About Us
The Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ)
The Universitas Negeri Jakarta (State University of Jakarta) is a transformation of the Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Jakarta (Jakarta Institute of Teacher and Educational Sciences), which was inaugurated through presidential decree 093/1999 on August 4, 1999. Before experiencing the name change to Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), the history of UNJ has begun in the 1950s at the beginning of Indonesia’s independence period. The lack of education personnel at all levels and types of educational institutions requires the government to establish various teacher education courses tasked with preparing prospective teachers. Therefore, the Government established B-I/B-II/PGSLP as a secondary school that aims to prepare prospective teachers. Furthermore, efforts to improve the quality and number of teachers continue to be carried out by the government, one of which is through the Decree of the Minister of P and K No. 382/Kab in 1954, the government also established the Higher Education Teacher Education (PTPG) in four cities namely Batusangkar, Manado, Bandung, and Malang. Thus there are two kinds of educational institutions that produce teachers: Course B-I/B-II/PGSLP and PTPG. The two institutions are then integrated into one educational institution through various stages. In 1957, PTPG was integrated into the Faculty of Teacher Teachers and Education at a nearby university. Based on PP No. 51 of 1958, the Faculty of Pedagogy is integrated into FKIP (Faculty of Teacher And Educational Sciences).
In 1963, the Ministry of Primary Education established the Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) to produce secondary school teachers; while based on the Decrees of ministers P and K No. 6 and 7, dated February 8, 1961, Course b-I and B-II were integrated into FKIP under the Ministry of Higher Education which also produced secondary school teachers. This dualism is perceived to be less effective and interferes with teacher education management. To overcome this, B-I and B-II courses in Jakarta are integrated into FKIP Universitas Indonesia (University of Indonesia). Through Presidential Decree No. 1 of 1963, dated January 3, 1963, the integration of the institutional system of teacher education. One of the Presidential Decree details is that this decree is valid since May 16, 1964, which was later declared as the birthday of IKIP Jakarta, which is the integration of FKIP Universitas Indonesia and IPG Jakarta. In the next development, IKIP Jakarta was expanding the mandate to develop educational and non-educational sciences in the university container. Until IKIP Jakarta, since August 4, 1999, became the Universitas Negeri Jakarta, and its inauguration was held by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on August 31, 1999, at the Istana Negara. The anniversary of Universitas Negeri Jakarta is the same as the Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), the forerunner of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, on May 16, 1964.
The Postgraduate of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, established in 1978, is the first structured Postgraduate in the environment of The Institute of Education of Education (LPTK) in Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan (Indonesia). In 1980, the Postgraduate School of UNJ was confirmed as the Postgraduate Faculty of IKIP Jakarta. Furthermore, based on Presidential Decree No. 45/1982 on the Organizational Structure of IKIP Jakarta, one of the faculties authorized is the Graduate Faculty. Educational programs include the Master’s Program and Doctoral Program.
The Master’s Program that was opened was Technology Education, Language Education, Sports Education, Environmental Education, and Chemical Education. IKIP Jakarta graduates get additional duties to foster Credit Collection Activities (KPK) organized by other universities, namely the Historical Education Study Program held at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo and the Technology Education Study Program at IKIP Yogyakarta. Likewise, there are several courses under the Postgraduate Faculty of IKIP Jakarta that are not held in IKIP Jakarta, namely the Administration Education Study Program held at IKIP Padang and Research and Evaluation Education Study Program held in IKIP Yogyakarta.
Starting in 1996, the Master of Research and Evaluation Education Study Program and Master of Education Management Study program held at IKIP Jakarta. Simultaneously, the study program outside IKIP Jakarta built by IKIP Jakarta Postgraduate Program has held lectures independently. At that time, IKIP Jakarta also opened the Master of Elementary School Early Grade Study Program and preschool education, which later became the Early Childhood Education Study Program.
The next policy is that in 1999 government gave an expansion of the mandate to IKIP Jakarta by changing its name to the Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ). Since then, the Postgraduate has the authority to open a non-educational Study Program. Following the community’s needs, in the academic year 2006-2007 opened the Master’s Program of Primary Education in 2006, Applied Linguistics, and Environmental Management S2 in 2009. 2014 Master of Counseling Guidance Program,
Furthermore, the Early Childhood Education Doctoral Study Program get the operational license in 2019. In 2020 there are change of names nomenclature from the master’s study program of Population and Environmental Education to Environmental Education, from Sports Education to Physical Education, Language Education to Indonesian Language Education. Furthermore, the Doctoral Study Program of Sports Education became Physical Education, and Language Education became Applied Linguistics.
To be a Center of Education – based on Post Graduate Research that reputable in Asia.
To contribute to the advancement of science, technology, and the arts through the implementation of Tridharma Higher Education to contribute to Indonesia and the global community.
Organize Education based on research to produce intelligent, advanced, and civilized graduates.
Produce quality research to support the achievements of universities that are reputable and contribute to Indonesia and the global community.
Downstream of science, technology, and art through community service activities based on education and research.
To conduct cooperation in education, research, and community service with various agencies at home and abroad.
