Lapor Pasca


1. Yayan Sopian


2019 Evaluation of Integrated Thematic Learning Implementation Programmin Elementary school class I and IV of Menes Sub-district Pandeglang The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  determine  the  implementation  of  integrated thematic  learning  at  the  elementary  level  through  the  application  of  the  Stake’s Countenance   model,   knowing   the   suitability   of   the   implementation   of   integrated Thematic  learning  at  the  elementary  level,  knowing  the  factors  that  hindered  the implementation of integrated Thematic learning at the elementary level. The study was conducted  at  SDN  in  Menes  Sub  district,  Pandeglang  Regency  from  March  to  June  in 2019.  This  research  study  rests  on  the  results  of  qualitative  research  with  descriptive methods.  The  research  model  uses  Countenance  Stake.  Data  sources  are  obtained from natural settings. This  study  uses  data  collection  techniques  as  follows,  namely:  (1)  documentation study, (2) observation, (3) interview. Based on data analysis it was found that learning was  carried  out  by  applying  integrated  thematic  learning,  but  in  the  formulation  of curriculum  structure,  and  basic  competencies  including  assessment  emphasized  the application of learning to the subject approach. The inconsistency of this policy has led to  difficult  in  primary  schools  including  Menes  Sub  district  of  Menes  in  implementing integrated thematic learning.

Keywords: Evaluation of Countenance Stake Model, Thematic Learning

2. Erlin. K. Tobamba


2019 The Effect of Learning Media on IPS Learning Outcomes are Reviewed From Interest to Learn (Experimental Study in Class V Elementary School Students in Central City Gorontalo City in 2018/2019) The  purpose  of  the  study  was  to  obtain  a  picture  of  the  Effect  of  Learning  Media  on  Social Studies  Learning  Outcomes  in  Terms  of  Learning  Interest  in  Class  V  Students  of  Primary Schools in the City of Gorontalo City in 2018. The research was carried out inthe City Schools of the City of Gorontalo City. As the object of research are the fifth grade students of SDN 86 Kota  Tengah  and  SDN  78  Kota  Tengah  Kota  Gorontalo.  The  study  was  conducted  using  the experimental method. The design used was the experimentaldesign of treatment by level 2 x 2. The  sample  in  this  study  was  grade  V  students  of  SDN  86  Kota  Tengah  and  SDN  78  Kota Tengah Gorontalo City in 2018/2019. The sampling technique is  a simple multi-stage random sampling  technique.  The  analysis  used  includes  descriptive  analysis  and  inferential  analysis. The results obtained are (1) Overall the learning group with google earth media gives a better influence on the learning outcomes  of social studies  students  of class V SDN 86 Kota Tengah and SDN 78 Kota Tengah Gorontalo City, compared to the study groups using media maps, ( 2) There  is  an  interaction  between  learning  media  with  students’  interest  in  learning  towards social studies learning outcomes of students in class V SDN 86 Kota Tengah and SDN 78 Kota Tengah Gorontalo City, (3) For groups of students who have a high interest in learning, google earth media gives more influence both towards social studies learning outcomes of students in class  V  SDN  86  Kota  Tengah  and  SDN  78  Kota  Tengah  Kota  Gorontalo,  compared  to  study groups using map media, and (4) for study groups who have low learning interest, map media gives a better influence on social studies learning outcomes of students in class V SDN 86 Kota Tengah and SDN 78 Kota Tengah Kota Gorontalo bibanding group  be learn  by using google earth media.

Keywords: media map, google earth, interest in learning, social studies learning outcomes.

