[vc_row u_row_style=”0″ u_row_paralax=”0″ u_row_scheme=”0″][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”11962″ img_size=”full”][vc_tta_accordion style=”outline” shape=”square” color=”mulled-wine” spacing=”3″ c_position=”right” active_section=”1″ no_fill=”true”][vc_tta_section title=”Description” tab_id=”1530764492268-b68bb106-a3114d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]The Environmental Management Masters Study Program was established on December 17, 2009 based on the Higher Education Decree No SK 2416 / D / T / 2009. The ideas to establish a Master in Environmental Management Study Program include (1) providing access to people who have limited time to be able to increase their expertise in the educational and non-educational fields through increasing higher education levels, namely the Master of Environmental Management program, Postgraduate Program at the State University of Jakarta; (2) optimizing the capacity and resources of the Jakarta State University Postgraduate Environmental Management Study Program in contributing to the improvement of human resources in Indonesia in the field of environmental management; (3) increasing the productivity of the Jakarta State University Postgraduate Environmental Management Study Program in contributing to the provision of environmental management services to the community.
The Accreditation Rank of BAN PT Environmental Management Master Study Program when it was first accredited in 2013 was B with SK No -181 / SK / BAN-PT / Ak-XI / M / VIII / 2013. The next accreditation was carried out in 2017 and obtained a B rank with SK Number -2616 / SK / BAN-PT / Akred / M / IV / 2018. During its development, the number of students admitted varied from eight to 12 students or an average of 10 students. However, over time, the numbers are increasing. Students of the Environmental Management Master Program come from alumni of Geography, Biology, and other universities in Indonesia. The field of study of a Master in Environmental Management can be grouped into fields of study related to environmental aspects. The field of pedagogical study is reflected in study program courses such as the Concept of Environmental Management, a new paradigm in Environmental Management, problem solving in the field of Environmental Management through research and development based on scientific principles. Alumni of Master in Environmental Management have competence as experts, researchers and practitioners related to the field of Environmental Management. As experts in the field of Environmental Management, Environmental Management alumni have the competence to become competent consultants and extension agents in mastering concepts, theories and applications in the field of Environmental Management. As researchers in the field of Environmental Management, Environmental Management alumni are able to carry out research in the field of Environmental Management and in accordance with scientific principles.
The Environmental Management Masters Study Program continues to make partnership efforts and build networks with associations in the field of Environmental Management. Efforts for the implementation and results of partnership cooperation in the form of training, seminars within government and private agencies. Among them (1) collaborating in the annual seminar (ISQAE) with the University of Malaya, the University of Technology Malaysia, and the University of Manado which took place in the fourth year, namely in 2012 the first ISQAE seminar held by UNJ, in 2013 the second ISQAE seminar held by UTM, 2014 the third ISQAE seminar Malaysian University organizers; in 2015 the fourth ISQAE seminar was organized by the Manado State University, and the fifth was in UTY Jogyakarta. UNJ also collaborated in an annual seminar (ICeDU) with Sabah University which took place in the first year, namely in 2014, with UNJ collaborating through IPTPI in collaboration with the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) to hold the 2016 Educational Technology Word Conference (ETWC) at Bali and every year send lecturers to the annual conference, in which lecturers of the Environmental Management Master Program in Environmental Management, Postgraduate, UNJ are involved in participating as well as coordinating participants in the postgraduate environment.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Lecturers” tab_id=”1530764492269-a97477e6-b1404d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Objective” tab_id=”1530764938902-c7584f75-650d4d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]In line with the objectives of organizing higher education at the State University of Jakarta and Postgraduate, the Study Program sets the following objectives:
- Able to develop knowledge of environmental management through research, So as to produce innovative works (in the form of environmental ecosystem Design, nature protection & conservation systems, etc.);
