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1. Adiyati Fathu Roshonah 7517157819 2019 The Effect of Parenting Training Strategy and Education Level on Mother Communication Ability with Children Age 4-5 Years (Experimental Research on Mothers in Paud Non Formal DKI Jakarta Province, 2018)


This research aims to determine the effect of parenting training strategies and education levels on the ability to communicate with mothers and children aged 4-5 years in non-formal PAUD in DKI Jakarta Province. Experimental research method with 2×2 treatment by level design, a sample of 34 mothers, using communication skills instruments. Parenting problem based learning (PBL) and experiential learning (EL) training was carried out according to the training syntax of 8 (eight) meetings @ 90 minutes each for 2 (two) months. The level of education is high, namely high school and above, and the level of education is low, namely junior high school (junior high, elementary and not school). ….

Keywords: Communication Ability, Parenting Training Strategy, Level Education


2. MISRIANDI7517090795 2019 Relationship Of Physical, Social Economic Activities, Family Environments With Student Social Skills (Survey at Labschool Elementary School, Banten Province College) The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of physical activity, socio-economic,  family  environment  with  the  social  skills  of  Banten  Province  Elementary School  students. This  study  uses  a  survey  method  with  multiple  regression  techniques. The  sample  of  this  study  was  164  grade  2  students  of  SD  Labschool  FIP  UMJ  and second grade students of MI Madrasah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta. The results of this study indicate that; (1) physical activity is directly related significantly to social skills with a correlation coefficient of 0.342 and a regression coefficient of 0.569; (2) socio-economic is directly related significantly to social skills with a correlation coefficient of 0.398 and  a  regression  coefficient  of  0.646;  (3)  the  family  environment  is  directly related  significantly  to  social  skills  with  a  correlation  coefficient  of  0.354  and  a regression  coefficient  of  0.881;  (4)  physical  activity,  socio-economic  and  family environmenttogether are directly related significantly to social skills with a correlation coefficient of 0.598 and a coefficient of determination of 0.358. Thus the improvement of  children’s  social  skills  can  be  achieved  well  if  there  is  a  strong  relationship  of physical activity, socio-economic and family environment that is well nurtured.

Keywords: physical activity, socio-economic, family environment, and social skills



2019 The Effect of Parental Guidance and Parenting on Independence (Experimental Study at Kindergarten B Aisyiyah and Kindergarten B Paud Bunga Rangga in Indramayu Regency, West Java 2015) This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of  parental  guidance  and  parenting  on student  independence. Experimental  methods  were  used  in  Aisyiyah  Kindergarten  and BungaRangga  Kindergarten  in  Indramayu  Regency,  West  Java.  Data  were  analyzed through a 2×2 analysis variant using two types of training, namely group guidance and individual  guidance.  Each  gift  is  given  to  two  groups  of  students. The  result  of  study indicated  that  self-reliance  of  students  whose  given  group  guidance  higher  than students whose given individual guidance, self -reliance of student’ group which have parent   upbringing   democratic   higher   than   student’   group   which   have   parent upbringing   permissive,   there   is   any   interaction   between   guidance   and   parent upbringing toward self-reliance. Self-reliance of students whose given group guidance higher  than  students  whose  given  individual  guidance  toward  Student’  group  which have  parent  upbringing  democratic,  and  there  is  no  significant  differences  of  self-reliance  of  students  whose  given  individual  guidance  toward  students  whose  given  on  individual group on student group which have parent upbringing permissive.Based on the result of study that group guidance better to apply toward Kindergarden student B and  attempted  to  self-relince  of  student  acceleration,  group  guidance  better  to  use  on students  whose  have  parent  upbringing  democratic  while  individual  guidance  more appropriate to apply on student which have parent upbringing permissiveKeywords: Guidance, parenting parents, student independence
4. FATMA ASMI AGUS7517101213 2019 Earlychilhood Educational Role Playdramatic Play (Fenomenology Study of Bhayangkari 29 Kindergarten in Jambi) The  aim  of  this  research  is  to  obtain  information  about  the  dramatic  play  with  an fenomenology study in TK Bhayangkari 29 JambiThe  data  were  collected  through participant observation  using  interview,  observation, document  study  and  recording.  The  evaluation  tecnigue  of  study  validity  is  conducted  with criteria  of  validity  level, dependency,  and  assurance.  Meanwhile,  data  analysis  process includes:  arrangement,  array,  classification,  coding,  and  categorizing  the  data  obtained  fron various sources, field records, response, and documentation.This  research  found  that  learning  with  dramatic  play  method  will  be  able  to  develop multy intelligence dan childrens linguistic  intelligence. Because by the dramatic play, children will gain various vocalbularies, sentences, communicate, and practice to  write. Therefore,  this research recommends to use dramatic play in learning children in orther to development their linguistic intelligence.

Keywords : Linguistic intelligen, dramatic play, development, fenomenology

5. Fartika Ifriqia  7517110606 2019 The Influence of Constructive Play and Spatial Visualintelligence to Entrepreneurship Skills (Experiments  on TK Aisyiyah Group B in East Java, 2016/2017) This study aims investigates the influence of constructive play on entrepreneurship skills of  children  aged  5-6  years  at  TK  Aisyiyah  group  B  in  Kediri,  East  Java.  This  study conducted by experimental method with treatment by level design 2×2. Data analysis used Anava. Sampling was done by multistage cluster random sampling technique with a sample of 48 children. The result is entrepreneurship skills in sand playing groups highly  from  playdough  groups;  entrepreneurship  skills  in  high  spatial  visual intelligence highly from low spatial visual intelligence; there is an interaction between constructive  play  and  spatial  visual  intelligence  on  entrepreneurial  skills.  The conclusion from this study is the entrepreneurship skills for children aged 5-6 years can be done with constructive play should attention to spatial visual intelligence.

