Lapor Pasca


1. Agus Supriyadi


2019 The Effect of Learning Model and Cognitive Style on English Listening Skill (Experimental Study at the English Education Study Program of FKIP Universitas Khairun, Ternate) The objective of this research is to find out the effect of learning model and cognitive style on students’ English listening skill. The research was conducted at the English Study Education Program, Language and Art Department, Faculty of Teachres Training and Education of Universitas Khairun, Ternate. The research method is an experiment with the quantitative approach, using factorial design of 2 x 2. The sample size are 32 students. The research result showed that: (1) English listening skills of the students’ who taught with integrative learning models was higher than the student who taught with the experiential models; (2) English listening skills in groups of students who have a cognitive style of field independent was higher than those with the cognitive style of field dependent; (3) There is an influence of interaction between the learning model and cognitive style on students’ English listening skills; (4) in the group of students who have a cognitive style of field dependent and are taught with an experiential learning model more better than those taught with an integrative models; (5) in the group of students who have a cognitive style of field dependent and are taught with an integrative learning model lower than those taught with an experiential models. This is due to the fact that the experiential models is more appropriate for students who have a cognitive style of field dependent.


2. Dede Hasanudin 7317070597 2019 Improving the Ability of Writing Scientific Works Through Collaborative Learning: Research Measures in Language Education Program and Indonesian Literature FKIP UHAMKA The aim of the study was to obtain data on the process and results of the ability to write  scientific  work  for  Indonesian  Language  and  Literature  Education  Study Program students at FKIP UHAMKA with collaborative learning, and obtain data on the of increased ability to write scientific workstudents  after  using  collaborative  learning.The  research  method  used  is  action research, using collaborative learning applied in learning to write scientific papers in this case make scientific article of student of semester VI A which amounts to 31studens.This  action  research  takes  place  in  the  Indonesian  Language  and Literature Study Program FKIP UHAMKA Jalan Tanah Merdeka Pasar Rebo East Jakarta This action research takes place in the Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program FKIP UHAMKA Jalan Tanah Merdeka Pasar Rebo East Jakarta from March  until August 2017 in the odd semester of academic year 2016/2017.The research process was carried out for 8 meetings with details: (1) pre-Action (meetings 1 and 2, students have not been grouped and have not used collaborative learning), (2) Action 1 (meetings 3-5) and Action 2 (meetings 6-8) are divided into 8   groups   using   collaborative   learning.The   results   of   this   study   are:   (1) Collaborative  learning  overall  can  improve  students’  writing  skill  in  6  aspects: logical thinking, data objectivity, vocabulary mastery, EYD use, effective sentence usage and paragraph development. (2) The result of improvement is seen in student completeness in pre-action 55,77% to 61,02% in cycle 1 and 73,52% in cycle 2. (3) Collaborative learning give opportunity to student to compete healthily,have equal opportunity to argue, and have a high concern for fellow students in theirgroup in helping  solve  various  problems  that  arise  in  the  activities  of  writing  scientific articles.

Keywords: Ability, writing, scientific papers, collaborative learning


3. Dhina Melinda


2019 Self-Actualization of the Main Characters in John Grisham’s Ford County Cerpent Collection: an Analysis of Literary Psychology


This  research  aimed  to  obtain  a  deep  depiction  of  self-actualization  on  the  main character in Ford County the popular stories written by John Grisham. This research is a  study  of  psychology  of  literature,  which  is  analyzed  objectively   by  using  the psychological  theory  of  humanistic.  The  research  refers  to  the  combination  between motivation theory of Maslow especially in hierarchy of human needs and the concept of self  actualization  by  Carl  Rogers.  The  qualitative  data  was  required  through  content analysis method, and throughthe approach of psychologyhumanistic. The focus of the study is self actualization of the main characters, which can be observed from all stories of  Ford  County.  The  focus  of  the  study  then  would  be  divided  into  sub-focuses  which tends to the hierarchy of human needs, they are: physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, self esteem needs  and self actualization needs. Another sub-focus is the concept of  self  actualization‟s  achievement  in  forms  of  openness  for  experience,  personal existence,  strong  believing,  dependency  and  creativity.  Theresult  of  the  research indicates that the main characters of the stories like Rogers, in Blood Drive, and Mack in Fish Files have defisit motivation (D-Motivation) in thier Self-Actualization. Then the main characters of the stories like Reymond in Fetching Reymond, ,Sidney in Casino, Stanley in  Michael  Room,Gilbertin  Quite  Heaven  and Adrianin  Funny  Boy,  reflects being Motivation (B-Motivation) in their own self actualization.

Keywords: Self-Actualization, humanistic psychology, psychology of literature, popular fiction


4. Dulciana Chaty Engelhart Hitipeuw


2019 Model of Writing Material of German Language Text Based on Process Approach: (Research and Development at Program Study Pengajaran Bahasa Jerman Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni  Universitas Negeri Manado) The  purpose  of  the  development  research  is  to  produce  a  prototype  teaching  model  for writing German-based on process approach  for fifth semester students in the  German Language  Education Program at the Language and Arts Faculty of Manado State University in Tondano. The study follows steps  from  the  Borg  and  Gallan  combined  with  steps  from  Dirk,  Carey,  and  carey.  First,  a preliminary  study  was  conducted  through  observation,  documentation  and  interviews  to  obtain description  data  on  the  needs  of  students  for  writing  teaching  materials.  Second,  conducting  expert tests, preliminary field testing, main field testing, and operational field testing.  The results of testing the  model  teaching  materials  written  product  in operational  field with  the  t-test  based  on  SPSS showed  that  the  prototypes  of  teaching  material  models  writing  German  were  based  on process approach an average pretest learning outcomes were 8.31 while the posttest learning outcomes were 12.50  Differences  in  writing  results  based  on  pretest  and  posttest  assignments  were  4.188,  with  a value  of  t  count  16.001,  t  table  2.13  and  p-value  of  0.000.  The  average  value  of  the  pretest-based assignment of writing is not the same as the posttest (μ1 μ2), the t count is greater than t table and the p-value  is  <0.005  (0,000  <0.05),  reject  H0  and  accept  H1.    Prototype  use  of  German  language teaching  material  models  based  on  the  process  approach  of  enhancing  students’  Germanwriting skills.
5. Abdul Rahman Jaya


2019 Linguistic Politenessin Speech Acts of the Preachers in Kendari

The  aim  of  the  research  is  to  give  a  deeper  understanding  of  the  used  of  linguistic politeness  in  speech  acts  of  the  preachers  in  Kendari.  The  focus  is  describing    the linguistic  politeness  which  is  consisting  in  five  sub  focuses  are  (1)  the  forms,  (2)  the functions,  (3)  positive  strategies,  (4)  negative  strategies,  and  (5)  the  cultures  of linguistic  politeness.  The  research  based  on  Brown  and  Levinson  theory.  Ethnography (Partisipant observer) is the methods using in collecting data. Then, analyzing data used Spradley  ethnography  methods  that  consisting  in  four  steps  are  (1)  domain  analyzing, (2)  taxonomy  analyzing,  (3)  component  analyzing,  and  (4)  theme  analyzing. Based  on those steps, the results describe the preachers  have the communicative competences in using pattern of communication in speech  acts preachers delivering the contents of his lecture. Another result is developing external factors inBrown and Levinson such as the social distance, the relative power, and the absolute ranking of imposition in particular culture in computing the weightiness of an FTA (Face Threatening Acts). This factor is the  belief  (religion  factor)  that  inherently  exist  in  the  participant  to  produce  polite pattern of communication.

Keywords:linguistic politeness, speech acts,preachers


6. Nidya Chandra Muji Utami



2019 The Model of English Teaching Material for Elementary Schools Teacher Education Based on Contextual Approach (The Research and Development at Elementary School Teacher Education Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta)

The aim of the research is to develop a model of English teaching material for elementary school teacher education based on contextual approach. The research was conducted at the elementary school teacher education department of Universitas Negeri Jakarta using the research and development design (R&D). The data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and tests instruments (cloze tests and formative tests) and analyzed using both quantitative methods (Paired T-Test and Cohen Kappa Coefficient) and qualitative method. The results showed that (a) the English teaching material needed for elementary school teacher education program were the materials that include “the General English, English for Instructions, and English Language Teaching for Elementary School” themes that were developed based on the contextual approach (b) the previously used teaching materials could not satisfactorily accommodate the English for specific purposes’ needs of the English lectures and students of elementary school teacher education program, (c) the teaching material model was developed based on the result of the need analysis and consisted of the “input, content, language and task” elements in the contextual context (d) the developed teaching materials had fulfilled the practicality of the teaching materials which was indicated by experts validations which had a Coefficient Cohen’s Kappa’s score of 0,654 and readability tests’ scores between 72,82% to 76,50% in one-to-one evaluation and between 68,38% to 73,33% in small group evaluation, (e) the developed teaching materials product could increase the specific English competencies of its users.

Keywords: Teaching materials, English for specific purposes, Contextual approach, Elementary school teacher education


7. Robert Juni Tua Sitio


2019 Religiosity in Charles Dickens’ Achristmas Carola Study of Structural Genetic This  study  aims  to  examine  comprehensively  the  meaning  and  the  existence  of religiosity in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. It is a qualitative research using a structural  genetic  approach.  The  data  were  collected  from  the  text  of  the  novel  and analyzedthrough  a  content  analysis.  The  significance  results  of  this  study  are  as follows: (1) Autonomous structures of the novel such plot, character, setting and theme have a coherent as a whole and are interconnected to describe the problem of religiosity in the  novel  A  Christmas  Carolwhich  indicate  transformation  of  religiosity  such  as religious belief, religious practices and religious values to improve the quality of human life.  (2)  Social  structure  of  English  Society  in  Industrial  Revolution  indicates  itssignificance in describing social context of English society in the novel of A Christmas Carol.  Such as, the problem of population density, low labor salaries, the high cost of daily  living  in  the  City  of  London,  and  the  degradation  of  religiosity  in  theBritish Society.(3) The author’s world view indicates the need of change of man’s religiosity through  his  or  her  affection  of  social  and  religious  experience  to  recover  the  meaning and the application of religiosity in human life especially in the aspectof solidarity.

Keywords: Novel, Religiosity, Structural Genetic


8. Mira Ermitai


2019 Improving Descriptive Paragraph Writing Skills Through Picture Word Inductive Model (Action Research in the Students of English Department at University of Jambi) This study  aims to determine  the  process and the  result of teaching writing descriptive paragraphs  of  English  through  Picture  Word  Inductive  Model  at  Faculty  of  Teacher Training and Education University of Jambi.  The  research methodology  used is action research, with the type of collaborative research, and developed by Riel which consists of four procedures, (a) study and plan, (b) take action, (c) collect and analyze evidence and  (d)  reflect.  The  data  used  in  this  research  was  taken  through  mixed  methods  that are  a  combination  of quantitative  and  qualitative  research.  Data  collection  techniques used are tests, observations, interviews, and photos. The respondent of this research is the second-semester students of the year 2016/2017. Action is claimed to be successful if students  achieve  80%  completeness  by  receiving  a  score  of  >70.  In  the  pre-cycle,  the mean score of the student’s writing was 59. The percentage of students who passed the minimum  criterion  of  70  was  6%  with  only  1  out  of  17  students  passing  the  minimum score.  The  mean  score  from  cycle  I  was  72  and  only  11  students  or  65%  passed  the minimum  score.  The  mean  score  from  cycle  II  was  67  and  41%,  i.e.  only  7  students passed  the  minimum  score.  While  from  cycle  III  the  mean  score  was  80  and  all  of  the students (100%) passed the minimum score. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the  Picture  Word Inductive Model  can improve the  skills of  learning and students achievement  in  writing  descriptive  paragraphs  of  English.  The  students  enjoyed  their lessons  more  and  were  more  motivated,  interested  and  confident  during  the  teaching-learning  sessions.  The  new  findings,  strongly  recommended  to  implementation  of Picture  Word  Inductive  Model  in  teaching  writing  a  descriptive  paragraph  of  English by providing picture theme learning material that is familiar to students and supported by collaborative learning strategies.