- Able to critically analyze theories and practices related to environmental Management in professional practice;
- Able to solve problems related to environmental management through inter or multidisciplinary approaches;
- Managing research in the field of environmental management and its Development that is beneficial to society and science, as well as obtaining National and international recognition;
- Develop yourself and have a passion for lifelong learning so that you can Adapt to changing times;
- Understand and be able to implement knowledge and experience Responsibly, contribute positively, think critically, creatively, and show Leadership and leadership;
- Communicating ideas, thoughts and ideas, as well as developing and Maintaining a network (networking) both with colleagues / colleagues inside In addition, outside the institution in accordance with professional ethics.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Learning Outcome” tab_id=”1530765068160-6718c317-6b264d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]Produce
graduates of Master of Science in Environmental Management who have the ability to:
- develop knowledge of environmental management through research, resulting in innovative work (in the form of environmental ecosystem design, nature protection & conservation systems, etc.);
- critical analysis of theories and praxis related to environmental management in its professional practice;
- solving problems related to environmental management through an inter or multidisciplinary approach;
- managing research in the field of environmental management and development that benefits the community and science, as well as national and international recognition;
- develop yourself and have the passion for learning throughout life to adapt to the changing times;
- Understand and be able to implement his knowledge and experience responsibly, contribute positively, think critically, creatively, and demonstrate pioneering and leadership;
- communicate ideas, thoughts, and ideas, and develop and maintain networking networks with colleagues/colleagues inside and outside institutions following professional ethics.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Course” tab_id=”1530765064040-caece16b-0d224d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]
General Course
Code |
Courses |
99008113 |
Philosophy of Science |
3 credits |
99008123 |
Research Methodology |
3 credits |
99008133 |
Statistics |
3 credits |
99008143 |
Indexed Scientific Article Writing |
3 credits |
Expertise Course
Code |
Courses |
99148113 |
Ecology and Environmental Science |
3 credits |
99148123 |
Environmental Management Concept |
3 credits |
99148133 |
Environmental Strategic Management |
3 credits |
99148143 |
Environmental Psychology |
3 credits |
99148153 |
Environmental Risk Management |
3 credits |
99148163 |
Environmental System Analysis |
3 credits |
99148173 |
Organizational Behavior |
3 credits |
99148183 |
Waste Management |
3 credits |
99148193 |
Environmental Management Colloquium |
3 credits |
Elective Courses
Code |
Courses |
99148413 |
Land Management and Spatial Planning |
3 credits |
99148423 |
Policy Analysis in Natural Resource Management |
3 credits |
99148433 |
Ecotourism Management |
3 credits |
Select one course from the Selected Courses available |
Code |
Courses |
99008918 |
Thesis |
8 credits |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Accreditation” tab_id=”1530765062659-7d6fba46-3e8e4d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]The Master’s Program in Environmental Management Study Program accredited “B” at National Accreditation Organization for Higher Education, Decree Number 2616/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IX/2018, valid until September 18, 2023.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Curriculum” tab_id=”1530765059776-21bdf663-b42a4d2a-dfcba39c-a0a4136d-3bcd47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]The foundation of postgraduate curriculum development of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), namely (a) Law No. 12 of 2012 on Higher Education, (b) Presidential Regulation No. 8/2012 on Indonesia’s National Qualification Framework (KKNI), (c) Permendikbud No. 73/2013 on The Implementation of KKNI in Higher Education, (d) Government Regulation No. 4/2014 on The Implementation of Higher Education and Higher Education Management, and (e) and Permendikbud No. 03 of 2020 on National Standards of Higher Education. Referring to the above policy, the master’s program curriculum implements KKNI level 8 (eight).
The content of the UNJ Postgraduate Master’s curriculum is encompassed in Graduate Learning Achieves (CPL), which includes aspects of attitude, general skill, special skill, and knowledge formulated based on SNPT The Year 2020 and descriptor KKNI level 8 (eight)). Graduate learning achievements (CPL)are spelled out into courses specific to the course, covering attitude, knowledge, general skills, and special skills.
