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C Febrianny, U Purwohedi, D Handarini (2020), Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Kepemilikan Asing, dan Keberadaan
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A Kurnianto, U Purwohedi, R Prihatni. (2020) Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Integrated
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M Rudianto, U Purwohedi, B Santoso. (2020) Analysis of Determinant Factors Performance of Alliance
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U Purwohedi, M Memon, A Zakaria, (2020) Internal Audit Competence And Effectiveness: Lesson From
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Rizan, M., Balfas, F., Purwohedi, U (2019). The influence of strategic orientation, organizational innovation
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Hasanah, N., Anggraini, R., Purwohedi, U. (2019) Single entry method as the way to improve small and
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Purwohedi, U., Gurd, B. (2019) Using Social Return on Investment (SROI) to measure project impact in local
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OT Wardani, A Warokka, U Purwohedi. (2019) Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Penerapan Pengelolaan
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