Quality Assurance
The postgraduate program applies internal and external quality assurance to maintain a high level of education and research quality for master and doctoral programs. The quality assurance unit consists of Internal Quality Assurance, External Quality Assurance, and article-dissemination group. The internal quality assurance standard refers to quality standards developed by the quality assurance unit at the university level.
Academic Integrity
The Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta ensure student comprehend the essential of academic integrity. Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable.
Quality Assurance Documents
The Postgraduate of UNJ quality assurance documents ensure that processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives
Satisfaction Survey
The satisfaction survey is conducted to students, lecturers, staff, alumni, partners, and stakeholders to improve the academic quality of Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
Standard Operational Procedure
Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) is a guideline to conduct the duty. SOP is applied to maintain the work commitment.
Supporting Document
The Supporting document consists of policy and guidelines for Accreditation in Indonesia.