Doctoral Program
Physical Education
The Physical Education doctoral degree program was established in 1993 as stated in the Decree of Establishment Number 590 on Establishment of Program/Higher Education/Kep/1993 and Decree Number 711/M2020 on the Change of the Name of the Study Program. The Physical Education doctoral study program obtained an A accreditation based on the BAN-PT Decree Number 006/SK/BAN- PT/Akred/D/2015. This accreditation rating is valid starting 2015. The degree awarded to students who have completed the doctoral degree in Physical Education is Doctor.
The Physical Education doctoral study program observes the same UNJ academic calendar. Starting in September and ending in August of the following year, each academic calendar consists of an odd semester, an even semester, and an intermediate semester. The odd semester starts in September and ends in February, while the even semester starts in March and ends in August of the same year. The doctoral education observes the rector’s regulations regarding the academic regulations and guidelines for UNJ Postgraduate Program.
The curriculum, which is detailed in the Academic Guidebook, is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, teaching materials, and methods used as guidelines for implementing learning activities to achieve the educational goals. The curriculum is designed and developed for each study program based on the national higher education standards, teacher education standards, Indonesian National Qualification Frameworks (KKNI), and international quality standards. The curriculum design and development also takes into account the demands and global challenges (scientific vision), the needs of the society (societal needs), the needs of the stakeholders (stakeholders need), and the demands of business and industry, as well as the principle of self-evaluation in a comprehensive manner.
Study Program Profile
The Physical Education doctoral degree program was established in 1993 as stated in the Establishment Decree Number 590 concerning the Establishment of the Program/Dikti/Kep/1993 and the Decree Number 711/M2020 concerning the Change of Study Program Name. The Physical Education doctoral study program obtained accreditation A based on the Decree of BAN-PT Number 006/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/2015. This accreditation rating is effective from 2015. The degree awarded to students who have completed a doctorate in Physical Education is a Doctorate.
The Physical Education doctoral study program follows the same UNJ academic calendar. Starting in September and ending in August of the following year, each academic calendar consists of odd semesters, even semesters, and middle semesters. The odd semester starts in September and ends in February, while the even semester starts in March and ends in August of the same year. Doctoral education follows the rector’s regulations regarding the rules and academic guidelines of the Pascasarjana UNJ.
The curriculum detailed in the Academic Manual is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, teaching materials, and methods used as guidelines for implementing learning activities to achieve educational goals. The curriculum is designed and developed for each study program based on national higher education standards, teacher education standards, the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), and international quality standards. Curriculum design and development also takes into account global demands and challenges (scientific vision), societal needs (societal needs), stakeholder needs, and the demands of business and industry, as well as the principle of comprehensive self-evaluation.
Prof. Dr. Firmansyah Dlis, M.Pd.
Doctoral Study Program Coordinator of Physical Education
Prof. Dr. Moch. Asmawi, M.Pd.
Professor in Physical Education
Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, SportMed., M.Pd.
Professor in Physical Education
Prof. Dr. Achmad Sofyan Hanif, M.Pd.
Professor in Physical Education
Prof. Dr. Dr. Widiastuti, M.Pd.
Professor in Physical Education
Prof. Dr. Ramdan Pelana, M.Or.
Professor in Physical Education
Curriculum & Courses
The curriculum component of the doctoral program contains the following,
- General Course is a general knowledge that underlies the formation of science development ability so that skilled in working in accordance with the basic science mastered. General courses are directed at the formation of the ability to carry out, organize, and manage research programs in accordance with the objectives of master’s program education. General subjects must be mastered by each participant of the master program from all study programs.
- Expertise Courses is a group of courses aimed at producing experts with work based on the knowledge and skills mastered.
- Elective courses are part of the study program group and basic education subjects. This course is chosen by students in accordance with the field of thesis.
