Herlina Usman, S Ferdiansyah, HP Widodo, RPD Lestariyana Primary School
English Teachers’ Perceptions of the Teacher Educator-Created English Textbook:
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Herlina Usman, A Maksum, A Sutisna Whole Language Approach; Teaching English
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Herlina Usman, I Lestari, N Pelenkahu English e-Book for Elementary School
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S. Sriyanto, A Buchori, A Handayani, PT Nguyen, Herlina Usman, Implementation
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Herlina Usman, I Lestari, R Chairunisa Research By Design Based On Direct Method
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Herlina Usman, Lestari, I., Anisah, Fadhillah, D.N., Iasha English language book
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Herlina, NCM Utami. Teaching English To Students Of Elementary School, page
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Herlina Usman, Pelatihan Media Pembelajaran Flashcard Media Berbasis Hots Di
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Herlina Usman, Pelatihan Media Pembelajaran Flashcard Media Berbasis Hots Di
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H Herlina, RR Dewi; Flashcard media: The media for developing
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H Honayapto H Herlina, Hubungan Sikap Dan Gaya Belajar Siswa Terhadap
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Herlina Increasing Reading Comprehension Ability through Visualizing Media of
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H Herlina The Effect of Interest in Reading on Mastery of English Vocabulary with
Fifth Grade Elementary Students Journal of Studies in English Language and
Education 3 (2), 188-202. 2016 |
H Herlina, Pemerolehan Fonology Pada Anak Usia Dua Tahun Dua Bulan (Studi
Kualitatif Pemerolehan Fonology Pada Aisyah) Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 10 (2),
295-314 2016. |
H Herlina, Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman Bahasa Inggris
melalui Metode Sq4r Jurnal Ilmiah Visi 11 (1), 29-35. 2016. |
H Herlina, HN Sudrajat, Meningkatkan Pemahaman Kosakata Bahasa Inggris
Melalui Metode Permainan Bingo Jurnal Ilmiah Visi 10 (2), 114-121 2015. |