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Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Doctoral Program


Educational technology is closely related to the national education system, from early childhood education to higher education.  Therefore, the scope of this study program is on secondary and tertiary education and formal education in terms of approaches, strategies, methods, models, and techniques for delivering learning material and developing students’ understanding.  In addition, its scope is also in terms of how education can produce qualified Indonesian human resources through better quality education system by implementing theories and concepts into practice to support educational innovation.  The Educational Technology Doctoral Study Program started in 1982 as soon as the Postgraduate Faculty of Jakarta Teacher Training Institute began.

  • Producing academic staff who can develop and manage new approaches to teaching and learning;
  • Developing professional skills in the field of Technology Education as a basis to align with the times and needs;
  • Improving professional services in the field of Technology Education through research and development;
  • Formulating solutions to various learning problems scientifically through a technology education approach;
  • Contributing to the advancement and application of science and technology to create a learning society.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Learning Designer/Developer Able to design and also develop an education learning strategy
Researcher in education and learning which is capable to solve internal problems Educational Technology area Able to become an education and learning researcher who can resolve problems on educational technology
Education Program Evaluator Able to be an evaluator of the educational program.  Evaluation for assurance purposes quality of academic programs sustainable
Professional Leader and manager in Educational Technology development Able to be a leader and manager, become a professional  developer of Educational Technology
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99029113 IT-Based Learning Models 3
99029123 Innovation Diffusion Theory and Model in Education 3
99029133 Evaluation of Educational Models and Programs 3
99029143 Learning System Development 3
99029153 Educational Technology Literacy 3
99029183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99029193 Educational Technology Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99029413 Leadership in Learning Organizations 3
99029423 Tests, Measurement, and Evaluation Models 3
Choose 1 () course from the available Elective Courses.
Matriculation courses
99029013 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

The Physical Education program for the doctoral degree was established in 1993 as stated in the Decree of Establishment Number 590 concerning the Establishment of the Program/Dikti/Kep/1993 and Decree Number 711/M2020 concerning Changes in the Name of the Study Program.  In addition, the Physical Education doctoral study program was accredited based on the BAN-PT Decree Number 006/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/2015. This accreditation rating has been valid starting in 2015.

  • Able to develop new knowledge about pedagogical theory, literacy, the benefits of technology, and new arts about information in the field of physical education, to produce solutions for improving the quality of life in society, nation, and state through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches;
  • Able to develop physical education science or professional practice through research to produce creative, original, and tested work in the field of physics;
  • Able to solve science, technology, and or related art problems in the field of physical education based on pedagogical theory, literacy, and information technology through scientific methods with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach that internalizes academic values, norms, and ethics;
  • Able to develop new theories in innovative learning by applying didactic-pedagogical concepts and principles in physical education by utilizing education science and technology-oriented to life skills and contributing to improving environmental quality and human quality;
  • Able to manage, lead and develop research and development that is beneficial to the science of physical education and for the benefit of humans and can get national and international recognition.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Lecturer/Teacher able to become educators in the field of physical education who have theoretical and practical skills and solve problems in the field of physical education and sports through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches
Researcher Able to become a researcher who can solve problems in physical education and sports science
Consultant Able to become an expert consultant in planning, designing, managing, and evaluating in the field of physical education
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99049113 Development of Physical Education and Sports Teaching and Training Methodology 3
99049123 System Development, Curriculum Design, and Analysis of Physical Education and Sports 3
99049133 Comparative Analysis of Physical Education and Sport Management 3
99049143 Development of Sociological Dimensions in Physical Education and Sports 3
99049153 Development of Mental Training, Psychometric and High Performance 3
99049183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99049173 Physical Education Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99049413 Comparison of Physical Education and Sports Systems 3
99049423 Thinking about Physical Education and Sports and Olympism 3
99049433 E-learning and Big Data in Sports Education 3
Choose one course from the available Elective Courses
Matriculation courses
99049013 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

Language Education Program for Doctoral Degree at Universitas Negeri Jakarta based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 590/DIKTI/Kep/1993 concerning the permit to administer the Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Language Education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta started on October 21, 1993.  In 2014, based on a decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No 453/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/XI/2014, Language Education for Doctoral Program, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta received a B predicate (score 313).