Keywords :Constructive play, spatial visual intelligence, entrepreneurship skills

6. Anita Damayanti


2019 The Effects of Learning Method and Naturalist Intelligence on Children’s Fine Art Creativity(Experimental Research in First Grade at  Elementary School Students in West Java Province in 2018) The purpose of this study is to determine the effectsof Learning method and naturalist Intelligence  on  the  fine  art  creativity  of  first  grade  elementary  school  students   West  JavaProvince. This research is using experimentalresearch method with treatment by level design 2 x 2. The sampling technique was done by using random sampling with 100 first grade student used the naturalist intelligence instrument to measure the level and instruments of creativity of fine  arts  to  measure  the  creativity  of  student  art.  Data  processing  use  two-way  analysis  of varians (Anava) with F test at a significant level 0f 0,05. The results shows that: 1). There is a very significant difference between the creativity of fine arts students who use the drill learning method and those who use the demonstration learning method. Results of analysis of variance 2 x 2 Fcount= 7.61> Ftable= 3.94 at a significant level α = 0.05. 2). There is a very significant interaction effect, between learning methods and naturalist intelligence on artistic creativity. The results of the analysis of variance 2 x 2 show Fcount= 54.141> Ftable(0.01; 1: 96) = 6.91. 3) There is a very significant difference in the creativity of fine arts students whohave high naturalist intelligence, between those who use the drill learning method and the demonstration learning method.  Further results of the Tukey Q count= 10.15> Qtable(0.01; 4: 25) = 4.88. 4) There  is  a  very  significant  difference  in  the  creativity  of  fine  arts  students  who  have  low naturalist intelligence, between those who use the drill learning method and the demonstration learning methodFurther results of the Tukey Qcounttest = 4.62> Qtable(0.05; 4: 25) = 3.89. It  was  concluded  that  in  order  to  improve  the  artistic  creativity  of  students  who  have  hih naturalist intelligence, it is more suitable to use drill learning methods and students who have low naturalist intelligence are more suitable to use the demonstration learning method.

Keywords:learning method, naturalist intelligence, fine art creativity.

7. Duana Fera Risina


2019 Effect of Type Game and Self Esteem on Early Counting Ability in Kindergarten Group B The purpose of this study isto see the effect of the type of game and self-esteem on the early  counting ability  of  children  in  kindergarten-group  B  in  Bengkulu  Province.  This study  uses  an  experimental  method  with  treatment  by  level  design.  The  population  in this study is all Group B kindergartens in Bengkulu Province. The sampling technique usesrandom  sampling  with  a  total  sample  of  32  people.  The  technique  of  collecting data  uses  a  sheet  of  instruments  for early  counting and  instruments  of  self-esteem. Treatment  is  given  6  times in  90  minuteseach  meeting.  The  results  show  that there is an influence on the type of game and self-esteem towards the early counting ability of 57.65.  The early  counting abilityappears higher  on the  type  of  snake  ladder  game ratherthan congklakgame  that  is  equal  to  20.31.  The  children  who  have  high  self-esteem  is suitable given  the  type  of  snake  ladder  game that reach 25.75,  while in the type of congklak game is suitable given to children who have low self-esteem that reach 22.63. Based  on  the  results  of  research  and  relevant  research  studies,  it  can  be concluded  that  to  improve  the early  counting ability of  children  who  have  high  self-esteem  is  more  suitable  to  use  the  type  of  snake  ladder  game  while  for  children  who have low self-esteem are more suitable to use the type of congklakgames.

Keywords: early counting ability, self esteem, type of game

8. Endang Sutisnowati 7517060276 2019 The Influence of Intervention and Inteligence Method on The Capacity of Children’s Attention Center with Discussion and Hyperactive Center Interference in the Basic Inclusive


This study aims to find out empirical data about differences in the ability of focus concentration of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) children who are treated with the Back in control method and the Lovaas method, by paying attention to the intelligence of students in grades 1 and 2 at Bojongrenget State Elementary School II Tangerang (Inclusive school) The basic problem in this study, is the concentration of ADHD children, therefore this study uses the method of intervention modification of Back in Control and Lovaas method with 2×2 factorial design experiments. Conclusion of Hypothesis testing, there is also a very significant interaction effect between the method of intervention Back in Control, Lovaas and intelligence on the ability to focus concentration on children with ADHD, so that a simple effect occurs, a further test (tukey test) occurs. T test results can be concluded, ADHD children who have high intelligence, better concentration ability when given treatment with the Back in Control method, than Lovaas method treatment. ADHD children with low intelligence have better concentration ability using Lovaas method treatment, than Back in Control method. Thus there is a significant difference between the ability of concentration with the treatment of the Back in Control method and the Lovaas method.