3. Sita Ratnaningsih


2019 The Effect of Problem-Based Learning and Self-Belief Learning Methods on Student Learning Outcomes Class VI Students (Experiments at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pembangunan UIN Jakarta) The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  study  the  Effect  of  Confidence  and  Problem Based Learning Methods on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class VI Students.This  study  uses  an  experimental  method  with  treatment design  by  level  2  x  2. Samples from the study are each class with 12 people from two classes, with a sample of 24 people.The  results  of  the  study  can  be  concluded  that:  1).  Differences  in  Social  Studies Learning  Outcomes  between  Groups  of  Students  Learning  with  the  Problem  Based Learning Method with Students Learning with the Expository Method the average score of Social Sciences learning outcomes of students studying with the PBL method is 24.92 and the average Social Sciences learning outcomes scores ofstudents studying with the expository  method  of  22.50. 2). The Effect of Interactionof Learning Methods and Student   Confidence   on   Social   Studies   Learning   Outcomes   was   found   that   the interaction  count  was  71.526  greater  Ftable  (0.05;  1: 20)  =  4.35  with  a  probability value (Sig.) Of 0.000 smaller than a significant level (0 , 05). This means that there is a significant  interaction  effect  between  learning  methods  and  confidence  in  students’ social studies learning outcomes. 3).  Differences  in Social Studies Learning Outcomes between Groups of Students Learning with Problem Based Learning Learning Methods with Students Learning with Expositories Method in Students  Who  Have  High  Self-Confidence  that  the  average  score  of  Social  Studies learning outcomes of students who have high levels of confidence, in groups of students learning by method PBL of 30.33 is higher than the group of students studying with the expository  method  of  19.33.  4).  Differences  in  Social  Studies  Learning  Outcomes between  Groups  of  Students  Studying  with  the  Problem  Based  Learning  Method  with Students Learning with Expository Methods in Students with Low Self-Confidence there are  differences  in  scores  on  Social  Studies  learning  outcomes  of  students  who  study with  the  PBL  method  and  those  who  study  with  the  expository  method  for  groups  of students  have  a  low  level  of  confidence.  Thus  it  can  be  concluded  that  the  average score  of  social  studies  learning  outcomes  of  students  who  have  a  low  level  of  self-confidence, in the group of students studying with the PBL method of 19.50 lower than the group of students who studied with the expository method of 25.67.

Keywords: Problem  Based  Learning  Method,  Confidence,  Social  Studies  Learning Outcomes

4. Thewed Neniati Handoyo



2019 Relationship of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Professional Competence of Elementary School Teacher in Subdistrict Cakung This study aims to determine the relationship of leadership and organizational culture on professional competence of elementary school teacher in Cakung Subdistrict. This study used a survey method with regression. The process data of colecting elementary school teacher in Cakung Subdistrict was conducted using a questionnaire as a research instrument in the study chosen as a unit of analysis with a sample of 72 people determined by a random technique (simple random sampling). The results of the study show: First, there is a leadership relationship with professional competence; Second, there is a relationship between organizational culture and professional competence. Third, there is a leadership relationship and organizational culture at the same times with professional competence.

Keywords: leadership, organization culture, professional competence.

5. Fetty Primadini



2019 The Effect of Learning Media, and Independence of Learning on Science Process Skills Class V Students at SDN Duren Sawit 07 Pagi East Jakarta This study aims to obtain information about the Effect of Learning Media and Learning Independence on the Process Process Skills of Class V Students at SDN Duren Sawit 07 Pagi East Jakarta. This research is associative quantitative research, The study was conducted using experiment methods with 2×2 analysis data analysis techniques in testing hypothesis. The affordable population in this study were all fifth grade students of SDN located in Kelurahan Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. And in Duren Sawit Village there are as many as 11 elementary schools. Then randomly selected Duren Sawit 07 Pagi Elementary School. The results of the analysis conclude that 1) there are differences in science process skills skills between students learning with visual media and students learning with audio-visual media, 2) There is an interaction effect between the use of learning media and learning independence on the ability of science process skills, 3) there differences in science process skills skills between students who learn to use visual media and students who learn by using audio media with students who have high learning independence, 4) there are differences in science skills process skills between students who learn to use visual media and students who

learn using audio media for students who have low learning independence.

