1. | Rachma Dwi Ardiyana
7516157379 |
2019 | Parent Involvement And Intrinsic Motivation With The Confidence of Early Children | This study aims to determine the effect of parental involvement and intrinsic motivation with self-confidence. The method used was a survey with a correlational study involving 100 samples. There are three instruments that measure a child’s selfconfidence (rel / 875), parental involvement (rel / 962), and intrinsic motivation (rel / 82). The data and results of the study revealed that there was a significant positive influence between the variables of parental involvement and intrinsic motivation variables on early childhood confidence variables. The implication of this research is that in an effort to increase children’s confidence, the involvement of parents and intrinsic motivation must be increased.
Keywords: Parent Involvement, Intrinsic Motivation, and Child Confidence |
2. | Mulya Sari
99098170288 |
2019 | Improving Social Skill Through The Saman Dance Activities (Action Research on Primary School 1 Rikit Gaib, in Gayo Lues, City Aceh Province) | The objective of this research was to determine the process of implementation of Saman dance in increasing child social skills at Primary School 1 Rikit Gaib.This research is an action research which refers to the model of clasroom action research by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart.The subject of this research are second grade male elementary school students, there are 11 children. This research consist by two cycles, first cycle consist of eight times in actions and the second cycle consists of four times in actions.The analysis of the data used qualitative and quantitative approaches. The analysis of quantitative data used descriptive statistics that compare the results obtained from the first cycle and the second cycle. While the analysis of qualitative data used analyzing daa from the field notes and interviews during the research by steps of data reduction, data display and data verification.The end of this research is the percentage 48% to 65,7% to 81,0%. The findings lead to the recommendation to the teacher and parents to use the saman dance activities as the method to increase student’s social skills.
Keywords: Social Skills, Saman Dance, Action Research |
3. | Vienna Aniella Nauli
7516157363 |
2019 | The Mother’s Role of Traditional Market Towards Children’s Moral Development (Case Study in Bekasi City) | This study aims to examine the role of 24-hour market traders mothers on children’s moral development. As for the things observed: (1) a description of the role of the mother towardschildren’s moral development. (2) factors that influence mother’s role. (3) description of parenting local culture. (4) an overview of the role of the community in educating children morally. The research subjects were 24-hour market traders mothers who had 7-year-old children. This research is a qualitative study with a type of case study research. Analysis of the data used is the Campbell model. The data of this study were obtained from the results of observations, documentation, interviews and field notes. The findings of this study indicate that mothers have not been firm in providing rules, punishments, and rewards, as well as discipline. Factors of economic, being a single-mother, physical & emotional condition also affect the involvement of mothers in developing children’s morals. The upbringing of local culture also influences the parenting style of the mother as a parent to achieve the child’s moral development. The community must have a good influence for the child and also the community must work hand in hand to pay attention of the child behavior with working mothers. At school, teacher must be able to work with parents so that the teacher also knows the problems betweem mother and child, and knows the behavior of the child at home.
Keywords:mothers role, parenting, culture, society role, moral |
4. | Octavian Dwi Tanto
7516157337 |
2019 | Building The Character of Early Childhood in Traditional Art of Tatah Sungging | This study aims todescribe the findings about the formation of early childhood character in the process of making shadow puppet known as the traditional art of tatah sungging in Kepuhsari, Wonogiri. The subjects of this study is early childhood in the Kepuhsari region who were skilled in making shadow puppet and other handicraft works such as key chains, bookmarks, wedding souvenirs, and other ornaments from leather. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach of Spreadley models. The results of this study indicate that the involvement of early childhood in making tatah sungging works reflects their character such as patience, diligence, thoroughness, independence, responsibility, discipline, and gotong royong that formed through the encouragement, demand, habituation, and exemplary to produce precision work. It also found that there are several supporting factors that influence the formation of early childhood character in traditional art of tatah sungging such as historical values, philosophical values, public perceptions, the use of speech, the level of difficulty in producing precise work, children’s skills in producing precision works, and the spirit of cultural preservation in the Kepuhsari community.
Keywords: Character in early childhood, tatah sungging art. |
5. | Gokma Nafita Tampubolon
9909817021 |
2019 | The Development
of Sexual Education Book For Children Aged 1-3 Years Old (For Parents) |
The purpose of this study was to develop a sexual education bookfor children aged 1-3 years aimed at parents who have children aged 1-3 years in the city of Kupang. The limited number of researchers who developed a child sexual education bookfor children aged1-3 years old that can be used by parents as a guide even though child sexual development has been around since the child was born. The book aims to improve parents’ knowledge, attitudes and skills in providing sexual education to children. The method used is research and development which refers to Derek Rowntree. Book development based on the concept of child development, the concept of sexual education and sexual development of children aged 1-3 years. The book has been tested on 27 parents. Parents gave an assessment of 3.72 (very good) on book products and there was a percentage increase in score of 35%. In conclusion, that sexual education books for children aged 1-3 years have been well developed and can be accepted by book users.
Keywords: sexual education, sexuality, sexual development, early childhood |
6. | Rahmi Tasty Rosandi
7516157339 |
2019 | Instrument Assessment of Prospective Study of Prospective Students of Candidates Teachers Beginning Class School | This study aims to develop an assessment instrument that is used to measure the proportional reasoning ability of prospective teacher candidates for early grade elementary school. The research method used is development research with a model adapted by the Djaali model, which includes information gathering, planning, initial product development, first trials and operational field trials. The first trial was 10 students, the second trial was 15 students, and the third trial was 30 students. The technique of data collection is done by instruments. Data analysis techniques in this research are qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The results of the study are based on trials that have been carried out and seen from the level of difficulty, reliable and validity of the questions, the final results obtained from the use of the assessment product amounted to 64.79%. From these results indicate that the assessment developed shows good interpretation and is feasible to be implemented as an assessment tool to measure proportional reasoning abilities.
Keywords: proportional ability, assessment, research instrument development. |
7. | Murtafiah
7516157368 |
2019 | Increase of Natural Intelligence In Early Childhood Through Science Fiction Method (Action Research of B1 Group RA Asy-Syafi` Kota Tangerangat 2018-2019 | The purpose of this research is to describe the process and the result of the increase of natural intelligence in early childhood B1 RA Asy-Syafi` Kota Tangerang 2018-2019 through research and development science fiction method. The subjects of this study were 12 children. This research method is based on Action Research model of Kemmis and Mc Taggart which includes four stages: planning, action and observation, reflection. This action study was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of 6 meetings. The data collected used in this action research are interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative and quantitative. The result showed that the increased natural intelligence of early childhood RA Asy-Syafi` Kota Tangerang 2018-2019 through science fiction method. The rate of development of focused attention obtained by early childhood in pre cycle is 42,50%. In the first cycle the score is 68,50% and the second cycle is 86,33%. This research reveals that research and development science fiction method is one solution to increase of natural intelligence early childhood.
Keywords:Natural Intelligence, Science Fiction, Action Research. |
8. | Raudhatul Janah
7516140888 |
2019 | The Effect of Organizational Climate And Job Satisfaction on Kindergarten Teacher Performance (Causal Study on Kindergarten Teachers at Depok City in 2018) | The purpose of this study was conducted to discover the effects of organization climate and job satisfaction on the kindergarten teacher performances in Depok City. This study using associative quantitative method with causal research and path analysis techniques. Path analysis technique is used to 1) test the suitability of the models, 2) test the relationship between variables, 3) test the direct effect of each exogenous variables (organizational climate and job satisfaction) with endogenous variable (performance), 4) test the indirect effect between exogenous variables and endogenous variables through intervening variable, and 5) testing the total effect (direct and indirect effects). This study involved 102 respondents using clusterrandom sampling technique. The respondentsare kindergarten teachers in Kelurahan Gandul, Kecamatan Cinere, Depok City. This research uses survey instruments and analyzes them using the Analysis of Moment Structural 21 (AMOS21) program. The results of this study concluded that 1) there was a positive direct effect on organizational climate to kindergarten teacher performance in Depok City (r=0.612) and (β=0.442); 2) there is a positive direct effect on job satisfaction to kindergarten teacher performance in Depok City (r=0.577) and (β=0.376); 3) there is a positive direct effect on organizational climate to kindergarten teacher job satisfaction in Depok City (r=0.577) and (β=0.454); 4) there is a positive in direct effect on organizational climate to kindergarten teacher performance in Depok City through job satisfaction (β=0.171); 5) there is a Positive joint effect of organizational climate and job satisfaction to kindergarten teacher performance in Depok City (β=0.613). The novelty of this research was conducted in 2018 and no one has examined the Effect of Organizational Climate and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of PAUD Teachers in Depok City.
Keywords: Organizational Climate, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance |
9. | Asla De Vega
9909817003 |
2019 | The Influence of Parenting And Verbal Violence on Self-Confidence(Causal Study in aNorth Jakarta Elementary School Class In 2019) | Self-confidence is the ability of an individual to be able to understand and be sure of his capacity, sure to achieve the expected goals, not anxious in acting, warm and polite in interacting and believing in the abilities he has. This study aims to determine the effect of parenting and verbal violence on self-confidence on elementary school children in North Jakarta. The variables used in this study were parenting (X1), verbal violence (X2), and self-confidence (Y). This type of research uses a type of quantitative research with causal studies. The number of samples in this study were 106 people using the Cluster random sampling technique. Based on the calculations obtained that t-count greater than t-table shows that parenting has a positive direct effect on self-confidence, verbal violence has a positive direct positive effect on self-confidence, and pattern-pattern has a positive direct effect on verbal violence.
Keywords: Parenting, verbal violence, self-confidence
10. | Azizah Laily
7516167988 |
2019 | Improving The Ability of The Early Mathematical Concept of Children Aged 4-5 Years Through The Mediaof The Semat Board(Action Research in PAUD Permata Ibu Ceria 2018/2019 Academic Year) | This study aims to improve the ability of early mathematical concepts on aspects of numbers and geometry of children aged 4-5 years through semat board media. The low level of mathematical abilities at the elementary school level is due to the mastery of weak concepts in early childhood. Semat board is one of the learning media used by pinning. This action research uses work procedures developed by Kemmis and Taggard in the form of spiral cycles, namely stages (1) planning, (2) actions and observations (3) Reflections and held planning revisionson the re-cycle if it is still needed for improvement. Data analysis techniques are analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Teachers as collaborators with researchers carry out joint activities from beginning to end. The results of the study cannotgeneralize to each problem. The results of this study can contribute ideas to help answer the problem. From the research conducted there was a significant increase in early mathematical abilities in children aged 4-5 years. i.e. there was an increase fromthe pre cycle which only reached 26.67 increasing to 48.53 percent and increasing again in the second cycle reaching 72.53% so that it could be stated that the use of pin boards could provide a solution to improve the ability of early childhood concepts 4-5 in PAUD Permata Ibu Ceria.
Keywords: Early childhood, Early mathematical ability: board game |
9909817017 |
2019 | The Effect of Parents’ Economic Status and Raising Children on Early Childhood School Readiness in Coastal Areas (Ex Post Facto Study on Parents in Coastal Areas, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province in 2019) | The purpose of this study was to knowthe influence between the economic status of parents and child rearing towards the readiness of early childhood schools in the coastal areas of Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province. Ex post facto study with 2×2 factorial design. Determination of samples using purposive sampling technique amounted to 100 parents. Determination of the sample using the difficulty index formula (Johnson formula), continued to determine 27% of respondents who became the Upper group and 27% to the Lower group (distinguishing power), so that each cell was obtained into 8 respondents with a total of 32 parents. Data collection is done through the distribution of questionnaires designed in the form of a Likert scale. Data analysis using F and Tukey test. Research has five hypotheses. The overall hypothesis concludes that school readiness is influenced by the economic status of parents by considering child rearing. The support of several psychological factors in the school readiness to attend is a contributory factor to the success of children. A special approach is needed. Both verbal and other gestures are needed so that what is meant in raising a child can be achieved well through seminars and parenting programs. In addition to the seminar parenting, it can also be followed y the representatives of the church, not apart from. Religious and culturalvalues such as petitih petitah expressions, poetry, pantun and saga.
