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Management Science Letters Volume 11 Issue 3 Pages 871-878. DOI: 10.5267/j.msl.2020.10.012 |
Kesumayani, H., Eliyana, A., Hamidah,, Akbar, M., Sebayang, K.D. (2020). Boosting organizational
commitment through visionary leadership and work life balance. Systematic Reviews in
Pharmacy, 11(9), 312-322. |
Pakpahan, M., Eliyana, A., Hamidah,, Buchdadi, A.D., Bayuwati, T.R. (2020). The role of organizational
justice dimensions: Enhancing work engagement and employee performance. Systematic Reviews in
Pharmacy, 11(9), 323-332. |
Rohman, A., Eliyana, A., Purwana, D., Hamidah. (2020). Individual and organizational factors’ effect on
knowledge sharing behavior. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 8(1), 38-48. |
Saputra, D.E.E., Eliyana, A., Hamidah,, Sariwulan, T., Buchdadi, A.D. (2020). The use of information
technology in correctional services to improve service quality and service satisfaction: A theory
approach. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(8), 245-253 |
Kustanto, H., Hamidah,, Eliyana, A., Mumpuni, J.H.S., Gunawan, D.R. (2020). The moderation role of
psychological empowerment on innovative work behaviour. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(8),
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Dara, D., Eliyana, A., Hamidah, (2020) The engagement and working satisfaction of millennial lecturers
during the covid-19 pandemic: Differences in gender identity perspectives. Systematic Reviews in
Pharmacy, 2020, 11(10), pp. 438–445 |
I Moestain, H Hamidah, K Kadir, (2020) Leadership, quality of worklife, job satisfaction and organizational
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Ardiansyah,, Hamidah,, Susita, D. (2020). Organizational culture, compensation and employee
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Harini, S., Hamidah,, Luddin, M.R., Ali, H. (2020), Analysis supply chain management factors of lecturer’s
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Yuwono, H., Eliyana, A., Buchdadi, A.D., Hamidah, Sariwulan, T., Handicapilano, R.J. (2020). A
multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy the Effect of Locus of Control on Employees’
Job Satisfaction. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 2020, 11(8), 43-50. |
Adikoeswanto, D., Eliyana, A., Hamidah,, Sariwulan, Tuty., Buchdadi, A.D., Firda, F. (2020). Quality of
work life’s factors and their impacts on organizational commitments. Systematic Reviews in
Pharmacy, 2020, 11(7), 450-461. |
Yuspahruddin, A., Eliyana, A., Buchdadi, A.D., Hamidah, Sariwulan, T., Muhaziroh, K. (2020). The effect of
employee involvement on job satisfaction. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(7), 490-498. |
Amin, B., Hamidah,, Gunawan, K. (2020). The influence of transformational leadership, power distance,
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Bastari, A., Ali, H., Hamidah. (2020). Service performance model through work motivation: Analysis of
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Uus Mohammad Darul Fadli, Maruf Akbar, Hamidah. (2020). Phenomenology Study on The Formulation
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Management Vol 4 No 2 2020 |
Agustinus Priyowidodo, Wibowo, Hamidah, (2019) Influencing of Organizational Culture, Leadership
Style, and Work Stress to The Turnover Intention of Employees Stella Maris Education Foundation
Jakarta, Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship, 3(1), 33-44. |
Soetjahjo Niti Tisno Harijono, Billy Tunas, Hamidah (2019), The Effect Of Organizational Culture On
Performance Of Govern-ment Internal Supervisory Apparatus (Apip) In The National Indone-sian
Navy, Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship (JOBBE), 3 (1), 27-32 |
Tubagus Hkualizaman, Hamidah, Agung Wahyu Handaru, (2019) The Effect of Leadership, Compensation,
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Government, Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 343 (1st
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Khairul Ismed, Wibowo wibowo, Hamidah,(2019) Implementation of Labor Inspection Policy in West Java
Province at Indonesia in Facing the Digital Era 4.0, Advances in Social Science, Education and
Humanities Research, volume 343 (1st International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS
2019)), DOI: |
Achmad Zawawi, Made Putrawan, Hamidah, (2019) Linking Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture
to Organizational Commitment (thee Mediating Role of Procedural Justice In Automotive Industry),
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Syahbudi, Hamidah, Yetti Supriyati, (2018) Organisation Culture of Saka Bahari Scout Movement, IJHCMInternational Journal of Human Capital Management, Vol 2 No 1 (2018), DOI: |
Timotius E, Hamidah, Wibowo, (2018) Intrapreneurial Mindset of Retail Store Leaders: A Grounded
Theory, International Journal Of Entrepreneurship Vol 22 No 3. 2018 (terindeks Scopus, Q4, H-index
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Muhammad Iqbal, Maruf Akbar, Hamidah, (2018) The Influence of Learning Organization, Training and
Knowledge to Official’s Work Effectiveness in Regency Government of Ogan Komering Ilir, Vol 6 No
04, Page EM-2018-328-332, DOI 2018, |
Taslim, Bedjo Sujanto, Hamidah, (2018) Evaluation of Free-Payment School Implementation at Senior
High School/Islamic Senior High School and Vocational School in the Regency of Ogan Komering Ilir,
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), Vol. 06 Issue 04 Pages EL2018-198-206-2018, DOI |
Nia Kusuma Wardhani, Wibowo, Hamidah (2018) Employee Career : Effect of Administrative
Competence, Social Capital and Performance, International Journal of Scientific Research and
Management (IJSRM), Vol.06 Issue 03, EM-2018-112-120,2018. DOI |
Hamidah, Sarah Maryadi, Gatot Nazir Ahmad, (2018) Pengaruh Harga Saham, Volatilitas Harga Saham,
Dan Volume Perdagangan Saham Terhadap Bid-Ask Spread Saham Pada Perusahaan Sektor
Pertambangan Yang Terdaftar Di Issi Periode Juni 2016−Juni2017, Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains
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