Keywords: Learning Media, Learning Independence, Science Process Skills.

6. Gendis Woro Pawestri



2019 Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Programs in Penabur SDK This aim of this research was to collect information related to the implementation of entrepreneurship programs at SDK PENABUR. The method used is the evaluation method with a qualitative approach. The design of the model used is the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model, to complete the basis of the making in the evaluation with an analysis of planned changes. Based on information from several academics at SDK PENABUR, the aim of the entrepreneurship program is not to direct the way of life of students to become entrepreneurs but to shape the character of students who are innovative, independent, risk-taking and responsible. Entrepreneurship programs created based on high needs will characterize students who have entrepreneurial qualities. Through the school committee with the development of the entrepreneurship program so that the program is more intensified so that it runs better, it needs to be done by the Team of Auditors and assessors from the government, to always monitor the course of the entrepreneurship program by frequently seeing and working in the implementation of the entrepreneurship program in each existing school In DKI Jakarta, the need for additional special spaces for entrepreneurship development activities for teachers and students is more comfortable in creating creations and products resulting from entrepreneurship development and there is a need to formulate an entrepreneurship development program vision, so that later program products generated from entrepreneurship activities can be marketed in accordance with the discussion of the results of the selection of agreed criteria.

Keywords : entrepreneurship, evaluation and CIPP model.

7. Merinda


2019 Applying SAVI (Somatic, Audio, and Visual, Intellectual) Approachto Improve Exposition Writing Skills in 5th Grade Students of PENABUR Christian Elementary School 6, North Jakarta This  study  aims  to  improve  exposition  writing  skills  of  the  5thgrade  students  through the  application  of  the  SAVI  approach  (Somatic,  Auditory,  Visual  and  Intellectual)  in learning.  Through  the  application  of  the  SAVI  approach  with  methods  of  discussion, interactive presentations, direct observation, and conducting student workshops as well as  other  activities  that  involve  emotions,  physical  movements,  hearing,  vision  and problem  solving  skills  that  lead  students  to  build  their  own  knowledge,  there  is  an increase  in  exposition  writing  skills  and  Student  learning  spiritalso  increases.  This research  is  an  action  research  carried  out  at  SDK  6  PENABUR  North  Jakarta.  The research   subjects    were   5th grade    students,   amounting   to   35   students.   The implementation of the study was divided into two cycles.Data analysis techniques were carried  out  with  qualitative  descriptive  techniques.  The  increase  in  the  results  of exposition  writing  skills  is  also  seen  in  the  initial  cycle  and  is  increasing  in  cycle  2. This  can  be  seen  from  the  initial  percentage  of  students  who  have  not  completed  the task  of  exposition  writing  skills  by  68%,  then  the  percentage  results  in  the  first  cycle are 45.7% and in the end of the second cycle students who obtained incomplete results were  only  25.7%.  Overall  at  the  end  of  the  second  cycle  all  aspects  and  criteria  for exposition writing experienced a significant increase. Keywords: exposition writing, SAVI approach,  classroom action research.


8. Priscilla Sintiawati Pangestu


2019 The Influence of Self-Confidence and Interpersonal Communication on Student’s Critical Thinking Through Science Subjects This  research  aim  is  to  determine  the  effect  of  self-confidence  and  interpersonal communication on student’s critical thinking through science subject( Pelajaran IPA) in  Sekolah  Dasar  Wilayah  Satu  Pasar  Minggu.  The method  used  in  this  research  is quantitative with a survey approach. The data analysis technique in this research use path  analysis.  Path  analysis  is  used  to  analyze  the  pattern  of  relationships  between variables  with  the  aim  to  determine  the  direct  or  indirect  influence  of  a  set  of exogenous  variables  to  endogenous.  Samples  in  this  research  was  taken  using  a random   sampling   technique,  the   population   consisted   of   several   homogeneous schools.  For  sampling,  using  the  lottery  numbers.  In  this  case,  samples  take  from three  schools,  120  in  total.  The  results  in  this  research  indicate  that  self-confidence has  a  direct  effect  on  the  ability  to  Critical  Thinking,  interpersonal  communication has  a  direct  effect  on  critical  thinking  and  self  confidence  has  a  direct  effect  on interpersonal communication.