Keywords:  writing  skill,  descriptive  paragraph,  Picture  Word  Inductive  Model,  action research


9. Halimah


2019 Cello in Speaking English Learning Action Research on Students of the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Suryakancana Cianjur


This  study  is  an  action  research  implementing  of  Community  Language Learning  Orai (CELLO)  method  in  teaching  and  learning  of  speaking.  This  study  is  intended  to  reveal  the implementation of CELLO method in speaking class and to reveal the students’ speaking ability improvement. This research was conducted in three cycles adopted Ferrance’s (2000) cycle  model  of  action  research.  There  were  27  of  second  semester  students  of  English Education  Study  Program  as  the  participant.  The  data  were  gathered  from  observation  and the speaking tests and were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The result of observation revealed that there wasn’t any sigficant improvement either in the learning process or in the students’speaking ability. Nevertheless, the students activities were improved in cycles 2 and cycle 3. The students’speaking ability was also improved. It is shown  from students’ average score from 67 in cycle 1 became 76 in cycle 2 and increased again became 86 in cycle 3. The classical standard score was alsoincreased from 26% in cycle 1 became 89% in cycle 2, and increased again to 100% in cycle 3. Due to the finding it can be said that students’ speaking ability   could   be   improved   in   the   five   aspects   of   speaking   namely   fluency,   grammar, vocabulary,  pronunciation,  and  content.  Therefore,  CELLO  method  is  recommended  to  be applied  in  teaching  and  learning  of  speaking  and  other  subject,  such  as  reading  and interpreting.

Keywords: CELLO, method, learning, speaking, English


10 Maulizan Za 7317167369 2019 English Learning (An Ethnographic Study in Jeumala Amal Lueng Putu Public School, Pidie Jaya Regency, Aceh Province)


This  study  aims  to  gain  a  deep  understanding  of  learning  English  in  MAS  Jeumala Amal.  This  research applieda  qualitative  approach  with  ethnographic  methods.  The data were obtained through observation, interviews, field notes and document analysis. The  results  showed  that  (1)  The  implementation  of  English  learning  was  designed  by integrating   two   abilities   namely   functional   and   communication   skills;   functional abilities  are  taught  through  teaching  and  learning  activities;  communication  skills  are trained in co-curricular activities in Islamic boarding schools, (2) student learning habit in  MAS  Jeumala  Amal  use  behavioristic theory which emphasizes habituation  in language  skills  with  army  method  patterns  that  discipline  students,  (3)  approaches, methods,  and   language   learning  techniques  used   in  MAS  Jeumala   Amal   varies, according  to  the  language  skillstaught,  (4) learning  media  models  used print,  audio, visual  and  audiovisual  media,  (5)  the  assessment  system  applied  to  the  MAS  Jeumala Amalis  a  comprehensive  and  continuous  assessmentconducted  on  all  language  skills before,  during  and  after  the  learning  process. The  research  results  were  useful  as  a material  consideration  for  educational  practitioners  in  conducting  the  preparation, process and evaluation of English Learning.

Keywords : english learning,learning model, study ethnography


11 Samsudin Hi Adam



2019 Equivalence in Novel Translation From English to Indonesian Language (Content Analysis of Novel Translation Entitled And the Mountains Echoed By Khaled Hosseini) Finding the equivalence  in  translation  is  very  important,  on  the  other  hand  it  is  also problematic, the translators  are often  faced  with  various  problems  and  difficulties  in  finding the  right  equivalent.  The  study  aims  to  reveal  the  issues  in  equivalence  of  novel  translation And  the  Mountains  Echoedfrom  English  into  Indonesian.  It  focuses  on  formal  and  dynamic equivalence,  techniques  of  translation,  quality  of  translation,  and  the  impact  of  translation deviation.    It    uses    a    qualitative    descriptive    approach    with    the Williams    (& Chesterman)comparative  model  content  analysis  method  and  a  qualitative  content  analysis model   developed   by   Philipp   Mayring.   The   results   indicate   that   the   more   dominant equivalence used in the novel translation And the Mountains Echoedis dynamic equivalence which  reaches  75%.  That  is  because  the  translator  wants  the  translation  to  be  accepted  and easily understood by readers of Target Language (TL) who have different norms and cultures from  Source  Language  (SL).  While  the  formal  equivalence  used  in the  translation  only reaches 25%.  From 614 data, 12 variants of translation techniques are found, the most widely used  technique  is  transposition  which  is  used144  times  (23.45%),  and  the  least  used  is description  technique  which  is  7  times  (1.14%).  From  12  variants  of  the  techniques  used, there  are  8 translation  techniques  which  are  more oriented to the target  language  so that the ideology  adopted  in  this  translation  is  known  to  be  more  inclined  to  the  ideology  of domestication.  Whereas  4  variants  of  translation  techniques  are  oriented  to  the  SL  and  they are  known  as  foreignizing  ideology.  The  assessment  of  translation  quality  is  based  on  three criteria and it can be seen that from 614 source data, 584 are translated accurately, 17 data are translated  less accurately  and  13  data  are  categorized  as  inaccurate  translations.  It  can  be identified  that  the  number  of  accepted  translation  categories  is  607  data  while  7  data  are identified  as  less  acceptable  translations.  From  the  readability  aspect,  605  data  have  ahigh readability  level  while  9  data  are  identified  as  moderate  readability  level.  To  conclude,  the quality  of  novel  translation And  the Mountains  Echoedis  very  good  because  the  assessment of  the  three  aspects  (accuracy,  acceptability  and  readability)  reaches  above  95%  while  the data identified as deviated translation is only 7%. The deviation factor found is caused by the translator’s   inaccuracy   in   applying   the   translation   techniques.   The   deviations   in   this translation have an impact on the reader of TL. The findings of this deviated translation lead to recommendations for improving and controlling the quality of translation.

Keywords: Equivalence, translation, novel,accuracy, acceptability,readibility


12 Sri Sulastini 7317080402 2019 Alignment of The “Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK/MAK” Textbook‟S Content to The 2013 English Curriculum Standards:Content Analysis Textbooks plays a significant influence on EFL student learning achievement and teachers‟  professional  practice.  Its  effectiveness  is  supported  by  the  extent  to which its content accurately cover that mandated by the subject matter curriculum and   is   structured   accordingly.   This   qualitative-descriptive,mixed   methods research is a textbook analysis study focusing on textbook content alignment with the  content  standards  mandated  by  the  subject  matter  curriculum.  Object  of  the study  is  a  textbook  titled “Bahasa  Inggris  Kelas  X  SMA/MA/SMK/MAK‖. document  analysis  methods  with  deductive  qualitative  content  analysis  data collection techniques was employed in data collection with reference to Anderson &  Krathwohl’s  (2001)  Bloom’s  Revised  Taxonomy  (BRT)  framework.  A  panel  of four lecturers with relevant academic and professional records in curriculum and EFL  (English  as  a  foreign  language)  materials  developer  has  been  involved  for data validation purposes. Findings  reveal  that  the  coverage  and  organization  of  textbook  content  does  not fully  represent  that  mandated  by  the  subject  curriculum.  This  is  evident  in  the average  score  of  content  alignment  between  textbook  learning  objectives  and curriculum  which  is  48.15%.  Textbook  chapters  are  structured  according  to  the less  specific  learning  objectives.  Achievement  Indicators  that  provide  students with  specific  details  of  the  desired  learning  outcomes  is  not  provided  in  the textbook.  In  addition,  the  structure  of  design  and  organization  of  the  learning activities  is  not  supportive  to  successful  achievement  of  the  learning  objectives, nor  is  in  line  with  the  principles  underlying  the  Text-Based  Instruction  (TBI) approach   mandated   by   the   curriculum.   Overall,   the   findings   indicate   a fragmented understanding of the principles of EFL materials development that is based on TBIapproach. Research data implies that the textbook (1) offers limited opportunity  to  learn  for  students  and  (2)  do  not  adequately  represent  a  learning model  that  is  aligned  with  the  subject  matter  curriculum.  Three  sources  of inconsistency were identified:(1) minimum specification of content in the subject matter  curriculum  document,  (2)  textbook  internal  structure,  and  (3)  author’s understanding  of  the  curriculum  standards.  Discussions  and  recommendations are  presented  in  the  report  with  reference  to  the context  and  research  questions raised.

Keywords:Bloom’s  Revised  Taxonomy  (BRT),  Deductive  Qualitative  Content Analysis, EFL Textbooks, Instructional Alignment


13 Subur Ismail


2019 Gender Inequality in Autobiography Samia Shariff “Le Voile De La Peur” This  study  aims  to gain  an  in-depth  understanding  of  the  forms  of  gender  injustice experienced  by  the  autobiographical  writer “Le  Voile  de  la  Peur”  and  the  patriarchal system  applied  in  the  Algerian  community  that  triggers  gender  injustice,  as  well  as feminist  thoughts  of  autobiographical  writers  in  dealing  with  injustice.  The  approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of Philipp Mayring’s inductive model whose procedures include; formulating research questions, making  definitions  of  categories  and  levels  of  abstraction,  making  coding,  revising, checking   generalization   levels,   making   final   coding,   making   main   categories, conducting intra / intercoder checks. The findings of this study include forms of gender injustice  which  include; 33  data  subordinated,  7  data  stereotyped,  and  27  data violence. While the data shows the patriarchal system as much as 22 data and feminist thought autobiographical writers as much as 7 data. The results of this study show that autobiographical writers experience various forms of injustice, such as; subordination, stereotype,   and   violence.   Factors   triggering   the   occurrence   of   injustice   against autobiographical writers include: the existence of negative stereotypes against women, the  patriarchal  system  applied  in  Algerian  society,  the  socio-political  situation  of Algeria. In dealing with this gender-based injustice, the autobiographical writer shows his  attitude  which  tends  to  be  influenced  by  feminist  thought.The  results  of  this  study can  be  utilized  to  discuss  the  issues  of  gender  inequality  that  occur  in  Indonesian society, especially in the field of language and literature learning.

Keywords: gender inequality, patriarchy, feminism, autobiography


14 Subur Ismail



This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the forms of gender injustice experienced by the autobiographical writer “Le Voile de la Peur” and the patriarchal system applied in the Algerian community that triggers gender injustice, as well as feminist thoughts of autobiographical writers in dealing with injustice. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of Philipp Mayring’s inductive model whose procedures include; formulating research questions, making definitions of categories and levels of abstraction, making coding, revising, checking generalization levels, making final coding, making main categories, conducting intra / intercoder checks. The findings of this study include forms of gender injustice which include; 33 data subordinated, 7 data stereotyped, and 27 data violence. While the data shows the patriarchal system as much as 22 data and feminist thought autobiographical writers as much as 7 data. The results of this study show that autobiographical writers experience various forms of injustice, such as; subordination, stereotype, and violence. Factors triggering the occurrence of injustice against autobiographical writers include: the existence of negative stereotypes against women, the patriarchal system applied in Algerian society, the socio-political situation of Algeria. In dealing with this gender-based injustice, the autobiographical writer shows his attitude which tends to be influenced by feminist thought.The results of this study can be utilized to discuss the issues of gender inequality that occur in Indonesian society, especially in the field of language and literature learning.

Keywords: gender inequality, patriarchy, feminism, autobiography


15 Nidya Chandra Muji Utami


2019 The Model of English Teaching Material for Elementary Schools Teacher Education Based on Contextual Approach

The aim of the research is to develop a model of English teaching material for elementary school teacher education based on contextual approach. The research was conducted at the elementary school teacher education department of Universitas Negeri Jakarta using the research and development design (R&D). The data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and tests instruments (cloze tests and formative tests) and analyzed using both quantitative methods (Paired T-Test and Cohen Kappa Coefficient) and qualitative method. The results showed that (a) the English teaching material needed for elementary school teacher education program were the materials that include “the General English, English for Instructions, and English Language Teaching for Elementary School” themes that were developed based on the contextual approach (b) the previously used teaching materials could not satisfactorily accommodate the English for specific purposes’ needs of the English lectures and students of elementary school teacher education program, (c) the teaching material model was developed based on the result of the need analysis and consisted of the “input, content, language and task” elements in the contextual context (d) the developed teaching materials had fulfilled the practicality of the teaching materials which was indicated by experts validations which had a Coefficient Cohen’s Kappa’s score of 0,654 and readability tests’ scores between 72,82% to 76,50% in one-to-one evaluation and between 68,38% to 73,33% in small group evaluation, (e) the developed teaching materials product could increase the specific English competencies of its users.