Keywords: Intervention methods, Intelligence, Concentration, ADHD children

9. Husain Ibrahim 7517100780 2019 The Effect of Parental Guidance and Parenting on Independence (Experimental Study at Kindergarten B Aisyiyah and Kindergarten B Paud Bunga Rangga in Indramayu Regency, West Java 2015)


This study aims to determine the effect of parental guidance and parenting on student independence. Experimental methods were used in Aisyiyah Kindergarten and BungaRangga Kindergarten in Indramayu Regency, West Java. Data were analyzed through a 2×2 analysis variant using two types of training, namely group guidance and individual guidance. Each gift is given to two groups of students. The result of study indicated that self-reliance of students whose given group guidance higher than students whose given individual guidance, self – reliance of student’ group which have parent upbringing democratic higher than student’ group which have parent upbringing permissive, there is any interaction between guidance and parent upbringing toward self-reliance. Self-reliance of students whose given group guidance higher than students whose given individual guidance toward Student’ group which have parent upbringing democratic, and there is no significant differences of selfreliance of students whose given individual guidance toward students whose given on individual group on student group which have parent upbringing permissive.Based on the result of study that group guidance better to apply toward Kindergarden student B and attempted to self-relince of student acceleration, group guidance better to use on students whose have parent upbringing democratic while individual guidance more appropriate to apply on student which have parent upbringing permissive Keywords: Guidance, parenting parents, student independence
10. I H L A S 7517167800 2019 The Transformation of Horse Racing Culture for Early Childhood Character Development



Horse racing is one of the Dompu people’s cultures as a means of folk entertainment for the local community, especially early childhood. Horse racing culture is unique where children aged 4-8 become horsemen (little jockeys). This study aims to identify and explore; how is the culture of horse racing; the process of developing children’s motor physical abilities through horse culture; character values that are developed in children through the horse culture the culture of riding; and the process of inculcating character values in children through horse culture. This research used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Data were collected through observation (descriptive, focused and selected), interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using domain analysis techniques, taxonomic analysis, compound analysis and theme analysis. …

Keywords: horse racing, character values, early childhood

11. Rachmat Mulyono 7517080423 2019 The Correlation Between Parental Involvement and Child’s Self Regulation with Child’s Tolerant Behavior in Early Childhood Education DKI Jakarta



The objective of this study is to analyze the correlation of parental involvement, and child self-regulation to the child’s tolerant behavior in early childhood education/kindergarten class B DKI Jakarta. Quantitative research and survey method with correlation technique analysis was used in this study. This study assigned 149 children (aged 5-6 years) and 149 parents of each child in DKI Jakarta using simple random sampling. The results of this study revealed: 1) There is no significant negatively correlation of parental involvement with the child’s tolerant behavior with correlation coefficient (ρy1) = -0.068 and t-value = -1.031; 2) There is a significant positively correlation of child’s self-regulation with the child’s tolerant behavior, with correlation coefficient (ρy2) = 0.610 and t-value = 9.266; and 3) Parental Involvement, and Child Self-Regulation together significantly correlate with child’s tolerant behavior, with R2 = 0.371, F-value = 43.010; db (2,146); p-value = 0.000 < 0.05.

Keywords: Tolerant Behavior, Parental Involvement, Self Regulation

12. Ahmad Syukri Sitorus 9920917012 2020 The Influence of Socio-Economic Status, Parental Involvement, and Nutritional Status on School Readiness (Causal Study on Class B Kindergarten Children in DKI Jakarta Province)



The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socioeconomic status, parental involvement and nutritional status on the readiness of Kindergarten Class B children in DKI Jakarta, as many as 109 children were determined by the multistage cluster random sampling method. This study uses an associative quantitative approach with path analysis techniques. The results showed: (1) there is a direct effect of socioeconomic status on parental involvement, (2) there is a direct influence of socioeconomic status on children’s nutritional status, (3) there is a direct influence of socioeconomic status on children’s school readiness, (4) direct influence of parental involvement on children’s nutritional status, (5) there is direct influence of parental involvement on children’s school readiness, (6) there is a direct effect of children’s nutritional status on children’s school readiness The conclusion of the study is that children’s school readiness is directly affected positively by socioeconomic status, parental involvement and children’s nutritional status. This means that the better the socioeconomic status, the involvement of parents and the nutritional status of children, the more positive impacts on children’s school readiness. The indirect effect of socioeconomic status on children’s school readiness through the involvement of parents has a greater effect.

Keywords: Children’s School Readiness, Nutrition Status, Parent Involvement, Socioeconomic Status.

13. Dema Yulianto 7517140159 2020 The Effect of C00perative Learning and Independence Methods on Prososial Behavior (Experimental Study in Children Aged 5-6 Years, in Kindergarten in Kediri Regency – East Java, 2018)


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning type picture and picture (PAP) and type of student team achievement divisions (STAD) with independence towards early childhood prosocial behavior in Gogorante Dharma Wanita Kindergarten and Ngasem Dharma Wanita Kindergarten, Ngasem District, Kediri Regency, in East Java Province. The experimental method used was factorial 2×2 designs. Data analysis used was two-way Anava. Sampling used was Multistage Random Sampling technique with a total sample of 48 children. The results showed that: 1) The early childhood prosocial behavior of children given STAD type of cooperative learning was greater than that of early childhood prosocial behavior in the group of children given PAP type. 2) Early childhood prosocial behavior that had high independence was greater than early childhood prosocial behavior in groups of children who had low independence. 3) There was an influence of interaction between cooperative learning and prosocial behavior that was affected by the independence of early childhood. 4) Early childhood prosocial behavior of children given PAP type of cooperative learning was higher than children given STAD type in groups of children who had high independence. 5) Early childhood prosocial behavior of children given PAP type of cooperative learning was higher than children given STAD type in groups of children who had low independence. Keywords: cooperative learning, independence, prosocial behavior
14. Desti Pujiati 7517158165 2020 The Effectiveness of Learning Methods and Self-Control Towards Anti-Corruption Knowledge at Students of Kindergartens in Central Java


