant climate.
Keywords: teacher creativity, leadership, organizational climate |
13. | Slamet Yahya Sri Abdullah
7616167194 |
2019 | The Effect of Compensation And Organizational Commitment on The Performance of Teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Mts) Swasta In Jepara District, Central Java | This study aims to evaluatethe effect of compensation and organizational commitment to the performance of teachers of MTs Swasta in Jepara District. This research uses survey research methods with path analysis techniques. The study was conducted in Jepara District with a total of 15 schools with 139 teacher respondents. The findings in this study indicate: First, Compensation has a direct positive effect on performance. This means that compensation results in an increase in the performance of teachers of MTs Swasta in Jepara Regency. Second, Organizational Commitment has a positive direct effect on performance. This means that with the increase in organizational commitment for each teacher, there has been an increase in the performance of teachers of MTs Swasta in Jepara Regency. Third, compensation has a positive direct effect on organizational commitment. This means that by giving compensation it results in an increase in the organizational commitment of teacher of MTs Swasta in Jepara Regency.
Keywords: performance, organizational commitment, compensation.
14. | Yuka Agustin Chalistya
7616168314 |
2019 | The Effect of Personality And Integrity To Affective Organizational Commitment | A causal survey used by selecting 116 employees at Universitas Negeri Jakarta by using Simple Random Sampling (SRS). The objective of this research was to find out whether there wasa direct effect of personality and integrity on employees affective organizational commitment. There were three instruments developed to measure affective organizational commitment (37 items, reliability 0.961), personality (44 items, reliability 0.967), and integrity (29 items, reliability 0.94). Data were analyzed using regression, correlation, and path analysis. The results showed that personalityand integrity directly and significantly affect employees affective organizational commitment, however integrity was not a good mediated variable between personality and affective organizational commitment. These findings mean that when employees organizational commitment would be improved, factors such as personality, especially big-five personality and integrity could be taken into account.
Keywords:Personality, Integrity, Affective Organizational Commitment, Management, Education.
15. | Hartini
7616167570 |
2019 | Program Evaluationeducation And Development Specializationin The First Staff And Leader Schooleducation And Training Institutionsstate Police of The Republic of Indonesia | The purpose of this study is to know and describe comprehensively the implementation and the objectives achievement of the education program in the development of specialization in the 2018 budget year at the School of First Level Leadership of the National Police. This research was conducted on the results of Education and Development Specialization students (which we later call Dikbangspes) having their address at Jl. Ciputat Raya no.40 Kebayoran Lama South Jakarta. Starting from January to July 2018. The methodology used is the approach of evaluation, with the CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, and Product) developed by Daniel Leroy Stufflebeam. The research findings are that the priorities and program objectives set have been balanced with the needs of the Indonesian National Police’s human resources, and education programs that are expected to be quite responsive to the planned needs, namely the quantity (number of National Police personnel) and quality (demands for professionalism) as challenges for human resources National Police The process of implementing Dikbangspes at Sespimma Polrifrom stage I to stage III in accordance with the planned activity and implementation has been set. The results of the assessment on the academic aspects of all subjects conducted by Sespimma Polrito their students, all of them get a score above the minimum pass so that they pass.
Keywords: evaluation program, education development of the specialization of the National Police |
16. | Jubaedah
7616167572 |
2019 | The Influence of Competence and Work Culture Performance in yunior School Teachers Jati Asih, Bekasi City | This research was conducted with the aim to find out whether there was an influence of competence and work culture on the restoration of teacher work at the Public Middle School in Jati Asih Sub-District, Bekasi City. The unit of analysis is the teachers of the Public Middle School in Jati Asih, Bekasi City. The total population of teachers in the Bekasi Middle School of Kec Jati Asih is 290. The sample in this study was 80 teachers who were taken using simple random sampling which was done by random selection. Determination of the number of teachers was determined using Slovin. The result of the data analysis concluded on correlation between competency and work culture 0.677. The correlation between competence and work performance is 0.628. The correlation between work culture and work performance is 0.572. The findings of this study are (1) Competence has a direct positive effect on work performance. This shows that increasing competence can lead to an increase in teacher work performance; (2) Work culture has a direct positive effect on teacher work performance. This means that the strength of the work culture has resulted in high Keja achievements; (3) Competence has a direct positive effect on work culture. This means that the high level of competence has resulted in the strengthening of the work culture of public junior high school teachers in Jati Asih Sub-district, Bekasi City
Keywords: work performance, competence, and work culture
17. | Stevany Sulistyo
7616167574 |
2019 | Participation-Based School Management For Accreditation of School (Qualitative Descriptive Study In Strada Nawar Bekasi Junior High School) | The aim of this research is to describe based on participative school to improve the accreditation of Strada Nawar Junior High School, Bekasi, in terms ofPlanning, Organization, Implementation, andEvaluation. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach by a case study in Strada Nawar Junior High School, Bekasi. The informants are the principal, teachers, administration staffs, all employees and students of Strada Nawar Junior High School Bekasi, taken according to the assignment or reference of the previous accreditation assessment. Data collection technique uses observation and interview. School-based management and participation management have to be applied in teamwork between the teachers, staffs, vice principal and society to write down every format according to their own task, needed in the school accreditation in Strada Nawar Junior High School. The main role is the principle as the manager to improve the school accreditation. While the resistors are: (1) Lack of information in assessment aspects and format so they still use old guidance, (2) Lack ofpreparation of time and team, (3) Lack of collaboration and participation of all school components, (4) Less effective management of the principle as the leader to face the accreditation assessment.
Keywords: school-based management, participation, accreditation.
18. | Janse Tresia Leimena
7616167697 |
2019 | The Influence Of The Principal’s Leadership Style And Motivation On The Work Performance Of Teachers At The Ambon City State Vacational High Schol | This study aims to prove the relationship between leadership and teacher motivation on performance. This study uses a survey method with a quantitative approach that explains causal relationships or correlations commonly called path analysis. The survey was conducted from February to May 2019 involving 124 Ambon State Vocational School teachers. The sample in this study used the Slovin formula with an instrument trial of 60 teachers. The sampling technique is determined randomly or simple random sampling. The findings of the research results are as follows (1) The influence of leadership style has a positive direct effect on teacher performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.262 and a path coefficient of 0.233. A good leadership style will have a positive influence on improving teacher performance. (2) Work motivation has a positive direct effect on teacher performance, the correlation coefficient value is 0.179 and the path coefficient value is 0.124. This means that the higher the work motivation that a teacher has will improve his performance. (3) The influence of leadership style has a direct positive effect on work motivation with a correlation value of 0.233 and a path coefficient value of 0.233. This means that a principal’s leadership style that is positively constructive will have an impact on increasing the motivation of the work of the teachers.
Keywords: Job Performance, leadership , and motivation |
19. | Nuphanudin
7616168191 |
2019 | A Policy Analysis of Professional Certification For The Vocational High School Graduates: The Case Study | This case study was conducted to portray and analyze the policy implementation of professional certification for vocational high school graduates in the Professional Certification Institution of State Vocational High School (SMK Negeri) 7 Bandung. This study implemented a qualitative research methodology. Primary data was obtained through interview and observation, while secondary data were taken from official documents. The analysis conducted revealed that 1) the purpose of certification is well-defined, well-understood, and well-operated; 2) planning and the allocation of resources were classified accordingly; 3) the process of certification followed the guidelines of Certification Authority; 4) in work, competency should be preserved, not only once, but for a long time. Furthermore, the result of the study showed that revitalizing the Vocational High School (VHS) through Competency-Based Assessment (CBA) urgently required in order to nurture skillful and competent the VHS’s graduates in facing the 4th Industrial Revolution and workplaces challenges. The certification was quite effective in achieving the goals of ensuring and preserving competencies gained from either formal or informal learning process, internship or work experience. Based on the findings of this study, it is highly recommended that the Indonesian Government should endorse the implementation of the CBA system for VHS’s graduates.
Keywords:Competency-Based Assessment, Vocational School, Professional Certification |
20. | Dara Herdiyati Novianjani
7616168290 |
2019 | The Effect of School Leadership And Procedural Justice on Citizenship Behavior(A Causal Study Of Senior High Schoolteacher’s In East Jakarta) | Citizenship behavior is one of the most important factors that can support the objectives of schools, may be affected by leadership factor or justice felt by a teacher in the school. The research aimed at finding out information about the effect of school leadership and procedural justice on citizenship behavior. A causal survey used involving 91 teachers as sample selecting bySimple Random Sampling (SRS). There were three instruments developed to measure citizenship behavior (32 items) with reliability .916, school leadership (40items) with reliability .938 and procedural justice (26 items) with reliability .893. Data were analyzed using regression, correlation, and path analysis. The results of the analysis showed thatschoolleadership and procedural justice has a direct effect and significant citizenship behavior of teachers. Procedural justice cannot be said as the best-mediated variable betweenschoolleadership and citizenship behavior.Therefore, to improve the teacher’s citizenship behavior, factors such as school leadership and procedural justice to be taken into account.
Keywords:school leadership, procedural justice, citizenship behavior, school of management |
21. | Alif Maharrizki
7616168299 |
2019 | The Effect of School Environment And Work Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Special School Teachers In East Jakarta | The problem in this study is the direct influence of the school environment and job satisfaction on OCB SLB teachers in DKI Jakarta. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze the related understanding of the school environment and job satisfaction with OCB. In detail, the intended purpose is to find out and test the following: 1) the school environment has a direct effect on SLB OCB teachers in East Jakarta; 2) job satisfaction directly influences the OCB of SLB teachers in East Jakarta; and 3) the school environment has a direct effect on SLB teacher job satisfaction in East Jakarta.The research method is: quantitative research that uses the survey method referred to is to explain the causal relationship or the usual correlation with path analysis. Respondents were SLB teachers, in East Jakarta which numbered 85 people.The results of the study are: 1) The school environment has a positive direct effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), 2) Job satisfaction has a positive direct effect on Organizational Citizen Behavior (OCB), and 3) The school environment has a positive direct effect on job satisfaction.
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, school environment, and job satisfaction |
22. | Bintang Lony Vera Victory
7616168303 |
2019 | Influence of School Environmentand Job Satisfaction on Teacher’s Work Engagement of special Needs Schoolin Dki Jakarta | Teacher’s Engagement is a teachers’s emotionals orperceptions of their job, the school where they work, principals, and coworkers who give influences to them so that they stay in their job. High teacher’s work engagement supported by a good school environment and high job satisfaction. This study aims to perceive howthe school environment and job satisfaction affect teacher’s work engagement of special needs school in DKI Jakarta. This is measured using teachers’s work engagement scale. Sample in this study were 275 from 1.159 teachers of special needs in DKI Jakarta. The data was the empirical data obtained from questionnaires that have been tested for its validity and reliability. The data that has been collected is analyzed using descriptive analysis, while the hypotesis uses path analysis. The result of the study revealed that (1) school environmenthas a positive direct effect on teacher’s engagement. In lower groups of school environment, it takes effect significantat =0,01. In highergroups, it takes effect significantat=0,05(2) job satisfactionhas a positive direct effect on teacher’s engagement, (3) school environmenthas a positive direct effect on the job satisfaction.
Keywords: School Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Teacher‘sWork Engagement. |
23. | Abd.Manaf
9910817027 |
2019 | The Effect of Work Environment And Workload on The Performance of Police Educators at Women Police School Education And Training Institutions of Republic of Indonesia Police | The objective of this causal research was toobtain information concerning: (1) the effect of work environment toward work performance; (2) the effect of workload toward work performance; and (3) the effect of work environment toward workload.The research was conducted by using a survey method withpath analysis ini testing hypothesis. Ini this research, principals of teachers on Police Women School -Polri has been choosen as a unit analysis and 60 samples of principals were selected in random. The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a direct positive effect of work environment toward work performance; (2) there is a direct negative effect of workload towardwork performace; and (3) there is a direct negative effect of work environment toward workload.
Keyword: Work environment, workload, and work performance |
Daru Rajindra
9910817005 |
2020 | Effect of Motivation and Work Satisfaction on Teacher Creativity in SMA in Region II Jakarta Barat | This study aims to determine the effect of motivation and job satisfaction on thecreativity of high school teachers in Region II West Jakarta. This research uses aquantitative approach with survey methods and data analysis which is carried outusing path analysis techniques. The process of collecting data is done by using aquestionnaire as an instrument. There were 198 samples as a unit of analysistaken from 394 populations. Samples are determined by using a sample techniquewith regard to a level in the population element (stratifite random sampling). Theresults showed: first, there is a positive direct effect between motivation oncreativity with a correlation coefficient of 0.581 and a path coefficient of 0.403.This gives the meaning of an increase in the motivation of high school teachers inRegion II West Jakarta to be followed by an increase in their creativity. Second,there is a positive direct effect between Job Satisfaction on Creativity with acorrelation coefficient of 0.603 and a path coefficient of 0.439. This gives themeaning of increasing Teacher Satisfaction in State High Schools in Region IIWest Jakarta will be followed by an increase in their Creativity. Third, there is apositive direct effect between motivation on job satisfaction with a correlationcoefficient of 0.407 and a path coefficient of 0.407. This means that the increasein motivation of high school teachers in Region II West Jakarta will be followedby an increase in Job Satisfaction.
Keywords: Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Creativity |
24. | Latifah Nurhasni
7616168304 |
2020 | The Effect of Pedagogic Competency and Competence on
Professional Teacher Performance |
In education, professional teacher is the major factor in improving quality of human resources. The importance of the teacher’s role in education process required the teacher to improve his abilities more. But in reality, it’s still found many teachers has less competences, especially in pedagogical and professional ones. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pedagogical competence and professional competence of teachers on teacher performance in Middle School at Padang Pariaman Regency. This study uses regression correlation data analysis. Data collection techniques are carried out through questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that: 1) Teacher pedagogic competence affected teacher performance 2) Professional competence affected teacher performance and 3) Pedagogic and professional competence affected teacher performance. Research conclusions: Pedagogoic competence and professional competence affect the performance of teachers in Padang Pariaman Regency.