Keywords: Teaching materials, English for specific purposes, Contextual approach, Elementary school teacher education


16 Lea Santiar


2019 Intermediate Japanese Reading Comprehension Teaching Material Based on Thematic Text Withcollaborative Strategic Reading Development Research at  Japanese Studies Program Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials for theme-based reading in  Japanese  using  the  collaborative  strategic  reading,  which  utilizes  the  development research  method.  The  research  was  conducted  at  the  Japanese  Studies  Program, Faculty  of  Humanities  Universitas  Indonesia,  towards  intermediate  level  Japanese reading participating students in their fifth semester, which have completed a course in basic level Japanese. The data were generated from questionnaires, interviews, content analysis,  expert  judgment  and  simple  statistical  testing.    The  result  of  the  research revealed that  (a) Teaching  materials used were rather not  suitable to the learner’s needs  and  the  curriculum  aims,  in  particular  the  insufficient  explanations  and  reading strategy part of a learning task. (b) A need exists for development of reading materials  containing  reading  learning  steps,  and  variative  types  of  reading  practice (  c  )  The  experts  were  in  opinion  that  despite  the  teaching  material  model  developed was  good,  there  is  still  room  for  improvement.(d)  The  teaching  material  is  sufficiently effective in improving learner’s reading skills, confirmed through the fitness-of-good test result. Learner’s response to the teaching materials developed reflect that learning in groups  was  fun  (89%),  and  leaners  stated  that  they  were  able  to  learn  the  reading process  from  the  group  discussions  (94%),  however  only  (51%)  stated  that  reading  in groups were effective. All learners  (100%) agreed on the importance of understanding the  core  of  the  reading  passages,  yet  more  than  half  of  them  (62%)  stated  that translating  the  text  is  still  required  in  order  to  be  able  to  understand  reading  text passages.

Keywords: material development, Japanese reading comprehension, theme-base, collaborative strategic reading


17 Abdul Rahman Jaya


2019 Linguistic Politenessin Speech Acts of The Preachers in Kendari The  aim  of  the  research  is  to  give  a  deeper  understanding  of  the  used  of  linguistic politeness  in  speech  acts  of  the  preachers  in  Kendari.  The  focus  is  describing    the linguistic  politeness  which  is  consisting  in  five  sub  focuses  are  (1)  the  forms,  (2)  the functions,  (3)  positive  strategies,  (4)  negative  strategies,  and  (5)  the  cultures  of linguistic  politeness.  The  research  based  on  Brown  and  Levinson  theory.  Ethnography (Partisipant observer) is the methods using in collecting data. Then, analyzing data used Spradley  ethnography  methods  that  consisting  in  four  steps  are  (1)  domain  analyzing, (2)  taxonomy  analyzing,  (3)  component  analyzing,  and  (4)  theme  analyzing. Based  on those steps, the results describe the preachers  have the communicative competences in using pattern of communication in speech  acts preachers delivering the contents of his lecture. Another result is developing external factors inBrown and Levinson such as the social distance, the relative power, and the absolute ranking of imposition in particular culture in computing the weightiness of an FTA (Face Threatening Acts). This factor is the  belief  (religion  factor)  that  inherently  exist  in  the  participant  to  produce  polite pattern of communication.

Keywords:linguistic politeness, speech acts,preachers


18 Helvy Tiana Rosa 7317090747 2019 The Creative Process in Writing Short Stories By Indonesian Female Domestic Workers

This  research  reveals  the  creative  process  in  writing  short  stories  from  five  Indonesian female writers who also worked as foreign domestic workers in Hongkong. The objective of this research is to describe to identify and explain their creative process in  writing  short  stories.  To  do  so,  this  research  is  using  qualitative  research  methods  with  the  case  study,  by  using  the  data  sources  from  in-depth  interviews,  participatory  observations, as well as photos and videos and archives.  This research concluded that there were significant differences between the writing creative process of the respondents with the general creative process in literary writing because of their limited available time and space to develop their creative ideas. This was due to their main job as foreign domestic workers which made them very dependent to their respective employers. They developed  their  creativity  without  formal  education,  and  driven    by  grit  (passion  and  perseverance),  rich  idea  gathering  with  10di+  methods,  step  by  step  story  facts  development in fiction world until revision and publication as well as supporting factors like  a  community.  This  research  also  found  that  the  respondents  endured  constant  obstructions  in  the  form  of  limited  time  and  external  pressures  from  their  employers.  Their status as foreign domestic workers did not allow them to have choices and freedom in creative development.

Keywords:  creative  process,  short  stories,  female  domestic  workers,  female  workers,  writing skills


19 Orestis Soidino 7317101093 2019 Social criticism in Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Kappa a structural-semiotic analysis The purpose of this study is to find out social criticism in Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Kappa. The study analyzes the following research subfocus. (1) Social criticism in RyunosukeAkutagawa’s Kappa as conveyed through the novel structure namely (a) theme, (b) character, (c) background and (d) plot. (2) Social criticism in the Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s Kappa in terms of Peirce’s semiotics, namely (a) icons, (b) indices, and (c) symbols.The research uses content analysis as research method, in which the elements of Kappa are studied in the framework of semiotic signs according to Peirce’s semiotic theory namely icons, indices and symbols. The analysis is carried out  in  two  steps,  namely (1)  analysis  of  the  structural  elements  of  the  novel,  and  (2)  semiotic analysis based on the results of structural analysis. The results show that in Akutagawa’s Kappa the Kappa community is an icon of Japanese society. When Japan become a modern capitalistic society, there is a risk that they abandon traditional Japanese values. The life of modern Kappa society  shows  evil  characters  of  a  modern  society  containing  many  inhuman  aspects.  The depiction of the life of Kappa community is intended as a criticism of Japanese society, as well as a warning and advice not to develop into a modern but inhumane society.

Keywords:  social criticism, structural-semiotic analysis, icon, index, symbol


20 Marleen Marion A.F.Q. Sumampouw



2019 The Absurdity of The Character Translation in “Sampar” By Albert Camus: A Psychoanalisis Study

The  objectives  of  this  study  are  four,  namely:  1.  To  examine  in  depth  the  structure  of Sampar’s  novel  by  Albert  Camus,  including:  characters,  themes,  plot  and  story  setting. 2. To  examine  deeply  the  absurdity  of  human  life.  3.  In-depth  study  of  the  personality structure of the character. 4. Review to understand the relationship between personality structure and character’s attitude towards absurdity.This  study  uses  qualitative  research  methods  with  content  analysis.  For  the  study  of character absurdity, narrative research is used. Data is collected and classified by careful reading  of  the  novel.  From  the  results  of  the  study  found:  1.  The  structure  of  the pestilence novel consists of: characters, themes, plot and setting. The  main character is Dr.  Rieux  and  Additional  Leaders  are  Jean  Tarrou,  Joseph  Grand,  Cottard,  Raymond Rambert and Paneloux. The main theme of the Sampar novel is “the absurdity of human life.” The novel’s plot is a forward plot that illustrates the outbreak of the plague until it disappears. The setting of this pestilence novel is the city of Oran which is described as an  absurd  city.  2.  The  absurdity  of  human  life  as  an  extension  of  the  concept  of absurdity  developed  by  Albert  Camus,  namely:  the  individual  absurdity  faced  by  the main  character,supplementary  figures,  and  the  collective  absurdity  or  absurdity  of solidarity  felt  by  the  people  of  the  city  of  Oran.  3.  The  personality  structure  of  the characters  in  the  Sampar  novel  consists  of  elements  of  the  id  having  a  principle  of pleasure,  the  ego  having  a  principle  of  reality,  and  the  superego  having  a  principle  of morality  and  conscience.  4.  The  relationship  between  superego’s  personality  structure and  absurdity  is  in  the  main  character,  Dr.  Rieux;  additional  figures  on  Jean  Tarrou, Raymond    Rambert    and    Father    Paneloux.    These    findings    can    be    used    as recommendations for lecturers, students, enthusiasts and literary researchers to be  used as a reference in studying the novel in depth, both viewed from the building elements of the   novel,   especially   the   absurd   novel   with   an   absurdism   approach   and   literary psychoanalysis.

Keywords: absurdity, absurdism, character, individual, collective, personality structure.


21 Eli Ningsih


2019 Dynamics Equivalence of Translation of Japanese Manga “Garasu No Kamen”Into Indonesian (The Glass Mask) Eli Ningsih The  research  aimed  to  gain  in-depthunderstanding  about  the  dynamic  equivalence  of  Japanese comics (manga) “Garasu no Kamen” translated into Indonesian “Topeng Kaca” (The Glass Mask). This was a qualitativecontent analysis research. Subfocus of the research consisted of the analyses  of  dynamic  equivalence  from  the  perspective  of  linguistic,  translation  techniques  and methods, finally to assess the quality of its translation. 477 data taken from the dialogue box texts of (manga) GarasunoKamencompared to its Indonesian translation titledTopeng Kacavolume no.1. From the linguistic perspective, it was founded that the most frequently occurred sentences types  were  :  1)genderrelated  sentences188 text  samples;  2)the  sentence  with  conversational strategies 96 text samples;3)the sentence with languages variations 94 text  samples;4)the ellipsis sentences  40  text  samples;5)the  complex  sentences  with  conjunction  29  text  samples;6)the adverbial  sentences  20  text  samples;7)the  sentences  with  onomatopea  13  text  samples;  Adopted translation techniques was target language text-oriented. They were cultural equivalent technique125times,  transposition88 times, reduction 69 times, modulation53 times, calce46 times, transliteration34 times,  variation21 times, pure  borrowings16 times,  amplification15 times, omission  6 times, and  substitution3 times;.  The  methods  of  idiomatic  translation  was  very dominant.  It  was 146 times,followed  by communicative method  126 times, free-translation methods105 times, literal  translation  methods 63 times,  dan  adaptation  methods 36 times;   The translation assessment was conducted by adopting the concept of dynamic equivalence. They were the closest-natural  equivalent.  The  most  accuracy  in term of  meaning, the  most natural  to  target language  form,  and  the  best  in  readability.  In  conclusion,  the  comic  Topeng  Kaca  were categorized as “Good” comic translation with the adequate dynamic equivalence 81.9%. It has not reached the level of “very good” nor “perfect” translation category since the total number of adequate  dynamic  equivalence  of  translation  result  still  less  than  85%  yet. The  findings were expected  to  be  worth  taking  referencesin  making  a  better  strategies  in  doing  comics(manga)translation from Japanese into Indonesian in the future.

Keywords: Manga, dynamic equivalence, translation


22 Niknik Mediyawati


2019 A Model of Task-Based Indonesian as Foreign Language (Bipa) Learning Materials in Business Communication Field For Foreign Workers: Research Development at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Communication  gap  because  of  linguistic  difference  as  well  as  specific  learning materials’ unavailability are two problems experienced by foreign workers working in Indonesia. A specific research that develops BIPAlearning materials to overcome these problems  is  needed.Research  and  development  of  task-based  Indonesian  as Foreign Language  (BIPA)  learning  materials’  model  in  business  communication  field  for foreign  workers  is  conducted  at  Universitas  Multimedia  Nusantara  with  main  purpose of  developing  and  improving  available BIPAlearning materials’ model. This study is employing  mixed  methods,  both  quantitative  and  qualitative  approach,  with  research and  development  (R&D)  as  its  specific  method.  Phases  of  study  are  initiated  with preliminary  research  analysis,  planning,  development,  validation  and  evaluation,  and implementation  through  small-scale  and  large-scale  class  testing.  Main  result  of  this study  shows  that  a  model  of  task-based  Indonesian  learning  materials  with  business communication  goal  is  highly  needed. Based  on  the  needs  and  situation  analysis  a teaching material model was developed based on the development of models from Gall and  Borg,  the  development  of  task-based  teaching  materials  from  Hutchinson  and Waters, and the development of special purpose teaching material models from Barnazd and Zemach named M E D I A.This study generates book series’ prototype titled BIPA Komunikasi Bisnis Intermediate and Advanced levelsor BIPA 4 and 5.It comprises of teachers’  working  books,  core  books,  students’  working  books,  and  Listening Comprehension  book  (simakan).  High-scoring of colleagues’ evaluation and experts’ validation confirms that BIPAmodel under development is highly recommended to use. Having  been  implemented  in  large-scale  class  through  Indonesian  Proficiency  Test (IPT),  current  study  achieves  effectivity  testing  result  which  shows  that  this  model  of task-based  BIPA learning  materials  in  Business  Communication  field  for  foreign domestic  workers  is effective  to  usebecause  it  helps  to  improve  the  language  skill  of foreign domestic workers as course participants.