This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of the learning methods and self-control toward the knowledge of anti-corruption at the kindergarten students in Central Java province. This is a experimental research with total sample of 82 students (41 students in the experimental class with role playing method and 41 students in the control class with the storytelling method) in some Kindergartens in Central Java. The results of the study show that: 1) the average score of anti-corruption knowledge with high self-control using role-playing method was higher than using the storytelling method (10.18> 8.27), 2) The average score of anticorruption knowledge with low self-control using role-playing method was higher than using the storytelling method (6.55> 6.36) , 3) There was an effect of interaction of the learning methods and self- control toward anti-corruption knowledge (Fh 30.94> 4.08 Ft), 4) The average score of anti-corruption knowledge with role-playing method with high self-control was higher than with low self-control (10.18> 6.55), 5) The average score of anti-corruption knowledge with the storytelling method with high self-control was higher than with low selfcontrol (8.27> 6.36). Therefore, it can be concluded that the learning method could increase the anti-corruption knowledge by concerning the level of children’s self-control.

Keywords: Learning methods, self-control, and anti-corruption knowledge

15. Evi Selva Nirwana 7517167357 2020 Development of Calistung Digital Game Learning Media to Improve Cognitive Skills and Literation of Early Childhood


With the development of technology and changes in the shifting learning patterns of children in the millennia, it cannot be denied that parents and teachers must be able to facilitate them to get educational and fun learning patterns, one of which is through educational digital games to develop their skills and increase the performance of cognitive and literacy development and growth. early childhood. The purpose of this study was to develop a media for learning digital calistung games to improve cognitive skills and early childhood literacy. …

Keywords: Learning Media, Digital Calistung Game, Cognitive Skills, Early Childhood Literacy

16. Jhoni Warmansyah 7517167801 2020 The Influence of Socio-Economic Status, Executive Functions, and Teacher-Child Relations on School Readiness


The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the effect of socioeconomic status, executive function, teacher-child relationship on school readiness This research conducted for 6 (six) months. The research used a quantitative approach, with path analyisis techniques.The research conducted in group B Kindergarten of West Sumatra Province. The multistage cluster random sampling technique is applied, which 282 student involved as the research sample. Empirical findings of the research revealed that: 1) There is direct positive effect of socioeconomic status to the school readiness; 2) There is direct positive effect of executive function to the school readiness; 3) There is direct positive effect of teacher-child relationship to the school readiness; 4) There is direct positive effect of socioeconomic status to the teacher-child relationship; 5) There is direct positive effect of the executive function to the teacher-child relationship; 6) There is direct positive effect of socioeconomic status to the executive function.

Keywords: Socioeconomic Status, Executive Function, Teacher-Child Relationship, School Readiness

17. Maria Agustini  7517167484 2020 Development of Instructional Media Based Game Bible Warriors Adventures for Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


This study aims to develop instructional media based on Bible Warriors Adventures (BWA) games for children with ADHD. Using a quantitative approach with research and development methods. Product validation is carried out by a team of experts consisting of media experts, design experts, and material experts. Involved 27 child participants with ADHD divided into two groups, seven for small groups, and 20 people for field tests. The instrument used in product validation was a Likers scale questionnaire while for field testing using initial screening and final screening. The results of expert validation that the developed product is suitable for use. The research findings show that p-value> 0.05 means that there is a difference with a 95% confidence level. The mean value of 7.4000 has a positive sign, meaning that there is a tendency to decrease in the screening score after treatment. The average decrease is 7.4. It can be concluded that the application of BWA-based instructional media is effective for cognitive impairment in stimulating the attention of students with ADHD. The conclusion that the product of this development is instructional media the BWA game-based for cognitive training in stimulating the attention of students with ADHD 7-8 years age range in the form of BWA game-based instructional media applications and the QR code hyperlink module as a guide.

Keywords: Instructional Media, Children with ADHD, BWA games

18. Miftachus Sholikah 7517167651


2020 Influence of Socio-Economic Status, Literacy Environment at Home and Social Skills on Early Childhood Literacy Ability.


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of socioeconomic status, home literacy environment and social skills on literacy at first grade students in East Java as many as 120 children who were determined by the multistage cluster random sampling method. This study uses an associative quantitative approach with path analysis techniques. The results showed: (1) there is a direct effect of socioeconomic status on home literacy environment, (2) there is a direct influence of socioeconomic status on social skills, (3) there is a direct influence of socioeconomic status on early childhood literacy, (4) there is a direct influence of home literacy environment on social skills, (5) there is a direct influence of home literacy environment on early childhood literacy, (6) there is a direct influence on social skills on early childhood literacy. The conclusion of the study is that early childhood literacy are directly affected positively by socioeconomic status, home literacy environment and social skills. This means that the better the socioeconomic status, home literacy environment and social skills the more positive impact on early childhood literacy. The indirect effect of socioeconomic status on early childhood literacy through home literacy environment has a greater effect. ii

Keywords: Early Childhood Literacy, Socioeconomic Status, Home Literacy Environment, Social Skills