Keywords: Pedagogic Competency, Proffesional Competency, Teacher Performance. |
25. | Novi Sartika Wahyuni
7616168305 |
2020 | The Effect of Instructional Leadership and Persistence on Task Performance a Causal Study of Teachers PUSTEK Serpong Junior High School in South Tangerang City | Task performance is the responsibility and duty carried out by each teacher in carrying out his work which contributes to administrative tasks. This study aims to provide information about the influence of instructional leadership and persistence on task performance. The causal survey involved 120 teachers, selected using Simple Random Sampling (SRS). There are three instruments developed to measure task performance (25 items, reliability 0.952), instructional leadership (30 items, reliability 0.948) and persistence (24 items, reliability 0.940). Data were analyzed using regression, correlation, and path analysis. The results of the analysis show that the instructional leadership and persistence have a direct and significant influence on the teacher’s performance tasks. Therefore, to improve teacher performance tasks, factors such as instructional leadership and persistence need to be considered.
Keywords: Instructional Leadership, Persistence, and Task Performance |
26. | Andi Nurmayasari
7616157600 |
2020 | The Effect Self Efficacy and Organizational Climate on The Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Elementary School Teachers in Pademangan Subdistrict Jakarta Utara | The purpose of this research is to examine the information about the influence of self efficacyand organizational climateon the organization citizenship behavior (OCB)of elemetaryschool teachers in Pademangansub-district, Jakarta Utara.The reserch was conducted using survey method with quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The population of this reseach is 304teachers. Research samples selected as much as 173teachers using simple random sampling technique. The data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis technique.Based on the results of data analiysis in this reserch it is concluded: (1) there was direct positiveinfluence of self efficacy to organizational citizenship behavior; (2) there was direct positiveinfluence of organization climate to organizational citizenship behavior; (3) there wasdirect positive self efficacy to organization climate.
Keywords: self efficacy, organizational climate, and organization citizenship behavior. |
27. | R. Wismo Suryo Hardanto
7916080345 |
2020 | The Effect of Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction To Commitment of Student At Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sabili Bandung | The purpose of this study is to know and describe comprehensively the effect of Service Quality and Customer Satisfactionto Commitment of student at Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sabili Bandung (STAI Sabili Bandung).The object of this studystudents in years three and four at STAI Sabili Bandung.This study is doing from April until August 2018. This study is using quantitative study with survey methodand path analisys. Data collecting by questioner. The first hipothesis result there’s positive effect of service quality to commitment with correlation coefisien values r13= 0,507 and path coefisien values ρ31= 0,322.The second hipothesis result there’s positive effectof customer satisfaction to commitment with correlation coefisien values r13= 0,588 and path coefisien values ρ31= 0,458. The third hipothesis result there’s positive effect of service quality to customer satisfaction with correlation coefisien values r13= 0,403 and path coefisien values ρ31= 0,403.
Keywords : Commitment, Customer Satisfaction, and Service Quality |
28. | Gina Permata Sari
7616158069 |
2020 | The Effect of Personality And Quality of Work Life (Qwl) on The Work Productivity of Middle School Teachers of The Country, Region I, Administration City, Jakarta Timur | This study aims to obtain information about the influence of personality and quality of work life on the work productivity of state high school teachers in region I of the administrative city of East Jakarta. This research is an Associative quantitative research. The research was conducted using a survey method with the data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is the path analysis technique. The population in this study were 801 respondents, and a sample of 267 respondents who were selected using multi stage sampling. The research is focused on two aspects that determine work productivity; Personality and Quality Of Work Life. The results of the analysis conclude that (1) there is a direct influence of Personality on Work Productivity, (2) there is a direct influence of Quality of Work Life on Work Productivity, (3) there is a direct influence of Personality on Quality of Work Life.
Keywords: Personality, Quality of Work Life, and Work Productivity |
29. | Nuzulurrizqi Arief Wicaksono
7616157608 |
2020 | Organizational Culture and Job Stress Through Contra Productive Behavior of Basic School Teachers | This study aims to obtain information about the influence of organizational culture and work stress on the counterproductive behavior of public elementary school teachers in Pulo Gadung sub-district. This research is an Associative quantitative research. The research was conducted using a survey method with the data analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is the path analysis technique. The population in this study were 688 respondents, and a sample of 253 respondents who were selected using multi stage sampling. The study focused on two aspects that determine counterproduct behavior; organizational culture and work stress. The results of the analysis concluded that (1) there is a direct influence of organizational culture on counterproductive behavior, (2) there is a direct effect of work stress on counterproduct behavior, (3) there is a direct influence of organizational culture on work stress.
Keywords: organizational culture, job stress, and counterproductive behavior |
30. | Fitriyani
9910818011 |
2020 | Policy Evaluation of Front Teacher Programs on Improving The Quality of Basic Education In 3t Areas (Leaved, Outstanded, Front) | The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of the evaluation of the input for the GGD program related to the participants, the committee, and the GGD technical guidance. The research method is descriptive qualitative because this research wants to get input information from the GGD program policies. Data collection techniques used open interviews, documents, and documentation studies. Data sources are the GTK Directorate, Kemdikbud, Head of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s HR Bureau, the GGD committee. The data analysis technique used data triangulation. The results of the study concluded that the GGD participants had followed a series of procedures stipulated in the GGD policies, the committee had set requirements according to the needs of the GGD implementation, and technical guidance was provided so that the GGD participants were ready to work in the 3T areas. All the resources involved in the GGD program, from the central to the participating regions, did this program well.The results of the study recommended to provide activities that can improve the professionalism of GGD participants.
Keywords: GGD, Policy, Education, Under developed Areas |
31. | Achmad Fahrurrozziq
7616157624 |
2020 | The Effect of Personality And Climate Organization on Job Satisfaction Private Teachers of Tehnical High School At South Tambun | This aim of this research was to study the influence personality, climate organization, on job satisfaction. The method used drwas a survey method with the type of explanatory research. The method used is this research was quantitative approach. Data survey collected 231 teacher. Data analysis using path analysis. Based on hypothesis testing that has been done, it can be described as the following research findings: (1) there is a positive direct influence of personality on job satisfaction, (2) there is a positive direct influence of climate organization on job satisfaction, (3) there is a positive direct influence between personality on climate organization.
Keywords : personality, climate organiation, and job satisfaction |
32. | Arny Lusty Epprankty Purba
7616168405 |
2020 | The Influence of Transformational Leadership, And
Motivation To Teacher’s Performance In Police Language School of Indonesian National Police |
The objective of this research is to study the effect of the transformational leadership, and motivation to teacher’s performance in police language school of Indonesian National Police. Quantitative approach used in this research with survey method. The samples of this research were 71 lecturers selected randomly. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaire and analyzed by using path analysis. The result of the research can be concluded that: 1) the transformational leadership, school culture and motivation had a positive direct effect on lecturer’s performance; 2) the transformational leadership had a positive direct effect on motivation. Therefore, to improve teacher’s performance, the transformational leadership, and motivation should be improved.
Keywords: transformational leadership, motivation. teacher’s performance |
33. | Aryono Fajar Harianto
9910817035 |
2020 | Evaluation of Implementation of Regrouping Policy to State Elementary School in South Jakarta Region | The aims of this study are to obtain facts, data, and information about the results of implementing regrouping policy to state elementary school in South Jakarta. This study uses the evaluative method with CIPP model and qualitative data approaches. The techniques of data collecting used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation. Research subjects are the Principal, Teachers, and School Operators. The results of this study indicate that in the context component, school regrouping policy has a clear legal foundation. However, the indicators of the success of school regrouping policy objectives have not been explained in detail. In the input component, the implementation of the school regrouping policy makes students, teachers, teaching staff, facilities, and infrastructure of each school merged into one. However, there was no project to constructing several new school building since the school regrouping policy began to be implemented. In the process component, the schools are given the freedom to choose the procedures for implementing school regrouping policies. In the product component, the school regrouping policy makes school managements more effective and efficient. However, the implementation of the school regrouping policy resulted in the increasing workload of school operators. The recommendations of this study are to the Education Office can describe the success indicators of school regrouping policies in more detail, build new school buildings, and increase the number of school operators.
Keywords: evaluation, school regrouping policy, effective, and efficient |
34. | Aswin Windia
7616157611 |
2020 | The Effect of Reward and Job Satisfaction on Job Performance Teachers of Ibnu Hajar Boarding School Munjul Cipayung East Jakarta | The study aims to obtain information concerning the effect of reward and job satisfaction on job performance teachers of Ibnu Hajar Boarding School Munjul Cipayung East Jakarta.The research with the quantitative approach used a survey method, teacher as unit of analysis and data analysis with Path Analysis technique. The data collection process is done by using the questionnaire as an instrument. There are 131 samples from 194 population was selected as the unit analysis which is determined by proportional simple random sampling technique. Research result : First, there is a positive direct effect of reward on job performance with a correlation coefficient of 0,414 and a path coefficient of 0,321. This gives the meaning of an increase in the reward of Ibnu Hajar Boarding School teachers to be followed by an increase in its job performance. Second, There is a positive direct effect of job satisfaction on job performance with a correlation coefficient of 0,344 and a path coefficient of 0,431. This gives the meaning of increasing the job satisfaction of teachers of Ibnu Hajar Boarding School to be followed by an increase in job performance. Third, There is a possitive direct effect of reward on job satisfaction with a correlation coefficient of 0,270 and a path coefficient of 0,270. This gives the meaning of the increase in the reward of Ibnu Hajar Boarding School teachers, followed by an increase in job satisfaction.
Keywords: Reward, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance
35. | Brando Harison Parlindungan Sigalingging
9914817007 |
2020 | Analysis of The Minister of Health Regulation Policy Number 7 of 2019
Regarding Environmental Health Requirements (Case Study At Husada Hospital) |
Hospital are the results of development because hospital built were used as a public service facility for society. The number of hospitals in Indonesia are currently increasing which made the presence of each hospital attend to the impact of activities resulted by the hospitals. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of waste management in hospitals based on the Health Ministry law policy number 7 of 2019. This study was conducted to determine the factors that influence the success of policies regarding the hospital environmental health requirements in order to become an environmentally friendly hospital. This research used a descriptive method with content analysis techniques. Primary and secondary datas were collected by interview, observation, and document study methods, then analyzed using interactive analysis procedures including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and recommendations. The results showed that the implementation of the Health Ministry law policy number 7 of 2019 regarding medical and non-medical waste management was not been effective. The ineffectiveness of the policy was due to the lack of human resources in management, the lack of land and limited finances owned by the Husada Hospital. Recommendations given in this study is that the hospital needs to increase human resources, as human resources are influential on the proceedings of activities and may increase specific performance to achieve goals and objectives of the policies issued.
Keywords: Hospital, Health Ministry law policy, Waste Management |
36. | Chaerul Anwar
7616167691 |
2020 | Evaluation of The Implementation of The Jakarta Pintar Card Program (Kjp) At Sman 22 Jakarta Timur | To increase student learning opportunities up to high school level, the DKI Jakarta government provides the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) program for people who are classified as poor. Evaluation on the implementation of this program needs to be done to see the extent of program success. This study aims to look at the evaluation of the KJP program at SMA Negeri 22 Jakarta using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Output) method. The results showed that SMAN 22 had run the KJP program very well. The results of the evaluation on context aspect shows a very good result with 85% of implementation. The input aspects have been carried out 80% with good categories. The process aspect is running well with a percentage of 80% of the plan, and the product evaluation (output) aspect also reaches 80% of the specified criteria. The study also recommends that there should be an officer from provincial government officials to conduct home visit program to maintain the quality of KJP implementation.
Keywords: KJP, Context, Input, Process, Output, SMAN 22
37. | Dian Sari Mulyana
7616157223 |
2020 | The Influence of Organizational Justice and Perceptual Support af Organizations qn Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Teacher at SMA Negeri East Jakarta 1 | The Purpose of research : Knowing deeply about the influence of organizational justice towards the perception of organizational support, organizational support for OCB justice organizational affects the OCB site research place of East Jakarta Area 1. Research using survey research methods was measured using quantitative approach. The result showed that justice organizations were positively related to Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). That is, the better and conducive justice of the organizational then the increasing behavior organizational citizenship behavior of senior high school teachers in East Jakarta Region 1 perception of organizational support positively related to organizational citizenship behavior. That is, the better the perception of organizational support, the higher organizational citizenship behavior of SMA negeri teachers in East Jakarta Region 1. Fairness of organizational and organizational support perception jointly relates positively to organizational citizenship behavior. That is, the better and conducive justice of the organizational support together, the stronger the organizational citizenship behavior of senior high school teachers in East Jakarta Region 1.
Keywords : Influence of organizational justice, Perception of organizational support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior |
38. | Eha Julaeha
9910817046 |
2020 | The Effect of Quality f Work Life and Reward on Nurser Performance In Bhayangkara Hospital Tk. 1 R. Said Sukanto | This study aims to determine (1) the effect of quality of work life on performance (2) the effect of rewards on performance (3) the effect of quality of work life on rewards. The research method used was a survey with path analysis techniques. The population in this study was nurses at Bhayangkara Hospital. Level 1 R. Said Sukanto of 142 nurses. The samples in this study as many as 105 were selected based on simple random sampling techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is a direct and significant influence on the quality of work life on performance (2) there is a direct and significant effect on rewards on performance, and (3) there is a direct and significant influence on the quality of work life of rewards. The implication of this research is that efforts to improve performance can be done through improving the quality of work life and rewards. This means that performance can be improved through improving the quality of work life and giving rewards to nurses.
Keywords: quality of work life rewards, and performance.
39. | Lisa Andriyati
9910817009 |
2020 | The Effect of Group Cohesivity And Work Discipline on The Performance of Private High School Teachers In East Jakarta | This research aims to find out: (1) the effect of group cohesiveness toward performance; (2) the effect of work discipline toward performance; (3) the effect of group cohesiveness toward work discipline. This research uses survey method. Hypothesis testing with path analysis testing. The unit of analysis in this study is teacher on senior high school in East Jakarta with a sample of 199 people selected using random sampling techniques. The results showed that: (1) there is a direct positive effect of group cohesiveness toward performance; (2) there is a direct positive effect of work discipline toward performance; (3) there is a direct positive effect of group cohesiveness toward work discipline.