  • Demonstrate the ability to develop new concepts in the field of language education through research in the field of language education and literature;
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct research in the field of language education and literature; and
  • Demonstrate the ability to take interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to apply the expertise professionally, particularly in language education and literature.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Researcher in Applied Linguistic Able to develop knowledge and technology in applied linguistics through management and research development with an inter, multi or transdisciplinary to solve problems in science and technology national and international scope for the benefit of humanity
Program Developer for Applied Linguistic Able to develop programs in the field of applied linguistics related to specific professional needs in aspects of language through the management and development of research with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches that are up-to-date and tested on a national and international scope for the benefit of humanity
Consultant in Applied Linguistic Able to develop knowledge and technology in the field of applied linguistics in solving specific professional problems in linguistic aspects through the management and development of research with an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approach that is up-to-date and tested on a national and international scope for the benefit of humanity
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99069113 Cutting Edge Linguistic Approaches 3
99069123 Cultural and Literary Studies 3
99009133 Psycholinguistics in Language Learning 3
99069143 Language Literacy and Teaching 3
99069153 Translation Studies 3
99069183 New Orientation in Pedagogics 3
99069193 Applied Linguistics Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99069413 Critical Discourse Analysis 3
99069423 Forensic Linguistics 3
99069433 Language Test and Program Evaluation 3
99069443 Computational Linguistics 3
Choose 1 () course from the available Elective Courses.
Matriculation courses
99069013 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

Population and Environmental Education Study Program for Doctoral Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta are organized based on Presidential Decree/No.45/1982, Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education: No.590/DIKTI/KEP/1993.  Population and Environmental Education Study Program for Doctoral Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta uses a Competency-Based Curriculum; however, following the development of knowledge in the era of globalization, the concept of the higher education curriculum has changed.  Currently, the curriculum concept refers to the Higher Education Curriculum and Higher Education National Standards based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Permenristek Dikti no. 44/2015), which prioritizes equality in graduate learning outcomes quality.  It consists of attitudes, general skills, specific skills, and mastery of knowledge.  Therefore, implementing the Study Program curriculum is adjusted to the Higher Education Curriculum.  In contrast, the local curriculum is developed in different stages following the direction of the Study Program development by analyzing needs and resource availability.

  • To produce graduates who can develop their professional performance as educators and researchers, as shown by their deep analysis of Population and environmental education issues;
  • To produce graduates who have a comprehensive understanding of new concepts, theories, and paradigms in the field of Population and environmental education;
  • To produce graduates who can develop applicable science, technology, and art related to education, Population, and the Environment, through understanding, analysis, and synthesis of scientific approaches, methods, and principles;
  • Producing graduates who can use knowledge and skills related to Population and environmental education to solve complex population and environmental education problems that are cross-disciplinary in nature;
  • To produce graduates who can solve problems in the field of population education and the Environment through research activities and community service based on scientific principles;
  • To produce graduates who are open-minded and responsive to changes and advances in Population and environmental education;
  • To produce graduates who can communicate ideas, and thoughts and work in the field of Population and environmental education, both locally and globally.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Informal and non-formal formal school educators in the field of Population and Environmental Education Become a teacher, lecturer, instructor, and extension worker, Widya Iswara, who is competent in mastering concepts, theory, applications, and analysis in the field of population education, environmental education, and education for sustainable development (ESD) and can apply science and technology in his field
Researcher a. Able to carry out research in the Population and the Environment with relevant scientific disciplines b. Able to carry out research in the field of education and learning following scientific principles
Consultant Able to become a consultant, especially in Population and environmental education
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99089113 Capita Selecta in Population and Environmental Education 3
99089123 Eco-pedagogy in Population and Environmental Education 3
99089133 ICT and Big Data in Population and Environmental Education 3
99089143 Human Ecology in the Demographic Transition 3
99089153 Environment and Development 3
99089183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99029193 Population and Environmental Education Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99089413 Innovative Strategies in Population and Environmental Education Learning 3
99089423 Public Policy and Institutional Analysis 3
99089433 Climate Change Issues 3
99089443 Environmental Management System 3
99089453 Dynamics System and Environmental Modeling 3
Matriculation courses
99089013 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

