Lapor Pasca


1. Agus Joko Susanto


2020 The influence of employee behavior, personality, and cultural values on the green hospitals performance.

The purpose of the study was to obtain information and find out the direct influence of behavior, personality, and cultural values on green hospital performance. The data were collected by using quesionnaires distributed to 101 samples. The samples were chosen through probability sampling technique from the population – all 136 employees in Rumah Sakit Ketergantungan Obat (RSKO) Cibubur Jakarta Timur. The research method was associative causal using a quantitative approach. Applying a path analysis, the results showed that there was a direct influence of employees behavior on green hospital performance (β = 0.285); there is a direct effect of employees personality on green hospital performance (β = 0.291); there is a direct effect of cultural values on green hospital performance model (β = 0.412); there is a direct influence of employees behavior on cultural values (β = 0.209); there is a direct effect of employees personality on cultural values (β = 0.210); there is an indirect effect of employees behavior through cultural values on green hospital performance (β = 0.421); there is an indirect effect of employees personality through cultural values on green hospital performance (β = 0.512). The conclusion of this study shows that, if you want to improve the performance of green hospitals, then factors such as employee behavior, employee personality, and cultural values, need to be improved as well. Cultural values are not the only ones that affect the performance of green hospitals, but it also needs to consider employee behavior and employee personality.


Keywords: Green hospital, performance, behavior, personality, cultural values.


2. Agus Saefudin


2020 Development of Extended Producer Responsibility (Epr) Model Based on Waste Products And Biogeochemical Criteria In Urban Waste Reduction Efforts.

The objectives of this study were (1) to produce a concept of developing an EPR model based on product waste and biogeochemical criteria for reducing municipal waste (2) to produce a product waste sorting design using a separate waste container by grouping 13 types of plastic packaging waste and 3 types of waste plastic products/goods that have been made previously, (3) validating the EPR model by experts and waste management practitioners measuring the feasibility level, and (4) distributing EPR models based on waste products to stakeholders. This research includes the type of research and development (R&D) which refers to the 4-D model by Thiagarajan, with Define, Design, Develop and Dessiminate. Instrument used was a non-test instrument with a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 4 answer choices. Questionnaire is used in the validation process of experts and practitioners in the feasibility assessment of waste management. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively. Furthermore, the results of the analysis are used to revise the developed EPR model. The results of research and development of model EPR following conclusions: (1) obtained the concept of developing an EPR model based on product waste and biogeochemical criteria for urban waste reduction with a flowchart system, (2) the initial design consisted of preparation, implementation, recording and Reporting, (3) Validation of waste management experts that has been carried out obtains a total score of 63 with a percentage of 73.056% which is categorized as “feasible” from the 5 aspects that have been assessed; Validation of waste management technique practitioners that have been carried out obtained a total score of 59 with a percentage of 80.903% which categorized as “feasible” approaching “very feasible” from the 4 aspects that have been assessed, (4) the distribution of the EPR model based on product waste is carried out using the media either offline using flash disk or online.


Keywords: Waste separation, Extended Producer Responsibility Model, Reduction of waste products, Community participation.


3. Ali Maulana Hakim


2020 The Relationship Between Instructional Leadership, Locus of Control, and Big-Five Personality with Citizenship Behavior.

This research was aimed at finding out the relationship between instructional leadership, locus of control, and personality, with citizenship behavior (CB). In order meet with this objective, a survey method has been applied by involving 103 students as sample. There are four instruments, measuring citizenship behavior; (2) Instructional leadership; (3) Locus of control; and (4) Personality. Regression and correlational analysis used to verify it relationship. Research result reveal that there is positive and significant correlation between instructional leadership and citizenship behavior, locus of control and citizenship behavior, personality and citizenship behavior, and finally between instructional leadership, locus of control, and personality with citizenship behavior. It could be concluded that in improving citizenship behavior, instructional leadership, locus of control, and personality can not be neglected.


Keywords: citizenship behavior, instructional leadership, locus of control, and personality.


4. Alprida Harahap 9908917003 2020 The Effect of student attitudes toward the environment, personal responsibility, and environmental sensitivity to green behavioral consumers’ intentions; exploratory study of students in North Sumatra.