Keywords: Group Cohesiveness, Work Discipline, and Performance |
40. | Wahidin
9910817017 |
2020 | The Influence of Transformational Leadership, And Work Motivation on Teacher Job Performance of Smk Negeri North Jakarta | Teacher performance provides an important role in the education and character of good students. Poor teacher performance will reduce the quality of achievement itself. Based on data in North Jakarta, teacher performance is a priority program of the government, and still needs to be improved. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a direct positive effect of transformational leadership and work motivation on teacher performance at the State Vocational High School in North Jakarta. A total of 81 out of 430 sample teachers collected data which were then analyzed using quantitative path analysis methods. The results showed that there was a positive direct effect (1) transformational leadership on teacher performance, (2) work motivation on teacher performance, and (3) transformational leadership on work motivation.
Keywords: Teacher’s Performance, transformational leadership, work motivation |
41. | Sakinah
9910817023 |
2020 | Evaluation of School Literation Movement Programs in Jakarta Selatan Wilayah Ii High School, Sub-District Tebet
This study aims to determine the implementation of the School Literacy Movement or “Gerakan Literasi Sekolah” (GLS) program carried out at the South Jakarta State High School area II in Tebet sub-district. This research is a type of evaluation research with a qualitative approach using a gap evaluation model or Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) developed by Malcom Provus. So that the implementation of the GLS program in terms of design, installation, process, and product. Data obtained through observation, interviews, and study documents. The results of the study stated that the level of achievement of the School Literacy Movement program in Tebet Sub-district High Schools at the design stage was in the high category, the installation stage was in the high category, the process stage was in the moderate category, and the product stage was in the high category. This means that for the most part, almost all program indicators have been implemented or are available according to criteria.
Keywords: Evaluation, Program, School Literacy Movement |
42. | Suryani
9910817034 |
2020 | Implementation of Clinical Supervision of The Principal
of School Smp Mater Dei Pamulang |
The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of clinical supervision of principals, the process of implementation clinical supervision, obstacles in clinical supervision, and the benefits of clinical supervision. This study uses qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, documentation, and the results of field notes. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model. Checking the validity of the data is done by triangulation of sources, that is, researchers compare interview data with observational data, compare what is said privately with what is said in public, and compare existing documents with interview results. The research was conducted at the Mater Dei Pamulang Middle School, South Tagerang, Banten from June to November 2019. As the research informants were principals and teachers at the Mater Dei Pamulang Middle School. The results showed that: (1) Clinical supervision carried out at Mater Dei Middle School can improve teacher competencies in personal, pedagogical, professional, and social competencies (2) the process of implementing clinical supervision through the stages of planning, observation, and feedback, (3) the obstacles found in implementing clinical supervision are limited time and professional staff, (4) the benefits of clinical supervision increase confidence in teaching, increase teacher creativity in managing learning, and there is a harmonious relationship between the principal and the teacher. Conclusion Principal must implement clinical supervision to improve teacher competence imanaging learning.
Keywords: Implementation, clinical supervision, teacher competence, harmonious relations. |
43. | Romlah Virdaningsih
9910817047 |
2020 | Effect of Compensation And Work Culture Towards The Performance of Honorary Teachers State Vocational School, Serang , Province Banten | The purpose of this research is to obtain the effect of compensation and work culture on teacher performance. This is a quantitative research using a questionnaire method conducted at the vocational school (SMK) of Serang, Banten Province in 2019. Data were collected through participant observation using a questionnaire, observation, document study. Analysis and interpretation of the data shows that (1) The increase in compensation received by teachers of Serang City Vocational Schools in Banten Province causes an increase in the performance of these teachers. (2) A high work culture will improve the performance of vocational school (SMK) of Serang, Banten Province. (3) Increasing compensation will improve the work culture of Serang Vocational School in Banten Province. The findings lead to recommendations for the provincial government to increase the value of compensation for teachers in accordance with the UMP, principals in order to maintain and preserve a work culture of teachers who are in good condition, instilling an attitude of initiative from the teacher’s person to always improve their knowledge, abilities, skills and skills in carrying out tasks.
Keywords: compensation, work culture, performance
44. | Putri Ghanim Septia Habiba
9910817055 |
2020 | Evaluation of Implementation of Teaching Factory Program In SMK Negeri South Jakarta | This study aims to determine the discrepancy between the performance of implementation of teaching factory program in SMK Negeri South Jakarta with standards. The method used in this research was The Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) with four stages that have been modified in accordance with the research objectives, namely design, installation, process, and product or results. The process of collecting data is done by using observation, interview, and documentation study. The results showed: 1) The teaching factory program formulation has been well defined that includes aspects of urgency, has clear goals and objectives, and measures of success. 2) The teaching factory program has been quite well designed, including implementation guidelines, human resources, and labs. 3) The teaching factory has been implemented well which includes learning, practical activities, marketing and promotion, management, industrial relations, monitoring and evaluation. 4) The products of the teaching factory program, which provides positive results in the form of the creation of an industrial culture that is able to increase productive competence and foster entrepreneurial spirit of students, and produce products/services that have added value with quality that can be absorbed and accepted by the community.
Keywords: Teaching Factory, SMK, The Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM) |
45. | Yoserizal
7616157619 |
2020 | Transformational Leadership And Behavior Ethic: Its Effect on Teacher Job Perfomance | The purpose of this study was to study was to study information about the influence of transformational leadership and behavior ethic towards on the job performance of teacher in SMA Lab School DKI Jakarta. This research uses survey method with path analysis method. The process of collecting data at SMA Lab School DKI Jakarta in this case the teacher is done by using questioner as research instrument in research selected as unit of analysis with sample counted 87 persons which determined by random sampling technique. Result of research: First, there is influence of transformational leadership to Job performance; Secondly, there is an effect of behavior ethic on job performance; third, there is an influence of transformational leadership on behavior ethic.
Keywords: transformational leadership, behavior ethic, and job performance. |
46. | Riani Windrianingrum
7616167702 |
2020 | The Effect of Interpersonal Communication And Self Efficacy Toward Teacher’s Normative Commitment Al Azhar
Junior High School Bekasi City |
The purpose of this research is to know the effect of interpersonal communication and self efficacy toward teacher’s normative commitment junior high school Bekasi city. The research was conducted using survey method with quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The population of this research is 150 teachers. Research samples selected as much as 109 teachers using simple random sampling technique. The data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis in this research it is concluded: (1) the Interpersonal communication have positive direct effect to Normative Commitment; (2) the self efficacy have positive direct effect to Normative Commitment; (3) the Interpersonal communication have positive direct effect to self efficacy. The Normative Commitment can be improved through improvement of Interpersonal communication and self efficacy.
Keywords: Interpersonal communication, Normative Commitment, and self efficacy |
47. | Fariz Azhari
7616157501 |
2020 | The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style And Job Motivation on Job Performance Teachers of Upper Secondary School At Jongggol | Background Improving teacher performance has an important position in efforts to improve the quality of learning which will affect the quality of student graduates. Based on the analysis of the strategic issues of the Bogor Regency Medium Term Development Plan (2013-2018) it was found; the still low level of education is shown by: (1) the high number of illiteracy; (2) the low average length of schooling (RRLS) of the people of Bogor Regency which in 2013 only reached 8.04 years, or only reached grade 2 SLTP, which means that they did not complete junior high school; (3) the low number of teachers with professional certificates at all levels of education; (4) the lack of quality and relevance as well as education governance with the needs and demands for increased competitiveness. This is a challenge for the Bogor district government to overcome the existing problems. Furthermore, according to the statement of the Minister of Education and Culture, Effendy (2017) considers the condition of education in Bogor Regency to be underdeveloped compared to other areas in West Java. Based on the description of the background of the problem above, the researcher is very interested in examining more deeply about teacher performance which is influenced by transformational leadership and work motivation in Jonggol District. The method used is this research is a quantitative approach. The data survey was collected by 80 teachers. Data analysis using path analysis. Based on the hypothesis testing that has been done, it is described as the following research findings: (1) there is a positive direct effect of transformational leadership style on performance, (2) there is a positive direct effect of work motivation on performance, (3) there is a positive direct influence between transformational leadership styles on work motivation.
Keywords : transformational leadership style, job motivation and job performance. |
48. | Fathiannisa Sabila
7616167577 |
2020 | Evaluation Program of Entrepeneurship Education through the Teaching Factory at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung | The research has been conducted to evaluate the suitability of the entrepreneurship education program through the Teaching Factory at SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung, including the planning, implementation and outcome stages. This research uses a qualitative method with a Stake Evaluation approach (Antecedents, Transactions and Outcomes). The main subjects of this research consisted of Headmaster, Entrepreneurship Teachers, Supervisors of Teaching Factory, Industrial Partners, Customers of Products, Students and the Communities. The data were collected using interview methods, observation, and documentation. Our finding indicates that the implementation of entrepreneurship education programs through the teaching factory is went quite decent. This could be seen by the results of the evaluation showing that the Antecedent (preparation) aspect is in the inappropriate category, whereas the Transaction (implementation) and the Outcomes aspect are in the appropriate category. Furthermore, improving the quality of the program could be done by improving the inappropriate category aspects for each evaluation stage.
Keywords: Evaluation of program, Entrepeneurship of education, Teaching Factory, Countenance Stake Model. |
49. | Gita Diana Hanjarini Kusuma
7616167975 |
2020 | The Effect of Job Design And Quality of Work Life on Teacher’s Affective Commitment In Vocational High School
In East Jakarta |
The purpose of this study is to comprehensively describe and describe the effect of work design and quality of work life on the affective commitment of vocational high school teachers in East Jakarta. This research was conducted to Private Vocational High Schools (SMK) in East Jakarta. Methodology This study uses a quantitative research survey method, whereas for analyzing data using path analysis. Path analysis technique in this study is to determine the causal relationship between variables or the direct influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. Endogenous variables in this study are the teacher’s affective commitment, while the exogenous variables in this study are work design and quality of work life. Data collection was carried out through questionnaire filling. Based on the calculation results obtained by path analysis 1) the direct effect of work design on affective commitment, the value of the path coefficient of 0.425 and tcount of 6.6964, meaning that work design has a direct positive effect on affective commitment can be accepted increasing work design resulting in increased affective commitment. 2) the direct effect of work design on the quality of work life, path coefficient of 0.225 and tcount of 3.378. Means, the direct influence of work design on affective commitment, the value of the path coefficient of 0.425 and tcount of 6.6964. 3) Work design has a direct positive effect on affective commitment can be accepted. That is, increasing work design results in increased affective commitment.
Keywords: Work Design, Quality of Work Life, Affective Commitment |
50. | Leni Pujiastuti
9910817059 |
2020 | Indonesian School Management Overseas (Case Study In Indonesia Kuala Lumpur School | The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of the management of the Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School in detail and thoroughly from the research subjects on the background of the study with existing characteristics. The case in this study is the application of management in the field of education which includes curriculum management, student management (students), personnel/member management, financial management, and management of school relations with the community. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach with a case study design at the Kuala Lumpur Indonesia School located at No. 1, Lorong Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which consists of kindergarten, elementary, junior high, and high school. Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data collection techniques with triangulation, data analysis is inductive, and the results of qualitative research emphasize meaning rather than generalization. Based on the analysis of the data it was found that the supporting factors were that the Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School was already running and giving a good role in the implementation of the cultural diplomacy function in Malaysia and the School Financial Management was running well. When teachers whose contracts have expired and must return to Indonesia while substitute teachers have not yet arrived. In student management there is a problem of residence visas, teaching teachers not in accordance with the educational background result in professional competence.
Keywords: School Management, Curriculum, Students, Educators |
51. | Dian Nuraini
7616157599 |
2020 | Strategic Planning of Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta | The purpose of this research is to study and get a complete picture of the strategic planning of the Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta, including the phases of preparation and implementation. How the mandate, vision and mission of the organization can be decanted in strategic planning as a reference and guidance in programs and activities operations. The research instrument is the researcher who is also known as a human instrument. Determination of the source is determined by purposive sampling and snowball. The technique of collecting data is by conducting direct observation, documenting the place of research, recording interviews with informants and collecting data or documents obtained from resource persons. Findings from the research are(1) Madrasah Pembangunan’s strategic plan is Blueprint of Madrasah Pembangunan of 2018 which has been updated according to the needs and developments that occur in education field; (2) The stages of Madrasah Pembangunan’s strategic planning preparations are: Team formation, Evaluasi Diri Madrasah (EDM) and evaluation of previous strategic planning, brainstorming, compiling a framework of thought, delegation for tasks and deadlines, data collection, strategic planning preparation, public testing of strategic planning concepts; (3) The stages of strategic planning of Madrasah Pembangunan implementions are: formulation of strategic planning into policies, formulation of quality objectives, implementation of programs /activities, daily meetings and coordination, program audits and evaluations, Evaluasi Diri Madrasah (EDM) / Evaluation of Achievement of Quality Goals, reporting of evaluation and audit results; (4) Strategic planning has an important role in Madrasah Pembangunan especially as a management reference, a road map in emphasizing the direction of coordination, making program implementation more effective and efficient; (5) Strategic planning of Madrasah Pembangunan has been implemented properly and has become a quality assurance system as outlined in the quality policy and quality objectives in each unit in Madrasah Pembangunan as a reference for every policy in management; (6) The Blueprint of Madrasah Pembangunan of 2018 has not been formalized as a reference document for Madrasah Pembangunan. Effective strategic planning requires a great commitment from the office holders and their executors so that the efforts and time that have been sacrificed in the drafting process are not wasted; (7) The Blueprint of Madrasah Pembangunan of 2018 is a planning document that goes beyond the vision that is in line with current trends and can be applied to accommodate the constant growth in the education sector that drives us to technological developments and global information flows.
Keywords: planning, strategic, strategic plan, Blueprint, madrasah |
52. | Badru Zaman
7616070238 |
2020 | The Effect of Leadership Effectiveness And Trust on Teacher’s Achievement Motivation of State Junior High School at Johar Baru Sub District, Central Jakarta | The objective of this research is to analysis the effect of leadership effectiveness and trust on teacher’s achievement motivation of State Junior High School at Johar Baru Sub District, Central Jakarta. This research using quantitative approach with survey method. Total samples using in this research 71 teachers that selected through simple random sampling. Data collecting using questionnaire with rating scale and data analysis with path analysis. The results of the research showed: Firtsly, there is a positive effect of leadership effectiveness on teacher’s achievement motivation. Second, there is a positive effect of trust on teacher’s achievement motivation. Third, there is a positive effect of leadership effectiveness on teacher’s trust. Therefore to increase teacher achievement motivation, leadership effectiveness and trust need to be improved.