The Early Childhood Education Doctoral Study Program has governance that can guarantee the realization of the vision, the implementation of the mission, and the achievement of the study program objectives—completing the vision of carrying out the mission and achieving the goals of the study program by using the five pillars of governance strategy: credibility; transparency; accountability; responsibility, and fairness.

  • Demonstrate the ability to develop knowledge and skills as a lecturer in Early Childhood Education for master’s and doctoral degrees, researcher, developer of Early Childhood Education, and consultant of Early Childhood Education
  • Demonstrate the ability to find or develop new ideas in science and practice regarding early childhood education practice and development of learning according to professional ethics
  • Demonstrate the ability to find or develop new ideas in science and practice regarding responsible early childhood development and learning according to professional ethics
  • Demonstrate a lifelong learning attitude through education, research, and training in both formal and non-formal activities in self-development efforts relevant to early childhood education.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Researcher Researchers who are professional in conducting and managing research and have exemplary leadership in developing or finding knowledge in the practice of Early Childhood Education.
Early Childhood Education Developer Developers who have competence in developing research-based educational models and educator developers in the field of Early Childhood Education.
Consultant Consultants with expertise in advisory services and assisting practitioners and policymakers/government in designing, implementing, and developing early childhood education programs.
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99209013 Basic Concepts of Early Childhood Education 3
99209113 Multi-perspectives in Child Development 3
99209123 Early Childhood Education Curriculum Innovation and Comparison 3
99209133 Early Childhood Education Research Area 3
99209143 Early Childhood Education Educator Development 3
99209183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
990209193 Early Childhood Education Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99209413 Early Childhood Education Policy System 3
99209423 Qualitative Data Analysis 3
99209433 Theory and Concept Development of Early Childhood Play 3
Choose one course from the available Elective Courses.
Matriculation courses
99209413 Early Childhood Education Policy System 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

Educational Management Doctoral Program is one of the study programs managed by Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta with a very good accreditation rating from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education.  Currently, the Doctoral Program already has professional and qualified lecturers, consisting of six Professors and home-based lecturers with doctoral degrees with the academic positions of senior lecturer and associate professor.  In addition, the human resources are to provide standardized learning services for students, including guiding and supervising students in preparing dissertations.  With adequate service, the quality graduates of the Education Management Program for Doctoral degree can have good insight and a broad network to contribute to the progress of education management in the country, which can improve the quality of education as a whole.

Objectives The Education Management Program for Doctoral degree is the last higher education level to produce doctoral graduates in educational policy, educational planning, educational leadership, and academic quality control. Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Lecturer, Trainer, Professional Researcher Able to manage, conduct, and develop Educational Management research helps develop science and the benefit of humanity, which is recognized nationally and internationally.
Professional Education Manager Leaders of education units, heads of education and training institutions, and heads of education and development centers.
Consultant Education Management Consultants in micro, meso, and macro-Consultants in education units
Policy Analyst Education policy analysis at the micro, meso, and macro levels.  Educational planners at the micro, meso, and macro levels
Educational Quality Controller Education Quality Controllers, Evaluators, Supervisors, and Supervisors of education at the micro, meso, and micro levels
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99119113 Thinking Systems in Educational Management 3
99119123 Policy and Strategic Planning in Education 3
99119133 Leadership and Behavior of Educational Organizations 3
99119143 Quality Control Management in Education 3
99119153 Educational Unit Management 3
99119163 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99119173 Education Management Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99119413 Educational Resource Management 3
99119423 Curriculum Development Management 3
99119433 Educational Economics 3
Choice of 1 () elective course from the available elective courses
Matriculation courses
99119013 Foundation of Educational Science* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

Educational Research and Evaluation Doctoral Program at Universitas Negeri Jakarta can organize higher education related to educational research and evaluation, which has two groups of fields of study: (1) psychometrics which emphasizes measurement, and instrument development, and (2) evaluation which emphasizes on assessment, development of program evaluation models and or policies.  The Educational Research and Evaluation Doctoral study program is interdisciplinary.  Therefore, the PEP doctoral study program accepts students from educational and non-educational scientific education backgrounds.

