1 | Okta Rosfiani
7527130284 |
2019 | Learning Environment, Self-Inquiry, and Learning Interest on Student Social Studies Learning Assessment (Study at Cilandak State Elementary School In South Jakarta) | This study aims to examine the influence of the learning environment, self-inquiry, and interest in the assessment of students’ social studies learning, then identify the causes and effects of each variable. The respondents involved were 130 students from public elementary schools in South Jakarta. The study uses a quantitative approach, correlational design, with path analysis techniques. Data collection in this study used an instrument in the form of a test to assess students’ social studies scores; and instruments in the form of rating scales to measure students’ attitudes towards the learning environment, self-inquiry, and their interests. Analysis of the data used in this study is descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, along with the test requirements for the analysis of normality and linearity. Descriptive data analysis in the form of the summation of scores from social studies learning assessment instruments, learning environments, and interests. Data analysis from the normality requirements test is presented in the form of numerical outputs and visual skewness & kurtosis z-values; Shapiro-Wilk p-value test; histograms, normal q-q plots & box plots. Data analysis with inferential statistics using correlational statistical procedures, namely path analysis. The quantitative data processing tool used in research is the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20. The results show that the learning environment, self-inquiry, and interest directly influence the assessment of social studies learning, where self-inquiry and interest have a significant effect on social studies learning assessment. Physical and mental learning environments have been shown to influence social studies learning assessment. Self-inquiry consisting of observation, asking questions, conducting investigations, and drawing conclusions, proved to have a significant effect on social studies learning assessment. And interest has a significant effect on social studies learning assessment.
Keywords: learning environment, self-inquiry, student learning interest, social studies, assessment |
2 | Sarnely Uge
7527140187 |
2019 | Development of Social Studieslearning Model Based on Local Wisdom In Improving Students’ Knowledge And Social Attitude (Study At Sdn 6 Katobu And Sdn 3 Batalaiworu Muna District of Southeast Sulawesiprovince)
This study aims to yieldssocial studies learningmodel products based on local wisdom inorder toimprove students’ knowledge and social attitudes of fourth grade in elementary school. The method is Research and Development (R&D) method. Research data were collected through interview, questionnaire, test and observation. The feasibility of learning model referes tothe results of the peer assessment, expert judgment, one to one try-out, small group try-outand test effectiveness. The results of research showed that: (1) testing the effectiveness model of social studies learning based on local wisdom is feasible from an experts and users perspective; (2) model of social studies learning based on local wisdom can improve the knowledge and social attitudes students class IV at SDN 6 Katobu and SDN 3 Batalaiworu in odd semester of the school year 2017/2018 in the Muna District Southeast Sulawesi Province. Overall, the researcher concluded that social studies learning based on local wisdom was a regeneration of knowledge of the values of local wisdom in early grade students, so become cultured and have guidance in their attitude. Thus, created knowledge and good character.
Keywords:Local Wisdom, Social Knowledge at Elementary School, Social Attitudes |
3 | Sita Husnul Khotimah
7527167624 |
2019 | Development of Field Trip Model To Improve Mathematical Literacy Ability of Elementary School Studetns | This study aims to determine, (1) how to design field trip model development that can improve mathematical literacy ability of elementary school students, (2)how is the feasibility, effectiveness, and practicality of field trip models that can improve mathematical literacy abilities of elementary school students. This research is an R & D study by adopting the development design of Borg & Gal. Model validationis done through expert judgment. Model trials are conducted using a quasi-experiment through pretest and posttest. The test was conducted for class V (Lima) in three elementary schools in Depok. Research data regarding the application of the model was obtained through observation and questionnaires, while data analysis to determine the effectiveness of the model was done through an average score and per cent. From this development research, the design of the field trip model is produced to improve the mathematical literacy ability in the form of field trip step instructions namely, the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the final stage. Whereas based on the results of the model trials, (1) Field trip models and mathematical literacy questions meet the Eligible criteria indicated by expert and practitioner assessments, each of which obtained an average of 3.45 and 3.55 in the Good category. (2) Field trip models meet the Effective criteria shown by the average results of student activities in learning 3.00 with the Good category and positive responses to the learning implementation obtain an average of 4.33 with the Agree / Happy criteria, and the achievement of student learning competencies from the three test classes obtained an average of 82.30has been shown to increase. (3) Field trip models meet the Practical criteria shown by the implementation of field trips and the ability of the teacher to manage to learn through observations on average 3.88 in the Good category.
Keywords: mathematical literacy, field trip models, primary school |
4 | Siti Dewi Maharani
7527167625 |
2019 | Transformation of Religious Character Values And Social In Student Learning Sd Plus Igm Palembang (Qualitative Research At Elementary School of Palembang City) | This study discusses about the transformation of religious and social character values in students learning SD Plus IGM Palembang. The method used is a qualitative approach with empirical inductive strategy, which starts with the data collected from teachers and students based on real experience The process of transforming the values of religious character learning students through the involvement of parents, expert speakers, learning activities, memorization, and peer tutor. The process of transforming social character values is carried out from the teacher to students and students to students. The results of the transformation of the values of religious characters are shown by students by praying every time they start and end their activities. In addition, students perform Dhuha prayers and Zuhur prayers in congregation which are held in 3 stages. Some students also take the Takhosus Class which memorizes the Alquran jus 30. The results of the transformation of social character values are shown by studentsby giving a smile, greetings, and courtesy. Both students to teachers and students to other students. The classroom is also filled with wise words to remind students to always be kind to the people around them by not discriminating against race, religion,and ethnicity.
