Lapor Pasca


1 Budi Tjahjono


2019 The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Innovation on Lecturers Performance at Esa Unggul University

The Universities as organizers of higher education must emerge as leaders in the industrial revolution 4.0 and can be relied upon in developing the progress and civilization of the nation. Higher education has a national mission and is an infrastructure to give birth to graduates and prospective leaders of a quality and virtuous nation. One important component in the process of higher education that must follow the industrial revolution 4.0 is human resources (HR), especially the lecturer performance. Lecturer performance is an activity experienced in achieving goals or results. Some variables that are expected to influence lecturer performance are transformational leadership, organizational culture, and innovation. The purpose of the study was to obtain information and find out about the direct effects of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and innovation on the performance of lecturers. This research is associative causal using a quantitative approach. The analytical method used is descriptive and inferential methods. The results showed that there was a direct effect of transformational leadership on lecturer performance (β = 0.19); there is a direct influence of organizational culture on lecturer performance (β = 0.41); there is a direct effect of innovation on lecturer performance (β = 0.22); there is a direct effect of transformational leadership on innovation (β = 0.28); there is a direct influence of organizational culture on innovation (β = 0.23). Conclusions, lecturer performance is not only influenced by organizational culture, but also needs to be considered also transformational leadership and innovation. If the performance of lecturers is improved, then the factors of transformational leadership, organizational culture and innovation need to be improved as well.

Keywords: Transformational leadership, organizational culture, innovation, performance.

2 Uswadin


2019 Character Education Through Student Management: A Case Study In Jakarta Laboratory Junior High School

The challenges of students negative behavior have been facing by education system in Indonesia. Therefore, the character development become a key focused in current curricula. The laboratory school is a school model which is integrated with pedagogical university. SMP Labschool Jakarta is the one of Laboratory school from State University of Jakarta (UNJ). The paper aims to explore students management in the character development. The study involved the participants of principal, teachers, parents and students . The research employed case study as a methodology with multiple data collection by observation, interview, and study documentation. The results show that the school has implemented several strategies of student management in the process of students admission, enrollment student, extracurricular, and programme of student activities. The school has integrated strategies of students leadership and involvement and making character education as integral part of education process. The character development has been succeeding to be implemented by collaboration and shared responsibility of principal, parents, and community. The SMP Labschool Jakarta has developing comprehensive approach of emotional, intellectual, and moral development for the students.

Keywords: student management, charater education, laboratory school, case study

3 Al Ghazali


2019 Student Management In Pesantren Tarbiyatul Wildan Nihayatul Amal (Case Study In Islamic Boarding Schools For Early Childhood Students)


This study aims to analyze and describe student management in Islamic boarding schools that hold special education for early childhood aged 5-6 years as students who live in dormitories. This pesantren is different from most Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia whose students are from elementary school to college. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The technique of data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using interactive models Miles and Huberman. The results showed that the implementation of student management by pesantren had similarities with several theories expressed by experts, although with some differences. In general, universal management principles such as planning, organizing, mobilizing and controlling are applied by pesantren. this affirms that pesantren can be an alternative educational institution for early childhood children, including: (1) coordination between the central leadership, branch leaders along with the religious teachers in the form of halaqoh teacher and clerics’ monthly meetings and stakeholders in the form of halaqoh being a distinctive model in discussing the pesantren agenda, determining quota for student acceptance, ways of student recruitment, selection and development of the pondok pondok, so that the pesantren has a clearer, structured agenda of activities both at the center and branches. (2) the placement of students is done by grouping by sex in small numbers and placed in several separate dormitories called “pondok pondok” in order to facilitate academic and non-academic control and guidance (3) Student services begin when students enter as students to provide guidance and counseling in solving problems of learning difficulties and overcome longing for parents with a religious approach with prayer and water by the teacher, especially Kyai who is also a substitute for parents. And there are also canteen, health and library services. (4) Supervision of students conducted by the school is an academic evaluation on a regular basis, monthly semiannual and annual, as a form of supervision of the central and branch hostel reported to parents in the form of books or report cards, and establish relationships with alumni in developing pesantren

Keywords: Student Management, Planning, Organizing, Coaching, Controlling

4 Yogi Sumarsana Wibowo


2020 Business Competition Leading Model In Increasing Capacity And Commitment To The Commission For The Supervision Of Business Competition Of The Republic Of Indonesia

Birth of Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition is the answer to the demands of economic reform in 1988. Considering that KPPU as the only institution that handles law enforcement in the field of business competition, it is necessary to have high employee competence and commitment, especially for investigators as the initial spearhead of a case or case. The success of a KPPU case is greatly influenced by the professionalism of an investigator so that it requires competence gained from education and training so that the investigator can handle such complex cases. Evaluation of the results of education and training in this study uses analysis of context, inputs, processes, and products. First, in the context component, the urgency of this program is already very high, although the opportunity for implementation is still in the category of “medium” because there are still some limitations, namely the availability of infrastructure, facilitators and the program’s sustainability budget. Secondly, the results of evaluating input components are generally categorized as high. However, some things need to be improved, namely the operational fund allocation for training facilities such as rooms, internet parking space facilities, timeliness in organizing the implementation of activities, distribution of tasks to team members. Third, in the Process Evaluation, the five aspects in the process component evaluated are categorized as quite high and very adequate including aspects of training implementation, administration of program implementation, financial administration, and aspects of Monitoring and Evaluation. Fourth, in product evaluation, four categories are assessed and scored to see the degree of actualization. All four have a “High” degree of actualization so that it can be concluded that the investigator’s functional education and training program that has been carried out by the KPPU’s technical implementation unit has met the objective standards of product components namely the investigator’s Education and Training program can increase the speed and competence of investigators in preparing suspected violations. able to increase the competence of investigators in formulating suspected violations, the Education and Training Program can increase investigators’ competence in determining alleged violations, and the Education and Training Program can improve the competency of investigators in preparing decisions, objection responses, a memory of cassation, a memory of reconsideration and execution of decisions. The Model of the Education and Training Program can increase their responsibility and pride in their duties as investigators, so that they will increase their knowledge capacity in business competition knowledge and will always be committed to their duties and responsibilities as investigators and organizations. it is expected to be able to contribute to KPPU, but it can also be a reference that a model for Education is needed that is the main core of the business of the Ministry or Law Enforcement Agencies in Indonesia in increasing human resource capacity and committed to the duties and responsibilities of both individuals and organizations. Finally, the commissioner’s Commitment and Investigator’s Commitment to improve investigators’ competencies and to fulfill the desired competencies requires commitment from both the commissioners and the investigators themselves. Based on the description of the research data, it can be concluded that the commitment of the Commissioners, both affective and normative commitments, has shown good results and needs to be continuously improved for the sustainability of KPPU’s performance.

Keywords: CIPP Evaluation, Capacity, Organization Commitment

5 Umiyatun Hayati Triastuti


2020 The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Change Management And Employee Engagement To Competitive Advantage At Marine Polytecnics BPSDM Ministry Of Transportation

Efforts to produce competitive Marine HR graduates can only be generated by Shipping Polytechnics which continuously improves the quality and quantity of graduates, through managing positive change. These changes are not only at the organizational level but at the individual level. This can be created if every HR in the shipping Polytechnic has a high level of engagement, supported by leadership who is able to direct organizational change towards a shared vision for competitive advantage. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of transformational leadership variables, change management and employee engagement on the competitive advantage of the Transportation Ministry of Transportation’s Polytechnic BPSDM. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method and technical analysis of the pathway involving a sample of 200 respondents of teaching staff in 9 Marine Polytechnics spread across Indonesia. The findings show that transformational leadership, change management, employee engagement has a direct positive effect on competitive advantage, and transformational leadership has a direct positive effect on change management and employee engagement, as well as change management has a positive effect on employee engagement. Other findings show that employee engagement and change management play a role in mediating the influence of transformational leadership on competitive advantage, as well as employee engagement playing a role in mediating the effect of change management on competitive advantage. Based on the results of this study that organizational, group and individual factors in the form of transformational leadership, change management, and employee engagement need to be synergized together and become strategic factors to increase the competitive advantage of the Shipping Polytechnic.

Keywords: transformational leadership, change management, employee engagement, competitive advantage

6 Iswadi


2020 The School Management in TheIslamic-Based Excellent Vocational High School


Management plays an important role in building the quality of an institution. especially schools, consequently, quality management is needed to achieve these goals. The reality in the field shows that management is a discourse that has not yet received serious attention. Therefore, this study aims to gain a deep perception of the Management of Schools in Islamic Vocational High Schools. This study employs a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of this study are classified into several steps. First, planning, Second, organizing, Third, mobilizing, Fourth, supervision. The results of the study indicate that in common the management of schools in Panglima Besar Soedirman Islamic Vocational School Jakarta takes place following the management functions applied in schools, this can be observed from the curriculum planning process carried out comprehensively and based on Islamic principles. Organizing activities in student affairs by linking all study programs and cross committees, the good student progress, and comprehensive supervision covering all supporting elements as well as supervision involving various stakeholders using the religious-based management approach. The harmonious coordination of the scholarly community-based academic scheme in the four fields of expertise makes Panglima Besar Soedirman Islamic Vocational School Jakarta one of the references to a superior Islamic-based vocational school in the Jakarta community.