Keywords: child rearing, school readiness, early childhood |
9909817002 |
2019 | Improvement of Children’s Social Behavior Through Physical Game For Early Childhood In Group A TK Aster Indah Korong Balai Satu Province of West Sumatra | This study aims to describe the process of implementing the game of goat-recurrence, galahand cakmimin in improving children’s social behavior. This research was conducted at TK Aster Indah Korong Balai Satu, West Sumatra Province in April 2019. The research subjects were group A as many as 10 students. This research uses classroom action research methods. Research procedures consist of: planning, action and observation, reflection. Conducted for 12 meetings divided into two cycles. Data collection techniques are done through observation, interviews, documentation and field notes. The data analysis technique used in this study is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Quantitative data analysis uses descriptive statistics that compare the results obtained from the first cycle and the second cycle. While qualitative data analysis is used to analyze data from field notes and documentation during conducting research using data reduction, display and data verification steps. The results of this study indicate that an increase in the percentage of pre cycle by 48.70%, cycle I 65.02%, then cycle II to 84.25%. The conclusion of this research is that the physical game for early childhood effectively usedas learning to improve social behavior of children in kindergarten Aster Indah Korong Balai Satu, West Sumatra Province.
Keywords: Social Behavior, Physical Game For Early Childhood,Classroom Action Research |
7516157316 |
2019 | The Influence of Storytelling And Self Esteem To Speaking Ability(Experiment Research In Grade 1 Students of Kecamatan Sawah Besar, Jakartapusat,Academic Year 2018-2019) | This research aims to define the influence of storytelling and self esteem to speaking ability of students in grade 1 of kecamatan Sawah Besar, Jakarta. This research is taken place in SD Budi Mulia dan SD At-Taqwa. Method use in this research is experiment methodwith design treatment by level. The amount of sample inthis research is taken by using simplerandom sampling method. This research result: the primary students still like storytelling method, storytelling method can grow up the self esteem with a good morality value, and the self esteem can grow the speaking ability at early childhood children. The Normalistic test use liliefors test and the homogen test use barlett test, and for hypothesis in this research use analisis varian (ANAVA) two way 2x2with result arefirst Hipotesis ; at ANAVA table coeffisient is Fhitung12,696 more than Ftabel= 4,11 at a= 0,05 (Fhit= 6,760 > Ftab(a=0,05)= 4,11). SecondHipotesis coeffisient is Qhitung=0,50 Iess than Qtabel= 3,88 at a= 0,05. ThirdHipotesis; coeffisient is Qhitung= 6,90 more than Qtabel= 3,88 at a= 0,05. FourthHipotesis , at ANAVA table is Fhitung9,496 more than dari Ftabel= 4,11 at a= 0,05 (Fhit= 9,496 > Ftab(a=0,05)= 4,11). This result prove there are interaction between storytelling and self esteem to speaking ability.
Keywords: Storytelling, self esteem and speaking ability
7516157312 |
2019 | Improving Children’s Responsible Behavior Through Storiesusing Media Puppet Stage (Action Research In Group B1 TK Strada Dewi Sartika Iicengkareng West Jakarta 2017/2018) | The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in children’sresponsibility behavior through storytelling by using puppet stage media. This researchwas conducted in Strada Dewi Sartika II Cengkareng kindergarten, West Jakarta, startingin August-September 2017 with 20 research subjects and using two observers. The methodused is action research by referring to the action research model of Kemmis and Taggart,consisting of two cycles consisting of eight actions. Data analysis uses action research.Qualitative data is obtained through observations during the implementation of actioninterventions through field notes, while quantitative data is obtained by comparing theaverage scores of the initial assessment and final assessment. The results showed anincrease in the responsibilities of Strada Dewi Sartika II kindergarten children using thestorytelling method.Data analysis techniques in this study are qualitative data analysisand quantitative data analysis. The results showed that children’s responsibility hadincreased after being applied to stories using puppet media. The score of the pre-cyclechildren’s responsibilities was 28.65 in the first cycle 34.35, and the second cycle 40.6.This result implies that responsibility can be improved through the application ofstorytelling using the puppet stage.The implication of this research finding is that the useof the puppet stage in learning should require different decorations and dolls in eachappearance. Suggestions, teachers are expected to provide more opportunities for childrento conduct activities that can stimulate children’s responsibility behavior with the use ofmedia puppet stage.
Keywords: puppet stage, early childhood, responsible behavior, action research |
15. | Mitri Irawati
7516140443 |
2019 | The Effect of Reading Methods And Visual Spatial Intelligence And
Beginning Reading Ability (Experimental Study in Grade 1 Elementary School Children in Taruma District, Bekasi Regency in 2018) |
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of the initial reading method and spatial visual intelligence on the ability to read the beginning of grade 1 elementary school in Tarumajaya sub-district, Bekasi in 2018. This research method uses experimental research with treatment design by level 2 X 2. The population of this study is all first grade students of the Bekasi Kabupaten elementary school with sample collection techniques using multistage stratified random sampling. The data analysis technique uses descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistical analysis in the form of a description of research data, while inferential statistical analysis in the form of two-way ANAVA test and Tukey test with a significant levelα = 0.05 The results of this study indicate the ability to read students who are taught by multisensory methods is better than students who read taught by phonic method proved by the results of ANOVA test two paths calculated = 11,642> ftabel = 4,11. Furthermore, the initial reading ability of students who have a high level of visual spatial intelligence is better than the group of students who have a low level of spatial visual intelligence as evidenced by the results of the two-way ANAVA test count = 5.484> ftabel = 4.11. In addition, there is an interaction between the initial reading method and spatial visual intelligence on the initial reading ability with F (OAB) = 33,080> ftabel = 4,11. Based on the results of the Tukey test obtained Q countA1B1-A2B1= 8.82> Qtable = 4.60. This shows that in the group of students who have high spatial visual intelligence, the ability to read the beginning of students given a multisensory reading method is higher than the group of children given the phonic reading method. The Tukey test results obtained by the value of Qcount A1B2-A2B2 = 4.84> Qtable = 4.60. This shows that the group of students who showed low spatial visual intelligence, the ability to read the beginning of students who were given a multisensory reading method was lower than the group of children who were given phonic reading methods. Thus each H1 in each hypothesis is accepted.
Keywords: early reading ability, instructional method of reading, visual-spatial intelligence, research experimen |
16. | Ai Listriani
7516167267 |
2020 | Children’s Literacy Ability Through Applying The Spalding Method | Literacy ability in early childhood is the basic foundation for children to be able to learn to write, read, and count at the next level of education. The role of early childhood education teachers becomes important because the accuracy and appropriateness of the learning methods applied by the teacher will support the development of children’s literacy abilities optimally. This study aims to explain the pattern of literacy ability of children aged 5-6 years who experience the application of the Spalding method in Quantum Indonesia Kindergarten. The research method uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The data is descriptive in the form of written notes from informants, namely one teacher and five group B students (ages 5-6 years). Analysis of the data in this study uses a Campbell pattern matching model in which there are three lines of activity carried out, namely general statements, question selection, and the development of concept maps. The results showed that children’s literacy ability that emerged in the application of the Spalding method were children’s ability to master letter and word knowledge, basic writing skills and make meaningful scribbles, and interest in writing. Based on this research stated that the literacy skills of children aged 5-6 years at Quantum Indonesia Kindergarten can develop in the application of the Spalding method.
Keywords: literacy ability, spalding method, early childhood |
17. | Ainus Sholichah Rahman
7516080152 |
2020 | Improve the Speaking Ability of 4-5 Years old Children Through Outdoor Playing | This reserch aims to improve the ability of speaking children’s aged 4-5 years in play group Ar Rahman. The type of research used is Action Research (AR) with the outdoor playing approach that taken collaboratively between researchers, collaborator and teachers. The subject of this study is children with age 4-5 years were 14 children consisting of 7 boys and 7 girls. The object of this research is children’s speaking ability. The technique of collecting data through sheet observation (check list), documentation and video. The data analysis technique was done descriptively and quantitative. Quantitative calculation is only to know the significance of the percentage increase. The results of this study indicate an increase in children’s speaking ability after being given a variety of play experiences outside the classroom with new and different media, techniques and types of games. The result of observations on pre-action show that children speaking ability the average score is 51%. In the first cycle during the 5-day get up to be 68,7% and the second cycle increase get up to be 83,8%. So, it can be concluded that the application of teaching through outdoor playing can improve children’s speaking ability. The implications of this research can be used as an alternative to improve the speaking ability of children aged 4-5 years. It is suggested that is implementation can be tailored to a state school, teacher capability and willingness of the child.
Keywords: speaking ability, playing, outdoor playing, experience.
18. | Asri Insani
7516157367 |
2020 | The Influence of Parental Involvement and Parent’s Employment Status on Children Independency During Pandemic (Ex-Post Facto Research Children 7-8 years old in Kecamatan Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur) | The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of parental involvement and parent’s employment status on children independence aged 7-8 years during pandemic. The target population in this study were all students in grade 1 and 2 elementary school in East Jakarta, 6 elementary schools were totaling 6836 students, and the affordable population was all grade 1 and 2 students in the 2020/2021 academic year consisting of 8 classes with 240 students. The sampling technique in this study was carried out by using the stratified random sampling technique. This technique is used because the sampling of members of the population is carried out by strata in the population. Research design uses causal comparative by level 2X2. From each stratum, an equal number of each sample was taken. Of the 240 students selected, whose mother’s strata are working and whose mothers are not working. Based on a questionnaire that was distributed, 64 working mothers and the rest did not work due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a sample of each group of 60 people was taken randomly for each group so that each sample had the same opportunity. The results of the calculation of the two-way ANOVA test showed that the value of F0 = 4.616> Ftable = 3.92 or with p-value = 0.034 <α = 0.05 then the statistical hypothesis rejects H0 or accepts H1, so it can be drawn that there is an interaction between parental involvement (A) and parents’
employment status (B) on children independence aged 7-8 years during pandemic. This shows that there is a difference in the results of the children independence aged 7-8 years who have parental involvement (A) and parents’ employment status (B). Based on the test, there is no effect of employment status and parental involvement on independence but there is interaction. Keywords: parental involvement, employment, children independence, COVID-19 pandemic. |
19. | Atik Masruroh
9909817030 |
2020 | The Effect of Role Playing Method and Pragmatic Competence on The Behavior of Children’s Manners (Experimental Research in Second Class Elementary School Children in Lamongan District) | This research aims to determine the effect of role playing methods and pragmatic competence on the behavior of manners in 2nd grade children elementary School (SD). This method of research is using experimental research with 2×2 treatment design by level. Sample collection using cluster random sampling technique. The data analysis technique uses two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) and continued with the Tukey test at a significant level ɑ = 0.05. Before conducting data analysis it is necessary to test data normality by using liliefors test and homogenity test using Barlett test. The results of this study show that, (1) There are differences in courtesy behavior between groups of children who are given the method of playing macro roles and groups of children who are given the method of playing micro roles, the calculation results are obtained Fcalculate 8.92 > Ftable 3.98. (2) There are differences in courtesy behavior between groups of children who have high pragmatic competence and groups of children who have low pragmatic competence, the calculation results obtained Fcalculate 21.25 > Ftable 3.98. (3) There is an interaction effect between the role playing method and pragmatic competence on the behavior of child courtesy, the calculation results are obtained Fcalculate 15.16 > Ftable 3.98. (4) There are differences in courtesy behavior between children who are given a macro role playing method and those who are given a micro role playing method in children who have high pragmatic competence, the calculation results are obtained Qcalculate 28.57 > Qtable 4.020. (5) There is a difference in the behavior of manners between children who are given the method of playing macro roles and those who are given the method of playing micro roles in a group of children who have low pragmatic competence, the calculation results are obtained Qcalculate -3.78 < Qtable 4.020.