This study was to find out about the direct and indirect effects of student attitudes toward environment, personal responsibility and environmental sensitivity to green behavioral consumers intentions. The population in this study were all college students in the city of North Sumatra province. The research sample of 200 students. The research method was carried out in an exploratory manner where quantitative approaches and survey methods are causal in nature with path analysis techniques. The results showed that only environmental sensitivity directly effect to green behavioral consumers’ intention, whereas students’ attitudes toward the environment, personal responsibility does not directly effect to green behavioral consumers intention. Furthermore, students ‘attitudes towards the environment and personal responsibility do not directly effect to green behavioral consumers’ intention through environmental sensitivity. The existence of green behavioral consumers intention is an effort to realize SDGs point 12, namely consumption and responsible production. Therefore, to make the people of North Sumatra concerned about the environment it is necessary to grow green behavioral consumers’ intention by increasing environmental sensitivity through its indicators.


Keywords: Green Behavioral Consumers, Environmental Sensitivity, Personal responsibility, Student Attitudes.


5. Ashar Pramono


2020 The Effect of Corporate Culture, Managerial Ability, And Decision Making on Leader Performance In Managing The Environment In PT TIMAH TBK.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of corporate culture, managerial ability, and decision making on the performance of leaders in managing the environment. The research process was carried out at PT Timah Tbk, Bangka Belitung Province. The study sample was 81 managers at PT TIMAH TBK selected in simple random sampling. This research uses a quantitative research approach using survey research methods and path analysis techniques. The results of the study show the following: (1) corporate culture has a positive direct effect on the performance of leaders in managing the environment, (2) managerial ability has a positive direct effect on the performance of leaders in managing the environment, (3) decision making has a positive direct effect on the performance of leaders in managing the environment, (4) corporate culture has positive direct influence on decision making, (5) managerial ability has a positive direct influence on decision making. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that any changes or variations that occur in the performance of leaders in managing the environment are positively influenced by company culture, managerial ability, and decision making.


Keywords: Corporate Culture, Managerial Ability, Decision Making, Leader Performance


6. Budur

771 709 0917

2020 The Effectiveness of Regional Environmental Planning Objective from 2013 to 2017 : A Comparative study of five Regional Environmental Management offices in South Sulawesi Province.

The purpose of this research is to comprehend the description and formulation of a policy related to the planning of environmental management budget allocation, and to see to what extent planning and budgeting in the environmental field can work according to the environmental conditions in each region. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a comparative analysis approach which using an analysis or documentary study about planning and budget allocation for environmental management among regencies or cities. The result of this research found out that the achievements of environmental management of each local government can be measured or can not be measured in terms of its success in environmental management in the province of South Sulawesi. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that environmental interest is a priority in carrying out development. It is not only prioritizing the interests of economic growth, but rather prioritizing environmental sustainability for the next generation.


Keywords: Regional Environmental, Planning Objective, Environmental Management Offices.


7. Cucu Cahyana 7417130114 2020 The Environmental Morale as a Mediator Between Instructional Leadership And Naturalistic Intellegence With Citizenship Behavior of SMAN 4 Jakarta Students Towards Environment.

Environmental degradation has been identified caused by human lifestyles, indicated by human behavior. That was why this research was aimed at finding out information about verifying a confirmative model which consisted of students’ citizenship behavior toward environment (CBE) affected by instructional leadership (IL), naturalistic intelligence (NI), and mediated by environmental morale (EM). A causal survey used, and 132 senior high school students selected as sample. Four instruments developed for measuring IL (reliability/rel. was .842), NI (rel. .759), EM (rel. .784) and CBE (rel. .837). Data analyzed by multiple regression and correlation, and path analysis. The research results showed that environmental morale was proved to be good mediated factor between students NI which indirectly affect significantly on students CBE. Base on the result IL was significant directly effect on students CBE and NI was not significant directly effect on students CBE, therefore, it could be concluded that if one of the efforts in trying to save our the only one planet, in empowering students’ citizenship behavior toward environment, students environmental ethic which closely related to morale, might be taken into account when the role of teachers in term of their leadership and students naturalistic intelligence could be not neglected at the instructional process in environmental education at any schools.


