Publication Title |
Journal |
Volume /
Number / Year |
The Continuous Professional Development for Early Childhood Teachers through Lesson Study in Implementing Play Based Curriculum (Case Study in Jakarta, Indonesia) |
The International
Journal of
Creativity and
Change |
Vol. 12(10), pp.
17–25/ 2020 |
STEAM to R-SLAMET Modification: An
Integrative Thematic Play Approach Based
on R-SLAMETS Content in Early Childhood
Education |
Jurnal Pendidikan
Usia Dini |
Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.
262-274/2020 |
Effective Communication-Based Teaching
Skill for Early Childhood Education Students |
Journal of Higher
Education |
Vol. 9(1), pp. 153-
158, 2019. |
Perilaku Sosial Anak 5-6 tahun dalam
Kegiatan Sentra Bermain Peran di TK Labs
School Jakarta |
Indonesian Journal
of Educational
Counseling |
Vol 4 (2), pp. 107-
116, 2020 |
Pengaruh Pembelajaran ICT dan Minat
Belajar terhadap Kesiapan Membaca Anak
Usia Dini |
Jurnal Obsesi |
Vol 4 (2), pp.
733-746, 2020 |
Electronic Comics in Elementary School
Science Learning for Marine Concervation
Electronic Comics in Elementary School
Science Learning for Marine Concervation |
Jurnal Pendidikan
IPA Indonesia |
Vol 8 (4), pp. 500-
511, 2019 |
Pengaruh Pola Asuh dan Kekerasan Verbal
terhadap Kepercayaan Diri (SelfConfidence) |
Jurnal Obsesi |
Vol 3 (2), pp. 433-
439, 2019 |
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan
Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis terhadap
Pemahaman Sains Fisik |
Jurnal Obsesi |
Vol 3 (1), pp. 18-
29, 2019 |
Pengembangan Media Sliding Book Untuk
Pengenalan Sains Kehidupan (Life Science)
Kelautan untuk Anak Usia 6-7 Tahun |
Jurnal Pendidikan
Usia Dini |
Vol 12 (2), pp.
281-290, 2018 |
Pengaruh Bermain Peran Mikro terhadap
kecerdasan Interpersonal |
Jurnal Obsesi |
Vol 2 (1), pp. 34-
44, 2018 |
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Tematik
Integratif Berbasis Proyek dalam Menerapkan
Pendidikan Kelautan pada Anak di
Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta |
Jurnal Pendidikan
Usia Dini |
Vol 12(1), pp. 51-
65, 2018 |