Keywords: BIPA learning materials model, task-based , business communication


23 Nidya Chandra Muji Utami



2019 The Model of English Teaching Material for Elementary Schools Teacher Education Based on Contextual Approach (The Research and Development at Elementary School Teacher Education Program of Universitas Negeri Jakarta)


The aim of the research is to develop a model of English teaching material for elementary school teacher education based on contextual approach. The research was conducted at the elementary school teacher education department of Universitas Negeri Jakarta using the research and development design (R&D). The data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and tests instruments (cloze tests and formative tests) and analyzed using both quantitative methods (Paired T-Test and Cohen Kappa Coefficient) and qualitative method. The results showed that (a) the English teaching material needed for elementary school teacher education program were the materials that include “the General English, English for Instructions, and English Language Teaching for Elementary School” themes that were developed based on the contextual approach (b) the previously used teaching materials could not satisfactorily accommodate the English for specific purposes’ needs of the English lectures and students of elementary school teacher education program, (c) the teaching material model was developed based on the result of the need analysis and consisted of the “input, content, language and task” elements in the contextual context (d) the developed teaching materials had fulfilled the practicality of the teaching materials which was indicated by experts validations which had a Coefficient Cohen’s Kappa’s score of 0,654 and readability tests’ scores between 72,82% to 76,50% in one-to-one evaluation and between 68,38% to 73,33% in small group evaluation, (e) the developed teaching materials product could increase the specific English competencies of its users.

Keywords: Teaching materials, English for specific purposes, Contextual approach, Elementary school teacher education

24 Fernandes Arung 7317167364 2019 Mastering Skills in Speaking English as a Foreign Language in Students in Grounded Theory Research


Being  skilled  in  speaking  English  is  a  prestige  in  itself  compared  to  other  language skills  such  as  listening,  writing,  and  reading.  University  students  in  Kolaka  have  their own  uniqueness  in  how  they  mediate English  as  a  Foreign  Language  (EFL) speaking skills in the midst of communitythat showsabsolutely no interest in the use of foreign languages  such  as  English.  By  focusing  on  how  students  at  the  University  in  Kolaka district  mediatedtheir  EFL speaking  skill,  this  research  exploredand  constructeda substantive  theory  about  the  concept  of  thisskill.  Grounded  research  was  applied  by involving 10 informants who were active students and alumni of the English Education Study Program in Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Data were collected through in-depth  interviews,  Focus  Group  Discussion  (FGD),  memoing,  artifacts  (documents), and  then  analyzed  them  by  applying  the  Strauss  and  Corbin’s  three  steps  of  analysis. The  results  showed  that  the  University  students’mastery  ofEFLspeaking  skills  in Kolaka wasbased  on  a  preference  or  sense  of  liking,  irregularor  unpredictable learning, and informal self-evaluations.

Keywords: speaking  skills; grounded  theory; substantive  theory; EFL; sense  of  liking; preferent learning; affective domain


25 Halimah


2019 Cello in English Speaking Learning


This  study  is  an  action  research  implementing  of  Community  Language Learning  Orai (CELLO)  method  in  teaching  and  learning  of  speaking.  This  study  is  intended  to  reveal  the implementation of CELLO method in speaking class and to reveal the students’ speaking ability improvement. This research was conducted in three cycles adopted Ferrance’s (2000) cycle  model  of  action  research.  There  were  27  of  second  semester  students  of  English Education  Study  Program  as  the  participant.  The  data  were  gathered  from  observation  and the speaking tests and were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The result of observation revealed that there wasn’t any sigficant improvement either in the learning process or in the students’speaking ability. Nevertheless, the students activities were improved in cycles 2 and cycle 3. The students’speaking ability was also improved. It is shown  from students’ average score from 67 in cycle 1 became 76 in cycle 2 and increased again became 86 in cycle 3. The classical standard score was alsoincreased from 26% in cycle 1 became 89% in cycle 2, and increased again to 100% in cycle 3. Due to the finding it can be said that students’ speaking ability   could   be   improved   in   the   five   aspects   of   speaking   namely   fluency,   grammar, vocabulary,  pronunciation,  and  content.  Therefore,  CELLO  method  is  recommended  to  be applied  in  teaching  and  learning  of  speaking  and  other  subject,  such  as  reading  and interpreting.

Keywords: CELLO, method, learning, speaking, English


26 Goziyah


2019 Ideology in Rudy Habibie The Movie (A Research on Critical Discourse Analysis) The ability to think critically is a challengein the current situation therefore the role of the educational field is required. The film can be the option as a learning media. This research  aims  at  revealing  the  ideology  contained  in  Rudy  Habibiethe  movie.  The critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough was used using the method of content analysis  through  a  qualitative  approach. It  was  found  that  the dominant  capitalist ideology  was  noticed  in  Rudy  Habibie  the  movie  based  on  data  gathered  through techniques  of  observation,  documentation,  and  interview. Norman  Fairclough’s  three dimensions explain that Pancasila’s ideology was also found in the textual dimension in addition to capitalism’s ideology. As for the dimensions of discourse and socio-cultural practice,  it  has  been  found  that  the  practice  of  power  has  become  a  characteristic  of capitalism’s ideology. Thus, Rudy Habibie the movie has the notion of capitalism as the dominant  ideology  based  on  Norman  Fairclough’s  three  dimensions.These  research findings can be recommended asteaching materials in discourse analysis courses.The role  of  the  educational  field  to  train  the  critical  thinking  capacity  of  students  can  be attained by the end.

Keywords: critical discourse analysis, movie, ideology


27 Tri Kusnawati


2020 Model of Task-Based French Learning Material (Research and Development at SMAN 1 in Depok Sleman) French teaching materials for high school students in Indonesia were still limited and did not accommodate the needs of students and teachers. This study was intended to design task-based French learning materials for high school students. The research respondents consisted of students, teachers, and expert judgements. Learning materials were developed using research and development design. The research findings show that (1) students and teachers need task-based French learning materials, (2) learning materials used at SMAN 1 Depok Sleman currently found many gaps with the 2013 Curriculum Syllabus, (3) the designed syllabus is a task-based syllabus, (4) the learning material developed consists of three chapters with five task strategies (cognitive, interpersonal, linguistics, affective, and creative), (5) the products of French learning materials for high school students are good, (6) the model of task-based French learning material for high school students is effective to use. In addition, the perceptions of students and teachers through the readability test of learning materials developed showed good results.

Keywords: model of task-based learning material, French learning


28 Benedictus Sudiyana


2020 Protagonism and Antagonism In The News Text of The Indonesian Presidential Election This  study  aims  to  understand  a  deep  understanding  of  protagonism  and antagonism  in  the  news  text  of  the  Indonesian  presidential  election  in  terms  of  (1) appraisal aspects, (2) linguistic aspects, and (3) ideological aspects.The  research  used  a  qualitative  approach  with  a  qualitative  content  analysis method  of  the  news  text  of  the  Indonesian  presidential  election  in  the  newspapers Kompas,  Media  Indonesia,  Republika,  Sinar  Harapan,  and Suara  Pembaruanin  the publication period between January -February 2019. Data in the form of words, groups of  words,  clauses,  sentences,  paragraphs,  and  /  or  text  that  has  the  expression  of  the protagonist and / or antagonist expression in the dynamic ideological concept. The data was  collected  by  the  researcher  as  the  main  instrument  with  a  note  sheet  as  a  tool  for determining the unit of analysis, coding, and classification. The data analysis procedure uses   construction   flow,   characterization   of   reactions   as   data;   interpretation   and presentation of systematization, categorization and comparison with the results data into information; The theoretical initial assumptions to be corrected and excluded (Mayring procedure)In conclusion (1) the appraisal aspect of the protagonism of antagonism shows the existence of an appraisal selection strategy based on the social function of language, namely  collaborative  and  convivial  for  the  purpose  of  language  in  the  group,  and conflictual competence aimed at the opposition group. This strategy is identified in the use  of  attitudes,  graduations  and engagement; (2)  the  linguistic  aspect  of  protagonism and antagonism shows that the lexic and lexicogramatic form selection strategy leads to the  empowerment  of  ideological  or  power  orientations.  The  phenomenon  of  language choice  towards  partiality  is  raised  by  protagonism  and  antagonism  related  to  its  social struggle  efforts.  Lexical  choices  provide  empowerment  of  messages,  lexicogramatics provide  reinforcement  to  participants  for  the  choice  of  supporting  pro,  or  rejecting (contra). Text shows the presence of the speaker regarding the content, orientation, and intent  being  spoken.  and  (3)  ideological  aspects  of  protagonism  and  antagonism identified  in  the  news  text  which  are  supported  through  actions  that  give  strength  to their social goals. Legitimacy with rationalization, authorization, moralization; covering up negative realities is used dissimulation, to strengthen social position through choice of  symbols,  showing  existence  is  used  by  fragmentation,  to  realize  the  ideas  of audiences through choice of rification, such as naturalization and externalization.

Keywords: appraisal analysis, language ideology, protagonism,antagonism, news text

29 Edy Suryanto


2020 Literature Learning in Elementary School: Ethnographic Study in Cemara Dua Elementary School Surakarta The  aims  of  this  study  are  to  describe  and  explain  the  literature  learning process through: (1) the learning syllabus development models, (2) learning plan based on the element of learning objectives, forms and learning procedures, types and benefits of  learning  materials,  teachers  and  students  role  during  the  learning  process;  and  (3) factors  that  influence  learning  process  in  the  classroom  from  the  theoretical  and Javanese cultural perspectives. This research uses ethnographic methods conducted at Cemara Dua Elementary School Surakarta in 5thgrade students during 2004-2013. The data  taken  from  events,  informants,  and  documents.  The  data  were  collected  through observations,  and  document  analysis.  The  data  were  analyzed  using  domain  analysis techniques,  taxonomy,  and  theme.  The  conclusions  are:  The  thematic-basedliterature learning process integrated with the learning of  language skills and linguistic elements is  examined  from:(1)  the  developed  syllabus  model  through  GBPP  is  not  given  much attention   because   teachers   are   oriented   towards   the   materials   contained   in   the textbooks.   The   learning   paradigm   influences   the   types   of   syllabus   used.   The competency-based   curriculum   uses   an   assignment   syllabus.   The   assignment   in Curriculum  2004  and  2006  were  obtained  through  themes  that  are  referring  to  the subjects;  while  theassignments  in  curriculum  2013  were  obtained  through  themes referring  to  the  texts  that  indicate  integrated  subjects;  (2)  The  learning  plan  is organized  systematically  in  the  lesson  plan  (RPP),  but  the  achievement  of  learning objectives    is    mechanical,    thepost-reading    procedure    has    not    provided    an understanding  of  the  task,  the  functional  of  the  material  to  attain  the  target,  the teachers  have  not  acted  as  a  good  guide,  and  the  students’  role  is  to  response  to  the tasks given by the teachers; and (3) theoretically, the literature learning are influenced by  several  factors:  not  all  the  students  are  actively  working  on  the  assignments,  the teachers  are  pay  less  attention  to  the  learning  time,  the  students  have  not  understand the   assignments,   and   the   teachers’dominance   are   prominent.   In   the   cultural perspective, Javanese cultural values have a positive effect on the literature learning in classroom. However, the Javanese cultural values related to various influencing factors need to be redefined and repositioned in order to harmonize the development of times.