  • Build expertise in research methodology, assessment and measurement, and evaluation of programs and policies to be applied in graduates’ work.
  • Build expertise in solving problems in measurement, assessment, and evaluation of programs and policies through research with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary approaches.
  • Build expertise to communicate ideas, manage, lead and develop research at the national and international level under professional ethics.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Expert in Test and Measurement Skilled in performing various types of testing using measurement software
Program Evaluation Expert Skilled in evaluating various types of existing programs as material for correction/reflection on these programs so that they are more useful in the community.
Data Analytics Expert Skilled in conducting data analysis that can be applied to various research and fields of study.  Mastery of multiple types of data analysis carried out manually or with the help of software.
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
9139113 Categorical Data Analysis 3
99139123 Psychometric 3
99139133 Sampling Technique 3
99139143 Generalizability Theory 3
99139153 Multidimensional IRT 3
99139183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99139193 Educational Research and Evaluation Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99139413 Software Development 3
99139423 Computing Measurement 3
99139433 Statistical Data Analysis Structure 3
99139443 Survey Method 3
99139453 Structure of Equation Modeling 3
Choose 1 (one) course from the available Elective Courses Matriculation courses
99139043 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
99009143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99139213 Policy Evaluation 3
99139223 Research Evaluation 3
99139233 Monitoring and Evaluation Project 3
99139243 Impact Evaluation 3
99139253 Institution Evaluation 3
99139183 New Orientation in Pedagogy 3
99139193 Educational Research and Evaluation Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99139443 Survey Method 3
99139453 Structural Equation Modeling 3
99139463 Data Analysis Design 3
99139473 Multiple Criteria of Decision Making 3
Choose 1 () course from the available Elective Courses. Matriculation courses
99139043 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

The Doctoral Program in Management has started since 2006 based on decree number 766/SP/2006.  This program focuses on research creating management theories and knowledge relevant to business practices and focuses on natural organizational phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective.  The Doctor of Management Study Program is a full-time degree program that officially begins in September.  It offers specializations or concentrations in financial management, human resource management, and strategic management.  The concentration courses provide conceptual and theoretical foundations.