Keywords: citizenship behavior; instructional leadership; naturalistic intelligence; environment morale.


8. Damianus Dai Koban 9908917001 2020 Students’ Environmental Personality , Its Relationship Based Onstudents’attitude Toward Ecosistem’locus of Control And Personal Responsibility.

Students’ Personality to the environment, is largely determined by supporting factors of personality such as environmental attitude, locus of control and personal responsibility. The students’ personality will be good if their attitudes are good, the attitudes are good if the students’ control are also good in and outside of themselves, the self-control of students will be good because of supported by their personal responsibility. If students’ environmental behavior will be built positively, then there must be considered the role of personality. The objective of this research is to find what factors related scientifically to personality in environmental settings. This research used noncausal survey method by selecting 120 eleventh grade students of Private High School in Jakarta randomly. There are four instruments developed to measure personality (Big Five personality) with reliability (0.796), students’ attitudes towards the environment (0.561), LOC (0.602) and personal responsibility (0.861). Data were analyzed by regression and correlation. The results revealed that those three independent variables (attitudes, LOC and personal responsibility) were positively and significantly correlated with students’ personalities, particularly after being tested by second order correlation. Environmental attitude, locus of control and personal responsibility variables are the biggest contributors to students’ personality variance. Changing the students’ environmental behavior will be affected by personality, therefore these three factors can be counted by the time students’ personality being built to be more positive towards the environment.

Keywords: big-five personality, locus of control, personal responsibility, secondorder correlation.


9. Erian Fatria


2020 The Effect of Personal Investment, Personal Commitment, Locus of Control and Intention to Act on Citizenship Behavior.

This study was aimed at finding out the confirmatory information from the Hungerford and Volk (1990) model regarding the effect of personal investment, personal commitment, locus of control, intention to act, and citizenship behavior. A survey method was used by involving 185 generation Z students as sample in this study. There were five instruments in this study for measuring citizenship behavior (21 items, reliability .917), personal investment (28 items, reliability .947), personal commitment (30 items, reliability .938) locus of control (30 items, reliability .923 ) and intention to act (24 items, reliability .945). Data was analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistics for linearity test and path analysis. The results revealed that citizenship behavior significantly affected directly personal investment, personal commitment, locus of control and intention to act. Moreover, it was also found that citizenship behavior significantly affected indirectly by personal investment and personal commitment through locus of control and intention to act. Based on the findings of this research, it could be concluded that if you would like the environmental citizenship behavior towards the Generation Z to be better and minimize its variations, therefore, the major and minor predictor variables in the Model of Hungerford & Volk (1990) used in this research namely personal investment, personal commitment, locus of control, and intention to act needed to be considered and developed the variations effect on the environmental citizenship behavior on the basis of an empirical finding model.


Keywords: Citizenship Behavior, Personal Investment, Personal Commitment, Locus of Control, Intention to Act


10. Hamiyati


2020 Students’ Responsibility Behavior on the Environment Reviewing From Students’ Knowledge of the Environment, Attitude to Graha Basic And Personality.


This research was aimed at finding out the relationship between environmental knowledge, attitude of Dasar Graha, personality, with Responsible Environmental Behavior (REB). In order meet with this objective, a survey method has been applied by involving 150 students as sample. There are four instruments, (1) Responsible Environmental Behavior (REB), (2) environmental knowledge; (3) attitude of Dasar Graha; and (4) personality. Regression and correlational analysis used to verify it relationship. Research result reveal that, there is positive and significant correlation between environmental knowledge and Responsible Environmental Behavior, personality and Responsible Environmental Behavior. It could be concluded that Environmental knowledge, and personality variables are the biggest contributors to students’ REB variance.


Keywords: REB, big-five personality.


11. Muhammad Agus Umar


2020 Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence, Knowledge, of Basic Ecological Concepts, and Locus of Control And Altruistic Behavior of The Environment.