Keywords: Role playing, Pragmatic Competence, Behavior of Manners |
20. | Beryana Evridawati
7516157366 |
2020 | The Influence of Cognitive Style And Effect On Talking Ability To Speak Early Childhood (Expost Facto Research in Kindergarten Children in Banten Province) | Education is a very important aspect in the progress of a nation. Education is closely related to the learning process where the implementation space is not only in the classroom where there is interaction between the teacher and students, or among students, but it can also occur in an environment where parents, or the community provide stimulation to early childhood to develop all aspects of education that he has. This study aims to determine the effect of cognitive style and attachment on the ability to speak early childhood. The method used is a 2 x 2 factorial comparison design which is divided into two groups namely independent and dependent fields involving 138 samples. There are four instruments that measure 1). differences in early childhood speech skills between groups of children who have independent field cognitive styles and groups of children who have independent field cognitive styles obtained Fcount = 6.32 and Ftable (0.05; 1: 36) = 4.11, 2). 1). differences in early childhood speech skills between groups of children who have high attachment and groups of children who have low attachment obtained Fcount = 6,95 and Ftable (0.05; 1: 36) = 4.11, 3) the interaction between cognitive style and attachment to the ability to speak early in children is obtained Fcount interaction = 48.00 and Ftable (0.05; 1: 36) = 4.11, 4). differences in the ability to speak early childhood who have independent field cognitive style and children who have field dependent cognitive style in groups of children with high attachment obtained (A2B1), obtained Q count = 9.39 and Q table (0.05; 4: 10) = 4.33. 5). differences in the ability to speak early childhood who have an independent field cognitive style and children who have a field dependent cognitive style in groups of children with low attachment obtained (A2B2), obtained Q count = 4.39 and Q table (0.05; 4: 10) = 4.33. It can be concluded that early children who have independent field cognitive style have higher speech ability scores than early children who have field dependent cognitive style while early children who are independent field cognitive style with low attachment have lower speech ability scores than early childhood the field dependent cognitive style with low attachment.
Keywords: cognitive style, attachment and speaking ability |
21. | Dina Kartika Putri
7516140296 |
2020 | The Influence of Learning Media and Self-Motivation on Parental Involvement in Children’s Education (Experiments on Parents of Children at Kapiworo Kindergarten and Kemala Bhayangkari TK 85 Mojokerto Regency) | The aim of this research is to discover the impacts of different uses of learning media (audio-visual and visual learning media) and self-motivation towards the involvement of parents in child education in a kindergarten in Mojokerto Regency. The research method used in this research is an experiment with 2 X 2 factorial design, with 56 samples taken randomly from a population that is divided into four groups, each group consists of 14 student parents. The instrument used is a self-motivation questionnaire of parents and students, and a questionnaire of parent involvement in child education. The data of this research is analyzed by using a two-lane analysis of variants (ANAVA), and a further examination is conducted due to the existence of interactions between factors. The results of hypothesis testing show that the involvement of parent in child education in kindergarten can be increased through audio-visual learning media for parents who have a higher level of self-motivation. On the other hand, the involvement of parent in child education in kindergarten can be increased through visual learning media for parents who have a lower level of self-motivation. The renewal of this research demonstrates the importance of parent involvement in the process of education. The impacts of this research are to accelerate the knowledge and perception of student parents towards the importance of parent involvement in supporting their child education both at home and in an education unit.
Keywords: learning media, parent involvement, self-motivation.
22. | Eka Nurmala Annisa Rachman
7516167266 |
2020 | Increased Ability to Recognizing Numbers Through the Use of Rangkasbitung (Used Goods in Counting Media) | This action research aims to analyze and describe the activities group B of TKIT Al Faruqi students while doing the process of understanding recognizing numbers through the use of Rangkasbitung a.k.a (Used Goods in Counting Media) media, as well as to determine the impact of the use of Rangkasbitung learning media on increasing recognizing number. Rangkasbitung a.k.a is used as a tool to stimulate recognizing numbers skills as well as a form of improvement in teacher human resources in innovating developing learning media. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with a cycle design following the Kemmis and McTaggart models. The research subjects consisted of 15 students from group B TKIT Al Faruqi. Conclusions are drawn by changing qualitative assessments to quantitative. Data analysis is carried out in three stages consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study stated that the ability to recognize the number of children in group B TKIT Al Faruqi had increased after the application of learning activities using Rangkasbitung media.
Keywords: learning media, recognizing numbers, used goods |
23. | Eka Pratiwi
9909817015 |
2020 | Discipline Behavior of Children Age 5-6 Years Old by Storing Using Big Book Media | Early childhood is at the golden age. Early childhood is the forerunner to the formation of good and bad characters when they grow up. The formation of children’s character values needs to be done with habituation as early as possible. There are many character values. In this study, researchers researched the value of disciplinary behavior using classroom action research methods. The subjects of this study were 20 children aged 5-6 years. The disciplinary indicators that the researchers have done include compliance, regularity, and order. The objectives of the research that researchers have done are a. To determine the discipline behavior of children aged 5-6 years in Harapan Bunda 1 Kindergarten Palembang, b. Knowing the implementation of storytelling activities using big book media to improve the discipline behavior of children aged 5-6 years in TK Harapan Bunda 1 Palembang. Based on the results of the analysis that researchers have done in the field, the following data include: pre-cycle data on the presentation of children’s disciplinary behavior increased to 42.6%, while in cycle I the percentage of children’s discipline behavior increased to 67.05% and in cycle II increased again by 80.05%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that telling stories using big book media can improve the discipline behavior of children aged 5-6 years in Harapan Bunda 1 Kindergarten Palembang. There was an increase in disciplinary behavior because children were more enthusiastic and excited about listening to and seeing the big book media that the teacher had conveyed. So that the child can express ideas, insights, and can apply disciplinary behavior in the surrounding environment.
Keywords: Discipline behavior, early childhood education, storytelling using big book media. |
24. | Eva Roliana
7516167247 |
2020 | The Influence of Children Learning Method And Attitude Towards Mathematics on The Understanding of Number Sense In Children Aged 6-7 Years (Experimental Study on elementary school Children Class one In Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan) | This study aims to determine the difference in influence of the two independent variables, namely the Project Method and the Number Head Together (NHT) Method, as well as the moderator variable, which is the attitude of children in mathematics towards the understanding children number sense. In addition, this study also aims to determine the effect of the interaction between the factors of the Project method and the NHT (A) method and children’s attitudes to mathematics (B) towards the understanding of number sense in children aged 6-7 years at SDN Jurang Mangu Timur 01 and SDN Jurang Mangu Timur 02 Kecamatan Pondok Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan. The method used in this research is the experimental method. The research subjects consisted of 60 children in grade 1, 30 children in SDN Jurang Mangu Timur 01 and 30 children in SDN Jurang Mangu Timur 02. Data understanding of number sense is obtained from multiple choice tests. Meanwhile, research data on children’s attitudes were obtained through a questionnaire. Data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis methods and inferential statistical analysis methods. The research hypothesis testing uses the two-way Analysis of Variance (Anava) test. The results of data analysis shows that the average value of understanding the number sense in children who are treated by the Project method was 12.13 while the average value of understanding the number concepts in children who are treated by the NHT method was 10.83. Meanwhile, the understanding of number sense in children who have a positive attitude in both classes obtained an average value of 13.38 while the average value of the understanding of number sense in children who have a negative attitude of 9.58. The results of the data analysis also shows that there is an influence of the learning method towards the understanding of number sense and there is an interaction between the learning method and the attitude of the childdren in mathematics subject towards the understanding of number sense in children aged 6-7 years.
Keywords: Student Learning Attitudes, Number Sense, Early Childhood. |
25. | Fardiah
7516070152 |
2020 | Increasing The Cognitive Ability In Early Childhood Through By Science Learning | The objective of this research was to determine the process of implementation of science learning in increasing child cognitive ability in group B in PAUD Islam Cikal Harapan 4 Depok, Jawa Barat. This research is an action research which refers to the model of classroom action research by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The subject of this research are children in Group B PAUD Islam Cikal Harapan 4 Depok, there are 15 children. The steps of this research: 1) Planning, 2) Action, 3) Observation, 4) Reflection. This research consist by two cycles, first cycle consist of six times in actions and the second cycle consists of four times in actions. The analysis of the data used qualitative and quantitative approaches. The analysis of quantitative data used descriptive statistics that compare the results obtained from the first cycle and the second cycle. While the analysis of qualitative data used analyzing data from the field notes and interviews during the research by steps of data reduction, data display and data verification The end of this research is the percentage 58,33% to 83,33% to 92,50%. The findings lead to the recommendation to the teacher and parents to use the science learning as the method to increase student’s cognitive ability.
Keywords: early childhood, cognitive ability, scientific learning. |
26. | Febry Maghfirah
9909818008 |
2020 | The Effect Of Parental Perception And Children’s Early Education Experience To School Readiness (Ex-post Facto Research on Kindergarten Children Age 5-6 Years Old in Samarinda Ulu District, Samarinda City in 2020)
This study aims to determine differences in children’s school readiness in terms of parental perceptions and early educational experiences of children age 5-6 years old in Samarinda Ulu District, Samarinda City, East Kalimantan in 2020. The method used in this study is ex-post facto with a factorial design 2×3. The sampling technique in this study was stratified random sampling by grouping TK into 3 characteristics, state kindergarten, regular private kindergarten, and religion-based private kindergarten, and from each group of these characteristics, 1 state kindergarten, 4 regular private kindergarten, and 6 religious-based private kindergartens were selected. The data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires to parents for data on perceptions and children’s early education experiences, and to teachers for school readiness data. Data analysis used two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test the main effect of B and the effect of the interaction between A and B, further testing used the Independent-Samples t test to test the average difference between cells.The results of this study indicate that: (1) school readiness of children who participated in playgroup and kindergarten A and B program is not same with children who participated in kindergarten A and B program, and children who participated in kindergarten B program, 2) there is an interaction between parental perception and children’s early education experiences toward school readiness, 3) there are differences children’s school readiness with high parental perceptions who participated in playgroup and kindergarten A and B programs, kindergarten A and B program, and kindergarten B program 4) Hypothesis that discussed differences in children’s school readiness with low parental perceptions who participated in playgroup and kindergarten A and B programs, kindergarten A and B program, and kindergarten B program are not tested. The implication of this study is parental perceptions interacted with children’s early educational experiences can affect school readiness of children age 5-6 years old.
Keyword: parental perception, children’s early education experience, school readiness |
27. | Halimatus
9909817034 |
2020 | Development of Media Graphic for Introduction of Life Science In Children Aged 5-6 Years | This study aims to develop graphic media for the introduction of Butterfly life science in children aged 5-6 years. This study uses the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data is collected through needs analysis (literature study, comparative analysis, interview & observation), questionnaire for experts. The results of the draft graphic media test research show that the introduction of life science Butterfly life is considered quite successful after using graphic media compared to conventional methods, this is seen from the implementation notes through three stages, namely learning planning, learning implementation and evaluation. Graphic media used in this study is a combination of various types of graphic media in the form of media images, media charts, cartoon media, and poster media that are produced through the development and innovation of poster media that are already in the audience and then modified to stimulate children’s knowledge about Life Science Kupu butterfly so that learning is more meaningful and enjoyable. The conclusion obtained is that graphic media is appropriate to be used to improve the introduction of butterfly life in early childhood.
Keywords: graphic media; introduction to the life of the butterfly; early childhood |
28. | Herina Yunita
7516167250 |
2020 | Improving Critical Thinking Ability Through The Saintifics Approach (Action Research in Group B TK Pertiwi 3, Ilir Barat II District, Palembang, South Sumatra)
This study to improve the critical thinking skills of class B2 children at TK Pertiwi 3 Palembang. The research method used is classroom action research conducted collaboratively between researchers and classroom teachers. The subjects in this study were children in group B2 TK Pertiwi 3 in Palembang, which numbered seventeen children. The technique of collecting data through observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with qualitative descriptive. Based on the data obtained, the percentage of children’s critical thinking skills in pre-cycle is at an average of around 50%. In the first cycle only 3 from 17 children achieved a minimum percentage score, it can be said that only a quarter of the children achieved a TCP value of 75%. In the second cycle there was an increase in the critical thinking ability of children with an overall score of an average of 85.42%. It can be said that almost half of the children in the B2 class increased their ability to think critically. This can be seen from the increase in children’s critical ability in each cycle starting from pre cycle, cycle I, and cycle II.