19. Adiyati Fathu Roshonah 7517157819 2020 The Effect of Parenting Training Strategy and Education Level Onmother Communication Ability with Children Age 4-5 Years(Experimental Research on Mothers in Paud Non Formal DKI Jakarta Province, 2018) This research aims to  determinethe effect of parenting training strategies and education levelson the ability to communicate with mothers and children aged 4-5 years in non-formal PAUDin DKI Jakarta Province. Experimental research method with  2×2 treatment by level design, asampleof  34  mothers,  using  communication  skills  instruments.  Parenting  problem  basedlearning  (PBL)  and  experiential  learning  (EL)  training  was  carried  out  according  to  thetraining  syntax  of  8  (eight)  meetings  @  90  minutes  each  for  2  (two)  months.  The  level  ofeducation  is  high,  namely  high  school  and  above,  and  the  level  of  education  is  low,  namelyjunior  high  school  (junior  high,  elementary  and  not  school).  Data  analysis  techniques  usedANOVA  with  the  F  test  at  a  significance  level  of  0.05.  ..

Keywords: Communication Ability, Parenting Training Strategy, Level Education

20. Eva Yulianti 7217110514 2020 The Effect of Physical Activity, Motor Skills, and Students Perception of Classroom Management on Physical Education’slearning Outcomes This  study  aimedto  find  the effect  of physical  activity, motoric skills,  and students perception  of classroom  management on physical  education’s  learning  outcomes. The research method used in this research is the quantitative approach, survey method with test and  measurement  technique.The  population  of  the  research  was  students  at  Junior  High school  81  Jakarta. The  research  sample  in  this  study  were 216students  of 6  class  gradeVIII.Therearea positive  influence  between physical  activity; motor ability;  and students perception  ofclassroom  managementon physical  education’s  learning  outcomes. This research  found  a positive  influence  between physical  activitytostudents  perception  ofclassroom  management;motor abilitytostudents  perception  ofclassroom  management; and  physical  activity  to  motor  ability.Furthermore,there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect between  physical  activity on physical  education’  learning  outcomesthrough students perception  ofclassroom  management,  and  there  is  a  positive  indirect  effect  between  motor abilityon physical education’s learning outcomesthrough students perception ofclassroom management.The conclusion is that physical activity, motor skillsand students perception ofclassroom  managementinfluence physical  education’s  learning  outcomes, directly  and indirectly..

Keywords: physical  activity;  motor  ability;students  perception  ofclassroom  management; Physical Education; academic achievement

21. Rita Mariyana


2020 The Effect of Learning Strategy and Game Media on Early Mathematical Skills (Experiments on Kindergarten B Children in West Java Province 2018) The study aims to examine the effect of discovery and inquiry learning strategies and media on blocks and flashcards on the early mathematical abilities of Class B Kindergarten  children  in  West  Java  Province.  The  study  used  an  experimental method  with  a  2×2  factorial  design.  Early  math  score  data  were  analyzed  and interpreted.Research findings are: (1) Discovery learning strategy is better than inquiry learning strategy in improving early math skills; (2) the blok game media is  better  than  the  flashcard  game  media  in  improving  early  math  skills;  (3) Discovery  learning  strategy  with  the  blok  game  method  is  better  than  discovery learning strategy with the flashcard game method in improving early math skills; (4)  Inquiry  learning  strategy  with  block  game  media  is  better  than  discovery learning strategy with flashcard game media in improving early math skills.The novelty  of  research  is  a  concerted  effort  to  find  appropriate  learning  strategies and  game  media  in  optimizing  early  math   skills.  Recommendations  for  teachers in early math learning are suggested to use game media as an educational game tool  that  helps  children  solve  mathematical  problems.  The  recommended  game media are the blok and flashcard as alternative choices for children.

Keywords: Early Math Skills, Game Media, Kindergarten, Learning Strategies,

22. Rika Kurnia. R 7517167359 2020 The Development of Adiwiyata Curriculum Based on Local Wisdom to ImproveStudents’ Environmental Awareness This research is a development study using Borg and Gall development model aims to   increase   students’   environmental   awareness   through   local   wisdom-based Adiwiyata Curriculum model equipped with a valid and effective syllabus and RPP (lesson  plan). The  result can also  be  implemented  in  other  elementary  schools  in Palu  City  as  a  reference  for  the  implementation  of  Adiwiyata  school  program containing  environmental  education  based  on  local  wisdom.  This  research  is conducted on the first grade students aged 7-8 years at the SDN (State Elementary School) 5 in Palu City with the material of local wisdom-based environment to be taught in local content subjects. Data is obtained through literatures and field studies by   collecting   relevant   theories   and   research,   observing,   interviewing,   and document.  The  results  of  the  study  state  that  the  local  wisdom-based  Adiwiyata Curriculum model is feasible and effective to apply in primary schools in Palu City. Students’ learning on the environment and local wisdom increased after being given material of local content subjects.

Keywords: environmental,  local  wisdom,  Adiwiyata, Curriculum,  Borg  and Gall.

23. Maria Agustini 7517167484 2020 Development of Instructional Mediabased Game Bible Warriors Adventures for Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) This study aims to develop instructional media based on Bible Warriors Adventures (BWA) games for children with ADHD. Using a quantitative approach with research and development methods. Product validation is carried out by a team of experts consisting of media experts, design experts, and material experts. Involved 27child participants with ADHD divided into twogroups, seven for small groups, and 20 people for field tests.The instrument used in product validation was a Likers scale questionnaire while for  field  testing  using  initial  screening and  final  screening.  The  results  of  expert  validation  that  the developed product is suitable for use. The research findings show that p-value> 0.05 means that there is a difference with a 95% confidence level. The mean value of 7.4000 has a positive sign, meaning that there is a tendency to decrease in the screening score after treatment. The average decrease is 7.4. It can be concluded that the application of BWA-based instructionalmedia is effective for cognitive impairment in stimulating the attention of students with ADHD. The conclusion that the product of this development isinstructionalmedia the BWA game-basedfor cognitive training in stimulating the attention of students with ADHD 7-8 years age range in the form of BWA game-based instructionalmedia applications and the QR code hyperlink module as a guide.