Keywords: transformation, religius character value, Social character value
5 | Tusriyanto
7527167505 |
2020 | The Critical Thinking Skills Learning Model In Social Studies | In contrast to several previous studies on the implementation of guided inquiry learning made, this research made the various abilities and skills (learning outcomes, performance, interests, concept mastery, process skills, scientific attitudes, and analytical skills) of students both at the elementary to intermediate levels better.This research is action research adopting the McKernan (1996) model which practiced the learning model of critical thinking skills with literacy-based guided inquiry to improve the critical thinking skills of students in grade V of Elementary School 06 of North Metro.The purpose of this study was to improve critical thinking skills through the design of a learning model for critical thinking skills with literacy-based guided inquiry in social studies subject and to implement a learning model for critical thinking skills with literacy-based guided inquiry in social studies subject at Elementary School 06 of North Metro.. The data collection tools used in the study were interviews, observation, tests, and documentation.The results showed an increase in students’ critical thinking skills, the indicators included providing simple explanations, building basic skills, making inferences, providing further explanations, arranging strategies and tactics that were calculated through the average test for each cycle that got good results in cycle I (4.35% ), cycle II (69.57%), and cycle III (91.30%). Meanwhile, the implementation of the criticalthinking learning model with literacy-based guided inquiry consisted of presenting problems, verifying data, conducting experiments, organizing data, analyzing results, and averaging the results of observations in cycle I (3.10) and cycle II ( 3.30) in the good category, and cycle III (3.70) in the very good category.The critical thinking skills learning model with literacy-based guided inquiry is learning that involves students actively to express opinions, extract information from various reading materials/observations (literacy), respond to questions/answers in group discussion activities, organize data, make inferences, and provide the opportunity to make a decision so that critical thinking skills are developed properly. The results of this study can be used as a guide for teachers as a model that can be used effectively in improving critical thinking skills through active learning activities, connecting learning with their world, interacting activities (one of the principles of social studies learningin elementary school), providing actual material, positioning the educator as a facilitator, and creating fun learning. |
6 | Siti Annisah
7527167397 |
2020 | Development of Mathematics Teaching Material Based on Contextual Approach To Improve The Problem of Solving Solutions In Pgmi Students | Mathematics teaching materials that are effective in improving problem-solving abilities are very limited. Teaching materials that have been used in learning mathematics develop more abilities that are memorization and knowledge only. The purpose of this study is to develop mathematics teaching materials that focus on improving the problem-solving abilities of PGMI students in the city of Metro Lampung.This research is a research and development that adapts the Dickand Carey learning design and the Borg and Gall development model. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire, tests, interviews, and observations. Data related to expert advice, observation results, and interviews were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistics. Data from expert validation were analyzed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) formula, and test results were analyzed using inferential statistics. The findings of this study are 1) to produce mathematics teaching materials based on a contextual approach that is feasible according to the judgment of experts and practitioners that can be used to improve problem solving abilities. The feasibility includes aspects of content, presentation, language, and a contextual approach; 2) Mathematics teaching materials based on a contextual approach are effective in improving problem-solving abilities; and 3) Mathematics teaching materials based on practical contextual approaches are used to improve problem solving abilities.These findings lead to recommendations for using this teaching material as an alternative in improving mathematical problem-solving abilities and conducting further research related to increasing higher-order thinking skills as an effort to build a higher quality generation.
Keywords:Mathematics teaching materials, contextual approach, problem solving, validity, effectiveness, practicality. |
7 | Tustiyana Windiyani
7527130398 |
2020 | Development of Marlition Educative Multimedia Game To Improve Your Third Class In Narrative Writing Skills In State High Schools, Bogor City | Writing skills are very important for teaching in schools because they are very necessary and influence other subjects. Writing skills are a supporting indicator and academic achievement of students in school. Therefore, teachers must train and develop students’ writing skills from an early age. Writing skills will not support by itself. Learning written by students at school becomes a forum for developing interests, talents and students in the written field. The task of the teacher in school plays a role in transmitting the talents of these students. This study aims to produce multimedia learning products of educational educational games in order to improve the skills of writing narrative Indonesian language class III Elementary School Bogor Citywith a total of 100 students. The research method used is Development Research with the Lee and Owens model. The research stages were carried out with the ADDIE concept, namely Analysis; Design; Development; Application; Evaluation. The research begins with a needs analysis, then develops instructional media, then performs validation by experts, evaluates and revisions, and finally implements the Marlisi multimedia game in the designated school. The results of the research from the validation of the material, media, and language aspects show that the educational learning media for this marginalized game are valid. In the individual test and small group test stages, students who were used as research subjects gave excellent responses to the multimedia games used. The effectiveness of the product developed by a large group test with 100 students. The results of the t-test analysis showed the difference in learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the study, it can be proven that the multimedia games developed in this study are valid, practical, and have a potential effect on the narrative writing skills of Indonesian for grade III at the Bogor City Elementary School. This multimedia learning game of the Marlisi is suitable for use in learning, especially learning that is written in a narrative.
Keywords: Marlisi Educational Multimedia Games, Narrative Writing SkillsIndonesian |
8 | Leriwarti Sutarna
757130280 |
2020 | The Relationship Among The Leadership Style, Academic Supervision, Self-Regulation With The Teaching Ability of Elementary School Teachers | The ability to teach teachers, especially primary school teachers, plays an important role in improving the quality of education. On the other hand, the Principal’s Leadership Style is an important component in developing the quality of education. Academic Supervision of learning methods, teacher pedagogy in language learning also influences learning objectives. Self-regulation in displaying performance in an effective learning process. The purpose of this research is to find out and examine the direct influence of Leadership Style, Academic Supervision, Self-Regulation and Teaching Ability of Elementary School Teachers. The research method used is quantitative research using surveys with the correlation approach. The sample used was elementary school grade 1 teacher in Indonesian subjects in the Cirebon district. This study will examine or analyze the relationship between research variables, and measure the effect of one independent variable on other variables. Relationship of the three independent variables with the dependent variable. The independent variables studied consisted of three variables, Leadership Style (X1), Academic Supervision (X2), Self Regulation (X3), and one dependent variable, namely the Teaching Ability of Primary School Teachers (Y). Correlation results indicate a strong relationship between each independent variable with the dependent variable. but the Supervision variable greatly influences, the increase or increase will reduce the influence of the reduced influence of the Leadership Style and the reduced influence of Self Regulation.
Keywords: leadership style, academic supervision, self-regulation and teaching ability of elementary school teachers
9 | Ina Magdalena
7527130281 |
2020 | Evaluation of School Literacy Movement Program In The Elementary Schools | Evaluation of the School Literacy Movement Program in Elementary Schools”. Graduate Program Dissertation, Jakarta State University 2020. This study aims to answer questions about the quality of the implementation of the GLS program in elementary schools in the Tangerang region by using a context evaluation model, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP). This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The study was conducted in six elementary schools that were accredited A and B and had used the 2013 curriculum and had carried out the SLM program. The research instruments used were observation, interviews and documentation with the resource persons consisting of students, teachers and principals. Instrument validation was tested using Expert Judgment by 6 experts. The results of the context component research based on the results of observations, interviews and documentation, obtained data that the basic requirement of SLM in each school is the low student interest in reading. In the input component, data is obtained that each school already has human resources and SLM infrastructure even though it is not yet optimal. In the process component, data obtained from the SLM have not run optimally, this is evidenced by the data that schools do not have specific program, schedule and SLM implementation guidelines. In the product component, data is obtainedthat students have begun to grow their creativity by making literary works or products such as summaries, speech texts, rhymes, poems, short stories, and good at storytelling. From these results it can be concluded that the SLM program has run well and can be continued with some improvements so that the program’s implementation is optimal. Researcher recommends to the government to create a network of human resource literacy movements of schools that are spread evenly across all education units. The researcher recommends to the education unit level to make a planned and systematic school literacy movement program planning starting from short, medium and long term planning and downgrading in detail through the schedule of daily, weekly, monthly, semester, and annual literacy activities. The researcher recommends that further researchers conduct further research in order to find survey-based quantitative data regarding the success of the SLM program.