The Master’s Study Program curriculum was developed based on outcome-based education (OBE) of international standards. The curriculum developed is oriented towards the occupational/professional map within the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) of the field of expertise or science of each Study Program that can be equalized with international qualifications.
The UNJ Postgraduate Curriculum contains several courses grouped into matriculation courses, General Subjects (Courses)s, major courses/courses, basic educational courses, and choose courses.
Postgraduate issued a Certificate of Postgraduate Assistance (SKPI) or
diploma supplement referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education No. 59 of 2018 on Diploma, Certificate of Competency, Certificate of Profession, Degree, and Procedure for Writing a Degree in Higher Education. SKPI contains information on graduates’ activeness in the academic field, the social attitudes of graduates, and the qualifications of graduates following the level of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). SKPI is issued after validation, and the student is declared to have graduated from a study program at The Graduate School of Jakarta State University.
The qualifications expected from graduates of UNJ Postgraduate Master Program are following KKNI level 8 namely: (1) Able to develop pedagogy theory, literacy, benefits of information technology in educational technology to produce solutions that are in order to improve the quality of public life, nationality and state through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; (2) Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in their field based on scientific rules, procedures and ethics in order to improve the profession of education and non-education that has social sensitivity and care for the community and the environment; (3) Able to solve educational and non-educational problems based on scientific methods with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach that internalizes academic values, norms, and ethics; (4) Able to implement educational and non-educational problem solutions that are following the needs of science and technology development through proven research and novelty at the national and international level; (5) Able to apply innovative learning by applying concepts and principles of didactic-pedagogical by utilizing science and technology-oriented towards
life skills and contributing to the improvement of the quality of people’s lives; (6) Able to apply professionalism on an ongoing basis in his field of expertise or knowledge by conducting research as reflective and evaluative measures; (7) Able to disseminate the results of studies in the field is current with an inter and multi-disciplinary approach recognized by the scientific community at the national and international level. To achieve these graduates’ qualifications, the learning process at Postgraduate UNJ is conducted in the form of face-to-face lectures and/or
blended learning, seminars, practicum, response, research, studio practices, workshop practices, or field practices.
The study assessment at UNJ Postgraduate includes assessing the process and assessment of student learning results to meet the achievements of graduate learning. Assessment techniques used are observation, participation, projects, rallies, assignments, written tests, or oral tests, which are student portfolios.
The composition of courses for Master’s program as follows.
Table 1. Disseminate of Study Loads for Background Bachelor of Education Program
№ |
Courses |
1 |
General Courses |
12 |
2 |
Expertise Courses of Specific Study Programs |
18-24 |
3 |
Elective Courses |
3 |
4 |
Thesis |
8 |
Amount |
41– 47 |
CSH = Courses Semester Hours
Table 2. Disseminate of Study Loads for Background Bachelor’s Program Non
№ |
Courses |
1 |
Matriculation Courses |
3 |
2 |
General Courses |
12 |
3 |
Expertise Courses of Specific Study Programs |
18-24 |
4 |
Elective Courses |
3 |
6 |
Thesis |
8 |
Amount |
44– 47 |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Activities” tab_id=”1619963547298-ad8c7f31-c39347bd-b995″][vc_column_text]
KKL Bali Activities Master of Environmental Management Study Program
Based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which demands moral and social responsibility to apply knowledge, students of the master program (S2) Environmental Management Study Program, Postgraduate Program, State University of Jakarta intend to organize activities: FIELD WORK LECTURES with the theme: ‘Marine Ecotourism Management and Local Wisdom Towards SDS’s. ‘Field Work Lecture (KKL) for S2 students of Environmental Management Study Program 2017 was held on Friday – Monday: April 11-14 2018 which was held in Bali.