This study aims to produce a direct relationship model both conceptually and empirically between spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control with environmental altruistic behavior at SMAN 1 South Halmahera both individually and together, both in control and not . The method used was a survey with a correlational study involving eighty-five samples. Four variable were measured, namely environmental altruistic behavior, spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA. The results showed that there was a direct relationship model both conceptually and empirically between spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control with environmental altruistic behavior both individually and together, both in control and not. This novel research is a model of environmental altruistic behavior in high school students that is associated with spiritual intelligence, knowledge of the basic concepts of ecology, and locus of control. The research contribution shows that thirty seven point five percentof the variance ofenvironmental altruistic behavior models can be explained by spiritual intelligence, knowledge of ecological concepts and locus of control together. Therefore, it can be concluded that if the altruistic behavior model of the environment will increase, then spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control must be improved.


Keywords: spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, locus of control, and environmental altruistic behavior.


12. Panisean Nasoetion




2020 Transformational Model of Environmental Leadership of Local Authorities in Lampung Province



The purpose of this study is to develop a transformational model of environmental leadership for local government officials in Lampung Province. The problem in this research is that the transformational model of environmental leadership is not yet known. Therefore, the formulation of the problem in this study is “What is the transformational model of environmental leadership for local government officials in Lampung Province?” The method used in this research is the model development method. To test the construct validity using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) statistical model and the Barlett test. The results of construct testing from experts (theoretical validation) related to substance, construct, and language showed an average result of 92.6 which means that the instrument is very feasible to be tested. Meanwhile, the results of the field test (empirical) on 240 research samples showed that the KMO and Barlett values were very significant. This means that the instrument being tested is very valid and reliable. The environmental leadership reliability coefficient obtained Cronbach Alpha value (r) = 0.979 is very reliable. Based on the research that has been done, it has produced standard instruments / environmental leadership standards as well as a transformational model of environmental leadership for local government officials in Lampung Province.


Keyword: Environmental Leadership Standards, Models of Environmental Leadership.


13. Rasminto 2020 Big-Five Personality and Knowledge about Reproduction Health with Healthy Life Motivation



This research is aims to about the relationship between the big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health with the healthy life motivation in DKI Jakarta Province. The method used was a survey with a correlational study involving 279 samples. There are three instruments that measure the healthy life motivation (rel. 971), big-five personality (rel. 937), and knowledge about reproductive health (rel. 874). The research data was carried out by multiple regression. Research results; First, there is a positive and significant relationship between the big-five personality and the healthy life motivation, although controlled by the second order correlation. Second, there is a negative and significant relationship between knowledge about reproductive health and healthy life motivation, although it is controlled by the second order correlation. Third, there is positive and significant relationship between big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health together with the healthy life motivation. And also of the five factors, the big-five personality showed by the strongest to contribution to the healthy life motivation is extraversion and agreeableness. Therefore, it can be neglected that the healthy life motivation will be improved, so the big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health must be considered


Keyword: Healthy life motivation, big-five personality, and knowledge reproduction health.


14. Ria Murdiati 2020 The relationship between healthy living knowledge, personality, and teacher leadership with healthy living behavior in 1 senior high school bekasi city.


Healthy living is a condition which want to be achieved by everyone. The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between healthy living knowledge, personality, and teacher leadership with healthy living behavior. This study uses quantitative methods with correlational technique sized 100 female students of 1 Senior High School Bekasi City as sample. Data collection was carried out through participant observation using instruments in the form of statements. Result of this study showed that: (1) there was a positive relationship between level of students’ healthy living knowledge with healthy living behavior; (2) there was a positive relationship between personality with healthy living behavior; (3) there was a positive relationship between teacher leadership with healthy living behavior; and (4) there was a positive relationship between students’ healthy living knowledge, personality, and teacher leadership as a whole with healthy living behavior. The results of this study concluded that increasing students’ healthy living knowledge, students’ personality, and teacher leadership of 1 Senior High School Bekasi City’s teachers would improve healthy living behavior.


Keywords: Knowledge, Personality, Teacher leadership, Healthy living behavior.


