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Drs. Erry Utomo, M.Ed., Ph.D.

Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Jakarta, Indonesia (Bachelor)
Universityof Leeds, UK (Master)
University of Pittsburgh, USA (Doctor)
Educational Technology
Curriculum Development for Primary School
Social and Comparative Analysis in Education (SCAE)
Adriyati, Erry Utomo, Yuli Rahmawati, Alin Mardiah. (2020). STEAM-Project-Based Learning Integration to Improve Elementary School Students’Scientific Literacy on Alternative Energy Learning. Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol.8 (5), pp1863- 1873 DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080523
Nia Devi Anggraini, I Made Astra, Erry Utomo. (2020) The Effect of Inquiry Learning Model andScientific Literacy Toward Students’ Critical ThinkingSkills in Primary Schools. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Vol 2, No. 3.
Muhammad Fajri, Yurniwati, Erry Utomo. (Jan 2020). Pengaruh pendekatan pembelajaran open-ended terhadap berpikir matematis di indonesia (The Effect of the Open-ended Learning Approach onMathematical Thinking in Indonesia). Elementary School Journal
Erry Utomo, Nurfadhilah, Agung Purwanto, Jatu WWicaksono, A Arif. (2019). Landasan Agama DalamPendidikan Pubertas di Sekolah Dasar (The Foundationof Religion in Puberty Education in Primary School).Jurnal Harkat, 15(1)
Gendis Woro Pawestri, M Syarif Sumantri, Erry Utomo.(2019). Evaluasi Program Kewirausahaan di SDK 21 Penabur (Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Program atSDK 21 Penabur). Jurnal Basicedu, Vol. 3, No. 3
Eviyetti, M Syarif Sumantri, Erry Utomo. (2019). The Influence of Learning Approaches to Critical Thinking Ability of Students Viewed from Locus of Control in Natural Sciences in Elementary School. East AfricanScholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature, Vol. 1 Issue 3, pp.89-94.
Nadiroh, Nur Fadli Hazhar Fachrial, Erry Utomo. (2019).The effect of vocational learning strategy and knowledge of sustainable development in increasing traditional cattlemen’s skill in making bio-digester.Series: Earth and Environmental Science 314.