Keywords: Program Evaluation, SLM, Literacy, Elementary School, CIPP Model |
10 | Yeni Nuraeni
7527130283 |
2020 | Evaluation of 2013 Curriculum Implementation Through The Discrepancy Model In Primary Schools In Tangerang City (Program / Policy Evaluation Research On Curriculum 2013 With Discrepabcy Model)
Evaluation of Curriculum 2013 Implementation Based on the discrepancy model at the Tangerang City Elementary School. Disertation. Jakarta: Post Graduate Elementary Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2020.The purpose of this study to describe the gap in Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in primary school in Tangerang City. The subject of research is determined by three pilot schools that have been using the Curriculum 2013 located in the Tangerang City of Banten Province. The Curriculum 2013 Implementation are evaluated by the Content Standards at the definition stage of all content and scope of materials at Competency, (Permendikbud RI No.21 20160. in the content, standards found the gap 29% on planning tolearn, basic competence to indictors in thematiclearning, and gap in subject matter characteristic. In the implementation of the process standars (Permendikbud RI, No. 23, 2016), found the gap 30% on scientific approach, using learning media, learning source, teachers centre learning, and thematic learning. .In the implementation of educational assessment standards at the definition stage all components have been implemented, but at the installation stage and stage of the process found gaps in the assessment of authentic 20%, self-assessment, portfolio assessment and the use of valuation in the form of rubric. Most teachers already know about authentic assessment, but it is not easy in the process of authentic assessment. The gap finding on authentic assessment is that the balance between cognitive, affective and psychomotor assessments remains more prone to the cognitive side.
Keywords: Implementation, The National Curriculum , Discrepancy model
11 | Badruli Martati
7527140173 |
2020 | The Effect of Value Clarification Technique And Self Concept Toward The Attitude Of Responsibility Of 4thgrade Students In Sidoarjo District | The study aims to determine the effect ofthe Value Clarification Technique (VCT), expository and self-concept on the attitudes of responsibility of fourth grade students in elementary schools. It was stated in the background that the Civics learning was still in the context of teaching knowledge, not instilling an attitude. The research method used is an experimental research method with a 2×2 treatment level design.The research population is fifteen state elementary schools in Sidoarjo District and an adjucent population of Grade IV students ofstate elementary school of Sedati Gede II with a total of 80 students. The findings showed that 1) There was a significant difference on the scores of students’ attitudes of responsibility who implemented VCT and expository. The score of students who studied using VCT and expository were 86.55 and 81.64. 2) There was an interaction effect between the learning method and self-concept on students’ attitudes of responsibility by 70.8%. 3) Students who had a High Self-Concept tended to have significant different attitudes of responsibility on the use of VCT and expository technique in their studies. The Tuckey Test shows an average difference score of 9.00; 4) In contrast, students who had low self-concepts also tended to have significant different attitudes ofresponsibility on the use of VCT and expository in their studies and it was proofed by the Tuckey test which showed an average difference of 3.00. The findings of the research prooved that VCT is relevant to be used in learning attitudes of responsibilityas the implementation of educational values in schools which is in line with the teaching character at schools. It is expected that by the implementation of VCT, the internalization of students’ values will occur so that good behavior can be realized and becomes a daily habituation and lifestyle. Teachers are expected to implement VCT in their learnings at schools. Especially in civics as a subject which contains of moral values, so that the internalization of these values can be achieved.
Keywords: Value clarification techniques, self-concept, attitude of responsibility, civics
12 | Ridwan Ardi
7527140183 |
2020 | PPkn Instructional Materials Development Based On Citizenship Behavior In Improving Students’ Knowledge About Citizenship Concepts (Civic Education) | The objectiveof this research was to find out whether instructional product which called PPKn based on citizenship behavior (CB) could improve students knowledge about concepts of citizenhip. PPKn has been put into curriculum since elementary schools as one of tools to build students to be more positive in their behavior as a citizen. In this case, what they need is a guidance in form of book as an instructional product which developed based on R & D by using Borg & Gall (2007) steps. A knowledge instrument developed for measuring elementary school students’ knowledge, both for treatment and control group. Data analyzed and verified by t-test. Research results showed that there was positive and significant improvement of students’knowledge in PKN which was as an indicator that the product developed was effective. Comparing to control group, by using its each gain score, it was found also there was significant different of studnets’ knowledge. Therefore, it could be stated that PPKn based on CB was ableto improve students’ knowledge about concepts of citizenship and for PKN teachers would be recommended to implement this product if they would like to improve not merely students’ knowledge but students behavior as well to be good citizen.
Keywords: PPKn Citizenship education stands for, Citizenship Behavior, Riset &Development steps Student Knowledge
13 | Ridwan Yusuf Deluma
75271401784 |
2020 | The Effect of Principal Leadership Style, Work Motivation And Professional Competence of Primary School Teacher Performance In Kendari City | This study aimed to examine the effect of the principal’s leadership style, motivation and professional competence of the performance of an elementary school teacher in the town of Kendari. This study used survey method with path analysis approach to test the effect between independent variable and dependent variable. The sample of this study was 176 primary school teachers as civil servants and have been certified. The data were collected by questionnaire instrument. The technique of the data analysis was using path analysis with SPSS program. The withdrawal of conclusion is based on the research findings, with Exogenous variable consisting of a style of leadership (X1), work motivation (X2), professional competence (X3) and Endogenous variable performance of the teachers (Y). Namely: 1) there was a positive and significant direct effect between headmaster leadership style (X1) to the performance (Y) of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari, 2) there was a positive and significant direct effect between work motivation (X2) to the performance (Y) of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari, 3) there was a positive and significant direct effect between professional competence (X3) to the performance (Y) of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari, 4) there was a positive and significant direct effect between headmaster leadership style (X1) to the work motivation (X2) of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari, 5) there was a positive and significant direct effect between headmaster leadership style (X1) to the professional competence (X3) of primary school teachers in the city of Kendari. A leader should be able to carry out stimulation or stimuli toward his inferiors in such a way as capable to provide positive contribution for the organizational goals with headmaster leadership style especially in motivating teacher’s work on leaching. Resides the style of leadership, the motivation was an important part of the teacher performance. Motivation is soul purpose that encourages individual to do certain activities and for the purpose of human resource development in order to do professional competency.
Keywords: Leadership style, work motivation, professional competence, teacher performance.
14 | Rudi Ritonga
7527140186 |
2020 | The Effect of Learning Model And Learning Motivationability To Write Narrative | This study aims to analyze the effect of learning models on the ability to write narrative grade IV students in the South Jakarta area of DKI Jakarta Province. The design of this study uses a 2X3 factorial experimental design that contains three research variables. This research variable consists of one independent variable and one moderator variable, the independent variable of this study is the learning model, while the moderator variable in this study is learning motivation which consists of high learning motivation (B₁) and low learning motivation (B₂). While the dependent variable of this study is the ability to write narration. This study was treated in six classes as a research sample, namely two classes using a scaffolding learning model, two classes using a participatory learning model and two more classes using a discovery learning model. The learning treatment was given 6 meetings with a range of 90 minutes. The findings of the study show that the ability to writenarrative students taught by scaffolding learning models is higher when compared to the ability to write narrative students who are taught with participatory learning models or discovery learning models. Then there is the effect of interaction between theuse of learning models and learning motivation on the ability to write narration, this is evident from the results of the ability to write narratives among groups of students who have high motivation to learn that the results of writing student narrativesusing scaffolding learning models are higher than participatory or discovery models. learning. While the findings of researchers on students have low learning motivation higher student narrative writing results if using discovery learning models than scaffolding or participatory models.