Keywords: Vocational School, School Management, Islamic-based Management

1. Kukuh Suryo Widodo


2020 Of Hydro-Oceanography Educational Center For Specialization Officer


This Researchaims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the Practice of Surveying and Hydro-oceanography Mapping in the Hydro-Oceanographic Officer Education Program. The evaluation model used in this research is the Kirkpatrick model with a qualitative approach. Factors that support research activities are Pusdikhidros graduates completing the Dikspespa Hidros(Hidrography Course “Category B”)generally receiving assignments at Pushidrosal. Evaluation of the implementation of Surveying and Mapping Hydro-Oceanographic Practice not only recognizes the participants’ reactions and learning outcomes but also recognizes changes in participants behavior after training and increases the work productivity of participants in the unit organization specifically the Survey’s Unit Organization Pushidrosal. The results showed that: (1) evaluation of the reaction stage, the alumnus was satisfied with the implementation of Surveying and Mapping Hydro-Oseanographic field training project, especially for the design components of training, trainers and infrastructure. The Competency Test Place (training area) and equipment need to be verified according to educational goals and objectives. (2) evaluation of the learning phase, the implementation of Lattek Surta Hidros can improve students’ knowledge and skills. Competency Test Material, especially aspects of skills need to be adjusted to the needs of participants in facing assignments. (3) evaluation of the behavioral stage, that training are sufficient to assist participantsat the technical level in carrying out the Surveying and Mapping Hydro-Oceanographic Operations assignment. Training formed participants in terms of work ability and work motivation, (4) evaluation of the results phase, participants were able to directly show good performance in work quality, work quantity, cooperation and work involvement. Evaluation research conducted provides an overview about the achievement of the implementation of Surveying and Mapping Hydro-Oseanographic field training project for participants’s work productivity in the assignment.

Keywords :Kirkpatrick model, The field training Project, mapping, survey, hydrography, oceanography

8 Ade Mujhiyat


2020 The Effect of Leadership, Organization Culture, And Motivation on Job Performance of Principal Of State Primary School In South Tangerang Banten

The objective of the research is to analyze about the influence of leadership, organization cultureand motivation on job performance on principal of state primary school in South Tangerang Banten.The research was conducted to all state primary school principals in South Tangerang Banten province, a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hypothesis. The number one seventy principals as sample was selected randomly out of one hundred and fifty nineby using Slovin formula. The result of the study reveals that: (1)there is direct effect of leadership on job performance. (2) there isdirect effect of organization culture on job performance. (3)there is direct effect of motivation on job performance.(4) there is indirect effect of leadership on job performance through motivation. (5) there isindirect effect of organization culture on job performance through motivation. Therefore to enhance principals job performance can be carried out by leadership, organization culture and motivation. The novelty of this research can be seen from the dominant variables affecting the performance, where the leadership variable most dominant influences the performance. This research also obtained the highest values indicators of performance variable, namely working based on knowledge and skills (competence).

Keywords: Job performance of school principal, Leadership, organization culture, motivation

9 Nurbaiti


2020 The Effect Of Leadership Of School Head, Work Environment And Organizational Commitments To Teacher Performance Of State SMP In Palembang City








Principal leadership in an educational organization is the spearhead of the institution itself in producing good quality learning. Work environment and commitment are indispensable things in an educational institution to support leaders in carrying out daily tasks and teacher performance as part of the school that interacts directly with students and parents. The purpose of this study is to find out and obtain a clear picture of whether or not there are: 1) Positive direct influence of leadership on performance, 2) Direct positive influence of work environment on performance 3) Positive direct effect of organizational performance 4) Positive direct influence of leadership on organizational commitment. 5) The positive direct influence of the work environment on organizational commitment. 6) The positive direct influence of leadership on the work environment. The research method used is a quantitative approach through field methods with survey techniques. The results of the research obtained are increasingly strengthening theories that prove that leadership has a direct positive effect on the work environment.

Keyword: Principal Leadership, Middle School Teacher, Performance

10 Dewi Astenia


2020 Evaluation of Implementation of School / Madrasah Accreditation Programs In Palembang City in South Sumatra Province

Research objectives to evaluate the program accreditation the school/madrasah level SMA/SMK/MA in Palembang. This study used a qualitative approach through the methods of evaluation. The research model used is a model developed by Stufflebeam i.e. CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, Product).Data collection techniques used are documentation, interviews and observations. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman technique, the analysis activity consists of three activities or processes that occur simultaneously namely: data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/ verification. The results showed: 1). The legal basis of the S/M accreditation program activities as the basis for the implementation of the S/M accreditation program activities in the city of Palembang. The purpose of the accreditation program activities in implementing the S/M accreditation program is in accordance with the criteria. 2). means and infrastructure in the implementation of the accreditation program, human resources in carrying out their duties and functions are in accordance. Funding in carrying out accreditation program activities is in accordance. 3). BAP-S/M’s work coordination meeting activities with UPA-S/M have been carried out well according to criteria S/M. The assessor training was conducted on debriefing and refresher in the process of evaluating the accreditation program which has been carried. Socialization and imaging of S/M accreditation in carrying out information dissemination of accreditation results are in accordance. monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of S/M accreditation program activities is in accordance. Reporting and final report on the implementation of program activities is in accordance with criteria 4). Achievement of accreditation standards and completeness of the implementation of accreditation in accreditation program activities are in accordance with the criteria.

Keywords: Accreditation Program, Evaluation, School/Madrasah,

11 M. Rasyi Ridlo


2020 The Effect Of Power, Interpersonal Communication, And Motivation On Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Ocb) Teacher Islamic Senior High School Central Lombok District

The purpose of this research is study the influence of power, interpersonal communication, and motivation on OCB teachers in Madrasah Aliyah, Central Lombok district. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample used in the study was 348 teachers who were taken from the total population of Islamic Senior High School teachers in Central Lombok District, totaling 2665 people. Sampling using the Slovin formula. Data analysis techniques using path analysis. Based on the results of hypothesis testing in this study, it is concluded that: (1) Power has a direct effect on teacher OCB, (2) Interpersonal communication has a direct effect on teacher OCB.(3) Motivation has a direct effect on teacher OCB. (4) Power has an indirect effect on teacher OCB but through motivation, (2) Interpersonal communication has an indirect effect on teacher OCB but through motivation.

Keywords: Power, Interpersonal Communication, Motivation, Organizational Behavior Citizenship (OCB)

12 Taufiq Damarjati


2020 Ffect Of Self-Efficacy, Information Quality, And Conflict Handling On Decision-Making Of Vocational Subjectteachers In Jakarta

The role of vocational subject teachers is very vital in developing vocational competency invocational high school graduates of Jakarta-the barometer of Indonesia economic growth and human resource development. However, some vocational subject teachers in Jakarta still has problems on decision-making especially in disciplining, determining learning strategy, and guiding students as well as giving appreciation for student achievement. Issues to be addressed in this study is the effect of self-efficacy, information qualiy, and conflict handling to teacher’s decision-making. The methodology used is quantitative survey research with path analysis that tries to create a picture of systematic, factual and accurate information on the facts and the properties on a specific object. This research involves 292 vocational subject teachers as samples. The results showed that the variation of changes in self-efficacy, information quality, and conflict handling together could explain 51.2% (R2= 0.512) of variations in changes in the decision making of vocational subject teachers. The results also indicated that self-efficacy, information quality, and conflict handling affect positively on vocational subject teacher decision-making. Researcher also recommends the importance of implementing programs related to increasing of self-efficacy, and improvement to information quality as well as conflict handling capacity by government and school, which are still less concerned.

Keywords: self-efficacy, information quality, conflict handling, decision making, vocational subject teachers

13 Emma Rahmawiati


2020 The Influence Of Career Development, Job Autonomy, And Job Satisfaction To Organizational Commitment Of Widyaiswara (Lecturer): Studies On The Central Agency Of Indonesian Government Training Institutes

Widyaiswara (lecturers) hold an important role as a key actor in educating, training, and coaching the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). However, this role is not performed optimally because the State Agency of Education and Training (Lembaga Diklat) does not uphold their status/position/post. This propensity could be seen in a number of symptoms, e.g. the widyaiswaras have (1) low commitment in organisation, (2) lack of fulfilment in job autonomy, (3) lack of job satisfaction, and (4) difficulty in complying the preferment credit. These symptoms represent the relationship disharmony between the employee and the employer institution so that an organizational behaviour study needs to be carried out. On the one hand, the organizational behavior study approach in other countries tends to place research subjects in the realm of private/corporate institutions. As an alternative, this study highlights organizational behavior with a slightly similar approach but in the context of Indonesian ASN’s behavior by measuring the influence of career development, job autonomy, and job satisfaction to the widyaiswara’s organizational commitment in the Central Agency of Indonesian Government Training Institute. The study was conducted by applying quantitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of a survey of 108 widyaiswara in Indonesia, from October 2015 to August 2017. Data analysis was carried out descriptively (Weighted Mean Score) and inferentially (Path Analysis). The results show that (1) career development,(2) job autonomy, (3) job satisfaction has a direct positive influence on organizational commitment indeed.