Keywords: leadership effectiveness, trust, achievement motivation. |
53. | Domina Elfrida Silitonga
9910817056 |
2020 | The Influence of Teachers’ Competence And Implementation of International Curriculum on Teachers’ Performance In North Jakarta International Schools | This study aims to investigate the influence of teachers’ competence and implementation of international curriculum on teachers’ performance in North Jakarta International Schools. This research uses quantitative study with a survey and interviews to collect data from the respondents. This study employs path analysis technique to test the hypothesis. The sample in this study is 85 teachers in North Jakarta International Schools which is taken by using simple random sampling. The results show that (1) teachers’ competence has a positive and effect on teachers’ performance, (2) the implementation of international curriculum has a positive effect on teachers’ performance, and (3) teachers’ competence has a positive effect on the implementation of international curriculum.
Keywords: teachers’ competence, implementation of international curriculum, teachers’ performance, international schools. |
54. | Fransiska Christyanti
7616157564 |
2020 | The Influence of Personality And Organizational Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Teacher In Yayasan Tarakanita Tangerang Region | The aims of this study was to study the influence of personality and organizational climate on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of teacher at the Tarakanita Foundation, Tangerang region. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample of this research is 200 teachers at the Tarakanita Foundation, Tangerang Region. The results of this study indicate that; (1) personality has a direct effect on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Teachers at the Tangerang Region Tarakanita Foundation, (2) the organizational climate has a direct effect on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of the Teachers at the Tarakanita Foundation in the Tangerang Region, (3) personality has a direct effect on climate Teachers organization at the Tangerang Region Tarakanita Foundation. Thus, the increase in Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is achieved well if there is a strong influence of personality and a well-developed organizational climate.
Keywords: personality, organizational climate, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
55. | Luqman Hakim
7616060424 |
2020 | Correlation Between Competence And Work Discipline on Teacher’s Performance of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Serpong | Research on the relationship between competence and work discipline on teacher performance at MAN IC Serpong was a correlation study with a survey method through a quantitative approach. The aim is to examine the relationship between competence to performance, discipline to performance, competence to discipline simultaneously with performance. The target population were 42 teachers with permanent teacher status and according to the criteria. The analysis technique applied descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The result of this research is to get the correlation coefficient between competence and performance of 0.976 with the result (t count = 28.09 > t table = 2.29), meaning that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. The correlation coefficient of discipline and performance is 0.969 with the result (t count = 24.89 > t table = 2.29), meaning that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. The value of the multiple correlation coefficient is 0.982 with the results of f count = 535.50 > f table = 5.15, meaning that the two variables simultaneously have a positive relationship with performance. The conclusion is that the higher the competence, the higher the performance. The higher the discipline, the higher the performance. The higher the competence and discipline simultaneously, the higher the performance. So performance can be improved by increasing competence and discipline, either individually or simultaneously.
Key words: competence, discipline, and performance. |
56. | Maria Oryza Yuka
7616168316 |
2020 | The Effect of Studies of Work Environment And Intrinsic Motivation on Teacher’s Creativity at Green School In Bekasi | Creativity is an important element for successful implementation of 2013 curriculum. Green school is one kind of school that is able to accommodate all our desires in education. This research aims to find out (1) the influenced of work environment toward creativity (2) the influenced of intrinsic motivation toward creativity (3) the influenced of work environment toward intrinsic motivation. Path analysis is the method that is used to do the research through survey. This research provided all of teacher’s population at green school in Bekasi. Samples were selected based on nonprobability sampling techniques (judgement sampling). This research was carried out in Bekasi. Based on research findings are outlined as follows (1) there is a direct and significant influenced of work environment toward creativity (2) there is direct and significant influenced of intrinsic motivation toward creativity (3) there is direct and significant influenced of work environment toward intrinsic motivation. Implication from this research is efforts in improving the creativity can be done through improve work environment and intrinsic motivation.
Keywords : work environment, intrinsic motivation, creativity |
57. | Mawardi Abdullah
7617011176 |
2020 | Employee Performance Path Analysis Study Between Compensation, Controlling, Work Discipline And Employee Performance In The House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia | The purpose of this research is to study the influence between Compensation, Controlling, and Discipline of Work on Performance of Employees. The research method used was a path analysis method and data analysis by using statistic. The research was carried out at the General Secretariat of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI).The number of sample was 308 responden selected by the cluster sampling technique and simple random sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by using instruments in the form of questionnaire. The instrument used was arranged on a Likert Scale. The data calibrate used was calculated the validity of items and the coefficient of reliability. The validity of the items was calculated by using correlation coefficient and the coefficient of reliability calculated by the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. While the data analysis requirements calculated by using population normality (Lilliefors Test) and homogeneity test of variance was carried out with Bartlett Test. The results of instrument analysis test of compensation instrumens was obtained the coefficient of reliability was 0.809, controlling was 0,925, work discipline was 0,871, and employee performance was 0,863. Data analysis uses path analysis, simple correlation, partial correlation, multiple correlation, simple regression and multiple regression. To find out the significance of the correlation coefficient by using t test and F test. Through this research, it can be concluded that there are six positive correlations, they were: first, Compensation with Performance of Employees was Ŷ = 105,038 + 0,631X1 with simple correlation coefficient (ry1) = 0,487 and partial correlation coefficient ry1.23 = 0,254 was significant. The coefficient of determination was R2 y1 = 0,237 which could be interpreted that 23,7% variation Y (employee performance) could be explained by X1 (compensation); second, Controlling with Performance of Employees was Ŷ = 75,340 + 0,390X2 with simple correlation coefficient (ry2) = 0,663 and partial correlation coefficient ry2.13 = 0,553 was significant. The coefficient of determination was R2 y2 = 0,440 which could be interpreted that 44,0% variation Y (employee performance) could be explained by X2 (controlling); third, Discipline of Work with performance of Employees was Ŷ = 102,515 + 0,613X3 with simple correlation coefficient (ry3) = 0,426 and partial correlation coefficient ry3.12 = 0,052 was not significant. The coefficient of determination was R2 y3 = 0,181 which could be interpreted that 18,1% variation Y (employee performance) could be explained by X3 (discipline of work); fourth, Compensation through Controlling on Performance of Employees was path coefficient (Pji) 0,292 with correlation coefficient (r12) = 0,433; fifth, Discipline of Work through Controlling on Performance of Employees was path coefficient (Pji) 0,376 with correlation coefficient (r32) = 0,486; sixth, Compensation through Discipline of Work on Performance of Employees was path coefficient (Pji) 0,376 with correlation coefficient (r13) = 0,376.
Keywords: Compensation, Controlling, Work Discipline and Employee Performance. |
58. | Mochamad Irfan Arofah
7616157590 |
2020 | The Effects of Recruitment, And Organizational Commitment on Job Performance of Teachers of Elementari School at Jombang Tangerang Selatan Regency | The aim of this research is to examine the effect of recruitment and organizational commitment on job performance The research was conducted to all of teachers at the city of Jombang Ciputat by using a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hypothesis. The number of 91 teachers as sample was selected by using Slovin formula. The result of research indicates: (1) there is direct effect of recruitment on job performance, (2) there is direct effect of organizational commitment on job performance, (3) there is direct effect of on job performance. Based on those finding it could be concluded that any changing or variation wich occurred to the job performance of teachers at Jombang Tangerang Selatan Regency had been effected by recruitment and organizational commitment
Keywords: recruitment organizational commitment, and job performance. |
59. | Muhammad Suherlan Amel
7616157583 |
2020 | The Quality of Education Services In Islamic, Natural Science In Elementary Schools Al- Jannah Depok | The objective of this research is to describe the service quality by focusing to the responsiveness of service; the competency of service; and the usage of school facilities. This is qualitative research with a case study method conducted in Primary School IAS Al-Jannah, Depok, in 2019. The data was collected by conducting interviews, observation, recording, and collecting documents. The reliability of this research is confirmed by triangulation method which included sources of data, method of finding the data, and the theories. Results of this research showed that (1) teachers can actualize themselves through activities that support school programs which make them experience more self-determination, meaning, competence, and impact regarding their role in the working environment; (2) factors that caused costumer’s loyalty to the educational services in Primary School IAS Al-Jannah are the supportive environtment; positive changes on their children’s not only academically but also their behavior by implementing better daily religious practice; their children can speak English fluently; and have discipline time management. (3) Primary School IAS Al-Jannah has adequate facilities and infrastructures which support the learning process.
Keywords: Responsiveness, Competency, School Facilities
60. | Nancy Zainabun
7616080242 |
2020 | The Influence of Work Environment And Discipline to The Performance of Public Elementary School Teacher In The City of Depok | This research aims to determine the influence of work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Data is collected using survey and correlation method to 116 teacher as respondents, and afterward the data is analysed using path analysis. The result of the research are: (1) Work environment provides direct positive influence the teacher’s performance; (2) Discipline gives direct positive influence the teacher’s performance, and (3) Work environment directly influence the teacher’s discipline. Therefore, it can be concluded that there are positive relationships between work environment and discipline to the performance of public elementary school teacher in the city of Depok. Teacher’s performance will improve if supported by appropriate work environment and discipline attitude. Moreover, discipline is influenced by work environment. The more appropriate the work environment is, the higher level of discipline a teacher has. Keywords: work environment, discipline, teacher’s performance.
61. | Nurlaelah
7617020380 |
2020 | The National Standard Madrasah Final Examination Policy Models In Jakarta Province | The national Standard Madrasah (UAMBN) Policy Models Final examination is in fact The National Standard Madrasah (UAMBN) Final examination is in fact an activity to obtain data and information relate to the performance of a policy, it can be explored or measured whether UAMBN in the depth so it can reach the goal or it can work definitely. The background of this research is the uniqueness UAMBN which is dualism system as not only an national standard but also the implementation of regional. The results of UAMBN have not been enabled to the fullest. The research method used in this research is program evaluation by using CIPP evaluation model (CONTEXS-Input – Process – Product). The data is collected using primary and secondary data. Data collection procedures are conducted through documentation studies, observations, polls, interviews with the resource. The results of this research are: the first is The aspect of the rule (juridical basis) which is used as the legal basis for the implementation of UAMBN has a rational reason and according to the laws and clauses referenced, the aspect of necessity (empirical foundation) and the aspect of importance (conceptual basis) proved 88.89 % evaluation measurement criteria because it is able to measure the achievement of learning outcomes indicated by the availability of UABMN value data in DKI Jakarta province but the function of UAMBN has not been function as UAMBN policy. The Second, an Aspect of human resources (man) as the unit of education organizer of UAMBN, material Examination (material), methods: socialization, fact integrity, and sanctions (method), arrangement of the schedule and order of implementation of UAMBN (regulation); and cost (money) 92.5% as the evaluation criteria. The Third, An Aspects of implementation, examination of exam results, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of the implementation of UAMBN 100% has evaluation criteria and the fourth, the Exam results, announcement of results and publication of the final exam result of the national Standard Madrasah (SKHUAMBN); And the impact of UAMBN 75% shows evaluation criteria because the issuance of SKHUAMBN is not in accordance with the established schedule.
Keywords: Policy implementation, madrasah examination, learning outcomes |
62. | Nursinah Sangaji
7616080244 |
2020 | The Influence of Teacher Leadership And Motivation Towards Organizational Commitments of Elementary School (Sd) Teachers In Sanana Sub-District, North Sula Islands, Maluku | The purpose of this study was to study the effect of Teacher Leadership and Motivation on Organizational Commitment of Elementary School Teachers (SD) in Sanana District, Kepulauan Regency, North Maluku. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample of this study was 226 in SD District Sanana Kabuoaten Sula. The results of this study indicate that; (1) teacher leadership has a direct effect on the organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku, (2) motivation has a direct effect on the organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku, (3) teacher leadership has a direct effect on motivation elementary school teacher in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku. (4) teacher leadership has an indirect effect on organizational commitment, through the motivation of elementary school teachers in Sanan District, Sula Islands Regency, North Maluku. Thus an increase in organizational commitment is achieved well if there is a strong influence of teacher leadership and well-developed motivation.
Keywords: teacher leadership, motivation, organizational commitment. |
63. | Rahayu Eka Pratiwi
7616100453 |
2020 | The Effect of Reward And Self-Efficacy on The Work Effectiveness of Teachers of State Senior High School Bekasi City | The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of reward and self-efficacy toward teacher’s effectiveness in senior high schools in the city of bekasi. To achieves this goal, this study uses quantitative approach and path data collection technique using questionnaires.teh survey was conducted from August 2018 – August 2019 with sample 220 teachers form State Senior High School in Bekasi City. The sample in this study was randomly determined using slovin formula with 20 instrument trial. The findings from the results of this study indicate: first,the influence of direct reward is positive and significant to the work effectivenessof the teachers with a path coefficients of 0,241. Second, there is a direct positive effect of self-efficacy on work effectiveness with a path coefficients of 0,231. Third, there isa direct positive influence of reward on self-efficacy with a path coefficients of 0,214. Based on the result of this study, the effectiveness of teacher work can be increased by the high rewards given by the school so that the effectiveness of teacher work can be increased. Self-efficacy is used to increase work effectiveness, namely being able to complete difficult tasks, be able to solve problems, and be sure to complete tasks. So that creates a teacher’s confidence in the abilities or strengths that are in him and with this will be able to increase the effectiveness of teacher’s work.
Keywords: reward, self-efficacy, work effectiveness.
