Lapor Pasca


Dr. Abdul Syukur, M.Hum.

Postgraduate Program
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia (Bachelor)
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia (Master)
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia (Doctor)
History of Islamic Culture
Science of History
Science of History
Bain al-Daulah wa al-Din: Ma’sah al-Jama’at al-Mutatarrifah fi ‘Asr al-Hukm alJadid (Studia Islamika: International Journal for Islamic Studies, vol 8 Number 3, 2001)
National History Conference of Indonesian Historian Society, Lampung Incident 1989, Jurnal alTuras vol 7. No. January 1, 2002, Faculty of Adab, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta
Usroh Movement in Indonesia: The Lampung Case 1989, 2003. Yogyakarta: Ombak
Indonesian Sticking Nodes for the Place of Exile and the Tomb of the Nation Fighters, 2003. Jakarta: Project for the Preservation and Development of History of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
General Encyclopedia for Students , 2005. Jakarta: IBVH (Historical Writer)
“Oral History of Ordinary People: Research Experience,” paper of National History Seminar VII, Central Committee of Indonesian Historical Society (MSI), October 2006, Jakarta.
The History of Indonesian Same Thought with 1945, (Editor’s Team), 2006. Directorate of Historical Values, Directorate General of History and Antiquities. Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Guidelines for Writing Local History, 2007. Jakarta: Directorate of Historical Values, Directorate General of History and Antiquities, Ministry of Culture and Tourism
“Indonesian Historiography: Between National Historiography and Alternative Historiography,” in the International Workshop, “Indonesian Historiography Post New Order: Between National Historiography and Alternative Historiography, 2007. Gajah Mada University Center for Social Studies of Southeast Asia and the Australian Research Council.
History of Indonesian Thought 1945-1966 (TimEditor), 2007. Directorate of Historical Values, Curriculum Vitae Directorate General of History and Antiquities, Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
“History of Myths and Theocracy in Western Culture” Lontar Journal Vol 4. No. January 1-June 2007
“A New Era of Ancient Greek Historiography,” Lontar Journal Vol 4 No. 2, July-December 2007.
. “Post Herodotus’ Development of Western Historiography,” Lontar Journal Vol 5 No. 1, JanuaryJune 2008.
“The Destruction of the Communist Group in Indonesia,” Lontar Journal, Vol 5. No. 2, JulyDecember 2008.
“Sartono Kartodirdjo: The Reformer of Indonesian Historiography,” in Muhammad Nursam, SJ Baskara T. Wardaya, and Asvi Warman Adam, 2008, A Particular History: Remembering Sartono Kartodirdjo , “Yogyakarta: Ombak
“Christian Influence in Western Historiography,” Lontar Journal Vol 6, No. January 1-June 2009.
“Ratu Adil Movement in the 1989 Lampung Incident?” Lontar Journal Vol 6 No. 2, July-December 2009
“Decolonization of History Teaching in Indonesia,” Lontar Journal Vol. 7, No. January 1-June 2010
“Dutch-Centric Historiography: Its Formation and Development,” Lontar Journal Vol 7 No. 2, JulyDecember 2010
“Heroism in Red and White at IKADA,” Historical News vol 9 no. June 15, 2010, Directorate of Historical Values, Directorate General of History and Archeology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia.
. “Nurcholish Madjid: Torch Bearer of New Thought”, Dr. Muhammad Iskandar (editor), 2010, Writing History: Cultural Thinkers , Jakarta: Directorate of Historical Values, Directorate General of History and Antiquities, Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
“Kunto wijoyo: Uniting Indonesia through Culture,” Dr. Muhammad Iskandar (editor), 2010, Writing History: Cultural Thinkers , Jakarta: Directorate of Historical Values, Directorate General of History and Antiquities, Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
“Between Political and Academic Interests: Teaching History in Indonesia in New Construction 19421957,” International Workshop of the Department of History, Gajah Mada University, Indonesian History Institute , Leiden University, and The Australian National University, Yogyakarta 14-15 January 2010
. “Eurocentric versus Asiacentris: A Continuing Historiographical Polemic”, Journal of Lontar Vol 8 No 1, January – June 2011.
“History of Darul Islam in the Realm of Insurrection Studies,” Journal of Lontar, Vol. 8 No. 2, July – December 2011.