Keywords: Career development, job autonomy, satisfaction, organizational commitment

14 Umiyatun Hayati Triastuti


2020 The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Change Management And Employee Engagement To Competitive Advantage At Marine Polytecnicsbpsdm Ministry Of Transportation

Efforts to produce competitive Marine HR graduates can only be generated by Shipping Polytechnics which continuously improvesthe quality and quantity of graduates, through managing positive change. These changes are not only at the organizational levelbut at the individual level. This can be created if every HR in the shipping Polytechnic has a high level of engagement, supported by leadership who is able to direct organizational change towards a shared vision for competitive advantage. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of transformational leadership variables, change management and employee engagement on the competitive advantage of the Transportation Ministry of Transportation’s Polytechnic BPSDM. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method and technical analysis of the pathway involving a sample of 200 respondents of teaching staff in 9 Marine Polytechnics spread across Indonesia. The findings show that transformational leadership, change management, employee engagement has a direct positive effect on competitive advantage, and transformational leadership has a direct positive effect on change management and employee engagement, as well as change management has a positive effect on employee engagement. Other findings show that employee engagement and change management play a role in mediating the influence of transformational leadership on competitive advantage, as well as employee engagement playing a role in mediating the effect of change management on competitive advantage. Based on the results of this study that organizational, group and individual factors in the form of transformational leadership, change management, and employee engagement need to be synergized together and become strategic factors to increase the competitive advantage of the Shipping Polytechnic.

Keywords: transformational leadership, change management, employee engagement, competitive advantage

15 Dudun Ubaedullah


2020 The Effect of Pesantren Service Quality, Pesantren Image, Santri Satisfaction on Santri Loyalty

This study aims to obtain information about the effect of pesantren service quality, pesantren image, and santri satisfaction on santri loyalty. This study was conducted by a survey on 100students as samples from 633students of Pesantren Darunnajah, the largest pesantren in Jakarta, with a random sampling technique. This study analyzed the data using path analysis and was conducted with SPSS 25 and Lisrel 9.30 Student. Findings showed that (1) service quality of pesantren has a direct positive effect on santri loyalty;(2)pesantren image has a positive direct effect on santri loyalty; (3) santri satisfaction has a positive direct effect on santri loyalty.(4) pesantren image mediated effect service quality of pesantren on santri loyalty; (5) santri satisfaction mediated effect service quality of pesantren on santri loyalty; (6)santri satisfaction mediated effect pesantren image on santri loyalty through. Based on these findings, improvement toward santri loyalty can be affected by improving the pesantren services, instill a positive perception of the pesantren image, and increasing santri satisfaction.

Keywords: santri loyalty, service quality of pesantren, pesantren image, santri satisfaction.

16 AG. Sudibyo


2020 The Effect of Leadership, Compensation and Competence on Lecturers’ Performance at University Respati Indonesia, Jakarta

The Higher Education in Indonesia becomes an effective infrastructure on graduating human resources. Through the vocational schooling, academy, university or institute, human resources in the fields of technology sciences, healthcare as well as Humaniores experts are produced. One of the important components in the process of higher education is its human resources itself, especially the lecturers’ performance. Some variables that are expected to influence lecturers’ performance are leadership, compensation and competence. The purpose of the research is to obtain information and to find out about the direct effects of leadership, compensation and competence on the performance of lecturers. The research is conducted at Universitas Respati Indonesia, Jakarta. The research is based on associative causal survey through a quantitative approach. The analytical method used is descriptive on the inferential data. The results showed that there were direct effects against the leadership lecturers’ competency, there is a direct influence of compensation on lecturers’ performance, there is direct effect on leadership against on lecturers’ performance, there is a direct effect of leadership on competence, and there is no direct effect on competence against the lecturers’ performance. Conclusion, lecturer performance is not influenced by competence, but influenced by leadership and compensation.

Keywords: Leadership, compensation, competence and performance

17 Bangun Sitohang


2020 Education Management Based On Nationalism, Patriotism And Indonesia Nationality Education In New Order And Reformation Era

The purpose of this study is to portray the role of the government of two eras in conducting the education management that relates with nationalism, patriotism and Indonesian nationality in period of New Order (Orde Baru) and Reformation Era and compare them. The research focus on: (a) nationalism, patriotism and Indonesian nationality education; (b) management of those education; and (c) impact on society livings. The research was conducted on qualitative approach by using case analysis method. Data and information was collected by observations, interviews, and document analysis and was triangulated by using various sources and was verified by two key informants. Data analysis and interpretation found that: (1)the role of government was not optimal in conducting the education management in those two eras; (2) those vacancy is dominated by political forces and have not related with educational management; and (3) those ideology vacancy make the society livings without national personality. The findings showed that political forces domination was built stronger to form and to conduct the education rather than national vision.

Keywords: nationalism, patriotism, and Indonesian nationality

18 Marhaeni Diah S.


2020 The Effect Of Power, Learning And Making Decision on Organization Committee Of The Echelon IV Nationalcivilservice Agency

Organization performs well if all employees show a high commitment in carried out their duties. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of power, learning and making decision on the organizational commitment of echelon IV of the National Civil Service Agency. This research using a quantitative method, a survey-causal method, which is a study that will examine the direct and indirect effects by using a path analysis model This study uses a quantitative approach, a survey-causal method, which is a study that will examine the direct and indirect effects using the path analysis model. The application used to test the model and hypothesis is estimated using Lisrel. The result of this study indicate if there is a direct influence of power on organizational commitment of echelon IV of the National Civil Service Agency at 5.76%, there is a direct effect of learning on organizational commitment of echelon IV of the Civil Service Agency at6.90%, there is a direct influence on making decision on organizational commitment of echelon IV of the National Civil Service Agency with a value of 11.35%, there is an indirect influence of power on the commitment of echelon IV officials National Civil Service Agency organizations through learning that is worth 10.87%, there is an indirect effect of power on organizational commitment of echelon IV officials through making decision which is worth 17.34% . The influence of power, learning and joint making decision variables on the organizational commitment of echelon IV of National Civil Service Agencyresult in a coefficient of determination = 0.438, the data shows that the contribution of power, learning and making decision to the commitment of echelon IV officials is 43.8% and there are still 56,22% is influenced by other variables were not included in the path of analysis model.

Keywords: Power, Learning, Making Decision, Organizational Commitment

19 Urip Wahyudin


2020 Program Evaluation Traditional Remote Community Empowerment Evaluative Research Based on Stake’s Countenance Model About Traditional Remote Community Empowerment ProgramIn Kampung Ulakin ,Kolf Brasa, Asmat District, Papua Province (2013-2017)

This research aims to evaluate the empowerment program of Traditional Remote Community in Asmat district, Papua Province. This evaluation research uses the Stake’s Countenance Model with three stages, namely (1) antecedents, (2) transactions and(3) outcomes. The method used is a case study method with descriptive qualitative data processing. Data collection techniques in this study was conducted through interview, documentation, observation, and focus group discussion Decision making in each program evaluation focus is based on the level of congruence and contingency. The results of this research indicate; (1) The initial condition (antecedent) as a prerequisite for the implementation of empowerment, from six focus or aspects of assessment, five aspects in accordance with KAT empowerment objective standards and one aspect, namely the preparation of programs and activities not in accordance with the standards of empowerment goals and community needs,(2) empowerment implementation (transaction) process, from physical and non-physical activities, actualization physical activities in accordance with the objective standards of empowerment and community needs, while non-physical activities are not in accordance with objective standards and community needs,(3) the results (outcomes)of empowerment activities are not fully in accordance with the standard indicators of successful empowerment. There is contingency between preparation, implementation and the results of empowering Traditional Remote Community, empowerment planning with categories that are not fully in accordance with the standards has caused the implementers to implement empowerment not according to process standards so that the results of empowerment have not met the indicators of successful empowerment of Traditional Remote Community. Suggestions for this research; (i) fostering and developing the capacity and competence of field officer and the preparation, implementation and control of empowerment of traditional community at the central and regional levels carried out integrally, holistically and sustainably, (ii) the Asmat Regency government and related parties reinforce their commitment to strengthen support in building one stop services system KAT empowerment and social welfare of the Asmat community; and (iii) to develop the potential, protection and welfare of KAT community through cultural activities and participatory learning through non-formal education.