Keywords: InstructionalMedia, Children with ADHD, BWAgames

24. Asih Budi Kurniawati 7517140156 2021 Development of Whole Language Learning Models to Improve Beginning Reading and Writing Skills for Kindergarten B Children (Research and Development in Kindergarten B Children, DKI Jakarta Province)


This study aims to (1) obtain or collect data to develop a whole language model that can improve the early literacy skills of kindergarten B children, (2) produce a whole language learning model that is suitable for use to improve early literacy skills in kindergarten B, (3) Produce an effective whole language learning model to improve the early literacy skills of Kindergarten B children. The study was conducted from January 2020 to January 2021 in group B of Asy Syifa Cilincing Islamic Kindergarten, North Jakarta. This research method refers to research and development adapted from the Borg, Gall, and Gall model with ten stages of model development. Collecting data through observation, interviews, and literature study. The data presented in this study consisted of qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data was analyzed descriptively. Quantitative data were analyzed statistically using t-test. The research results from the development of this whole language learning model include: (1) producing a whole language learning model in Kindergarten B; (2) the whole language learning model that was developed proved feasible to use because it had followed the stages of the development of the Borg, Gall, and Gall model, (3) the whole language learning model was proven to be effective in improving the early literacy skills of Kindergarten B children using t- test.

Keywords: learning model, whole language, early literacy

25. Budiati 7517130120 2021 The Effect of Caregiver Knowledge About Nutrition, Nutritional Intake and Cognitive Ability of Early Childhood in West Lombok


Children’s cognitive development is strongly influenced by environmental stimuli, including the family environment, namely the environment in which children get psychosocial stimuli. Parenting is the families’ ability to provide time, attention, and support for children to grow and develop, including nutritional intake. Balanced nutritional intake and in accordance with the body’s needs for early childhood growth and development are known to play an important role in cognitive development. In the community of working mothers, other families provide substitute care for the children. This study aims to study the role of family relationships between caregivers and children, caregivers’ knowledge of nutrition, and nutritional intake on early childhood cognitive abilities. This study used a cross-sectional observational design in a population of children aged five andChildren’s cognitive development is strongly influenced by environmental stimuli, including the family environment, namely the environment in which children get psychosocial stimuli. …

Keywords: early childhood, caregivers, mother, nutrition intake, nutrition knowledge, cognitive, West Lombok

26. Irfan Fauzi Rachmat 7517167532 2021 Analysis of the Effect of Family Cohesion, Interpersonal Communication and Smartphone Addiction on Emotion Dysregulation of Early Childhood Irfan Fauzi Rachmat S3 Departmenet of Early Childhood Education UNJ



The problem of emotional dysregulation in early childhood has shown a variety of early symptoms, such as aggressive children, anxiety, low focus, and others. This study aims to determine the size of the influence of the variable family cohesion, interpersonal communication, and smartphone addiction on children’s emotional dysregulation. This study used a survey research method with SEM (Structural Equation Model) techniques assisted by the AMOS V.22 data processing program. Respondents were 338 parents of students in Cirebon City to collect their data through online questionnaires which were distributed individually to each kindergarten that had been selected as proportionate cluster random sampling. The questionnaire used is an adaptation of standardized questionnaires, namely the family environment scale, the interpersonal communication scale, the smartphone addiction scale, and the ITSEA instrument for emotional dysregulation. The results of the research study, it was found that family cohesion (p = 0.031 ≤ 0.05), interpersonal communication (p = 0.016 ≤ 0.05) have a negative direct effect on children’s emotional dysregulation. Meanwhile, smartphone addiction (p = 0.000≤0.05) has a positive direct effect on children’s emotional dysregulation. The indirect effect of family cohesion on emotional dysregulation through smartphone addiction has an indirect relationship (Z sobel> 1.96). Then for interpersonal communication, it shows that it has no indirect effect on emotional dysregulation through smartphone addict..

Keywords: Family Cohesion, Interpersonal Communication, Smartphone addiction, Emotional Disregulation.

27. Kristiana Maryani 7517130125 2021 The Effect of Training Methods and Teaching Experience on Pedagogical Competencies (Expost Facto on Kindergarten Teachers in West Java Province 2020)


This study aims to find out the influence of training methods and teaching experience on the pedagogical competencies of kindergarten teachers in west Java Province. This research uses expost facto research method, with samples of kindergarten teachers who have participated in basic training training both carried out by GTK PAUD and Dikmas as well as those carried out by PP PAUD and Dikmas of West Java province. This study used cluster sampling by determining human development index in West Java province in 2019. The sample used was 96 kindergarten teachers consisting of 48 people who had participated in the training method (24 people online training methods and 24 people face-to-face training methods) and 48 people related to teaching experience (24 who had high teaching experience and 24 people had low teaching experience). The results showed that: 1) Online training methods affect the pedagogical competencies of kindergarten teachers compared to face-to-face training methods (103.31 > 99.54); 2) kindergarten teachers who have high teaching experience will affect pedagogical competencies rather than teachers who have low teaching experience (97.75 >15,,10); 3) There is an influence of interaction between training methods and teaching experience on pedagogical competencies (Fh 40,484 >3.94); 4) Teachers who have high teaching experience and are given higher online training pedagogical competencies than teachers who have high teaching experience given face-to-face training (112.17 > 98.04); 5) Teachers who have lower teaching experience have higher pedagogical competencies after following face-to-face training methods than after attending online training methods (101.04 > 94.46). The results of this study stated that pedagogical competencies are influenced by online training methods with kindergarten teachers who have high teaching experience and face-to-face training methods with kindergarten teachers who have low teaching experience.