Keywords: literature    learning,  language   skills,  literature   appreciation,  linguistic   elements, Javanese culture

30 Sintowati Rini Utami 7317020299 2020 Grammar Aspects in Indonesian Text Books Based on Curriculum for Junior High School  (A Content Analysis Study)

This  research  aims  at  identifying  and  elaborating  the  grammatical  aspects in Indonesian language textbooks for Junior High School students based on curriculum.  The  research  is  under  a  qualitative  study  by  analyzing  the language  content  for  teaching.  The  data  covers  grammatical  components (language  dimensions),  grammatical  aspects  for  improving  communicative competence,  and  grammatical  aspects  for  organization  as  grammatical learning  dimension,  which  collected  through  identification  stage,  coding, and  classifying.  Data  analysis  and  interpretation  showed  that  syntactical components  commonly  found  in  the  textbooks.    Syntactical  sentences  in forms   of   plural/singular   sentence   structures,   active/passive   sentences, verb/adverb  sentences,  transitive/intransitive  sentences  considered  as  the most   significant   elements   to   organize   the    sentences.   Despite,   the pronunciation and phonemes in phonology, parts of speech in morphology, and choice of words in semantics, as well as paragraph development in text component  are  less  significant.  Whereas,  to  develop  the  communicative competency, grammar in the competency grammatical  in forms of ability to adapt thelanguage rulesaccording to linguistictheory(phonology/graphology,  vocabulary,  morphology,  syntax) were  the  most commonly applied rather thansocio-linguistic competency, text competency, and  strategic  competency.  Contextual  discourse  in  the  form  of repetitive concept was the most commonly used in  comparison to inductive/deductive aspect, integrating aspect, and material assessment aspect.

Keywords : linguistics dimension, grammatical components, communicative competence


31 Sri Sulastini


2020 Alignment of The “Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMA/MA/SMK/MAK” Textbook’s Content to The 2013 English Curriculum Standards: Content Analysis Textbooks  plays  significant  influence  on  student  learning  achievement  and  EFL  teachers‟ professional  practice.  Its  effectiveness  is  supported  by  the  extent  to  which  its  content accurately   cover   that   mandated   by   the   subject   matter   curriculum   and   is   structured accordingly. This qualitative-descriptive, mixed methods research is a textbook analysis study focusing  on  textbook  content  alignment  with  the  content  standards  mandated  by  the  subject matter  curriculum.  Object  of  the  study  is  a  textbook  titled  “Bahasa  Inggris  Kelas  X SMA/MA/SMK/MAK”. document analysis methods with deductive qualitative content analysis data  collection  techniques  was  employed  in  data  collection  with  reference  to  Anderson  & Krathwohl’s  (2001)  Bloom’s  Revised  Taxonomy  (BRT)  framework.  A  panel  of  four  lecturers with  relevant  academic  and  professional  records  in  curriculum  and  EFL  (English  as  a foreign  language)  materials  developer  has  been  involved  for  data  validation  purposes. Findings  reveal  that  the  coverage  and  organization  of  textbook  content  does  not  fully represent  that  mandated  by  the  subject  curriculum.  This  is  evident  in  the  average  score  of content  alignment  between  textbook  learning  objectives  and  curriculum  which  is  48.15%. Textbook   chapters   are   structured   according   to   the   less   specific   learning   objectives. Achievement  Indicators  that  provide  students  with specific  details  of  the  desired  learning outcomes is not provided in the textbook. In addition, the structure of design and organization of  the  learning  activities  is  not  supportive  to  successful  achievement  of  the  learning objectives,  nor  is  in  line  with the  principles  underlying  the  Text-Based  Instruction  (TBI) approach   mandated   by   the   curriculum.   Overall,   the   findings   indicate   a   fragmented understanding of the principles of EFL materials development that is based on TBI approach. Research  data  implies  that  the  textbook  (1)  offers  limited  opportunity  to  learn  for  students and (2) do not adequately represent a learning model that is aligned with the subject matter curriculum.  Three  sources  of  inconsistency  were  identified:  (1)  minimum  specification  of content  in  the  subject  matter  curriculum  document,  (2)  textbook  internal  structure,  and  (3) author’s  understanding  of  the  curriculum  standards.  Discussions  and  recommendations  are presented in the report with reference to the context and research questions raised.

Keywords : Bloom’s  Revised  Taxonomy  (BRT),  Deductive  Qualitative  Content  Analysis,  EFL Textbooks, Instructional Alignment

32 Edi Sutarto


2020 Drama Learning in Elementary School Ethnographic Study in The 3th Grade of Athirah Islamic Elementary School 1 Makassar This research aims to gain a deep understanding of drama learning in the3thgrade of Athirah Islamic Elementary School 1 Makassar. To achieve the goal oftheresearch, deeply  investigation  was  done  in  the  seven  components  of  learning,namely  the formulation of drama learning objectives, the selection of drama learningmaterials, the selection of drama learning methods, the selection of drama learningmedia, the role  of  learners  in  drama  learning,  the  role  of  teacher  in  drama  learning,and  the drama evaluation system. This research is a qualitative ethnographic study,therefore, the data collection is done by observation, interviews, reviews ofdocumentation, and reviews  of  records.  The  data  analysis  uses  domain  analysis,taxonomic  analysis, componential  analysis,  and  analysis  of  cultural  themes.  Theresults  of  the  research show  that  drama  learning  in  the  3  th  grade  of  Athirah  IslamicElementary  School  1 Makassar  is  being  optimally  by  combining  the  systemic  learningconcept,  the professional drama learning concept, and organizational culture conceptwhich is one of the characteristics of Athirah Islamic Schools. Then these three aspectswere merged into seven components of drama learning.

Keywords: Drama  learning,  drama  learning  components,  the  distinctive  culture  of Athirah Islamic School

33 Hanafi


2020 Cultural Values on Novels of Layar Terkembang, Belenggu, And Burung-Burung Rantau This  research  is  intended  to get  indepth  understanding  aboutthe  cultural values  on  novels  of Layar  Terkembang,  Belenggu, and Burung-Burung  Rantau. This research started from 2012to 2019. The   research   approach was   qualitative,content   analysis method,   and intertextual  theory.  The  research  focus was  cultural  valueon  novels of Layar Terkembang, Belenggu, andBurung-Burung Rantau. The  result  of  research  concludes  that  (1)  the  cultural  values  on Layar Terkembang written  by  Sutan  Takdir  Alisjahbana  are  modern  cultures,  (2)  the cultural  values  on Belengguwritten  by  Armijn  Pane  are  modern  cultures,  (3)  the cultural  values  on Burung-BurungRantauwritten  by  Y.B.  Mangunwijaya  are modern cultures, (4) those novels have similarities on modern cultural values, (5) those  novels  have  differences  on  (a) Layar  Terkembangviews  that  modern cultural values are better than traditional cultural values, (b) Belengguviews that modern cultural values as negative cultures, (c) Burung-Burung Rantauviews that modern cultural values has equal position to traditional ones.

Keywords: cultural values, intertextual,novel


34 Moh. Nur Arifin


2020 Culture in The English Textbooks of SMA

The research aims to find out the cultural elements in the four EnglishForeignLanguage  (EFL)  textbooks  of  SMA  writtenby  Indonesian  authors.  The  data  werecollected  from  the  four  English  textbooks;  a)Interlanguage,  b)  Look  Ahead,  c)Bahasa   Inggris   KTSP,andd)   Bahasa   Inggris   K13.The   researcher   uses   contentanalysis methodto have the comprehensive understanding about the cultural elementsof either English Native Language (ENL), English Second Language (ESL) or EnglishForeign Language (EFL)speakers, the categories and the themes of cultures as well asto know the pragmatic aspects and, the cultural introduction in those books.The  research  finds  thatthe  integrated  cultures  in  the  textbooksareclassifiedintothe  ENL  speakers’  cultures  (47.8%),  the  ESL  speakers’  cultures  (14.3%),  and  theEFL  speakers’  cultures  (39.2%).There  are  three  categories  ofthe  culturaldomaininthe  textbooks,  namelyareknowledge,  behaviours,andartefact.Theresearch  alsofinds  that  there  are  six  themes  of  cultures,  namelysocial,  economy,  geography,entertainment, politic, and tourism.Besides, the bookshave two types oftechnique ofintroducing   target   language   cultures,   namely   direct   introduction   and   indirectintroduction.They  havethe  pragmatic  aspects  of  English  teaching,  includingspeechactorlanguage function,metapragmatic information, and contextual variables. Finally,  the  research  concludes  that  the  four  EFL  textbooks  of    SMA  providenot only learning experiences about syntaxand semantics but also cultureofspeakersofeither ENL, ESL or EFLas both knowledge and instruction media. The books alsoprovide technique of introducing cultures of bothdirectandindirectas well asdevelopstudents’   communicative   competencies,   includingspeech   actorlanguage   use,pragmatic functionandcontextual variables.

Keywords : EnglishTextbook,Culture,EFL learning


35 Chakam Failasuf 7317120518 2020 Enhancement of Translating Arabic Text to Indonesian Through Collaborative Learning Approach (Action Research in the Department of Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, Jakarta State University)

Translation is an activity to facilitate the communication process by interpreting informationwhich received  from  the  source  language  into  the  target  language.  The students were taught to interpret the message in learning process. Therefore, the method of  learning  must  be  appropriate  with  the  translation  learning. The aims  of the study wereto enhanceArabic translation ability through a collaborative approach. The studyexploredthe Arabic texts translation learning into Indonesian.The  approach  of  research  used action  researchthrough Exploratory  Mixed Method.  The researchprocedureused Kemmis  and  McTaggartmodel.  The  process  of collecting  data wereobservations,  interviews,  diaries note and  tests.The  validity  of research data werecredibility, transferability,dependability and confirmation.The  results  of findingshownthat:  1)  the  process  of  improving  Arabic  texts translation  learning into  Indonesian wascarried  out  in  3  cycles.  In  the  first  cycle, learning activities implementedcollaborative  teaching  and  learning.  In  the  second cycle,  the  implementing of collaborative  learning  aimed to  changethe  formation  of group  members  whomwerechanging  at  each  meeting.  In  the  third  cycle, the  learning activityhas  been built  using criticalthinking  processes. Critical  thinking  is  be  seen from  students’  way to determine of  equivalence  sentence in  Arabic language that has been  appropriate. 2)  The  results  ofimproving  Arabic  texts translation into  Indonesian from the first cycle to the thirdcycle have increased. It can be known from the average score, cycle  1 was64.9,  cycle  2 was73.3  and  the  third  cycle was81.6. The implementation  of  collaborative  approaches  is  in  line  with  Piaget  and  Vigotsky concepts  that combined cognitive  theory,  social  constructivism,  and  motivation.  The implication  of  this  study is  to  change of students’ translation learning pattern, so  that the  collaborative  approach  is  be  for  another  subject.  It  taught  the  students  the  way  of   cooperation in learning process and adapted the social environment.

Keywords : Arabic, Indonesian, Collaborative Approach, Translation


36 Cut Erra Rismorlita


2020 Japanese Speaking Learningin North Jakarta 75 Senior High School (Ethnography study) The aim of this study was to geta deep understanding of Japanese speaking learning atSMA Negeri 75 North Jakarta. The research useda qualitative approach with  ethnographic  methods. The  data  were   gathered  throughdocumentstudy, recording, observation, field note, and in-depth interview.Based on the results of the study  it  was  found  that  basically  the  learning  process  of  speakingJapanese  which was  conducted  inSMA  75  Jakarta  was  based  on  intercultural  recognition.  This  can be  seen  as  follows:  (1)  syllabus  refers  to  K13  with  JF  Standards  and  includes integrated thematic syllabus types. JF Standard has a Japanese language concept for intercultural  understanding,  (2)  the  purpose  of  learning  to  speak  Japanese  in particular is so that students can communicate using Japanese that is simple, natural and   reached   for   everyday   conversation   (nichijou   kaiwa youni   riyou   dekiru) according to context of real situations; (3) learning material contains linguistic rules that   place   students   in   the   setting   of   certain   situations   through   intercultural recognition;  (4)  the  learning  approaches  and  methods  used  vary  by  prioritizing learning activities through intercultural introduction, such as role play and drilling; (5)  daily  assessments  are  taken  from  a  collection  of  daily  values in  the  form  of project task values produced by students both individuals and groups. The results of the  projectare  collected  as  portfolios,  so  students  can  assess  their  own  level  of maturity in Japanese, record and record their linguistic and cultural experiences, as well  as  archive  and  save  them.  (6)  The  linguistic  environment  built  at  SMA  75 Jakarta  gives  the  opportunity  for  students  to  practice  Japanese,  speak  Japanese, whose situation is made real so that it can be used for everyday conversation.