Keywords: Empowerment, Stake’s Countenance Model, Remote Traditional Community

20 Slamet Budiyono


2020 The Effect Of Organization Culture, Team Work,And Professionalism On Organization Behavior Citizenship Of Teacher Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri In Surakarta Residency Central Java

The objective of this research was to study the effect of organization culture, team work, and professionalism to organization citizenship behavior of teacher Madrasah Aliyah Negeri in Surakarta Residency Central Java. The research was conducted by using survey method with path analysis applied on testing the hypothesis. The target population size of this research is 579 of teachers. The research sample was 237 teachers using proportional random sampling technique. Based on this research of data obtained the following conclusions: (1) organization culture has positive direct effect to organization behavior citizenship of teacher’s, (2) team work has positive direct effect to organization citizenship behavior of teacher’s, (3) professionalism has positive direct effect to organization citizenship behavior of teacher’s, (4) the organization culture has positive direct effect to professionalism, (5) team work have positive direct effect to professionalism. The conclusion is that the teacher’s organization citizenship behavior is effected by the organization culture, team work, and teacher’s professionalism.

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organization Culture, Team Work, and Professionalism

21 Gaudensia Diana


2020 The Effect Of Organizational Culture, Personality, And Work Motivation On Soldiers Performance In The Army Ad Mental Development Service

Performance allowance or remuneration for state apparatus which has been given by the government to state apparatus since 2013,including the Indonesian National Armed Forces, shows the government’s strong commitment to the soldiers’ welfare. This should be supported by optimal performance on the part of the apparatus. To get an optimal performance attention has to be focused on the factors which affect the performance, both in terms of organization and personnel, including individual characteristics. Studies on soldier performance are still a few and are urgent, given the challenges of the soldiers are facing which are increasingly complex and dynamic. Soldier performance is presumed to be influenced by organizational culture, personality and work motivation. This study aimed at obtaining information pertaining to and finding out the direct effect of organizational culture, personality, and work motivation on soldier performance. This study was a causative associative research using the quantitative approach. It used descriptive and inferential statistics. The research was carried out at the Army Mental Development Office (Disbintalad), Jl. Kesatrian VI No. 1 Berlan East Jakarta.The target population of this study were all Army soldiers in the East Jakarta Army Mental Development Office (Disbintalad). The affordable population of the study was 115 Army troops at the EastJakarta Army Mental Development Office (Disbintalad). The sampling technique in this study is the saturated sample technique. The total number of research samples were 115 Army troops at the East Jakarta Army Mental Development Office (Disbintalad). The research instrument trials were 30 TNI AD soldiers at the East Jakarta Military Law College (STHM).The result showed that there was a direct effect of organizational culture on soldier performance (β=0.272); a direct effect of personality on soldier performance (β=0.213); a direct effect of work motivation on soldier performance (β=0.227); an indirect effect organizational culture on soldier performance through work motivation (β=0.344); and an indirect effect personality on soldier performance through work motivation (β=0.221). In the light of the study it can be concluded that organizational culture is not the only variable which affects soldier performance and it is necessary that personality and work motivation be considered too.

Keywords: Organizational culture, personality, work motivation, soldier’s performance

22 M. Bashori Imron


2020 Research Performance in The Research And Development Agencyministry Of Education And Culture(Case Study)

Researcher Performance Based on the Results of Credit Score Assessment at the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture (Case Study) is a qualitative research. The research objective is to explain (explanatory) the interaction process between the causative factors and the condition of the researcher’s performance based on the results of the credit score assessment. Data collection techniques used involved observation, interviews, and document tracing with informants from researchers, agency research assessment team, structural officials and officials of the supervisory agency for research positions. The analysis technique uses an interactive analysis model. The results showed that: (1) Researchers’ competence in producing credit scores still relied on research on the Budget Implementation List (BIL) because it was carried out by the team and researchers were less creative in developing articles for journals, (2) the process of assessing the researcher’s credit score was carried out through three levels which takes a long time, (3) the accreditation status of the Agency Research Assessment Team (ARAT) is maintained in order to assess and determine the determination of the researcher credit score by themselves, and (4) the determination of the researcher credit score is obtained from three channels, namely first time appointment, transfer position, promotion of researcher position, and reappointment due to release. Research recommendations are addressed to the Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Education and Culture so that (1) conduct training and assistance in dissecting research results into articles that are ready to be published, (2) forming a Work Unit Research Assessment Team (WURAT) in each work unit, (3) ) periodically, it is necessary to conduct focused discussions with the Central Research Assessment Team (CRAT) to unify perceptions of the results of the credit score assessment, and (4) to make regulations on the types of expertise in education and culture, up to a certain digit.

Keywords: Performance, Researcher, Credit Score, Research and Development Agency, Case Study.

23 Afen Sena


2020 The Influence Of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, And Professional Commitment On Innovative Behavior Of Flight Instructors At The Civil Flight School In Indonesia

This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the flight instructors innovative behavior at flight schools in Indonesia, especially based on organizational culture, job satisfaction and professional commitment. The study used a quantitative approach with a survey method with a sample of 98 flight instructors Taken through simple random sampling. Data collection using questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale and data analysis using path analysis. The finding sin the study indicate that organizational culture, job satisfaction and professional commitment have a positive direct effect on innovative behavior, and organizational culture have a positive direct effect on job satisfaction and professional commitment. While for job satisfaction does not directly affect on professional commitment. Other finding syndicate that professional commitment plays a role in mediating the influence of organizational culture and job satisfaction on innovative behavior, and job satisfaction media tes the influence of organizational culture on innovative behavior. Based on the result soft his study, the factors of organizational culture, job satisfaction and professional commitment must be positioned as a strategic factor and continuously improved in the process of organizational management at flight schools. This research also proposes an integrative model of innovative behavior to be used as a framework in improving the flight instructor’s innovative behavior in flihgt school.

Keywords: organizational culture, job satisfaction, professional commitment, innovative behavior

24 Mufti Ma’sum


2020 Internal Quality Assurance Implementation Evaluation Standards of The Learning Process At Engineering Faculty Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The aim of the study is to evaluate the implementation of the quality standard of the learning process which is part of the implementation of quality assurance at the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University. Purposive samples were taken from two study programs, namely the S1 culinary education program and the ICT education S1 study program. The evaluation model used is the Countenance Stake which emphasizes the existence of two main implementations, namely (1) description and (2) judgment and distinguishes the existence of three stages, namely (1) antecedents, (2) transactions, and (3) outcomes. Data was collected from respondents using several instruments, namely study of documents, closed questionnaire, observation, and interview guidelines. Primary and secondary data are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Primary data obtained from observations and questionnaires were analyzed in descriptive quantitative. Primary data obtained from interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The questionnaire instrument used to collect learning planning data (antecedents) was developed from the quality standards in SPMI-UNJ and applicable regulations. The instrument used to collect learning process data (transactions) was developed from standard documents in SPMI-UNJ. The questionnaire instrument used to collect learning outcome data (outcome) was developed from law no. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers. The instrument was validated by two experts. The results of research in undergraduate Culinary art study program (Tata Boga)the Bachelor of Education program are: The planning of learning (antecedents) is very good achievement, the learning process (transaction) is very good, and the achievement of the program (outcome) is very good. The results of research in the S1 ICT education study program are: The learning planning (antecedents) stage is good, the learning process (transaction) is good, and the achievement of the program (outcome)is very good. It can be concluded that internal quality assurance at the Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Jakarta has achieved good to very good achievements. Recommendations: 1) periodic curriculum reviews should be carried out; 2) all courses must have an RPS and be revised / updated at the end of each semester, and coordinator prodi endorsed; 3) the study program must have guidelines for learning planning and learning processes; 4) the study program should conduct monitoring and evaluation at the beginning of the semester, midterm, and end of the semester; 5) Lecturers must carry out learning that is: interactive, holistic, integrative, scientific, contextual, effective, collaborative, and student-centered. The implementation of the Quality Assurance program in the Bachelor Degree program in culinary education must be maintained with superior accreditation and improved to exceed the SNP. Implementation of quality assurance programs in ICT education undergraduate study programs must be improved so that the achievement of accreditation can be excellent.

Keywords: Program evaluation, internal quality assurance, learning process standard

25 Zerry Novian



2020 The Effect Of Organizational Structure, Personality And Work Motivation On Teacher Organization Commitments On International Islamic Education Council Foundation In Jakarta And Bekasi


This research aims to analyze the influence of organizational structure, personality and work motivation on teacher organizational commitment to the International Islamic Education Council Foundation in Jakarta and Bekasi. This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The sample used in this study were 84 teachers who determined simple random. The research data was obtained from questionnaires and analyzed using path analysis supported by descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate organizational structure, personality and work motivation had direct effect on organizational commitment; organizational structure and personality had direct effect on work motivation; organizational structure and personality had indirect effect on organizational commitment mediating by work motivation. Therefore, improving organizational structure, personality and work motivation can improve organizational commitment. The novelty of this research is in the form of a research model of the influence of organizational structure and personality on organizational commitment with work motivation mediation developed from previous relevant studies with research locations at the International Islamic Education Council (YIIEC) Foundation in Jakarta and Bekasi, 2019.