Keywords: Saintifics Approach, Critical Thinking, Early Childhood Education |
29. | Ifina Trimuliana
9909817016 |
2020 | Religious Behavior of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Early Childhood Character Model in Ar-Rahman Kindergarten Motik Jakarta | This study aims to examine the Islamic religious behavior of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Ar-Rahman Motik Jakarta. While the things seen: (1) forms of Islamic religious relations of children. (2) the process of forming Islamic children’s religious behavior. (3) the role of the family environment in the process of Islamic religious formation of children. (4) the role of the school environment in the process of forming children’s religious relationships. This research is a qualitative research with a type of case study research. Analysis of the data used is the Campbell model. The data of this study were obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The results of this study show how the religious forms of children are related to religious education and worship. The following is the process of forming what is meant by a synergy strategy between the parent and School Environments. The family environment is the first and foremost environment providing an example and habituation in the process of formation with religious Islamic children. The school environment plays a role in providing learning programs that support the formation of children’s learning. The teacher is the main figure by children in Islamic religious behavior.
Keywords: religious behavior, parent role, school role |
30. | Iske Diana Towoliu
7516157356 |
2020 | Islamic-Based Character Education Through the Cinta Rosul Program at Kindergarten Izzati Bekasi (Study of Phenomenology in Children aged 5-6 years, 2019)
The purpose of the study was to describe the description of Islamic-based character education, the role of the teacher, the environment, and obstacles in implementing character education activities in Izzati Kindergarten, South Bekasi District. Phenomenology research methods with data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation.Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman models. Izzati Kindergarten runs an Islam-based character education called the Cinta Rosul Program. The teacher’s role as a guide is like guiding an ablution child, as an example of how to say good greetings, as a source of knowledge about God’s creation, and as a learner the teacher observes the child’s attitude and behavior. Children maintain the cleanliness of the school environment by throwing trash in its place. Teachers and children together build an Islamic social environment and respect each other. Barriers to learning are the unavailability of school areas that allow children to play footballs, and teacher competence is inadequate ie the teacher does not have an early childhood education background.
Keywords: character education; cinta rosul; islamic. |
31. | Jeni Roes Widayati
7516130360 |
2020 | Early Children’s Science Literation Activities through the Use of Educational Game Tools in PP-IPTEK TMII and Playground in Jakarta | The purpose of this research is to describe the concept of science knowledge, science processes, and applicative forms of early childhood science obtained after using educational play tools in PP TMII Science and Technology. The method used in this research is content analysis method with a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in December 2019 to May 2020 with the research location in PP IPTEK TMII East Jakarta, a residential playground in Jelambar Baru Village, Grogol Petamburan District, West Jakarta and a playground in Cengkareng Timur Village, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out using observation techniques, interviews (open), questionnaires and documentation with the activities of developing scientific literacy at the research site. The results showed that the forms of science knowledge, science processes, and applicative forms of early childhood science obtained after using educational play tools at PP IPTEK TMII Jakarta can develop early childhood science literacy. Early childhood scientific literacy in the form of science knowledge, science processes, and application of science in the good, beneficial, and beneficial categories of good for children, needs to be continued and improved with some improvements. This research concludes that the development of early childhood scientific literacy can be done by selecting and using educational play tools in the form of scientific knowledge, science processes, and applicable applications of science.
Keywords: science literacy, educational game tools, early childhood education. |
32. | Lailatul Aisi Alhq
9909817041 |
2020 | Independence of 5-6 Years Old Children in Early Childhood Institutions in Kanayant Dayak Culture | This study aims to obtain an overview of empirical data information on the Independence of Children 5-6 Years Old in the Early Childhood Institution of Dayak Kanayant Culture in the village of Nanga Kelampai, Tumbang Titi District, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan Province. As for things that were observed (1) the forms of culture of the Dayak Kanayant Tribe in the independence of children after 5-6 years in the Village of Nanga Kelampai (2) the process of forming the independence of the Dayak Kanayant tribe (3) the role of parents in the formation of the independence of the Dayak Kanayant (4) the role of the PAUD Negeri 02 Nanga institution in the formation of children’s independence in the Dayak Kanayant Tribe (5) the role of the community and environment in the formation of children’s independence in the Dayak Kanayant Tribe. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic research type. Data analysis is Spradley. The data of this study were obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The findings of the research show that the form of children’s independence is a form of behavior that is always done repeatedly because of the habituation of parents. The process of forming independence in children through habituation and freedom given to children by parents. there is a relationship between parents and the institution in shaping children’s independence and the role of the community environment that facilitates children in shaping independence such as traditional activities in the Dayak Kanyant tribe.
Keywords: Early Childhood, Independence, Culture. |
33. | Lidia Anjelina Dey Putri
7516157330 |
2020 | The Influence of Parental Involvement and Self-Regulation on Bullying Behavior in Early Childhood | The aimed of the research is to test the influence of parental involvement and self-regulation on bullying behavior in early childhood age 5-6 years old of kindergarten group B at Kupang City. The method of the research was using ex post facto method by designed treatment by level 2×2. Sampling in this study use cluster random sampling technique, two village were selected, namely Oetete and Fatululi. Data analysis technique using by the test of normality and homogenity. The results found that there were defferences in the average bullying behavior between children who had high parental involvement and children who had low parental involvement. There were also average differences of bullying behavior between children who had high self-regulation and children who had low self-regulation. The conclusion of the results of the research shows that there were significant influence between parental involvement and self-regulation on bullying behavior in early childhood age 5-6 years old. Then as the implication of the results indicated that between the research variables contribute to social development and self-development of children in the surrounding environment. Therefore, high parental involvement is an appropriate standard for children’s self-regulation in displaying the expected behavior according to the child’s growth and development.
Keywords: parental involvement, self-regulation, bullying behavior |
34. | Masyunita Siregar
9909818015 |
2020 | Critical Thinking Ability and Use of Storytelling Methods Against Ecoliteracy in Children Aged 5-6 Years | Environmental problems caused by human ignorant hands are increasing, especially the problem of garbage. Understanding to maintain the balance of the natural environment (ecoliteracy) needs to be given from an early age. This study uses a qualitative approach with literature study techniques. The results showed that one way to introduce ecoliteracy in early childhood is through storytelling. Literature studies show that stories are a strategy that can be used to introduce ecoliteracy through storylines, moral messages and emotions from stories that are told to children. The best time to start focusing on instilling ecoliteracy is when the child is in Kindergarten B grade or the 5-6 year age range. Building critical abilities of early childhood by emphasizing self-awareness and a sense of care for the people around them and their environment is a link between critical thinking skills and ecoliteracy. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of the storytelling method is the first step in introducing ecoliteracy to children aged 5-6 years by paying attention to the components of children’s critical thinking skills.
Keywords: ecoliteracy; method of storytelling; early childhood |
35. | Monica Roito Ambarita
7516130374 |
2020 | The Influence f Board Game And Emotional Intelligence on Number Sense Ability (Experimental study in TK BPK Bandar Lampung Group A, Lampung, 2020) | The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of board games and emotional intelligence on number sense ability in early childhood. The research method used was an experimental design with a 2×2 treatment level. The subjects of this study were 36 students of group A in TK BPK Bandar Lampung. The instruments used in this study were an emotional intelligence questionnaire and a test for the child’s number sense ability. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the number sense of group A students who were given snake and ladder game media was higher than group A students who were given board game media, (2) the number sense of children with high emotional intelligence was better compared to children with low emotional intelligence, (3) There is a game between snakes and ladders and board games on the results of the number sense ability, (4) The number sense of students taught using snake and ladder game media is higher than students taught using board game media on groups of students with high emotional intelligence, and (5) There is no difference between snake and ladder games and board games on the results of the number sense ability for children with low emotional intelligence.
Keywords: Board Games, Emotional Intelligence, Number sense, Snakes and Ladders |
36. | Muhammad Zamzam Nurul Muslim
9909817025 |
2020 | The Influence of Edu-Friendly Bound Game And Learning Interest In Environmental Care of The Children Aged 5-6 Years Old | This study aims to know the influence of edu-friendly bound game and learning interests in environmental care of children age 5-6 years old. This research was done in Islamic Early Childhood of Riyaadhul Jannah with 20 children of B group as the sample of experimental class and in Islamic Early Childhood of HM Mawardi with 20 children of B group as the sample of control class in 2019/2020 school year. The study used treatment design by level 2 x 2. Data analysis technique used were two-ways analysis of variance (ANOVA). The study result showed that (1) there were the differences of environmental care between children who learnt to use edu-friendly bound game with children who learnt to use discovery play; (2) there were influence of interaction between game and learning interest in environmental care of children; (3) Children learning outcomes who had high learning interest who learnt to use edufriendly bound game were higher than children who learnt to use discovery play; (4) Children learning outcomes who had low learning interest who learnt to use disovery play were higher than children who learnt to use edu-friendly bound game.
Keywords: Edu-friendly bound game, learning interest , environmental care |
37. | Nila Mayang Sari
9909817046 |
2020 | Development of Mipon’s Daily Game Media To Capability Calculating Children (Study of Development in Children Aged 5-6 Years in Kabupaten 50 Kota, West Sumatera) | The ability to count is the basic ability of children in learning mathematics related to understanding the numbers. This research aimed to develop a media game to improve the numeracy skills of children aged 5-6 years. This media is called powerpoint based Mipon’s Daily game media that has been adapted to the level of child development. This research was conducted in Kabupaten 50 Kota, West Sumatra. The effectiveness test of Mipon’s Daily game media was conducted using the one-group pretest-posttest experimental method using the ADDIE development model. Respondents in this study were 20 children. The results of data analysis showed that there was an increase in average before treatment was given, 26.5 with 34.1 after treatment. From the calculation, the result of t count is 8.324 while t table is 2.09 which means H0 is rejected because there are significant changes between before using Mipon’s Daily (pretest) media and after using Mipon’s Daily (posttest) media. So, it can be concluded that the products developed are effectively used in the numeracy skills of children aged 5-6 years.
Keywords: Counting Ability, Early Childhood, Mipon’s Daily Game Media |
38. | Petronela J.P Suripatty
7516157360 |
2020 | Improved Mathematical Logic Intelligence through Bingo Games | This action research aims to describe the process and results in improving the intelligence of mathematical logic of children of Group B of the FKIP Unpatti Rose Play Group through bingo games. The research method used is action research with Kemmis and Taggart models, which includes planning, action and observation, reflection. The subjects of this study were children of group B FKIP Unpatti Rose Play Group, totaling 15 children. The study was conducted in two cycles consisting of eight meetings in each cycle. Data collection techniques are done through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this research are qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that children’s mathematical logic intelligence increased after bingo games were applied. The score of children’s mathematical logic intelligence in pre cycle was 51.93% for cycle I was 63.93%, and cycle II was 74.26%. These results imply that children’s mathematical logic intelligence can be improved through bingo games Keywords: mathematical logic intelligence; bingo game; early childhood |
39. | Putri Rahmatika
7516157362 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Methods And Cognitive Style on The Ability To Read The Beginning (Kindergarten Children Experiment Research Group B Kedaton District, Bandar Lampung) | Education is related to the learning process where the implementation is in the classroom where there is an interaction between teacher and student, the teacher provides stimulation to young children to optimize all aspects of the development of children. This study aims to determine the effect of mind map learning methods and storytelling as well as independent and dependent cognitive styles on initial reading skill. This research is a quantitative study, the method used is an experimental method using a 2×2 factorial design involving 50 samples. This study uses randomization to determine the research subjects for the experimental group and the control group. In testing hypotheses using two-way Anova variance analysis.The results obtained that the difference in the ability to read the beginning with the mind map method and the method of storytelling obtained Fcount 13,655 with Ftable 4,15. The difference in reading skills that have independent and dependent cognitive styles is obtained Fcount 10.298 with Ftable 4.15. Furthermore, the interaction between learning methods and cognitive style on initial reading skills obtained a Fcount score of 96.463 with a F table of 4.15. Then the reading ability of children with the mind map method of independent cognitive style with the independent style of storytelling method was obtained by Fcount 15.444 and p-value (sig) 0.000.It can be concluded that the learning method and cognitive style can influence the ability to read the beginning then there is a significant interaction between the application of learning methods and cognitive style in determining the ability to read the beginning.