Keywords: Sef Confidence, Interpersonal Communication, Critical thinking


9. Siti Namiroh


2019 Computer Based Interactive Media Development in Thematic Learning for Class V Students in Basic School Education  is  one  of  an  important  factors in  determining  the  progress  of  a country. Nowdays the learning process that is taking place in primary schools uses the thematic models contained in the 2013 curruculum. In the thematic process, the role of the media isvery important. The purpose of this study is developing media on thematic learning.  Where  the  media  can  be  usedin  the  learning  process  and can  improve students  leaning  outcomes.  This  study  uses  a  development  research  model  using  Dick and Caret model which is carried out through 9 stages. This reasearch was initiated by conducting preliminary research, theoritical validation conducted by experts, empirical validation conducted by individual trial, small group, and field trial. The result of this study  indicated  that  the  use  of  computer-based  media  could  give  a  potential  effect  on student  learning  outcomes  in  thematic  learning. This  is  evidenced  by  the  average student  learning  outcomes  in  the  pre-test  score  of  77.1  and  after  using  the  media  the average  valueof  students  to  be  89.7. This  shows  a  significant  increase  in  student learning  outcomes.  The  implication  of  this  research  is a learning  media  that  can  be used as an alternative in thematic learning.

Keywords: Learning Media, Thematic Learning, Development Research


10. Umi Sumiati As



2019 Evaluation of The Implementation of Adiwiyata Program for Students In Class V SDN Kebon Besar 1 Tangerang City This evaluation study was conducted aimed to find out how effective the Adiwiyata program was in habituating Kebon Besar SDN 1 students in Tangerang City. In this study is a program evaluation with a qualitative approach using the CIPP model developed by Stufflebeam which includes 4 (four) components, namely: 1) context (Countek), 2) Input (Input), 3) Process (Process), 4) Results (Product). Data retrieval is done by observation, interviews, documentation studies, and questionnaires. The Adiwiyata school program is evaluated as follows: 1) UKS, 2) Thursday without plastic, 3) Bathroom cleanliness, 4) Learning innovations, 5) Saturday lunch, 6) Biopori, 7) Swimming, 8) Plant nurseries, 9) Parks . Evaluation results have shown that habituation effectiveness reaches 84, 45% results with this indicating that the Adiwiyata school program has a very good contribution to the habituation of Kebon Besar 1 Elementary School students in Tangerang City. The results of this study imply that the school adiwiyata program needs to be implemented as part of how to habituate students.

Keywords: Adiwiyata Program, Program Evaluation, Habit


11. Hadi Hardiansyah



2019 Teaching Material Development of Alam Sekitar Based on Mobile Learning for Class II Elementary School Education and technology have to go together in this century. This study aims to develop mobile learning-based teaching materials for thematic learning in elementary schools. This study uses research and development methods with the Dick and Carey model. The instruments used in this study were interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The results of this study are teaching materials based on mobile learning. Based on the results of the pre-test and posttest analysis, it shows that there are differences in learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test stages. The results of the t-test show that t count = 12.10 and t table = 1.99 at the significance level α = 0.05 / 95%. Thus it can be concluded that there is an increase in learning outcomes experienced by students, after participating in thematic learning with teaching materials based on mobile learning.

Keywords: teaching materials, mobile learning, natural environment.