Workshop on Accreditation Forms for Master of Environmental Management Study Program Accreditation Forms
In order to fulfill the completeness of Accreditation Forms in each study program in the Jakarta State University Postgraduate environment, the Environmental Management Masters Study Program also has the responsibility to always carry out quality assurance to maintain and improve the quality of academic services, so that ultimately it can improve the quality of graduates with quality rankings. accreditation that excels in the UNJ Postgraduate environment. In order to guarantee the quality of the study program, the Postgraduate Environmental Management Masters Study Program will hold a Workshop which will be held on March 9-11 2018 at The 101 Bogor Hotel on Compilation of Study Program Accreditation Form Documents. The products that will be produced are the required Form Document Attachments, both those sent in Sapto and those required in the Field Visitation, including the Compilation of Lecture Materials (8 Subjects).
- Pogram Studi Magister (S2) Regular (R) Manajemen Lingkungan
- Pogram Studi Magister (S2) Non Regular (NR) Manajemen Lingkungan
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Achievement” tab_id=”1619963632936-eb07ccd7-049a47bd-b995″][vc_column_text]
- Pencapaian prestasi/reputasi mahasiswa dalam dibidang akademik.
No. |
Nama Mahasiswa |
Jenis Prestasi |
Kegiatan, Waktu, dan Tempat |
Tingkat (Lokal, Wilayah, Nasional, atau Internasional) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
1. Bashrawi
2. Diana Vivianti
3. Yudriani Sapta Dewi |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
Publikasi Artikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
2. |
Ali Sibro Malisi |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
Publikasi Artikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
3. |
Vita Dini Aviyana |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
Publikasi Artikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
4. |
Wildan Rayadi |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
PublikasArtikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
5. |
M. Sunu Probo Baskoro |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
Publikasi Artikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
6. |
Sri Rahayu Maykewati |
Penulisan Artikel ilmiah di Jurnal ” Green Gwoth dan Manajemen Lingkungan di Indonesia |
Publikasi Artikal Ilmiah pada Jurnal Nasional yang terindeks , Juni 2017, |
Nasional |
7 |
Vita Dini Aviyana
Penulisan artikel ”Sustainable Development Goals dan Perubahan Iklim” |
8 November 2017, KKL, Bandung |
Lokal |
8 |
Penulisan artikel ”Sustainable Development Goals dan Perubahan Iklim” |
8 November 2017, KKL, Bandung |
Lokal |
9 |
Muhammad Ibnu Fajar
Penulisan artikel ”Sustainable Development Goals dan Perubahan Iklim” |
8 November 2017, KKL, Bandung |
Lokal |
10 |
Iko Cempako Sari |
Penulisan artikel ”Sustainable Development Goals dan Perubahan Iklim” |
8 November 2017, KKL, Bandung |
Lokal |
11 |
Vita Dini Aviyana
Manajemen Ekowisata |
April 2017, KKL, Bali dan Lombok |
Lokal |
12 |
Manajemen Ekowisata |
April 2017, KKL, Bali dan Lombok |
Lokal |
13 |
Muhammad Ibnu Fajar
Manajemen Ekowisata |
April 2017, KKL, Bali dan Lombok |
Lokal |
14 |
Iko Cempako Sari |
Manajemen Ekowisata |
April 2017, KKL, Bali dan Lombok |
Lokal |
- Pencapaian prestasi/reputasi dosen dalam dibidang akademik.