Academic Values
Our Academic Values
Academic values developed by the Postgraduate of UNJ in carrying out their activities refer to the values listed in the UNJ statute, namely,
- academic integrity and reputation.
- responsibility and sincerity to educate the life of a noble cultured nation.
- visionary leadership, democracy, freedom, and openness.
- self-reliance, partnership, and royalty.
- benefits for the nation, country, and humanity.
Based on the above values, Postgraduate of UNJ prioritizes the following.
- Academic integrity, namely intellectual honesty and responsibility for academic work, developed. Academic integrity involves a commitment to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and reliable responsibility. It is expected that students will respect ethical values in all activities related to learning, research, and devotion.
- Excellence, every academics at Postgraduate of UNJ strives to achieve the highest performance standards in all aspects of carrying out the task. Always striving to exceed the expectations of the people served, giving more than promised feels like setting high standards on hard work, knowledge, and problem-solving.
- Respect, respect for the rights of others in order to promote an open-minded campus environment. Lecturers, students, and administrative staff are treated with great respect and decency based on cultural and religious diversity and nationality.
- Service realized as a service organization in academics and the importance of “customer relationship (student)” to meet customer needs, accuracy, and quality of service becomes an important factor in creating a culture that values valuable services and encourages mutual Project a friendly and courteous attitude in every customer interaction. Provide fast, precise and accurate information. Overcoming barriers in service to students. Respond to all requests quickly, effectively, and efficiently. Anticipate customer needs and simplifies the service process.
- Continuous improvement, through continuous policy evaluation, all aspects of management, education, services, and non-academic aspects are analyzed regularly and continuously to achieve maximum and optimal performance points. These evaluation results serve as the basis for replacing or eliminating less effective strategies in improving the personality, character, and identity of academic civitas Postgraduate of UNJ (students, lecturers, and administrative staff).
visionary leadership
benefits for the nation
Management Standards
The management of Postgraduate of UNJ follows the following provisions,
- The Director is appointed and dismissed by the Rector. The Postgraduate Director conducts the education of the Master and Doctorate programs for the field of multidisciplinary science.
- The Deputy of Academic Affairs was appointed and dismissed by the Rector at the Director’s suggestion. Deputy Director I, assisting the Director in leading education, research, and community service.
- The Deputy of Finance and General General Affairs (Deputy Director II) was appointed and dismissed by the Rector at the Director’s suggestion. Deputy Director II supports the Director in leading the implementation of activities in finance and general administration.
- Deputy Director of Student Affairs, Alumnae, Corporate and Public Information (Deputy Director III) was appointed and dismissed by the Rector on the Director’s proposal. Deputy Director III supports the Director in leading the implementation of activities in student, alumnae, cooperation, and information public.
- The Coordinator of the Study Program was appointed and dismissed by the Rector based on the proposal of the Director of Pascasarjana, who is structurally responsible to the Rector of Study Program Coordinator, managing educational and learning activities so that students can master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve the learning achievements of graduates (CPL) courses.
- Each study program organizes academic activities in Postgraduate of UNJ following the provisions stated in the Book of Academic Guide (BPA). UNJ Postgraduate led by the Coordinator of the Study
- Quality Assurance Group (GPjM) implements supervision and control of internal quality assurance systems in the academic and non-academic fields of UNJ
- Group of Scientific Articles and Dissemination (GAD), assisted deputy director of student affairs, alumnae, publications, and cooperation and at the same time as a center for communication and postgraduate information.
- Public Information in mentoring thesis completion, dissertation, and scientific articles and publications.
- Publication, Information, and Cooperation (GPIK ) assisting The Deputy Director of Student Affairs, Alumni, Cooperation, and Public
- Head of Administrative Subsection conducts planning, financial, academic, student, alumni, staffing, supervision, domestic affairs, cooperation, information systems, and management of state-owned goods in a postgraduate environment.
Educator Standards
Educator Standard of Postgraduate of UNJ refers to Permendikbud Number 03 The Year2020 on National Standards of Higher Education (SNPT), Permenpan and RB Number 46 of 2013 on Changes to the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform No. 17 of 2013 on the Functional Department of Lecturers and Credit Figures, and Permenristekdikti Number 44 of 2016 on The Organization and Governance of UNJ.
Lecturers of the Master’s program UNJ are:
- have doctoral education qualifications in the relevant fields.
- have educator certificate.
- have an academic position of at least Lector.
- have expertise following the field of material science to be able to
- have at least one scientific article published in a national journal accredited/SINTA/internationally reputable and/or another monumental form of work recognized by the expert group.
- Practitioners have expertise following the field of science-relate
Lecturers of the Doctor program UNJ are:
- the fixed lecturer who has NIDN/NIDK.
- have doctoral education qualifications in the relevant fields.
- have a certificate of educator.
- have an academic position at least Associate Professor.
- have expertise by the field of material science to be able to.
- has at least one scientific article published in a national journal accredited/Sinta/internationally reputable and / or another monumental form of work recognized by the expert group.
- Practitioners have expertise following the field of science-related.