Keywords: organizational structure, personality, work motivation, organizational commitment.

26 Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh



2020 Career Development Of Islamic Religious Education Lecturer At Bogor Agriculture Institute



This research aims to describe the career development of Islamic religious Education lecturer (PAI) at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). The study was conducted from September 2018 to April 2019. Qualitative research method with case study approach is used for this research. The data is taken from in-depth interview with purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques, documentation analysis and observation. The results showed that: First, the implementation of PAI in IPB in addition to fulfilling the mandate of legislation and other regulations related to the core curriculum of higher education, is also a necessity in the effort to develop human resources ( Students) who are faithful of the religion, fear Allah, and have a noble attitude, and become the foundation and reference in thinking, behaving and conduct them in the development of their knowledge and profession and live their daily life. Second, the standard for PAI lecturer in IPB, other than minimum academic qualification of Master degree (S2), they should have a certificate of educators, and pedagogic competence, professionals, personalities, social and religious competencies, should also be able to read the Quran properly and correctly, understand the teachings of Islam correctly and comprehensively, have a spirit of preaching (convey the teachings of Islam), mindset and straight religious movement does not deviate from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, has no attitude of dichotomous and secular, not indicated as and/or follower of the misleading organization, has good moral, perform obligatory prayers in congregation, not anti-democracy and politics, and willing to follow routine coaching (HALAQOH).Third, the training and quality development of PAI lecturers in IPB based on the policy of developing the professional skills (lecturers) and personality development to improve the quality of academic and non-academic services. The central point is on the enhancement of expertise, the expansion of insight, especially related to Islamic-based knowledge and department knowledge, the development of scientific spirit and spirit in conducting religious mission (Da’wah).The main program for quality development of PAI lecturers in IPB, among others: (1) The training program before job (Prajab); (2) further degree and non degree studies; (3) Scientific meetings; (4) Some training programs; such as Training on Digital Multi Media Learning Programs, Training on Data Base Management and Data analysis, Proposal Writing and Patent Drafting and Copyright, Training of scientific assessment team and credit number assessment team on Digital, writing Training Scientific on Meta Analysis, Leadership Training (Coaching for Excellence), and DUPAK online Training; (5) Workshops and short courses; (6) Guidance and coaching by senior lecturers; (7) Certifications, (8) Assignments. Fourth, the career development of PAI lecturer in IPB is conducted based on merit system. The career level of the academic function of the PAI lecturer (PNS) consists of: (1) The Assistant Expert (AA), (2) the Lector (L), (3) the Chief Lector (LK), and (4) Professor. The development Strategy includes: (1) departmentation (Homebase Department); (2) Placement in divisions; (3) Further degree study (doctoral program based on departments field of knowledge); (4) The provision of development funds.

Keywords: development, career, PAI lecturers

27 Upriyadi


2020 Model Of Candidate For Expert Class Librarian Training Program Based On Kirkpatrick’s Theory In Education And Training Center At National Libraryof Indonesia

The Candidate for the Expert Class Librarian training program held by The Education and Training Center of the National Library of Indonesia has not been entirely following the goals and expectations. Along the ten years of running, there are still some shortcomings that need to be evaluated. Namely, the curriculum, the teaching and learning program guidelines, and the teaching materials that has been published since 2003 that is not adapted to current science and technology development, and lack of facilities and infrastructure (such as dormitory, rooms, laboratory, praying and sports facility). Currently, the training program is held in a hotel and having financial limitations to organize. This study describes the evaluation of the mentioned training program using Kirkpatrick’s four levels evaluation model which consists of reaction, learning, behavior and result level. This research uses qualitative approach and evaluation research method. It is found that the participants have high level of satisfaction on the reaction level. On the learning level, based on the average scores of the participants that have taken pretest and post-test and from The N-Gain calculation, it is found that there is a significant increase in knowledge from the participants compared from before and after participating in the training program. The behavior level was conducted three months after the program, and based on questionnaires and interviews with the participant’s superiors, it is found that their personality dan behavior have improved. Finally, on the result level and based on the questionnaires filled by the participants and interview with their superiors, it is found that their performances and service qualities have improved since the participation of the training program. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the author suggest to the National Library Education and Training Center to optimize learning facilities, improve information technology-based learning, one of which is by organizing blended learning activities, and applying the training model that has been developed based on Kirkpatrick’s theory, as well as do appeals to institutions that sending training participants to place the alumni of the training according to their competencies.

Keywords: Education, Training, CPTA, Expert Level Librarian, National Library.

28 Nurbaiti


2020 The Effect Of Leadership Of School Head, Work Environment And Organizational Commitments To Teacher Performance Of State Smp In Palembang City

Principal leadership in an educational organization is the spearhead of the institution itself in producing good quality learning. Work environment and commitment are indispensable things in an educational institution to support leaders in carrying out daily tasks and teacher performance as part of the school that interacts directly with students and parents. The purpose ofthis study is to find out and obtain a clear picture of whether or not there are: 1) Positive direct influence of leadership on performance, 2) Direct positive influence of work environment on performance 3) Positive direct effect of organizational performance 4) Positive direct influence of leadership on organizational commitment. 5) The positive direct influence of the work environment on organizational commitment. 6) The positive direct influence of leadership on the work environment. The research method used is a quantitative approach through field methods with survey techniques. The results of the research obtained are increasingly strengthening theories that prove that leadership has a direct positive effect on the work environment.

Keyword: Principal Leadership, Middle School Teacher, Performance

29 Santoso Sri Handoyo


2020 Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture And Work Satisfaction, Against The Commitment Of The Lectures Of The State University Of Jakarta

This study aims to reveal the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and lectures commitment at the Jakarta State University (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, or UNJ). This research uses a quantitative approach, with a survey method, using path analysis. The study population was permanent lecturers (civil servants) Jakarta State University, amounting to 894 people, and the research sample was 277 people (31% of the population) who were taken randomly. The research data were collected through a questionnaire of transformational leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction, and lecturer commitment, each of which uses a Likert scale with five response options. The results showed that transformational leadership, organizational culture, job satisfaction had a positive direct effect on the commitment of UNJ lecturers, and transformational leadership had a positive direct effect on job satisfaction, likewise organizational culture had a positive direct effect on job satisfaction. Other findings indicate that job satisfaction plays a role in mediating the effect of transformational leadership and organizational culture on the commitment of UNJ lecturers, likewise organizational culture plays a role in mediating the effect of transformational leadership on the commitment of UNJ lecturers. Based on the results of this study, transformational leadership, organizational culture, and job satisfaction are important factors in fostering the commitment of lecturers, especially at UNJ, and in the end UNJ’s vision can be realized, to become a reputable university in the Asian region.

Keywords: organizational culture, transformational leadership, job satisfaction, lecturer commitment.

30 Nova Hellen Kapantow



2020 The Influence Of Work Motivation, Attitudes Toward Profession, And Job Satisfaction On Performance Of Nursesin Outpatient Clinics Of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital

Nurses are the largest human resource in a hospital. The performance of nurses will determine the image of a hospital. This study is intended to investigate the effect of work motivation, attitudes towards the profession, and job satisfaction on the performance of nurses in the Out patient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado.This research is a quantitative study using a survey research method. The study population was all nurses at the Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado, totaling 62people, all of whom were sampled in this study (total sampling). Data collection using a questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to analyse the relationship between the variables in the study. Towards the profession had an indirect effect on nurses’ performance through job satisfaction.

Keywords: nurse performance, work motivation, attitudes towards theprofession, job satisfaction

31 Bernabas Harold Ralph Kairupan


2020 The Effect of Locus of control, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Climate on Nurse Work Stress in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospita

The objective of this research is to study the effect of locus of control, emotional intelligence, and organizational climate on nurse work stress in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital. In the present study we used quantitative approach, survey analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), to examine the direct and indirect effects of locus of control, emotional intelligence, and organizational climate on work stress. The sample in the present research is all the nurse in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital, 62 nurses in total. All data were collected by distributing four research variable questionnaires that had been tested, which were then analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The results of the six proposed hypotheses show that hypothesis 2 (H2) is accepted (there is a negative direct effect of emotional intelligence on work stress, where the absolute t value > 1.96 with negative correlation), hypothesis 4 (H4) is accepted (there is indirect effect of locus of control on work stress through organizational climate, where the absolute value of indirect effect (0.064) > direct effect (0.05)), and lastly hypothesis 6 (H6) is accepted (there is an indirect effect of locus of control on work stress through emotional intelligence, where the absolute value of indirect effect (0.614) > direct effect (0.05)).Based on the results of the hypothesis test above, it is concluded that from the six proposed research hypotheses, only three hypotheses were accepted, namely H2, H4 and H6. Meanwhile, the other three hypotheses, H1, H3, and H5, are rejected.Hence, the novelty of the the findings in this study is an integrative model of stress management in hospital.