15. Teguh Supriyadi 7417080712


2020 Relationship between Students’ Knowledge, Perception, Teachers’ Social Support and Healthy Behavior of Elementary Students in Schools around Traditional Market

Healthy behavior of elementary school students in schools is still a problem. Especially for students who are around traditional market. This study aims to determine the relationship between (1) elementary school students’ knowledge about environmental health, (2) perceptions about the cleanliness of the school’s physical environment, (3) social support of elementary school teachers, and (4) the three variables altogether with healthy life behaviors of elementary school students in schools around traditional market. This research is a quantitative research with survey method. The population in this study were elementary school students around Ciputat Market, South Tangerang City, Banten Province, namely: State Elementary School (SDN) 01 Ciputat and 06 Ciputat. The sample in this study were elementary school students in grades 4, 5 and 6. This study was conducted online with a questionnaire in Google form format. The instruments (questionnaire and test) were tested for the validity and reliability. Data analysis uses regression and correlation. The research findings show that; (1) there is a positive and significant relationship between elementary school students’ perceptions of the cleanliness of the school’s physical environment and healthy behavior of elementary school students in school at α=0.05; (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between social support of elementary school teachers to students with healthy behavior of elementary school students in school at α=0.05; (3) there is no significant relationship between elementary students’ knowledge about environmental health and healthy behavior of elementary school students in school at α=0.05; and (4) there is no relationship between elementary students’ perceptions of the cleanliness of the school’s physical environment, social support of elementary school teachers to students, and elementary school students’ knowledge of environmental health altogether with the healthy behavior of elementary school students at school. It can be concluded from the findings that to improve and develop the healthy behavior of elementary school students in schools, factors such as students’ perceptions of the cleanliness of the school’s physical environment and teachers social support need to be considered and developed. Although students’ knowledge of environmental health is not related to healthy behavior, it still needs to be considered in the context of behavior permanence.

Keywords: behavior, perception, social support, knowledge


16. Muhammad Agus Umar


2020 The Relationship Between Spiritual Intelligence, Knowledge About Ecological Concepts, And Locus Of Control With Environmental Altruistic Behavior.

between spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control with environmental altruistic behavior at SMAN 1 South Halmahera both individually and together, both in control and not . The method used was a survey with a correlational study involving eighty-five samples. Four variable were measured, namely environmental altruistic behavior, spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA. The results showed that there was a direct relationship model both conceptually and empirically between spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control with environmental altruistic behavior both individually and together, both in control and not. This novel research is a model of environmental altruistic behavior in high school students that is associated with spiritual intelligence, knowledge of the basic concepts of ecology, and locus of control. The research contribution shows that thirty seven point five percent of the variance of environmental altruistic behavior models can be explained by spiritual intelligence, knowledge of ecological concepts and locus of control together. Therefore, it can be concluded that if the altruistic behavior model of the environment will increase, then spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, and locus of control must be improved.


Keywords: Model of spiritual intelligence, students’ knowledge of ecological concepts, locus of control, and environmental altruistic behavior


17. Rasminto 7417157813 2020 Big-Five Personality And Knowledge About Reproduction Health With Healthy Life Motivation (A Study Correlational of Public High School Students in Jakarta Province).

This research is aims to about the relationship between the big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health with the healthy life motivation in DKI Jakarta Province. The method used was a survey with a correlational study involving 279 samples. There are three instruments that measure the healthy life motivation (rel. 971), big-five personality (rel. 937), and knowledge about reproductive health (rel. 874). The research data was carried out by multiple regression. Research results; 1) there is a positive and significant relationship between the big-five personality and the healthy life motivation, although controlled by the second order correlation; 2) there is a negative and significant relationship between knowledge about reproductive health and healthy life motivation, although it is controlled by the second order correlation;3) and there is a positive and significant relationship between big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health together with the healthy life motivation. And also of the five factors, the big-five personality showed by the strongest to contribution to the healthy life motivation is extraversion and agreeableness. Therefore, it can be neglected that the healthy life motivation will be improved, so the big-five personality and knowledge about reproductive health must be considered.


Keyword: Healthy life motivation, big-five personality, and knowledge about reproduction health.


18. Yuliati Hotmauli Sipahutar 7717050291 2020 Influence of Leadership, Cleaner Production, Work Motivation, In Preserving Coastal Environmental.