64. | Rahmadsyah Lubis
7616050122 |
2020 | The Effect of Organizational Culture And Motivation on Job Performance of The Personnel of Indonesian National Police College of Police Science | Indonesian National Police, based on the Law No. 2/2002 regarding Indonesian National Police, is assigned to maintain security and public order, enforce the law, protect and serve people living in and out of the jurisdiction of Indonesia. Shortly, it is a very tough duty and responsibility, particularly in the digital era with the presence of modern and sophisticated gadgets that may be used in committing crimes. However, Indonesian National Police has successfully stolen the hearts of most Indonesian people by showing them its success in doing big and difficult assignments, ranging from its usual businesses in its jurisdiction in handling terrorism cases for instance, securing big events, such as 2018 Asian Games, 2018 Para Asian Games, 2019 Legislative Election, 2019 Local Head Elections, and 2019 Presidential and Vice Presidential Election. Furthermore, the index of public trust is increasing and reaching almost 90% in some police regions. On the other side, the ratio of police community is still far from the ideal one (1:300). In fact, an Indonesian police officer serves almost 1,000 Indonesian people. Such phenomena make the researcher interested to find out the influence of organizational culture and motivation on the job performance of the personnel of the Indonesian National Police Training and Education Institution, especially the institution who is in-charge of educating and developing police officers to become reliable and skilled managers at the middle level in the field. The researcher employs the quantitative method with path analysis in order to process the data collected from 84 respondents who work for STIK PTIK. The data is collected by filling out a questioner containing 97 positive statements with five alternative answers, ranging from one to five. The instrument has been tested before at Police Language School, located in Cipinang, East Jakarta in order to have a valid and reliable instrument. The results of the research reveal that 1) Organizational culture positively and directly influences job performance with thitung 5.649; 2) Motivation positively and directly influences job performance with thitung 3.956; and 3) Organizational culture positively and directly influences motivation with thitung 4.367 and respectively use ttabel 1.99 at α = 0.05.
Keywords: organizational culture, motivation and job performance.
65. | Rasfadilla
7616167573 |
2020 | The Influence of Quality Work Life (Qwl) and Organizational Climate, Teacher Performance in Global School Achievements Primary Schools, West Bekasi | The objective of the research is finding out the effect of quality of work and organizational climate on the teacher’s employee performance. The research was conducted at Global Prestasi School in North Bekasi. The research was using a survey method with path analysis applied in the hypothesis and 100 respondents. The research techniques are analysis with quantitative research approaches by using causal analysis. The finding of the research is: 1) there is a positive direct effect of quality of work life on employee performance; 2) there is a positive direct effect of organizational climate on employee performance; 3) there is a positive direct effect of quality of work life on organizational climate. Result the of the research show that quality of work life and organizational climate has impact to job performance with sign = 0,000 or sig < 0,05
Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Iklim Organisasi, Kinerja
66. | Roza Kemala
7616060377 |
2020 | Influence of Leadership and Discipline on Teacher Loyalty in Paud Cikarang Barat School Bekasi Regency | The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of school principal leadership and work discipline on the work loyalty of West Cikarang PAUD teachers in the Bekasi Regency. This research was conducted using a survey method with a quantitative approach. the target population of this study was 85 teachers. The research sample was selected as many as 70 teachers using simple random sampling techniques. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis in this study shows that: (1) the principal’s leadership has a direct positive effect on teacher loyalty, an increase in leadership actors will result in increased work results; (2) work discipline has a direct po’sitive effect on teacher loyalty, increased work discipline will cause teacher loyalty to increase; (3) the principal’s leadership has a direct positive effect on work discipline, increasing the headmaster’s leadership will cause work discipline to increase. Teacher loyalty can be enhanced by increasing the principal’s leadership and work discipline.
Keywords: leadership, discipline, teacher loyalty |
67. | Sitaresmi
7616168407 |
2020 | The Curriculum Management of Education Formation of Non-Commissioned Officer Women Police (Study in Police School of Women’s Police Educational Institutions and Training) | This research is to describe the management curriculum of education for the formation of the Women’s Police Bintara at the Polri Women’s School of Education and Training including the planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating and obstacles in curriculum management. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the study showed that curriculum planning was carried out through the Pokja meetings on curriculum preparation which involved the National Police Education and Training Center, function supervisors, education units, and experts. Organizing the curriculum, carried out the process of grouping and analyzing structure, subject matter, learning load and long hours of study. In addition, human resource arrangements related to curriculum implementation. The implementation of the curriculum is implemented in a learning process that is divided into three stages and parenting activities. Curriculum evaluation carried out is an evaluation of student learning outcomes and overall curriculum evaluation. For the assessment of students, there are three aspects of assessment namely academic, mental personality and physical health and well-being. The form of evaluating student learning outcomes in the form of written examinations, assignments, observations of student activity during the learning process, self-assessment, sociometry and educator notes, health checks and physical safety tests. Problems in curriculum management include inaccurate planning time, curriculum preparation does not adjust to the development of the conditions that occur in the field, lack of personnel knowledge about curriculum development, formulation of graduate competency standards and basic competencies that have not accommodated the subject matter needed by a NCO and indicators. learning outcomes that are still theoretical and broad, there are subject matter that has not been accommodated, teaching materials that do not provide actual examples of what is happening in the field, limited ability and experience of educators in teaching the Technical Functions of the Police, there are still educators who do not have educator certification, Inadequate educational facilities and supporting tools for learning activities and the absence of standard health assessment guidelines.
Keyword : curriculum management, education formation of non-commissioned officer women police |
68. | Siti Rabbaniyah
7616157522 |
2020 | Implementation of Character Education in Scout Extracurricular Activities at MAN 4 Jakarta | The research objective was to get deep understanding of characters and values, the factors that influence the success and the barriers of implementing character education in MAN 4 Jakarta. The research was conducted for 12 months from July 2018 to June 2019. The method used was the case study with qualitative approach. The results showed that character education in Scout Extracurricular activities at MAN 4 Jakarta was carried out through the implementation or cultivating the values of Five Principles of Indonesia, Pancasila,i.e., religious values, discipline, independence, creative, friendly, environmental care, responsibility, polite and honesty. The implementation of character education is carried out in stages by introducing the basic values of ethics and noble morals as the the foundation of the character it self. Supporting factors for the implementation of character education in extracurricular activities are teachers, school principals, student, school, security, and adequate facilities. The barries experienced in the implementation of character education are limited funds and there are still students who have problems with discipline. Character education through scout extracurricular activities can overcome the constraints of implementing character education in totality.
Keywords: Implementation, Character Education, Extracurricular, Scout |
69. | Vincentius Prastowo
7616140454 |
2020 | The Principal’s Role in Learning Supervision to Improve The Teacher Performance of Santo Yusup Vocational School – Blitar | The research is aimed at knowing the role of supervision of the principal in the effort of upgrading the performance of the teacher at Vocational Middle School St. Joseph Blitar. The research uses the qualitative approach, with the method of the case study of Robert K. Yin with six steps of the research: plan, design, prepare, collect, analyze, and share. The act of determining the source in this research uses purposive sampling. The technique of gathering data uses three methods: interview, observation and study documentation. The result of the research shows that: first, the carrying out of the diagnosis with regards to the problem of teaching of the teachers at Vocational Middle School St. Joseph Blitar could be seen by (a) gathering data of the performance of the teachers, (b) breaking down into its parts the problem of the performance of the teachers,(c) making the criteria for the conclusion. Second, the improvement of the teaching of the teachers at Vocational Middle School St. Joseph Blitar can be seen from (a) preparing an alternative solution to the problem of the performance of teachers, (b) evaluating the strength and weakness of each of the alternative solution the problem, (c) making the recommendation. Third, formation as a continuous measure to solve the problem of the teaching of the teachers can be seen from (a) applying the decision, (b) monitoring, (c) evaluation of the implementation of the decision.
Key words: Principal; Supervision; Teacher Performance |
70. | Abdul Halim
7616167970 |
2021 | The influence of supervision and organizational commitment on service quality of state elementary school teachers in serang district | This study aims to determine the direct influence between (1) supervision of teacher service quality, (2) organizational commitment to teacher service quality, (3) supervision of organizational commitment. The research method was chosen using a survey method with a correlational approach. In this study, there were 115 samples of public elementary school teachers selected based on a simple random sampling technique. Based on the description of the hypothesis test above, the following research findings are obtained: (1) there is a significant direct influence between supervision of the quality of teacher services. This shows that supervision can improve the quality of teacher services. It can be concluded that the Supervision variable which consists of several indicators is proven to have a very significant effect on the variable quality of teacher service (2) there is a direct and significant influence between organizational commitment and the quality of teacher service, the amount given is indicated by the correlation coefficient 0.447 and path coefficient 0.609. This shows that Organizational Commitment can improve the Quality of Teacher Service. It can be concluded that the variable organizational commitment which consists of several dimensions containing several indicators proved to have a very significant effect on the variable quality of teacher services. (3) there is a direct and significant influence between supervision and organizational committees. The amount given is shown by the correlation coefficient 0.465 and path coefficient 0.407. It can be concluded that the Supervision variable which consists of several indicators is proven to have a very significant effect on the organizational commitment variable. The implication obtained from this research is the need for efforts to improve the quality of teacher services through supervision by (1) always given direction and guidance at work, (2) encouragement to progress, (3) assistance in overcoming problems, (4) supervision in implementation work, (5) Assessment of work results, and (6) awards for achievement. efforts to improve the quality of public elementary school teacher services can be done by increasing the quality of supervision and the quality of organizational commitment. Furthermore, efforts to improve the quality of teacher services through an organizational commitment by increasing affective commitment, sustainable commitment, and normative commitment.
Keywords: Supervision, Organizational commitment , The quality of teacher services |
71. | Abdul Rokhim
9910817013 |
2021 | Evaluation of the implementation inclusion program at the state elementary school of sungai bambu 01 north jakarta | This study aims to describe the context, input, process, and product of the Inclusi Education program. This research is a program evaluation research using the CIPP model. The methodology used is a survey and descriptive method. The study was conducted at the State Elementary School Sungai Bambu 01, North Jakarta. The research informants were the Principal, vice-principal of the curriculum and student affairs department, Mr and Mrs teacher. Data collection techniques through observation, and interviews. Based on data analysis, it was found that the main obstacle for inclusive education programs experienced by schools was the absence of special assistant teacher, thus hampering the development of students with special needs. In addition, the facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process are incomplete. The unique curriculum for inclusive education at State Elementary School Sungai Bambu 01 needs to be re-examined to improve learning abilities for children with special needs.
Keywords: evaluation, Inclusion Program, Students with special needs |
72. | Ade Melianah
9910817021 |
2021 | The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Interpersonal Communication on Teacher’s Performance at The State Vocational High School Region II of East | The research objective was to determine the effect of transformational leadership and Interpersonal Communication on Teacher’s Performance conducted at the State Vocational High School, Region II East Jakarta. This study uses quantitative methods with survey methods and path analysis applied to the hypothesis and 78 samples were selected using random sampling. The results of this study are 1) Transformational leadership has a positive and direct effect on performance. This means that increased transformational leadership of school principals has led to a significant increase in the performance of SMK Region II East Jakarta teachers, 2) Interpersonal communication has a positive and direct impact on performance. This means that an increase in interpersonal communication has led to a significant increase in the performance of teachers at SMK Region II East Jakarta, 3) Transformational leadership has a positive and direct effect on interpersonal communication. This means that increased transformational leadership will have a serious impact on the interpersonal communication of teachers at SMK Region II East Jakarta. Therefore, in order to improve teacher performance in SMK Region II East Jakarta, transformational leadership and interpersonal communication can be better implemented and improved. This will affect the development and progress of vocational school, especially in the easthern part of Jakarta.
Keywords: Teacher’s Performance, Transformational Leadership, Interpersonal Communication. |
73. | Amirudin
9910817011 |
2021 | Evaluation of distance learning implementation in the time of covid-19 at the state SMP in Duren Sawit District | This study aims to improve the quality of education and provide recommendations for better educational services, namely distance learning so that it can produce quality education management in the future. In this case, the evaluation of the implementation of distance learning was carried out at a State Junior High School in Duren Sawit District. This study uses a descriptive qualitative evaluative method. The data collection techniques consist of observation, documentation, and interviews. The data collection process carried out includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of distance learning still faces technical and nontechnical obstacles such as; readiness of infrastructure and teaching materials, readiness of students and parents in providing internet networks, pedagogic and professional competencies of teachers relevant to current knowledge and technological advances as well as school support capacity in implementing distance learning. However, overall distance learning activities have had a fairly good impact on improving the management of the quality of education during the Covid-19 period and in bringing about the achievement of quality educational goals. Keyword:evaluation, implementation, distance learning of covid -19
74. | Andhyarnita Pratami
9910818003 |
2021 | Primary school curriculum management at elementary school Mentari Intercurltural School Bintaro | Research on the curriculum is one way to find out various aspects related to the Indonesian education system with a particular country, especially with the advantages and disadvantages that occur in the education system. This study aims to determine the description of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the curriculum used in SD Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro. This type of research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The planning stage of the curriculum at the Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro Elementary School has been carried out carefully. SD Mentari Bintaro conducts curriculum planning every year by taking into account the output of the curriculum in the previous school year. The planning of the SD Mentari Bintaro curriculum uses the Cambridge curriculum which is combined with the national curriculum so that the school has its own syllabus. The stage of organizing the curriculum at the Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro Elementary School is made as a unit or blended, some subjects are integrated between the Cambridge curriculum and the National curriculum, while several other subjects still follow the National curriculum applicable in Indonesia. The implementation stage of the curriculum at the Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro Elementary School in the 2020-2021 school year has a slight difference from the implementation of the curriculum in the previous academic year. The implementation of the curriculum has not been very effective compared to the implementation of the curriculum in the previous academic year. The curriculum evaluation phase at the Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro Elementary School considers the results of the supervision and monitoring carried out by educators during the school year. Until now, the distance learning process can be said to be effective by the school because the school is quite successful in implementing its curriculum.
Keyword: management, curriculum, intercultural school |
75. | Anisa Rara Tyaningsih
9910818016 |
2021 | The Effect Teacher Leadership And Trust on Professionalism of Secondary Teachers In West Jakarta | This study aims to determine teacher leadership and trust in the professionalism of secondary teachers in West Jakarta. This study used a survey method with a quantitative approach using path analysis techniques in testing the research hypothesis. The research data were obtained by means of a questionnaire. The research survey involved 85 teachers as a sample using proportionate random sampling.The results showed: 1) There is a positive direct effect of teacher leadership on teacher professionalism with a path coefficientvalue of 0.309 and value of 2.477, 2) There is a positive direct influence of trust on teacher professionalism with path coefficient value of 0.349 and value of 2.800, and 3) There is a positive direct effect of teacher leadership on trust with path coefficientvalue of 0.712 and of 9.231. Because the three values of are greater than the value of 1.66, thenalternative hypothesis (1) is accepted, namely that teacher leadership has a positive direct effect on teacher professionalism, trust has a positive direct effect on teacher professionalism, and teacher leadership has a positive effect on teacher professionalism.