Keywords:Work Stress, Locus of Control, Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Climate

32 Sodikin


2020 The Evaluation Of Budget Policy Implementationof Educational Operating Cost (EOC) At Public Vocational High School In North Jakarta Fiscal Year 2013

The aim of this research is to find out the extent of implementation process about Educational Operating Cost (EOC) at Public Vocational High School in North Jakarta consists of; (1)rationality which underlying Public Vocational High School in North Jakarta (2) stages (3)the main contents implementation of budget policy of Educational Operating Cost. (4) budget policy and (5) the impact of the implementation of Educational Operating Cost policy. This research uses qualitative methods with observation, interview and documentation. In this case the right approach and considered applicable is to use Countenance of Robert E. Stake because this model is considered to provide an overview in the beginning of evaluation results to the evaluation criteria of policy implementation. Stake stressed that there is two basic activities in the evaluation of Description and Judgement which emphasizes three stages such as; Antecedents (Context), Transaction(Process), Outcomes (Output), as this model has more advantages than the other methods. The research carried out at Public Vocational High School in North Jakarta consisting of 8 (eight) schools. The impact of expected implementation policy evaluation is : School can implement message contents of Government Rule Number. 34/2015 which generally aims to fund education operational activity in order to implement compulsory education 12 years. to complement the needs of teaching and learning activities, to maintain educational facilities, and to improve the management of the school administration.

Keyword: The Evaluation, Implementation, Educational, Operating Cost (Eoc)

33 Donny Sunarto


2020 Evaluation Of Regional Autonomy Policy In Education Budgets In South Tangerang City

This study aims to evaluate the education budget allocation set by the central government with the achievements of the education development budget in South Tangerang City. The regional autonomy policy in the field or sector of education aims to improve education in South Tangerang City. This type of research is a gap evaluation model. The source of information in this study is official data that has been officially published by the ministry of education and culture and the education and culture department of the city of southern Tangerang. Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and document study. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data validation through technical and source triangulation. Results: (1) design evaluation shows that there are regulations and laws for allocating the education budget; (2) the installation evaluation shows the commitment of regional stakeholders in the education budget to improve the quality of education in the region in regional regulations; (3) the evaluation process of education budget allocation has not been achieved by improving the quality of education and public involvement in the regions; and (4) product evaluation shows that the results of school progress, student learning, teacher competency improvement. Based on the results of the evaluation, the researchers gave the following recommendations: 1) Cross-Ministry interrogated in the guidelines for the implementation and determination of the education budget in the regions; 2) The percentage of the regional education budget is not the main measure of success in the development of education in the region; and 3) the Education Office needs to pay attention to the implementation of the education budget involving the general public.

Keywords: Discrepancy Evaluation Model, Autonomy Education, Program Evaluation

34 Rohidin


2020 Effect of Competence, Integrity and Interpersonal Communication Stowards Leadership In The Board Of Pesantren in Kuningan District

The leadership of the Kiai (Religious Leader) in the boarding school is the holds the full authority of all policies in the boarding school management. The process of organizing education in pesantren goes according and in line with efforts to achieve educational goals. The progress of the boarding school retreat cannot be separated from how the leadership of the boarding school itself. The dissertation is title The Effect of Competence, Integrity and Interpersonal Communication on the Effectiveness of Islamic Boarding School Leadership in Kuningan District. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of competence, integrity, and interpersonal communication on leadership effectiveness. The survey applied in this study was analyzed by path analysis after all variables were entered into the correlational matrix. In this study, leaders of Islamic boarding schools were selected as the unit of analysis and 104 samples were chosen randomly from 140 populations. The results showed that leadership effectiveness is directly affected by competence, integrity, and interpersonal communication. It was found that interpersonal communication is directly influenced by competence and integrity. Based on these findings it can be concluded that any changes or variations that occur in the effectiveness of boarding school leadership have been influenced by competence, integrity and interpersonal communication. Therefore, the nature and character of effective leadership, competence, integrity, and interpersonal communication must be owned by a boarding school leader. The results of research conducted indicate that the competence, integrity and interpersonal communication of the kiai (Ulama) has an influence on the effectiveness of leadership in Islamic boarding schools.

Keywords: leadership effectiveness, competence, integrity and interpersonal communication, Kiai

35 Iin Asikin


2021 The Effect Transformational Leadership, Self-Efficacy, And Job Satisfaction On Employee Engagement Teachers Of State Vocational High Schools In Depok

The purpose of this study was to find a model for teacher employee engagement through transformational leadership, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction. This research was conducted from December 2017 to October 2018. Data were collected from State Vocational School teachers who were respondents in the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 118 State Vocational School Teachers in Depok City. Samples were taken from a population of 167 State Vocational School teachers in Depok City. Sampling using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis using path analysis. The results showed: 1) There is a positive direct effect of transformational leadership on employee engagement, 2) There is a positive direct effect of self-efficacy on employee engagement, 3) There is a positive direct effect of job satisfaction on employee engagement, 4) There is a positive direct effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction, 5) There is a positive direct effect of self-efficacy on job satisfaction, 6) There is a positive direct effect of transformational leadership on self-efficacy, 7) There is a positive indirect effect of transformational leadership on employee engagement through job satisfaction, 8) There is a positive indirect effect of leadership transformational to employee engagement through self-efficacy, 9) There is a positive indirect effect of self-efficacy on employee engagement through job satisfaction. The empirical findings that exist in the model studied, that the indicator that measures employee engagement, namely initiative has the lowest average, then the indicator of transformational leadership that has the most influence on employee engagement is inspirational motivation, while the indicator of self-efficacy which has the most influence on work engagement is confident that you can solve problems, and the indicator of job satisfaction that most influences job engagement is the job itself. It can be concluded that the increase in employee engagement of State Vocational School teachers in Depok City can be done by encouraging the attitude of teacher initiative through the maximum role of the principal’s transformational leadership in providing inspirational motivation by trying to encourage and foster teacher self-confidence to solve problems with creative ideas and have positive feelings towards work so that teachers have full involvement both physically, cognitively, and emotionally to their work.
36 Hamri


2021 The Effect Of Responsibilitas, Leadership, And Discipline On Job Performance Of High School At North Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the influence of corporate responsibility, leadership and discipline on job performance. This research used a quantitative approach with survey method. The sample of this research is the whole 120 teachers in High School at North Jakarta is done randomly. The results of the research showed that; (1) there is a direct positive influence responsibility on job performance; (2) there is a direct positive influence leadership on job performance; (3) there is a direct positive influence discipline on job performance; (4) there is a direct positive influence responsibility towards the discipline; (5) there is a direct positive influence leadership towards the discipline; (6) there is a direct positive influence to leadership against responsibility; (7) there is a indirect positive influence responsibility on job performance through leadership; (8) there is a indirect positive influence responsibility on job performance through discipline; and (9) there is a indirect positive influence leadership on job performance through discipline. To improve job performance, the need to enhance corporate responsibility, leadership and discipline.

Keywords: Responsibility, Leadership, Discipline, Job Performance

37 Jasra Putra


2021 Policy Model children Friendly School (SRA) In Depok City

The objective of study, the first, produce innovative products for the Child Friendly School Model. Second, evaluation the congruence between expectation with the implementation of the Child Friendly School Policy in the city of Depok since the stage antecedent, transaction, an the outcomes of Child Friendly School Policy at the school level. Third, Depok city Child Friendly School policy evaluation research model using the Stake’s Countenance Model. Data were collected by interviewing policy makers, field observations to 31 (thirty one) SD in Depok City and taking evaluation data to 183 (one hundred eighty three) respondents consist in go of school principals, teachers, education personnel, students and parents of students. School selection is done by simple random sampling as well as the selection of teachers, education personnel, students and parents of students is done by random sampling. The results of the study concluded that the Child Friendly School Policy Model in the city of Depok has not run efficiently and effectively. Congruency between intense value with observation value on negative unit antecedent analysis, congruency between intense value and observation value on negative transaction analysis unit, and congruency between intense value and observation value on positive unit analysis outcome. Contingency implementation of antecedents with positive transactions, contingency of implementation of antecedents with negative outcomes, contingency implementation of transactions with negative outcomes.

Keywords: Model, Policy, the Child Friendly School.