Keywords: Learning Model, Learning Motivation, Narrative Writing Ability
7526168350 |
2020 | HANDLING OF INTROVERT STUDENT IN 4th OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL | The aims of this research to deal with introverted student in 4th grade of elementary school. The type of this research used in is a case study. The research subjects studied are from the results on information with teachers of introvert students learning result in attitude aspects that’s not seen while learning takes place. Datacollection uses nontest instruments in the form of observation using a questionnaire, carried out to get data on learning results in the learning process, then interviems with teachers and research subjects introverted students supported by video documentation. Found of the results that the stimulus consisted of attention, guaidance and support from the teacher who managed to boost motivation to participate in introverted student learning activities. Both in terms of association, the courage to take risk, in terms of depth of thinking as well as aspects of student attitudes toward subject matter based on narrative impulse. In the aspect of student assessment of values or norms related with subject metter and in discussions the feelings of introverts students do dominant learning by writing, the teacher gives introverted students the opportunity to participate in learning with what introverted student do.emotional support, appreciation support and information support are important for introverted students in primary schools.
Keywords: Introvert, Learning Outcomes, Elementary School
16 | Ujang Jamaludin
7527157853 |
2020 | Cultivationof Islamic-Based Cultural Valueon Social Science Learning (Ethnographic Research In The High Class of Integrated Islamic Primary School Al-Izzah In Serang City, Banten Province) | This study aims to: (1) obtain a deep understanding of the integration of Islamic-based cultural values in social studies learning material in the high class; (2) obtain a deep understanding of the implementationof Islamic-based cultural values through approaches and methods techniques of social studies learning in high class primary school; (3) obtain a deep understanding of the cultivation of Islamic-based cultural values through the use of socialstudies learningas the learning media in high class primary school; (4) obtain a deep understanding of evaluating the cultivation of Islamic-based cultural values through social studies learning in high class primary school; and (5) obtain in-depth information about the internalization of Islamic-based cultural values by high-class students. This study was conducted at SDIT Al-Izzah, Serang City, Banten Province in May 2017 to June 2019. This study used a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. The results of this study show that: (1) Islamic cultural values in SDIT Al-Izzah are integrated into all subject that associate with Qur’an; (2) teachers of SDIT Al-Izzah have the ability to use appropriate learning approaches, methods, and techniques; (3) SDIT Al-Izzah teachers use Islamic-based learning media on all learning activities; (4) evaluation activities that carried out at SDIT Al-Izzah are not only on cognitive aspects but also on evaluating attitudes and skills; and (5) Internalization of Islamic-based cultural values in SDIT Al-Izzah is implemented through activities: (a) Development of Islamic personal; (b) Tahfidz Alquran; (c) Read and Write Quran (BTQ); (d) orderly culture; (e) murojaah activities or memorizing letters together; (f) daily investmentactivities; (g) regular dhuha prayer activities at the mosque; (h) routine dhuhur prayer activities in congregation; and (i) exemplary teacher.
Keywords: Cultural Value, Islam, Social Sciences, Etnografi
17 | Awiria
2020 | Improvement of Learning Results of Knowladge, Attitude, And Behavior
of National Cultural Diversity of Class Iv Elementary School Students Using Role Methods Based Value Clarification (Vct)
The purpose of this study to analyze the application of the role play method to increase the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of students’ national cultural diversity. This research was conducted at Pulogebang SDN 08 Pagi East Jakarta, with research subjects of 33 students of class IV. This study uses Mc. Tagard classroom action research with four cycles. Every cycle consists of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The process of collecting data through questions, questionnaire sheets, observations, and observation sheets of the implementation of the role play method using teacher and student observation sheets, and the results of documentation in the form of photographs. The results showed an increase in knowledge, changes in attitudes, and behavior of students’ national cultural diversity through the role play method. This is evidenced by the results of the initial questions of students’ national cultural diversity knowledge 68.87%, the first cycle 72.57%, while the assessment of attitudes was obtained, the initial questionnaire was 65.05%, then in the second cycle that was 74.80%, in the fourth cycle the results of the national cultural diversity knowledge students 75.06%, while in the fourth cycle the attitude assessment reached 76.70%, and the activity of the teacher in the first cycle 50% and students 47.2%, in the second cycle the presentation of the results of the teacher 75%, students 78%, in the third cycle 86% teachers, 83% students, in the fourth cycle the presentation of the results of teachers and students 100% (mastery learning). The implications of this study indicate that the use of the role play method can increase knowledge, change attitudes, and behavior of national cultural diversity of students such as tolerance, respect for religious differences, respect for cultural diversity, solidarity, and respect for individual dignity.
Keywords: Role Play, VCT, National Cultural Diversity, PPKn
18 | Olifia Rombot
7527157857 |
2020 | The Development of Reading Comprehension Learning Model of Indonesia Language As Second Language In Fitth-Grade Elementary School Based On Blended Learning | One difficulty in learningthe second language is in understanding the contents of the reading text. This study aims to improve reading comprehension skills with blendedlearning. Blendedlearningis a combination of face-to-face and online learning. This research is research and development in elementary schools. The population consists of fifth grade students in international schools. BIPA Learners (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) are foreign nationals who live in Indonesia and learn Indonesian. BIPA students have difficulty understanding reading texts and interpreting words. This study concludes that learningwith blendedlearningincreases posttestscores with an average value above the KKM and provides opportunities and more time for students to repeatedly read reading texts. Students can learn the material first before studying in class so that they gain knowledge or reading skills according to their abilities. Learning Indonesian as a second language is also strongly influenced by the maturity of the mother tongue, national background, cognitive abilities, the environment in which to communicate and the assistance of parents. The atmosphere of learning in the classroom is more fun and increases student enthusiasm. This study also showed an increase in the character of students’responsibility, discipline, confidence and fond of reading.
Keywords: BlendedLearning, Elementary School, Reading Comprehension, Second Language
19 | Desak Made Darmawati
7527167388 |
2020 | Model Development of Entrepreneurship Education In Increasing Recycling Craft Skillsprimary School Students. | This study aims to determine,(1). The way of improvement ofentrepreneurship education model in the recycle craft skills of student in elementary school,(2). Improvement of student knowledge, attitude, and skill through Entrepreneurship Education Model. This study is a R & D by adopting the design development of Borg & Gal. Validation of the model is done through expert judgment. The test was performed using a quasi experimental models through pretest and posttest. Experiments conducted to class V (Five) in three elementary schools.The research data regarding the application of the model is obtained through observation and questionnaires.This development resulted from design research model of entrepreneurship education to improvestudentcraft skills ininstructions form the ten steps of the development design Borg & Gal.While based on modeling work shows that, (1) Improvement of student recycling craft skills through entrepreneurship education model reached 66,94% categorized as”high”, for it is worth developing entrepreneurship education in primary schools, and(2)Improvement of knowledge, attitude, and skill aspects attained throughEntrepreneurship Education Model as follows,1)aspects of knowledge entrepreneurship education of76.16 percent, 2) aspects of the attitude of 79.84, percent, and 3) aspects of entrepreneurial skills by 82.64 percent with a high category.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education Model, Skills Craft, Elementary School Students.