12. Leni Lidia



2019 Improving Skills of Writing Description Through Learning Model of Brain-Based Learning Class III Students of Avicenna North-Bekasi Action Research on Third Grade Students of SDIT Avicenna North Bekasi The research aims to improve the learning outcomes of writing descriptions through the model of Brain-Based Learning and using action research. The current problem is still the low ability to write descriptions of students in class III SDIT Avicenna, this is due to two factors. The first factor is that students have difficulty writing descriptions including students who are less able to describe the incident, students are difficult to describe in detail the object where the object here is a natural event, less familiar with punctuation, spelling, the use of letters to be written, the second factor is that students are difficult to pour ideas and students are still difficult in developing sentences in paragraphs. The subject of this study is a grade III student of SDIT Avicenna North Bekasi a total of 30 students. The data collection techniques used are tests and non-test (observation). Based on the comparison of the results of the study in the cycle I and Cycle II as much as 67% and 100%. Comparison of learning outcomes based on average cycle I and Cycle II is 77.60 and 90.07. Maximum cycle score comparison I and Cycle II is 82 and 94. Minimum cycle score comparison I and Cycle II is 70 and 87. Based on the comparison of each cycle’s learning results, there has been an increase in student description writing skills through the brain based learning model and this marked that the research has succeeded.

Keywords: Writing skills, descriptions, Brain-Based Learning


13. Asran


2019 The Effect of Learning Model And Learning Style on Critical Thinking Ability (Experimental Study of Class V Students in Social Sciences Subjects at the Bulurokeng State Elementary School in Makassar City) This study aims to determine the effect of learning models and learning styles on the critical  thinking  skills  of  fifth-grade  students  of  an  elementary  school  in  Social Sciences.  This  experimental  study  uses  Factorial  2×2.  Determination  of  the  sample using  the  Multistage  Random  Sampling  technique,  namely  class  V  students  of  SD Negeri  Bulurokeng  Makassar.  Data  analysis  used  two-way  variance  analysis  and followed by the Tukey test for the significance level α = 0, 05. Test the normality of the  data  using  the  Lilliefors  test  andhomogeneity  test  using  the  Bartlett  test.  The results  of  this  study  indicate:  1)  Critical  thinking  ability  given  the  Student  Team Achievement  Division  learning  model  is  higher  than  those  given  Teams  Games Tournament  learning  model,  2)  Critical  thinking  ability  of  students  with  auditory learning styles is higher than students of visual learning styles, 3) There the influence of  interaction  between  learning  models  and  learning  styles  on  students’  critical thinking abilities, 4) The ability to think critically with auditory learning styles given the  Student  Team  Achievement  Division  learning  model  is  higher  than  the  Teams Games  Tournament  model,  5)  Ability  to  think  critically  with  visual  learning  styles given  Student  Team  Achievement  Division  model  is  lower  than  students  given Teams  Games  Tournament  learning  model,  6)  Critical  thinking  ability  of  auditory learning  style  students  who  are  given  the  Student  Team  Achievement  Division model  is  higher  than  visual  learning  style  students  with  Teams  Games  Tour  model Namely,  and  7)  Critical  thinking  ability  of  auditory  learning  style  students  were given  a  lower  Teams  Games  Tournament  model  than  visual  learning  style  students with the Teams Games Tournament model.

Keywords: Student   Team   Achievement   Division, Teams   Games Tournament,Critical thinking.


