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Study Program Profile


The Language Education Study Program was one of the first courses opened when the Postgraduate Program of UNJ was established. Master’s Program of Language Education obtained operational license since 1993 with Decree of The Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education No. 590/ DIKTI / Kep / 1993 with the name of Master’s of Language Education Study Program. Graduated with master’s degree in Language Education (M.Pd). Input Master’s Program of Language Education is a bachelor of education from various languages such as Indonesian, English, German, French, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, Regional, and other foreign languages. Based on the results of tracer studies conducted, undergraduate graduates have mastered the subject of the target language. In order to meet the needs of higher levels, the Master of Language Education Program specializes in language education science covering all existing language languages.

As the only state language education study program in the capital city of Jakarta, the Master’s Program of Language Education has uniqueness and attractiveness because it is able to accommodate various language education backgrounds, both Indonesian, regional, and foreign. Graduates who are mostly language educators require further study to the master’s level. Therefore, the Master’s program of Language Education is a forum for Graduates of Language Education to develop their competencies as teachers and educators in the field of language education, especially for those who work as educators in the Capital of Indonesia.

The establishment of language education is based on the Constitution of 1945 Article 35 which places Indonesian as an official language whose existence and sustainability must be maintained and fostered. Language development is an effort to improve the quality of language use through language learning at all types and levels of education and language correction to various levels of society. The basis of the constitution for the use of this language is further explained in Law No. 24 of 2009 in Chapter III, Article 25 to Article 45.

Like the two sides of a coin, the arrangement of The Indonesian language as the language of the country, is certainly related to the regulation of regional languages and foreign languages. The function and position of Indonesian language, regional language, and foreign language is contained in Government Regulation No. 57 of 2014. The function and position of the use of regional languages and foreign languages is a complement to the regulation on The Indonesian language that is required in the implementation of national education in Indonesia. Regional languages may be used in the early stages of education to convey certain knowledge and skills. Similarly, foreign languages can also be used as an introductory language to support the acquisition of foreign language proficiency of learners. Both regional and foreign languages have the supporting function of Indonesian as the main language of instruction in the national education system.

The urgency of Indonesian language, regional language, and foreign language in the national education system encourages UNJ to organize and develop a modern and advanced Language Education Study Program in an effort to produce graduates who are proficient in understanding, developing, and applying ethical and moral language education; organizing and developing competitive, modern, and advanced language education, based on science and technology in accordance with the development of society.

Based on ban external quality audit of PT No. 2113/SK/BAN- PT/Akred/M/IX/2016, The Master’s of Language Education Program successfully obtained accreditation of A (excellent). Based on the Internal Quality Audit of UNJ year 2020, the Master’s of Language Education Study Program obtained the title “very good ” for all criteria of learning standards. This shows that the Master’s of Language Education Program has carried out the academic process according to the quality and standards that have been set.

In line with the vision of Postgraduate, the content of the study program is “To become the reference center for interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary language and literary learning innovations that are reputable in Asia”. The mission formulated by the study program is “Contribute to the advancement of Science, Technology, and The Arts through the implementation of the Three Pillars of Higher Education in the field of language and literature education so as to contribute to the development of Indonesia and the global community”. This vision and mission are aligned with the Main Performance Indicators of Postgraduate which is the basic reference for the Master’s of Language Education work program, namely:

  1. Academic Excellence in the Master’s Program of Language Education has the following development goals: a) Curriculum innovation and learning based on 21st century proficiency and oriented towards industrial revolution 4.0; b) Competency of graduates of the Master’s Program of Language Education who has character and quality culture
  2. Research Excellence in the Master’s Program of Language Education has the following development goals: a) Producing research that becomes the direction of research of language education researchers in Indonesia; b) Improving the Quality of language education research cooperation with international institutions; c) Improving the relevancy and impact of research and community service on language learning; d) Increase capacity and innovation in theses
  3. International Recognition of the Master’s of Language Education has the following development objectives: a) Expansion of international access; b) Excellent Study Program in Master’s of Language Education with international standard; c) Quality and impact of cooperation; d) Graduates of Master’s of Language Education who are qualified and competitive

Implementation of Key Performance Indicators of this study program are outlined in the curriculum, learning, and research of the study program. The curriculum in the Language Education Study Program is oriented towards achieving vision and mission. The Language Education Study Program routinely evaluates and updates the curriculum involving internal and external stakeholders, expert reviews of language education, associations, industries, and its suitability with the development of Science and Technology (IPTEK), user needs, and policy novelty. The curriculum developed in 2020 refers to the latest policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely (1) Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number 3 of 2020 on National Standards of Higher Education, (2)  Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2012 on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI), and (3) Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Education (Permendikbud) Number 73 Year 2013 on the Application of KKNI in Universities. For the master’s level, the curriculum developed refers to level 8, namely developing science and technology through inter/multi-disciplinary research, innovation, and proven. During 2020, the Master’s Of Language Education Study Program has conducted a curriculum review by looking at: (1) vision and mission, (2) Core And Common Competencies of the Master’s of Language Education Study Program ,(3) development of learning achievements, (4) competency mapping of graduates, (5) mapping of study materials, (6) achievements of learning courses, (7) RPS which includes: materials, teaching and learning process, novelty of reference and assessment, (8) development of teaching materials, (9) comparison of learning media. The results of this study also provides to map out the difference between the Bachelor’s of Language Education (Indonesia, regional, and foreign) levels at level 6 KKNI, the Master’s of Language Education level at level 8 KKNI, and level 9 KKNI for the Doctoral level of Language Education.