20 | Elhefni
7527167389 |
2020 | Improvement of Skills Reading Critical Through Discovery Learning Method In Class 5 Elementary School of Muhammadiyah 14 Palembang South Sumatera(2020) | This study aims 1) to describe how to improve the critical reading skills of grade 5 D students through discovery learning methods, and 2) to find out that discovery learning methods can improve students’ critical reading skills in grade 5 D Muhammadiyah Elementary School 14 Palembang South Sumatra. The research method in this research is Elliott’s model of action research which consists of 3 cycles and 3actions in each cycle and is focused on improving students’ critical reading skills. This research is participatory and collaborative research. The research subjects were students in grade 5 D Muhammadiyah Elementary School 14 Palembang South Sumatra for the 2018/2019 academic year totaling 32 students (17 male students and 15 female students). Data collection techniques used student ability test, questionnaires, observations, interviews, daily notes, document analysis, photo evidence, and video recordings& transcripts.The results of this study, namely: 1) Cycle 1 critical reading skills can be improved using the discovery learning method and assisted by colored paper media, markers, duct tape, group discussions, use of group and individual essay questions. Cycle 2 is the same as cycle 1 with the addition of learning media assistance in the form of a laptop and projector, a guideline of discovery critical reading skills, rewards, and question sheets for group assignments and individual assignments. However, cycle 3 cannot be improved even though it uses discovery learning methods, individual approaches, critical reading skills discovery guides, and question sheets for individual assignments. 2) The learning outcomes of grade 5 D students at Muhammadiyah Elementary School 14 Palembang South Sumatra experienced an increase in cycle 1 by 41%, cycle 2 by 91%, and decreased in cycle 3 to 33%. The average value of each indicator of critical reading skills increased in cycle 1 by 42%, cycle 2 by 100%, and decreasedin cycle 3 to 0%. The non-achievement of learning outcomes and indicators of critical reading skills in cycle 3 is caused by that the three students who were given action are students who needs specific consideration.
Keywords: discovery learningmethod,critical reading skill,and Elliott’s actionresearch model
21 | Siti Annisah
7527167397 |
2020 | Development of Mathematics Teaching Material Based on Contextual Approach To Improve The Problem of Solving Solutions In Pgmi Students | Mathematics teaching materials that are effective in improving problem-solving abilities are very limited. Teaching materials that have been used in learning mathematics develop more abilities that are memorization and knowledge only. The purpose of this study is to develop mathematics teaching materials that focus on improving the problem-solving abilities of PGMI students in the city of Metro Lampung.This research is a research and development that adapts the Dickand Carey learning design and the Borg and Gall development model. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire, tests, interviews, and observations. Data related to expert advice, observation results, and interviews were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and descriptive statistics. Data from expert validation were analyzed using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) formula, and test results were analyzed using inferential statistics. The findings of this study are 1) to produce mathematics teaching materials based on a contextual approach that is feasible according to the judgment of experts and practitioners that can be used to improve problem solving abilities. The feasibility includes aspects of content, presentation, language, and a contextual approach; 2) Mathematics teaching materials based on a contextual approach are effective in improving problem-solving abilities; and 3) Mathematics teaching materials based on practical contextual approaches are used to improve problem solving abilities.These findings lead to recommendations for using this teaching material as an alternative in improving mathematical problem-solving abilities and conducting further research related to increasing higher-order thinking skills as an effort to build a higher quality generation.
Keywords:Mathematics teaching materials, contextual approach, problem solving, validity, effectiveness, practicality.
22 | Ahmad Syarif
7527167628 |
2020 | Literation of Reading The Beginning of Primary School Students Based On Education Background (Phenomenology Studies In Class I Students of Sdn Cijambu And Sdn Siliwangi In South Bogor Regency)
The aimsof this research to find out the literacy model of students‘ reading at elementary school based on education background. The research used qualitative method with a phenomenology design. Data collection use interview, observation, questioner and documentation. Data analysis uses the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysismoel(IPA).The resultsof this findings show that students‘ reading literacy was hirarcy, namely alphabetical knowledge, phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, fluency and comprehension. The students from PAUD/Kindergarteen have been masteredreading on phonological awareness than they have not or from home. This is caused of the parents‘ claim and high purpose in learning to read at elementary school so that PAUD taught reading.The model found of : 1) reading literacy instruction based onCurriculum 2013, picture or word chart, tematic integrated material, phonic and whole language instruction, and evaluation based on comprehension, 2) parents‘ involevement in developing their children with giving parenting helping, effective communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, 3) learning guiding focused on the purpose of remedial teaching, enrictment, and students‘ motivation, used whole and phonics instruction strategy, viasual media and curriculum 2013.The noveltyof this research found the hirarchy of beginning reading literacy, students who had mastered sound-correspondency but it did mastered fluency could achive comprehenshion, and displacement of literacy reading aims at PAUD that was unapropriate with the goverment curriculum. The base of change because of the parents‘ claim and high purpose in learning to read at elementary school so that PAUD transformed taught reading literacy.The recommendation of this research is necessary to facilitate explicit andgradual policy between reading literacy at PAUD and elementary school.
Keywords : reading literacy, literacy instruction, learning guiding, parents’ involevement.
23 | Apri Wahyudi
7527167685 |
2020 | Implementation of Evaluation Hope Family Program
(Pkh) To Supporting Basic Education In Metro Lampung City
This study aims to evaluate the Implementation of the Hope Family Program (PKH) based on the analysis of background, objectives, targets and strategies, participants’ rights and obligations (fulfillment of obligations), participation transformation, implementation flow, aid distribution, disbursement of assistance, suspension and termination of assistance, assistance , the role and impact of PKH in supporting basic education funding in Metro Lampung City.The design of this study uses the CIPP (contex, input, process, product) evaluation model, developed by Stufflebeam with a qualitative descriptive approach. The CIPP survey was given to students and parents, teachers, principals of the Education Office and Social Service who had a context response rate of 95%, input of 95%, process of 97.5%, and product 92.5%.Globally the results of the PKH implementation have had a good impact in supporting basic education in the Metro City of Lampung so that it can ensure the sustainability aspects of positive behavior change in the education sector in accordance with the 2017 PKH Implementation Guidelines as well as the accuracy of government program strategies in efforts to improve access to education for students.