38 Moh. Wahyudin Syarif


2021 The Effect Of Leadership Behavior, Interpersonal Communication And Work Satisfaction On Teacher

Work Effectiveness


The purpose of the study was to analyze and to examine the positive direct effects of: (1) leadership behavior on work effectiveness; (2) interpersonal communication on work effectiveness; (3) job satisfaction on work effectiveness; (4) leadership behavior on job satisfaction; (5) interpersonal communication on job satisfaction; (6) leadership behavior on interpersonal communication. Survey-causal research design was used with path analysis techniques. The study sample was 171 private secondary school teachers in Ciledug, Tangerang City. Data were collected using four questionnaires, namely: Teacher Effectiveness (rα=0.85), Principal Leadership Behavior (rα=0.86), Teacher Interpersonal Communication (rα=0.86) and Teacher Job Satisfaction (rα=0, 92). The research hypothesis was tested using path analysis. The results of the study show that: (1) There is a significant positive direct effect of leadership behavior on work effectiveness. (2) There is a significant positive direct effect of interpersonal communication on work effectiveness. (3) There is a significant positive direct effect of job satisfaction on work effectiveness. (4) There is a significant positive direct effect of leadership behavior on job satisfaction. (5) Interpersonal communication does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction. (6) There is a significant positive direct effect of leadership behavior on interpersonal communication. (7) Job satisfaction and interpersonal communication are partial mediators of the influence of principal leadership behavior on teacher work effectiveness. (8) There is a significant positive influence on principal leadership behavior, interpersonal communication and job satisfaction simultaneously on teacher work effectiveness. It was concluded that the diversity of work effectiveness of private secondary school teachers in Ciledug Kota Tangerang can be predicted through the diversity of principals’ leadership behaviors, teacher interpersonal communication, and teacher job satisfaction. Teacher interpersonal communication is the highest predictor of teacher work effectiveness compared to principal leadership behavior and teacher job satisfaction. The novelty of research as a differentiating factor with previous research is: (1) predictor variables of work effectiveness of teachers analyzed; (2) reference to theories and concepts, dimensions, indicators and research instruments; (3) research location; and (4) research design.

Keywords: Leadership Behavior, Interpersonal Communication, Work Satisfaction. Work Effectiveness

39 Mahruf Budiharsojo


2021 The Evaluation Of Implementation Adiwiyata School Program (Study At Elementary School In Tangerang City Of Banten)



The purpose of this research is looking about how the CIPP evaluation model apply at adiwiyata school program which is implemented at Tanah Tinggi 3 Public Elementary School and Al Ikhlas Islamic Elementary School in Tangerang city. This evaluation research uses CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product). The research subject is the organizer of Adiwiyata School Program. Data collection technique on this research uses of observation, documentation study dan interview. The data validity test is use the triangulation of sources and method. The result of research showing that the organizer of adiwiyata school program have gone well based on its aspect of evaluation. 1) On context evaluation aspect have gone well based on its aspect of evaluation 2) On input aspect, the organizer of adiwiyata program have done its responsibility. 3) On process aspect, the planning activities to evaluation have gone based on planning activities implementation. But there are resistances and obstacles faced on monitoring and evaluation process. 4) On product aspect, adiwiyata team has reached the purpose program.

Keywords: Program Evaluation, CIPP, Adiwiyata School Program

40 A s m a l i


2021 The Implementation Model Of The Village Midwife Training Program Using The Cipp At Bapelkes In Batam-Riau City

The purpose of this study was to model the implementation of the education and training program for village midwives at the health training center (Bapelkes) in Batam City. The approach used is an evaluative approach, qualitative methods, using the Context, Input, Process and Product (CIPP model). Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation study. The results of the study obtained data findings which led to the fact that there were problems in the implementation of the education and training program for village midwives carried out by Bapelkes Batam in Batam City. To solve the problems faced, Bapelkes and the Health Office plan together to plan the socialization of education and training programs for village midwives based on local wisdom in the ethics of Communication. Anticipatory problems in program implementation will be based on solving problems in archipelagic, border and remote areas to be implemented in accredited and good quality institutions, infrastructure and training venues.

Keywords: village midwife, training program, CIPP model.

41 Asni


2021 The Effect Of Leadership, Competency, And Job Satisfaction On The Performance Of Guidance And Counseling Teachers In State Vocational Schools In Dki Jakarta

This study aims to investigate the influence of leadership, competence, and job satisfaction on the performance of Guidance and Counseling (BK) teachers at State Vocational High Schools (SMK) in DKI Jakarta. The research method used is a quantitative approach with survey methods and path analysis. The sample of this study was randomly selected and involved 100 BK teachers at State Vocational High Schools in Jakarta. Questionnaires were used as data collecting technique. The results of this study indicate that: (1) there is an effect of leadership on performance (R = 0.367 significance 0.05), (2) there is an effect of competence on performance (R = 0.277 significance 0.05) (3) there is an effect og satisfaction on performance (R = 0.222, 0.05 significance), (4) there is a leadership on performance through job satisfaction (R = 0.0181, 0.05 significance), and (5) there is an effect of competence on performance through job satisfaction (R = 0.0136 significance 0.05). Leadership is a variable that has the most significant influence on performance. Therefore, it is necessary to increase competence and strengthen job satisfaction, in order to achieve a higher performance of BK teachers at SMK Negeri Jakarta.

Keywords: performance, leadership, competence, job satisfaction.

42 Muhammad Hasan Chabibie


2021 The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Empowerment, Self-Efficacy And Motivation On Organizational Learning Of Data And Information Technology Centers Of The Ministry Of Education And Culture

Organizational learning is one way that organizations can use to improve performance, the Center for Data and Information Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture can apply organizational learning to carry out its main tasks and functions. This research method uses quantitative methods with a path analysis approach, quantitative research with survey methods by distributing questionnaires in the form of instruments. The research population comprised of 372 PUSDATIN employees with a sample of 193 employees. The results showed the path coefficient of several variables related to organizational learning including transformational leadership, empowerment, self-efficacy, and motivation. The novelty in this research is that organizational learning is influenced dominantly by transformational leadership it receives with a path coefficient of 0.414 with the largest indicator being charismatic, to get satisfactory results the researcher proposes a model that combines two theories, namely BASS transformational leadership theory and learning theory. Peter Senge organization to get maximum organizational learning outcomes.

Keywords: transformational leadership, empowerment, self-efficacy, motivation, and learning organizational.

43 Irmina Pinem


2021 The Influence Of The Environment, Culture And Image On Selection Of Private Senior High School In Region East Jakarta

This study aims to get obtain information about the influence of the environment, culture and image on the selection of Senior High School. This research is an associative quantitative research. The study was conducted using a survey method with data analysis technique used to answer hypotheses is the Structural Equation Modeling technique. The population in this study were 995 respondents, and a sample of 285 respondents were selected using random sampling. The study focused on four aspect that determine the environment, culture and image of school selection. The results of the analysis conclude (1) There is a direct difference between schools on school selection, (2) There is a direct effect of schools on school selection, (3) there is a direct influence in school image on school selection, (4). There is a direct influence iin the School environment on the School Image (5). There is a direct influence of school culture on school image (6). there is a direct influence of school environment on school culture.

Keywords: Environment, Culture, Image, and School selection.

45 Riyanto Saputro


2021 Education Management of Flight Cadets At Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug

Pilot is a very high risk profession thus requiring high competence. The core competencies that must be possessed by a pilot have been approved by the ICAO to be applied as international standard. However, in reality, there are many pilots graduating from flying schools in Indonesia have not been employed by airlines because they do not meet the required qualifications. This problem, one way or another, has to do with the management of pilot cadets training and education. Therefore, this research is intended to identify and reconstruct the model of pilot cadet education management in order to improve the quality of graduates. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study method. In collecting data and information, the researcher used interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results of the study show that (1) pilot cadet planning functions to get qualified cadet candidates and a quota that is close to industry needs, (2) pilot cadets are organized by applying the principles of open management, service orientation, involving cadets and putting cadets as learning subjects, ( 3) nurturing pilot cadets through leadership as a role model that directs cadets to stay on the path that supports the achievement of quality graduates, (4) supervision of pilot cadets is carried out inherently throughout learning activities in order to gain hard skills and soft skills competencies by involving alumni and airlines as implementation of link and match with vocational higher education. This study also produces a hypothetical model for pilot cadet education management to improve the quality of graduates at the Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug which can be generalized to be implemented at other pilot schools in Indonesia.

