1. | Bima Kurniawan 7326120171 | 2014 | Cultural Term Translation In French To Indonesian (An Content Analysis Research In Madame Bovary) | This research focuses on cultural term equivalence in Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert’s novel and its translation by Santi Hendrawati in the same title. The researcher uses the content analysis in qualitative methodology. The use of content analysis in this research is to analyses the translation process as a communicative activity. Then, for analysing two languages with different cultures, this research needs a comparative analysis. The research compares the translation and its source language. From this study, we hope to find four problems in the cultural term of translation process. Those are the cultural term equivalence, the strategy of translation (translation methods and procedure included), translation error, and its causes. Based on this study, translation seems like a difficult activity. So, the translator needs hardly understanding how to use correctly the translation methode and procedure, and also knowledge of source language as well as of target language. They have to note that those two skill are very important at doing a translation, otherwise they can make an error. In this research, I consider that this translator can’t understand how to use the translation strategies and how to transfer the cultural in source language to target language for some time. I analyse 60 cultural terms and I see 33 from those as equivalent. It means only 55 % informations well communicated. And the least, this translator can’t communicate 45 % cultural term in source language to target language.
Keywords: Cultural Term, Equivalence, Translation Methods and Procedures.
2. | Sinthya Rosa Sukma Ayu | 2014 | The Translation Text Film Dialogue From English Language Into Indonesian Language (Content Analysis on Dubbing Animated Film the Magic School Bus )
The objective of this research was to analyze the translation text dialog film in animated film the Magis School Bus presented on children’s television Spacetoon. The study focused on the process of translating text film dialogue from English into Indonesia on dubbing animated film The Magic School Bus. To subfokus research is the translation strategies used in the animated film The Magic School Bus, to achieve the equivalence, meaning the accuracy of the translation, the acceptability of the translated text and translation language readability.This research methodology is qualitative using content analisys technique. The data examined in this research is the oral form of the data that had been transcribed into written form. The data sources in the form of DVD animated film tiltled English-language The Magic School Bus and the translation of text in the form of dialog dubbed movie. The result of the research shows that the translation of the animated film The Magic School Bus using varied strategies. Researchers only takes one title that Gets Ants In Its Pants that lasted 25 minutes. The dominant strategy used by the translator in the text movie dialogue from English into Indonesian in dubbing animated film The Magic School Bus is a literal or a literal interpreter, then transposition, followed by modulation, adaptations, borrowing and equivalence. While calque strategy is not used at all. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the translation of the dialogue animated film the Magic School Bus accurate, acceptable and legible because translator using appropriate translation startegies.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Translation, Dubbing, Translation Quality
3. | Harsono 7326110200 | 2015 | The Translation of ‘Complex’ Sentences From English Into Bahasa Indonesia (Content Analysis in the Translated Emily Bronte’s Novel “Wuthering Height” By A. Rahartati Bambang Haryo) | This research was aimed to find the picture of the translation of complex sentences from English into Bahasa Indonesia in the translated Emily Bronte’s novel “Wuthering Height” by A. Rahartati Bambang Haryo. The picture consisted of translation equivalences, translation strategies, translation accuracy, translation acceptability, and translation readability. The author took 30 (thirty) ‘complex’ sentences as the data of this research consisting of 10 complex-compound sentences, 10 complex sentences, and 10 compound sentences. Those were randomly taken by the author from Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 of the novel, each of which the author took 2 complex-compound sentences, 2 complex sentences, and 2 compound sentences. From the analysis, the author found that the translation of all data (100%) were dynamic equivalnce. Besides, the author identified 9 (nine) translation strategies which were transposition, modulation, praphrase, expansion, reduction, compensation, cultural equivalnce, synonim, and tranference. In terms of transposition strategy, there was one outstanding fact. The fact was that all 10 (ten) complex-compound sentences (100%) were translated by breaking each source text (ST) into 2 (two) or more sencetences in the target text (TT); 2 (two) complex sentences (20%) were trasnlated by breaking each source text (ST) into 2 (two) sentences in target text (TT); and 2 (two) compound sentences (20%) were translated by breaking each source text (ST) into 2 (two) sentences in target text (TT). There were 7 (seven) sentences (23%) in the source text (TT) which were less-accurately translated. The translation of all sentences (100%) were categorized as acceptable. Two sentences (7%) were translated in lessreadable category.