Keywords: Impelementation, PKH, Primary Education
24 | Udit
7527130135 |
2021 | Tranformational School Committee Modelcase Study In DKI Jakarta (CIPP Model Evaluation Research) | This research aims to evaluate the transformational school committee modelin improving the performance of elementary schools in Cipayung sub-district. Method used evaluation study method with CIPP model. The results showed; (1). Context, the purpose of establishing a school committee consisting of channeling, responsible, transparent, accountable, and democratic. But there are no specific schedules to absorb the aspirations of the community, (2). Input, the implementation of recruitment of members of Cipayung Subdistrict School Committee is not fully done through the procedures established by the legislation, the Electoral Committee of prospective members of Cipayung Subdistrict School Committee is not formed and established by the principal but by members of the school committee of Cipayung Subdistrict, (3) Process, implementation of the function of the school committee, the implementation of the school Committee duties, and the implementation of the School committee’s role has been good, but Schools have not maximally worked with the DUDI Party, (4) Product, performance enhancement consisting of better education services, completion of tasks, professionals in carrying out their roles and functions and improving student achievement. Conclusion has not been a similarity of concept of work and there are differences of perception about role and function of School Committee.
Keywords: programs, committees, schools, improving, performance
25 | Andayani
7527130276 |
2021 | Inovative Strategy of Character Education Program (Evaluation Study In Tangerang Selatanprimary Schools) | Character education is a national program in Indonesia started in 2010 based on the law on Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2010. The focus of the implementation of character education programs is devoted to religious values, love of the country, and care for the environment. Program evaluation using CIPP Model is: context, input, process, and product. The method used is qualitative approach with descriptive type. The subjects of this study were principals, teachers, and students at Tangerang SelatanPrimary Schools. Data analysis is done using Miles-Huberman model, namely data reduction, data display, and data verification. The results of this study show the Innovative Strategy of Character Education Program obtained based on the results of general evaluation related to aspects of context, input, process and productof the implementation of character education program atTangerang SelatanPrimary Schoolsthat are categorized as sufficient. In this case, it is still necessary to develop implementation procedures that have the same standards in addition to more consistent implementation. Therefore, further development studies are needed, especially for the standardization of effective and consistent methods, coaching, and supervision related to this research.
Keywords: Evaluation, Character Education Program, CIPP Model, Primary School
26 | Rida Fironika Kusumadewi
7527140182 |
2021 | Development of Mathematic Teachings Through Digital Comic Media To Improve The Ability of Understanding The Concept of Mathematics In Private Schools | The purpose of this study was to produce mathematics teaching materials based on digital comicmedia in order to improve the ability to understand mathematical concepts in elementary school students. This research method is Research and Development (R and D) which is carried out by adapting, combining the development of Borg and Gall and the Instructional Development Model (MPI). The stages in this development consist of preliminary studies, development, validation, testing and implementation. The research data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, tests and observations. The feasibility of teaching materials refers to the results of peer assessments, expert assessments, instrument trials, one-on-one trials, small group trials and effectiveness trials. The results showed that (1) it is necessary to develop mathematics teaching materials that are designed according to the needs of students. (2) The steps for developing mathematics teaching materials consist of writing down Competency Standards and Basic Competencies; formulating learning indicators; formulating learning objectives; formulate the material of space cubes in detail; create a measure of success; writing media scripts which include character selection, designing panel layouts (storyboards), display design, digitization stage, (3) testing the validity of teaching materials developed tested by several teams of experts including material experts, graphic design, language and peers (4) testing the effectiveness of mathematics teaching materials using the N-Gain test to determine the increase in the ability of students to understand concepts and the t-test is used to determine differences in the use of the teaching materials developed. Overall, the researchers concluded that learning mathematics requires digital media-based teaching materials that are adapted to current student developments to improve their ability to understand mathematical concepts.
Keywords: Teaching Materials, Digital Comics, Ability to Understand Mathematical Concepts.
27 | Atin Supriatin
7527167387 |
2021 | Improving Mathematic Problem Solving Creativitythrough Guided Inquiry Models With Scratch Media In Fifth Graders of Elementary School | This study was aimed to describe the processat improving creativity in solving mathematic problem through guided inquiry by using Scratch mediaand to analyze improving creativity in solving mathematic problem through guided inquiry by using Scratch mediain fifth grade students of Islamic elementary school, namely SDIT Al Furqon Palangka Raya.This research employed action research which was done in three cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps; planning, action, monitoring, and evaluation. The subject of this research were the students in grade five in SDIT Al Furqon Palangka Raya in academic year 2019/2020. The research was conducted in five months, from July to November 2019. The data were collected through observation and test. The observation was done to get the data on students’ attitude and their learning activities together with the teacher during the action phase. In completing the observation checklist, the researcher was helped by a collaborator. The test, then, was delivered to measure students’ creativity in solving mathematic problems. The researcher stated that the criteria of success in each cycle was 75% of the students reach level 3 as the minimum achievement. The data were validated by using triangulation technique. Meanwhile, the data analysis applied descriptive analysis.Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that guided inquiry by using Scratch media can improve students’ creativity in solving Mathematic problem in fifth grade students of Islamic elementary school, namely SDIT Al Furqon Palangka Raya.
Keywords: Mathematical creativity, guided inquiry models, scratch media.
28 | Aeni Latifah
7527167619 |
2021 | Internalization Model of Ecoliteration Values In Establishing Characters of Environmental Educators At Islamic Elementary School, Fathia Cibeureum, Sukabumi City | he research objective was to find the internalization process of ecoliteracy values in shaping the environmental care character of students at SD Islam Fahtia Cibeureum, Sukabumi City, West Java.The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The technique of data collection was carried out by interviewing, observing and documenting with class IV, class V and class VI participants. Interviews were conducted to understand the internalization process, the strategies used in internalization and the supporting factors and obstacles to internalization. Observations made on the subject, the subject’s behavior, the subject’s interaction with the researcher and things that are considered relevant, the data is obtained in full, so that it can provide additional data on the results of the interview. The documents needed are the KTSP curriculum at SD Islam Fathia, Sukabumi City, West Java, and the tools used in the process of school administration in the available teaching and learning processes.The research was conducted from April 2018 to October 2018. Data analysis used softwere NVivo 12 Plus through 3 (three) stages, namely data reduction, data display and verification of conclusion). The data is processed by triangulation to compare data obtained from different times, sources, and processes.The results of this study focus on cultivating the character of caring for the environment, explaining the process of internalizing character values through the learning process in the classroom and outside the classroom such as outing classes and outbound. The strategy of planting values is integrated in thematic subjects, through both intracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities with reference to the vision and mission of the school as a derivative of the original vision and mission. The supporting factors are the commitment of school institutions and programs with an environmental culture (Adiwiyata). And the ecoliteracy values that are owned are environmental awareness, empathy for the environment, and take care of oneself. The character that is emphasized in this research is the character of caring for the environment.The findings recommend that the internalization of ecoliteracy values in shaping students’ environmental care character is carried out with habituation starting from basic education through school culture based on Islamic values.