This research was aimed to explain effect of leadership, cleaner production, work motivation in preserving the coastal environment. This research is quantitative explanatory research. The sampling technique applied proportional random sampling by determining number of samples of 90 respondents. The population was all fish processing fishermen in Tangerang Regency,totalling 833. Sources of data obtained from primary data by distributing questionnaires. Afterwards this study used Path Analysis. The result showed that leadership had a significant influence on both cleaner production and work motivation. Cleaner production had a significant influence in preserving coastal environment. Work motivation had a significant influence on preserving the coastal environment. Leaderdhip through cleaner production had a significant influence in preserving the coastal environment. Leadership through work motivation provides a significant on preserving the coastal environment. The novelty of this research was preserving the coastal environment, it took a leader who known how to influence, direct and build cooperation, to conducting clean production at the stages of the salted fish processing process by motivating the work of salted fish processing people.


Keyword: Cleaner Production, Leadership, Preserving Coastal Environment, Work Motivation.


19. Aminah Zuhriyah 2021 The Effect of Collaborative Learning Model and Personality Type on Environmental Sensitivity




This study aims to determine the effect of collaborative learning models on environmental sensitivity, related to structured problem-solving techniques and learning cell techniques and personality types related to extroverted and introverted types, on Natural Sciences subjects. This study uses an experimental method with the 2 x 2 ANAVA model and the research design (R) O1 X O2 and (R) O1 X O2, in class X-Accountancy students at Yatindo Vocational High School, Bekasi City, overall the research sample is 60 students who were given the treatment of collaborative learning models with structured problem-solving and learning cell techniques. The results of this study are: 1). There is a difference of influence between students who learn collaborative learning models structured problem solving techniques with students who learn learning cell learning models of environmental techniques. 2). There is a difference in influence between students of extravert personality types and introverted personality type students on environmental sensitivity. 3). There is an interaction effect between collaborative learning models and personality types on students’ environmental sensitivity. 4). There is a difference in effect between students learning collaborative learning models structured problem-solving techniques and collaborative learning models of cell learning techniques in extrovert personality type students to environmental sensitivity. 5). There is a difference in effect between students learning collaborative learning models structured problem-solving techniques and collaborative learning models of cell learning techniques in introverted personality type students on environmental sensitivity. 6). There is a difference of influence between extrovert personality type students and introvert personality type students who learn the collaborative learning model of structured problemsolving techniques on environmental sensitivity. 7). There is a difference of influence between extrovert personality type students and introvert personality type students who learn the collaborative learning model of learning cell techniques on environmental sensitivity.


Keywords: Environmental sensitivity; Personality type; Collaborative learning model.


20. Emil Kamayana


2020 Community Based Conservation For Environmental Justice

East Kalimantan Province is a province that has a forest area of 14,651,553 ha or 70.22% of the provincial area. One of the well-known conservation forest areas is the Soeharto Forest Park. However, over time the condition of the forest area has decreased drastically. It takes a new movement in managing conservation areas to support the creation of Sustainable Forest Management. This study aims to explain the appropriate modeling in the management of the Soeharto Forest Area in order to support Environmental Justice by using a descriptive method with a qualitative phenomenological approach involving the East Kalimantan Provincial Forest Service, UPTD Management of Soeharto Forest Park, NGOs, Communities. and Company. The success of forest area management is influenced by several factors, namely (1) Participatory planning and capacity building to strengthen management skills in the community, (2) Collaboration and partnerships that facilitate linkages with industrial business markets to ensure financial viability for the community, (3) Establishing strong leadership elements to ensure results are in line with the values held by the community, (4) Assistance from relevant stakeholders (funding agencies, and the private sector) in facilitating access to the formal economy in a sustainable manner, (5) Focus on generating additional income for the long-term sustainability of the community with consistency in direction of activities based on conservative forestry resource efficiency objectives. Appropriate modeling in the management of the Soeharto Forest Area is based on Community Based Conservation with the active and responsible role of relevant stakeholders based on a commitment to environmental concern, as well as an environmentally sound attitude which is strongly influenced by emotional, motivational and intellectual aspects in responding to various objects, concepts, and situations that occurred in the Soeharto Forest Area.


Keywords: Community Based Conservation, Environmental Justice, Soeharto Hill Forest Area.