The Postgraduate of
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
The Full-time Lecturer of Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta is a Full-time Lecturer of Universitas Negeri Jakarta who is a Civil Servant. Recruitment of Civil Servants conducted by the Universitas Negeri Jakarta in comply with government regulations that apply when the lecturer is recruited as a Civil Servant.
The Standard of Postgraduate Educators of Universitas Negeri Jakarta refers to government policies of Permenristekdikti No. 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards of Higher Education (SNPT), Permenpan and RB No. 46 of 2013 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform No. 17 of 2013 concerning The Functional Position of Lecturers and Their Credit Numbers, and Permenristekdikti No. 44 of 2016 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
No | Name | Program | Study Program | Status |
1 | Dr. Eveline Siregar, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
2 | Dr. Indina Tarjiah, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
3 | Dr. Khaerudin, M.Pd | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
4 | Dr. Uwes Anis ChaerumanM.Pd | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
5 | Dr. Murni Winarsih, S.PD, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
6 | Dr. Robinson Situmorang, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
7 | Dr. Asti Purbarini, M.Pd. | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
8 | Dr. Siti Ansoriyah, S.Pd, M.Pd. | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
9 | Dr. Saifur Rohman, S.S, M.Hum | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
10 | Dr. Samsi Setiadi, M.Pd | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
11 | Dr. Gusti Yarmi, M.Pd. | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
12 | Prof. Dr. Novi Anoegrajekti | Master | Indonesian Language Education | Full-time Lecturer |
13 | Dr. Yusma Wati, M.Pd | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
14 | Dr. Fahmy Fachrezzy M.Pd | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
15 | Dr. Hidayat Humaid, M.Pd. | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
16 | Dr. Iman Sulaiman, M.Pd | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
17 | Dr. Sri Nuraini, M.Pd. | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
18 | Dr. dr. Junaidi, Sp.KO | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
19 | Dr. Taufik Rihatno | Master | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
20 | Dr. Achmad Husen, M.Pd. | Master | Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
21 | Dr. Budiaman | Master | Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
22 | Dr. Agung Purwanto, M.Si. | Master | Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
23 | Dr. Eko Siswono | Master | Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
24 | Dr. R. Sihadi, M.Pd. | Master | Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
25 | Prof. Dr. Eliana Sari, MM. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
26 | Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
27 | Dr. Heru Santosa, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
28 | Dr. Masduki Ahmad, S.H., M.M. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
29 | Dr. Siti Rochanah, M.M. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
30 | Dr. H. Sugiarto, M.A. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
31 | Dr. Sarkadi, M.Si. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
32 | Dr. Matin, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
33 | Dr. Wardani Rahayu, M.Si. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
34 | Dr. Yuliarti Sastrawijaya, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
35 | Dr. Komarudin, M.Si. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
36 | Dr. Agus Dudung, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
37 | Dr. Dinni Devy Triana, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
38 | Dr. Anan Sutisna, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
39 | Dr. Aip Badurjaman, M.Pd | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
40 | Dr. Soeprijanto, M.Pd. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
41 | Dr. Pinta Deniyanti, M.Si. | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
42 | Yuli Rahmawati, Ph.D | Master | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
43 | Dr. Sri Wulan, M.Si. | Master | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
44 | Lara Fridani, M.Psych, Ph.D | Master | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
45 | Dr. Nurjannah, M.Pd. | Master | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
46 | Dr. R. Sri Martini Meilani, M.Pd. | Master | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
47 | Dr. Nurbiana Dhieni, M.Psi. | Master | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
48 | Dr. Kurniawati, M.Si. | Master | History Education | Full-time Lecturer |
49 | Dr. Abdul Syukur, M.Si. | Master | History Education | Full-time Lecturer |
50 | Dr. Umasih, M.Hum. | Master | History Education | Full-time Lecturer |
51 | Dr. Corry Iriani Rochalina, M.Pd | Master | History Education | Full-time Lecturer |
52 | Dr. Nurzengky Ibrahim, M.M. | Master | History Education | Full-time Lecturer |
53 | Dr. Otib Satibi Hidayat, M.Pd. | Master | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
54 | Dr. Yurniwati, M.Pd. | Master | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
55 | Dr. Arifin Maksum, M.Pd. | Master | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
56 | Dr. Hj. Herlina, M.Pd. | Master | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
57 | Dr. Ika Lestari, S.Pd, M.Si. | Master | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
58 | Prof. Dr. Yumna Rasyid, M.Pd. | Master | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
59 | Dr. Shafruddin Tadjuddin, M.A. | Master | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
60 | Dr. Sri Harini Ekowati, M.Pd. | Master | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