Keywords:Internalization of Ecoliteration Values, Character Caring for the Environment
29 | Deddy Sofyan
7527130396 |
2021 | He Influence Of Teacher Professional Education And Teacher Creativity On Teaching Ability In Indonesian Basic Schools, Bogor City | The aimof this study isto determine the effect of Professional Teacher Education and teacher creativity on the abilityto teach Indonesianlanguangetoelementary schoolstudentsin Bogor. The method used is Ex-post Factomethod with a 2×2 treatment by level design. The population is all elementary school teachers in the cityof Bogor and the sampling uses a sample calculation for an infinite population, represented by384 teacherstaken as the sample.The results showthat:1) The ability to teach Indonesianlanguageofteachers who have passedProfessional Teacher Education (PTE) is higher than teachers who have not passedProfessionalTeacherEducation (PTE). 2) There is an interaction between ProfessionalTeacherEducation (PTE) and Teacher Creativity towardsthe Teaching Ability.3) Teachers who have passedProfessional Teacher Education (PTE) with high creativity have a higher average than the teachers who have not passedProfessional Teacher Education (PTE) with high creativity. 4) Teachers who have passedProfessional Teacher Education (PTE) with low creativity have a higher average than the teachers who have not passedProfessional Teacher Education (PTE) with low creativity.
Keywords: Professional Teacher Education (PTE), teacher creativity, Indonesian language teaching skills
30 | Erdhita Oktrifianty
7527140174 |
2021 | The Effect of Self Regulation, Anxiety And Reading Comprehension Skill of The Narrative Writing Skill on Class V Students | The purpose of this study is about the effect of self-regulation, anxiety and reading comprehension skill on narrative writing skill. This research was conducted in the Binaan II area, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta. The samples used are from SDN Kebon Jeruk 08, SDN Kebon Jeruk 09 and SDN Kebon Jeruk 10 by using multistage cluster sampling. The research method is a survey using a path analysis design with four variables. Respondents totaled 109 Grade Vstudents from all three places in the elementary school. The research instrument was writing narrative text for the narrative writing skill variable, a questionnaire for the self-regulation variable and the anxiety variable. As well as objective tests forreading comprehension skillvariables. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results of the study are 1) there is a direct effect of self-regulation on the ability to write narration skillby 0,340, 2) there is a direct effect of anxiety on the narrative writing skill of -0,202, 3) there is a direct influence on reading comprehension skillon the narrative writing skill by 0.505, 4) there is a direct influence self regulation on reading comprehension skillof 0,266, 5) there is a direct influence of anxiety on reading comprehension skillof -0,243 6) there is a direct effect of self regulation on anxiety of -0,207.
Keywords:self-regulation, anxiety, reading comprehensionskill, narrative writing skill and path analysis
31 | Arrofa Acesta
7527140172 |
2021 | Science Learning Module Development Based on Multiple Intelligences To Increase Students Higher Order Thinking Skills | The aim of this research is to describe the feasibility of science module to improve Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), the research methods used is research and develop using ADDIE mode (Analyze, Design, Development, and Evaluation). The subject of this research are student of SDN Unggulan in Kuningan at 4th grade. The research result show that module that was developed is worthy to be used for science learning at elementary school, based on expert validation among scientist content aspect 3.93 with a percentage of 78.93% the feasible category of the presentation aspect 4.19 with a percentage of 83.80%,, design experts 4.32 with a percentage of 86.40% the very feasible category,, inguist experts 4.64 with a percentage of 92.80% the very feasible category,media experts 4.36 with a percentage of 87.70% to the very feasible category. Based on the effectiveness test of using science module based on multiple intelligence. in learning shows that it can improve student learning outcomes, in accordance with the results of hypothesis testing, namely the asymp sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.00 smaller than Sig 0.05, this means that there are significant changes before and according to using the multiple intelligence-based science learning module. So it can be concluded that the development of a science learning module based on multiple intelligence class IV SDN Unggulan has met the eligibility criteria and can be effectively used in learning.
Keywords: Science Learning Module, Multiple Intellegences, HOTS
32 | Asep Ediana Latip
9919917012 |
2021 | MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH Diffusion Of Thematic Learning Innovations In Islamic Elementary School | The general objective of this research is to solve the problem of the thematic learning innovation process in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Specifically, it aims to analyze the attribute level of thematic learning innovations, the communication channels used, the speed of adoption of innovations in 2013-2019, the process of thematic learning innovations in organizations, and the active role of change agents in the process of adopting thematic learning innovations in South Tangerang. The research approach used is quantitative with diffusion research methods. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis technique. The results showed that there was a diffusion process of thematic learning innovations in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in 2013-2019. This process is proven by 85% who perceive the attributes of thematic learning innovations as relatively positive innovations, so that they are positively related to the rate of adoption of thematic learning innovations. Furthermore, there is the use of various types of communication in the thematic learning innovation decision process at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, most of which come from 73% of mass communication channels, and 23% of the use of interpersonal communication channels. The speed of time, the speed of adoption of thematic learning innovations in the innovation decision process, requires a time span of 2013-2019 consisting of 21 people (8%) in 2013, 28 people (10%) in 2014. 40 people (14%) in 2015, 56 people ( 20%) in 2016, 48 people (17%) in 2017, 50 people (18%) in 2018, and 36 people (13%) in 2019. In the innovation decision process the organization that manages it with 253 people (91%) has the initiative, and then 231 people (83%) stated that they decided to implement thematic learning innovations. There is also an active role of change agents in the process of adopting thematic learning innovations from various groups consisting of internal change agents, namely 135 people (48%), there are 76 people (27%) as external change agents, there are 64 people (23%) change agents resource group for an activity related to thematic learning innovation, and there were 4 people (1%) independently. These findings recommend the application of thematic learning innovations at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, South Tangerang and optimizing the development of its implementation through various activities involving the synergy of practitioners, academics and madrasah services.
Keywords: Diffusion, Thematic Learning Innovations, Innovation Attributes, Communication Channels, Innovation Adoption Rates, Innovation Processes in Organizations, and Innovation Change Agents.
33 | Takiddin
7527167808 |
2021 | Project Based Learning Ips Development to Improve Islamic Primary School Students Higher Order Thinking Skills (Research And Development on Students of Class V Mi In Kota Tangerang Selatan) | The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the development of the Project Based Learning (PBL) IPS Model to improve higher order thinking skills in fifth grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in South Tangerang City. The subjects of this study amounted to 161 students who come from three different MI in South Tangerang City. The method used in this study is a research and development (R&D) method. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, tests, observations, and interviews. The results show that Project Based Learning IPS Model developed is very feasible to improve students’ higher order thinking skills because based on expert validation of the PBL IPS model, an average of 3.8 was obtained which is included in the good category, while expert validation on higher order thinking skills questions obtained an average of 3.7 which is included in the good category. The Project Based Learning IPS model which is developed to improve students’ higher order thinking skills is a practical and easy to apply learning model in the classroom (user friendly). Also, the Project Based Learning IPS Model that is developed is effective to improve higher order thinking skills in MI students in South Tangerang City according to the results of the effectiveness test.