Keywords: learning methods, cognitive style, beginning reading. |
40. | Riskha Hanifa Nasution
9909817011 |
2020 | The Influence of Ict Learning And Interest In Learning on Ready To Read Children B | This study discusses ICT learning and interest in learning about reading readiness. This research used quantitative research methods. The population in this study was kindergarten B children aged 5-6 years in West Pasaman District. The sampling technique uses cluster random sampling. Data normality test uses liliefors test and data homogeneity test uses levene test. Data analysis techniques used two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA). The results of the study found that 1) There are differences in reading readiness of children who use interactive ICT-based learning and interactive ICT-based learning. The calculation results obtained Fcount> F table (5.849> 4.11). 2) Have a difference between reading who has high learning interest and children who have low learning interest. Calculation Results Obtained Fcount> Ftable (4,588> 4,11). 3) The effect of the interaction of ICT learning and interest in learning on children’s reading readiness. The calculation results obtained by Fcount is 4.588 74.602 while Ftable is 4.11. 4) Providing differences in reading readiness of children who use ICT based on interactive and non-interactive based onchildren who have high learning interest. The calculation results obtained μ_ (A1B1)> μ_A2B1 (41.60> 33.60). 5) Gives a difference in the readiness of children who use ICT based on interactive and non-interactive based on children who have low learning interest. Calculation results obtained μA1B2 <μA2B2 (33.8 <38.30).6)There is a significant difference from reading readiness that uses interactive ICT-based learning, between children who have high learning interest and children who have low learning interest. 7) There is a significant difference from reading readiness using non-interactive ICT-based learning between children who have high learning interest and children who have low learning interest.
Keywords: ICT Learning; Interest to learn; Reading Readiness; Early childhood |
41. | Rosiyanah
9909817037 |
2020 | The Development of a Guidebook Sensory Stimulation For Children Aged 4-6 Years Based The Activity of Playing Seven Senses | The sensory stimulation is in the first years after the birth of children have a disorder that inhibits the activity to sensory learning child while entering the school. To depart from of a guidebook sensory stimulation in children age 4-6 based in the activity of playing seven senses devoted to early childhood teachers units kindergarten teacher education Cempaka Putih sub district, Central Jakarta to guide in stimulation sensory child in learning the play. The research is the research and development (R & D), development model used in this research is the model ADDIE was linked to Rowentree model. The subject of the research is teachers in education in an environment of Cempaka Putih sub district, Central Jakarta. Based on the results of the analysid is the use of assessment data increase score guide in four trial: 1) the score value the results of the tryouts one to one with five respondens obtained the score 472 of the score 625 in maximum prosentase 75,52%, 2) score value the results of the tryouts the small with 15 respondents a score was obtained maximum 1663 of the score in the average 1875 prosentase 88,69%, 3) the main field trial score with 35 respondets obtained a score of 4156 from a maximum score of 4375 in prosentase 94,99%. Based on third trial from the guide the total value of the 6291 score of the score in the from maximum 6875 prosentase 91,50%. Based on the average score prosentase of the three by the trial is over the prosentase 76%-100% have concluded that aguidebook sensory stimulation based senses in category seven excellent interpreted that guidebook very fit for use guidebook sensory stimulation of the senses play seven can increase the competency pedagogis, attitudes and professional teachers in understanding and stimulate sensory right through to the activity of playing that activates sensory seven arrayed in structured and systematic and optimize maturity and readiness children learn in academic.
Keyword: sensory stimulation, play activity, seven senses |
42. | Sandhy Angelia Megasari
7516140526 |
2020 | Effectiveness of the 2013 Curriculum Substantive Technical Training Program (Evaluation Study on Raudhatul Athfal Teachers in East Jakarta) | This study aims to explore informations related to the impact and effectiveness of the 2013 Curriculum Substantive Technical Training program for Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Teachers in the city of East Jakarta organized by the Jakarta Religious Education and Training Center. The research method used is program evaluation with Kirkpatrick’s model which focuses on The four levels of evaluation (reaction, learning, behavior and result). From the four evaluation levels that have been studied, the results show that: 1) Participants gave positive responses to every aspect of the reaction level, 2) At the learning level, satisfactory results are obtained on the training passing scores, where the values are taken from the aspects of attitudes, knowledge and skills during learning, 3) At the behavior level, there was a significant change in knowledge, attitude and behaviour both in the inplementation and dissemination of the results of the training, as well as the competence of teachers in the 2013 curriculum, 4) At the level of results, the impact is teacher’s competence increase, motivation and performance of the teachers ex training participant provide efficiency values for the institution.
Keyword: Training, Program Evaluation, Kirkpatrick, Raudhatul Athfal |
43. | Siska Perdina
7516167260 |
2020 | Social Improvement Of Ability With Playing Estafet Cards (Action Research On Group B Tk Tunas Insan Kamil Kota Serang) | The aims at the research is to carry out social capacity building in group B Tunas Insan Kamil Kindergarten, Serang Banten City. The methodology used in this research is action research. The subjects of this study were group B children in Tunas Insan Kamil Serang Kindergarten, consists of twelve children’s, six boys and six girls. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interview. The result indicated that there is an increase of children’s social ability through playing activities (relay card). The increase can be seen in the pre cycle, first cycle, and second cycle. The data showed there is an 84,4 percent of children’s social ability at the second cycle. The relay card activities can improve children’s social ability.
Keywords: social ability; playing card; relay |
44. | Taufik Hidayatulloh
7516167261 |
2020 | Learning Media of Movement And Traditional Idiom Song To Enhance Early Mathematical Ability | Movement and songs are activities that children enjoy, making it easier for teachers to instill early math concepts. Research and development of Mathematics and Traditional Song Media (Gelantram) using the ADDIE model. Collecting data on effectiveness test through pre-test and post-test acquisition on 5 respondents in one research place. The findings show that there is a significant increase values for early mathematical understanding of the concept of geometry, numbers and measurements through the learning media. The results of the effectiveness test become the final basis for revision and complement the shortcomings of Mathematics and Song (Gelantram) Motion Media. Further research can be carried out to develop other mathematical concepts through motion learning media and songs.
Keyword: Early Mathematical Ability, Movement Traditional Song, Early Childhood Learning Media |
45. | Tisya Permatasari
9909817020 |
2020 | The Effect of Cooperative Play Dan Interpersonal Intelligence on Emotion Regulation (Experimental Research in Kindergarten Group B in Pamulang District in 2019) | Negative actions that occur at this time are very related to one’s emotional regulation ability. For this reason, instilling the ability of motion regulations should be prepared early. Interpersonal intelligence children like building relationships and maintaining social relationships will make it easier to know what kind of emotion regulation affecting children. For this reason, cooperative games have become a good game to do in increasing children’s regulation. This study aims to reveal the extent to which the influence of cooperative games and interpersonal intelligence on the regulation of motions. Observational research data were tested using a normality test and a homogeneity test followed by a two-way variance test (ANAVA) and continued testing with tukey testing. The results showed that the sample data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The results of the analysis also showed the existence of the interaction of cooperative games and interpersonal intelligence on regulation based on the results of the analysis of variance F count = 62 , 52 > F tab = 4.08 at the significant level = 0.05. Keywords: Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Intelligence and Cooperative play |
46. | Yoga Aditia Ragil
7516140954 |
2020 | Evaluation of The Internal Quality assurance System of S1 Early Education Teachers (Research Study of Policy Program Evaluation in C-accredited Early Childhood Education Study Program in 2019) | Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) has not been a priority by most universities when compared to the External Quality Assurance System (SPME). The mandate of Law Number 12 of 2012 on Higher Education states that SPMI and SPME are part of a system. It is suspected that SPMI by some Higher Education institutions does not have a significant impact like SPME where Universities will get Accreditation results. This research was conducted in the period August to December 2019. The purpose of this study was in order to evaluate the SPMI Program developed by the Accredited Early Childhood Education Program (PAUD) C. The assessment method was carried out using a systems approach covering aspects of context, input, process, and output, with reference to the study of literature on relevant research results. The results of the implementation of SPMI in PAUD study programs have been going well, when compared to PPEPP all aspects of the implementation stage. The SPMI evaluation recommendations in this study were aimed at three stakeholders, namely the Directorate of Quality Assurance, the University-level Quality Assurance Agency, and the Head of the Study Program.
Keywords: SPMI; SPME; Early Childhood Education; PAUD; Accreditation. |
47. | Yubariku Fika
7516167265 |
2020 | Improving Bahasa Indonesia Ability In Speaking Through Role Playing (Action Research in Group B Ardiliana Amalia’s Kindergarten Children, Gandus District, Palembang, Sumatera selatan) | The perpose of this study is to improve Indonesian speaking skills of children in TK Ardiliana Amalia Palembang group B2. This study uses action research. The research subjects in TK Ardiliana Amalia B2 group amount to 18 children. The data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study showed an increase in the ability to speak Indonesian children through the application of role playing activities that were applied using one scenario for two meetings in cycle 1 and one scenario for one meeting in cycle 2. In the first cycle the ability to speak Indonesian children increased from 1 child who could only understand Indonesian language to become 9 children. In the second cycle the ability to speak Indonesian children increased again from 9 children to 14 children. Based on the agreement between researchers and collaborators, the study was said to be successful if reaching 71% of the number of children, 13 of 18 children reached the minimum TCP determined with the collaborator, so the study was stopped. The indicators used are aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and understanding. This study concluded that the application of role playing activities can improve Indonesian children’s speaking ability.
Keywords: Speaking Skills, Role Playing, Bahasa Indonesia. |
48. | Yuliani Eka Putri
9909817029 |
2020 | Social Behavior of Children 5-6 Years in Role Playing Centers In Labschool Kindergarten Jakarta | This study aims to observe the social behavior of children 5-6 years in Labschool Kindergarten Jakarta. As for the things that were observed: (1) forms of social behavior of children in the role playing center activities. (2) the process of forming children’s social behavior in the role playing center activities. (3) the role of the teacher in shaping the social behavior of children in the role playing center activities. (4) the role of parents in the formation of children’s social behavior in the role playing center activities. This research is a qualitative research with a type of case study research. Analysis of the data used is the Campbell model. The data of this study were obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. The findings of this study indicate that the form of social behavior of children is behavior related to social humanity that is empathy, tolerance, cooperation, responsibility, fairness, familiar behavior, sharing, waiting for their turn. The process of forming this behavior is through social team work through social behavior habituation so that teachers and parents must work together in the process of forming social behavior. The teacher is the main model modeled by children in social behavior while in the school environment. The formation of this behavior is done by the teacher through habituation in daily life by integrating social values into learning. Parents are the first environment to provide understanding and habituation in the process of formation of children’s social behavior.