Keywords: Content Analysis; Translation Equivalence; Translation Strategy; Translation Accuracy; Translation Acceptability; Translation Readability.
4. | Birrul Walidain
9916817001 |
2020 | Translation of Argumentative Sentence in Speech Text from English Into Indonesian Language (A Content Analysis Research in Speech Text on Us Embassy’s Website) | Speech text attempts to persuade the recipients that they should engage in or refrain from specific behaviour. Based on some research, argument in a text leads to promote persuasive messages. This study aims to identify argumentation schemes in speech text in American Embassy’s website and analyse the translation techniques used in translating argumentative sentence and also the translation shifts that occurred in speech text from English to Bahasa Indonesia. This study belongs to qualitative research with content analysis method. Eight speech texts are classified into four themes, health, education, economic, and diplomacy. The result shows that from 46 sentences found that there are four argumentation schemes. Argumentation from example (24), argumentation from cause to effect (4), argumentation from consequence (3), and argumentation from authority (11), a. The content of those eight-speech texts talks about a collaboration program between U.S and Indonesia. This is in line with the result that argumentation from example and argumentation from authority dominantly appear in the text. The result also shows that translation shifts that occurred in text are level shifts(18), structure shifts (9), unit shits (30), and inta-system shifts (8). Also there are eight translation techniques applied in this text. Transposition (33), Modulation (3), qalke (1) borrowing (2), variation(1), description (3), reducing (2) and particularization (5).
Keywords: Argumentation Schema, Speech, Translation Techniques, Translation Shifts
5. | Hana Arintya 7326157298 | 2020 | Ideology cultural translation in “Sitti Nurbaya” by Marah Rusli ( A content analysis translation from Indonesian to English translated by George A. Fowler) | This study aims to get deep understanding the translation of cultural ideology in the Sitti Nurbaya novel based on type of ideology the equivalence of translation, translation methods, translation procedures, translation shifts, accuracy and acceptance. This research used qualitative method with content analysis approach. The result showed the most frequency of cultural ideology category is system of thought, belief, habits, social practices developing in the society and the less frequency is A power based on certain thing. The equivalent translation by translator showed mostly the translator used formal equivalent as a strategy. The method showed the translator mostly used faith translation; the other results used semantic method, free translation, idiom translation and communicative translation. The translation procedures used shift, equivalent, description equivalent, functional equivalent, description equivalent, adaptation, synonym, addition, subtraction, modulation, borrowing or transfer. The types of shifts that appear are dominated by 1) level shifts , 2) structural category shifts, 3) unit shifts, 4) class shifts and finally inter-system category. The accuracy of cultural ideology translation shows the majority of accurate data in terms of grammatical competence as well as linguistic competence in addition to this is not separated from the tendency of translators using faithful translation methods. The acceptance of the cultural ideology of translation shows the majority of data acceptable and there are less acceptable data in terms of pragmatic competencies and strategic competencies. Disacceptance is in the use of less precise ilocution and use in idiom sentences, in terms of strategic competence there is a similar equivalent in the target language but not in use.
Keywords: Cultural Ideology, Translation Equivalent, Translation Methods, Translation Procedures, Translation Shifts, Accuracy, Acceptance.