Keywords: Training methods, online training, face-to-face training, teaching experience, pedagogi competence

28. Lenny Nuraeni 7517130128 2021 The Effect of Basic Training and Self Regulated Learning on the Assessment Abilities of Children’s Development (Study of Expos Facto on Playgroup Educators in the West Java Province, 2020)


This study aims to see the effect of basic training and learning which are selfregulated by children based on children’s education in West Java Province. This study used ex post facto research, with a sample of playgroup educators who had attended basic online training (brave) and face-to-face basic training. This study used cluster sampling to determine the Human Development Index in West Java Province in 2019. The sample used was 392 play group educators consisting of 196 people who had followed the education and training strategy (98 people followed the online training strategy and 98 people followed the education and training strategy. face to face) and 196 people have independent learning (98 people have high independent learning and 98 people have low education). The results showed that: 1) online training strategy (brave) affects children’s development for the play educator group compared to face-to-face training strategies (7,218> 3,87), 2) there is a significant interaction effect between basic training and self-education which regulated by the children’s educational ability, 3) the score of the developmental ability of children with higher education that is self-regulated, in the group of educators who attend basic training in network (dare) is higher in the group of educators who take face-to-face basic training (252,38> 236), 17 ), 4) the score of children’s developmental abilities with self-regulated learning, in the group of educators who attended basic online training (brave) was lower than the group of educators who took face-to-face basic training (236.50<244.13).

Keywords: Basic Training, Self Regulated Learning, Child Development Assessment


29. Nasrah 7517130132 The Influence of Moving Song Game Learning Methods and Total Physical Response, and Linguistic Intelligence on English Vocabulary Mastery of Children aged 5-6 Years in South Sulawesi Province in 2019/2020


Improving foreign language mastery can be started from an early age. the golden age is the right time to stimulate various early childhood intelligences properly and fun, especially meeting the needs for stimulating language intelligence. This quantitative study used an experimental approach to group B kindergarten children in South Sulawesi province. The experimental class with 60 children was given the method of learning to play songs at the Al Markaz Al Islamic Kindergarten, while the control class used the total physical response learning method at Rosihan Anwar Kindergarten. Based on the results of the study, it shows that there is no interaction between children who have low and high linguistic intelligence with learning methods to play songs and total physical response. But to be able to master high English vocabulary, it is more appropriate to use the learning method of playing song movements, this is because children are more enthusiastic, more active, more enjoy and happy so that it is easy to master new English vocabulary.

Keywords: Early Childhood, vocabulay mastery, games moving song, Total Physical Response, Linguistic Intelligence.

30. Rina Syafrida 7517140476 2021 The Effect of Attachment and Self-Regulation on Self-Esteem Through Social Skills (Causal Studies in 8 Year old Trhrought DKI Jakarta in 2018)


This research aims to find out how much influence attachment and self-regulation on self-esteem through social skills in children aged 8 years in DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted for eight months starting from preparation, distributing questionnaires to each school. This research uses survey method with path analysis technique. Based on data processing on the results of the study, several direct and indirect effects were found as follows: 1) There is a direct positive influence of attachment on self-esteem, meaning that children who have a safe attachment to their parents will have high self-esteem compared to children who are not attached to their parents. 2) There is a direct positive effect of self-regulation on self-esteem, based on these findings it can be concluded that self-esteem is directly influenced positively by self-regulation. 3) There is a direct positive effect of social skills on self-esteem. Increased social skills will result in increased self-esteem. 4) There is a direct positive effect of attachment on social skills, increasing secure attachment will result in an increase in social skills. 5) There is a direct positive effect of self-regulation on social skills, increasing self-regulation will result in increased social skills. 6) There is a direct positive effect of attachment on selfregulation, increasing secure attachment will result in increased self-regulation. 7) There is an indirect effect of attachment to self-esteem through social skills, 8) There is an indirect effect of attachment to self-esteem through social skills. Children’s self-esteem is positively influenced by attachment, and self-regulation through social skills. This means that the existence of social skills as a mediator variable increasingly has a positive impact on the high self-esteem of children. Analysis of the indirect effect on children’s self-esteem, referring to the constellation of research, found that there is an indirect effect of attachment to self-esteem through social skills and there is an indirect effect selfregulation of self-esteem through social skills. This means that children’s self-esteem is positively influenced by attachment and self-regulation with the presence of social skills. Keywords: attachment, self-regulation, self-esteem, social skills
31. Nur Riska 7517140167 2021 Developing Learning Model to Increase Knowledge of Clean and Healthy Living This research aims to obtain, develop, and produce learning model and find out the feasibility and effectiveness of using learning model through video to increase knowledge of clean and healthy living for kindergarten group B. This research was conducted in three kindergartens spread across Banten Province, namely Al Aziz kindergarten – Tangerang, Al Kautsar kindergarten – Serang, and Raudhatul Jannah – Cilegon. This research took place from January 2017 until June 2019. This research used a Research and Development approach using the J. Moonen prototype development model. As for the product being developed, it is in the form of learning video to increase knowledge of clean and healthy living for kindergarten children in group B. The learning evaluation was carried out in stages, through expert reviews consisting of learning design expert, material expert, and learning media expert. After conducting a review from the experts, it was then continued by one-onone trial, small group trial, and field test trial for group B of the kindergarten children. Based on the trials, the result of the development show that the usage of learning model in the form of learning video is satisfactory for increasing children’s knowledge of clean and healthy living. The effectiveness result proves that there is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test data after being given the learning video media. The test was then followed with the Anova test which proved that there was a significant difference in each aspect, then continued with the Tuckey test and it was found that the personal hygiene aspect had the most significant improvement compared to other aspects. The novelty of this research is that it produces a learning model through the AJE KENDOR video that is found to be effective and interesting for teaching to use in conducting learning and teaching at school, which consists of 4 episodes that at the end of each episode are given reinforcement by the experts that reviews the essence from each episode and also accompanied with music to accompany it. Keywords: Developing, learning model, knowledge, clean and healthy living
32. Cucu Sopiah