Keywords: teacher leadership, trust, professionalism |
76. | Aris Wiratmoko
9910817008 |
2021 | The effect of the principal leadership and participation of the industrial through the quality of state vocationality high school in serang city | This research has object to show there is an effect of the principal leadership and participation of the industrial through the quality of state vocationality high school in Serang city. The researcher used the approach of quantitative method analysis (path analysis). Collecting the data by using google form based on likert scale. Total response are 90 people, its divided to 83 teachers and 7 principals. The result of this method shows that 1) Principal leadership has positive effect directly through the quality of state vocationality high school in Serang city, 2) Participation of the industrial has positive effect directly through the quality of state vocationality high school in Serang city 3) The principle leadership has positive effect directly through industrial sector. Therefore, this research has the object to improve the quality of state vocationality high school in Serang city, the principle leadership the participation of industrial sector can be implemented and improved properly. This method gives the effect of the student’s competency and ability of the state vocationality high school especially in Serang city.
Keywords: The principle leadership, The participation of Industrial, Quality of School
77. | Dewi Yuliyanti
9910818010 |
2021 | The Effect of Incentive and Work Motivation on The Performance of Teachers Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in The City of Jakarta Utara | This study aims to determine the effect of incentives and motivation on the performance of private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah teachers in North Jakarta. This study used a survey method with a quantitative approach using path analysis techniques. The research data were obtained by means of a questionnaire. The survey involved 84 teachers as a sample using cluster random sampling technique. The results showed: 1) There is a positive direct effect of incentives on teacher performance with a path coefficient value of 0,394 and a coefficient of tcount of 4,20, 2) There is a positive direct effect of motivation on teacher performance with a path coefficient value of 0,331 and a coefficient of tcount of 3,53, and 3) There is a direct effect of incentives on motivation with a path coefficient of 0,250 and a coefficient of tcount of 2,34. Because the three values of the coefficient of t count are greater than the value of t table, thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, namely that incentives have a direct positive effect on performance, motivation has a direct effect on performance, and incentives have a direct effect on motivation.
Key words: incentive, motivation, performance
78. | Didin Sirojudin
7616167575 |
2021 | Evaluation of the Zoning System Policy in the Recruitment of New Students at SMP Negeri 74 DKI Jakarta | The purpose of this study is to evaluate the zoning sistem policy in the recruitment of new students at SMP Negeri 74 in DKI Jakarta Province, especially the public SMP in East Jakarta. This study used a qualitative approach with a policy evaluation method conducted at SMP N 74 DKI Jakarta. The Data collection through interviews and observations, data analysis shows that: (1) the evaluation of zoning sistem policies in the recruitment of new student admissions in DKI Jakarta is currently better in the previous years, although many public schools are in DKI Jakarta but still need to collaborate with private schools; (2) the availability of facilitators, manuals and mechanisms for recruiting new students has been fulfilled at SMP N 74 DKI Jakarta; (3), the new student recruitment policy in the zoning sistem at SMP N 74 DKI Jakarta runs according to predetermined procedures and schedules. This finding leads to the policy of recruiting new students in the zoning sistem at SMP N 74 DKI Jakarta. In principle, the policy evaluation has been appropriate but has not achieved the policy goal, namely educational equality, but with the hope that we will continue with educational equality to be realized soon.
Keywords: Evaluation, policy, recruitment |
79. | Dzikrina Syahidah
9910817039 |
2021 | Influence of Psychological Contracts and Quality of Work Life on Commitment of Quality Assurance Team in Jakarta State University | Professionalism is an important key to an organization in achieving their success. One of the essential factors influencing the formation of committed professional resources is the reciprocal working relationship quality between the institution/supervisor with the employees (psychological contract) and the employees’ perception of the quality of their work life. This study aims to examine the effects of the quality of work life (QWL) (appropriate and fair compensation, work stress, employee participation, career growth and development, social relevance, work environment) on organizational commitment (OC) simultaneously or partially. This study aims to analyze the effect of psychological contracts and quality of work life on employee commitment. A total of 81 employees who work as the Quality Assurance Team (QA Team) for study programs at the State University of Jakarta were involved in this study. This study uses a survey instrument with the research hypothesis tested using the path analysis method. The results showed that: 1) Psychological contracts have a positive direct effect on employee commitment; 2) The quality of work life does not have a direct positive effect on employee commitment; and 3) Psychological contracts have a direct positive effect on the quality of employees’ work life. This study then recommends that the State University of Jakarta can pay more attention to the expectations of quality assurance employees related to awarding outstanding employees and providing supervision for employees in carrying out their duties as an effort to increase their organizational commitment.
Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Psychological Contract, Quality of Work Life, Quality Assurance Team of University
80. | Emiliasari
9910817001 |
2021 | Effect of Clinical Supervision and Self Efficacy on Teacher Pedagogy Competence at Vocational High School in State Administration of West Jakarta City | The research objective was to determine the effect of clinical supervision and self-efficacy on teacher pedagogical competence. This research was conducted data Vocational High School in West Jakarta. This study uses quantitative methods with survey methods and path analysis applied to the hypothesis and 72 samples were selected using simple random sampling. The results of this study are 1) There is a positive direct effect of clinical supervision on pedagogical competence. That is, clinical supervision can improve the pedagogic competence of SMKN teachers in West Jakarta Administration City. 2)There is a positive direct effect of self-efficacy on pedagogic competence, which means that self-efficacy can increase the pedagogic competence of SMKN teachers in West Jakarta Administrative City. 3) There is a positive direct effect of supervision clinical self-efficacy. This means that clinical supervision can improve the self-efficacy of SMKN teachers in West Jakarta Administrative City.
Keywords: clinical supervision, self-efficacy, pedagogy competence |
81. | Fitri Rachmadhany
9910818001 |
2021 | Evaluation of Policy Implementation Admission of New Students (PPDB) Zonation System in SMA Negeri Kota Bekasi | This study aim is to evaluate: the condition of strategic environment of the policy implementation, (2) the process of the policy implementation and (3) the result of the policy implementation admission of new student using zonation system in SMA Negeri Kota Bekasi. The research method is a qualitative evaluation based on Countanance model developed by Stake. Based on research, Preparation for the implementation of the PPDB zoning system policy at SMAN BekasiCity is in a good category. The preparations that have been carried out are quite mature, so that they can overcome various problems that arise at the beginning and increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the PPDB zoning system policy. The implementation of the PPDB zoning system policy at SMAN Bekasi City is in a good category. This is based on the fulfillment of the four aspects of the transaction stage in the countenance policy evaluation model. The implementation of the zoning system for the New Student Admissions (PPDB) policy at Bekasi City Public High Schools has positive and negative impacts. This positive impact can be in the form of increased cooperation and coordination between the school and the surrounding community, the faster and easier the problem solving is, the reduced risk that students have to face when traveling to school, the more disciplined students are, and the more open the admission process for new students. The negative impact is on the potential for greater negative environmental influence on students and the difficulty for students outside the school zoning to register, there is a tendency to decline in school academic achievement due to unequal abilities of students, and students tend to decrease in discipline.
Keyword : evaluation, PPDB, Zoning System |
82. | Hafsah Mardhotillah
9910817012 |
2021 | The Effect of Compensation and Psychological Well-Being on Teacher Work Engagement | This study aims to identify the effect of compensation and psychological well-being on Work engagement for private elementary school teachers during the pandemic. This study involved 408 samples, which were teachers in private elementary schools in Karawang Regency. Sample selection was done by using purposive cluster sampling technique. The data retrieval technique used a questionnaire developed from the utrech Work engagement scale, a ryff psychological well-being scale and a compensation scale. Validity test using correlation coefficient (r). Reliability test using Alpha Cronbach. Techniques of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study confirm that: (1) compensation has a significant effect on teacher Work engagement, (2) psychological well-being has a significant effect on teacher Work engagement, and (3) compensation and psychological well-being simultaneously effect teacher Work engagement. It is concluded that Work engagement is influenced by compensation and psychological well-being. Therefore, these two variables need to be considered in increasing teacher Work engagement.
Keywords: psychological well-being, compensation, Work engagement
83. | Indra Fithra Wirawan
7616167201 |
2021 | Implementation of Character Education Management in Realizing The Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of AL-Ikhlas Islamic Elementary School (2020) | Cases of children with negative character in the form of bullying, physical violence, psychic violence, and sexual violence still occur in the educational environment. Schools carrying out character education still focus a lot on the context of knowledge rather than practice causing students difficulty forming positive characters. Character education in school is a stage of character building that is no less important than character building by parents in the family. Schools must have and implement student character education management to achieve a vision according to the mission and characteristics of their respective schools. The use of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) as a measure of school performance effectively and accurately is very helpful for school managers to present the success of achieving school objectives to be accounted for to all school stakeholders. The purpose of this research describes the planning, implementation and control of the character education of SD Islam Al Ikhlas to realize theschool IKU. This study uses qualitative approach with case study research at SD Islam Al Ikhlas. The findings of the study are: (1) character education planning and key performance indicators (IKU) in line with the vision and mission of the school by involving school stakeholders. (2) the implementation of character education through socialization, learning, habituation and extracurricular activities according to the plan that has been made; 3) character education control using Key Performance Indicators (IKU) including monitoring, evaluation and report submission activities.
Keywords: al ikhlas islamic elementary school, character education , character education management,
84. | Irna Fatmawati
9910818022 |
2021 | The Effect of Academic Supervision and Work Motivation on The Performance of Teachers of State Secondary Schools in The City of East Jakarta | This study aims to prove the influence of academic supervision and work motivation on the performance of teachers in SMP Negeri in East Jakarta. The research method used was a survey, using a quantitative approach. The data collection technique in this study was carried out using a questionnaire designed in the form of a statement item with a Likert assessment, then distributed via google form by involving 308 samples of civil servant teachers of SMP Negeri in East Jakarta. The sampling technique in this study used simple random sampling, which is a technique to determine a simple random sample by drawing. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is a positive direct effect of academic supervision on teacher performance, (2) there is a positive direct effect of work motivation on teacher performance, and (3) there is a positive direct effect of academic supervision on work motivation. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that efforts to improve the performance of teachers of State Junior High Schools in East Jakarta can be improved through academic supervision and work motivation.
Keywords: performance, academic supervision, work motivation and teacher. |
85. | Kusmiarso
9910817053 |
2021 | Strategy of The Principal in Improving The Quality of Management SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong | This study aims to increase self-capacity to implement quality school management strategies. This is closely related to the role, duties and functions of the principal in carrying out school management. Therefore, it is necessary to study further to see the principal’s strategy in improving the quality of school management. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java. The methodology used is the case study method, which aims for researchers to explore all things related to SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong, these are: school profiles and the carrying capacity and advantages of SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong. Furthermore, this study also uses data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation studies. Thus, the results of this study indicate that SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong has an active role and can build synergies with the community in order to support the success of the school program continuously and continuously and continue to make improvements and evaluations on a regular basis and report the obstacles faced by the principal. That way, the image of SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong in the eyes of the community is very good, causing the school to make significant progress in the school management process. This is evidenced by the involvement of all elements of education (internal and external) in achieving the school’s vision and mission. The strategies that make SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong progress rapidly in implementing effective school management include: 1). Positive synergy between parents of students of SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong represented by the school committee in the implementation of school programs related to the socialization of the selection for admission to state universities so that they can find out more information from the alumni association of SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong who have been accepted at PTN, 2). The principal’s leadership style in managing school programs so that SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong experiences an increase in the quality of quality education by implementing school activities that synergize with the company that provides educational services (Teacher Room) which is supported by strengthening from the school committee so that class XII students of SMA Negeri 4 Cibinong.
Keywords: Strategy, Principal, Quality of School Management
86. | Lina Rizki Hasyyati
9910817015 |
2021 | The Effect of Leader Member Exchange and Work Culture Towards The Performance of Elementary School Teachers in Neglasari District, Tangerang City | This research was conducted with the aim to know the effect of leader member exchange (lmx) and work culture towards the performance of elementary school teachers in the Neglasari District, Tangerang City. The survey method used in this study with research hypotheses tested using the path analysis. The population in this study is 371 teachers and the sample is 77 elementary school teachers in Neglasari District, Tangerang City. The results of this study indicate that: 1) Leader member exchange has a direct positive influence towards teacher performance, that means the reciprocal relationship that exists between school principals and teachers can improve teacher performance 2) Work culture has a positive direct influence towards teacher performance, that means a good work culture will improve the teacher performance and 3) Leader member exchange has a positive direct influence towards work culture, that means the reciprocal relationship that exists between school principals and teachers can affect work culture.
Keywords: Leader Member Exchange, Work Culture, Teacher Performance |
87. | Lumi Sartika Manullang
7616167978 |
2021 | Education Management Strategy at The Children’s Activity Center of The Sahabat Anak Foundation | The purpose of this study wasto find out the view and perspectives of education management strategy at the Children’s Activity Center of the Sahabat Anak FoundationThe study focused on findingthe reliableinformation about curriculum management, student management, teacher management, and equipment management. The informantswere director of organisation, operational director, and head of education division includingthe teacher as one of the founder that startedthecenter. This study usedqualitative descriptive approach and research data obtained through interviews. The result of this study showed that the curriculum management at Pusat Kegiatan AnakSahabat Anakwas designed based on the children’s needs, age, and outcomes needs. They involved parents, children, teachers and the management in designing the curriculum. The student management focused on street children who are not more than 17 years old and have either parents or guardian in order to ensure the supervision. The teachers recruited through personal based approach and did not publish publicly, however, volunteers were welcomed to participate. The facilities and infrastructure wereprovided through donation from donors and renting based on learning needs.This research is expected to contribute in managing community-based education services, specifically education for street children.