Keywords: flight cadet management, pilot schools, graduate quality

46 Soparidah


2021 The Effect Of Organizational Climate, Facilities And Infrastructure Management, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors On The Work Satisfaction Of Private Vocational High Schools (Vocational School) In Jakarta Timur

This research aims to analyze the effect of organizational climate, management of facilities and infrastructure, organizational citizenship behavior on job satisfaction of productive vocational high school teachers in East Jakarta. This research survey was conducted with productive teachers at Private Vocational High Schools in East Jakarta. The research method is carried out through a quantitative approach using path analysis. The sample of this research is 270 productive teachers of East Jakarta Private Vocational School. The results of the study indicate that: (1) There is a direct influence of organizational climate on job satisfaction of productive teachers; (2) There is a direct influence of infrastructure management on productive teacher job satisfaction; (3) There is a direct effect of organizational citizenship behavior on job satisfaction of productive teachers; (4) There is an indirect effect of organizational climate on job satisfaction of productive teachers through organizational citizenship behavior; (5) There is an indirect effect of infrastructure management on job satisfaction of productive teachers through organizational citizenship behavior; (6) There is an indirect effect of organizational climate on job satisfaction of productive teachers through infrastructure management.

Keywords: organizational climate, management of facilities and infrastructure, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction, productive teachers

47 Syahrul


2021 Empowering Leadership In Pondok Modern Gontor 7 Putera Riyadhatul Mujahidin, Southeast Sulawesi (Critical Etnography Study)

This study aims to explore the leadership of Kiai in PM Gontor 7 Putera, especially in several aspects, namely: Kiai’s leadership in determining the direction of PM Gontor 7, Kiai’s leadership in uniting people in PM Gontor 7, and Kiai’s leadership in motivating and inspiring. This study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Data was collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and document review. The collected data is analyzed through domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and analysis of cultural themes. Data validity testing is carried out through re-examining informants, extending observations, and increasing perseverance. The research findings show that: first, the leadership of the kiai in determining the direction of the organization in PM Gontor 7 Putera is the process of determining the vision and mission, explaining the big picture, and establishing a strategy. The roles carried out include as an architect of a strategy that defines PM Gontor’s vision and mission, through internal and external environmental analysis, guarding the shared vision, oversees the process of achieving a shared vision at the functional level, as a figure that transforms strategy, carries out the strategy communication process and makes appropriate measures, aligning strategies, to implementation. Second, the leadership of the kiai in uniting the people in PM Gontor 7 Putera includes: communicating goals, seeking commitment, and building teams and coalitions. The practice shown is the management of goal-oriented institutions or Management by Objective (MBO), communicating the goals of PM Gontor showing the prophetic leadership practices, namely the practice of open and transparent leadership (tabligh), fostering a strong appreciation of PM Gontor’s citizens towards values the virtues built by the founders are a reflection of a strong organizational culture. Third, Kiai’s leadership in motivating and inspiring the citizens of PM Gontor 7 Putera includes the process of inspiring and encouraging, empowering followers, and meeting unmet needs. The practices shown are Kiai as a motivator characteristic of leadership practices in PM Gontor 7 Putera, democratic leadership and empowering are prerequisites needed to explore the potentials of subordinates, and voluntary traditions in the behavior of PM Gontor citizens, which are emanations from commitment commitments to the values in the five term and the basic idea of the establishment of PM Gontor.

Keywords: Kiai’s Leadership, Pesantren, Voluntary Tradition, Islamic Education

48 Syamsul Bahri


2021 Models o Quality Assurance Miftahul Ulum Islamic High School in Tanjung Pinang

The Islamic High School of Miftahul Ulum (STAI MU) is an Islamic higher education institution that has long existed in Tanjungpinang. STAI MU can be said to be the oldest PT and PTAIS institution in Tanjungpinang. The existence of this high school in the midst of society has made many significant contributions. Research toward quality assurance of STAI MU Tanjungpinang has been carried out. The research problem is how quality assurance model and its characteristic at STAI MU Tanjungpinang from the perspective of context, input, process and results? Research conducted by type of evaluation research using CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). The research data were obtained through observation, document study, and in-depth interviews with 11 key informants and FGD. Data processing is done qualitatively with the stages of collection, reduction, coding, categorization and verification to draw linkages of meaning. The results of the research can be concluded that: can be identified of new cyclic quality assurance model of STAI MU Tanjungpinang based on the Islamic truth and shalih action. New quality ssurance model have been characteristic 1) the priority objectives (needs, problems, assets, opportunities), such as: clear goals, strategies, vision and mission, based on Islamic faith, legislation and ministerial regulations which is an important regulatory, moral and professional requirement; 2) Inputs to fulfill the quality targets include: action plans need to be competitive, staffing plans, namely staff utilization and human resource development, need to be reorganized and the budget plan for the quality assurance program LPM STAI MU has not met the standards for establishing higher education institutions, especially private Islamic universities within the scope of Kopertais (College Coordinator College of Private Islamic Religion); 3) quality assurance of LPM STAI MU is implemented with planning that still requires improvement, coordinated, monitored periodically and audited internally and externally, program conformity with budget and implementation reporting; 4) Identification and assessment of products produced by the LPM STAI MU Tanjungpinang quality assurance program according to the target, namely short-long-term benefits and use in a competitive market with quality planning, quality process performance and quality of performance that are increasing. Improving the quality of implementation is accompanied by better quality planning. The implementation of the STAI MU Tanjungpinang quality assurance model has increased the quality of achievement of students, the world of work, lecturers and employees.

Keywords: STAI MU, Quality Management, Quality Assurance Model

49 Munawiroh


2021 Implementation Of Program Must Learn Basic Education In Salafiyah Pesantren In Dki Jakarta

This study aims to identify and explain the implementation of the compulsory basic education implementation program at Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools which include aspects / components of the introduction (antecedent), aspects / components of the process (Transaction) and aspects / components of the outcome (Outcome). An evaluation research method was using the Stake’s Countenance model, namely, the model developed by Robert E. Stake. This type of research is evaluative research with a mixed method approach with sequential explanatory designs or combination model research. The data analysis technique used in this evaluation research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis, namely by describing and interpreting the data from each of the evaluated components, both quantitative and qualitative data. Based on the results of the study, it is stated that the Antecedent, Transaction and Outcomes show conformity between expectations and implementation, namely the Antecedent with an achievement value of 69.4%, the suitability criteria are sufficiently in accordance with the standard. In the transaction aspect, the achievement value was 77.42%. the criteria for conformity are sufficient according to the standard. In the outcome aspect of 97.80%, the suitability criteria are good according to the standard. So it can be stated that the implementation of the compulsory basic education implementation program at Salafiyah Islamic boarding schools in DKI Jakarta from the dimensions of antecedent, transaction and outcomes is at the level of being met or effective, although it still needs to be considered several conditions are related to the existing dimensions, especially those related to facilities and infrastructure that still have sufficient value.

Keywords: compulsory basic education, Salafiyah Islamic boarding school, Stake’s Countenance model

50 Frankie Oktolim Madethen


2021 The Effect Of Leadership, Trust, And Motivation On Organizational Behavior Of Gadik Behavior In Community Education Commando, Surabaya

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an attitude of helping each other employees towards their colleagues without expecting anything in return. Currently, in the kodikdukum environment, there is a shortage of educators (gadik) so that every educator works extra. This incident is influenced by several factors, including in this case the leader has a dominant factor in creating an OCB attitude. Also, fostering trust between employees and the organization can help increase the OCB of educators and one thing that is no less important is that increasing the motivation of teaching staff to work has a significant impact on improving OCB for employees of Kodiklatal, Surabaya. Also, to determine whether there is a relationship between each variable, both direct and indirect relationships. The approach used in this research is quantitative with a survey research design with a path analysis approach. The population of this study was all teaching staff (gadik) with a sample of 171 educators (gadik). Data collection techniques used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that OCB gadik was more dominantly influenced by the trust variable followed by motivation and leadership. Based on the data found in the field it can be concluded that OCB educators are currently experiencing an overload of work which results in increased stress for educators and the shortage of existing teaching staff. This is a finding that deserves to be followed up with the hope of increasing the OCB of educators in the General Support Education command, Kodiklatal Surabaya.

Keywords: leadership, trust, motivation, organizational citizenship behavior

51 Arya Delano


2021 The Influence of Organizational Climate, Work Stress And Work Motivation On Productivity of Educational Power In Marine Operation Education Commando, Kodiklatal, Surabaya

The productivity of teaching staff is an effort of every educator to achieve maximum work results by always assuming that today’s work performance must be better than yesterday’s work. This study aims to develop factors that can affect the productivity of teaching staff at the Marine Operations Education Command, Kodiklatal, Surabaya. The approach used in this research is quantitative with a survey research design that uses a path analysis approach. The population in this study were all teaching staff (gadik) with a sample of 126 educators. The data collection technique used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that the productivity of the female student was more dominantly influenced by the work motivation variable and was followed by work stress and organizational climate. Based on the data found in the field, it can be concluded that the productivity of the teaching force is currently experiencing an overload of work which results in increased work stress and a shortage of existing educators. This is a finding that deserves to be followed up with the hope that it can increase the productivity of teaching staff in the marine operations education command, Kodiklatal Surabaya.

Keywords: Organizational climate, work motivation, productivity, work stress.