2021 The Effect of Parent’s Attention Intensity, Achievement Motivation, and Self-Regulation on Academic Achievement(Causal Study on Class Ii Elementary School Students in West Java Province This study aims to examine the effect of parenting intensity, achievement motivation   and   self-regulation   on   academic   achievement   in   West   Java Province.  causal  study  with  data  collection  techniques  using  questionnaires, and  data  analysis  using  path  analysis  methods,  with  a  sample  of  parents  and guardians  of  grade  2  elementary  schools  in  West  Java  province.  random sampling of 270 parents of students in grade 2 elementary school. The results showed  (1)  there  was  a  direct  positive  effect  of  the  intensity  of  parental assistance  on  academic  achievement,  (2)  there  was  a  direct  positive  effect  of achievement  motivation  on  academic  achievement,  (3)  there  was  a  direct positive  effect  of  self-regulation  on  academic  achievement, (4)  there  was  a direct positive effect the intensity of parental assistance on self-regulation, (5) there  is  a  direct  positive  effect  of  achievement  motivation  on  self-regulation, (6) there is a direct positive influence of the intensity of parental assistance on achievement motivation, (7) there is a direct positive influence of the intensity of  parental  assistance  on  academic  achievement  through  self-regulation  ,  (8) there  is  a  direct  positive  effect  of  achievement  motivation  on  academic achievement through self-regulation.

Keywords:  intensity  of  parental  assistance,  achievement  motivation,  self-regulation of academic achievement

33. Mumun Mulyati


2021 Increased Early Counting Abilities of Ages Aged 4-5 Years Through Playing Flannel Puzzles (Action Research in Children Aged 4-5 Years in Early Childhood Education in Renggali East Bekasi West Java Year 2018) This  study  aims  to  improve  the  early  numeracy  skills  of  children  aged  4-5 years  in  Early  Childhood  Education  (PAUD),  in  the  area  Renggali,  East Bekasi,   West   Java,   using   a   Flannel   puzzle.   Early   calculation   in   early childhood  is  the  basis  of  learning  to  know  the  concept,  understanding  the numbers in solving problems related to the logic in everyday life performed by young  children.  The  method  used  is  action  research  on  students  who numbered   15   children   through   four   stages:   namely:   planning,   action, observation,   and   reflection.   The   data   generated   in   the   analysis   are descriptive,  qualitative  and  quantitative.  The  results  concluded  that  with  the use and use of Puzzle, students’ early numeracy skills can be improved. The results  obtained  from  the  class  action  then  the  ability  of  students  increased from 44.66% before action and increased in the first cycle about 49.25% and in  the  second  cycle  to  90.16%.  Students’  ability  is  high  enough  in  the  game process  by  using  Flannel    puzzles,  ice  cream  sticks  and  buttons  of  clothing that are taped to the flannel fabric.

Keywords:  Action  research,  early  count,  puzzle  flannel,  early  childhood education 4-5  years.

34. Masitah


2021 Improving the Ability of 5-6year-Old Children to Read Daily Prayers Through Audio Visual Media(Action Research at Ra Bahagia Cipinang, East Jakarta) Aim ofthis research is to increase the abilityofreadingdaily prayer for children, age 5-6 years (TK B)with audio visual media. This research was conducted in RA Bahagia, Cipinang,  Jakarta  Timur,by  using  Martini  Jamaris&  Edwita  method  (Kemmis  & Taggart  modified)  with  step  procedures:  (1)  pre  assessment,  (2)  planning,  (3)  acting, (4)observing,  (5)  reflecting  and  (6)  post  assessment.  This  study  was  conducted  in  2 cycles with 7 meetings. Data was collected by observation, interviews with teacher and stakeholder   and   documentation.   The   result   of   this   study   indicate   that   there   is signification  increase  in  daily  reading  prayer  ability  for  children  age  5-6  years  with audio visual media especially fluency in expressing, the accuracy of sentence structure and  understanding  context.  The  increase  in  this  study  is  quite  significant,  the  average learning outcomes pre assessment amounted to 49,32% up to 66,47% in cycle I or up to 17,15% and cycle II amounted to 88.81% up to 22,34%. Keywords: Audio visual media, daily prayer, moral religi.