14. Edy Purnomo


2019 The Effect of TAI (Teams Assisted Individualization) Cooperative Learning Model and Expository Model With Open-Ended Approach to Mathematical Connection Ability Reviewed from Initial Mathematical Abilities This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of  models  cooperative  learning  type  TAI (team assisted individualization) and expositories modelwith open-ended approached to  mathematical  connection  skills.  This  research  was  conducted  at  SDN  Bendungan Hilir 09 Pagi and Bendungan Hilir Elementary School 01 Pagi, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta  in  class  VI  of  the  first  semester  of  the  school  year  2018/2019  using  cluster random sampling with a total sample of 52 students. Data retrieval was done through tests and analyzed using two-way Variance (ANOVA) analysis with treatment design by  level  2  x  2.  The  results  showed  that:  (1)  mathematical  connection  ability  of students  treated  using  a  cooperative  model  (Team  Assisted  Individualization)  was higher  than  students  who  are  taught  to  use  the  expository  model,  (2)  there  is  an interaction  effect  between  the  learning  model  and  the  initial  mathematical  ability  to the   mathematical   connection   ability,   (3)   for   students   who   have   high   initial mathematical abilities, the mathematical connection ability of students treated using a cooperative  model  (Team  Assisted  Individualization)  same  as  students  who  are treated   using   the   expository   model,   (4)   for   students   who   have   low   initial mathematical  abilities,  students  who  are  applied  use  a  cooperative  model  (Team Assisted Individualization) higher than students who are treated using the expository model.   The   results   of   this   studyindicate   that   the   learning   model   and   initial mathematical  abilities  can  influence  mathematical  connection  skills.  Implementation of type Cooperative learning model (Team Assisted Individualization) by using open implications  for  the  teacher’s  tasks,  namely:  providing  opportunities  for  individual and  group  student  learning,  familiarizing  learning  actively  and  collaborating  with peers,  providing  assistance  to  learning  in  heterogeneous  groups,  giving  examples making open questions.

Keywords: Learning    Model,    Cooperative    Expository  Model,   Early Ability, Mathematical Connection Ability.

15. Sekarsari Sunaryo Putri


2019 Increasing the ecoliteracy and creativity of student in the use of waste by using a project based learning model This study aims to determine the increase in ecoliteracy and creativity in waste utilization by using  a project  based  learning  (PJBL)  model  in  social  studies  learning.  This  research  is  a classroom  action  research  (Action  Research).  The  design  of  the  action  model  used  is  the Kemmis  and  Mc  model.  Taggart.  This  research  was  conducted  in  the  fifth  grade  (V)  of Primary  Schools.  Data  collection  techniques  used  in  the  study  were  observation  sheet, interview,  documentation,  and  field  notes  instruments.  The  results  of  this  study  showed  that there was an increase in ecolithicacy ability.Based on the results of the pretest conducted on December  17,  2018,  it  can  be  seen  that  students  in  Telajung  02  Public  Elementary  School have  not  had  the  ability  of  Ecoliteracy  and  students’  creativity  in  utilizing  waste.  Of  the  32 students,  the  highest  score  that  can  be  obtained  is  only  40  from  a  maximum  score  of  100. while the lowest value obtained is 20 from a maximum score of 100. In the first cycle, around 63%  of  students  classified  as  having  high  ecoliteration  ability,  9%  classified  as  having  low ecoliteration  ability  and  28%  classified  as  having  very  low  ecoliteration  ability.In  cycle  II, there was an increase, around 90% of students classified as having high ecoliteration ability, 6%   classified   as   having   low   ecoliteration   ability   and   4%   classified   as   having   low ecoliteration ability.The average value of ecoliteration ability in the first cycle was 87.6 and the second cycle increased to 78.2. In addition, students become more active in the learning process  and  more  courageous  in  expressing  their  opinions.  This  shows  that  the  ecoliteracy and  creativity  of  students  can  be  improved  through  the  project  based  learning  learning model.

Keywords: Ecoliteration, creativity, project based learning (PPA), social studies learning


16. Nacep Hamrat



2019 Self-Regulation, Academic Stress, And Cyberloafing on Smartphone Addiction

Postgraduate Masters Students of Basic Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of self-regulation, academic stress, and cyberloafing to smartphone addiction. For this purposed, we conducted a survey from 225 participants of post-graduate student at Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This study was used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) to evaluate the structural model. The result showed that self-regulatioan negatively affected cyberloafing, this effect wasn’t significant. Stress academic positively significant affected cyberloafing. Self-regulation negatively significant affected smartphone addiction. Stress academic positively significant affected smartphone addiction. Cyberloafing positively significant affected smartphone addiction. Self-regulation, stress academic, and cyberloafing simultaneously had significant effect to smartphone addiction. The contribution of self-regulation, academic stress, and cyberloafing to smartphone addiction was 45%. Suggestions for further research were to expand the research subject by taking data from various majors in various universities. Subsequent research on smartphone addiction was exploring other predictors that influence smartphone addiction.