6. | Meryna Afrila
9916817002 |
2020 | The Translation of Phonology Terms from English to Indonesian in Linguistics Glossary | This study aims to identify and deeply analyze the equivalence forms and translation procedures in the translation of phonology terms from English into Indonesian in linguistics glossary. The method used in this research is Mayring’s content analysis method with a qualitative approach. The source of data in this study came from the electronic offline version of Linguistics Glossary of Language Bodies in a number of 851 terms. The form of equivalence found in translating this phonology term is formal and dynamic equivalence. There are also six translation procedures in translating these phonology terms which include (1) loan translation procedure, (2) calque translation procedure, (3) literal translation procedure, (4) transposition translation procedure, (5) modulation translation procedure, and (6) translation adaptation procedure. The translation procedure applied in this study is the Vinay and Dalbernet translation procedure. Research founding that formal equivalence forms are frequently used in translating phonological terms from English into Indonesian. Transposition translation procedures also dominate the results of translating phonology terms because there are structural differences between English and Indonesian.
Keywords: translation, phonology terms, equivalence, procedure
7. | Lely Rahmawati
9916817005 |
2020 | Rhetoric in Billboard Campaign for Political Candidates for the 2019 Legislative Candidate (Discourse Analysis) | This research aims to analyze the rhetoric in advertising political campaign billboards in terms of discourse analysis covering linguistic and social aspects. The source of data, included billboards from 4 Islam parties that won in thegeneral election of 2019, namely PAN, PKS, PKB and PPP. Meanwhile, the data consists of various words, phrases and clauses contained in billboards. Based on existing problem solving, the writer uses the theory of social semiotics from Kress and Van Leeweun (2002) to analyze visual language and the theory of persuasive discourse from Utari (2012) to analyze written language. The results of the study such as : on the written language there is a dominant type of persuasive discourse on billboards that is affirmation as much as 52%, meanwhile in the lexical aspect that is hyponymy as much as 73% and gramatical aspects that is reference as much as 55%.It proven that political campaign billboard advertising from a linguistic perspective focuses more on the positive imaging of the candidates, while in terms of visual language there are 4 out of 12 billboards that embed supporting figures and 3 out of 12 billboards use cultural aspects that are so thick. This indicates that the embedding of supporting figures and social adaptation play such a large role. The conclusion of this research is that based on the integration of aspects of visual and written languages there is an implied message to be conveyed through political campaign billboard advertisements.
Keywords: Language, Visual, Writing, Billboards, Advertising
8. | Meliyanti Sihotang 9916817010 | 2020 | Translating Aspects of Gender and Racial Discrimination in Film Subtitles from English to Indonesian: Content Analysis Research in The Help and Hidden Figures Film
The aim of this study “Analisis Terjemahan Aspek Diskriminasi Gender dan Ras Dalam Subtitle Film: Penelitian Analisis Isi pada Film The Help dan Hidden Figures” was to get the deepest compherension about gender and racial discrimination translation. This study used a qualitative approach and content analysis method by Mayring (2000). The finding of this study was in form of translation techniques, translation equivalence (Baker,2011) and cultural translation errors in conversation that contained gender and racial discrimination. The result described, there were fourteen translation techniques used in those movie subtitle. There were reduction 37 data, literal translation 25 data, amplification 42 data, established translation13 data, modulation 14 data, transposition 25, borrowing 13 data, linguistic amplification 6 data, linguistic compression 31 data, particularization 1 data, generalization 3 data, adaptation 15 data, description 1 data, discursive creation) 1 data and variation 1 data. While translation equivalence result showed that word equivalence with 21 suited 1 data did not,above word equivalence;collocation 169 data were equaland 31 were not, idiom with 9 matchedand 1 did not matched, fix expression with 7 data matched, grammatical equivalence; number equivalence with 13 data matchedand 116 data did not match, person with 36 data suitedand 14 data did not suit, gender with 13 data were equaland 3 data were not equal, voice with 7 data matched and 5 data did not match, tense with 41 data were not equal. Thus there were four kinds of cultural translation errors in aspect of gender and racial discrimination in movies subtitles The Help and Hidden Figures. They were (1) word choices translation errors; (2) number translation errors; (3) translation errors in cultural material; and (4) translation errors in comprehended SL in the text. All the analysis (technique, equivalency, and errors in translation) found influeced information and message that delivered to the viewers.