Keywords: Social behavior, the role of the teacher, the role of parents |
49. | Yuni Dwi Suryani
9909817035 |
2020 | Development Of Kucermat Media To Improve Readiness Of Early Writing For 5-6 Years In Palembang | Writing readiness is one of the needs needed in preparation for elementary school. Research and development carried out to develop learning media to improve the readiness of beginning children writing 5-6 years in the city of Palembang. KUCERMAT media development is based on needs analysis. KUCERMAT media development uses the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). KUCERMAT Trial Media was carried out with a pre-experimental experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The number of respondents in the KUCERMAT media trial were 25 children. The results of the analysis of the difference in the total average of the pretest and posttest showed an increase in children’s beginning writing by 22.81%. Then the statistical analysis of paired sample t-tests was calculated by using the IBM SPSS Statistics 22 obtained t count value of 17.777 with a significance value (2-tailed) of 0,000 to 0,000 ttable so that it can be used to improve the KUCERMAT media effectively used to improve the readiness of early writing in children aged 5-6 years.
Keywords: Early writing, Kindergarten, KUCERMAT Media |
50. | Suci Aprilyati Ruiyat
2020 | Improving Students’ Speaking Skill By Storytelling Usingthematic Electronic Comics. | This study aims to improve group B in speaking skills at TK Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung by storytelling using thematic electronic comics. The study was conducted in March to July 2019, based on observations of problems in group B at Setia Budhi Kindergarten,they were still lack in communication, both in pronunciation of words / letters and lack of children’s ability to pronounce a sentence fluently. Those were caused by dissection of children’s vocabulary and children could not express their ideas as a whole. The research method used Action Research that refers to the Kemmis and Mc Class Action Research model. Taggart. Implemented two cycles with 10 meetings. The data analysis technique used in this study was qualitative by analyzing data from interviews, observing documentation during the study for data reduction, data display and data verification. The use of thematic electronic comics helped answer the problem of speaking skills at Setia Budhi Kindergarten. The sample of this study were 13 childrens, five boys and eight girls. From the research conducted there was a significant increase in the speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years. There was an increase from pre-intervention 33.4% to 60.4% and then in second cycle reached 80.4%, it can be stated that the use of thematic electronic comics can provided solutions to improve the speaking skills of children aged 5-6 years at Setia Budhi Rangkasbitung Kindergarten.
Keywords: Speaking skills; Storytelling; electronic comics |
51. | Trifena Ruth Clara
2020 | The Development of Audio Learning Media Based on Eurhythmics Methods To Foster Child Creativity | The purpose of the research in this article is to develop audio learning media based on the eurhythmics method to increase the creativity of children aged 5-6 years. The background of this research is the fact that music and movement activities that should be able to encourage the development of children’s creativity, in its implementation tends not to provide opportunities for the development of creativity. Media developed using the development stage based on the theory of Borg and Gall and consider the development of children aged 5-6 years. The study was conducted for nine months from March 2019. The effectiveness test of the media was carried out using the one-group pretest-posttest experiment method. There was an increase in presentation after being treated by 23%. From the results of the effectiveness test it can be concluded that there is an increase in the aspects of fluency, imagination and originality in children who have carried out the eurhythmics method using the developed media.
Keywords: Creativity, Eurhythmics, Early childhood |
52. | Nur Qomariah Panjaitan
2020 | The Effect of Digital Learning Media And Self-Confidence to Learning Outcomes on Islamic Religious Education | This study aims to determine the effect of digital learning media and self-confidence on learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education in grade 2 elementary school. This research method uses experimental research with a 2×2 treatment by level design. The sample in this study consisted of 64 children. sample collection using cluster random sampling techniques. The data analysis technique is the analysis of two-way variance (ANAVA) and continued with the Tukey test at a significant level α = 0.05. To test the normality of the data using the Liliefors test and homogeneity test using the barlett test. The results of this study indicate that (1) Learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education children who learn with digital animation learning media are higher than digital storytelling learning media, based on Fcount = 6.72> Ftable = 3.99; 2) There is an interaction effect between digital learning media and self-confidence on the learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education based on Fcount = 10.68> Ftable = 3.99; (3) Islamic Religious Education learning outcomes who learn with digital animation learning media and have higher confidence than children who learn with digital storytelling learning media and who have high self confidence based on Qcount = 5.86> Qtable = 4.05; (4) Islamic Religious Education learning outcomeswho learn with digital animation learning media and have low confidence are lower than children who learn with digital storytelling learning media and who have low self confidence based on Qcount = -0.67 <Qtable = 4.05. |
53. | Wicka Yunita Dwi Utami
2020 | Evaluation of Paud Institution Management Programsin Tks Al-Hidayah Dan Ra Darur Rohmat | The purpose of this research is to provide information concerning Early Childhood Learning Center (PAUD) evaluation management in kindergartens and Raudatul Athfal in Serang District using the CIPP evaluation model (context, input, process, product). This research discusses some context aspects including curriculum; input aspects examining organizational structure, students, educators and education staff, infrastructure and financing; process aspect, planning, implementation of learning, and development assessment; and aspects of the product, that is the supervision and follow-up, and achievement of child development. Useda qualitative research design. After the qualitative data is obtained to observe the evaluation process, the qualitative data is processed or analyzed into quantitative. Data collection techniques are done through interviews, observation and documentation. The subjects of this research are TKS Al-Hidayah and RA Darur Rohmat. The results show that educators and education personnel need to improve the competencies needed. The attention ofsupervisors or supervisory institutions and related institutions also need to be developed to improve the quality of education.
Keywords: program evaluation;management;Early Childhood Learning Center. |
54. | Ria Fransisca
2020 | Increase Children’s Self Confidence With Educational Snakes And Ladders Games: (Action Research on Kindergarten Children A Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Lebong City Bengkulu Province 2019) | educational snakes and ladders games to improve the confidenceof children in group A TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal. This study uses the action research model Kemmis and Mc Taggart. The subjects in this study were children of Group A Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Kindergarten, Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. This research was conducted in two cycles, the first cycle meeting round and the second cycle four meetings. Data analysis in this study uses qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative analysis uses descriptive statistics to compare results in the first cycle and the second cycle. Qualitative data analysis by analyzing data from the results of field notes and interviews during the study with data reduction steps, displaying data and verifying data. The results of this study prove that research on yourself through snakes and ladders game activities is increasing well. This can be seen from the success of each research cycle, where the results obtained in the pre-cycle amounted to 46.30%, the first cycle was 62.85% and in the second cycle it reached 83.52%. From the results found, the implication of this research is the educational snakes and ladders game that can be used as an alternative to improve children’s confidence.
Keywords: Self Confidence, Snakes and Ladders, and Early Childhood
55. | Rizki Winitri
2020 | The Influence of Teacher’s Understanding In Learning Transition and Self Regulation on The Results of Learning Mathematics : (Ex Post Facto research in grade1 Primary school in North Sumatera) | The purpose of this study was to examine differences in teacher understanding of transition learning and self-regulation of mathematics learning outcomes for grade 1 students in the Labuhanbatu Selatan area of North Sumatra Province. Expost facto research with a 2×2 factorial design. Determination of the sample using cluster random sampling techniques. Data collection was carried out through a questionnaire designed in the form of a Likert scale and a Gutmen scale. Data analysis using two-way ANAVA and followed by tuckey test. The results of the data analysis show that 1) there are differences in children’s mathematics learning outcomes taught by teachers with teacher understanding in high transition learning and teacher understanding in low transition learning fcount 11.89 ≥ ftabel3.86, 2) there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes of children who have high self-regulation and low self-regulation fcount 4.131 abel ft. 3.86), 3) there is an influence of teacher understanding interaction on transition learning and self-regulation on mathematics learning outcomes fcount 74.469 ≥ ftabel3.86, 4) there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes between teacher understanding on high transition learning and teacher understanding on low transition learning in children who have high self regulation μA1B1 80.68 ≥ μA2B171,72, 5) there are differences in mathematics learning outcomes between teacher understanding of high transition learning and teacher understanding on low transition learning in children which has a high self-regulation μA1B2 72.77 ≤ μA2B2 76,61, 6) there is a difference in mathematics learning outcomes between high self regulation and low regulation on teacher understanding of high transition learning μA1B1 80.68 ≥ μA1B2 72.77, 7) thereis a difference in mathematics learning outcomes between high self regulation and regulation low on teacher understanding of low transition learning μA2B1 71.72 ≤ μA2B2 80.68
Keywords: Mathematics Learning Outcomes; understanding transitional learning, self-regulation |
56. | Yasinta Maria Fono
2020 | Grandparents Independence and Discipline of Child Age 4-6 Years Who Cared for by Grandparents
This study aims to examine the independence and discipline of child age 4-6 years who are cared for by grandparents. The following were observed: (1) Forms of care grandparents (grandparents) in instilling independence and discipline of child age4-6 years in MalanuzaVillage Golewa District Ngada Regency NTT Province (2) The role of grandparents (grandparents) in instilling independence and discipline in child age 4-6 years in MalanuzaVillage Golewa District Ngada District Ngada Regency NTT Province(3) the form process of independence and disciplineof child age 4-6 years(4) parenting in local culture in instilling the independence and discipline child age 4 -6 years in Malanuzavillage, Golewa District, Ngada Regency. The research method was using qualitative research with case studies. Data collection has done by means of observation, interviews, documentation and results of field notes. The data analysis technique was using by the Campbell model. Checking the validity of the data has done by extending participation, monitoring persistence and triangulation. The findings of the study indicated that independence and discipline in child age 4-6 years has produced by Surrogateparents. Grandparents gave child the opportunity to be independent and discipline by learning and habitual process. They were let the child doing daily activities such as eating, bathing, making the bed, wearing a uniform, and going to school by themselves, besides of that also providing a schedule of daily activities such as take water, clean the house and washing plates, grandparents also makes verbal rules for child. Parents turn into the main model for child, so the child learned from what they see. Independence and discipline of the child also occur by the existence of local wisdom in culture. The cultural patterns bringing up the affects to the child’s independence and discipline.The conclusion is that children who are independent and discipline could not be formed by themselves or could not occur without the stimulationofparents and the environment.
Keywords: independence, discipline, parenting, grandparents
57. | Andi Nafsia
2020 | Formation of Early Childhood Character Through Nalo Culture | This study aims to describe the findings of research on the character building of the Ngada tribe through Nalo culture. The method used in this study is a qualitative enography method. Analysis of the data used using Spradley data analysis. The data of this study were obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation. Findings from this study indicate that a child’s good or positive character can be formed through Nalo culture. Good character that is formed from Nalo culture such as religious, responsibility, tolerance, mutual cooperation, care for the environment, self-control. It was found that the character was formed due to supporting factors such as the custom of the community in preserving Nalo culture. Formation of children’s character through Nalo culture is done at home, at school and in the community, done when gathering together and drinking together (Ka Papa Fara, Inu Papa Resi) which is always equipped with traditional drinks known as moke.
Keywords: character building;early childhood character; nalo culture. |
58. | Ade Tria Lestari
2020 | Development Pic-Pop Storybook Media Based on Palembang’s Local Culture to Improve Early Childhood Prosocial Behavior | The social-emotional development aspect is very important to be developed in early childhood, specifically about prosocial education such as collaboration, help, empathy, and sharing. This study aims to develop a book based on Palembang’s local culture to improve prosocial behavior in early childhood. An introduction to local culture is packaged through interesting pictures. The research method used is research and development with ADDIE models. The technique of collecting data is based on the results of expert validation and trial data through One Group Pretest-Posttest Design and data analysis using Paired Sample T-test statistics. This study involved children aged 4 to 6 years in Musi Banyuasin Regency. The results of research and product development shows: The design of storybook media products is feasible to increase children’s understanding of Palembang’s social and cultural learning. Then, the effectiveness of the media seen from the results obtained from the pretest-posttest data of children with a significance value of 0,000 <0.05, this shows the value of the pretest-posttest obtained based on; Furthermore, cultural validity shows that the book’s media can be used for children in understanding cultural literacy so that children are rich in cultural insights specifically the local culture of Palembang, specifically traditions, arts, and regional characteristics.