Keywords: alternative education, education management, marginal, street children |
88. | Maya Yusti Fardian
7616168315 |
2021 | The Effect of Incentives and Job Satisfaction on Teacher Performance in Vocational Middle Vocational Schools in Kecamatan Koja Jakarta Utara | This study examined the relationship between teachers’ incentive and teachers’ job satisfaction on teachers’ job performance in vocational highschools located in Koja sub district North Jakarta. Three research instruments were used to collect relevant data from the subjects, teachers’ incentive questionnaire, teachers’ job satisfaction questionnaire and teachers’ job performance questionnaire. The population of the study is 145 teachers. A sample of the study was 106 participants. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, maximums and minimums, standard deviation and regression analysis. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the quantitative data and the analyzed data was presented in form of tables and bar-graphs. There is a statistical significance and strong relationship between incentives, teachers job satisfaction and teachers job performance in vocational highschools located in Koja sub district North Jakarta. The simultaneous relationship of the two independent variables (incentive and job satisfaction), the contribution is 50.6% to the performance and the remaining 49.4% is contributed by other variable. Recommendations: The state government and school management should provide motivationalincentives such as awards, provision facilities and infrastructure, bonus, career and also and the teachers should be provided with conducive working environment in order to satisfy them, in return leading to job satisfaction.
Keywords: incentive, job satisfaction, and job performance.
89. | Mega Sansipa
9910817045 |
2021 | The Effect of Team Characteristics and Personality on The Work Motivation of Teachers at State Vocational School in East Jakarta | To support the optimal implementation of education, every educational institution, including schools, seeks to increase the work motivation of its teachers. The stimulus that can be given to make teachers motivated to work can be in the form of strengthening teamwork and. The substance of this study was to determine the effect of team characteristics and personality on teacher motivation. The sample in this study amounted to 170 respondents of civil servant teachers or civil servants at SMK N in East Jakarta, which was determined by a purposive sampling approach. Data analysis using the SPSS application by displaying data processing results through research instrument testing with validity and reliability tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study prove that all hypotheses developed in this study can be accepted. The first hypothesis shows that team characteristics have a significant effect on teacher work motivation. The second hypothesis shows that personality is having a significant impact on teacher work motivation. Furthermore, the third hypothesis indicates that the characteristics of the team have a substantial effect on the teacher’s personality.
Keywords: team characteristics, personality, work motivation |
90. | Muhammad Rusdil Fikri
9910819021 |
2021 | The Role of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) in Improving Teacher Competence and Welfare in Indonesia | The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of PGRI in advancing education in Indonesia through increasing teacher competence and welfare, so that the results of this study are able to provide an in-depth analysis of the benefits of the existence of a teacher professional organization (PGRI) as well as to contribute ideas in optimizing the role of PGRI in Indonesia. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of evaluative analysis research. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, document study, and triangulation. The results of the study indicate that the role of PGRI in improving the competence and welfare of teachers in Indonesia can be seen from the work programs that have been formulated by PGRI. , and 2) PGRI’s efforts to improve teacher welfare. In improving teacher competence, the efforts made are a) educational training (training), b) seminars or webinars, c) forming an association of subject teachers coordinated by the Association of Professions and Similar Skills (APKS), d) modernizing learning media through the Smart Learning program and Character Center (SLCC) PGRI, e) promoting the Teacher Literacy Movement through training in writing articles, books, and opinion writings, f) carrying out solidarity actions as an increase in social competence for PGRI members who are affected by disasters, and g) building strategic partnerships with various parties . In fighting for the improvement of the quality of teachers in Indonesia, the obstacles and obstacles faced by PGRI are: a) the trust of teachers and the government towards PGRI is still lacking, b) communication is not well established, c) the local government is a moratorium on the issuance of Honorary Teacher Decrees, d) limitations funds for the organization’s operations. The solutions implemented are a) promoting soft diplomacy, b) utilizing organizational modernization in establishing communication, c) increasing organizational solidity and solidarity through events held by PGRI, and d) building strategic partnerships. |
91. | Muria Putriana
9910819036 |
2021 | Implementation of Law Number 23 of 2019 concerning Management of National Resources for National Defense at the National Defense Education and Training Center Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia | This study aims to determine the implementation of the values of national character education in Law Number 23 of 2019 at the State Defense Training Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia through. The focus of this research is on Law Number 23 of 2019. The sub focus of this research is the socialization of the Widyaiswara or Instructor regarding the Law, then the perception of the training participants who take part in socialization activities regarding Law Number 23 of 2019 and the socialization strategy that conducted by participants of state defense cadres regarding Law Number 23 of 2019. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique is presented in the form of narrative text through procedures, namely coding, data reduction, data presentation, data triangulation, drawing conclusions and data analysis. The results showed that the socialization carried out at the Ministry of Defense’s National Defense Training Center was in accordance with standardized national character building materials, there were thirteen character education values found in Law number 23 of 2019. Eleven character values were relevant to the character values that conceptualized in the Indonesian education curriculum and the two new values found are the value of patriotism and the spirit of Pancasila. The implications found are related to understanding the concept of character values in accordance with the diversity of Indonesian society.
Keyword : Implementation, Law Number 23 of 2019, National Defense Education and Training Center |
92. | Nanda Sari
7616168090 |
2021 | The Effect of Leadership Style and Work Discipline on The Performance of
Private Elementary School Teacher’s in East Jakarta |
Teacher performance is a decisive factor for education success in Indonesia. Teacher performance affected by few things such as leadership style of headmaster and discipline. The purpose of this research is measure the impact leadership style and work discipline on teacher performance at private primary school in East Jakarta. This study using quantitative method with 109 teachers as sample. Data were collected through the questionnaire which distributed by google form and analyzed using path analysis. The research results show leadership style is influence 0,425 at the correlation coefficient and 0,241 at the path coefficient on performance. In addition, discipline is influence of 0,593 at the correlation coefficient and 0,505 path coefficient on performance.Then, leadership style is influence 0,365 at the correlation coefficient and 0,365 at the path coefficient on work discipline
Key word : Performance, Discipline, Leadership |
93. | Nurima Sari
9910817060 |
2021 | Development of Business and Management Curriculum in The Era of The Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMKN 6 Jakarta | This study aims to determine the design of curriculum development, implementation of curriculum development, and the obstacles to developing Business and Management curricula in the industrial revolution 4.0 at SMKN 6 Jakarta. This study uses a qualitative research method, namely Case Studies. Collecting data from interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the study show that 1) there is a development of syllabus and lesson plans for 21st century learning using the revised 2013 curriculum. 2) Curriculum development is carried out by synchronizing the school curriculum with the skills needs of the Business World and the Industrial World (DUDI). 3) Obstacles in curriculum development include the curriculum development team, grouping students into majors, declining student skills, lack of syllabus and lesson plans development in entrepreneurship and online business subjects. Keywords: curriculum development, design, implementation |
94. | Nuroel Tri Isna Wijaya
7616167578 |
2021 | Evaluation of Inclusive Education Program at SDN 30 Palembang | This Studi describes the effectiveness of the program through the context, input, process, anda product of the inclusive education program at SDN 30 Palembang with a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, documentation, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The research informants were the principal, Deputy Principal for Curriculum, The Education Office of Palembang City, Class Teachers, The South Sumatera Provincial Education Office, and the Guardians of the Special Need Students (SNS). The results showed that the contextual evaluation was not by the needs and objectives of the program implementation. In the context aspect, there are weaknesses in analyzing program needs by organizers and implementers. The result of the input evaluation show that it is not following the components of the implementation of inclusive education. The results of the process evaluation proved that the implementation was partly following the concept of child-friendly schools, especially in the aspects of implementing teaching and learning process. Product evaluation results some have been successful with important considerations that need to be seriously improved starting from program planning, monitoring, and reporting. Overall, the evaluatioin of the inclusive education program at SD Negeri 30 Palembang is not in accordance with the general guidelines for planning and reporting inclusice education programs. In the aspect of implementing Teaching and Learning Activities, it shows that the school has met the requirements as a child-friendly school.
Keywords: Program Evaluation CIPP, Inclusive Education Program |
95. | Putri Dwi Arini
9910818008 |
2021 | Learning Management in The Era Pandemi Covid-19 at SMAN 1 Baturetno Wonogiri | This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of learning management in the COVID-19 Era, starting from learning planning, organizinglearning, implementing learning, to monitoring learning carried out at SMAN 1 Baturetno. The method used is qualitative research with data collection methods through interviews, observation (observation), and documentation study. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic starting from March 2020 to the present (December 2020), learning has been carried out from home for all levels of education in all schools in Indonesia. The problems that occur are the village of Baturetno, which is known to most of the lower middle class, from the problem of disorderly students, parents being burdened because of wasteful quotas (when there is no government assistance), unsupported facilities in the form of learning media, and rural areas that are not supported internet signal. The findings of the research, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising learning management conducted at SMAN 1 Baturetno are in a good category. An emergency curriculum that is devoted to implementing distance learning that occurs during a pandemic, online teaching schedules are only given one hour per week for all subjects, with streamlined Basic Competencies. With changes in online learning schedules and the distribution of school entrance fees for teachers i.e. five days once. By holding pickets to schools, teachers remain productive in the midst of this pandemic. Students and teachers are work together and mutually cooperate to create a conducive atmosphere in the midst of the current pandemic.
Key Words: Management, Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic Era
96. | Qonita Rahmi
9910817030 |
2021 | Human resources management of education at community learning center (PKBM) Karya Agung Kota Tangerang | Human resources management of education is an activity that must be carried out by an educational organization. The series of management activities for human resources management include the process of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, awarding of compensation, awards, development and dismissal. Educational institutions in this case the Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) must manage educators and education staff to manage resources that support the educational process in PKBM. The Community Learning Center (PKBM) is a community learning program established by the community, from the community and for the community. The purpose of this study was to find out empirically and substantially about the management of human resources at PKBM Karya Agung, Tangerang City and providing recommendations for related parties regarding the management of human resources at the community learning center (PKBM). The research method is descriptive qualitative. The process of collecting data used observation, interviers, and study of documentation. Data analysis technique using the Interactive Miles and Huberman model, the process of data analysis is data collection, data reduction, data display, and verifying. The results of research findings in the planning of educators and education personnel at PKBM Karya Agung have not been equipped with good planning documents. The procurement of educators and education personnel at PKBM Karya Agung includes selection and recruitment are carried out if needed by educators and education personnel. The development of educators and education staff at PKBM Karya Agung has been carried out by carrying out several trainings for educators and education staff. Compensation for educators and education staff at PKBM Karya Agung in the form of materials still needs to be improved.
Keyword: Management, Human Resources, Community Learning Center |
97. | Rahmawati Rasinan
9910817032 |
2021 | Perception of the principals of high school in east jakarta city on implementation of policy for admission of new students (PPDB) according to zonation | This study aims to know perception of the principals of high school in East Jakarta city on implementation of policy for admission of new students (PPDB) according to zonation. The research method is descriptive qualitative. The process of collecting data used observation, interviews, and documentation. The process of data analysis is data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The result showed that according to perception of the principals of high school in East Jakarta city, the planning for the implementation of the PPDB zoning system at the SMA Negeri Jakarta Timur is in a good category. This can be seen from the planning for the implementation of PPDB zoning system has been carried out long ago before the policy submitted. In terms of organizing PPDB in schools, the principals have formed a committee for the implementation PPDB zoning system, although this year there are fewer PPDB committees than last year. The implementation of admission of new students (PPDB) this year is better than last years, because of the school and the government carried out socialization well with society regarding PPDB policy which is the registration PPDB by online system. The online system for admission to new student (PPDB) was effective and efficient. Although some of obstacles that arise are system errors, and the parents of students less understand the rule of registration admission of new students (PPDB). Reporting PPDB is carried out using the system provided by educational office and schools only received reports from the system.
Keyword: perception principals, implementation policy, PPDB zoning system |
98. | Ratih Kusuma Wardani
9910817051 |
2021 | The influence of academic supervision and interpersonal communication on the performance of elementary school teachers in mampang prapatan subdistrict south jakarta
The research objective was to determine the effect of academic supervision and interpersonal communication on teacher performance. This research was conducted at the State Elementary School, Mampang Prapatan District, South Jakarta. This study uses quantitative methods with survey methods and path analysis applied to the hypothesis and 59 samples were selected using random sampling. The results of this study are 1) Academic supervision has a positive and direct effect on performance. This means that increased academic supervision of school principals has led to a significant increase in the performance of SD Negeri Mampang Prapatan South Jakarta teachers, 2) Interpersonal communication has a positive and direct impact on performance. This means that an increase in interpersonal communication has led to a significant increase in the performance of teachers at SD Negeri Mampang Prapatan District, South Jakarta, 3) Principal’s academic supervision has a positive and direct effect on interpersonal communication. This means that increased academic supervision will have a serious impact on the interpersonal communication of teachers at SD Negeri Mampang Prapatan District, South Jakarta. Therefore, in order to improve teacher performance in SD Negeri Mampang Prapatan District, South Jakarta, academic supervision and interpersonal communication can be better implemented and improved. This will affect the development and progress of basic education, especially in the southern part of Jakarta.
Keywords: Teacher’s Performance, Academic Supervision, Interpersonal Communication |
99. | Ratih Kusumastuti
9910819022 |
2021 | The influence of financial planning, financial reporting and standard operating procedure on financial accountability in indonesia of university | The purpose of this study is to describe the effect of financial planning, financial reporting, standard operating procedure on financial accountability (case study in Indonesia of University). The formulation of the research problem is (1) the effect financial planning on financial accountability Indonesia of University . (2) the effect financial reporting on financial accountability in Indonesia of University. (3) the effect standard operating procedure on financial accountability in Indonesia of University. The research method used in quantitative research with data analysis techniques in this study using multiple linear regression with SPSS software tools. The sample in this study amounted to 25 respondents. The sampling techniques uses purposive samples. The result of the study state that (1) financial planning effect on financial accountability in Indonesia of University (2) financial reporting effect on financial accountability in Indonesia of University (3) standard operating procedure effect on financial accountability in Indonesia of University.