  • Able to develop new knowledge about the values, principles, theories, and concepts of Micromanagement Science, meso and macro, to produce quality processes and organizational management results to be effective, efficient, and productive through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches;
  • Able to develop his scientific or professional practice through research to produce creative, original, and proven work in the field of Management Science;
  • Able to solve related science, technology, and or art problems in the field of management science based on management theory, literacy, and information technology through scientific methods with interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches that internalize academic values, norms, and ethics;
  • Able to develop innovative new theories by applying concepts and principles in management science by utilizing science oriented towards improving the quality of organizational management that can produce superior human resources
  • Able to manage, lead and develop research and development that is beneficial for the science of Management Science and human benefit and able to gain national and international recognition
Future Career 
Graduate Profile Description
Competent researcher in the field of management Graduates of the Management Doctoral Program are expected to be able to identify and formulate management problems; using the latest empirical theories, models, and methods in a comprehensive and integrated manner, work that is creative, original, and tested, by maintaining a good attitude, academic honesty, and integrity, and receiving national and international recognition.
Professional researcher in management Manage and lead research activities through inter-, multi-, and trans-disciplinary approaches; to produce creative works, original and tested, by maintaining academic honesty and integrity, and to receive national and international recognition, as well as to develop research in the field of management that is beneficial for the development of science and the benefit of humanity, which is recognized both nationally and internationally.
Professional Manager Head of the institution, management, and Head of Management Development Center, and also Several other career options in academics, analysis, and research.
Management Consultant Consultants in the field of Human Resources, Financial and Strategic Management who contribute to people’s lives, especially in terms of management practices in Indonesia
Analyst and Policy Creator Management analysis and policy creator, among others in the field of Human Resource Management, Finance, and Strategic
Management Planner Human Resources Management Planner, Finance and Strategic
Management Quality Controller Evaluator, Supervisor and Human Resources Supervisor, Financial and Strategic Management
Curriculum General Courses
99009113 Advanced Philosophy of Science 3
99009123 Advanced Research Methodology 3
99009133 Advanced Statistics 3
Expertise Courses
99179013 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 3
99179023 Business and management 3
Financial Management Concentration
99179113 Corporate Financial Theory (Corporate Financial Theory) 3
99179123 Behavioral Finance 3
99179133 Financial Literacy and Wealth Management 3
99179143 Empirical Models in Financial Management (Empirical Models In Finance) 3
99179153 Seminars on Contemporary Issues in Financial Management (Seminars On Contemporary Issues In Financial Management) 3
99179193 Management Science Colloquium 3
Human Resource Management Concentration
99179213 Human Resource Management Theory 3
99179223 Human Resource Management (Human Capital Management) 3
99179233 Knowledge and Change Management (Change and knowledge management) 3
99179243 Empirical Models in Human Resources Management (Empirical Models In Human Resources Management) 3
99179253 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Human Resources Management (Seminars On Contemporary Issues In Human Resources Management) 3
99179193 Management Science Colloquium 3
Strategic Management concentration
99179313 Strategic Process and Decision Making. 3
99179323 Strategic Leadership 3
99179333 Cognition in Strategic Management 3
99173543 Models – Empirical Models in Strategic Management (Empirical Models In Strategic Management) 3
99179353 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management (Seminars On Contemporary Issues In Strategic Management) 3
99179193 Management Science Colloquium 3
Elective courses
Human Resource Management Concentration
99179713 Work management 3
99179723 Cross-Cultural HR Management 3
99179733 Strategic Management for HRM 3
Financial Management Concentration
99179613 International Finance 3
99179623 Financial Technology 3
99179633 Seminar on Asset Pricing 3
Strategic Management concentration
99179643 Seminar on Competitive Dynamics 3
99179653 Entrepreneurship workshop 3
99179663 Start-Up, Merger, and Acquisition Courses. 3
Choose 1 elective course from the Elective Course in each concentration Matriculation courses
99179013 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics 3
99179023 Business and management 3
99009917 Dissertation 15

The scientific vision of the primary education doctoral study program is to organize education, research, and community services in primary education by optimizing human potential in adapting to changes based on humanistic pedagogical theory as a characteristic of UNJ Basic Education.

