Lapor Pasca


Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si.

Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Jakarta, Indonesia (Bachelor)
Universitas Gadja Mada, Indonesia (Master)
IPB, Indonesia (Doctor)
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (Doctor)
Chemistry Education
Science in Physical Chemistry
Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Education Research and Assessment
Rahmawati, Y., Ridwan, A., Mardiah, A., Sandryani, W., Mawarni, P.C., Setiawan, A., 2019, Student Engagement in Science Learning Through The Integration Of Ethno-pedagogy in Wastewater Treatment Project, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402(5)
Rahmawati, Y., Baeti, H.R., Ridwan, A., Suhartono, S., Rafiuddin, R., 2019, A Culturally Responsive Teaching Approach and Ethno-chemistry Integration of Tegal Culture For Developing Chemistry Students’ Critical Thinking Skills in Acid-Based Learning, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402(5)
Rahmawati, Y., Agustin, M.A., Ridwan, A., Erdawati, E., Darwis, D., Rafiuddin, R., 2019, The Development of Chemistry Students’ 21 Century Skills Through A Steam Project on Electrolyte and Non-Electrolyte Solutions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402(5)
Rivai, E., Ridwan, A., Supriyati, Y., Rahmawati, Y., 2019, Influence of Test Construction Knowledge, Teaching Material and Attitude on Sociological Subject to Quality of Objective Selected Publications (2019-2020) Test in Public And Private Vocational Schools, International Journal of Instruction, 12(3), pp. 497-512
Andina, R.E., Rahmawati, Y., Ridwan, A., 2019, Analysis of students’ mental model of salt hydrolysis concepts at Klaten, Central Java, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1157 (4)
Rahmawati, Y., Ridwan, A., Hadinugrahaningsih, T., Soeprijanto, 2019, Developing Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Through Steam Integration in Chemistry Learning, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1156 (1)
Rahmawati, Y., Ridwan, A., Rahman, A., Kurniadewi, F., 2019, Chemistry Students’ Identity Empowerment Through Etnochemistry In Culturally Responsive Transformative Teaching (CRTT), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1156 (1)
Rahmawati, Y., Ridwan, A., Cahyana, U., Febriana, D., 2020, The Integration of Culturally Responsive Transformative Teaching To Enhance Student Cultural Identity in The Chemistry Classroom, Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(2), pp. 468-476