Keywords: higher-order thinking skills, Project-Based Learning, Social Studies.
7527167505 |
2021 | The Critical Thinking Skills Learning Model In Social Studies | In contrast to several previous studies on the implementation of guided inquiry learning made, this research made the various abilities and skills (learning outcomes, performance, interests, concept mastery, process skills, scientific attitudes, and analytical skills) of students both at the elementary to intermediate levels better. This research is action research adopting the McKernan (1996) model which practiced the learning model of critical thinking skills with literacybased guided inquiry to improve the critical thinking skills of students in grade V of Elementary School 06 of North Metro. The purpose of this study was to improve critical thinking skills through the design of a learning model for critical thinking skills with literacy-based guided inquiry in social studies subject and to implement a learning model for critical thinking skills with literacy-based guided inquiry in social studies subject at Elementary School 06 of North Metro.. The data collection tools used in the study were interviews, observation, tests, and documentation. The results showed an increase in students’ critical thinking skills, the indicators included providing simple explanations, building basic skills, making inferences, providing further explanations, arranging strategies and tactics that were calculated through the average test for each cycle that got good results in cycle I (4.35% ), cycle II (69.57%), and cycle III (91.30%). Meanwhile, the implementation of the critical thinking learning model with literacy-based guided inquiry consisted of presenting problems, verifying data, conducting experiments, organizing data, analyzing results, and averaging the results of observations in cycle I (3.10) and cycle II ( 3.30) in the good category, and cycle III (3.70) in the very good category. The critical thinking skills learning model with literacy-based guided inquiry is learning that involves students actively to express opinions, extract information from various reading materials/observations (literacy), respond to questions/answers in group discussion activities, organize data, make inferences, and provide the opportunity to make a decision so that critical thinking skills are developed properly. The results of this study can be used as a guide for teachers as a model that can be used effectively in improving critical thinking skills through active learning activities, connecting learning with their world, interacting activities (one of the principles of social studies learning in elementary school), providing actual material, positioning the educator as a facilitator, and creating fun learning. |
35 | Tustiyana Windiyani
7527130398 |
2021 | Development of Marlition Educative Multimedia Game To Improve Your Third Class In Narrative Writing Skills In State High Schools, Bogor City | Writing skills are very important for teaching in schools because they are very necessary and influence other subjects. Writing skills are a supporting indicator and academic achievement of students in school. Therefore, teachers must train and develop students’ writing skills from an early age. Writing skills will not support by itself. Learning written by students at school becomes a forum for developing interests, talents and students in the written field. The task of the teacher in school plays a role in transmitting the talents of these students. This study aims to produce multimedia learning products of educational educational games in order to improve the skills of writing narrative Indonesian language class III Elementary School Bogor City with a total of 100 students. The research method used is Development Research with the Lee and Owens model. The research stages were carried out with the ADDIE concept, namely Analysis; Design; Development; Application; Evaluation. The research begins with a needs analysis, then develops instructional media, then performs validation by experts, evaluates and revisions, and finally implements the Marlisi multimedia game in the designated school. The results of the research from the validation of the material, media, and language aspects show that the educational learning media for this marginalized game are valid. In the individual test and small group test stages, students who were used as research subjects gave excellent responses to the multimedia games used. The effectiveness of the product developed by a large group test with 100 students. The results of the t-test analysis showed the difference in learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of the study, it can be proven that the multimedia games developed in this study are valid, practical, and have a potential effect on the narrative writing skills of Indonesian for grade III at the Bogor City Elementary School. This multimedia learning game of the Marlisi is suitable for use in learning, especially learning that is written in a narrative.
Keywords: Marlisi Educational Multimedia Games, Narrative Writing Skills Indonesian
9919917009 |
2021 | Factor Analysis f Implementation of Blended Learning Mathematics In Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bogor City | Many types of research on blended learning have been carried out but the implementation factor analysis studies are still limited. This study aims to obtain a fit model and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of blended learning in mathematics teaching. The successful implementation of blended learning was adopted from Stacey and Gerbic (2008) which includes four major things, namely the condition of the institution, teachers, students, and pedagogic considerations. This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory survey method. The sample was taken using random cluster sampling totalling 165 teachers of grades 4, 5, and 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bogor City from January to July 2020. The instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Evaluation in this model consists of two stages, namely measurement model and structural measurement. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the rules of significance testing with the help of the SmartPLS 3 application. The results showed that the teacher’s condition variable had the greatest contribution to the implementation of blended learning, then the student’s condition and pedagogic considerations and finally the condition of the institution gave the least influence. Effect Size at the structural level obtained a value of f2 for predictors of teacher conditions of 0.378378, student conditions of 0.372973 both of which belong to the strong effect category and pedagogic considerations of 0.32973 including the moderate effect category. This research is important to be used as a reference for the government and stakeholders in analyzing the implementation factors of mathematics blended learning in educational institutions.
Keywords: factor analysis, implementation, blended learning, mathematics, elementary school
37 | Muhamad Afandi
7527140178 |
2021 | Elementary School Teacher Performance Reviewed From Achievement Motivation | Teacher performance is often associated with motivation to excel, including public elementary school (SDN) teachers. However, this is strongly influenced by the condition of the teacher and the problems faced, so there needs to be a clear study related to what and how the relationship between teacher performance and achievement motivation and the factors related to SDN teachers. Therefore, this study aims to explain the relationship between motivation and teacher performance and to find out the factors that influence the performance of SDN teachers. This research was conducted at SDN Banyumanik District with a total sample of 162 teachers. The research method is a mixed method: sequential exploratory design with a qualitative research model: ex post facto survey method followed by analysis with structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. Achievement motivation was measured using a selfassessment questionnaire, while teacher performance was measured using an observation sheet that was assessed by an independent observer. The results of the study show that teacher motivation is significantly reflected by indicators of competitive vision and career goals; with high integrity and work ethic; rational at work; responsible for completing tasks; and accept criticism and suggestions. While the quality of work is significantly reflected by: creating quality learning; manage the class in a conducive manner; mastering learning materials; learning products and administration; and social skills and self-actualization. However, achievement motivation does not significantly affect the performance of SDN teachers in Banyumanik District. This is because teachers are burdened with administrative work and complete teaching responsibilities with massive material rather than increasing achievement. The facts in the field also show that workload, curriculum changes and completing learning administration actually moderate the weakening of achievement motivation. Based on the results of the research, strategies that can be carried out are to regulate the main tasks and functions, minimize responsibilities outside of teaching, and improve curriculum implementation. This study shows that external factors are considered as the dominant variables that affect teacher performance, so that it has implications for further research regarding the variables that affect the performance of SDN teachers.
Keywords: teacher performance, achievement motivation and elementary school. |