Objectives The purpose of the primary education doctoral study program is that in 2026 it will produce graduates who have insights with a global perspective, which are comprehensively intelligent, nationalist, of high quality, reliable, have a noble character, leading in science, produce solutions in solving problems scientifically through interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches in the field of primary education. Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Researcher Experts in the field of Basic Education who have the competence: a) Teamwork in solving organizational problems that are complex, dynamic, and uncertain (uncertainty).  b) Researching and developing research results with a new paradigm that benefits society.  c) Producing scientific works, publishing them in accredited journals, and receiving HAKI nationally or internationally.
Practitioner and consultant 1.  Experts in Basic Education who are competent to a) Solve Basic Education problems with various alternatives using interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches.  b) Applying and developing various concepts, models, and approaches to Basic Education in dealing with Basic Education problems in society.  c) Implement and develop evaluation tools for solving critical problems with a model approach, problem-solving methods, and techniques.  2.  Experts in the field of Basic Education who have the competence to a) Work with teams in solving fundamental education problems that are complex, dynamic, and uncertain.  b) Researching and developing research results with a new paradigm that benefits society.  c) Producing scientific work, publishing them in accredited journals, and receiving HAKI at the national or international level.
Government and non-government administrators Experts in Basic Education who have the competence: a) Resolve Basic Education problems with various alternatives using interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches.  b) Applying and developing various concepts, models, and approaches to Basic Education in dealing with Basic Education problems in society.  c) Carry out and develop evaluation tools for solving critical problems with a model approach, problem-solving methods, and techniques.
Curriculum  COURSE STRUCTURE Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
1 99009113 Philosophy of Basic Education 2 1 99199113 Policy analysis and management of primary education 3
2 99009133 Education Statistics 3 2 99199123 Insights and Problems of Basic Education 3
3 99009123 Basic Education research methods 3 3 99199143 Creativity and critical thinking 3
4 99199133 Neuro Psychology 3 4 Elective Courses 3
11 12
Year 2
3rd semester Semester 4
1 99199153 Pluralism and multiculturalism 3 99009915 Seminar on Research Results 5
2 99199193 Colloquium 2
3 99009915 Dissertation Proposal 3
8 5
Year 3
5th semester 6th semester
1 99009143 Publications 5 1 99009915 Dissertations 9
5 9
Total Credits = 50

Magister Program


Master of Environmental Education is a study program that aims to produce human resources who understand and care about the environment.  Graduates of the Environmental Education for Master degree are to become educators, consultants, or experts in the field of education to support sustainable development programs.  In addition, the Environmental Education for Master’s degree program supports the government’s efforts to educate society regarding the environment through research and community service.  The study produced by graduates of the Master’s degree in Environmental Education is helpful in schools, universities, and communities as a solution to address various environmental problems.

  • Students can analyze various population and environmental problems that occur in multiple regions in Indonesia.
  • Students can contribute to sustainable development program efforts through the updated research results.
  • Students can create solutions to various environmental problems through research and development of learning and technology according to the needs of the 21st century.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Consultant Become a consultant or expert in education to support sustainable development programs.
Researcher Able to carry out research in Environmental Education and according to scientific principles
Curriculum General Courses
99008113 Science philosophy 3
99008123 Research Methodology 3
99008133 Statistics 3
99008143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
 Expertise Courses
99078013 Educational, Population, and Environmental Studies 3
99078113 Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3
99078123 Strategies in Environmental Education Learning 3
99078133 Environmental Psychology 3
99078143 Environmental System Analysis 3
99078153 Disaster Mitigation Education 3
99078183 New Orientations in Educational Psychology 3
99078193 Environmental Education Colloquium 3
 Elective courses
99078413 Information and Communication Technology in Environmental Education 3
99078423 Population and Spatial Planning Studies 3
Choose one course from the available Elective Courses.
 Matriculation courses
99008013 Foundation of Educational Sciences * 3
99008918 Thesis 8

UNJ’s Environmental Management Master degree program produces Model Developers, Researchers, Auditors, Analysts, Consultants, Evaluators, Assessors, and Experts in environmental management development.

  • Able to develop environmental management understanding through research to produce innovative work (in the form of ecological ecosystem design, nature protection & conservation systems, etc.)
  • Able to critically analyze theories and practices related to environmental management in their professional practice
  • Able to solve problems related to environmental management through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches.
  • Managing research in environmental management and its development that benefits society and knowledge and literature development, and receive national and international recognition.
  • Develop future academia and have a passion for lifelong learning so that you can adapt to changing times
  • Understand and be able to implement knowledge and experience responsibly, contribute positively, think critically and creatively, and demonstrate pioneering and leadership
  • Communicating ideas, thoughts, and ideas, as well as developing and maintaining networks (networking) both with internal and external colleagues from the different institutions following professional ethics
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Environmental Manager Having professional skills in managing programs or activities related to the development, control, and conservation of nature/environment
Environmental Management Model Developer Having professional skills in designing, conducting simulations, implementing, and disseminating environmental management models
Researcher Having professional skills in designing, coordinating, implementing, and evaluating the implementation of research in the field of environmental management
Consultant Professional skills in analyzing problems and providing and recommending alternative solutions (professional advisors) in environmental management.
Evaluators and Environmental Management Assessors Having professional skills in measuring, assessing, and making appropriate decisions related to evaluation in environmental management
Curriculum General Courses
99008113 Science philosophy 3
99008123 Research Methodology 3
99008133 Statistics 3
99008142 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
  Expertise Courses
99148113 Environmental Risk Management 3
99148123 Environmental Strategic Management 3
99148133 Environmental Psychology 3
99148143 Environmental System Analysis 3
99148153 Organizational behavior 3
99148163 Environmental Management Colloquium 3
  Elective courses
99148413 Land and Spatial Management 3
99148423 Resource and Environmental Management Analysis 3
99148433 Ecotourism Management 3
Choose two courses from the available Elective Courses.
 Matriculation courses
99148013 Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3
99008918 Thesis 8