61 | Dr. Miftahulkhairah Anwar, M.Hum | Master | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
62 | Eva Leiliyanti, M.Hum, Ph.D | Master | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
63 | Dr. Arif Saifudin | Master | Environmental Management | Full-time Lecturer |
64 | Dr. Samadi, M.Si. | Master | Environmental Management | Full-time Lecturer |
65 | Prof. Dr. Henita Rahmayanti, M.Si. | Master | Environmental Management | Full-time Lecturer |
66 | Dr. Dian Alfia Purwandari, SE, M.Si. | Master | Environmental Management | Full-time Lecturer |
67 | Dr. Oot Hotimah, M.Si. | Master | Environmental Management | Full-time Lecturer |
68 | Prof. Dr. Nurdin Ibrahim, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
69 | Prof. Dr. Basuki Wibawa | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
70 | Prof. Dr. Suyitno Muslim, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
71 | Prof. Dr. Zulfiati Syahrial, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
72 | Dr. Moch. Sukardjo, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
73 | Dr. Ir. Rusmono, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
74 | Prof. Dr. Etin Solihatin, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Technology | Full-time Lecturer |
75 | Prof. Dr. Emzir, M. Pd. | Doctor | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
76 | Prof. Dr. Aceng Rahmat, M.Pd. | Doctor | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
77 | Prof. Dr. Endry Boeriswati, M. Pd. | Doctor | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
78 | Dr. Fathiaty Murtadho, M.Pd. | Doctor | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
79 | Dr. Siti Gomo Attas, M.Hum. | Doctor | Applied Linguistics | Full-time Lecturer |
80 | Prof. Dr. Firmansyah Dlis, M.Pd. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
81 | Prof. Dr. Moch. Asmawi, M.Pd. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
82 | Prof. Dr. dr. James Tangkudung, SportMed., M.Pd. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
83 | Prof. Dr. Achmad Sofyan Hanif, M.Pd. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
84 | Prof. Dr. Dr. Widiastuti, M.Pd. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
85 | Dr. Eko Widodo, M.Si. | Doctor | Physical Education | Full-time Lecturer |
86 | Prof. Dr. Hafid Abas, M. Pd. | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
87 | Prof. Dr. Nadiroh, M. Pd. | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
88 | Prof. Dr. I Made Putrawan | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
89 | Prof. Dr. Ahman Sya | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
90 | Dr. Muhammad Zid, M.Si. | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
91 | Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, M.Si. | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Full-time Lecturer |
92 | Prof. Amos Neolaka, M.Pd. | Doctor | Population and Environmental Education | Adjunct Lecturer |
93 | Prof. Dr. Yetti Supriyati, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
94 | Dr. Achmad Ridwan, M.Si. | Doctor | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
95 | Dr. Agus Dudung, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
96 | Prof. Dr. Gaguk Margono | Doctor | Educational Research and Evaluation | Full-time Lecturer |
97 | Prof. Dr. Ma’ruf Akbar Imanudin, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Research and Evaluation | Adjunct Lecturer |
98 | Prof. Dr. Syarif Sumantri, M.Pd. | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
99 | Prof. Fasli Djalal, Ph.D. | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
100 | Prof. Dr. Martini Jamaris, M.Sc.Ed | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
101 | Dr. Sofia Hartati, M.Si. | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
102 | Dr. Tuti Tarwiyah Adi Sam, M.Si | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
103 | Dr. Hapidin, M.PD | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
104 | Dr. Karnadi, M.Pd. | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
105 | Dr. Yuliani Nurani, M.Pd. | Doctor | Early Childhood Education | Full-time Lecturer |
106 | Prof. Dr. Bedjo Sujanto, M.Pd | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
107 | Prof. Dr. Mukhneri Mukhtar, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
108 | Prof. Dr. R. Madhakomala, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
109 | Prof. Dr. Rugaiyah, M. Pd. | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
110 | Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
111 | Prof. Dr. Elianasari, M. Pd | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
112 | Dr. Netti Karnati, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
113 | Dr. Nurhattati, M.Pd | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
114 | Dr. Suryadi, M.Pd. | Doctor | Educational Management | Full-time Lecturer |
115 | Prof. Dr. Hamidah, SE., M.Si. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
116 | Prof. Dr. Syarifudin Tippe, S.IP., M.Si. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
117 | Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi, M.M., Ph.D. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
118 | Dr. Budi Santoso, M.M. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
119 | Dr. Dewi Susita, SE., M.Si. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
120 | Dr. Rd. Tuty Sariwulan, M.Si. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
121 | Unggul Purwohedi, SE., M.Si, M.Ak, Ph.D. | Doctor | Management | Full-time Lecturer |
122 | Prof. Dr. Zulela MS, M.Pd. | Doctor | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
123 | Prof. Dr. Ir. Arita Marini, M.M. | Doctor | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
124 | Prof. Dr. M.Japar, M.Si | Doctor | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
125 | Dr. Nidya Chandra Muji Utami, M.Si | Doctor | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |
126 | Dr. Iva Sarifah, M.Pd | Doctor | Basic Education | Full-time Lecturer |