Keywords: Planning, Reporting, Standard Operating Procedure, Accountability |
100. | Ria Aprilia Fredy
7616167204 |
The Effect of Organizational Justice and Conflict Management on the Loyalty of Vocational Teachers in Central Jakarta. | The purpose of this study is to comprehensively describe and describe the effect of organizational justice and conflict management on loyalty of vocational school teachers in central Jakarta indonesia. This research was conducted to Vocational High Schools (SMK) in central Jakarta. Research methods This study uses a quantitative research survey method, as for analyzing data using path analysis. Path analysis technique in this study is to determine the causal relationship between variables or the direct influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables. Endogenous variables in this study are teachers loyalty, while the exogenous variables in this study are organizational justice and conflict management. Data collection was carried out through questionnaire filling. Based on the calculation results obtained by path analysis 1) the direct effect of organizational justice on teachers loyalty, the value of the path coefficient of 0.329 and tcount of 6.36, meaning that organizational justice has a direct positive effect on teachers loyalty can be accepted increasing organizational justice resulting in increased teachers loyalty. 2) the direct effect of conflict management on the teachers loyalty, path coefficient of 0.263 and tcount of 5.08. Means, the direct influence of conflict management on teachers loyalty, 3)organizational justice has a direct positive effect on teachers loyalty the value of the path coefficient of 0.213 and tcount of 3.82. That is, increasing organizational justice results in increased teachers loyalty. Keywords: organizational justice, teachers loyalty, conflict management | |
101. | Riani Alfianita
9910817042 |
2021 | The effect of professional education and work motivation on teacher performance at state elementary school in region II North Jakarta | This study aims to determine the effect of professional education and work motivation on the performance of elementary school teachers in Region II North Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative approach with survey methods and data analysis is carried out using path analysis techniques. The process of collecting data is done by using a questionnaire as an instrument. There are 211 samples as the unit of analysis taken from 958 populations. The sample is used with a sampling technique by paying attention to a level in the population element ( propotional random sampling). The results showed: first, there was a direct positive effect between professional education on teacher performance with a path coefficient value of 0.63 and a t-count value of 2.924. This means that an increase in the Professional Education of State Elementary School Teachers in Region II North Jakarta will be followed by an increase in Teacher Performance. Second, there is a direct positive effect between work motivation on teacher performance with a path coefficient value of 0.912 and a t-count value of 3.614. This means that an increase in Work Motivation in Public Elementary Schools in Region II North Jakarta will be followed by an increase in Teacher Performance. Third, there is a direct positive effect between professional education on work motivation with a path coefficient value of 0.24 and a t-count value of 3.442. This means that an increase in Professional Education in Public Elementary Schools in Region II North Jakarta will be followed by an increase in Work Motivation.
Keywords: Professional Education, Work Motivation, Teacher Performance |
102. | Rizki Putra
7616167205 |
2021 | School Management at Bogor Vocational High Schools (SMAKBO) | Research on School Management at Bogor Vocational High Schools (SMAKBO), aims to determine the extent of the quality of education, especially in the regions, because schools and communities do not need to wait for orders from the center, but can develop an educational vision that is in accordance with local conditions and implement the vision of education. independently, effectively and efficiently in accordance with the POAC management function which is implemented into school management. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study are that the SMK-SMAKBogor get the predicate of being superior in assessing school accreditation because their management is above the average standard set by the government. With qualified school management and supporting learning activities, this is reflected in the graduates who are 95% absorbed by the industry.
Keywords: School of management, POAC, Management function, SMAKBO. |
103. | Rizky Diannisa
9910817016 |
2021 | Management of educational facilities and infrastructure at AL-Azhar Islamic yunior high school 6 Jaka Permai Bekasi | Facilities and infrastructure is an important component in supporting learning. Schools need the support of good educational facilities and infrastructure. The objectives to be obtained from the results of this study are to determine the planning, procurement, inventory, maintenance and removal of educational facilities and infrastructure at yunior highschool Islam Al-Azhar 6 Jaka Permai Bekasi. Qualitative research data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, documentation and triangulation. Data analysis techniques: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the management of infrastructure at yunior highschool Islam Al-Azhar 6 Jaka Permai Bekasi is: first, planning activities for facilities and infrastructure are always carried out starting from needs analysis, determining funds and selecting needed goods, second procurement activities are carried out by buying and determining funds as needed but there are still procurement activities that have not been running, the three inventories are always carried out as evidence of the procurement of goods, and coding is carried out when the goods come to school, the fourth maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is carried out regularly by involving school residents and discussed through periodic meetings, fifth Deletion activities are carried out if there are inappropriate goods, damaged goods and goods that are no longer used. All facilities and infrastructure management activities are known and reported to the Al-Muhajirin Foundation. From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the management of facilities and infrastructure at yunior highschool Islam Al-Azhar 6 Jaka Permai Bekasi has been fulfilled by means of: planning needs, procurement of inventory, maintenance and finally deletion. In addition, there are inhibiting factors: the commitment of each human resource, complicated regulations and lack of employee skills development. Al-Azhar Islamic Junior High School 6 Jaka Permai has adequate educational facilities and infrastructure, which is quite complete. This is what makes Al-Azhar 6 Jaka Permai Islamic Junior High School a leading Islamic school and is in great demand (favorite) in Bekasi.
Key words: Management, Facilities and Infrastructures.
104. | Sayekti Dewi Anggraeni
7616167704 |
2021 | Evaluation of training based program e-learning on financial education dan training year 2020 | This research aims to analyze the level of participant satisfaction (evaluation level reaction) to elearning training providers, analyze the level of understanding of participants (evaluation level learning), analyze changes in participant behavior (evaluation level behavior), and analyze the impact of changes in participant behavior (evaluation level result). The method used in this research is the four-level Kirkpatric Evaluation Method. The e-learning-based training that will be evaluated is the e-learning training for Official Manuscripts. The results of this study are at the reaction level all the participants are satisfied with the implementation and the instructor of the Official Manuscript e-learning training, at the learning level all participants have passed the test so that the participant’s level of understanding is reached, at the behavior level there have been changes before and after the training The level of behavior change is achieved, and at the level of impact, it is found that there are signs and contributions of training that are employee productivity. The four evaluation levels have met the criteria for success but there are still improvements that must be followed up by the BPPK.
Key Words : Evaluation, training, e-learning
105. | Siti Maidona
9910817049 |
2021 | Community participation in improving the quality of indonesian natural school (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta | The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the form of community participation in improving the quality of education at the Indonesian Natural School (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta. This research method is qualitative with a phenomenological study design. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing and analysis techniques through data reduction, data presentation, and verification or drawing conclusions. To obtain the validity of the data, data triangulation was carried out. The results of this study indicate that (1) Community groups that participate in improving the quality of the Indonesian Natural School (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta consist of parents of students who are members of the School Board and Class Council, parents of students who are members of the School Board and Class Council. overall, alumni, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the surrounding community, (2) The role of community participation in improving the quality of the Indonesian Natural School (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta on the School Board and Class Council as representatives of parents of students in SAI there are 3 roles, namely coach , supervisors and implementers. The role of parents as a whole is to support and collaborate with schools in various teaching and learning activities (KBM). The role of alumni is involved in activities in the graduation of SAI students, to share how activities after graduating from SAI, college or work experiences and organizational experiences. The role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is to provide activity facilities such as consumption and transportation), funding assistance for activities both social and environmental activities, as a community education team, and resource persons in student and teacher activities. The role of the surrounding community is to provide support for school activities. (3) The forms of community participation in improving the quality of education at Sekolah Alam Indonesia (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta are participation as administrators of the School Board and Class Council, in school activities, and comes from from external the Indonesian Natural School (SAI), Cipedak Jakarta. (4) The strategy of the Indonesian Natural School (SAI) Cipedak, Jakarta in increasing community participation includes establishing effective communication with parents and the community and involving the community in school programs.
Keywords: role, community participation, school quality
106. | Super Boy Marsen
9910817022 |
2021 | The effect of pedagogic competence and the work environment on the performance of state school teachers in singingi hilir district – kuantan singingi riau | This study was conducted to determine the effect of pedagogic competence and work environment on teacher performance at the State Elementary School of Kuantan Singini Regency. The methodology in this study uses a quantitative approach to the path analysis model. The research sample consisted of 103 teachers in Kuantan Singingi Regency. The research instrument was a closed questionnaire in a google form based on a Likert scale. Hypothesis testing is obtained from the t test and F test. The results showed that: 1) pedagogic competence had a positive and significant effect on teacher performance in Singingi Hilir District with tcount of 3,729 greater than ttable of 1,661, meaning that increasing teacher pedagogical competence would improve the performance of State Elementary School teachers in Singingi Hilir District. 2) The work environment has a positive and significant effect on the performance of teachers in Singingi Hilir District Elementary Schools with a tcount of 3.480 greater than t-table of 1.661, where a good work environment will improve teacher performance. 3) pedagogic competence and work environment affect the performance of State Elementary School teachers in Singingi Hilir District with a coefficient of determination or R-Square of 0.301 or 30.1%,
Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Work Environment, Teacher Performance.
107. | Syaefuddin Ahrom Al-Ayubbi
7616168306 |
2021 | Kiai Leadership in The Renewal of Islamic Boarding School Education in The Era of Disruption (Study of Kiai Leadership at Tahfidzul Qur’an Islamic Boarding School Al-Asy’ariyyah Wonosobo)
In the era of information technology development, leadership of kiai plays a central role in bringing pesantren to face the times. The journey of pesantren in Indonesia has had a lot of experience in surviving the current of modernization without losing its original identity. Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Al-Asy’ariyyah Wonosobo is one of the pesantren that is able to adapt to the era of information technology. This thesis aims to explore information about kiai leadership, kiai ideas in reforming pesantren education in the era of information technology and management of formal schools under the auspices of foundations. This study used a qualitative study by conducting interviews with several informants including: pesantren caregivers, religious teachers, students, alumni, parents of students, community leaders, Kemenag Wonosobo. The results showed that the kiai’s leadership was very open and democratic. The kiai always receives suggestions and input from various parties to develop the pesantren. Furthermore, the kiai’s ideas in educational reform are to establish formal schools under the foundation, one of which is a vocational school which has a major, one of which is software engineering. All formal schools are under the control and coordination of the kiai.
Keywords: Leadership kiai, disruption, reform of Islamic boarding schools, |
108. | Wati Wahyuni
7616168404 |
2021 | Influence of organizational learning and organizational commitment to lecture innovative behavior of police high schools (STIK-PTIK) | Innovation is one of the basic assets needed for organizations to survive in a competitive environment. Higher education organizations also need strong innovation in order to continue to compete and produce high quality graduates. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the innovative behavior of lecturers, especially based on organizational learning factors and organizational commitment. The research was conducted at STIK-PTIK with a sample of 108 lecturers who were taken randomly. Data collection using a Likert scale 1-5 questionnaire and data analysis using path analysis. The results showed that organizational learning and organizational commitment had a positive direct influence on the innovative behavior of lecturers. Organizational learning is also known to have a positive direct influence on the organizational commitment of lecturers. Other findings indicate that organizational commitment plays a role in the influence of organizational learning on innovative behavior. Based on these results, the organizational learning factors and organizational commitment need to be improved in order to increase the innovative behavior of lecturers.
Keywords: organizational learning, organizational commitment, innovative behavior |
109. | Wina Dwi Apriliyani
9910817052 |
2021 | Effect of leadership and work motivation on the job satisfaction of honorer school administration workers in junior high school (junior high school) in region 1 administrative city of east jakarta | This research aims to know the effect of leadership and motivation of work on the job satisfaction of honorer school administration staff in junior high school (junior high school) Region 1 Administrative city of East Jakarta. This research uses quantitative approach with survey method and data analysis conducted withpath analysistechnique. The data collection process is done by using questionnaires as instruments. There were 133 samples as analysis units taken from 199 populations. The sample is determined by using sample techniques by paying attention to a level in the population element(stratifite random sampling). The results showed: first, there is a positive direct influence between Leadership on Job Satisfaction with a correlation coefficient value of 0.620 and a coefficient of 0.46. This gives the meaning of leadership improvement will be followed by increased Job Satisfaction. Second, there is a positive direct influence between Work Motivation to Job Satisfaction with a correlation coefficient value of 0.542 and a coefficient of track value of 0.28. This gives meaning to increase the Work Motivation of Honorer School Administration Workers in Smp Negeri in Region I East Jakarta will be followed by increased Job Satisfaction. Third, there is a positive direct influence between Leadership on Work Motivation with a correlation coefficient value of 0.566 and a path coefficient value of 0.57. This gives the meaning of leadership improvement will be followed by increased Work Motivation.
Keywords: Leadership, Motivation, Job Satisfaction |
110. | Yogie Afdha
9910817020 |
2021 | The Effect of Achievement Motivation, Stress toward Academic Achievement in International Class Students Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia | The purpose of this study was to know correlation between achievement motivation and stress on the academic achievement of international class student Faculty Medicine Universitas Indonesia. A total of 64 of 176 students were used as research samples to obtain data then analyzed using the quantitative method of path analysis. The result of this study indicate that (1) there is a positive correlation between achievement motivation and academic achievement, (2) there is a negative correlation between stress and academic achievement, (3) there is a negative correlation between achievement motivation and stress. While the coefficient of determination (R2 ) of 0,93. That means 9,3% of academic achievement was influenced by academic achievement and stres. Meanwhile, 90,7% of academic achievement is influenced by other variables which were not examined in this research.
Keywords: Education Management, achievement motivation, Stres, academic achievement |
111. | Yoseph S. Daempal
7616167196 |
2021 | Management for guidance and counseling services as an effort to improve the quality of the alumni of bunda hati kudus high school jakarta | The research objective is to describe the management of guidance and counseling services as an effort to improve the quality of graduates in SMA Bunda Hati Kudus, with the following sub-focuses: (1) Planning; (2) Organizing; (3) Actuating; and (4) Controling. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study at Bunda Hati Kudus High School in West Jakarta. The informants of this study were the principal, counseling teachers, alumni, parents, students and all homeroom teachers who were taken based on assignments or appointments in the implementation of counseling guidance services. Data collection techniques are through observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and verification. To obtain data validity, data triangulation was carried out. The results showed that: (1) BK service planning at Bunda Hati Kudus High School is carried out by looking at the evaluation records of the previous annual program results, (2) In organizing BK services, schools make BK service work teams and the principal informs the team assignments to BK services. The problem that sometimes occurs is that the personnel do not understand the position and the job description. (3) The actuating stage of BK services has gone according to plan but there is a lack of communication between BK teachers and the school. (4) The controling stage shows that the management applied is correct.
Keywords: management, guidance and counseling, quality of learning |