IKIP Jakarta organized the Educational Research and Evaluation program for the Master’s degree based on the Decree of the Establishment of the Study Program Number 590/DIKTI//Kep/1993.  UNJ’s Educational Research and Evaluation program for the Master’s degree can develop instruments and assessment methods and evaluate educational programs.  The Educational Research and Evaluation program for a master’s degree is a cross-disciplinary study program with an interdisciplinary approach.  Therefore, the Educational Research and Evaluation program for Master’s degrees accepts students from educational and non-educational scientific backgrounds.  The Educational Research and Evaluation program for a master’s degree has a strategic function in broadly developing educational theories, policies, and practices, including non-school context.  Academic research and evaluation knowledge can produce educators in research and program evaluation, developers of assessment and different research tools, and education and training for researchers, evaluators, and assessors.

  • Have the ability to design and select assessment tools, research methodologies
  • Have the ability to critically analyze the theory and practice of educational assessment, instrument development, and program evaluation in the field of education or professional training through research for further studies in postgraduate or professional activities.
  • Have the ability to communicate ideas, make decisions, manage, develop and maintain networks with colleagues and peers in institutions by professional ethics.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Assessment/Research Toolkit Developer Graduates have the skills to develop assessment tools and research instruments that are valid and reliable.
Education and Training Researcher Graduates have the skills to apply appropriate research methodologies to research in the assessment, measurement, and evaluation of education and training programs.
Evaluator and Assessor Graduates have the skills to assess and evaluate various education and training programs.
Curriculum General Courses
99008113 Science philosophy 3
99008123 Research methods 3
99008133 Statistics 3
99008143 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
Expertise Courses
99128113 Classical Test Theory 3
99128123 Measuring Tool Construction 3
99128133 Class Assessment 3
99128143 Experiment Design 3
99128153 Program Evaluation 3
99128163 Qualitative Research Methodology in Education 3
99128183 New Orientation In Learning 3
99128193 Educational Research and Evaluation Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99128412 Test Management 3
99128423 Non-Parametric Statistics 3
99128433 Regression Analysis 3
99128443 Introduction Theory of Item Response 3
99128453 Structural Equation Modeling 3
Choose one course from the available Elective Courses.
Matriculation courses
99008013 Educational Science Foundation* 3
99008918 Thesis 8

The Applied Linguistics program for a Master’s degree aims to produce graduates who can compete to become educators and experts in applied linguistics, namely translators, and educational practitioners, including language teachers and writers, at national and international levels.