- Matriculation courses are groups of subjects that must be taken by students who come from non-education programs and non-educational programs. This course provides a foundation of educational knowledge that must be mastered as a reference for mastering educational theories.
- Dissertation is the result of scientific work based on the results of research that meets the criteria of scientific research and disciplines of the study program as an effort to solve problems and reveal scientific findings or develop new concepts. See more…
General Courses
Course code | Course name | Credit |
99009113 | 3 credits | |
99009123 | 3 credits | |
99009133 | 3 credits | |
99009143 | Indexed Scientific Article Writing (Academic Writing) | 3 credits |
Expertise Courses
Course code | Course name | Credit |
99049113 | Development of Teaching Methodology and Physical Education Exercise and Sports | 3 credits |
99049123 | System Development, Curriculum Design, and Analysis of Physical Education and Sports | 3 credits |
99029133 | Comparative Analysis of Physical Education and Sports Management | 33 credits |
99029143 | Development of the Sociological Dimension in Physical Education and Sports | 3 credits |
99029153 | Mental Training Development, Psychometric and High Performance | 3 credits |
99029163 | 3 credits | |
99029173 | 3 credits |
Elective courses
Course code | Course name | Credit |
99029413 | Comparison of Physical Education and Sports Systems | 3 credits |
99029423 | 3 credits | |
99029433 | E-learning and Big Data in Sports Education | 3 credits |
99179523 | Strategic Process and Decision Making | 3 credits |
99049013 | Strategic Leadership | 3 credits |
Choose one course from the elective courses above |
Matriculation Course
Course code | Course name | Credit |
99069013 | The Foundation of Education* | 3 credits |
Note: *held before the start of the semester
Course code | Course name | Credit |
99009917 | Dissertation | 15 credits |
Program Learning
Able to develop new knowledge about pedagogical theory, literacy, the benefits of technology and / or new arts about information in the field of physical education, to produce solutions for improving the quality of life in society, nation and state through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches;
Able to develop physical education science or professional practice through research to produce creative, original and tested work in the field of physics;
Able to solve science, technology and or related arts problems in the field of physical education based on pedagogical theory, literacy, information technology through scientific methods with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach that internalizes academic values, norms and ethics;
Able to develop new theories in innovative learning by applying didactic-pedagogical concepts and principles in physical education by utilizing education science and technology oriented to life skills and contributing to improving environmental quality and human quality;
Able to manage, lead and develop research and development that is beneficial to the science of physical education and for the benefit of humans, and is able to get national and international recognition.
The Doctoral Program of Physical Education at Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta accredited “A” by National Accreditation Agency, based on Decree Number 006/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/I/2015.
Graduate Profile
Graduate Profile | Description |
Researchers who are competent in the field of management | It is hoped that the graduates of the Sports Education Doctoral Study Program will be able to identify and formulate sports education problems; using the latest theories, models and empirical methodsin a comprehensive and integrated manner; works that are creative, original, tested, by maintaining a good attitude, honesty and academic integrity, and have received national and international recognition. |
Professional sports coach | Manage and lead research activities through inter-, multi- and trans- disciplinary approaches; in order to produce work that is creative, original, tested, to maintain the honesty and integrity of the academic, as well as gain recognition nationally and internationally, as well as developing research areas of management that is beneficial for development of science and the benefit of mankind, which are recognized both nationally and internationally |
Professional manager | Heads of sports institutions, and leaders of sports development centers, as well as several other career options, namely becoming academics, analysts and researchers |
Management Consultant | Consultants in the fields of sports education, sports rehabilitation and sports achievements, who contribute to people’s lives, especially in terms of sports in Indonesia, |
Analysis and policy makers | Analysis and maker of policy management, among others in the field of Management Resources Power of Human, Financial and Strategic |
Management Planner | Planners Management Resources Power of Human, Financial and Strategic Mangement Planner |
Quality Control Management | Evaluators, Supervisors and Supervisors of Human Resources, Financial and Strategic Management |