Keywords: self-regulation, stress academic, cyberloafing, smartphone addiction, structural equation modelling.


17. Shara Syah Putri


2019 Overview of Deaf Children’s Social Support (Case Study of Children 11 Years Old in Bogor City Elementary School Officers) This study was conducted to describe the social support of deaf parents starting from, social  support  ofparents  in  educating  deaf  children  and the  impact  of the  application of  parental  social  support  to  deaf  children.  The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  describe the  social  support  of  deaf  parents  starting  from  parental  social  support  in  educating deaf  childrenand  the  impact  of  the  application  of  parental  social  support  to  deaf children.  The  findings  in  this  study  contained  five  forms  of  parental  social  support, including  information  support, emotional,  instrumental,  social  networking,  assessment and  appreciation  for  deaf  children.The  novelty  in  this  study  the  researcher  will  raise about  good  social  support  for  deaf  children,  because  there  are  also  children  who  are deaf  who  can  speak  well,  he  prefers  the  development  of  oral  language  skills  through oral methods and not like deaf children in general.

Keywords: Social Support, Parents, Deaf.


18. Fitriyani


2019 Development of Language and Social Emotions in Children with Speech Delay (Speech Delay) Case study of 9 year olds in elementary school at SDS Bangun Mandiri, Jakarta This  research  was  conducted  to  describe  the  development  of  language  and socio-emotional  behavior  that  affect  children  with  speech  delay,  starting  from early   detection   of   language   and   speech   problems,   intervention   programs, academic  development  in  schools  and  socio-emotional  development  and  the accompanying  factors.  children  with  speech  delay.  The  study  was  based  on observations  of  a  9-year-old  child,  conducted  since  September  2018  until January  2019,  with  some  data  acquisition  since  2012  when  early  detection  of language  and  speaking  disorders.  The  study  was  conducted  using  a  qualitative approach  with  a  case  study  method.  Data  collection  through  observation, interviews and document studies. The purpose of this study was to describe the development  of  childrenwith  problems  of  speech  delay  and  language  (speech delay),  seen  from  the  cognitive,  affective  and  psychomotor  aspects  and  the influence of their socio-emotional behavior. The findings in this study are socio-emotional behaviors that have a major influenceon the development of  a child with  a  language  delay  disorder,  for  which  an  intervention  program  is  needed that  is  in  accordance  with  the  support  of  the  family  and  the  surrounding environment.

Keywords: Speech Delay, Socio Emotional, Intervention


19. Reny Kristyowati



2019 Development of Environment-Based Comics for Science Literation Learning in The Class I Participants in The Elementary School This research and development aim to know how to develop science literacy comic based on environment and develop instructional media which is decent science literacy comic based on environment for use in science literacy class for grade 1 of elementary school. This research is an example of research and development using Borg and Gall model as reference which started with phase research and collecting information. Then planning, initial product development, initial field testing, main product revision, main field testing, opertional product revision, operational field testing. Data collection technique used in this research and development are interview, observation, and questionnaire. Data analysis technique used in this research are qualitative and quantitative data analysis technique. The results showed that the systematic step in developing comics based on environmental science literacy began with research and information gathering, followed by planning, initial product development, validation and revision, field trials, and final products. Comic media based on environmental science literacy has been confirmed to be appropriate. From some of the results obtained above, the researcher can conclude that environment-based comics are appropriate for use in learning scientific literacy and students’ responses to these comics are “Good”.

Keywords: comics, scientific literacy, environment