Keywords: Story Book, Early Childhood, Local Culture |
59. | Ade Karunia Rizky Manurung
9909818009 |
2021 | Early Childhood Adversity Quotient Ability Based on Gender In Outdoor Play Activities (Literature Research) | This study aims to describe the ability adversity quotient of early childhood based on gender through outdoor play. The method used in this research is a qualitative research approach with the type of library research. The data source in this study is secondary data, in the form of books and various scientific research articles related to the research topic. The data analysis technique in this study consisted of three analyzes, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or data verification. Based on the research that has been done, the following findings are obtained: (1)Abstinence in early childhood has characteristics, such as a confident and courageous attitude in trying and making decisions, not giving up easily and being able to control emotions in children that must be given proper attention, so that they can play a role in the success of children’s lives from age. early to adulthood, (2) The characteristics of the ability to resilience in boys and girls are random in children, such as in boys have the characteristics of high courage, strong, tough, assertive, independent, active and assertive, and characteristics of girls found that girls had a good setting to control emotion, creative, patient, resilient, and highly motivated, so the ability ketahanmalangan boys and girls will have the same reach, (3) thegame outdoor is not only limited to develop muscle or gross motor skills only, but can develop attitude and behavior in children, due to activities games Outdoor contain elements of challenge (outbound) and adventure that train and shape children to have a courageous attitude, never give up, be creative in overcoming problems, can control emotions well when doing activities.
Keywords: Ability Adversity Quotient, Gender Differences, Outdoor Play. |
60. | Anggita Maharani Rambe
7516168264 |
2021 | The Role of Storytelling In The Development of Speaking Skills In Children Aged 4-5 Years | This study aims to describe speaking skills, relevance and effectiveness of storytelling activities that can play a role in the development of speaking skills in children aged 4-5 years. This study used a qualitative descriptive method using literature or literature study methods. The data obtained by the researcher comes from research results, books, and existing data, which are then described or reviewed. The linkage of storytelling or storytelling to children’s speaking skills can be seen based on increasing mastery of the number of words, stimulating children’s imagination and creativity, practicing language learning skills and verbal expression, improving oral communication, encouraging children to be more expressive that supports children’s listening development to function properly to help children’s speaking skills which are manifested in vocabulary, the ability to speak words, and compose sentences used by children to clearly communicate their thoughts or feelings in speaking activities.
Keywords: Storytelling, the ability to speak |
61. | Chasya Aghniarrahmah
9909817005 |
2021 | The Development of Independence and Social Skills of Children Aged 5-6 Years in Dual Career Family Parenting | Independence and social skills are two fundamental things in individual life that must be stimulated from an early age. This is inseparable from the parenting style given by the parents. This study aims to analyze the forms of independence and social skills that have emerged of aged 5 to 6 years old children in a dual career family. Informants in this study were four people based on purposive sampling. The research subjects had the initial of K, a 6 years old child whose the parents are working who choosen by purposive sampling. This study employs a qualitative method with single case study. The data in this study were obtained through an observation, in-depth interviews and documentation collections. The technical data analysis used Miles and Hubberman models. The results found a dif erence in children’s independence when they are at home and in school, their social skills have not developed based on the stages of their age, the presence of the negligence of parenting of parents to the third parties namely grandmother and caregivers, and the dif erence in the patternal of parenting carried out by the parents and grandmothers. The implication of this study is the need for an active involvement and understanding of parents in selecting parenting style that by considering the age stages and the needs of children.
Keywords: Early childhood education, dual career family, independence, parenting styles, social skills |
62. | Debby Ashari
9909817008 |
2021 | Guide to Identification of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Schools For Kindergarten Teachers (Research and Development) | This research is motivated by the difficulties of teachers in early identification of children with special needs in inclusive schools. This study aims to develop a guide to the identification of children with special needs in inclusive schools. The method used is a research and development approach. The sample of this research is the teachers who teach in Kindergarten institutions on duty in DKI Jakarta province with a total of 51 teachers. This research produces a product in the form of a guide to identify children with special needs. The novelty of this research is the production of a guide that elaborates the Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation development model with the proven Rowentree model. The impact of this guide is that there are stages of planning, preparation, as well as stages of writing and editing that can make it easier for teachers to identify children with special needs in schools. The development of this guide product needs to be carried out in the field and developed to be more tested.
Keywords: children with special needs; identification; guidelines; inclusive schools. |
63. | Elina Sitompul
9909819006 |
2021 | Inspiring Figure Learning Package As Facilites of Culturing National Character Children Ages 4-6 Years | Instilling national character from an early age is important to build self-identity and a sense of pride in children as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, shape behavior in accordance with Pancasila values, and build children’s love for their culture. However, most PAUD units do not yet have a programmed plan to instill national character in early childhood. The study was conducted to design a learning package for inspirational figures as a means of inculcating national character, namely: integrity, nationalism and mutual cooperation in children aged 4-6 years. The value of integrity was introduced through the inspirational figure Eja, nationalism by Hata and gotong royong by Sema. The product in the form of a learning package was developed using the ADDIE design. Research data obtained from participants as many as 6 educators at TK Methodist and A and B class which were processed using Miles and Huberman qualitative analysis techniques. The Inspirational Figure Learning Package consists of: learning materials, learning media in the form of: character story books, character songs, learning videos, assessments and parent involvement activities. The process of inculcating national character values using the inspirational figure learning package has a pattern of stages: 1) providing an overview of the character values to be discussed; 2) introduce their inspirational figures; 3) exchange of opinion on the relevance of examples of life attitudes of inspirational figures to the experiences of children; 4) conclude exemplary attitudes reflecting national character with open questions and discussions; 5) repeating and strengthening inspirational sentences; 6) development of follow-up activities; 7) giving children the opportunity to apply the attitude of national character through concrete actions.
Keywords: national character; learning packages; children 4-6 years |
64. | Esra Sangelia Sinaga
9909818012 |
2021 | The Effects of Gender Differences And Classroom Literacy Environment To Emergent Reading (Ex Post Facto Study on Group B Students Aged 5-6 at Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi in 2021) | The objective of this study is to examine the emergent reading abilities of children aged 5-6 years in terms of gender differences and literacy environment in classroom in Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi in 2021. The method used in this study is ex-post facto. The sampling technique in this study is simple random sampling by first determining the sample area in the population with cluster random sampling technique, so that 72 data on emergent reading ability are obtained. The data collection technique was carried out through observation with instruments to measure children’s emergent reading ability and the quality of the literacy environment in kindergarten class B. Data analysis used two-way analysis of variance (Anava) to examine the main effect of A and main effect of B and the interaction effect between A and B, the next test used is Independent-Samples T Test to test the average difference between cells. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Girls’ early reading ability is not same as boys’ (2) There is an interaction between children’s gender and literacy environment in the classroom on emergent reading ability, (3) Girls’ emergent reading ability in an enriched classroom literacy environment is higher than boys in an enriched classroom literacy environment, (4) The hypothesis addressing the emergent reading ability of girls in poor classroom literacy environments higher than boys in poor classroom literacy environments was not proven. Keywords: Gender Differences, Classroom Literacy Environment, Emergent Reading |
65. | Fitri Setyo Ningrum
9909817033 |
2021 | The Role of Music Learning Through Project-Based Learning on Social Behavior Children Aged 5-6 Years | In early childhood, social behavior is related to the behavior of children in adjusting to the rules that exist in their social environment, such as helping, sharing, cooperating, caring for others. Social behavior is obtained through maturity and learning opportunities from various stimuli provided by the environment. Researchers analyzed the findings of journals related to children’s social behavior in music learning and the project-based learning approach through this study. This research is a literature review that aims to analyze, research, and synthesize research findings, theories, or practices in the focus area (Efron & Ravid, 2019). Sources of data in this study using two sources, primary and secondary data sources. In primary data sources, researchers used 30 articles in the form of journals and books, interviews, and assessment results in pre-field activities. In addition, researchers also use data sources, summary articles and responses to primary data sources. In this research, researchers use techniques according to Miles and Huberman to analyze data (Mills, 2003). These stages are data reduction, data presentation and conclusions or verification. The researchers found the role of music learning of percussion music ensembles through project-based learning on children’s social behavior aged 5-6 years. Types of social behavior can be found when exploring instrument, imitating rhythms, and ensemble music. Percussion music ensemble through project-based learning, involves social interaction which is able to encourage children to be involved in types of social behavior.
Keywords: social behavior, music, project based learning |
66. | Francisca Sutiyani
71516167999 |
2021 | Value of Character Education In Adit And Sopo Jarwo Film From Socio Pedagogiek Aspect | This study aims to multiply the character values of the character education values in the film adit and sopo jarwo in terms of socio-pedagogical aspects. This study uses qualitative research methods. The research method used by researchers is the method of content analysis (content analysis). The primary data source is the film Adit Sopo Jarwo episodes 21-24 while the secondary data source is scientific references such as relevant articles and books. Technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis uses reduction, data presentation and conclusion or verification. The results of the research in this study in the first Adit and Sopo Jarwo film, there are values of character education, namely religious, mutual respect and love, courtesy, help, discipline, honesty, responsibility, and honesty. Both moral knowing, moral feeling and moral action. Adopt the method through lectures and modeling. Third Relevance The values of character education in the film Adit and Sopo Jarwo are reflected in the content of the film which carries educational messages and shows a social care attitude. The four factors that influence the success in educating the character values in the film are family and community factors.
Keywords: Qualitative research, character values, social pedagical |
67. | Idzni Azhima
9909818014 |
2021 | Development of 4D Flashcard Media Based on Visual Learning Style To Introduce Early Mathematics In 4-5 Years Old Children | The media is expected to help the learning process through visualizing abstract concepts and improve children’s understanding, especially the ability to recognize early mathematics. One of the media that supports is 4D flashcard media because the media displays real images, and supporting voices regarding the material. Therefore, a study was conducted that aims to develop 4D flashcard media based on visual learning styles to introduce early mathematics to children aged 4-5 years. This study uses the Research & Development method with the ADDIE model. The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data analysis in this study was carried out using the average score percentage formula and the absolute formula. The results of this study indicate that the product developed, namely 4D flashcard media based on visual learning styles, is proven to be very feasible to introduce early mathematics to children aged 4-5 years. This is based on the assessments of three experts, namely PAUD experts who gave a score of 91.1% (very decent), Mathematics experts at 100% (very decent), and Media experts at 88.8% (very decent). Thus, it is recommended for educators or teachers to use 4D flashcard media based on visual learning styles or other media that use technology in introducing early mathematics to children aged 4-5 years. Keywords: Flashcard Media, Visual Learning Style, Early Mathematics |
68. | Isabella Yusuf
9909817036 |
2021 | Implementation of Entrepreneurship Learning (Descriptive Study Research in Kindergarten at the School of Universe Bogor, West Java)
Entrepreneurship education should be developed at an early age or early childhood. Early age is the most ideal stage in introducing entrepreneurship to prepare children’s future. The purpose of this research is to identify and describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in Kindergarten. Qualitative research method with the type of case study research. Data collection techniques used, namely: observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in Kindergarten, especially Kindergarten School of Universe, namely: training children’s independence and courage, entrepreneurship learning is a direct practice of each program and adapted to the theme, evaluation of the application of entrepreneurship learning is summarized into report cards. The implementation of entrepreneurship learning is an important thing to be developed in Kindergarten. In addition to making children learn to be independent and brave, entrepreneurship that is introduced from an early age will provide important experiences for children’s future.
Keywords: early childhood; entrepreneurship; early childhood education. |
69. | Kurniasih
7516167993 |
2021 | Increased Child Confidence Through Journalizing Activities (Action Research On PAUD Children Group B AL-Istiqlaliyyah, Benda District, Tangerang City, Banten Province in 2020) | This research was conducted to aim at the process of journalizing activities to increase children’s self-confidence and the results of children’s self-confidence in journalizing activities in Group B Al Istiqlaliyyah Early Children Education, Benda District, Tangerang City. The Kemmis & Mc.Taggert mode action researcher is a researcher who aims at solving critical problems, this model consists of four components, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Based on the results of the 75% analysis, the hypothesis is accepted and contributes sufficiently in journalizing activities to increase children’s selfconfidence in journalizing activities in Group B, Al Istiqlaliyyah Early Children Education, Tangerang City.The first cycle consists of eight meetings and the second cycle is four meetings. Data analysis in this study used qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative analysis uses descriptive statistics to compare the results in the first cycle and the second cycle. Qualitative data analysis by analyzing data from the results of field notes and interviews during the study using data reduction steps, data display and data verification. The results of this study indicate that self-confidence through journalizing increases well. This can be seen from the success of each research cycle, in which the precycle results were 46.30%, the first cycle was 62.85% and in the second cycle the confidence reached 82.52%. From the results found, the implication of this research is that journalizing can be an alternative approach to increase children’s self-confidence.