Keywords: Translation, Discrimination, Race, Gender
9. | Mira Hardiyani 7326120178 | 2020 | Nautical Terms Translation In Film Dialogue From English Into Indonesian (Subtitling) (A Content Analysis Research in Captain Philips Subtitle) | This research aims to: (1) the translation strategies in nautical terms used by the translator in dialog of Captain Phillips movie, (2) the effects of translation strategies in nautical terms toward the equivalence in source text and target text. This research method uses a qualitative approach, data were collected by means of comparative analysis. The data of this study were nautical terms in the Captain Phillips movie dialog and its translation. Meanwhile, the study indicates thirty-five nautical terms found in the source text were translated by using translation strategies transfer, paraphrase, and deletion. The most used translation strategy in this research is transfer. The effect of the using of this strategy is the acceptability translation level is high. Therefore, the application of translation strategies is the most essential for translator to produce a good subtitle.
Keywords: Translation strategy; subtitle; nautical terms
10. | Rokip Andini 7326167945 | 2020 | Translation of Verbs From Arabic Into Indonesian (Content Analysis Research on Omar’s Film Subtitles) | The study of the existence of verbal sentences is not simple. Verbal sentences are divided into two, namely active sentences and passive sentences based on the function of Information. Verbal sentences in the context of translation are an important part that often appears in discourse disclosing modalities. The verb sentence as one of the linguistic elements serves as a container for disclosing modalities in the form of words, phrases, and clauses. This study uses a qualitative approach with content analysis methods. This study aims to analyze the forms of verb sentence translation, verb sentence shifting, and verb sentence equivalence in omar film subtitles. There are three main parts, namely: translation techniques, translation shift, and translation equivalence used by the translator in translating the 50 verbs that founded by the researcher in the Omar film subtitle. There are 17 types of translation techniques that are applied by the translator in translating verb sentences in the Omar film subtitles, there are 33 data of translation shifts from 50 data collected by researchers. Based on 50 data that collected, 13 were included in the formal equivalent category, while 36 were included in the dynamic equivalent category.
Keywords: Translation, Verbs Sentences, Equivalence, Translation Shif
11. | Eva Nurohmah
9916818002 |
2021 | Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbicara Bahasa Jerman Tingkat Dasar (A1) Melalui Platform Android Pada Kelas X SMA/MA | This study is aimed to develop learning materials for speaking German language at the primary level (A1) through the Android platform in grade X SMA / MA. This learning material is devoted to honing the speaking skills of grade X students. It also can make it easier for teachers to deliver learning material. Speaking learning materials in German language is packaged in the form of an application on the smartphone. It is purposed to make it easier students to access the materials both inside and outside the classroom. The data sources in this study were German language teachers, material experts, and the media expert. The research instruments used include observation sheets, interviews, and questionnaires. The research method used is the method of research and development (R&D). The research procedure used the research and development model from Dick, Carey, and Carey combined with Jolly and Bolitho so that it is summarized into three main research stages, namely 1) the planning stage, 2) the development stage, and 3) the validation stage. The results showed that the learning materials developed based on teachers’ and students’ needs in learning German language and adapted to the applicable curriculum were feasible to use. It can be seen based on the assessment results of material experts and media experts and feedback from German language teachers.
Keywords: learning materials, German language, speaking skills, Android platform
12. | Juflyn Alim
9916818010 |
2021 | Socio-Cultural Critiquein The Movie Of Uang Panai Mahar (L) (Sociology Literature Review) | This study was aimed to examine the work of Uang Panai Mahar (L) film using the structure theory of Mario Klarer film and social criticism in the sociological literary approach of Sapardi Djoko Damono’s perspective. This study used a qualitativedescriptive method. The research data were collected by watching the movie of Uang Panai Mahar (L) repeatedly and carefully to obtain the data. Furthermore, the data found were classified and linked from one data to another. Then the research data was described and concluded to produce accurate data. The analysis results found that the structure of the Uang Panai Mahar (L) film was based on Mario Klarer’s perspective, namely 1) Color selection, 2) Lighting, 3) Taking pictures, 4) Sound dimensions, and 5) Image editing. The film of Uang Panai Mahar (L) had described comprehensively the cultural phenomenon of panai money or well known in Indonesia as (uang panai). Hence, it was found that there were social criticisms in the film of Uang Panai Mahar (L),as follows: 1) criticism of social norms, 2) economic criticism, and 3) political criticism. These findings led to the recommendations to be used as references in the preparation of literature teaching materials at the senior high school level. The implications of this study for literature learning in senior high school (SMA) included being used as a reference for making lesson plans (RPP); Student worksheets (LKPD), assessments, and learning evaluations. Here in after, this research was expected to be ableto contribute the education world and society in general in order to prosper the people and educate the life of the nation.