Objectives destination
  • Have the competence to develop applied linguistics knowledge in translation studies, language, literature education, and cultural and language studies through research to produce innovative and tested problem-solving through inter or multidisciplinary approaches.
  • Have the competence to develop research in various fields of linguistics in translation studies, language and literature education studies, and language and cultural studies through interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches.
  • Have the competence to manage, develop research and contribute to the field of applied linguistics to get national and international recognition.
  • Have a lifelong learning attitude through education, research, and training in formal and non-formal activities to self-development relevant to Applied Linguistics.
Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Translator/ Interpreter a. Able to develop applied linguistic studies in translation that are relevant to the development of science and technology through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach. b. Able to develop applied linguistic research in the field of translation to produce translation study problem-solving solutions that are relevant to the development of science and technology through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach
Education Practitioner a. Able to develop applied linguistic studies in teaching language and literature that are relevant to the development of science and technology through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; b. Able to develop applied linguistics research in teaching language and literature to produce solutions for solving problems in translation studies that are relevant to the development of science and technology through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; c. Able to manage and develop research results in applied linguistics teaching language and literature to obtain national and international recognition.
Content Specialist a. Able to develop studies of applied linguistics in the relevant media/content specialist field through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; b. Able to develop applied linguistics research in the media/content specialist field to produce solutions for solving problems in translation studies that are relevant to the development of science and technology through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach; c. Able to manage and develop research results in applied linguistics in the media/content specialist field to obtain national and international recognition.
Curriculum General Courses
99008113 Science philosophy 3
99008123 Research Methodology 3
99008133 Statistics 3
99008142 Indexed Scientific Article Writing 3
 Expertise Courses
99168113 Semantics and Pragmatics 3
99168123 Sociolinguistics 3
99168133 Critical Literacy 3
99168143 Discourse Analysis 3
99168153 Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics 3
99168193 New Orientation In Learning 3
99168113 Applied Linguistics Colloquium 3
Elective courses
99168413 Translation Studies 3
99168423 Language and Literature Teaching Studies 3
99168433 Language and Culture Studies 3
Choose one course from the available Elective Courses.
99008918 Thesis 8

The Management of a Higher Education program for a master’s degree has some uniqueness.  Firstly, it is the only Management of Higher Education program for a master’s degree from all Higher degree educational Institutions in Indonesia.  Secondly, it is the superior Management of Higher Education programs for a master’s degree that focuses on education, especially for developing standard operating procedures and designing a testing program based on international standards, namely AERA/APA/NCME.  Thirdly, it is the only Management of Higher Education program for a master’s degree that has educational and scientific development under UNJ’s core business through educational insights, curriculum management, assessment and testing, budget and finance, information systems, and higher education quality management with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach and an emphasis on diversity in analyzing higher education management policy.

Objectives (1) Able to develop knowledge, technology, and art in their scientific field or professional practice through research, to produce innovative and tested works; (2) Able to solve problems in science, technology, and art in their scientific field through an inter- or multidisciplinary approach; (3) Able to manage research and development that is beneficial to society and science and able to gain national or international recognition. Future Career
Graduate Profile Description
Higher Education Consultant Able to solve problems and provide solutions to higher education management problems through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach
Higher education manager able to lead and manage higher education institutions (Universities, Institutes, Academies, Polytechnics, Colleges, and Service Colleges), and the general directorate of higher education
Lecturer and Widyaiswara able to handle learning related to higher education management materials in undergraduate programs, manage and develop research in the field of higher education management that produces innovative, tested, and valuable works for society, and also receive national and international recognition
Higher Education Policy Analyst having the skills to identify local, national, and global disruptions and their impact on higher education policies and practices to participate in and lead transformational changes to develop higher education institutions with a multicultural perspective
Subjects Credits
Science philosophy 3
Research Methodology 3
Statistics I 3
Educational Insight 3
Higher Education Human Resource Management 3
Higher Education Policy Analysis 3
Total Semester I 18
Leadership and Change Management in Higher Education 3
Curriculum Management for Higher Education 3
Quality Management Higher Education 3
Budget and Finance for Higher Education 3
Management of Higher Education Assessment and Testing 2
Colloquium 3
Total Semester II 17
Elective Courses (obligation to choose one course)
Contemporary Issues in Higher Education 3
Higher Education Management Information System 3
Management of Higher Education Physical Facilities 3
Comparison of higher education in the world 3
Total Semester III 3
Thesis 8
Total credits 46

Kampus A Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Gedung Bung Hatta Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur
Postcode 13220

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