Keywords: Action Research, Journaling, Increasing Self-Confidence |
70. | Lusianawati Eka Putri
9909817042 |
2021 | The Influence of Educational Background and Interest on The Compentece of Young Assistant Teacher | Being a professional young assistant teacher requires competence to measure knowledge, practice and mastery of their duties. For that we need factors that can encourage young assistant teacher to become competent teachers, one of which is their educational background and interest in becoming a young assistant teacher. This study aims to see the effect of educational background and interest on the competence of young assistant teachers who have carried out competency tests at the Lembaga Sertifikasi Kompetensi (LSK). The research method used was ex post facto, the data were tested using the normality test and the homogeneity test which carried out the two-way variance test (ANOVA) and the test using the Tukey test. Research respondents were young assistant teachers in DKI Jakarta Province. The results showed that the interaction of educational background and interest in the competence of young assistant teachers based on the results of the analysis of variance of the value of F count = 16.824> F table = 4.08, at the significant level = 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an influence of educational background and interest on the competence of young assistant teachers.
Keywords: Educational Background; Interest; Competence; Young Assistant Teacher |
71. | Mardiah Wulandari
7516167708 |
2021 | The Relationship Between Nutritional Status And Playing Activity With Basic Movement Skills Of Kindergarten Students In Nanggalo District, Padang City | The problem of this research is that the basic movement skills of kindergarten children in the District of Padang are not optimal with a tendency to lower nutritional status and play activities. The research objective was to see the relationship between nutritional status and play activities both individually and together with the basic movement skills of kindergarten children in Nanggalo District, Padang City. This research method is quantitative associative multiple correlation model. Place of research (data collection) in Kindergarten, Nanggalo District, Padang City. The population of this study was all kindergarten students in Nanggalo District, Padang City, totaling 281. The sample was drawn using the Cluster Sampling Technique with a total of 60 people. Nutritional status data collection techniques used BMI, play activities using a questionnaire and Anton Komaini’s Basic Movement Skill in 2016. The results showed that: (1) There was a positive relationship between nutritional status and basic movement skills of kindergarten children in Nanggalo Subdistrict, Padang City, which was 12.45%. (2) There is a positive relationship between play activities and basic movement skills of kindergarten children in Nanggalo District, Padang City, amounting to 26.21%. (3) There is a positive relationship between nutritional status and play activities together with basic movement skills of kindergarten children in Nanggalo District, Padang City, amounting to 47.89%.
Keywords : Nutritional Status, Playing Activities, Basic Movement Skill. |
72. | Maria Liliana Yohanis
7516168267 |
2021 | Parent Involvement In Distance Leraning In Early Children Education | Distance learning is called distance learning, to distinguish it from close learning systems or face-to-face learning. This study aims todescribe parental involvement in PJJ; analyzing the influence of demographic factors on parental involvement in PJJ; and analyzing the difference test between parents of TK-A and TK-B students. Quantitative research methods. The research sample was the parents of students at TK-A and TK-B in TK Tarakanita, East Jakarta. The technique of collecting data through surveys, with a questionnaire research instrument. The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis using the ordinary least square (OLS) with IBM SPSS software, and different tests using the Kruskal-Willis Test. The results showed that the level of parental involvement in PJJ was relatively good; demographic factors influence parental involvement; and there is no difference in parental involvement in TK-A and TK-B in TK Tarakanita, East Jakarta.
Keywords: demographic factors, distance learning, parental engagement |
73. | Mega Ria Agustina
7516167136 |
2021 | Parents Involvement in Assisting Early Childhood Learning from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Phenomenology Research on Parents in East Jakarta) | Parent’s involvement at home is proved can enhance the children’s learning achievement. The aim of this article was to describe about parent’s involvement in accompanying children to learn at home during the pandemic. Five participants were chosen through purposive sampling in Jakarta Timur, Indonesia. Data were analyzed using AFI (Analisis Fenomenologi Intrepretatif). The result produced five themes: 1) parenting, 2) parent-children-teacher communication, 3) parent effort in accompanying children to learn, 4) parent decision, and 5) parent-children-teacher cooperation. Parent and teacher can use this result as a reference when accompanying children to learn.
Keywords: parent’s involovement, learning, pandemic |
74. | Nurul Istiqomah
9909817044 |
2021 | Development Media Roll Book For Increasing Physics Science Early Childhood (Research and Development Since 2021)
Physics sciece is a science content that can be given to early childhood. The introduction of physics science in early childhood education has not been carried out optimally, which is shown by the child not understanding why objects can move left or right. Introduction to science, especially physics, can be done using the media. Media can be a tool that is part of scientific exploration that children can do. This study aims to develop a medium and determine its effectiveness in increasing knowledge physics science early childhood. This media is called Roll Book, which is a media development for illustrated story books added by the technique roll which contains content physics science for early childhood. The research method used is research and development with the ADDIE model. Data collection techniques are based on the results of expert validation and main field trial data and data analysis using statistical paired sample T-test. This research involved thirteen children of TK B-1 in At-Taqwa Rawamangun Kindergarten, East Jakarta. Based on the calculation results, there is an increase before being given treatment with after being given treatment. It is known that the results of theeffectiveness t-testare not the same as the t-table with a value of <0.001 <0.05 so that Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a significant change between before the use of the media roll book (pretest) and after the use of themedia roll book (posttest). So the media developed is effectively used to improveknowledge physics science for Kindergarten B children. Future research can be carried out so that there will be more and more new media products that can support early childhood learning, especially science learning.
Keywords: physics science, early childhood, roll book |
75. | Nuryanti
7516167134 |
2021 | Improving Social Communication Skills In Autis Spectrum Disorder (Asd) Children Through The Implementation of Son-Rise Programs | Autistic children have difficulty building interactions and maintaining interactions with others such as eye contact and attention. The purpose of this research is to improve the social communication skills of children with autism through learning activities using the Son-Rise Program. This research method is action research, Kemmis and Taggart model with a single subject, namely agirl aged 4 years 7 months diagnosed with ASD. The activity was carried out in 2 cycles with a total of 20 meeting sessions. Data collection was carried out through direct observation and semi-structured interviews with parents. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that there was an increase in social communication skills in children with autism, it seemed that children had better environmental awareness, had the initiative to build interactions withthe environment, were more active and participatory in learningas well as showing joy in every activity. It is just that the limitation in this study is that the involvement of parents to continue activities at home is not consistent.
Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Social Skills, Communication, Son-Rise Program (SRP) |
76. | Putri Fatmawati Arinal Hasanah
9909818010 |
2021 | The Role of Pencak Silat In Developing Early Childhood (A Case Study of Class II Children at SDIT Paramarta Nurul Islam Seputih Banyak District, Central Lampung Regency in 2020)
This study aims to describe the role of martial arts in developing early childhood discipline based on a description of children’s disciplinary attitudes and behaviors both at school, home or in padepokan (a place for children’s silat activities), as well as the urgency of martial arts, martial arts training methods. pencak silat for early childhood and the reasons parents choose pencak silat activities as extracurricular activities for children. The method used in this research is qualitative research with a case study approach. Sources of data in this study were two grade II elementary school children, silat trainers, classroom teachers, and pencak silat academics. The data analysis technique used in this study consisted of observation, interviews, documentation and data triagulation. Based on the research that has been obtained, it is found that pencak silat is a martial arts that is introduced to children as a sport for physical fitness, self-preservation, means of achievement, introduction to culture and character building such as discipline, self-confidence, religion, etc. This is also used as an excuse by parents to make martial arts as a sport for children, especially for early childhood. Even though pencak silat is a martial art, the process of introducing pencak silat to children is certainly different from the process of familiarizing with adults, so it takes the right strategy so that it remains in the context of playing and packing in such a way that it does not create an impression of violence or hostility but is made to create a feeling happy with children and must also pay attention to child safety factors. In addition, in martial arts activities, pencak silat has many rules or rules that foster the course of the activity from beginning to end, so that it trains children to adapt to each of these rules. This is what makes children who participate in pencak silat activities more obedient to the rules at school, home or the environment around the child, and make children better at helping their time to study, play and rest.
Keywords : Early Childhood, Dicipline, Pencak Silat |
77. | Rini Julia Sasmita
9909817019 |
2021 | The Reggio Emilia Approach in Responding to the demands of the 21st Century Skills in Early Childhood (Literature Review) | In 21st century, every people is facing the globalization challenges included young children. In early childhood context, the expected abilities is creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication. Based on previous research, that abilities can prepared by child-orientated approach. Reggio Emilia Approach is one of that, and has the slogan “One Hundered Children’s Languages”. Reggio Emilia using project based-learning and open ended material that have developed critical thinking, creativity, communication, interaction, collaboration. However, the Reggio Emilia Approach has another component that may also potential to developed that abilities. The aim of this study is too see all the Reggio Emilia components are able to answer the challenges, and to see the probability to applied this approach into Indonesian context. This study is literature review, with analyzed 2 Reggio Emilia Approach primary books, 1 primary book of education according to Ki Hajar Dewantara and 62 articles consisting of primary and secondary sources about Reggio Emilia Approach and 21st century skills.
Keywords: reggio emilia; skills; early childhood education
78. | Widiarti
7516167714 |
2021 | Improvement of Basic Movement Abilities of Children’s Locomotor Through Bad Arts (Action Research In Group B Islamic Tk Al Kahfi In Cirebon District) | The problem in this study is the child’s locomotor basic motor skills are developing too slowly. Therefore, this study aims to describe the learning process and outcomes through the traditional art game, Burok to improve children’s locomotor basic movement skills. This research was conducted at the Al Kahfi Islamic Kindergarten, Kudukeras Village, Babakan District, Cirebon Regency as many as 15 people. This research uses action research method. The research procedure consisted of: planning, acting and observing, reflecting. Conducted for 12 meetings divided into two cycles. Data collection techniques are carried out through tests, observations, interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Pre-action was carried out to determine the percentage of basic locomotor mobility by 34.41%, increasing to 60.66% after the first cycle, and increasing to 88.66% after the second cycle. An increase of 88.66% in the second cycle proves that the art of blurry games can improve the basic locomotor movement abilities of early childhood. In addition to the basic locomotor abilities of children, traditional games of the art of burok can also improve aspects of the development of religious and moral norms (NAM), cognitive, social, emotional, language and art. This is because the activities of a game are very important activities for children, because all aspects of child development can be developed through activities in a game activities.
Keywords: basic movement, locomotor skills, traditional art of burok |
79. | Yuliana. N
9909817045 |
2021 | Development Of Comic Media To Improve Understanding of Flood Disaster Preparedness For Children Aged 7 To 8 Years In Sidrap Regency | Preparedness flood disaster is important to increase children’s understanding to how protect themselves when flood disaster occurs. This research and development aims to determine the effectiveness by using comics on understanding flood disaster preparedness for children aged 7-8 years in Sidrap Regency. The research method used Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model. This research begins with small group involving 5 children and large group involving 10 people. Based on the results, the effectiveness test t-count of 10,793 with significance value (2-tailed) of 0.00. so it can be said that the value of 0.001 <0.05. Thus, the used Aku Pintar Siaga Bencana Banjir Comic media is effective to increased understanding of flood disaster preparedness for children aged 7-8 years.
Keywords: Disaster preparedness; flood; comic media |