Keywords : Film, Social Criticism, Sociology of Literature
13. | G. Putu Satya Amarta Dewi
2021 | Propaganda Language Baliho Party of The 2019 National Election of Politics: Analysis of Social Semiotics | This research aims to analyzethe understanding of the contrivance of using propaganda language in political campaign billboards advertisements. The sources of data consistof 8 billboards from 4Nationalist parties in the 2019 general election, such as PDI-P, Golkar, NasDem, and Hanura. Simultaneously, the data consists of visual and written text which contained on billboards. Based on the phenomena of the research, the author uses the theory of Social Semiotics: Multimodal Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006) which includes three metafunctions that are; Representational Metafunctions, Interpersonal Metafunctions, and Compositional Metafunctions. Social Semiotic Theory is included in multimodal theory and has been developed from Systemic Linguistic Functional theory from Halliday (2004, 2014) to identify slogans, sentences that accommodate elements of propaganda, as well as a combined representation of all elements, both visual text and written text in billboards. This study uses a qualitative approach with an interpretive type to consider both written and visual text on billboards. The conclusion of this research is both of 8 billboardsparticipant and object contains the meaning of propaganda to attract the attention of the audience, based onthree metafunctions (representational, interpersonal, and compositional) it shows that the mechanism of language on the billboard which involved propaganda moves through logos, slogans, photo techniques, color composition, image arrangement, figure supporters, background color, and color of the candidate’s clothes.
Keywords: Propaganda Language, Billboards, Nationalist Political Parties, and Social Semiotics: Multimodal. |
14. | Ines Nur Irawan 9916818004 | 2021 | Developing Model For Digital Teaching Materials In Theory of Translation Course Based on Android Platform | This study was aimed to develop digital teaching materials for the Theory of Translation based on the Android platform. This teaching material was devoted to honing the translation skills of first-semester students, English Language and Cultural Program, Universitas Darma Persada. In addition, these teaching materials can make it easier for lecturers to deliver learning materials. This Theory of Translation teaching material was packaged in the form of an application on a smartphone-based on the Android platform. It was purposed to make it easier for students to access material both inside and outside the classroom. Sources of data in this study were first semester students who took Theory of Translation courses, lecturers of Theory of Translation courses, material experts, and media experts. The research instruments used included observation sheets, interviews, and questionnaires. The research method used was research and development (R&D) methods. The research procedure used a research and development model from Borg and Gall combined with Jolly and Bolitho so that it was summarized in three main research stages, namely 1) planning stage, 2) development stage, and 3) validation stage. The results showed that the average score produced by media experts was 3.8 with a total of 95% and an average score of 3.5 with a total assessment of 89% by material experts which could be categorized as very feasible. Then, the assessment by the lecturer in Theory of Translation course obtained an average score of 3.7 with a total score of 90.5% which was included in the very decent category. Furthermore, the results of a small-scale trial conducted on 15 students with an overall average score of 3.9 with a total percentage of 97.5% were included in the appropriate category. Thus, the learning model developed is declared feasible to use. Based on the results of the research, the product of the digital learning model named “GlossatorIn” can meet the needs of students and lecturers who support translation theory courses in carrying out translation theory learning. Efficiently, the developed product can improve students’ translation writing skills and translation analysis independently or in groups.
Keywords: learning model, Theory of Translation, translation skills, android platform.