Keywords:The learning speaking, SMA 75 Jakarta, ethnography

37 Raden Ahmad Barnabas 7317120536 2020 Learning Strategy and Personality  on Arabic Listening Skills (Experimental Research on Arabic Language Education Study Program at State University of Jakarta)

Listening is a skill which have important role, it caused that students are received and interacted  through  language  input  and  it  facilitated  other  language  skills.  Learning process canot be begun without input comprehending. Listening is a basic process in speaking activity. The purpose of this study was to find the effect of learning strategies (metacognitive  and  cognitive  strategies)  and  personality  (extrovert dan introvertpersonality) on the Arabic listening ability. This study used a quantitative approach with experimental  methods  by  factorial  2×2  design.  The  process  of  collecting  data  used questionnaires, tests, observations, and documentation. Technique data analysis is two path  ways.  The  results  showed  that  there  was  a  significant  influence  on  the  Arabic listening  ability  with  different  personality  levels.  Personality  differences  in  the application of listening learning strategies are closely related. Language learning varies depending on individual characteristics and variations in language learning outcomes associated with student characteristics. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies have a significant influence on the Arabic listening ability with different levels of personality types namely extrovert and introvert. This can be seen from the conclusion that it has significant influence from learning strategy and personality on enhancement of Arabic listening  skills,  it  can  be  seen  from  Fh  (bxk)  =  89.6,  with  Ft  (0.05  (1.40)  =  4,085.  Therefore, it can be concluded that different personalities will influence the level of different listening skills in Arabic. The results of the study recommend that the learning process of listening to Arabic using metacognitive and cognitive strategies can be varied with  the  concept  of  group  learning  and  enrichment  of  vocabulary  from  the material presented.

Keywords:  Extrovert  Personality,  Introvert  Personality,  Arabic  Listening,  Metacognitive Strategy, Cognitive Strategy

38 Ahdi Riyono


2020 Ideology of Novel Indonesian Translation Into English (Content Analysis of Trilogy Novel of Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohariand    its translated Novel, The Dancer by Rene’ T.A. Lysloff) Ideology is a factor that determines a translator in choosing and responding to the text in which the message will be rendered into thetarget text. This dissertation research aims to obtain a deep understanding  ofideology  inthe  translation  of    theIndonesian  novel  into English  version.  The data source of this research is the novelof Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk by Ahmad Tohari (2012) and theEnglish version, the Dancer,  translated by Rene’ T.A Lysloff  (2012). Meanwhile, theresearch data  arethe  ideology  in  the  translationof  Indonesian  novel  into  English  versionin  the  forms  of lexical,  grammatical,  and  figurative  languagetaken  from  excerpts  of  the  characters  dialogue  in the  novel.  This  research  method  is  a  qualitative  content  analysis  and  comparative  model  of translation.  The  results  of  this  study  indicated  that  there  were  ideological  shifts  in  ideology translation.  The  shifs  were  evidenced  by  the  number  and  percentage  of  the  differences  from  the word  choice,  grammar  selection,  and  style  in  TT  compared  with  ST.  The  shiftsweredue  to  the translator‟  s difficultyinfinding an  appropriate word  or  an  expression.  Furthermore,  the ideology  oftranslation  in  terms  of  techniques  and  methods  of  translating  discovered  a  single technique,  duplet,  triplet,  and  communicative  and  semantic  methods.    Communicative  method  is the  dominant  translation  method  used  in  the  translation.  Thus,  the  ideology  of  translation  is  the orientation  of  the  translator  in  the  translation,  which  are  mosly  dominated  by  the  ideology  of domestication.  The  role  of  translators  in  this  study    was  two,  namely  the  role as mediator  and manipulator.  The role  of mediatoris takenwhen  the  translators  chose  ST-oriented  techniques, while  the  role  of  manipulator was  employed when  translators  prefer  TT-oriented  techniques. In conclusion,  the  rendering  of  ideological  contested  massages  in  the  literary  translation  always shifts  both  the  forms,  and  contentsof  which.  The  shifts  were  due to  thedifferent  concepts  of linguistic and culture between TS and TT, and the ideology of translator as well. As a follow-up of this  study,  translation  teachers  should  not  only  teach  the  methods  and techniques  of  translation, but  also  the  concept  of  ideology  in  translation.  For  researchers,  it  is  still  necessary  to  study  the translation  of  ideology  in  terms  of  holistic  approach.Thus,  other  researchers  can  explore  the different elements and completing this study from other perspectives in future research, so that the comprehensive concepts of ideology in translation could be achieved.

Keywords: Ideology, Translation of Ideology, Ideology of translating, content analysis and comparative models of  Translation.


39 Fitriyah


2020 The Language Politeness in English Learning Class (A Study of Ethnography Communication in Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam (STFI) Sadra Jakarta)

The  language  politeness  is  very  important  in  communication,  including  in  class.  The  aim  of this research is to describe and analyze the language politeness in English class at STFI Sadra Jakarta.  The  problem  in  this  research  is  to  find  out  how  the  realization  of  the  language politeness  principle,  impoliteness,  the  strategy  of  the  language  politeness,  speech  act,  and cultural themes that happen in English class. This study uses a qualitative approach with the ethnographic method of communication. Data collection uses observations in class, recording conversations that occur in class, transcribe conversations; and interviews the lecturers and students. The results showed that in English class, the lecturers and students use the politeness principle, but there are also impoliteness. Positive and negatives politeness strategies are also used  in  English  class.  There  are  kinds  of  speech  act  with  a  declarative,  interrogative,  and imperative  mode  in  English  class.  We  also  found  the  cultural  themes  in  the  conversation  in English  class.  The  results  of  the  study  are  recommended  for  making  the  English  teaching syllabus, by giving a greater portion of the pragmatic elements, and speaking skills, as well as for further research that is based more on the background of the speech participants and in different discourses.

Keywords: language politeness, politeness principle, politeness strategy, learning of English, ethnography of communication

40 Frida Philiyanti


2020 (Research and Development Study in the Japanese Language Education Study Program, FBS, State University of Jakarta) This  study  aims  to  develop  a  Japanese  reading  learning  model  (Dokkai)  for beginner  level.  The  results  of  the  needs  analysis,  document  analysis  of  the  current learning conditions and literature showed that the contextual approach is an appropriate approach  for  Japanese  reading  learning  (Dokkai)  for  first  semester  students  in  the Japanese  Language  Education  Study  Program,  FBS,  State  University  of  Jakarta. Therefore development research is used in perfecting the learning model that has existed so  far.  The  research  method  used  mixed  methods  both  qualitative  and  quantitative research methods. The qualitative approach is used to describe and analyze the problems and  needs  of  the  UNJ  Japanese  Language  Education  Study  Program,  while  the quantitative approach is used to determine the effectiveness of the model developed. This study  resulted    a  FRIDA  contextual  learning  model  consisting  of  five  stages,  namely Focus, Reading, Inquiry, Discussion, and Assess, which each of them consider the seven contextual components, such as constructivism, questioning, inquiry, modeling, learning community,  reflection,  and  authentic  assessment.  The  experiment  revealed  that  this model is effective in improving literal reading skills of first semester students or beginner level  students  in  the  UNJ  Japanese  Language  Education  Study  Program.  The  model developed has advantages, such as 1) reflective reading learning model, 2) oriented to meaning  discovery  activities,  3)  creating  mutual  respect,  confidence,  and  empathythrough team working, 4) challenging, and 5) giving opportunity for each student to show their achievement through authentic assessment.This model has a novelty compared to reading  learning  models  that  previously  existed  because  in  general  reading  learning activities   for   beginner   level   students   prioritize   remembering   activities   through habituation rather than meaning discovery activities themselves.

Keywords : Dokkai, literal reading skills, beginner level, contextual approach

41 Wati Kurniawati


2020 Sundanese Language Maintenance in Cianjur CITY(EthnographyResearch) This pattern of language use may cause the language of the ethnicity to be shifted due  to  the  switching  of  Indonesian  language  in  interethnic  communication.  The purpose  of  this  research  is  to  gain  a  thorough  understanding  of  the  Sundanese language detention in the city of Cianjur, West Java province based on focus and subfocus  by  using  ethnographic  methods.The  focus  of  observations  based  on  the classification of five subfocuses, which is the choice of language and the domain of use, the language attitude of the speakers, factors that threaten the existence of Sunda  language,  the  preservation  of  Sunda  language,  and  the  vitality  of  Sunda The  results  showed;  (1)  The  domain  of  the  use,  the  speech  between  parents  and children  in  Sunda,  on  Wednesday  using  Sunda  language  among  employees,  the process of marriage in Sunda language except when the Indonesian government, and  the  process  of  trading  also  using  Sunda  language,  (2)  Language  attitudes, Sunda  speakers  are  positive  towards  the  language,  and  the  government  protects the Sunda language based on local laws and regulations, (3) threatening factors, internal  factors  include  weakening  Transmission  of  regional  cultural  values, regional languages into marginal language (e.g., in the educational curriculum as local content taught only two hours of lessons in a week), lack of awareness of the young  generation  in  preserving  the  regional  language  while  external  factors  are modernization  and  globalization,  the  existence  of  foreign  language  in  Indonesia, and cultural domination, (4) Preservation efforts, foster positive attitude, loyalty, pride,  awareness  of  the  language  norms  of  Sunda,  the  use  of  everyday  Sunda language,  the  presence  of  inter-generational  transmissions,  the  use  of  Sunda  in public  spaces,  a  deeper  loading  of  the  curriculum,  the  absorption  of  vocabulary from various languages, cultural festivals and literacy, and (5) The vitality of the Sunda language at age groups of 2–14 years tends to the younger generation still uses  the  Sunda  language  when  it  says  to  children,  but  the  children  sometimes answer  the  Indonesian  language,  the  vitality  of  the  Sunda  language  in  the language  that  serves  as  a  bilingual  equality  or  Multilingualdecline.  Based  on these findings, it can be concluded that Sundanese language has a language shift if   there   is   no   intergenerational   language   transmission.   Transmission   of intergenerational  language  needs  to  be  done  in  families.  The  results  of  this research are expected to convey information on language detainees based on the use  of  Sundanese  Language,  the  attitude  of  bilingual  community  language  in Sundanese  Language  society,  factors  that  threaten  the  existence  of  Sundanese language,   the preservation   of   Sundanese   language,   and   the   vitality   of   the Sundanese  language.  This  research  can  be  further  researched  and  developed based on other linguistic elements. In addition, Sundanese language as a regional language  needs  to  be  preserved  because  the  language  is  the  identity  of  the  local speakers and as a means to expression themselves.

Keywords: maintenance, Sunda language, ethnography


42 Frimadhona Syafri


2020 Introduction to Calla Based English Linguistic Learning Model (Development Research at Semarang State University)

The purpose of this study is to find an appropriate learning model of English language linguistics  to  strengthen  the  ability  of  students  to  learn  linguistic  concepts.  This  study applies  the  Research  and  Development  design  adopted  from  Borg  and  Gall  through several stages; preliminary research, planning learning model development, formative evaluation  and  revision  of  learning  models,  and  the  final  product.  This  research develops a model by utilizing the latest technology. The online learning process will be meaningful if done with one approach. One approach that can be used is CALLA. The uniqueness  of  this  research  is  that  it  combines  the  LMS  available  at  Semarang  State University, namely  ELENA  combined  with  the  CALLA  stage.  The  model  can  be  a solution  and  implemented  effectively.  It  can  be  seen  from  the  average  post-test  results which are better than the pre-test results, positive student perceptions of the model,and observations through the completeness of adequate activities carried out by students in applying  the  model.  The  results  of  this  study  are  products  in  the  model  CALLA-based ELENA to Introduction to Linguistics course.