No. |
Nama Dosen |
Prestasi yang Dicapai* |
Waktu Pencapaian |
(Lokal, Nasional, Internasional) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1 |
I Made Putrawan |
Peneliti tebaik bidang Pendidikan tahun 2015 dari Lemlit UNJ |
2015 |
Lokal |
Research Report dealing with NEP Validation related to People Water Conservation bahavir, Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) |
2015 |
Nasional |
Leadership Reaserch as Variable of Management Disertation at Pascasarjana UNJ : A Meta Analysis |
2016 |
Lokal |
Measuring Students New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) based on knowledge about ecosystem and locus of control, “Journal of Math, Sciences and Tech Education, Eurasia Journal, Vol 11, No.(2), 2015” |
2015 |
Internasional |
Leadership and Self Efficacy: Its Effect on Employees Motivation |
2016 |
Internasional |
Validating Teachers Personality Competence and Its Influence on Their Moral Behavior Based on Teachers Gender Equality |
2017 |
Internasional |
Predicting Student’s Responsible Environmental Behavior (REB) based on Personality Students’ New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) and Naturalistic Intelligence |
2017 |
Internasional |
Leadership Styles And Work Cultures: Its Effection On Staffs’ New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) |
2017 |
Internasional |
2 |
Nadiroh |
Sebagai Narasumber Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Dasar Teknik Instruksional (PEKERTI) Bagi Dosen Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa |
2015 |
Lokal |
Sebagai Narasumber dalam Pelatihan Applied Approach (AA) bagi Dosen Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa |
2015 |
Lokal |
Environmental Education Model for The Resistance Reef and Social-Ecological System in Thousand Islands, Jakarta |
2015 |
International |
Pembuatan Produk makanan dan pattiserie |
2016 |
Nasional |
The Civic Educational (PKn) Learning through Thematic Principle in an Effort Developing Moral Intelligence (Study of Quantitative in SD Laboratorium PGSD FIP UNJ 2010) |
2015 |
International |
Pemanfaatan Kulit Singkong Sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuatan Aksesoris |
2015 |
International |
Environment Education Model For The Resistence Reef and Social-Ecological system in Thousand Island, Jakarta |
2015 |
International |
Develpoment of Teaching Materials ESD (Education For Sustainable Development) In Coaching Skills of Self Children With Intellectual Challenges In SMA LB C In Jakarta |
2015 |
International |
The Influence of Learning Stratigies and Styles of Thought on The Ability of Students To Solve Enviromental Problem |
2015 |
International |
The Civic Educational (PKn) Learning through Thematic Principle in an Efford Developing Moral Intelligence (Study of Qualitative in SD Laboratrium PGSD FIP UNJ) |
2015 |
International |
Leadership Styles And Work Cultures: Its Effection On Staffs’ New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) |
2017 |
International |
Empoyees Environmental Performance Based on Coscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neiroticism, Openness, and Extraversion |
2016 |
International |
Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Fekundabilitas dan Sikap Hidup Sehat dengan Perilaku Reproduksi Sehat |
2016 |
Nasional |
Optimizing the Role of Women, Creative Industry Base on Locality |
2016 |
International |
Pengaruh Paradigma Lingkungan dan Personal Value Terhadap Carbon Footprint Mahasiswa |
2017 |
Nasional |
Peran Keluarga dalam Menerapkan Nilai Budaya Suku Sasak dalam Memelihara Lingkungan |
2016 |
Nasional |
The Students’ New Envieonmental Paradigm (NEP) Of Mathematics Sudy Program at Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa in the Teaching Learning of Environmental Subject |
2016 |
International |
Pengaruh Experiental Learning dan Pengetahuan Pembangunan Berelanjutan Terhadap Berpikir Analitik Masalah Lingkungan |
2017 |
Lokal |
Environmental Sensivity dan Hubunganya dengan Perilaku Pelestarian Kearifan Lokal pada Anak Usia Dini Masyarakat Suku Sasak |
2017 |
International |
Conservation of Sasak Traditional Settlement Model Viewed from the Perspective of Critical Thinking Skills |
2017 |
International |
The Influence of Couple Interaction, Roles Diffirences, and Social –Economic Status on Mother’s Stress Coping |
2017 |
International |
3 |
Oot Hotimah |
Environmental Awarness, Interest and Motivees Of Bogor Botanicc Gardens: Visitors: Implication For Interpretatitive Practice |
2015 |
International |
Conservation of Heritage Botanical Garden in an environmentally Friendly city |
2015 |
International |
Role of Botanical Garden ToIncrease Environmental Public |
2016 |
International |
4 |
Uswatun Hasanah |
The Influence of Couple Interaction, Roles Diffirences, and Social –Economic Status on Mother’s Stress Coping |
2017 |
International |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_cta h2=”Master Program”]
[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Doctoral Program”]