Keywords:Electronic  Learning  Aid  (ELENA),  Introduction  to  Linguistics  course, Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)


43 Ikhfi Imaniah 7317157800 2020 The Correlation of Critical Thinking, Reading Habits, and Sentence Structure Mastery on Student’s English Essay Writing Skill (English Education Study Program of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang)

The research aim is to test the correlation of university student’s critical thinking, reading habits, and  sentence  structure  mastery  on  their  English  essay  writing  skill.  The  samples  tested  were  64 semester  V  students  using  quantitative  causality  survey  methods  with  path  analysis  to  test  each variable.  Data  collection  techniques  in  this  study  used  tests  and  questionnaires.  The  test  was conducted to find out the English essay writing skill, critical thinking skill and student’s mastery of sentence structure, while the questionnaire was distributed to find out their reading habits. The English  essay  writing  test  criteria  were  adapted  from  ReadWriteThink:  International  Reading Association  (2013),  critical  thinking  tests  were  adopted  from  Glaser  &  Watson  (2015),  the sentence structure  mastery  tests  were adapted from  Lincoln University  (2018), while the  reading habits  questionnaires  were  adapted  from  Gleed  (2013).  Data  for  each  variable  comes  from normal  and  linear  distributions.  The  results  of  hypothesis  testing  with  SPSS  obtained  by  Py1= 0.111 with t-count = 2.207 > t-table = 1.670, then it can be interpreted that critical thinking has a positive  direct  effect  on  English  essay  writing  skills;  Py2=  0.130  with  t-count  =  2.113  >  t-table 1.670, so reading habits have a positive direct effect on English essay writing skills; Py3= 0.364 with t-count = 3.301> t table= 1.670, then mastery of sentence structure has a positive effect on English  essay  writing  skills;  P31=  0.455  with  t-count  =  2.115>  t-table  1.670  which  means  that critical thinking has a positive direct effect on student’s sentence structure mastery; P32= 0.650 with  t-count  =  2.419>  t-table  1.670,  it  means  reading  habits  have  a  direct  positive  effect  on student’s sentence structure mastery; and P21= 0.815 with t-count = 2.644 > t-table 1.670 then it can  be  interpreted  that  critical  thinking  has  a  directpositive  effect  on  reading  habits.  The research  results  explain  that  English  essay  writing  skill  simultaneously  can  be  influenced  by critical thinking, reading habits and sentence structure mastery.

Keywords: Essay writing skills, critical thinking, reading habits, mastery of sentence structure.

44 Fahrus Zaman  7317158152 2020 Cognitive Process in Writing Scientific Journal Articles Based on Research a Grounded Theory Study


Keywords: cognitive processes; reconstruction academic writing; a reputable international journal.   This  research  aims  to  reconstruct  the  cognitive  processes  experienced  by  a  number  of expert  writers  in  Indonesia  in  writing  high-reputable  international  articles.  With  the grounded  theory  approach,  it  performs  open  coding,  axial  coding,  selective  coding,  and generating theory from  data gathered of the in-depth interviews and document analysis of the  informants’ articles. It reveals that the activity of literature review or “search before research”  is  an  upstream  of  the  whole  cognitive  process  in  composing  academic  articles. Accuracy  in  the  process  of  review  of  the  library  will  bring  up  the  state  of  the art  and research  gap  that  then  has  the  element  of  high  novelty  so  that  the  reading-researching-writing activities are integrated into one-unity of flashed cognitive process. Publication as a  downstream  of  the  literature  review  activity  or  the  end  of  the  cognitive  process  of academic writing becomes a medium for scientific writers to be obedient to the provisions of the focus and scope of the intended journal. This research concluded that “search-topic-research-writing-publication” or the “cognitive model ofacademic writing” is a series of cognitive  processes  as  well  as  raw  materials  in  the  formulation  of  theories  and  cognitive models in academic writing.
45 Maulizan ZA


2020 English Learning (Ethnographic Studies at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Jeumala Amal Lueng Putu, Pidie Jaya Regency, Aceh Province)

This  study  aims  to  gain  a  deep  understanding  of  learning  English  in  MAS  Jeumala Amal.  This  research applieda  qualitative  approach  with  ethnographic  methods.  The data were obtained through observation, interviews, field notes and document analysis. The  results  showed  that  (1)  The  implementation  of  English  learning  was  designed  by integrating   two   abilities   namely   functional   and   communication   skills;   functional abilities  are  taught  through  teaching  and  learning  activities;  communication  skills  are trained in co-curricular activities in Islamic boarding schools, (2) student learning habit in  MAS  Jeumala  Amal  use  behavioristic theorywhichemphasizeshabituation  in language  skills  with  army  method  patterns  that  discipline  students,  (3)  approaches, methods,  and   language   learning  techniques  used   in  MAS  Jeumala   Amal   varies, according  to  the  language  skillstaught,  (4) learning  media  models  used print,  audio, visual  and  audiovisual  media,  (5)  the  assessment  system  applied  to  the  MAS  Jeumala Amalis  a  comprehensive  and  continuous  assessmentconducted  on  all  language  skills before,  during  and  after  the  learning  process. The  research  results  were  useful  as  a material  consideration  for  educational  practitioners  in  conducting  the  preparation, process and evaluation of English Learning.

Keywords:english learning,learning model, study ethnography


46 Merri Silvia Basri


2020 The Effect of Motivation, Concentration and Vocabulary Mastery On Students’ Listening Skill in Japanese Class At Riau University The  aim  of this  research  is  to  find  out  whether  motivation,  concentration  and vocabulary  mastery  have  both  indirect  and  direct  impacts  on  the  students’ listening skill while learning Japanese.The  participants  in  this  research  were  students  majoring  Japanese  Language  at Riau   University.   The   research   method   implemented   is   by   making   use   of quantitative  approach  and  survey  method.  While  the  survey  method  was  carried out  through  measuring  technique  and  a  test,  and  the  analysis  was  done  through path  analysis  approach.  Thepopulation  targeted  was  all  52  students  at  Riau University, in which total sampling technique was used by the researcher.The hypothesis testing shows the effects of learning motivation, concentration and vocabulary  mastery  on  listening  skill  in  the  Japanese  class.  The  effects  in  the hypothesis  testing  indicate  that  learning  motivation  was -0,311,  concentration was 0,309, and vocabulary mastery was 0,281. In addition, the effects of learning motivation  and  concentration  on  vocabulary  mastery  were  0,287  and  0,410 respectively. Given the findings from the Japanese class at Riau University, it can be concluded that there are positive effects of learning motivation, concentration and vocabulary mastery on listening skill. The findings also suggest that there is positive effect of learning motivation and concentration on vocabulary mastery.

Keywords:  learning  motivation,  concentration,  vocabulary  mastery,  listening skill, Japaneseclass


47 Ahmad Murodi NIM. 7317040347 2020 Task-Based Model of Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Kkni) Syllabus of Arabic Nursing

The aim study was to develop a task-based model of Indonesia National Qualification Framework syllabus of Arabic nursing majors, so that Arabic learning for nursing students can support nursing field. The task was be the main character of the nursing Arabic syllabus. The research method used the research and development (R&D) method. The research procedure adopts from Borg and Gall model which is summarized in two main stages, namely 1) preliminary research stage and 2) development and validation research stage. The process of collecting data is taken from documents, observations, interviews and questionnaires. Model validation involves peers, users and expert assessment. The results showed that a task-based model of Indonesia National Qualification Framework syllabus of Arabic nursing was designed from 8 standards of higher education in the curriculum. The task component contained in the syllabus consists of three main aspects of the task, those are understanding information, expressing opinions and analyzing assigned tasks. In addition, the implementation of tasks at each meeting is through learning media such as Google classroom, video, audiovisual, film, or other media. The implications of this study serve as a guideline in mapping the Arabic language curriculum at the As-Syafi’iyah Islamic University in Jakarta and nursing Arabic-specific teaching materials.

Keywords: Arabic; KKNI; Nursing; Syllabus; Tasks.


48 Yoga Pratama 7317168183 2020 Learning Instructional Material Development Model of English Academic Essay Writing Using Adobe Animate (Research And Development Study at English Language and Literature Department In Darma Persada University)


The development of information and technology has influenced many aspects of life including education. Current technological advances also have a positive impact on education, especially in the process of developing teaching instructional materials on English essays’ writing. Android-based application software called Adobe Animate can be the new solution to develop interactive instructional teaching materials. The purpose of this research is to prove the impact of latest technology in the learning process which is important, especially in teaching essays writing. This model can assist lecturers to make various methods in teaching essays writing. In the past, learning essays writing used old methods such as books, modules, and blackboards, but nowadays in the digital era, lecturer and students can use multimedia technology such as smartphones, laptops and desktop computers which can make learning more effective, innovative, creative and interactive. In this study, researcher uses a research and development (R&D) approach model to analyze and demonstrate Adobe Animate technology as a new solution in teaching academic essay writing. The data were obtained through interviews, questionnaire, test and observation. Feasibility learning model has been done through expert assessment, one to one try-out, small group try-out, and the effectiveness test. The results showed that; 1) new teaching instructional model is needed to stimulate lecturers and students to learn essays writing; 2) developed learning instructional components can produce syllabus, lesson plan and assessment instruments; 3) the model will be developed and declared valid according to the expert judgement; 4) the model’s eligibility is declared valid by the user.

Keywords: Teaching, Essay, Writing, Adobe, Technology, Multimedia.


49 Syawaldi My 7317101387 2020 Preservation of Ketapang Language (Ethnographic Research in Community of Delta Pawan Subdistrict, Ketapang Regency)


The purpose of this study was to understand Ketapang Malay language preservation and to see how community efforts to preserve it from threat factors and the attitude of Ketapang community towards the Ketapang Malay language. This study used qualitative method with ethnographic approach. Data was collected through observation using interviews, documentation and recordings. The analysis results of the use of Ketapang Malay language can be concluded that all community domains still use Ketapang Malay language in everyday life. However, there were several vocabularies (diction) which were no longer used because there was a shift in meaning. Factors that threaten the existence of the Malay language were migrants from outside the city, the indigenous people of Ketapang who moved marriage between regions, and online media where many use foreign languages. The effort that must be taken was that the local government supports in the arts where it requires that the Ketapang Malay language be used by every community once a week, includes in the local content curriculum, and in special column for local mass media. The attitude of the Pawan community did not respect Ketapang Malay language; it could be seen from the lack of awareness of language norms especially in greeting system.

Keywords: Preservation, Malay language, Ethnography


50 Fitria Aprilia


2021 The Effects of Reading Interest, Achievement Motivation, and English Reading Comprehension Toward Discourse Analysis Competence The aim of this study is to investigate (1) the direct effect of reading interest towards discourse analysis competence, (2) the direct effect of achievement motivation towards discourse analysis competence, (3) the direct effect of English reading comprehension towards discourse analysis competence, (4) the direct effect of reading interest towards English reading comprehension, and (5) the direct effect of achievement motivation towards English reading comprehension. This study applied path analysis technique under quantitative approach with descriptive method. To achieve the aim, the questionnaires of reading interest and achievement motivation, and also tests of English reading comprehension and discourse analysis competence were administered to a group of 60 students of English literature study program of Universitas Bina Darma in Palembang. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics under the path analysis technique and multiple regression analysis were used and the results showed positive direct effects of students’ (1) reading interest towards discourse analysis competence by 44.6%, (2) achievement motivation towards discourse analysis competence by 44.6%, (3) English reading comprehension towards discourse analysis competence by 44.6%, (4) reading interest towards English reading comprehension by 21.2%, and (5) achievement motivation towards English reading comprehension by 7.6% . Finally, the interpretations and implications of the results are also discussed.

Keywords: reading interest, achievement motivation, English reading comprehension, discourse analysis competence, English literature students


51 Asti Ramadhani Endah Lestari


2021 Model of Corpus Based Bilingual Electronic Dictionary for Junior High School Students (Research and Development in State Junior High Schoolin Jakarta) The electronic bilingual dictionary available on the market is a general dictionary.The purpose of this study is to create amodel of corpus-basedEnglish-Indonesian electronic dictionary for junior high school students. The researcherconducted an android-based  offline  dictionary  so  that  students  can  access  it  anytime  and anywhere.  The researcher used mixed-method research. The researcher used Borg and Gall model for the research and development method and Atkins and Rundell for the dictionary model. From the results of the needs analysis, it can be seenthat the target users are students who are in the age range of 12-15 years. The target audiencesareEnglish learnersat a basic level. Target users need an offline android-based electronic bilingual dictionary. The dictionary model has passed several stages of validation, namely expert validation, one on one test, small group test, and feasibility test. In expert  validation, the researcherinvolved  two  experts,  one of  them  is  a lexicographer and the other is an application designer. Based on the results of the feasibility test, it was found that the dictionary developed in this research fulfilsstudents’needs and helped them to improve their English skills.It is expected that this dictionary can provide more benefits to be used in other junior  high  schoolsthroughout  Indonesia.  In  addition,the  researcher  suggests further research to develop a decoding electronic dictionarythat can support the dictionary that has been developed.

Keywords: Bilingual, electronic dictionary, learner corpus, vocabulary

52 Ramli


2021 The Effect of Teaching Methods Andcognitive Styles on Students’ Skill in Writing English Essay (an Experimental Study on 4thSemesterStudents of English Education Program, Universitas Banten Jaya)

This research aims at investigating the effect of teaching methods and cognitive styles on students’ skill in writing essay in English. This experimental study in ANOVA two way design choosesthe  4thsemester  students  of  English  Education  Program  of  Universitas Banten Jaya as the sample consisting using purposive random sampling. The study was conducted on Februari –June 2018.  In collecting data, the students were  administered with a test asking them to write a five paragraph essay writing. The data were analyzed using f-testfor the main effects. The findings suggest that: 1) there is a significant effect of teaching methods on students’ skill in writing essay in English, 2) there is a significant effect of students’ cognitive styles on their skill in writing essay in English, 3) there is an interaction effect of teaching methods and cognitive styles on students’ skill in writing essay in English. Based on the third result, the post hoctest was performed to identify the different effect between the cells using scheffe test. And the results are:4) the field-independent students taught by metaphorming scored higher in writing essay in English than  those  taught  using  discovery  learning,  5)  there  is  no  difference  in  writing  essay among field-dependent students between those taught by metaphorming and those taught using discovery learning.

Keywords: Cognitive    Style,    Field-Independent/Dependent, Metaphorming    and Discovery Methods,Writing Essay Skills


53 Yanti Sariasih 7317167498 2021 Tembang Batanghari Sembilan of The Community of Semende Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Distric (Ethnographic Research) Oral  literary  life in the  community  changes  according  to  the  dynamics  of  their owners’  lives.  There is a  portion  of  oral  literature in Indonesia  that  has  been lost because it was not documented. This is what underlies this research. The limitation inthisresearchistheculturalvaluesofTembangBatanghariSembilaninSemende, South  OKU  Regency  with  subfocusing  (1)  the  structure  of  Tembang  Batanghari Sembilan,  (2)  the  function  of  Tembang  Batanghari  Sembilan,  (3)  the  type  of Tembang  Batanghari  Sembilan,  (4)  the  performance of Tembang  Batanghari Sembilan,  (5)  cultural  values  contained in Tembang  Batanghari  Sembilan,  (6) maintenance  and  preservation of Tembang  Batanghari  Sembilan in the  Semende Community in South  OKU  district.  The  method  used in the  study  used  content analysisandethnographicmethods.ThedatainthisstudyareTembangBatanghari Sembilan recording  and  transcription.  The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that  (1) Tembang Batang hari Sembilan has asimilarity with Malay pantun in general which has  sampiran  and  content,  (2)  The  Penjenisan  Tembang  Batanghari  Sembilan  is divided into three points of view, namely (a) the audience / audience point of view that Tembang Batanghari Sembilan serves for All classes, suitable for all ages, (b) shapeangles, Tembang Batanghari Sembilan in the form of linked rhymes (seloka) and 6, 8, or 10 lines (talibun) and (c) theme angles, namely the theme of sadness, disappointment,  and  advice,  (3)  The  functions  of  the  Batanghari  Sembilan  Song include  (a)  expressing  feelings,  (b)  conveying  intentions,  (c)  entertaining,  (d) teaching and instilling religious values, and (e) introducing customs and culture,(4) Performance aspects Four elements were found, namely (a) thecomposer/artist, (b) the  audience  or  audience,  (c)  the  context  of  the  performance  of  Tembang Batanghari  Sembilan, and  (d)  the  message,  (5)  The  cultural  value  of  Tembang Batanghari Sembilan as a work of art between l ain (a) the value of simplicity, (b) the value of customary norms, (c) aesthetic value, (d) the value of self-actualization, and (e) the value of respecting nature, and (6) the maintenance and preservation of Tembang  Batanghari  Nine in the  aspect  of  performance.  and  manifested in the culture  of  the  community,  among  others  (1)  the  Semende  customary  inheritance system, (2) the Semen decustom marriage system, and (3) the Semen decommunity order.

Keywords: Tembang Batangari Sembilan, Cultural Values, Ethnography, content analysis


54 Didik Hariyadi Raharjo 7317140103 2021 Online Module of English For Secretary Through Moodle Based on Inquiry Learning (Research and Development at Secretarial Academy of Budi Luhur Jakarta) The  focus  of  this  research  was  the  development  of  a  module  for  English  for Secretary  (EFS)  course  that  covering  4  English  skills  (Listening,  Speaking, Reading,   and   Writing)   in   online   learning   through   Moodle   for   Secretarial Academy of  Budi  Luhur  (ASTRI)  students.  This  research  and  development  was conducted at ASTRI Budi Luhur from August 2015 to December 2017. The model development  theory  used  in  this  research  was  the  Integrative  Learning  Design Framework  (ILDF)  proposed  by  Bannan-Ritland  (2003),  while  this  module  was developed  based  on  Hutchinson  and  Waters’s  (1991)  concept.  This  research indicated  that  a  professional  secretary  must  master  a  variety  of  secretarial competencies  that  involve  4  English  skills.  However,  the  majority  of  ASTRI  Budi Luhur  students  still  had  many  difficulties  in  completing  the  secretarial  tasks  in English. Meanwhile, the condition of the existing EFS instructional materials was not feasible to use. Therefore this research was aimed to arrange an EFS module. This module was developed in the online method through Moodle and delivered as fully  online  learning  that  adopts  synchronous  and  asynchronous  learning.  This module  was  declared  feasible  by  two  experts:  an  ESP  expert  and  an  online instructional  material  development  expert.  The  effectiveness  test  result  showed that  this  module  could  improve  four  students’  English  skills  (listening,  speaking, reading, and writing).

Keywords:   Module,   English   for   Secretary,   E-learning,   Moodle,   Integrative Learning Design Framework


55 Edi Puryanto


2021 The Effect of Learning Strategy and Initial Knowledge on The Ability to Develop Skills Assessment Device Description Text Writing Strategy


The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  determine  the  effect  of  learning  strategies  and  prior knowledge on the ability to develop descriptive text writing skills assessment tools for students  in  the  Indonesian  Language  and  Literature  Education  Study  Program,  FBS, UNJ.  This  research  method  uses  experimental  research  with  a  sample  of  30  students. Sample 3 PB 1 amounted to 16 people treated with metacognition strategy and sample 3  PB2  amounted  to  14  people  treated  with  advance  organizer  strategy.  The  research instrument was a test of the ability to develop a descriptive text writing skill assessment tool and a test of prior knowledge. After testing the hypothesis with the ANOVA test, the following research results can be obtained. (1) There is a difference in the ability to develop a descriptive text writing skill assessment tool between students who are treated with  metacognition  strategies  and  advance  organizer  strategies.  (2)  There  is  aninteraction  effect  between  learning  strategies  (metacognition  strategies  and  advance organizer  strategies)  and  prior  knowledge  (high  and  low)  on  the  ability  to  develop descriptive text writing skills assessment tools. The learning outcomes of the ability to develop descriptive text writing skills assessment tools are influenced by the learning strategy and initial knowledge. After further testing with the Scheffe test, the following results were obtained. (3) There  are differences in learning outcomes in the ability to develop assessment tools for writing descriptive texts between students who are treated with metacognition strategies and have high prior knowledge (A1B1) and students who are treated with advanced strategies organizer and have high prior knowledge (A2B1). (4) There are differences in learning outcomes in the ability to develop assessment tools for  writing  descriptive  texts  between  students  who  are  treated  with  metacognition strategies  and  have  low  prior  knowledge  (A1B2)  with  students  who  are treated  with advanced organizer strategies and have knowledge low prior (A2B2).

Keywords: descriptive   text   writing   skills,   prior   knowledge,   assessment   tools, metacognition strategies, advance organizer strategy


56 Andri Wicaksono 7317140098 2021 The Historical Representation of National Struggle in Indonesian Novel of Independence War Background (An Overview of New Historicism)


This research focused on the study of the historical representation of the national struggle in the novel of Indonesian set in independence war (1945-1949) with Greenblatt’s New Historicism perspective. The research method used is qualitative through parallel reading between literary texts (novels) that represent the historical of independence war and historical texts. The research subjects are novels characterized by a setting during independence war, such as: the novel Burung-Burung Manyar by Y.B. Mangunwijaya, Larasati by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, and Jalan Endless by Mochtar Lubis. The technique used in this research is content analysis. The results of the research showed that 1) The objective reality of the national struggle history is literary representation, namely the early events of independence around the Proclamation until the transfer of Indonesian sovereignty. 2) Historical value or the imaginative side of historical fiction concerning social, cultural and economic issues. 3) Symbols in fiction are objects that imagine an object, character, certain context that represents a symbol. 4) The meaning of struggle in the novel for the pro republic is shown by the respect towards the national struggle in defending independence. 5) The political ideology under discussion was the armed revolution periodization with nationalism as the main element for the Indonesian nation to fight against the Dutch. 6) The discursive relations carried out by the novel are based on a political perspective, namely the practice of power and violence. On the other hand, the study of new historicism cannot be separated from the postcolonial theory which shows the rejection of the natives of the colonies against their colonizers. Keywords: objective reality, historical value, symbols, meaning of struggle, political ideology, discursive relations


57 Sintowati Rini Utami 7317020299 2021 Grammar Aspects in Indonesian Text Books Based on Curriculum for Junior High School (A Content Analysis Study)


This research aims at identifying and elaborating the grammatical aspects in Indonesian language textbooks for Junior High School students based on curriculum. The research is under a qualitative study by analyzing the language content for teaching. The data covers grammatical components (language dimensions), grammatical aspects for improving communicative competence, and grammatical aspects for organization as grammatical learning dimension, which collected through identification stage, coding, and classifying. Data analysis and interpretation showed that syntactical components commonly found in the textbooks. Syntactical sentences in forms of plural/singular sentence structures, active/passive sentences, verb/adverb sentences, transitive/intransitive sentences considered as the most significant elements to organize the sentences. Despite, the pronunciation and phonemes in phonology, parts of speech in morphology, and choice of words in semantics, as well as paragraph development in text component are less significant. Whereas, to develop the communicative competency, grammar in the competency grammatical in forms of ability to adapt the language rules according to linguistic theory (phonology/graphology, vocabulary, morphology, syntax) were the most commonly applied rather than socio-linguistic competency, text competency, and strategic competency. Contextual discourse in the form of repetitive concept was the most commonly used in comparison to inductive/deductive aspect, integrating aspect, and material assessment aspect.

Keywords: linguistics dimension, grammatical components, communicative competence